HIS WISH Episode 1 (He is an assassin,she is a receptionist) - FAVOUR ABIODUN

He is an assassin , she is a receptionist )


                   FINAL B

Don’t ever call me your brother , I am not your brother Lucas said angrily, okay since you say so show your real face Henry replied , well it seems you are right Lucas said as he removed his disguise and his face is revealed , a replica of H , they are twin , identical to be precise , mirav and mina widened their eyes in susprise , Ryan keep blinking his eyes as if he is dreaming , Lucas men were also susprised cause non of them has seen his face before , I have been waiting for a day to surprise you with my face but it seems you already know , so impressive lucas replied inhaling sharply

How did you I am your twin Lucas asked , I saw your face when I was at Thailand and then i made my researches and discovered we are twin separated from birth Henry replied , woah am not ready for that your cock and bull stories , I don’t think of you as my brother lucas said , neither do it Henry replied
Well since the feeling is mutual , we should begin the game Lucas said smirking , why the hell do you have to keep attacking me Henry asked

Because your life was been paid for so I got no choice Lucas replied , is that the real reason right Henry asked , what do you mean Lucas asked in a cold voice

You intentionally using your cunning ways to kill all the assassins claiming that it me you wanted to kill while the truth is that you want to wipe off all the assassins or you thought bi don’t know Henry yelled , well am glad you figure it out yourself Lucas replied smiling devlishly , well I was paid by two organization to kill you , the first one is the big seven and the second one is a private Organization that want you dead but guess the good news I killed them all , I killed all of them including the remaining of the big seven , but still I make sure all the assassins were killed also , am I not wise Lucas asked , you are a fool Henry replied as the rest watched them , I hate you ! Lucas said , well the feeling is fucking mutual Henry replied , since the feeling is mutual let the game begin, I will make you watch your precious girlfriend scream loudly at your presence and yet you won’t be able to do anything Lucas said devlishly , he signal to his men and they brought out a instrument , this particular instrument doesn’t give a scratch to ones body it will only cause excruciating pain Lucas said and nodded to his men and they put the thing in Mina neck , mina shivered and scream as she felt nothing but pain soon she passed out , noooooooo Henry screamed loudly and suddenly Henry started laughing , Lucas frown he was literally confused on the reason Henry is laughing

Suddenly Henry use his demon way of walking and speed up to where Mina is , he look at the particular man that use and in blink of an eye the man can be seen going down obviously Henry has snapped his head , Lucas frown deeply because he wondered how Henry freed himself and he was still thinking about that he noticed that Ryan has also freed himself , attack Lucas order his men and all his men attack except his right hand man who was staying behind Lucas ,
Henry and Ryan made sure to kill all of Lucas men without even sparing anyone , Ryan quickly freed mirav and mina , take this and once you get my signal you pressed it but if you did not hear any signal for some time that exceed normal pressed it Ryan said as he gave mirav a detonator , take Mina and go Ryan commanded as mirav carried mina and they left with Henry Making sure they left without any distraction cause all of Lucas men were lying dead on the floor

Mirav carried mina till she started hearing blaring siren , she wanted to hide but it late cause she was surrounded by Kiara team , Zoe and Kiara rush to mirav staring at mina in her hands , what happened yo her Kiara asked shaking already due to fear ,get her to hospital quickly Kiara said and mina was handed over to some cops who carried mina into the car and drove off
You are under arrest Kiara said to mirav and she just chuckled
We saw your twin sister and she has been taken to hospital Zoe said as she handcuffed her , she is dead mirav said as streams her face , well she isn’t , I felt her purse and she has been sent to the hospital Zoe said and mirav felt a little happy , what about Ryan Zoe whisper into mirav hearings

Henry and Lucas are now in a bloody fight , they did not use gun but their fist instead while Ryan and Lucas right hand man are also fighting hitting each other dangerously and this is the opportunity to display each other techniques of martial arts , after about some they fought so hard and run has been injured badly but yet he isn’t giving up

Henry and Lucas are already in their own pool of blood as they are lying on the ground staring at each other but they can’t move , they already stylishly poison each other and their legs is paralyzed ,
Arhhhh Ryan yelled and he finished off Lucas right hand man , the three of them are now staring at each other , did you know why I hate you Lucas asked , I don’t Henry replied

I hate you because mom choose you over me , we were separated from birth but you were lucky to be choosen but I am not , you enjoy riches while I suffered , I started living on the street at age six and since then up till now I never have my peace of mind and I can’t but hate you Lucas said , you thought I enjoy riches , I started living on the street at age five , I have gone through hell on Earth that I wish I wasn’t born into this world , Henry said as he cough out blood from his mouth , Lucas widened his eyes as he realized his perception about Henry is wrong , he also cough out blood from his mouth , but it seems it too late to say am sorry Lucas said with guilt on his facing down

It never too late Henry said and Lucas looked up at him , we both went through hell and have suffered yeah I should hate you but I don’t because we are both looking for the same time and that is peace of mind , even Ryan is looking for peace of mind , I guess maybe if we forgive each other now before we die , then we can have the better peace of mind we deserve Henry said and Lucas nodded along with Ryan , I am the bad one ND am sorry , we are also sorry Ryan and Henry replied as they laugh at each other , Henry nodded and Ryan gave a signal to mirav

Where is Ryan please Zoe asked again and that was when mirav got the signal she stylishly pressed the detonator and a large explosion happen and the building started collapsing that the FBI and the cops run away for their lives and all the dead bodies crushed into pieces

After about thirty minutes later that the explosion has happened Kiara and her team rush in to check for any people only to get there and meet different dead bodies already in the ground but three particular dead bodies caught their attention .
They were holding hands but their bodies crushed and the only thing could be seen is their hands
Zoe Walk closer to one of the hands and to her dismay , she saw the ring that Ryan always put on and without she knows that Ryan dead body , she hold the hands and cried bitterly, Kiara also break down in tears , Tina who is Lucas wife rushed into the building only to also see her husband dead bodies crushed on the ground , she tremble before fainting ,
They all wept bitterly as the cops would take care of the dead bodies ,


Mrs violet , Zoe , Tina , mina, the MFH , Kiara and George , Veronica and many more can be seen putting on black paying last Respect at the Henry , Ryan and Lucas burial
Mina was crying uncontrollable while Zoe was just mute , Tina is crying her eyes out while Kiara is sobbing on George arms , I never get to embrace him as my brother Kiara said more in tears
Mrs violet was the one with the most broken heart but she is trying to be strong for Mina and the rest

From a very reasonable distance , Henry and Ryan were seated watching how their burial is been done , it so fun to be in your own funeral Lucas said as he also joined them in watching from afar , especially when you have a drink Ryan said as he sip his wine

 I can still believes am on feet now though a little injured Lucas said , me too henry replied , you guys should be thanking me instead Ryan added and they all chuckled , this shows how  family love us, they felt heartbroken and sad , this is how it will be if at all we had taken our lives Lucas said and they all nodded , let go susprise them with food  Ryan said , they both look at him and chorused glutton ! 
  After the funeral service , everyone go to their various houses 

Mina , Tina , Zoe , Kiara , miral , mirav and George along with Mrs violet went to Henry house , they were all heartbroken , as they entered into the house George perceive an aroma but the rest didn’t because almost all of them are lost in thought , Zoe was just mute , are you guys perceiving that George asked but no one answered him except Mrs violet , the aroma is strong Mrs violet said and that jot the rest out of their thought ,

Welcome into this house as your food has been served on the dinning table , three men bowing said , Mrs violet wonder how these guys entered and Moreover she did not employed any maid , the maids look up and behold it Henry , Lucas and Ryan , wtf ! 

Henry is that you ? Mrs violet while the rest are still in shock , Mina stand up and rush to Henry and hug him tightly , tina and Zoe also do the same , it was the best reunion , they all hug each other and Lucas gave an apology speech
Henry why is your wish mina asked ?
My wish is to have a family like this wow and your wish is now granted


Stay tuned for the EPILOGUE

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Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
11 months ago

Hmmm! How did Henry, Lucas and Ryan escaped death?