HIS WISH Episode 1 (He is an assassin,she is a receptionist) - FAVOUR ABIODUN

He is an assassin , she is a receptionist )


                   FINAL A

Lucas stayed in his house as he got a message from an unknown that Henry and his gang are attacking today , he wasn’t susprised neither was he afraid , infact he has been expecting this day , all the assassins are already in his house ready to fight Henry and his gang , Lucas also make to invite troop of bad guys who knows how to use a gun very well ,they are all loaded with heavy guns and ammunition

Some sniper user has been set in position to keep watching things from afar so as to inform them , today is going to be blood for blood
All the assassin are ready with individual getting their instrument ready also , all Lucas house were filled with many dangerous men , they were all dressed in black suit
(MIB) Lucas was in his room sitting on a throne like chair , always in his disguise of an old man , no one ever know what his real face look like , some said he is ugly and that was the reason he was always in disguise while some said he has terrible scars that is embarrassing to be shown to the public , many gossip has been said about him but nobody know the truth , no one know his real face except his legal wife , and no one knows about it
Today he is planning to reveal his real face to Henry but that would be when he is about to end him ,

Henry woke up at exactly 11:55 , it remains five minutes before they would move , he look up and see Ryan still receiving call obviously he is talking with Zoe , he hissed shooking his head , Henry stand up and was about going into the room to add a little disguise to his dressing when he met Mina who is fully dressed in black , she was also putting on a black sneaker looking like a real gangsters couple with a black beret , Henry sigh honestly he doesn’t want mina to follow them but as it seems now they are going together now , Henry held her hands and they go into his room together , Henry brought out two human mask , he fixed the first one on Mina face and it look her real skin giving her a different face , he wore the second one and by the time they would be done , mina check herself in the mirror and widened her eyes she can’t just believe the change of face , they pack the necessary ammunition in a bag , rifle , missile , grenade launcher , AK 47 , pepper spray , gas sprayer , talk of anything everything was packed into the bag , they were done with that and they both left the room for the living room and by the time they got to the living Ryan has also wore his disguise and he is ready , Mrs violet look at the three of them and sigh , I wish you guys a good luck Mrs violet said and they all nodded before Leaving the house, they entered into a ford big car (Hillux)

As they left the house , Mrs violet place a call to an unknown , they are leaving now please make sure you do everything I asked you to , I don’t want any of them to be hurt , they are my children , do everything in your power to help them I will pay you any amount Mrs violet said
Ok ma since we have got the tracking id we are going to follow them and render all the help we could ; the unknown said before hanging up ,Mrs violet sigh and place her phone on her chest , God help them she said sighing for the nth time ,
The MFH was waiting for Henry signal , Soon they got the signal , they also put on a human disguise dressing completely like a male , the disguise has Beards making them look a man completely , they pack ammunition and guns needed into their car and drive out to the location sent , mirav was the one behind the steering , she drive out speedily to the sent location according to plan ,

Tina was in the car expecting a text before going to where she wants to , she pretend to leave the country for Lucas but actually she have her own reasons for coming , actually she monitored Lucas and discovered that lucas would be having a terrible clash today so she has already brought a lot of Russia mafias that would help Lucas with this clash though she did not tell Lucas cause she just wants to help him at all means , she drive to the place where she told the mafias to stay , she got there and they bowed as she had some discussion with their leader , she gave the leader the location and he smiled , it today and you already know what to do , no bullshit please tina said and they nodded , you have the location and you are loaded and ready so swing to action Tina said and they all bowed , Tina drive out going to where she would see as everything is going on in Lucas place

Henry marched on the accelerator as they are getting near to Lucas house , Henry smile as he know he is been watched by sniper users , today is going to be hot , as he got nearer , he March on the brake and not too long their car were been fired at , get down Henry said and the three of them come out and use the car as cover , some men in Black come out as they continue firing at the car , Henry open the bag as he started distributing the gun to Henry and mina, they cocked it , Henry closed the bag and back it

We would be opening fire back at them at the count of three , one ! Two ! Three ! They stand up together and fire back as the three of them are giving a clear shot , Henry use noticed that there is a red line on his head indicating that the sniper is about to shoot him , but before they sniper user will do that Henry gave a clear and direct shot immediately , everywhere soon was getting bloody and deadly as different gunshots can be heard

The MFH parked at a reasonable distance , miral was carrying a bag as they passed a different way entering into Lucas house , as they entered , they started hearing gunshots but it wasn’t their direction and by their guessing that means H is already in the house
The cocked their Ak 47 and entered into the house and fired from behind soon all the men that were outside were down dead ,
Henry who was hearing another different shot peeped and see that MFH has done justice to the one at the outside , he signal to Ryan and mina and the stood up to see the MFH

Lucas who is still on his throne like room has been hearing gunshots but he believes that nothing can happen to him and it would take H and his member a lot of effort before getting to him because they are just facing the MIB , they haven’t face any of the assassins
He sip his red wine and laugh hysterically , as tears dropped his face cause today would actually be either life or death , he continues sipping his red wine crossing his leg on the chair

Tina who was watching how the thing is going on in the smile within herself cause no matter how , shr believes her husband is going to win this clash and moreover her own Russia mafia hasn’t also interfere and she believes once they joined the clash , the table would turn around ,
The men that Mrs violet also ordered paid to help Henry and his team out once things get tough so that non of them would get hurt were already positioned but they are waiting for the perfect time to go joined the clash

Henry , Ryan , Mina and the MFH were walking as silently as you can think , they would pass a sharp corner so Henry decided to peep , as he peeped he was welcome with different gunshots been fired at his direction , luckily he was able to dodge , I guess we need to split up Henry said and they nodded , the MFH should go to the right while Ryan and mina should take the left while I would stay at the middle Henry said and they all nodded though Mina felt a little sad about this cause she wants to stay beside Henry , Henry already see it in her face , don’t worry mina follow Ryan I will meet you at the front Henry sad and mina nodded , they split up and Henry was left to face those guys , he close his eyes briefly and open it , he quickly use some drugs , now it time to show them what the real boss is , he started using the demon way of walking , he was so fast that they never noticed his movement , he snapped two heads at a time and the rest shoot at each other mistakenly and they all fall dead , some of the men rush out again but they were dropping dead immediately as Mina and Ryan appeared from behind and killed all of them, Henry give them a thumb up and they split up again

Henry appear suddenly at the front of the two that are securing the second gate , before they could them he already shot them dead , Lucas house is very big and you will pass through three gate before entering into the main building , he entered into the second gate and he started sneaking in but to his susprise he met some of the men that are supposed to attack him already dead on the floor , he look up and see the MFH signalling to him , he nodded and gave them another signal and order as they continue approaching the third where the assassins and most of the men are staying

Ryan and mina are still in the first gate dealing with the rest of the MIB in the first gate , after that they proceeded to the second gate , suddenly one of the MIB appeared behind them and as he was about shooting them , Ryan turned back and see him and he took the shot protecting mina while mina gave a straight head shot to the guy , Mina was scared as she expects Ryan to fall or bleed but he just continue going , Ryan are you okay Mina asked and Ryan showed her that he is putting on a bullet proof vest , ohh mina said and they continue their journey to the second gate , they got to the second gate and see that the security that should be guarding the place are already dead
Ryan sense that it seems Henry should have been the one to kill them, mina am going to pass a different route entirely and are you sure you can do what we would be doing next Ryan asked concerned while mina nodded

Ryan open the bag he was carrying and brought out two gas cylinder with hose passing it , actually the gas cylinder contains oxygen cause they would be passing a different route that requires them using it , they wore the gas tube and back the cylinder , they also carry their gun as Ryan quickly skilfully find a way for them to pass through the roofing , they entered and it was hot and it is not having a good ventilation but thanks to the oxygen they never felt it , Ryan continue leading the way as he already told mina to always check where she is placing her leg not to fall so mina make sure she is following his footstep , they continue going passing through the roof , actually they are already in the roof , they walk carefully so they won’t fall and blow their cover , Ryan where are you Henry asked through a radio transmitter , we are already in top roof Ryan replied , that ok follow the GPS Henry said , ok Ryan replied

Tina saw how most of Lucas men were killed at the first and second gate , she is still waiting for what will happen at the third gate so as to know what she will do ,

 Henry and the MFH split up as they were about getting to the third gate , it was filled with a lot of men holding heavy guns , there is no way he can face them one on one and fight  and that why grenade would be very useful , he dropped the bag he was holding and bring out about ten grenades , he walk slowly and quickly throw about three at the same time , one of the men saw this and scream out loud to call the attention of others but they a little late cause the three already exploded , some of them were injured and the rest start firing , shooting at his direction only , they started coming towards his direction , Henry carry his bag and the grenade as he ran away to another direction , most of them run after him not knowing he only use that to distract them so as to help the MFH gain a safe entering into the third gate, as most of the men has already chased Henry , the MFH quickly finished off the rest of the men and gain their entry , they continue their journey to the main building , MFH look at the main building and knows verily that the assassin would have positioned with their snipers , so they have to wait for Henry signal to  go in , while they wait for Henry signal they have to do something not to get bored , so instead they started bringing out bombs from the bag they also carried ,  miral intially set one  of the time bomb at the gate , 
   Henry continue running as they chased him , he received a signal through the radio transmitter that the MFH are waiting for his signal , now he needs to teach some of this brat a lesson , he continues running as he throw grenade to the left and to the right while he keep running , those chasing after him keep shooting and did not noticed what he has done , soon they got exploded by the different grenades , most of them were badly injured that they can't move , some lose legs while some lose arms , such a bloody and horrific scene , those that are still okay without any injury continued following Henry , am coming right now and I am been followed , I want them clear off Henry said to the MFH through radio transmitter connected to his ear , never mind you are covered miral replied , as Henry is now running towards the third gate ,he entered into the third gate and not more than fees steps the people chasing after him got exploded with the gate , WTF he get to where they are And sigh , why did you guys set a bomb at the gate , that too dangerous for me henry said and they chuckled , Henry look at the main building briefly and from his guessing , they would be about five sniper assassins that are waiting for them to just show face and blow their head off ,  Henry throw a gun up in the air and it was fired immediately by one of the sniper users , that just confirmed my doubt Henry thought 

Ryan and mina are still inside the roof top as they would soon get to the main building , they got to the main building and the continue planting their explosives all round , this time around they were faster ,
Make you don’t take a wrong step cause it would be a grave mistakes we are already in main building Ryan said and mina nodded , they continue going round the main building till about ten minutes and Ryan sent a signal to Henry that they are done with the front entrance, do it now Henry said and Ryan pressed a button and the explosives they set at the front entrance exploded causing a major distraction for those using sniper , it explosion gave a loud thud that shook the building, mina hold onto Ryan cause it was really scary

By the time all explosion stuff Will be over , Henry and the MFH were no where to be seen , those that are using sniper quickly Inform the rest H and his group has entered and that would be a great shootout and a great disaster
Lucas was informed that H has entered into the main building , he was very furious and angry , what with the incompetence he yelled angrily , I thought they would have been caught at the second gate , what happened to men at second gate he asked , killed and badly injured his right hand man told him
He sigh , so impressive of H let see what happens at the main building because that where he would facing his colleagues ,

Tina who see what happens was shocked , she quickly gave signal to her mafias to enter , as the Russian mafias got this signal he ordered all his guys and they rushed into the first gate ,
The men that Mrs violet also send to protect saw this and they also troop out because they know that those are the opposition party and these lead to a great shootout
Tina saw this again and scream loudly in fustration , she can’t just believe her mafias team are also attacked , she watched how they shoot at each other crazily , now everything is messed up , her team is trying to get in and these people are stopping them

Mina and Ryan are still in the roof so they continue planting the bomb , they got to the part where they know if they come down , they would be in the safe house so Ryan was the first to come down to see if everywhere is clear , luckily it cleared , they both come down and they removed the heavy gas cylinder and the hose dropping it down , Mina sigh in relief holding her shoulder , sorry ! You should have stayed at home Ryan said and mina just sigh , I don’t want to stay at home , I want to fight alongside with you guys mina whined and Ryan just chuckled softly , from this place we would be waiting for Henry signal before we proceed from here Ryan said and mina nodded , is this the stress you guys go through doing this dangerous job mina asked , well that why we trained Ryan replied , Ryan bring out two gum , he gave one to Mina and they both put it in their mouth and chew , so how long are we going to be here mina asked , till Henry gave us the signal so we won’t fall into trouble Ryan replied , soon they started hearing gunshots and from Ryan guessing it seems Henry has been engaged by the assassins ,

Next place ! Henry said as he , and the MFH are shooting obviously they are been attacked obviously that a signal to Ryan , Ryan pressed another detonator and the upper floor of the place they are fighting collapse and fall on most of the assassin , it was a narrow escape for Henry and the MFH cause if not they would have also been affected by the bomb , a lot of the assassins week injured while some died , the ones that were injured were finished off by Henry , he make sure all of them were dead , they left and proceeded further into the building suddenly miral got hit from behind , she falls to the ground immediately she was hot twice but before the person could escape mirav blow the assassin head off , miral felt weak as blood oozed out from where she got hit , Henry quickly tear his top into two and use it to tie the place

Mirav is already in tears seeing his sister in great pain , miral please stay with me we are going to find a way to get you out to safety mirav said , while watch with fear cause he don’t want anyone to die but from what he is seeing he isn’t sure if miral would make it out alive, he sniffed in fear , miral sight is now blurry ,she hold her sister hand , mirav I don’t sure I can make it anymore , make sure you win this clash and also allow someone to love you , raise a good kids and be happy miral said , what about the vision we shared don’t just leave me please mirav said in tears , Henry can just watch the scene as he back them , mirav bye and take care miral said and give up the ghost
Noooooooo ! Mirav screamed in tears holding her sister to herself , we came here together alive and now she is gone mirav said breaking down in tears , Henry face change to a very deadly one and he feels that it better he get hurt than his own group should , he use the demon way of walking and speed into the building killing anyone he sees , mirav stand up as her eyes were red blood shot , she carried her sister and go lay her at a place so that when she is coming back she would carry her corpse back home , she changed her gun to her sister own and it seems that today is going to be another day of fighting and showing them how it is done

The shoot out at the first gate is now bloody cause most men on the both sides are dead , soon they heard the siren of the cops so the remaining that is still alive quickly ran away so as not to get arrested they cops and the FBI were filled with the place as they checked all those that are dead , Kiara and her team entered into the building , they got to the second gate and met many of the dead bodies , they proceeded to the third as Kiara heart is beating louder she can’t just believe her brother is an assassin and more he has been with them all these while actually Zoe told her , the third gate was somehow cause as the proceeds they discovered some part has collapse and a lot of dead bodies can be seen , they proceeded further and see miral , Zoe recognize the face immediately due to the fact that she was sent some pictures , she quickly go to miral , she noticed that she is just unconscious and it possible she is been revived , get the medic she screamed and the medic team arrived and miral was carried into their car and they drove off

Kiara and her team proceeded further but they keep seeing horrific things, how people were killed and it such a horrible to watch , what the hell ! Kiara exclaimed as he saw a dead bodies that his eyes is been plucked out , this is so serious George said as they proceeded in going to the house

Henry has been soaked with blood, though Ryan and mina joined him , mina ask why there is only mirav and Henry told her that Miral is dead , actually they have gotten into the real building unknown to them that they are surrounded by Lucas men ,
Lucas come out and laugh hysterically clapping his hands , you guys really tried coming into the lion den , sorry for your lost mirav he said more like mocking them , well as you can see am a man of my world , I promised that anyone that can kill you will have your position but there is no one to do that , you have killed all the assassins , am so impressed but guess what I love watch a little show and test of your ability Lucas said and soon his men come into view and it was then they knows that they are been surrounded by Lucas men who are having guns in their hands , holy shit Ryan said

Seize them Lucas commanded and Henry chuckled , sincerely if he was the only he would have taught them a great lesson buy he don’t want anyone getting hurt again so he told his group to surrendered, wtf we aren’t surrender mirav said angrily , just obey me first Henry said and they obeyed by dropping all their weapons , Lucas men tied both mina and mirav on a chair but Henry and Ryan wasn’t touched

Well the both of you seems very sensitive and you would be man enough to withstand the torture but these girls are going to go through a different torture , seize the both of them and tied them to that pillar Lucas ordered and Henry and Ryan was also tied , you both will have to watch each other suffers , Lucas Walk over to where the girls are been tied , he slapped the both of them , hey you don’t hurt them or else Henry yelled angrily

Well am planning to do something worse Lucas said as he tear mirav cloth revealing her inner wear , he tear her dress and the bra into two and now her breast is fully out into view , WTF are you a pervert Ryan screamed loudly , but Lucas ignored but instead squeeze mirav breast painfully and she groan in pain ,
Wow your breasts is nice and firm , he pinched her nipple very hard that mirav beg him to stop ,

Guys do whatever you want with her Lucas said to his men and three of them started undressing mirav so that they can have their way into her , they were undressing her to Stark naked when Lucas order them to stop , he told them dress mirav up back and they did

  He moved over to Mina , he was about dipping his hands into mina clothes just to touch her breast when Henry said a shocking things that made him stop , Jared Don't try that shit ! Henry said and Lucas looked back in susprise , it only one  person that know his real full name and that is Tina , you are susprised right , Jared I know your real face  Henry said again shocking him the more , wow impressive let see how much you know about me Lucas replied , you are denying right , you don't want to agree that you are my twin brother , Identical to be precise and that why you have kept your face hidden for this years , Lucas balled his hand into a fist 


What the fuck ??? Lucas is Henry twin brother !!

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Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
11 months ago

What a shocking revelation? But I love the actions in this story.