HIS WISH Episode 1 (He is an assassin,she is a receptionist) - FAVOUR ABIODUN

He is an assassin , she is a receptionist )


            EPISODE 58 

Ryan and the rest are still having their fun as they are the one winning the game so far , it very fun and exciting , finally the were done with the game and Ryan pair won
Kiara suddenly use that opportunity to say her mind , Ryan sincerely you look familiar like I have seen this face from another place Kiara said and Ryan chuckled, yeah maybe in heaven Ryan joked and they all laugh, let be serious is there any where we’ve met before Kiara asked and Ryan nodded indicating a ‘no’ as an answer , ohh maybe it your lookalike Kiara concluded and they changed the topic , Zoe was looking at Ryan but this dude avoided eye contact , he is so good in acting Zoe thought , as they continue gisting on another topic , Ryan started feeling uncomfortable staying around the beach , he is feeling something is now wrong around the beach ,

He briefly take a quick look around and noticed that there are new faces at the beach , that not his problem but his instinct keep telling him something is wrong , he look at a particular direction and saw a man who Quickly hide for Ryan not to see him , and that is more than enough proof for Ryan that a spy is sent here and it possible something bad happen , he stands up and before he would tell the rest that they should leave , some men in Black suit started shooting at their direction , everyone at the beach took to their heels as shout and scream filled the place , Kiara and the rest also run to a place to hide first so that they can call for back up and have a clear view of what happening , Ryan was the only one that wasn’t with them , they got to a place to hide perfectly and that Zoe noticed Ryan isn’t not with them
Where is Ryan ? Zoe asked and the rest just look around susprised not to see Ryan as well , did he miss the direction we passed George asked, I thought he was behind us Kiara replied , I need to look for him Zoe said , no you can’t this is a complete shoot out and we can’t leave till our back up arrive George replied , but what if he got shot Zoe protested , he would be fine Kiara replied , kiara had barely complete the statement when Ryan appeared behind them , they were all shocked and susprised , where the hell did you go to Zoe asked glaring at him

Am sorry I missed the way but I later found you guys Ryan replied ohh George said but Kiara keep suspecting Ryan , something is off about this man she thought , Ryan make sure he is putting on a innocent face , actually he never missed the road , he only use that opportunity to check those that attacked , he look at them keenly and observe them before going back to where the rest hide , they all stayed there until the back up started coming and soon everywhere was filled with cops car and Kiara team are also there

Those men has left some minutes before the cops left , am very scared ! Can you just let us go Ryan said pretending to be scared of the scene , Zoe I would be seeing you at home ryan said as he board a cab and as and a smart guy , he know he is been trailed by some FBI , yeah he knows his sister has been suspecting him but he hide behind an innocent look though Kiara has asked some of her men to trace Ryan to where he is going and if he go to another place apart from house they should inform her about it but if it just house they should come back , he go to Zoe house straight , he went straight to take a cold bath after that he went to the kitchen to find something to eat , he get some fried rice and french fries with a cold drink , he settled down and eat to his satisfaction , some minutes later Zoe also arrived at the house , he met Ryan resting his head on the sofa with his eyes closed , Ryan how are you Zoe said as she peck his cheek , am good Ryan replied , you are really good at acting , you should consider it as another career Zoe teased , well yeah but it can’t just happen Ryan replied smiling , your sister is suspecting you I don’t think you guys should meet again Zoe said and Ryan nodded , she even sent some of her men to trail me but I already know Ryan replied , but who are those people that ruin that picnic Zoe asked , I don’t know but I think they actually came for me because I killed two assassins that tried to kill Kiara Ryan replied , so you are not safe anymore , can’t you just find a way of co operate with us and maybe you can be granted amnesty Zoe said and Ryan smile , I can’t because you have a betrayer in your base , the assassin have a spy in the base and that why they traced us to the beach Ryan replied and Zoe frowned , you mean there is a spy in the base Zoe asked to be sure if what she heard again

Yeah there is a spy among you , I don’t know his name or anything about him but I recognized him cause we had a video call with him at the code meeting Ryan dropped more shocking revelation , why will there be spy and why will a FBI agent betray the trust of the base Zoe asked rhetorically , money ! Money ! Is the reason , money can makes one do the unthinkable ryan replied and Zoe just sigh

Get a laptop that is registered under you people network , I need to check all the FBI agent id do I can tell you who the betrayer is Ryan said and Zoe go inside to bring out her laptop , soon Henry started some works on it till he finally log into their base checking every agent identification one by one but there isn’t the person there , is this where all the agent Id are kept Ryan asked Zoe who was sitting beside him , some top agent are stored in another different folder Zoe replied Ryan started checking the folders one by one as fast as he could till he finally got it , he checked the remaining top agent and couldn’t believe his eyes , actually he found what he is looking for and to their widest dismay the DCP is the spy !

Zoe can’t just believe it , she find it unbelievable and not well sound to the ear , because how can someone as strict and professional as the DCP , who is very disciplined and straight forward with his things so she can’t just accept that the DCP is the spy , he is too innocent to do that Zoe protested , if you want to deceive someone you must have the innocent character and remember the devil was once an angel ! Ryan replied and Zoe sigh still finding everything confusing

So in one word we are in big mess at the base Zoe said and Ryan nodded, should I inform Kiara about it Zoe said , no don’t inform her yet , just know within yourself just in case your DCP sent you a sucide mission because that is what he will be doing now , he will send you people to where you will be killed Ryan said and Zoe gasped , but our DCP don’t give straight commands like that , he only tell us About who will be handling the cases and sometimes he doesn’t even bother at all because he believes Kiara knows how to share the agent on different cases Zoe said and Ryan reason with it , after a brief thought ryan Brain just tell him something
That means your DCP is using another person we can’t know , he will be using a fellow agent like you and that one would be the one to later push you guys into the sucide mission Ryan said and Zoe sigh
How come you know we are going to fall into a sucide mission Zoe asked curiously , the last mission you guys went for wasn’t a initial robbery , it was an avenue to get you people attention and get the necessary killed and that was the reason I killed them Ryan explained and Zoe mouthed an oh in susprise as she can’t just believe a traitor is in the base , so pathetic !

So how can we know who to trust and who is not to be trusted now , this is really hard , how do we know the person working for the DCP also Zoe asked , I don’t know about that but you have be more careful than before , watch with diligence and patience , study the pre and post sub conscious character then you might be lucky to get the person Ryan replied as he power off the laptop since he is done with it , Zoe was just staring at Ryan processing all what he said , why can’t you just reveal yourself to your sister once and for all Zoe asked ? , Doing that is more like giving her headache , her life would be in danger and she would be in the ultmost confusion couple with her current situation , I can’t do that Ryan replied and Zoe nodded as she also understand how the pressure would be of Kiara knows about Ryan so the best for now is to keep it from her Zoe thought

There isn’t peace nor trust anywhere, so you just have to trust your self and your instincts ,else it would be tragic Ryan advised while Zoe just nodded ,
Zoe I will have to send you a very important errand and that is , when you get to your base , be extra careful and don’t be too suspicious or else it die game ! Ryan added

I’ll be leaving for now cause I need to get prepared on how to fish out the spy and moreover many things needs to be sort out Ryan said and leave without even waiting for Zoe to see him off , he entered into his car and zoom off speedily , should I trace him to his house Zoe thought but she shrugged the thought off cause it would be for another day

Lucas can be seen smoking heavily without any mercy , his eyes means danger while his aura is enough to give an average man a nightmare , always in his old man disguise , some of his men entered and deliver a message to him , he keeps this expressionless face that emit danger , you mean code 006 now works with the FBI right Lucas asked and his men nodded , why can’t you get him killed today he asked , he escaped ! The beach was crowded and he noticed quickly that we are there Lucas men replied
That shows how incompetent you guys are Lucas replied and smile , you are dismissed he said and they all left , he will only use his hand to kill one person and that H , the rest would kill themselves surely because I will make it happen Lucas thought to himself , he keeps smiling to himself until a thought cross his mind , “am pregnant” he remembered that word , why will she be pregnant for him when she knows I said I don’t want kid , this is so fustrating and I don’t want to be mad at her ,it would be so irrational if I do that to the first and only person I love Lucas thought , he is his hand to ruffle his hand in fustration , I don’t want kids , it reminds me of something hurtful , why did she get pregnant arhh he groan in anger , he closed his eyes for a while and sigh , maybe it good to have kids he thought and just shrugged it off

Ryan is still driving when he noticed he is been trailed by a particular car , he wondered why the car is following him , he changed his route to an unknown route and yet this car followed him , Ryan increased the speed and pass a very different route till the car wasn’t behind him anymore , he noticed the car trailing him seems to be lost , he continues his journey just then two big truck started driving towards him from the back and the front facing him directly
To make it worst , it one road so there isn’t any road at the sides , there is no way he can survive with the car , he saw how the truck in the front was coming with speed and the one behind him is also coming at a very high speed, now he understands that it a set up , he tried to open the car and run out but he discovered the car has been hacked and the door is not going to open , he continues trying it and all his efforts was futile , he quickly break the glass and jump through out of as he narrowly escaped the crash , the two truck hit the car at the front and behind and the car crush so hard beyond recognition

Ryan widened his eyes , if he hadn’t find a way to escape he would have been dead by now , he stand up and ran away cause he doesn’t know if they had another terrible plan for him, he board three different Uber to take him home , he changed then once they got a location and that how he did till he get to the new house they are living , he stays at the gate and it open itself cause it computerized , he entered into the compound going into the house as he get to the door it open after scanning his face , Ryan entered into the house but everywhere was empty only that he is hearing voices of people , he wondered what could have happened , it Should be only two people in the house , he cock his gun and started tracing the voice till he get to a guest room , he opened it with his pointed straight , he open the door suddenly and barge in professionally but to his susprise it was Henry , mina and a woman , he sigh in relief , hey buddy, hi Ryan Henry and mina said , hey guys Ryan replied and he signal to Henry asking who is this woman ? Ohh this is my mom and mom Meet my best friend ryan Henry said and Ryan greeted smiling , I need to see you privately Ryan said , say whatever you want to say here he already told me everything happening to you guys Mrs violet said and Ryan look at henry to confirm if it is true Henry nodded and Ryan sigh , I went to picnic with Zoe , Kiara and her husband Ryan said , what ! Henry said , what the matter Henry Mrs violet asked ? He went to picnic with the FBI agents , the three of them he mentioned are all senior agent of the Federal bureau investigate Henry replied , wow ! Mrs violet said, did you just mention Kiara mina said and Henry nodded , mina quickly get her phone and go to the gallery to show him the picture of Kiara , did you mean this lady ! Mina asked ?

She is my best friend and her husband is also my friend , mina said and Ryan smile , why will do such ,did you want to get caught mina questioned , well it was Zoe that insisted I go picnic with them
What is your relationship with that Zoe Mrs violet asked , he is my fiancee Ryan replied , what ! Both mina and Mrs violet said at the same time , you want to marry a FBI while you are an assassin Mrs violet and mina exclaimed , Ryan chuckled at their reaction , she is already pregnant Ryan dropped another bombshell , Mrs violet and mina look at each other and nodded

Kiara is also pregnant Ryan added , what you mean Kiara is pregnant mina widened her eyes , it been long I called her ever since what happened the last time her hubby got shot because of me Mina said and Ryan just chuckle,  his life is kind of revolve around the FBI Henry said suddenly and they all look at him , I mean ryan life he added , what do you mean by thatts violet asked, his fiancee is an FBI and his sister is an FBI agent also Henry dropped the bombshell ! This is far worse than I expected Mrs violet said , who is her sister mina asked ? Kiara ! Henry replied and mina open her mouth wide in susprise , you are Kiara long dead brother Mina  faced Ryan and ask while he nodded , Kiara has always talked about you then even before she become a senior agent , she would always cry on your birthday , she said you gave up your life to save hers mina said and Ryan nodded again , so how come are you alive ? Mina asked 
 It is called luck ! Ryan replied smiling 

That not the main point , we were attacked at the picnic by some men in Black suit , they shoot sporadically but we were the major target , luckily we were save because Kiara Quickly call for back up , I left in a pretense , but after that I noticed Kiara is now suspecting me to the extent of sending a trail after me but I outsmart the trail because I went to Zoe apartment straight Ryan said
Wow that so smart of you Mina said , but I got attacked again when I was coming here , I was attacked and my car was crushed in the middle of two truck Ryan said and mina quickly switch on the TV that is in the room she switched the channel to the news and that was exactly what is been showed in the news , they showed how two truck crushed a car in their middle , Mrs gasped seeing that , that is my car in the middle Ryan said and they all sigh except for Henry who was not even putting more focus on the TV

They are Lucas men Henry said suddenly and they all look at him , most of Lucas men are MIB ( men in Black ) they always wear tuxedo to their Mission and most of them use truck for their operation Henry explained , so what did you think we should do Ryan asked ? We plan our attack very soon now , they have launching their attack but now we would be the one launching attack now , so go get prepared because we would be doing that soon Henry replied and Ryan nodded ?


Getting tough !!!

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11 months ago

Hmmm, this is so intruding and captivating more Grace

Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
11 months ago

The battle line has been drawn.