HIS WISH Episode 1 (He is an assassin,she is a receptionist) - FAVOUR ABIODUN


He is an assassin , she is a receptionist )


             EPISODE 54 

You ! They both said pointing at each other !

 What the hell are you doing here Chris asked ? I came here to sell pop corn Veronica replied with a smile while Chris look knowing fully his Questions was dumb , sometimes I wonder if God really created you with brain Veronica added , hey watch your tongue or I will do the worst Chris said with a deep voice , I guess you don't look at yourself at all before uttering an sentence because if you do you will know that you can't use that your voice to scare anyone , not even a three month baby Veronica replied mockingly , do I come here for this nonsense Chris said with hint of anger in his voice , 

Have your seat and let talk business Veronica replied and Chris sit, I have a offer for this restaurant but are you sure you are the one running this restaurant Chris said , are you going to talk or say rubbish about the restaurant Veronica savaged , this restaurant is too big for you to own it Chris said again , and why did you say that ? Veronica asked , aren’t you a slut ? How can a slut have something as big like this Chris said bluntly

Veronica face grow dull immediately , I am not a slut please, I have stopped being a slut even before I met you and what we have together is a mere coincidence so please go straight to business and stop rubbing that on my face Veronica said raising her voice a little as she fight the tears that threatened to fall , I never meant it like that I was just trying to get into another agrument with you so don’t take it personal Chris replied sincerely but Veronica did not take the apology , her mood changed , her eyes were now fierce

Go straight to the point , let talk business Veronica said frowning deeply , I brought a good offer to you , there is an international marketing going on and it competitive between restaurants and this restaurant were recommended to me , it a contract and I have done everything to win the contract only that I need a restaurant that is up to a high standards and can fit my taste to match the contract , this is the best that was recommended and that the last thing I needed to complete everything for the contract to be approved Chris said and Veronica nodded , what the Percentage ? Vero asked, well I have discussed the money with your secretary and she has told me about how your price and I can say that is solved Chris replied and Veronica nodded where are the documents Veronica asked , Chris presented the documents , Veronica go through it and sigh with a frowning face ,

I have done that so when am I getting my payment Veronica demanded and Chris just smile as Vero phone beeps immediately , her full money has been paid to her , she smile Briefly , it nice doing business with you and am promising you a nice service Veronica said more professionally
Chris strechforth his hand for handshake and Vero received the handshake without smiling , Chris smirked and pull Vero closer to himself , what the hell are you doing ? Veronica yelled , Chris smirked , he winked and start tickling her , are you crazy ? She couldn’t complete her statement as she Burst into laughter , Chris continue tickling her as she laughed out loud happily , after some time Chris stop tickling her and they were both sitting on the bare floor , laughing at each other

You know I should deal with you for tickling me anyhow Veronica said feigning annoyance , Chris move closer to her and bit her ear , are you sure you are mad at me , Chris said as Veronica felt his warm breath , she inhale and breath out sincerely she can’t get herself anymore , her body is just reacting to Chris touch , I am mad at you ! Veronica said suddenly and Chris frowned , am sorry Chris replied and Vero smile , why did I feel suddenly attached to you Chris blunted , I don’t know but I think it normal Veronica replied winking

You look like a owl just now Chris teased , what ! An owl you must be out of your sense Veronica said as she run after Chris who is also running round the office , soon she caught up with him and they both fell on the ground in a very romantic position and coincidentally Chris security and Veronica secretary entered just as that time , obviously they both felt embarrassed , Veronica secretary wonder why the meeting takes long so she decided to check up on Vero but she found something else , they quickly close the door

You see what you caused Vero said , while Chris felt unconcerned about that , he intentionally slammed his lip against Vero

Henry is taking a stroll along with mina in the compound as they kept discussing about random stuff
Henry you have many tattoos ? Is that you love tattoo so much that you have so much at your back Mina questioned , some are just creativity of imagination while some has reason for drawing it Henry replied , so which one is creativity and which one has reason , the butterfly you see at this upper region means freedom , you noticed the butterfly has different color , it means a universal freedom , you see the one at the middle is a drawing of an imaginary place where small kids can have fun , I intends to build it for my children and currently am working on it , and it would be officially opened soon Henry said and Mina mouthed an ohh , you haven’t given birth but you are already planning for your unborn kids , isn’t that weird mina asked , I have a total number of 98 children but you don’t just know Henry said and mina widened her eyes , so you are married mina asked again as she is finding it hard to believe ? Henry Burst into laughter as he saw Mina reaction , just pulling your legs he replied and Mina sigh in relief

Actually Henry wasn’t putting on a shirt but he was wearing a short and that why Mina is able to see all the tattoos , you see the one at down part that look so large Henry asked and mina trace it with her hands , yeah I saw it mina replied
That a school I intends to built for my children , the teachers would be very qualified and given a high salaries , a very distinguish and beautiful building , it would be one of the reputable school in this country with fun filling items in it Henry explained and mina smile , you sure have a good preparation for your upcoming children that is yet unborn , Henry smile , you see that spherical egg tattoo you see at the last end of my waist is a symbol of a building I owned but it is not in this particular environment it is in a place in California

Wow Mina said so you drew all your properties as a tattoo in your back Mina asked , not everything but the important one Henry replied , so what is the meaning of this bullet tattoo mina asked , I started using gun at a very tender age so I draw the tattoo of a bullet and if you look at it keenly you will see that the tattoo is three different bullet , a rifle bullet , a Glock 9 pistol bullet and a m7 bullet , I got hit by this three bullet and I survived Henry explained, woah ! Mina exhale , are you an assassin from young age mina asked , no I was just a normal little kid just like any other kid until a very terrible incident happened to my parents and I don’t want to talk about it , I became a destitute surviving on the street with little or no understanding of the complexity of the world , I have being into any kind of suffering you could imagine for a young kid living that kind of life , I have been kidnapped before , beaten almost to death but I never die , I have been stabbed many times before , I have been poisoned thrice and all these things happen during my childhood but I never gave up I continue struggling and striving and I truly know that the exact time I will die is when I finally give up , but once am not giving up am not dying Henry explained

Then when and how did you become an assassin mina asked , I am a certified assassin and that is I am legal before the law Henry said and mina chuckle , am your girlfriend so stop the act Mina added and Henry laugh , you are growing more smarter each day Henry replied and Mina winked , well I never become an assassin just like that it was a gradual process , in the struggle of survival I learnt a lot of things , a child without guardian or parental care but want to survive will have to do a lots of abnormal things , I started living on the street at age five , after sleeping at any house door I found myself , I was later taken in by a very terrible and notable gangstress , she is fierce , beautiful and also a badass but a part of her cared but she doesn’t show it

She took me in and change my name from jarad to Henry , she is a young beautiful lady but a sadist , she taught me how to smoke and do drugs , the first time I smoke weed I felt like I was gonna die , she taught me how to do many things including shooting of guns , since she is a gangstress she always have different types of gun in her store , she sells and lend illegal guns to people like her , she had this little cross tattoo around her shoulder , she showed all her friends and Cartel member that am her son , they all believe because we have a little resemblance in the face , the first tattoo I would ever have is a cross tattoo , it very tiny located at my shoulder and she was the one that do the drawing for me , at age seven I started helping her with her business , I help her deliver illegal guns and drugs using my school bag as disguise , at age nine I was now very good I’m business , there is no gun I don’t recognize , I recognized almost every bullet and ammunition , I can arrange and dissemble any gun and moreover I am now good in shooting , mind you she started teaching how to shoot at age seven , so I spent two years learning how to shoot , still in age nine I can now handle a gun confidently and perfectly without fear , I know the rules , protocols , sign and symbols of the street , I know the street code and language and I can sell the drugs perfectly
But that same year my guardian was caught and was sentence to 20 years imprisonment , and then i was left alone , she cried right before me not because of anything but because she would be leaving me alone , her words to me before she was led to prison were ” I believe you will survive and when you do remember to visit me even it is once ” , it was so emotional and very tragic Henry said while Mina was already in tears


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Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
11 months ago

Henry’s childhood was really tough

Last edited 11 months ago by Ilyas Zainab