HIS WISH Episode 1 (He is an assassin,she is a receptionist) - FAVOUR ABIODUN

He is an assassin ,she is a receptionist)


            EPISODE 43


The remaining of the big seven were having there joyful meeting , as they have watched the video of how mina killed Henry , though they already paid Lucas money to kill Henry and also help them get the Kohinoor , they laugh as they eat there roasted chicken and broccoli cheese, we later end him though it was tough but we cut him off Mr Rakesh said as the other members laugh

What money can’t do more money will Mrs Vicky said and they all nodded smiling evilly enjoying there meal in peace when Henry appear from nowhere , smiling , everyone jerked up in fear holding each other Mr Rakesh was already peeing on his body due to fear , Mrs Valerie collapsed due to shock while the rest were just staring at him

He smile at them and vanished , , they pick to there heels , there is fire in the mountains Mr Rakesh said fleeing to his car where his driver drove off , Mrs Vicky carried Mrs Valerie into her own car and drive off while Mr Harold run out like a mad man into his and also speed off,, Mr Harold got home with a serious face thinking of what he could to save him from this crazy mess , after killing the bastard his ghost still haunt us Mr Harold said his thought , he entered into his bedroom to rest , as he was about laying on the bed, he saw Henry at the door but this time with a frown
He scream loudly like a small boy that saw a ghost , Henry smile and point his pistol at him and gave him a straight head shot and before his securities could get to his room , Henry is gone !

Ryan relationship with Zoe has gotten Stronger their bond is getting thicker each day , Ryan stop it ! Zoe said laughing loud as Ryan keep tickling her , promise you aren’t going to frown again Ryan said and Zoe nodded , Ryan stop and she sigh trying hard not to fall into Ryan trap of tickling , so tell me where are you taking me to since you said we will going to somewhere Zoe said , well the place is quite special Ryan replied and she blushed , then let me get dressed Zoe said as she rushed inside to dress up , after some minutes she comes out looking stunning , Ryan bit his lip in admiration , they leave the house and entered into Ryan car as they drove off

During this week Kiara and her team have been so busy and they have caught more criminals during the week as they are going to start interrogating them , Kiara felt so tired but they keep interrogating and they got different leads , from one criminal to another one but George noticed that during the interrogation section with all the criminals , they all said they are being paid by an anonymous to do the crime and something seems not normal , the level of crime the past week and high than before and it seems alarming , the only person remaining is pharaoh that they haven’t interrogated , his own is going to be a special interrogation

Kiara got to her office and sat down on the chair in a way you will know she is tired , George entered into Kiara office also , he noticed he is tired but he has something very important to say , Kiara you don’t notice that during the interrogation it seems it one person that is using all these gangsters to do all these criminals activities or what do you think George said and Kiara reason with him , yeah that should be ! That we need to have a lead on the person Kiara added , I personally interrogated one of the gangsters and he said it a old man that pays them to do those things , he said the old man has a tattoo but he looks pretty aged but I don’t that will be H George said , speaking of H it seems the guy is very much at hiding cause recently he has been at Bay , we did not even get any lead on him anymore

Yeah seems he is dead or at hiding George replied , am very tired Kiara said and George frown a little , Kiara isn’t the one that get tired easily , she is strong and the type you could call a tomboy buy recently she has been getting tired easily or is she ! Jesus ! George though of a possibility , Kiara snapped her hands to jolt George out of his thought , what are you thinking I have been calling you but you are not responding Kiara said and George smile , nothing much ! George replied , mind to share Kiara asked , hmmmm not really but l need to do a little research before I can confirm my thought George replied while Kiara gave him the suspicious eyes before saying ok

Why the eyes ? George asked when did you start keeping things from me cause I don’t understand what the hell you are thinking that can’t be shared Kiara said fuming suddenly , my fear is coming into reality , I have been thinking of how kiara would start to behave when she get pregnant but now she is now displaying the characters or is she pregnant ? Holy moly ! George thought , are you hearing me at all Kiara shouted this time around and George quickly gave her the fake smile , Kiara stand up with a dangerous frown and start walking towards George , George shifted backwards , hollymolly what did she wanna do ? George thought Kiara move closer to him still frowning , George wasn’t scared but he was nervous because lately Kiara has become a hostile and rash when she wanted to get anything she wanted and that why George is suspecting her for being pregnant , George what do you have up your sleeves that is making you nervous Kiara asked in a tone you will know she is very serious

Kiara am not hiding anything from you but lately you have been becoming more harsh Don’t you think ? George said , so it because am harsh and you are so nervous to tell me I don’t believe that there must be something else in that your black mind , nothing just that you are becoming scary nowadays scared and Kiara burst into laughter seeing how George pronounced the scary , what so funny George asked George there is something in your mind and sooner or later I will find out , trust me I don’t give fake a promise Kiara said as she go back to her seat , George smile and leave her office , Kiara think something is off about George or is he planning to do something ? Why is he nervous all of a sudden , she thought as her stomach grumble loudly , oh my God am hungry ! Kiara said to no one

Mina is in the MFH training ground , they have been training her crazily , she has been learning how to fight physically without the use of gun and her knowledge with gun has increased , she now gives clear shot without doubt and her confidence is now strong enough to kill and shoot at any fucking place , the MFH are really impressed with her speedily learning ways , they have been teaching her how to assemble different types of gun , she is now becoming a rascal , and without doubt the MFH believes she will be very useful for them , she will an instrument they needed to actually rectify some of there mistakes

They are still training intensively when mina to take a little rest ,they accepted and they all went to the small modern hut house to have a drink , they got to meet the shock of their lives , Henry was already seated in the hut sipping an alcoholic wine and smoking cigarettes , mina saw him and beamed happily , Henry she said and ran to his arms hugging him tightly , this is another shock to the MFH , one Henry is supposed to be alive and two even if he made it alive , he and mina should be enemies but it just strange to see them hugging tightly and to worsen the case they gave each other a passionate kiss

What the Fuck ! How does it happen , you are dead and how come you are still alive the MFH said pointing there gun at both mina and Henry , well it simple , you guys wanted to fool me but you get yourself fooled

Flashbacks 🛑

Henry has been noticing mina strange behaviour , he thought of the probability and decided to ask Mina some random questions , mina you look tired and you are behaving strange , tell me what did the MFH told you Henry asked but Mina gave him a faint smile

I am not a novice and I know what they are up to , mina open up and let get it solved Henry said this time with a cold voice , mina can’t keep it any longer , you already know what they told and that why you are asking, you lie to me on everything you said about you ? You aren’t a business man but a professional assassin with a code number named 003 , your name is not Victor but Henry , you don’t care for me rather you wanna use me and lastly you will finally kill me and my grandma is that fair ? Mina yelled as tears stream out of her face

Henry sigh he knows the MFH won’t but try to do something foolish or funny , mina am sorry I never try to use neither did I have any intention to kill you just hear me out please Henry pleased and mina stare at him , my name is not Victor neither is it Henry but my name is jarad , but many people know me as Henry or H code number 003 , I am dangerous , rascal , brutal or call it anything but I still have a little conscience , I never use you or wanted to use you , I purposely told you lies because I don’t trust anyone , at first I thought you might be working for my enemies or the cops and that why gave you fake stories about me ,

You said you never want to use me then why did you train me on how to use a gun Mina asked , it simple it because I love you Henry replied I can date anyone or love anyone that behave like me or protect themselves when am not there , at first I want to push away the feeling and stay away from you but I can’t so I decided to find a way of preventing you from harm , if you know how to handle a gun, it would be a little difficult for you to be caught or kidnapped by my enemies Henry explained , Mina sigh , why did you take assassination as profession mina asked , that a long story and I am going to be explaining to you another day , trust is the basic foundation of relationship , you have to trust me that I won’t harm you Henry said and mina nodded , so did you trust me Henry asked ,yeah I trusted you but I feel so hurt hearing the truth from a stranger mina said , am sorry for that they are my great enemies , they are called MFH code 002 , very dangerous and cunning Henry said and mina mouthed an ohh

They told me to kill you with this gun in a close contact , mina said showing him the gun , Henry dissemble it and saw the bullet ,but a special one ,he changed it and plan with Mina to do as they say and to make their plan real mina Should behave as if her grandma is dead when she got home


Henry explained everything to then and they were beyond shocked , you thought my grandma is dead , ohh she isn’t infact she is enjoying her time traveling around the world for tour , and I only pretended and you guys make it more simple for me mina added and the MFH widened their eyes in disbelief of what they just heard , the bullet she shot me was a rubber bullet so ain’t affected by that shit Henry said laughing hysterically , wow you are smart as they say but you are still not smarter than us the MFH said bas they pointed their gun at Henry and mina , if you didn’t die then you will die now they said , that is if you are opportune to pull the trigger Henry said and in a blink of an eye he has collected the gun from their eyes and yet he is still on his seat obviously he used the demon way of walking , holy shit ! Did he just collect our guns the MFH don’t just understand what happening cause it seems today is a day of shock !


E shock you ?

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Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
10 months ago

I love this part of the story more. I love Henry and Mina’s plans.

Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
10 months ago

A day of shock indeed.