HIS WISH Episode 1 (He is an assassin,she is a receptionist) - FAVOUR ABIODUN

He is an assassin , she is a receptionist )


            EPISODE 27

Either by willingly or force Mina would become mine
Henry was on his way home enjoying his perfect ride when his instinct told him to park the car , he park the car and cross the road to the other side to buy a jewelry when his car was shot at the mirror side , and without doubting Henry know that the shooter use sniper

If he had been in that car , it possible he would have been shot dead but Luckily he is outside
Many enemies that he can’t even think and get the exact person that send the killer cause his enemies are now too much

He waited for about thirty minutes before later driving the car home , as Henry entered the house he went straight to the bathroom to have a quick  shower , after showering he comes out with his dangerous cold look 

He sat in his bed and started thinking , it seems am getting too soft nowadays , it time I should show them that i houses devil and it surbordinate , it time I start the cleansing and it time to shake the country Henry thought and laugh to himself , just then Ryan entered

Hey buddy he said while Henry just nodded , when are we starting the cleansing Ryan asked
Soon or let me say tonight cause am starting in alphabetical order using their first name Henry replied
Wow I love that Ryan said as he sip his alcohol , then suddenly the phone Ryan took from the sniper that was sent to kill Kiara rings

Ryan pick it and out it in loudspeaker , hello I sent you to kill Kiara but you went on to kill George are you sure you are a professional in your job a lady yelled from the other side , let meet ! Ryan replied trying to sound like the sniper user
Ok and where should we meet the lady asked
I would text you the address Ryan replied , ok I would be expecting the lady said and hung up
Is that the person that send someone to your sis Henry asked
Ryan text the address of a bar house to her

I guess Ryan replied while Henry rr, what punishment Henry asked
Death Ryan replied while Henry mouth we an ohh , he knows Ryan may not be as dangerous as he is but he is merciless and don’t have pity for any one , he is more like someone with a dead conscience and what do you expect from an assassin

I will send the person to hell straight for fire redemption Ryan said while Henry smile

That good ! 


Henry put on his night Mission dress with every part of his body covered , he took a rifle , two pistols attached to his body , knives that has been emersed in toxin has put in his case and attached to his body also , while Henry was dressing up , Ryan is also dressing up , he put on black pullover with a black trouser , a face cap attached with a dark shade and he also take two pistols ,

Henry come out of his after dressing up while Ryan also come out , am taking the bike Henry said am using the car instead ryan replied while they both nodded and do their handshake 

 They come out of the house and locked the door , Henry hop on his bike while Ryan enter into one of the car and they both drove off at once 

Ryan speed up till he gets to the bar house parking spot , he parked and come out with his hand in his pocket , he look at the bar briefly and check the environment in case for any suspicious movement , he sees that everything seems normal then he entered into the bar with the phone in his hands , he called the lady and she picked up
Am in the bar so where are you Ryan asked , am also in the bar and am with the bar man the lady replied and Ryan hang up

He get to the where the bar man is taking his order and met the lady and without doubting he knows definitely this is the lady , he sit beside keeping a straight face
Can we talk business outside the bar Ryan suggested while the lady look at Ryan somehow but shrugged and follow him outside the bar

They got to the outside of the bar and Ryan start up the conversation , ma’am I actually targeted Kiara but George got in the way , so it just a little mix up in the way Ryan said
That shows how incompetent you are , I told you I want her out of the way , she Is a big obstacles for me to be recognized at my work place and that why I paid you but failed the lady replied while Ryan smirked
He just wants to confirm if it truly it the lady and fortunately for him she is the one

So how are you going to rectify the mistake you’ve done cause I want her dead the lady said while Ryan smirked again , before the lady could say anything again , he knocked her out immediately , he carry her and put her inside his car and drove off to the house , he got to the house and drop her inside a particular different room that Henry reserve as the torture room , the room is sound proofed and you can’t break the door cause it encrypted code , after dropping her there he locked the room and go straight to his room to also wear his own night Mission clothes cause he is also going for another mission tonight , he changed his clothes and pick all he needed then drove off again

Henry speed up till he get to the the VIN estate, actually that the estate Mr Vin one of the big seven is residing , he parked his bike and put the bike on the floor i.e he lie the bike flat on the ground to avoid any one seeing it or getting suspicious after leaving it there , he calculated his step till he get to the main fence , he quickly walk as silent as you can imagine to the fence , he jump over and quickly hide at a covered place cause the security of the house it tight , soon he saw one of the security coming to his place , he stay still till the man get and he he knocked him out almost immediately , he dragged the man body to a place and lie him flat on the ground, he continues his walking to the main building , he shot the two security that are at the door of the main building , it was a clear headshot and they dropped dead immediately obviously he had attached the silencer to his gun , he proceeded to dragged their body to avoid any suspecting moves , he entered the house and go straight to the room and after going around he found Mr Vin room , the door of Mr Vin room was slightly opened , he peep and see that Mr Vin is not asleep , he is receiving call , he entered into the room shocking Mr Vin

Mr Vin wanted to shout but Henry already pointed his gun at him signalling to him to shut his mouth

You planned to kill me by sending the MFH to me but am still alive and am here to revenge and to cleanse this country of bad people like you Henry said while Mr Vin pleaded to him to spare his life

H please spare my life , am going to pay any amount you want please Mr Vin said but Henry chuckled softly

Have you heard of Harrison family Henry asked and Mr Vin think briefly and replied with yes

What happen to the Harrison family, it was wiped out by us , we send someone to sway them off the earth but it been long , more than twenty years ago Mr Vin replied
Am Raymond Harrison Henry said while Mr Vin gasp

Greet my parents in heaven Henry said and gave him a clear headshot and Mr Vin dropped dead immediately , he walk over to Mr Vin and shot him again but at the heart this time , he come out of the room and pass the way he passed into the house out , he quickly go to the fence and jump out , he run to where his bike is and rode away speedily

Ryan drove to a place that is a little far away from Mr french house since he and Henry has decided to kill all the big seven , he tip toe and entered into the building though the security there are much also , he attached a silencer to his pistols and tip toe to where the two of the security are discussing , he gave the two of them a clear headshot and dragged them away , he sneaked into the house after killing three more guards , he entered into the house and look for Mr french room but he wasn’t there , after checking all the rooms he saw mr french in the study room reading

  He pointed his pistols at him and entered the study room , he shot the CCTV camera that is in the room and face Mr french fully with the gun , please what do you want ? I will give you any amount please Mr french said while Ryan smirked 

The country needs cleansing and you are among the people that needs to leave the earth and moreover this Is a little package from H Ryan said and give him a headshot , Mr french fall from the chair he was sitting on and dropped dead immediately , Ryan walk over to him and give him another shot at the chest before leaving the room , he sneaked out back and go into his car and drove off back home to continue with his unfinished business

   Henry got home and open the door , he go straight to the torture room cause Ryan had already texted him that he got the lady , he met the lady lying on the ground and without thinking twice Henry knows that Ryan knocked the lady out , he go back to his room and changed his dress , he get a bowl of water and go back to the torture room , he poured on the lady face and she wake up , though everything still look strange  for the lady cause she is still trying to remember how she got here 

What is your name Henry asked with a cold voice and his dangerous cold eyes
The lady shivered seeing the face my name is Zoe


   Are we getting it or it confusing ??
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Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
10 months ago

I think Zoe deserves this. See what her bitterness and jealousy caused her to do.