HER LAST WISH Episode 79 – 80 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 79 by Azeemah Salami

Layla and Amina exclaimed on returning home to a scene.

They rushed towards Dan and Emeka who were literally pulling Dammy who looked like she would collapse, from her uncle’s grasp and returning every single curse the man was sending their way.

They knew what happened without being told.
Almost half the neighbors were gathered and they watched, talking from where they stood but not moving closer to them.

Layla deliberated on going to fetch Aunt Esther.

“Leave this girl alone na! Do you want to kill her! How can you send her to the market in this her state! Don’t you have blood running through your veins, you’re heartless!” Amina screamed at him, unable to control her anger.

“Oh oh. Did you see what you caused? Someone I’m old enough to give birth to, talking to me like this because of you. You’re dead today” His eyebrows pulled down and his face narrowed before slapping Dammy across the face.

Before anyone could blink, Amina threw the yam she bought from the market at him, earning gasps from the bystanders and thumbs up from her friends.

Dammy’s uncle stood, stunned as well as Dammy.

“Why did you slap her ehn! Is she the one that said you’re heartless! I’m the one that said it, comman hit me instead,” Amina yelled, blinded with fury that she didn’t notice her mother was already beside her.
“Walahi, this compound will scatter today, I don’t care what will happen” She said, dropping her market purchase on the floor.

“Amina! What is wrong with you!” Her mother exclaimed, alarmed. She had walked out of the apartment to see her daughter throw a yam at Dammy’s uncle.
Although, she knew he deserved it and wished she could leave Amina to fight for her friend but she’s scared, the man seems dangerous, he might hurt her daughter and she’s not ready to see that happen.

She scolded Amina in Hausa and ordered her to get inside the house.
“Are you deaf! Do you want me to report you to your father!” She shouted when Amina didn’t move.
“Shiga ciki yanzu! (Get inside now)”

Amina reluctantly walked away after warning Dammy’s uncle that he would hear from her if he ever touches Dammy again.

“It is until you kill this girl that you’ll realize what you are doing Mahaukacin mutum (crazy man)” Amina’s Mum said, about turning to walk away when she stopped… “If anything happens to my daughter, I don’t care if you’re responsible for it or not but I’ll make sure you get jailed, mark my words.” She walked away.

“You’ll think today is every other day you’ll just take her inside to beat her. That is not going to happen, I swear” Emeka said, gripping Dammy’s hand tight.
Dammy groaned when another stroke of pain hit her, stuck between her uncle and her friends, coupled with the discomfort she was feeling, she wished she could cave into the ground.

“Dammy, I’m so sorry about the discomfort you are going through. It’ll be over soon, okay? This is the time to stand up for yourself. Do you want him to take you in again and hit you? If you don’t make any move now, I’m afraid you might never get to do it again. Just do this, for your sake and sanity please” Layla pleaded and released a deep breath when Dammy shook her head.

“Even if she’s not going to stand up for herself, we’re going to do that for her, you’re so cruel! You’re basically a monster in human form” Dan said directly to Dammy’s uncle’s face.
Enraged, the man raised his hand to hit Dan but was stopped halfway by Dan who squeezed his hand painfully before letting it go.

The shock on his was unmistakable.

“You want to hit me? you fucking dare not! Except if you want to lose your hands.” Dan said pointedly, with no iota of fear.

“It’s like that yam Amina stoned at your chest is not enough, try anything here if we won’t beat you to stupor. Wicked man!” Emeka hissed.

The man stood, dumbfounded, yet to recover from the shock of Dan squeezing his hand and now this.
He gripped Dammy’s arm tightly, his fingers cutting through her skin just to subdue his rage.
Dammy winced in pain.

“It’s today I’ll kill you” He whispered to her through gritted teeth.

“Whatever you say to her in your language will go back to you in Jesus name! You’re not taking this girl inside today!” Emeka’s voice was firm.
“These ill treatments you’ve been melting out on her will come to an end,” Layla said. “Today!”

Dammy’s uncle glanced at her like he would a piece of dirt.

Layla ignored him. “Dammy this is the right time to decide if you want to do this or not. Please, you need to think” Layla said, looking really expectant as she hoped Dammy would change her mind.

Her heart skipped as she looked Dammy in the eyes.
She had stopped writhing in pain or groaning, but her eyes held that pain.
Layla’s heart broke and her throat tightened.

Dammy looked nowhere in particular, her eyes wavered and seemed faraway like she wasn’t with them any longer.

“You better drop her hand or this is where we will all be till night. We are not leaving her hand.” Emeka said.

“Oh oh. So, they’ve turned your defenders. It’s just so sad they’ll be dying alongside you today, tell them to leave your hand if you don’t want their parents to weep over them. If they die, just know you’re the cause. You know what I can do” None of them understood what he just said to her because it was in Yoruba but they knew it was bad with the way Dammy suddenly tensed.

“Talk to her in English if e sure for you!” Emeka slammed, breathing hard. He looked like he was really ready for trouble. His tiny muscles bulged and his lips tightened.

“Hmm” Dammy’s uncle sneered. “You’re not going to tell them to leave you alone, are you?”

Dammy swallowed hard and just when she was about to start pulling her hand from her friends’ grip. Emeka’s father appeared.

“Emeka! Chimo! what is this boy doing!” He rushed towards them.

“Papa, just go inside. Nothing is happening” Emeka frowned.

“Shut up there! Am I blind! What is this you are doing. Oya drop her hand now and go inside Tupu m aa gị ụra! (Before I slap you)” He ordered.
“I’m not going anywhere” Emeka mumbled under his breath but his brain started to have a rethink after his father’s palm collided with his face.

“Are you deaf! After I warned you not to involve yasef in this matter again. Don’t you know he has juju! Someone that escapes cell every time we arrest him. I know Damilola is your friend but you’re my own son, I can’t lose you. Go inside now Osiso!” His father yelled.

Emeka swallowed hard as he reluctantly dropped Dammy’s hand.
“I swear if you do anything to her. I’ll make sure you pay for it ” He said and ran off when his father almost slapped him again.

“And you, if you think you can do anything to my son. I’ll let you know that juju pass juju, I’ll make Amadioha strike you dead, I promise you that” Emeka’s father said before walking away.

“You’re still not going to tell these ones that they should let go of your hand ehn, shebi you can see how those ones parents came and took them away, if you don’t want them to die in a country that’s not theirs, tell them to leave you alone now”
They couldn’t understand what he said again as it was in Yoruba.

“Dan, you need to let go of my hand. Please” Dammy said, her first utterance since her uncle caught her in Aunt Esther’s shop.

“I’m not letting go of your hand! Dammy, he might kill you!”

“Leave him to do whatever he wants with me… just let me go!” Dammy raised her voice, trying to pull her hands from Dan’s grip.

“No! Whatever he just told you are lies… Nothing is going to happen, I promise you that” Dan really wished Dammy could believe him.

“Dammy, please. You only need to say the words. You really need to stop being controlled by some baseless mentality.” Layla felt like screaming. Frustrated with why Dammy can’t see the clear picture, despite how much they’ve tried and now she’s going to follow her uncle in so he can continue mistreating her!

“You guys just leave me alone. Go!” Dammy half yelled at them.

“Oh my God, what’s all this commotion?” Aunt Esther’s sleepy eyes widen, seeing what was going on. She walked closer to them, looking like her sleep was disrupted.

“Warn the dolls you brought from America; I’m going to kill them without thinking twice o!” Dammy’s uncle threatened in Yoruba, facing Aunt Esther.

“Dey no born your mama well! You’ll kill who. Wo, if anything happens to them, just know your whole life is in ruins. I’ll make sure you get killed also. Oloshi!(unfortunate being)” Aunt Esther hissed, moving closer.

A part of her was scared about the threat. He looked capable of such threat. One of the neighbors had quickly come to call her to take Dan and Layla away after Amina and Emeka’s parents took them away.

“Why are they interfering in my family’s matter! What’s anyone’s concern if I want to punish my niece. Is she complaining!” He scowled.

“Just listen to yourself speak. I’m now sure you’re not normal, instead of those police stations we do take you, I think we should have taken you to psychiatric hospitals instead. What a terrible mistake. Ah” Aunt Esther paused, expressing her regret.
“What did this girl do to you. Is it until you kill her before you rest? Ahn ahn!” She sounded exasperated.

“If you want to punish her because you think she didn’t go to the market like you sent her. These are the things you sent her, we bought it already. Leave her the fuck alone! She’s in enough pain already” Layla couldn’t help but yell.

“It is none of your business why I want to punish her! Stay out of this or you won’t like what will come out of it.” He warned Layla, his face hardened and then turned to Dammy. “Can you see what you are bringing upon me? What type of disrespect is this from these ones that look like dead dolls, Amina even threw yam at me! You’re the one that’ll suffer everything I swear, tell them to stop now!”

“Why won’t they disrespect you? you do not deserve respect in any way, not even from a goat. You’re a wicked man. How will you feel if you have a daughter and someone is treating her this way? Or how would you feel if you’re the one being treated like this ehn?” Aunt Esther looked like she was expecting an answer.

“It’s none of your business, the person you’re foolishly fighting for does not want you fighting for her! Isn’t that a shame!” He chuckled.

They glanced at Dammy who was still trying to loosen herself from Dan’s grip.

Aunt Esther sigh. ‘Someone they are trying to help isn’t even helping herself’.

“Esther or whatever they call you. Warn these mumu to stay out of my family matter. I don’t make empty threats o!”

“There’s nothing you can do, bastard!” Aunt Esther yelled.
She sounded like she was in total control but her hands were tied.
She has been scared of Dammy’s uncle ever since he mysteriously escaped every single arrest.
It would have been better if Dammy was willing to get him arrested.
She didn’t want this man harming Dan and Layla, she badly wished she could take them in but they both looked really determined and she started thinking how to go about it.

“Okay,” Aunt Esther sighed, coming to a conclusion. “Dammy. What do you want right now?”

“I want Dan to leave me alone! You all should just leave, please” Dammy pleaded desperately.

“He said something to you right?” Layla asked.
“He didn’t say anything to me! I already told you guys I’m not going to change my mind; you’re only wasting your time. Just leave me alone! It’s none of your business” Dammy said.

“That settles it. Oya, the both of you should go inside the house,” Aunt Esther said.
“You clearly heard her, right?” She added after they didn’t move.

Dammy succeeded in snatching her hand from Dan’s grip and they watched as her uncle dragged her towards their apartment.

“He’s going to hurt her!” Layla felt like crying.
“Looks like she doesn’t mind. Let’s go in” Aunt Esther said, pulling their hands.


“My mummy must not know I came out o” Amina voice was almost in a whisper.
“My dad also, he’s sleeping that’s why I was able to sneak out” Emeka looked over his shoulders.
“We had to lie to Aunt Esther we were coming to the shop” Layla said.
“Let’s hurry” Dan added.

They hurried towards Dammy’s apartment and she was already waiting for them.
She sighed in complete relief on seeing them, fresh tears rushing to her eyes. A part of her was glad they couldn’t see her clearly.

She had sent them messages to come and hadn’t even expected them to appear after what happened.

“I guess your uncle isn’t home” Emeka said, on seeing the padlock at the door.

He had locked her in again.

“Thank you so much for coming, I’m so sorry for… reacting that way towards you. He said he was going to kill you guys if I don’t tell you to leave. I didn’t…want that to happen”

“I knew he said something. Fuck him!” Dan sighed.

“I want to confess something to you guys; everyone must be wondering how my uncle always get out whenever he was arrested. Well, I…” Dammy paused and they couldn’t see how flushed she looked at the moment.
“I’m responsible for that, I bail him out after telling them I’m not interested in pursuing the case. Including all sort of lies just to get him released” She added and they exclaimed.

“Jesus. Dammy, is it to this extent?” Emeka’s eyes widened.
“Oh My God” Layla sighed.
“You release him from the cell and he still comes home to punish you? Wow” Amina looked really disappointed.

Dan shook his head, wondering if Dammy will ever testify against her uncle.

“Wait first, where did he go to? If he meet us here, he’ll start shouting and my daddy will come out again.” Emeka said, looking over his shoulders for the third time.
“I don’t know…”
“Ah, you don’t know? And you asked us to come. What if he just went to buy something” Emeka said.
“I think we should leave, before he comes back home and meet us here. It won’t be nice to make you bear the brunt again” Layla said.

“No. Don’t leave. I called you guys here because…” Dammy touched her bleeding forehead which they were yet to notice due to the door’s haze “I’m ready”

“For. . .?” Amina asked, holding her breathe.

“I’ll testify against him.” Dammy breathed fast.

Their faces lit up and they exchanged glances.
Amina again had to confirm what she just heard.
She jumped in excitement, trying not to scream.

“Let’s leave fast, before he comes” Dammy swallowed hard.

“Where’s the damn key” Dan sighed, almost frustrated after he searched where they do fetch it to no avail.
“I think he took it, what are we going to do?” Dammy’s voice shook.
It took her a lot to make this decision and if her uncle should meet her here, it would be the end.
“Worry not” Emeka smiled, before hurrying away.
He returned with a hammer and started breaking the padlock.

Amina hailed him after he succeeded in a few minutes and they couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Your forehead is bleeding!” Dan said, alarmed as Dammy stepped out of the door.
“Yeah, it was the iron in his belt. Let’s go fast before he comes”
“Shouldn’t you receive medical care first?” Layla asked worried.
“I’ll do that later, let’s go please” Dammy frantically looked around.
“It’s even going to serve as evidence, in case he denies it” Emeka said.

“We’re not going to the police this time” Amina said.
“Where are we going then?” Emeka asked.

“Let’s leave this compound first” Amina replied and like people being chased, they ran.


“Oh oh,” Dammy’s uncle chuckled as Dammy appeared with her friends.

“Didn’t I tell you?” He turned to Amina and Emeka’s parents, Emeka’s Dad who has been lamenting stopped on seeing them, Aunt Esther and her husband sighed in relief.

Dammy’s uncle had shouted like a mad being, summoning the neighbors after realizing his door had been broken open, his suspicion was confirmed when he could neither find any of Dammy’s friends.

They’ve been outside waiting for hours after trying their lines and none of them were picking up.

“You followed them out abi, and even broke my door! I pitied you enough not to kill you earlier, this time you’re dead. I swear I’m going to kill you and I mean it. You this unfortunate child. Get inside now!” He screamed, blinded with rage that he couldn’t see the rebellious look in Dammy’s eyes.

Her next words cleared the air.

“Go inside where? I’m never going inside with you again! And you’ll soon be the unfortunate one” She said, her eyes devoid of fear.

Dammy’s uncle was left speechless alongside the neighbors. He stood, stunned for a moment, he finally blinked, thinking this could never be possible. Dammy would never have said that to him but she just did!

“Ehn ehn, they are starting to teach you abi.” He said not sounding as shocked as he felt. “You should know better than to listen to them. Follow me inside now so your punishment will not be too extreme”

“Turns out you’ll be the one to get punished instead. Heartless he-goat!” Dammy slammed, breathing fast.

In a speed, he moved closer to her, raising his hand to slap her across the face, her friends tried to stop him but Dammy beat them to it, she held his hand halfway, looked him in the eyes and chuckled “it’s over for you. I’ve had enough! I’m never going to be treated this way any longer, I do not deserve this from you! and to your disappointment; you’ll never get to raise your hand on me again” She flung his hand away and the neighbors exclaimed, and started whispering to one another.

His face was white as sheet when the Human Rights activists made their presence obvious, they ordered the police to handcuff him.

“Dammy, what is this?” His voice shook, breathing hard. His eyes looked like a rabbit’s caught in the headlights of a coming vehicle.
“What does it seems like?” She raised her brow.
“And, this time, don’t think I’m ever going to order your release, as you can see, I made this arrest myself. You’re never going to see me again except in court.”

“Mr. Bode Aderemi you are arrested for the abuse and maltreatment of Miss. Damilola Aderemi. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law” One of the officers said, trying to handcuff him.
“Shut up!” He screamed at the officers, his lips trembling and he struggled with them.

“Dammy, don’t do this to me!” He screamed as he was led away, fighting hard to get away from the police.

Dammy sighed, if only she knew this would make her feel this good, she would have done it long ago.
Well, it’s better late than never.

She turned to her friends, pulling them into a tight embrace.

She maintained a straight face when she finally released them.
“I don’t want him to get arrested anymore, I can’t stand it. I’m sorry guys but I have to go order his release”

They stared at her, speechless.

“Just joking, he’s going to rot in prison” She grinned and they released a collective breath before laughing.


HER LAST WISH Episode 80 by Azeemah Salami

“Stop crying na! Ahn” Dammy said to Amina for the third time.

“Nawa o” Emeka smiled, exchanging a look with Dan.

“Why are you smiling, you can see the thing is paining her and you’re smiling. You’re mumu o” Dammy hissed.

It’s few days after Dammy’s uncle got arrested and they were seated in the compound after returning from the cybercafé where Dammy went to register for the scholarship and then Amina discovered the ticket for the concert has been sold out.

She sniffed, glaring at the piggybank on her laps. Her money for the concert is finally complete only for the ticket to get sold out. There’s no how she would attend the concert anymore, something she’s been fantasizing about for months.

“He might host another concert this year though” Layla said, shrugging.
“It’s this one I want to attend, his other concerts for the year might be in other countries. Which money do I have to be flying to another country for concert” Amina sniffed again.

“Aunty Amina, mummy said you should come and take Kunu for you and your friends” Amina’s brother said.
“Better get out from here. Kunu koh Kunu ni” Amina hissed.
“See mouth.” Dammy batted her eyelids at Amina before turning to her brother. “Habeeb, don’t mind her jare. Bring the Kunu for us, she’s the one that doesn’t want. Don’t bring her own”

“Okay” Habeeb hurried away.

“I swear this thing is paining me,” Amina frowned. “I can even throw this kolo (piggybank) away sef with all the money inside!”
“Bring it, lemme help you and throw it away, I know the perfect place to throw it o” Dammy said and laughed when Amina rolled her eyes at her.

“Wait o, why are you people not consoling her. You all know how much this concert meant to her, abi” Dammy sighed, a brow raised.

“Dan, should I?” Emeka asked, almost grinning.
Dan smiled and nodded.

“Well, Dan got a VIP ticket for all of us for the concert. He got it since last week” Emeka announced, staring at Amina.

“Ehn! Is a lie” Dammy’s eyes widened.
“Of course it’s a lie. Emeka that like whyning somebody. I’m not in the mood for your play this afternoon o” Amina frowned, tapping the piggybank on her laps.

Layla laughed, bringing out the tickets.
Amina was yet to see it as her head was down.
“What na!” She half yelled when Dammy tapped her a little too hard, her eyes not leaving the tickets in Layla’s hands.
Amina tried not to scream after tracing Dammy’s gaze, she got on her feet immediately, not caring to pick her piggybank.

“Jesus! I swear it’s true. Amina, the tickets are real!” Dammy said.
Amina’s blinked and her face lit up, this time she screamed, jumping into Dan’s arms.
They chuckled.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!”
“C’mon, I felt It won’t be bad if we all have a really nice time together before we leave”

“I can’t believe this! Me? VIP ticket! To my favorite artiste concert! I might even get to touch him! Oh My God, someone slap me please” Amina has her palm over her mouth.
“Get out jhoor!” She rolled her eyes at Dammy who almost slapped her.

“Ahn, what? You said somebody should slap you. What am I here for then?”
“Ode, you should know I was only excited, but really? I have a VIP ticket. Wow! Thank you, Dan!”
“Dan, this is amazing. Thanks so much.” Dammy paused. “No wonder you guys were smiling. Ah” She shook her head.

Layla chuckled.

“I’m really grateful but isn’t it too expensive. VIP ticket! For all of us, even if I save my food money for a year, I’m not sure i can afford the VIP ticket for myself alone not to talk of five people” Amina said.
“It’s cool. Not expensive at all” Dan smiled.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, just forget about that. Let’s discuss other things” Dan smiled.

“Habeeb bring my Kunu too o” Amina shouted loudly.


The Balogun market is one long stretch of streets filled with so much noise and many people.

It felt to Dan and Layla like it was another city of its own; The horn of cars, bleating of goats, different loudspeakers booming with different songs.
Mosque and church stood side by side — ‘Allah hu Akbar’ and ‘praise the Lord’ vibrating from each loudspeaker.

There were bells of food sellers. Men, women, children selling different things. Some women were seated under colorful umbrellas, others walked with trays on their heads.

People looked like millions of tiny ants, moving along a path.

The buildings to their right and left were covered with cloth items hanging from the window.
There were sign boards for churches and mosques, and herb medicines and many other advertisements.

Amina was trying to say something to them but a loud speaker from above is swallowing her words with an announcement neither Dan or Layla could understand until it was announced in pidgin; it’s about a strong herb medicine to cure manhood problem.
They exchanged glances and laughed.

They continued following Amina’s lead, going slowly and pressing into different people, perceiving different odors.

“Oyinbo, follow me. I get original jeans, e no dey fade!” Layla snatched her hand from the man.

They walked by different stalls, drivers cussed at one another and the horns from the vehicles was almost deafening.

“It’s so crazy here” Dan shouted so Layla could hear him over the noise.
“Yeah, but I love it!” she shouted back, smiling. This experience is like none other, she found it greatly fascinating.
“Same here!” Dan shouted back.

Fel and Rylan had asked them to get Ankara fabrics for them as well after seeing the picture of the ones Aunt Esther sew for them.
It suited them really well and has become their church outfit.

They also needed to get other stuff for everyone as they would be leaving the country soon.

Amina and Dammy also needed to get some beautiful wears for the concert. Emeka tagged along not sure if he was going to get anything or not.

They turned into a street and the crowd wasn’t as much.
Layla felt like she could finally breath. The street is filled with people selling clothe fabrics, colorful beads, bags, t-shirts…

“We have everything you want, which one should I bring?” A man asked Dammy with a smile spreading across his face.
“I no dey buy!” She yelled after he almost started pulling her.

“Alhaja, you no buy designer t-shirt, e go fit you well well” Another man said, smiling as he spread a t-shirt in front of Amina’s face.
She walked past him and finally, turned into a stall with a wall of colorful folded Ankara fabrics neatly arranged from the ceiling to the floor.

“Good afternoon èyin okomi (my darlings), what do you want to help us and buy. We have New Satin, ABC Wax, Woodin, and so many others. Anyone you want is here” The woman said, smiling at them.

“Oya, Dan, you guys should check around, you’ll surely see the ones you like here” Amina said.
“I’ll leave it to Layla” Dan said, sitting beside Emeka on the bench the woman pulled out for them.
He was on his feet in seconds after Layla called him to check out a fabric.

“Isn’t it stunning?” Her eyes lit up.
“Exactly, even more than ours. Should we go for this?”
“We definitely should. They would love this”

“See this one, latest” The woman pulled out a folded brown and pink patterned Ankara fabric, patted it before pressing it into Layla’s hands.
“It’s original o, wash and wash, it will not change color”

“I think we already saw the one we like” Dan said.
They showed it to the woman and told her the number of yards they want.

“For you people, I will sell ten yards eleven thousand, sit down, lemme pack it inside nylon for you” The woman smiled.

“Ah, mummy. Eleven thousand is too much o. sell it for us for five thousand” Amina got to her feet.
“Seven thousand last price” The woman said, frowning as she packed it into the nylon.
“Let’s take it five thousand five hundred” Amina said.
“This Ankara is original, I can’t sell it for that price”

“Mummy, we’re your children o, if you sell it for us for that price, we’ll surely come back another day and buy more from you. We came very far under this hot sun, collect five- five from us” Amina haggled.

The woman sigh, “Put five hundred. I’m just selling it for you like that ni o, so you can come back another day”

Amina exchanged glances with Dan and Layla and they nodded, smiling.

They went further into the market to buy more things and by the time they were done, their hands were filled with shopping bags.


“This is so nice. Wow” Dan smiled, chewing the fifth piece of skewered pieces of grilled and peppered meat.

“Suya is very sweet o, I wonder why it didn’t even cross our minds to allow you guys eat it since the time you’ve been here.” Amina said.
“I’m glad it finally crossed your mind” Layla said.

“Emeka, let’s go buy more, it’s almost finished” Dan said.
“You guys should sha come back on time for Grandma’s night tale” Dammy said after them.

“My parents are never going to allow me go to a concert overnight, how are we going to do it?” Amina sighed, slowly chewing the piece of suya in her cheek.

“So, you knew they won’t allow you and you went ahead to even save up your food money for it. Ah” Dammy shook her head.
“I thought I was going to use tahajjud to cover up but now they cancelled it. They just ruined someone’s plan” Amina hissed.
“What’s tahajjud?” Dan asked. asked.
“It’s just like night vigil for Muslims, prayer throughout the night”

“Hm, come to think of it. Even if my Mum allows me, my Dad is never going to o” Emeka’s eyebrows pulled together.
“It would be a struggle making Aunt Esther allow us spend the night in a place she’s not able to watch over us” Layla sighed softly, wondering why they never even thought about it.

“Seems I’m the only free one” Dammy said.

“How about we just tell them and persuade them to allow us go” Dan suggested.
“Hm” Amina chuckled. “That’s never going to work for my parents, even if I crawl on my knees and beg them for hours, they’ll never allow me”
“Same here o, it’ll even make things worse. They’ll start monitoring my every movement” Emeka shook his head.

“Let’s think, what can we do? The concert is in less than a week’s time” Layla said.

“I think I might have a plan” Amina pressed her lips together and they switched their gazes to her.

“How about we tell them we want to spend the night with Dammy, that she’s been scared to sleep alone since her uncle got arrested? My parents are definitely not going to deny me that”

“Is that going to work? How come she hasn’t been scared to sleep alone until that night? It’s even going to make my Dad suspicious” Emeka said.

“We can just say she’s been having nightmares” Layla said.

“Or we all want to pray together overnight for her scholarship?” Amina shut one of her eyes.

“Grandma have want to start the story o” David came to inform them before scurrying away.

“Let’s continue tomorrow, I’m sure we will come up with a perfect plan” Dan said.

“Why are you carrying the remaining suya ehn!” Dammy slapped Emeka at the back of his neck.
“Yeh!” He rubbed the spot with a frown on his face.

“Calm down na, do you want to wound him ni,” Amina said. “You too, where are you carrying the remaining suya to?”
“So, we can eat it while listening to the tale na” Emeka cleared his throat.
“Lie lie! Why were you na putting it inside your pocket?” Dammy batted her eyelid at him before snatching the nylon from his hand.

“So it won’t get cold before we get to the backyard na” Emeka mumbled, not meeting their gaze.
They chuckled.

“Amina, your boyfriend is a thief! He thought we’ve forgotten that suya is still remaining. See his face” Dammy threw one suya into her mouth.
“You sef you like food, out of everybody here, you’re the only one that remember that suya is still remaining. Sha lemme take one”
“I knew you would support him, comman take it, lemme see you”
“You people should tell Dammy o, gimme suya na! Is it your own!” Amina frowned.

Emeka cleared his throat and before anyone could blink, he was running off with the nylon of suya he just snatched from Dammy.

They ran after him, shouting and started laughing at some point.


“I hope I’m still able to find the meals in Las Vegas as enjoyable as the ones I’ve had here” Dan said to Layla as they had bean fritters and pap for breakfast.

Layla nodded, wearing a smile, trying hard to make no one notice how unhappy she is. These past few days, she’s been experiencing the symptoms more frequently and her hair is starting to fall off even without her touching it. She sweats so much even when the fan is on full blast and the sudden fatigue is now recurrent. The stretchmarks are starting to spread to her abdomen and she gets unnecessarily nervous.

“What I enjoy most with pap is Akara” Mr. Femi said.
“Exactly, nothing beats this” Dan picked another ball of bean fritters.
“I think I still prefer Ewa Agoyin (soft mashed beans and stew) with it though” Aunt Esther said.
“I like Ewa Agoyin as well but I prefer Akara with pap. Layla, what do you prefer with yours?” Dan asked.

“Huh?” Layla asked, hoping she didn’t look as lost as she felt.

“What do you prefer to have with pap?” Dan repeated.
“Oh, definitely Akara!” She smiled and Dan who noticed the strain in her smile asked if anything was wrong.

“Nothing, absolutely nothing. I’m fine” She said.
“Are you fine? You’re even looking sick. Abi you’re starting to miss everyone over there?” Mr. Femi smiled.
“I noticed she seems withdrawn sef, are you okay? Should we go to the hospital? How are you feeling?” Aunt Esther asked.
“C’mon,” Layla chuckled. “There’s nothing”
“Are you sure?” Dan asked.
“Of course, let’s eat fast, I can’t wait to visit your new house”

They were going to be visiting Aunt Esther and her husband’s new house in Ikoyi today and they would visit her father’s grave also.

Dan decided to let it go, thinking Layla was being that way because they’ll be visiting her father’s grave. He rubbed her hand and she smiled at him, her throat tightening with tears.


“I just hope your nose doesn’t bleed” Dammy said to Amina, who sniffed Kizz Daniel’s leather jacket for the umpteenth time.
She hadn’t let it out of her grip since she caught it at the concert last night, even while they slept in the hotel room, she held it close to her.

They were returning home in a cab at dawn, just so no one would suspect they were out during the night.

“He even touched my hand, I can’t believe this! My dream came through at last” Amina grinned. “He looked even more cute in person; my baby performed right in front of me. I even got his jacket; I’ll keep this till I die. Thanks, so much Dan, you and God made this possible for me” Amina’s face has refused to stop glowing since last night.
“Sha don’t start crying again” Dammy said. “Davido even came, I can’t believe I got to see him just like that. A dream come true. Wow” Dammy smiled.

“I greatly enjoyed their performance, I would definitely start attending more concerts from now” Dan nodded.
“It was mad fun, damn” Layla grinned. They had the greatest fun at the concert last night. It was the first concert she’s ever attended and she wasn’t disappointed. Even though her body now ached and her throat sore. She wondered how much Amina’s throat must be hurting when her own throat hurt this much.

Amina had almost screamed out her lungs when he appeared on the stage, they thought her lungs were going to fall out of her throat with how deafening her scream was when he touched her.

“You need to apply something on this your cheek o” Emeka said, worried as he examined Amina’s cheek.
Another crazy fan had scratched her on the cheek while they struggled for the jacket.
“Yeah, you should” Dan nodded.
“I will, all that matters to me is that I’m the one that finally got the jacket. Even if they scratched me all over the face, this jacket is worth it”
“I hope we’ll finally rest with hearing Kizz Daniel every time. Ah” Dammy sighed.
“My own problem is; Amina might start wearing this jacket everywhere she goes. God help us if she doesn’t even wear it to the toilet” Emeka said and they laughed.

They alighted from the cab and started walking home.

“Thank God! no one is outside” Emeka breathed in relief.
“Let’s quickly run inside before anyone sees us o” Dammy said.
“How are we sure there’s no one in the passage, let’s use style and check first abeg” Amina said.
“Who would be in the passage at this hour, we will just be wasting our time here, let’s go inside fast” Dammy said and they ran into the compound and then the passageway.

They almost screamed, and wished they could run back after colliding with Amina and Emeka’s Mum with Aunt Esther seated in the passageway and looking like they were waiting for them.

“Amina, where’s your hijab!” Her mother shouted.


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2 years ago

Next episode pls 😩🙏

2 years ago

Pls drop the next episode already 🥺

2 years ago

What’s happening
Since three days, her last wish has not dropped.
Skipping the upload of the stories is making it boring.

Please Author Zee and Opra, work on the regular upload of the story. It’s almost two months

2 years ago
Reply to  Ganiyat

I just tire 🥺

2 years ago
Reply to  Ganiyat

Where were you Guyz when we kept posting daily , sometimes double post without you dropping a single comment.In a day I could post like 6episodes..you didn’t tell us how Instresting the stories was but now you are telling us how boring it will be if we don’t post.. Anyway you guyz should try and appreciate when you see a good work..it’s not easy.. Thank you

2 years ago
Reply to  OpraDre

We love your hardwork. Thank you Opra 🙏