HER LAST WISH Episode 73 – 75 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 73 by Azeemah Salami

“You didn’t tell us Dammy was going through that much” Layla said.
“We. . . Couldn’t” Amina sigh.
“I don’t even know how I would have said that without feeling ashamed,” Emeka said. “Our friend is going through that much and we can’t even help, we can’t do a thing!”
“Seeing Dammy everyday breaks my heart,” Amina swallowed “It’s just crazy how she isn’t even helping matters, she’s not giving anyone the chance to help her and it’s just so painful, sometimes I just can’t help but get really angry at her” Amina’s voice broke.

“Dammy wouldn’t talk to us, even when her uncle isn’t home. Replying our greetings sometimes seems to takes up all the strength in her” Emeka said.
“Even at school, she wouldn’t say anything. Although she has stopped going to school, he made her stop and I think that’s wickedness because it’s not even like he can’t afford her school bills anymore, he’s not the one handling her school bills, the school sorts it, she’s on scholarship; being the most intelligent student in the school, she emerges the best every term. If only he didn’t stop her from going to school, Dammy will definitely be among the students shortlisted for scholarship in any higher institution of their choice” Amina said sadly.
“Gosh” Layla sigh, infuriated.
“That’s sad. But why do you think she’s refusing anyone’s help?” Dan furrowed.
“We don’t know, she won’t say anything, she won’t even talk to us.” Amina wiped her tears.
“It’s okay” Emeka patted her back.

“You guys are more familiar with this place. What do you think we can do to help, we really need to help her” Dan said.
“Yeah, this can’t keep going on. You could see it in her eyes that she needs help”
“She wants to be free of that man, she wants her friends back, you could even see it in the way she was peeping that day”

Layla got to her feet to attend to a customer and then return to her friends to resume the conversation.
They’ve been getting interrupted constantly as they were in the shop, they didn’t make Aunt Esther come to the shop today after realizing they’ve gotten the hang of sales. They had decided on their own to help her in the shop during their stay here.
A name and price tag are on each product, to make things easier for them.

“After the older ones pulled out of Dammy’s issue. We also tried everything in our power. . . Well, I wouldn’t say everything in our power but we tried in our little ways. . .” Amina almost smiled, thinking back to the silly things they did to Dammy’s uncle.
She and Emeka had once intentionally placed a banana peel on the floor so Dammy’s uncle could step on it and slip which to their greatest satisfaction; he did.
They would also hide somewhere and throw stones at him. They do get away with it until he caught them and it wasn’t a funny scenario.
He rained all sort of curses on them, threatened their parents to warn them to stop or he’s going to make sure they weep over them.

Their parents had strongly warned them not to interfere again and Emeka’s dad had even threatened to punish him thoroughly if he ever receives such complaint from Dammy’s uncle again.
It also seemed he made Dammy bear the brunt of what they did so they had to stop.
He’s so lucky to have caught them, their next plan had been to flog him terribly, wearing masks.

“What are we going to do?” Dan asked.
“I think we should talk to Dammy first” Layla said.
Amina sigh “That’s only when that unfortunate being who’s her uncle is not at home. Dammy wouldn’t say a word to you if he’s home and I bet you won’t also like to say anything to her except you want her to get punished. . .”
“And the most annoying part, he doesn’t go out often, he owns a shop with multiple workers so he goes to work whenever he wishes. He might not even go to shop in a week and the worst thing is his shop is just a street away, he does not have a closing time, he appears anytime like the He-goat he is” Emeka hissed and they chuckle.

“That’s a tough one” Dan sigh.
“Exactly” Layla agreed.
“Hm, and even if you try to approach Dammy, it’s not likely she tells you anything. Amina and I tried severally. In fact, I can’t even count the number of times we tried. She didn’t open up to we, her bestfriends, it’ll be quite hard for you guys to get her to open up”
“And that’s the only thing that will help; her speaking up” Layla said.
“What do we do then?” Amina asked.

“It shouldn’t be a hard thing to do if we do it together. I guess the more people who come together, the better” Dan said.
Layla nodded “Yeah, as long as we are all ready and willing to help”
“I’ve never been more ready” Amina said.
“We should thank you guys for refilling our hope, I don’t care if my Dad punishes me. I’m going to help Dammy.”
“Your Dad is going to punish you?” Layla raised her brow.
“Yeah, if he ever receives any complain from Dammy’s uncle. He once caught us throwing stones at him so he went to report to our parents.”
“I kind of regret the stones were small ones, we should have gone for bigger ones that would smash his skull. Wicked man” Amina hissed.
“Wow” Dan and Layla chuckled.

“My mummy said you people should lock the shop and comman eat” David said, walking into the shop.
“Dave” Layla kissed him all over the face and he giggled.
Not seeing his face for the past few hours made her kind of miss him.
“When did you wake up?” She asked.
“Not too long. My mummy was making lunch when I woke up so I helped her”
“Good,” Dan smiled “How about a piggyback ride into the house?”
“Yaaaaay!” He squealed happily and they chuckled with the speed he hopped on Dan’s back.

Dan smiled, remembering Anne. He missed his sister so much even if they speak over the phone every day.


“No o, you people should stay inside and rest. I can’t keep making you go to the shop, that’s not what you guys came here for” Aunt Esther said.
Dan and Layla wanted to help her stay in the shop today like they’ve done for the past two days but Aunt Esther isn’t having it.
“But we want to” Layla said.
“We like staying in your shop, I personally love selling to people” Dan added.
“Even at that, it doesn’t sit well with me.”
“Aren’t we like a family to you? Why shouldn’t it sit well with you that we’re helping you?” Layla asked.

“It’s not like that. . . It just feels like. . . I’m making you guys work too much. You didn’t come all the way from Vegas to stay in the shop every day, you came to have fun, not work. Just stay in the house, at least for today and look forward to our trip to the beach on Saturday. I’ll handle everything in the shop”
“We can as well look forward to the beach trip in the shop. Besides, we didn’t really come here with the aim of having fun. Having real fun in Nigeria is officially going to happen when we come here with Fel and Rylan. Selling to people doesn’t seem like too much work to us, we love it and it’s not like you’re forcing us, we’re doing this willingly” Dan said.

“One of the reasons I came here is to reduce your workload, I can’t watch you stress about while I just sit and definitely not in your condition. Just allow us help while we are here, please”
“You’re not allowed to do anything at least not on our watch, right Layla?”
“Exactly, now sit. You’re lucky the power is restored. Watch some movies and chill. You can come out for fresh air when NEPA decides to do their thing” Layla smiled, pulling Dan’s hand “Let’s go”
They quickly walked out after grabbing the shop key on the table, not waiting for Aunt Esther’s reply.


“Hi” Damilola looked nervous as she walked into Aunt Esther’s shop.

The surprise on everyone’s face was just so obvious. They were just planning how to approach her when her uncle isn’t home and then she suddenly appeared.

“You. . . Want to get something?” Layla asked, being the first person to recover from the surprise.
Well. . . Dammy has never actually said hi whenever she comes to buy something and she doesn’t even walk into the shop, she stays by the door.

“No,” She responded, looking down at her feet “I. . . Came to spend some time with you guys”
The look of surprise on their faces intensified and all they did was stare at her in disbelief. Amina and Emeka seemed the most surprised.
“I’m sorry I’ve not been responding to your greetings, I. . . It’s. . .” Damilola stammered.
“Your uncle” Dan said.
“No” Damilola lied, staring at Emeka and Amina.
“You actually do not have to lie, it’s pretty obvious your uncle doesn’t want you associating with anyone. Besides, Amina and Emeka didn’t tell us anything at first until we asked them”
“Can we not. . . mention that please?” Her eyes looked to be pleading.

“Oh, Of course, we’re sorry to have in the first place” Layla quickly said. It’s obviously talking about her uncle makes her seem uncomfortable.
“It’s fine. I was bored inside so I came here. . .You guys have been here for days now and to be honest I’ve been wanting to get to know you more. I want to be. . .your friend just like Amina and Emeka is,” She smiled meekly. and they smiled back at her.
“We want the same also” Layla said and Dan nodded.

“I know you know my name already but I should still introduce myself. I’m Damilola and it’s really nice to meet you both”
“Layla. I’m glad to finally get to talk to you”
“Same here Dammy. I’m Dan”
“Both our names start from ‘D’ No wonder I like you” Damilola chuckled.
Amina and Emeka glanced at each other; Dammy is still as playful.
“That makes us the D’s! We need to shake hands to solidify that” Dan joked and they both chuckle as they shook hands.

It’s quite surprising to Damilola they are this humble. Well, she’s never lived in the same house with white people so she doesn’t know what to expect of them… but to be honest, they really beat her expectations. Almost every one speaks about them in a very good way and the one thing that really did it for her was her friends; Amina and Emeka wouldn’t get along or spend so much time with people whose behavior sucks. At least, she knows her friends that well.

“Your uncle is not home?” Amina asked slowly, her first utterance since Damilola walked into the shop.
Damilola nodded, glancing from Amina to Emeka, her heart aching. She misses her best friends so much that it made her heart hurt, seeing them every day without being able to talk to them feels like hell and ignoring their greetings feels even worse.

Damilola who had been trying not to cry couldn’t help but burst into tears when Amina suddenly hugged her tightly, crying loudly. Emeka joined in the hug, patting their backs slowly.

Dan and Layla felt quite touched as they watched them.


There was a bout of laughter when Dan and Layla tried to pronounce Tuwo Shinkafa.

They were having fun discussing Nigeria meals after Damilola’s touching reconnection with her friends.
Dan and Layla getting up at interval to attend to customers didn’t even disrupt the fun they were having.

“Palm oil rice still remains the best Nigeria meal I’ve ever tasted. I love it so much” Dan said.
“I’m still struggling to choose between Palm oil rice and Amala, I’m so torn” Layla groan.

“I’m Igbo but Amala is one of my few favorite Yoruba meals.”
“It must have been a struggle for you guys, eating it for the first time” Damilola said to Dan and Layla. One of her first few utterances since she reconnected with her friends.

Dan and Layla couldn’t tell if Damilola is naturally a quiet person or she’s being that way because of what she’s going through. She looks so absorbed in her own thoughts and it’s so hard to read her with her facial expression.
They had tried to talk to her about her uncle but she didn’t want them mentioning it so they had to stop. At least, for now.

“A great struggle! The first time we had it, our hands looked all messy and we had to opt for spoon. We finally got the hang of it after several attempts” Layla said.
“David was actually right when he said his mum’s Amala would make one lick one’s plate” Dan smiled.
“Exactly! We didn’t though, we just almost did” Layla said and they chuckled.

“Mummy Dave was actually the first person I ate Amala from and it tasted really great.” Amina said.
“Most of the Yoruba meals I’ve eaten in my life, I ate it first from David’s Mum and she actually made me love it. She’s just a great cook” Emeka said.
“Exactly, She cooks so well” Amina nodded.

“I think you guys need to have a taste of other tribes’ meals. We’re going to prepare Tuwo Shinkafa tomorrow, if you don’t mind, I’m going to bring it for you” Amina smiled.
“Once my Mum also makes a very good native soup filled with assortment, I’m going to bring it for you guys. You are going to love it. Everyone knows Igbo people has the most delicious soups” Emeka smiled, indirectly teasing Amina and Damilola.
“Be whyning yourself.” Damilola said.
“Leave him o, always bragging about their meals. We know you guys have variety of soups.” Amina rolled her eyes playfully.
“Not just variety but the most delicious” Emeka grinned.
“We have heard o! Igbo guy,” Amina said, “Shut up already!” She started hitting him playfully when she saw he’s about to go on and on.
He laughed “Just joking though, every tribe has delicious meals. Meals they love and enjoy eating”

Damilola badly wished she could also give Dan and Layla something, although she knows they probably do not mind if she doesn’t but it made her feel quite bad.

“Dammy, I hope your uncle isn’t going to come back anytime soon?” Amina asked worriedly. She knows what could happen if Dammy’s uncle meets her here.
“No, he’s going to be back by evening. He got a huge contract so he has to watch over his workers properly. I’m free to be with you guys from morning till afternoon at least for a week” Damilola smiled.
“Yaaay!!” Amina hugged her happily.
“At least you’ll get to spend time with us for a week before the bald he-goat starts smelling everywhere again” Emeka hissed.

They laugh and Damilola couldn’t help but join in.

A pain sharper than a rapier suddenly seared through Layla’s chest. She gasped but the ongoing laughter didn’t make her friends hear her.
It took every ounce of willpower not to cry out at the agony the pain caused.

“I’ll be back” She quickly got to her feet amidst the pain she was feeling and walked out of the shop not waiting to see if they heard her or not.

Her legs felt so weary by the time she got to the door, sudden fatigue enveloping her.
She dragged her seemingly heavy legs into the apartment and has never been more glad to see her Aunt doze off on the couch.
She held things for support as she slowly walked into the room.
After finally succeeding in getting on the bed, breathing fast and heavily like she just finished a race.
She tried to steady her disarray mind so she could think but her mind wasn’t occupying a thought, it went blank.

Her eyes closed slowly and she fell into a deep sleep.


HER LAST WISH Episode 74 by Azeemah Salami

“We need to be fast in helping Damilola” Layla said to Dan who could detect the urgency in her voice.
She woke up after dinner is ready to the surprise of everyone.
Dan and others didn’t know she was coming in to sleep earlier.
She only told them she’ll be back. They had come check on her when they realized it was taking too long for her to come out and then discovered she was sleeping.

“I know you really want to help Dammy, but didn’t we already decide to give her more time before saying anything to her, why do you sound so urgent all of a sudden?”
“We might be leaving soon, you know you got a Tourist Visa, your stay here is limited”
“Yeah, I know. But I feel we should give Dammy some time, she needs to feel completely free with us before she’s able to open up. Let’s at least give her that much time.”
“Fine” Layla nodded.

“Are you okay Layla?”
“I’m fine”
“It was so surprising to see you sleep so suddenly and for that long”
“Right, I. . . suddenly felt so exhausted, I only intended to rest for a while on the bed, I didn’t know I would sleep off”
“Exhausted? Did you do anything strenuous?”
“I didn’t, perhaps the stress of the flight is still telling on me” Layla said and that even sounded dumb to her own ears. They arrived almost a week ago, how could the flight still be telling on her and it wasn’t like they had gone through any extravagant stress during the flight.

“Oh,” Dan sigh, obviously not believing her. “Do you still feel exhausted now?”
“Nah, that long ass sleep made me feel better. I feel great now” She smiled.
“Layla, are you sure you are okay?” Dan asked, his concern so obvious in his eyes…
“Dan, C’mon. Stop worrying. And I’m sorry to have left you all alone in the shop”
“Amina, Emeka and Dammy were with me all through and even David joined us. We locked up together. But are you really fine?”
“Yeah, and Isn’t that stew I’m perceiving.” She closed her eyes, savoring the aroma of the stew her Aunt just prepared “Damn, let’s go eat”


“Iffa hear! Wizkid still remains the best Nigerian Artiste” Emeka continued arguing with Damilola and Amina.
“If you don’t shut up there, Davido remains the best of all time. It’s hard not to vibe to his songs, you won’t even know when you’ll start vibing to it sef” Damilola countered.
“Everyone knows the main reason you like Davido is because his name starts from ‘D’ ” Emeka said and they laugh.
Damilola hit him playfully.

It’s two days later, and they were seated on the long bench outside the compound.
Dan and Layla had joined Amina and Emeka after they returned from the beach where they really had a great time. Damilola joined them on the bench just some minutes ago.
Aunt Esther had told them not to open up the shop today for the rest of the day.

“I don’t even know why Wizkid and Davido comes first whenever people argue about great Nigerian artistes. Kizz Daniel is even lyrically better than these two. It’s just so sad he’s underrated” Amina said.
“Don’t even go there, if his music is better than Wizkid’s own, he won’t be underrated, you’re speaking out of the love you have for him, everyone knows you’re crazy about Kizz Daniel” Emeka said.
“Kizz Daniel’s crush” Dammy laughed.

“I’m not speaking that way because he’s my celebrity crush. Fine, I like him but his songs are just the best I’ve listened to. I’m being impartial here, believe me”
“Hm, I still think it’s because you’re crazy about him sha” Emeka said.
“I’m not crazy about him” Amina defended.
“Yet you starve yourself so you can save up your food money and buy a ticket to his upcoming concert.” Emeka sigh.
“She even has him as her screen saver, both lock screen and home screen. His pictures sef are even more than her own on her phone. God when” Damilola teased and Amina playfully rolled her eyes at her.
“Oh, that guy is Kizz Daniel” Layla smiled. She sees the picture of a guy on Amina’s phone screen.
“Yes o, that’s Amina’s one-sided boyfriend o” Damilola said.

“Well. . . I’m happy to be saving up for his concert, you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to attend his concert eh”
“You’ll finally get to see him, I’m happy for you o seriously” Damilola smiled.
“I hope you get to see him clearly though, those at the VIP and VVIP section has a bigger chance of seeing him or even touching him” Emeka said, he really wished he has the money so he could get a VIP ticket for Amina, it’s really going to make her happy but even if he saves up his food money for a year, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to afford the VIP ticket.
“Right, but being at the regular section is still better than nothing. I’m really excited about it” Amina grinned happily.

“I would love to listen to the songs of those artistes’ you guys mentioned” Dan said.
“Same here” Layla nodded.
“I have an idea! How about we let Dan and Layla listen to their songs and say which one they think is best. At least they’re not familiar with the artistes, it’ll make them give unbiased judgement” Emeka said
“I second that” Damilola nodded.
“Same” Amina agreed.

“I’m honored to be a judge. I promise to be unbiased in my judgement and say things exactly as they are” Layla made a courtesy bow and they chuckle.
“Let’s take a picture guys” She suggested.

“How come we never even thought to take a picture” Emeka said.
“It honestly didn’t even cross my mind. Me that I even love pictures before” Amina said.
“Everyone come together” Dan smiled, prepping his phone camera.
“See how you shoot your mouth outside, who do you want to kiss here” Amina teased Damilola, getting ready to run.

They both laughed as they run around the compound, going in circles, one person trying to get hold of the other and the other person trying not to get caught.
Damilola caught up with her finally “This your mouth that doesn’t stay one place ehn” She lightly slapped Amina’s mouth who wouldn’t even stop laughing.
“Shooting mouth in every picture like Elizabeth, you are kuku her best friend. Best friends for life” Amina said in between her laughter.
“Stupid geh” Damilola continued slapping her mouth, laughing hard.

Emeka smiled as he watched them, it felt like old times, he’s really glad to have Dammy back.


“Wow, these pictures are pretty. I’m posting them immediately!” Amina smiled, scrolling through the pictures they just took.
“I trust you, sha send it to me after collecting it from Dan” Emeka said.
“iPhone is just the best for taking pictures, look how flawless we look, wow” Dammy seemed in love with the pictures, she wished she own a phone so she can have the pictures sent to her also and just stare at it anytime she wishes. At least it’ll make her happy whenever her uncle decides to make her sad.

“Dammy, I’m just realizing we do not have your contact. Here” Layla stretched her phone to Dammy.
“That’s true! how could it even have skipped our mind” Dan said.
“Ah, me I don’t have phone o. But don’t worry, once I get a phone. Even if it’s after you people go back. I’ll get your contacts from either Amina or Emeka and make sure to contact you guys” Damilola smiled.
“Why don’t you own a phone?” Dan asked.
“Nothing” Damilola shrugged.

“Dammy isn’t this the time your uncle comes back home?” Amina asked.
“Yeah, l’m about going inside sef, he’ll be back soon” Dammy slowly got to her feet.
“Bye guys, see you tomorrow” She smiled.
“Bye Dammy”

“How long is she going to do this for?” Layla asked no one in particular.
“We need to talk to her about it tomorrow, this can’t keep going on” Dan said.
“I just hope she opens up this time” Amina sigh.
“Ah, the bald he-goat is here already, thank God she already went inside” Emeka said.

Dammy’s uncle walked past them, his face wrinkled together in a frown as always.


“Dammy! Your uncle. . . He’s coming!” Layla said breathing heavily as she rushed into the shop.
Damilola dashed out of Aunt Esther’s shop without wasting a second.

Dan made Layla sit and then gave her chilled water to drink.
She sigh deeply, finally getting a hold of herself.

Amina walked into the shop with the fried fish they went to buy. They had planned to have garri and fried fish for lunch and they both went to get it nearby when they sighted Dammy’s uncle approach.
Amina had stayed behind to buy the fish while Layla ran back to the shop.
It was so unexpected, because for the past few days now he only arrives home in the evening, today’s afternoon is an exception.

“Thank God Layla saw him o, or else! Because me I was so occupied with selecting the best fishes” Amina said, sitting beside Layla. “Sorry, you must have run so fast”
“I’m fine now” Layla said.
“I wonder what he’s even doing at home by this time” Emeka hissed.
“Stupid man, thank God he did not meet her here” Amina said.
“This is not fair! Why would he want her to always stay indoors all day by herself” Layla said angrily.
“It’s time we talked to her” Dan said.


“He has gone back to the shop. I think he forgot something at home” Damilola smiled, walking into the shop after her uncle left again to the shop.

“How long will you continue doing this?” Layla asked.
“Huh?” Damilola asked, walking closer to them.

Dan got up to attend to a customer.

“Dammy, how long will you keep running for?” Emeka added.
“Why aren’t you speaking out? Why don’t you want your uncle to face the law by testifying that he abuses and maltreats you? This is not fair to you!” Layla said.
“He’s not maltreating me” Damilola said after hesitating for a while.
“Just how long will you continue to cover up for him?” Dan asked, having finished attending to the customer.

“He’s not doing anything to me!” Damilola said, trying to hide the quivering in her voice.
“He is. Dammy, you are always on wears that seem to cover up the whole of your body, just so the scars he created all over your body won’t be exposed. I know you’ve never really liked wears like this. It makes you feel uncomfortable but now it has become what you wear daily. You cover up the whole of your body, even when the heat is almost unbearable. How much more will you endure for that wicked man?” Amina asked, distressed.
“Is there a reason you’re covering up for him? You can talk to us; we are your friends Dammy” Emeka said.

“There’s nothing! He isn’t. . .” She paused, swallowing hard. “Maltreating me.”
“Why are you telling such an obvious lie? Why do you keep insisting he’s doing nothing to you when he is! Why!” Amina seemed exasperated.
“Okay, he does! I know he maltreats me but It’s nothing to me. I do not want to talk about it. I didn’t come here for you guys to say this, it took me a lot to decide to spend time with you against my uncle’s wish. I’m going through so much already, don’t make things harder for me please” Her voice broke.
“Do you enjoy suffering?” Emeka asked.
“It’s a different thing entirely if there aren’t people to help you. You’re lucky enough to have people who are willing to put an end to the torture your uncle is making you go through, why aren’t you giving us the chance?” Layla asked.

“Is he threatening you? Did he say he’ll do anything harmful to you if you ever talk?” Dan asked.
“Like he’s not doing harmful things to her already” Amina said.
“You need to open up to us Dammy” Layla added.

“You guys just stop already!” Damilola half yelled, looking quite upset. “If you want to keep going on about this, I should just leave”
She walked out of the shop, tears blinding her eyes.

“I told you guys she isn’t going to open up, we need to look for other ways” Emeka said.
“There are no other ways except she opens up, she needs to testify against him or the police or even other forces won’t take any action” Amina sigh.
“We need to keep trying” Dan said.
“Whatever it takes, we should try our best to free her from his shackles” Layla said determinedly.


“Don’t fucking come back to Las Vegas if you already got new friends!!!” Rylan screamed at Dan and Layla over the phone.
He and Fel just saw the pictures Dan uploaded.
“Geez!” They blocked their ears and just when they thought it was over. Fel’s scream also came in, almost deafening.
“You better bring them along with you to Vegas!! Because we are never going to speak to you guys again!!”

Dan and Layla glanced at each other and started laughing.


HER LAST WISH Episode 75 by Azeemah Salami

“I loved speaking with your friends, they are so lovely and funny” Amina smiled.
“Felia seemed like a really feisty person” Emeka smiled.
“Is that how often they quarrel? I can’t even count the number of times they quarreled over the video call” Damilola laughed.

They had made Amina and Emeka come over to talk to Fel and Rylan just some minutes after they arrived from the church.
They hadn’t call Dammy at first because they thought her uncle would be home but Amina had said she saw him go out so they had quickly summoned her.
Even though she had walked away upset yesterday, she was all smiles when she came over and apologized for walking out, they had all apologized for upsetting her as well.

“Yeah, they get on each other’s nerves often” Layla smiled. She missed her best friends so much, and she’s really yearning to see them.
“If only your battery didn’t get low, we’ll still be talking to them by now o. These NEPA people sef” Dammy hissed.
“My own phone is even dead completely, imagine; no light since yesterday, someone just slept inside heat” Amina sigh.
“Asin eh,” Emeka added. “Dammy, shouldn’t you go back inside now, shebi you said your uncle didn’t go far” Emeka said.
“Ah, lemme be going. See y’all tomorrow.” Damilola hurried out of Aunt Esther’s apartment.

“How was church today? It must be so different from what you’re used to” Emeka smiled.
“Quite different but it was cool” Layla said.
They didn’t attend church last Sunday because it was the second day they arrived and they were still quite tired and new to everything.

“Guys, later. I need to run an errand” Amina said.
“I should go too. See ya”

Layla proceeded to the kitchen to assist her Aunt in finishing the preparation of Sunday meal.


“I hope you’re hearing from Phil and Aria” Aunt Esther said to Layla as they had lunch.
“Yeah, Phil called me this morning and Aria; yesterday. Phil actually calls me every day” Layla smiled. She missed Phil so much.

“We call each other almost every day as well” Aunt Esther said.
“Yeah, you know you guys are mostly at the shop, that’s why you didn’t notice.”
“I once walked in on you both talking over the phone though” Dan said, biting into his fried chicken.
“Oh” Layla said.

“Dan, how’s Anne? It’s two days since we last spoke.” Aunt Esther said.
“She’s good, though missing me as hell.” Dan smiled.
Anne had told him he needed to come back because she’s so bored in the house. Their parents already stopped going to work every day after she whined about being left at home all alone.
They now go to work alternately.

“I bet you must be missing her also” Aunt Esther said.
“So much”

“I like Aunty Anne, she bought cotton candy that’s molded in a Mickey Mouse shape for me” David said and they smiled.
“All these people you guys are mentioning seems nice. It’s really making me want to meet them as well” Mr. Femi said.
“You will not even regret meeting them if you finally do.” Aunt Esther said.
“Before now, I do believe white people are racists but now I can see not all of them are. It’s very bad to judge everyone with the action of others”

“Very bad o, because not everyone thinks the same way, it’s impossible for everyone to have the same behavior just because they live in the same environment” Aunt Esther said.
“Exactly, by the way I’m really enjoying this meal” Layla said.
“Same here, I might be adding a new favorite meal to my collection” Dan smiled.
“I’m glad you guys like it,” Aunt Esther smiled. “We make rice and chicken stew on most Sundays, but I’m going to start making it during weekdays now, since you guys like it”
“We definitely do not mind, this is delicious” Layla said, dishing out another portion for herself.

“Aren’t you guys feeling hot?” Aunt Esther sigh, fanning herself with her hand. There were beaded sweat on her forehead and her husband helped her dab the sweat with his handkerchief. “I should have bought Petrol on my way back from work yesterday but I forgot”
“Not really” Dan replied Aunt Esther. “Maybe it’s because of the direction I’m seated but air is coming in through the window. You should sit here instead” He said, starting to get up.
“No no, sit down jare. It’s fine. We, we are used to the heat. You guys need the air more. Asides the fact that your city is naturally cold, you’re always inside A/C. I wonder how you guys are coping here sef” Aunt Esther said.

“It’s actually not so hard coping here. Although, sometimes the heat is crazy and we’re still learning to adapt to it” Layla said, her mouth full.
“This place is filled with new experiences and it’s been great so far” Dan said.
“Exactly, I love this environment. A lot of amazing people”
“Yeah, never even thought I would make friends here”

“I like that Dammy is now coming around you guys but you guys should be very careful with her uncle. He’s a monster o” Aunt Esther sigh.
“He dare not do anything to them, when they are not frying puff puff on his head. This time, I will beat him until he faints if he touches as much as a strand of hair on their head” Mr. Femi hissed.
Dan and Layla chuckled softly.

“By the way, we have something to tell you guys” Mr. Femi said.
“Oh, really?”
“Yes, Esther will you go ahead?”
“Of course,” She smiled. “So, we wanted to tell you guys that in a month or two months’ time we’ll be moving to our own house in Ikoyi. What we’ve been working hard and spending our money on for years now has finally been completed. My husband even got a car, it’s parked in the house already and we’re working towards me getting a shop around there sha”
“Wow! Congratulations! This is great news!” Layla and Dan happily took turns in hugging Aunt Esther and her husband.
“A very big congratulations to you. This is awesome!” Dan smiled, he felt really happy for them.

“I’m so happy for you honestly. That achievement is definitely not an easy feat” Layla said, holding her Aunt’s hands out of the excitement she was feeling.
“It’s not o, hm, I don’t even want to start thinking about everything we went through but all glory to God. Thanks guys” Aunt Esther smiled.
“Thank you o, when next you guys and your friends come, there’ll even be enough room for everyone. There are five bedrooms in the house” Mr. Femi smiled proudly.

“Wow, really?”
“Yes, I think I have the picture of the house on my phone sef” Aunt Esther said. Picking up her phone.

“Oh my days! This is massive” Dan and Layla exclaimed on seeing the picture.
“If you people see the inside ehn, it’s very fine, there are tiles everywhere” David smiled happily.
“We’re going to take you guys to see the place before you leave”
“We would definitely love to”
“Congratulations Aunt Esther, Mr. Femi. This is a great achievement. I’m really happy for you guys. Wow” Dan hugged them once more.
“Thank you.”

They all proceeded to take a nap after they were done eating.


“You are going to the petrol station” Dan said to Emeka, who walked out with an empty gallon.
He has been sitting outside just some minutes after his nap, reading one of Aunt Esther’s history books.
Layla is still asleep.

“Yeah, it’s not certain those NEPA will bring light today” Emeka frowned.
“Hold on, I’m coming with you. I feel like taking a stroll and Mr. Femi wants to get Petrol, I might as well just come with you with our own gallon”
“Oh really, oya na” Emeka said, he doesn’t mind Dan’s company at all.

Dan headed inside and persuading Aunt Esther and her husband to allow him go wasn’t as easy as he had thought. Layla woke up in the process. Mr. Femi strongly insisting Dan didn’t come here to be going to buy petrol for them, and Dan insisting it honestly didn’t matter to him, he only wanted to use the chance and take a walk with Emeka as he was bored and there’s nothing wrong if he get Petrol alongside.
Layla also had to persuade them to let him go and he was finally allowed to after several minutes of going back and forth.

“I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting” Dan said to Emeka, holding an empty gallon as well.

Amina was now seated outside and Dan wondered why it seemed as though she wasn’t on talking terms with Emeka.
They weren’t talking to each other even though they were both seated on the same bench, each person doing nothing in particular but just looking ahead.
“It’s fine, I also knew they wouldn’t allow you immediately, oya let’s go” Emeka got to his feet. “Are you people not buying Fuel?” He asked flatly.
“We’re not buying Fuel” Amina replied curtly and that confirmed Dan’s suspicion.

“Amina, we’ll be right back” Dan said.
“Alright Dan”


As Dan and Emeka walked from street to street, having random chat and Dan not minding the attention he was getting.
Over the week, he and Layla already got used to the stares, murmurs and few people approaching them.

“See how girls are staring at you. Hm” Emeka smiled.
“You’re being stared at also” Dan said.
“For where? Who would stare at me when someone as good looking as you is beside me.”
“C’mon, you’re good looking as well. I’m probably being stared at because I’m white”
“That’s not true, although it’s part of the reason but the main reason is because you’re good looking”

Dan shrugged.

“Chai, you’re not even bothered or moved by the girls staring at you. You must be so used to it already, tell me, how many girls have you dated? They will have pass twenty o” Emeka teased.
Dan laughed “C’mon. I’ve not even dated up to five girls”
“Really?” Emeka looked surprised.
“Of course. I only date girls I truly like and care for, I won’t date girls I don’t feel anything for just because they like me ”

“Ah, me that I’m not as good looking as you sef, I can’t even count the people I’ve dated in this my life. I was very chronic playboy, it’s Amina that made me stop.” He paused “I don’t think I’ve liked anyone as I like Amina. I’m not so happy though, she’s not talking to me at the moment”
“I suspected that and was contemplating on asking you”
“You should have asked me, we’re friends now, we should be able to ask and tell each other anything” Emeka said.
Dan nodded. “Why isn’t she talking to you?”

By now, they were seeing the petrol station at the end of the road.

“I don’t really know what’s making her not talk to me, I sha know it started after she saw me escort my church member; I didn’t go to church with my family because I was having a serious, headache so one of my church members who’s also a friend asked my Mum why I wasn’t in church and she told her I was down with headache, after service the girl decided to check on me. Amina is probably thinking I lied to my parents about my headache so I could invite her over. Although, I do such things before but not anymore”

Dan sigh “Did you tell her you didn’t invite the girl over?”
“You don’t know Amina, she won’t even allow you explain. Besides, I’m not sure if that’s what is making her behave that way. Before you came out to meet us at the bench, I was asking her if there’s anything wrong and she said I shouldn’t talk to her”
“That must be what is making her pissed, after all you didn’t do any other thing that will warrant that attitude from her”

They walked into the petrol station.

“She shouldn’t be pissed even if I had really invited the girl over, after all she can’t date me because of her parents, she doesn’t expect me to continue waiting in vain. She said she likes me yet she’s not even trying to make our relationship work, it’s not like my parents would fully consent to it as well if they find out but I’m willing to try because I really like her, she’s starting to make me feel she doesn’t like me as she says” He paused. “#1,500” He said to the pump attendant.
“If she doesn’t like you, she won’t probably get upset seeing you with another person”
“I don’t think so jare. I don’t think she likes me and even if she does, the like she has for me is not enough to make her want to put our differences aside”

“I think you both need to talk” Dan said.
“I can’t even count the number of times we’ve talked about it”
“This time, you need to have a real talk, you both need to have an honest conversation that’ll make each of you know your stance.”
“How are we going to have that conversation when she’s not even talking to me”
“You need to make her talk to you”

“Really?” Emeka sigh. “I’ll try”

“Things we do for love” Dan teased and they both laughed.

“Amina, what’s wrong? You don’t look so happy” Layla said, they’ve been seated for minutes now and she could clearly tell something is wrong.
Amina is not her usual energetic self.

“The girl is Igbo, they won’t have a problem dating each other” Amina sigh.
“Huh?” Layla asked, totally confused.

“Ah, I’m sorry about that. I was. . . voicing my thoughts”
“Yes, the thing is. . .” She sigh. “I feel bad for giving Emeka silly attitude just because a girl visited him, I know I can’t date him because of my parents yet I don’t want him to date another person. Isn’t that being selfish?”
“You really like him, that’s the reason you’re being this way. If you like him this much then there’s nothing bad in giving it a try. Emeka likes you enough to put your differences aside. I know you’re bothered about your parents but you really want this, it’s going to make you feel happy then you should go for it. Who knows? Your parents might not even be against it as you think. There’s no harm in trying if you really want something”

Amina looked to be thinking. “I really want this. I think I’m equally ready to put everything else aside. But how do I go about it?”
Layla smiled. “By having a talk with Emeka”
“Ah, I already told him not to talk to me.” Amina looked embarrassed.
Layla laughed. “You’re such a hothead. Well, you are going to get him to talk to you again.”
“He’s here already” Amina sigh.

“We need to talk” Amina and Emeka said to each other at the same time and couldn’t help but laugh at how funny they both sounded.


They exclaimed on seeing the fresh welts on Dammy’s arm.
Her uncle had obviously flogged her again.
Dammy had joined them in the shop after her uncle left for work and they were chatting and being playful when Dammy suddenly shouted after Amina playfully hit her on the arm.

She had quickly tried to dismiss it that it was nothing until Amina who already suspected what it was, suddenly rolled up the sleeve of her cloth.

Dan and Layla still looked quite shaken at the sight.
Amongst the fresh welts were various scars on her arm.

Dammy slowly rolled down the sleeve of her cloth, concealing her arm. “It’s not that painful,” She smiled.
“It’s my fault; I spilled water on the rug”

“Just shut up!” Amina screamed.

“I’ve never beaten an elderly person before in my life but I swear, your uncle will be the first. If I don’t beat him till he bleeds ehn; Lemme know what will happen. Let him just carry his bald head and be coming home fess” Emeka said angrily, flexing his muscles and despite their sour mood, they tried not to laugh.



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