HER LAST WISH Episode 7 – 10 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 7 by Azeemah Salami

“Helpppp” Daniel screamed in pain and everyone rushed to them.

“OMG! You’re a maniac!” The girls screamed at Layla, Chloe’s voice was the loudest and most piercing.
They succeeded in pulling Layla away from Daniel who was still shocked at the incidence.
He nursed the teeth wound on his back as he turned to see who had bit him so hard.

He blinked as he stared at the girl who was looking so furious, he doesn’t even recognize her.
God…is this school full of maniacs?
How could someone just bite him out of the blue!
And it looks like she was ready to hit him more if the girls hadn’t stopped her.
What the fuck.
How could a pretty girl go crazy?

Perhaps she had mistaken him for another person but she wasn’t even looking remorseful..

Was he dreaming?
How can he get bitten that hard,he was still so surprised that he couldn’t say anything.
He had only heard someone scream ‘hot coffee’ and the next thing he knew was getting bitten.

“That’s exactly how Africans like her behave! She’s a black! You shouldn’t have anything to do with her,avoid her by all means” Chloe said and the rest of the girls nodded in agreement.

Huh..could this be the African Anne had told him about.
Wow..she doesn’t even look like one.
He wasn’t even able to detect she was African until he was told.
Her skin was even fairer than most girls here and she’s way more beautiful.
But Anne had told him how gentle she was,what could have prompted her to bite him!

Gosh,till now,she isn’t even looking remorseful.

“What did i do to you?” Daniel finally asked.
“Motherfucker!” Layla yelled before sitting on her seat,still fuming.

Daniel blinked rapidly in confusion, unaware he was setting most of the girls heart on fire.
He was trying hard to understand what was going on,the ‘motherfucker’ sounded familiar to hi..

“Oh my God!” He shouted, widening his eyes.
“The coffee girl!” He exclaimed.
“But your hair..” He trailed off,he hadn’t seen her face clearly but he remembered the way her long hair had flipped.
Did she..trim her hair?
Seems so.

“You’re the coffee girl” He said to Layla who rolled her eyes at him.
Deep down,she was starting to feel bad to have bitten him,she just couldn’t control herself, rushing off after spilling hot coffee on someone’s leg without apologising is not a forgivable offense.
She nursed the pain for days, limped everywhere like an old granny and there’s even this scar there,the scar looks like it would be permanent.

“She’s a maniac! Don’t talk to her” Chloe said to Daniel.
“No, she’s not.” Daniel defended and they stared at him like he was the maniac here.
“I understand why she reacted that way,i offended her greatly. Thanks everyone for caring” Daniel said,indirectly dismissing everyone.
They all gave both Layla and Daniel questioning gazes as they slowly walked back to their seats.
Some started murmuring, whispering into one another’s ear.
Their gazes didn’t leave Layla and Daniel,they waited eagerly to see what’s next.

“I can spare you some balm for your back,it must be hurting so much. Africans teeth sometimes are like axe” Chloe said, sending Layla an irritable look.
“Thank God you know and if you’re not careful,that axe will be used to hack you” Layla said, looking so mean and serious that Chloe stepped back in fear..
“Beast” Chloe muttered under her breath as she hurried to her seat.

Daniel looked surprised…was this the same African Anne had told him about?
Or were they two Africans in the school?
This one looks far from gentle like Anne had said.
It can’t possibly be this African Anne was talking about.
Besides Anne hadn’t mentioned if she was in his class,so he was sure this wasn’t the African.

All that aside,he really needs to apologise to her.
He’s glad he finally met the coffee girl even if the first meeting wasn’t pleasant at all.
Whatever she wants to do to him,he would take it,he deserves it.
He thought of how best to approach her,the look on her face was something else.
Why would someone look this mean? and well..pretty at the same time.

Fuck, his seat was even close to hers and she glared at him as he sat down.

“Look, I’m so sorry about the coffee thing but there’s really an explanation behind it” He said gently to her.
“I don’t want to talk to you, whatever it is,forget it” She said bluntly.
“I know i was so wrong to have gone off without apologising after spilling hot coffee on your leg. I’m so sorry about that…”
“Fine” Layla cut him short and he noticed her attention wasn’t even on him.
She was staring at a guy,who Daniel knew was Dylan.
The guy had walked out of the class right after he had walked in and he had heard the students say Dylan was probably pissed to finally have a competitor.

The guy is good looking and he could see the reason Anne had said it was hard to choose who was more good looking between him and Dylan.
But as far as Daniel was concerned,they were not competitors.
He likes to compete with people in knowledge and not in looks.
Looks absolutely means nothing to him.

He noticed Layla was yet to take her eyes off Dylan,who was busy with another thing entirely.
Oh..seems she’s an admirer.
She looked so mild while staring at him,the sudden softness in her eyes was unbelievable,she didn’t look a bit like the crazy girl who had bit him.

He stared at her while she stared at Dylan.
She’s very pretty and simple and doesn’t look skinny like most teen girls here.
She’s attractively thick and curvy..she doesn’t look like she knows how attractive she is,many people with a body like hers would flaunt it.

He wondered why she had trimmed her hair, that was the reason he hadn’t recognized her at first, his mind had been on a girl with a long hair.

He shouldn’t keep on staring, Anne would be so disappointed to know he was staring at the girl he was supposed to apologise to.

“Coffee girl” He called slowly and Layla tried hard to hold her laughter.
Seems he doesn’t know her name.

“Would you please allow me explain” He said and Layla switched her gaze to him.
He looked so sorry that her anger melted immediately.
She stared at him, feeling so bad and ashamed to have bit him.
“I’m sorry to have bit you” She said, finally looking remorseful.
Daniel looked surprised, maybe the girl wasn’t so mean like she had looked earlier.
She might have only been triggered, which was expected.

“No, don’t be. I deserve it,coffee girl” Daniel said.
“Maybe” Layla shrugged.
“And,my name is Layla” She added and Daniel smiled.
“I’m Daniel” He stretched his hand for a handshake.
“Well..i hadn’t mean to do introduction,i only told you my name so you won’t keep calling me coffee girl” Layla said.

“Oh” Daniel said, embarrassed as he started withdrawing his hand.
Layla quickly took his hand before he could withdraw it completely.
He smiled,she’s full of surprises..isn’t she?
Layla’s handshake has been rejected severally by people and she knows how it had made her feel..she wouldn’t want to make anyone feel that way.
Not this nice looking guy beside her who had admitted his offense openly and defended her.

The handshake took longer than intended and the fact that they were staring at each other while at it made their classmates question them with gazes.

“I can’t believe this” Chloe said, glaring at them from her seat.
“It’s just a handshake Chloe, and it looks like they have a history before now” Sabrina said.
“Looks like they were friends” Christy said.
“Who would bite her friend that hard! They are no friends and whatever history they had was a bad one” Miranda scoffed.
“Looks like they are ready to turn the bad history into a good one” Rina noted.
“You all should just shut up,lemme think” Chloe said.
“So,i really would want to know the reason behind you running off” Layla said.
“I’m equally ready to tell you but it seems that will be later” Daniel said, motioning to the front of the class.
Miss Moore just walked in.

“Good morning students”
“Good morning Miss Moore”

“We’re so sorry for the delay, the meeting was for the betterment of everyone and yeah before we start today’s class, i would love the new student in our midst to come out and introduce himself” Miss Moore said.
Daniel stood up and walked to the front of the class.
He stood before everyone and smiled before clearing his throat.

Layla found herself almost smiling,his smile seems contagious.
Most people were smiling already,females to be precise.
The females looked smitten by him just like they do with Dylan…looks like they even look more smitten with Daniel.

Layla hadn’t noticed how good looking he was until few moments ago,she had been clouded with anger earlier to care about his look.

He’s a good looking fella with striking violet eyes that gleam with delight,his glossy brown curls looked well permed and full,his caramel skin was so smooth that it glowed, he’s tall and attractively built with dashing chiseled features. If his looks were to be rated by ten, he’d score nine and half with no doubt.

And he doesn’t even look obsessed with his looks.
She doubts he knows how good looking he is.

“Hi everyone,I’m Daniel Keyes,im excited to be here and i hope we all get along, nice to meet you all” He said and there was an applause.
“Welcome to Ocean high school Daniel” Everyone chorused as the applause gradually died down.
“Thank you” He smiled.

He returned to his seat and Miss Moore started teaching.


“I can’t believe you are going to the cafeteria with someone who had bit you that hard,what if she empties hot pasta on you” Chloe said to Daniel.
“She won’t do that” Daniel said.
“You would never know” Layla deadpanned.
“Gosh! She’s so scary” Chloe hurried away after glaring at Layla.

Daniel had insisted on coming with Layla into the cafeteria so they would discuss over their meal and he also wants Anne to meet the girl he had spilled coffee on.

“Would you really pour hot pasta on me?” Daniel asked and Layla laughed.
“I wouldn’t do that, not in my right senses” Layla said.
“I knew you wouldn’t” Daniel smiled,he liked that he had made her laugh.

He said hi and shook hands with the students who greeted him as he walked by.
Everyone seems to love Daniel.

“Are you this friendly or you’re just trying to be?” Layla asked,amused at the way he was relating with people.
Like he had known them all his life.
He had even delayed her a bit by asking her to wait for him while he quickly explained some maths equation to some group of students.
The smartness in which he had used in answering questions in class was adorable, he won everyone’s heart more,even the guys were starting to move closer to him.

What Layla found most amazing about him was this humble act of his to quickly get along with people.
She’s so sure every student in Ocean high school heard about him already.
His name would be on everyone’s lips.

“Nah,naturally,i love making friends,i love getting along with everyone” Daniel shrugged.
“Except bullies and people i feel strangely about” He said.
“Cool” Layla said.

They walked into the cafeteria and Daniel saw how Layla was crooking her neck, looked like she was searching for someone.
Maybe Dylan..he thought.
He had caught her steal glances at Dylan severally in class.
Looks like she’s crushing hugely on the guy.

“Oh my! She’s here” Layla said, smiling as she walked towards a table.
She?..Dan wondered as he followed her.
He was oblivious of the admirable stares he was getting.

He looked surprised to see Layla stop at a table Anne was seated.

“You’re here” Layla repeated with smiles.
She looked so happy to see Anne.
“Hi” Anne smiled back at her.
She glanced at Dan and back at Layla.
Did she just ignored him?
Cool..perfectly cool.

“You weren’t in school for days,i hope everything is fine?” Layla asked.
“Everything is fine,thank you” Anne said,she was so touched to see Layla care about her.
One of her classmates had told her Layla asked after her.

They do not really talk to each other,they only say hi and Anne never even thought Layla would worry about her that much.
“I’m glad you are fine” Layla smiled.
“Thanks to have worried about me. And i heard how..changed you are now,I’m glad you finally stood up for yourself” Anne said.
“I’m glad i did too, i would have done that long ago if i had known being free of bullying takes nothing more than to just stand up for oneself” Layla said,she was now sitting opposite Anne,they both almost forgot Daniel was there and he stared at them in disbelief.

Even if Layla forgets his existence, should Anne too?
They didn’t even ask him to sit.

“Yeah, standing up for oneself really saves one from a lot of shit,it’s so cool to see people don’t mock you anymore..” Anne said looking around, everyone was going about their business, the only person that was being stared at was Dan and it was a look of admiration.
She wished she was there during Layla’s change.
Her friends really filled her in on the things she missed.
She was even told students now sit on the same table with Layla for lunch.
And she could see herself that Layla wasn’t being avoided nor mocked anymore.
Though she heard about Dylan calling her lips a dead log of wood after a truth or dare game and she felt really sorry for Layla.

“You got a trim,it looks really good on you” Anne complimented Layla’s hair.
“Thank you” Layla smiled.

“I missed eating with you,even though we rarely talk then” Layla said and Anne smiled.
“I’m glad you didn’t feel lonely,i was told people don’t mind eating on the same table with you anymore”
“Well..yeah,but none of their presence felt like yours. It’s different eating with someone who accepted you when every other person rejected you than eating with people who accepted you just because every other person did” Layla said.
“Wow” Anne smiled.

“I think i should ask this guy to sit down before his eyes fall off” Anne said, referring to Dan who already sat before she completed her statement.
“Daniel,I’m so sorry but Anne has been an angel to me,she was absent for days and i was so worried, seeing her now made me excited that i almost forgot you were here and that you have something to tell me” Layla said.
“Dan,this is the African i told you about” Anne said.
“Uh..the African? Really?” Dan asked in surprise.
Layla looked confused..she wondered if they knew each other?
Of course..it’s so obvious they do.

“Yeah,the African” Anne nodded.
“You told me she was so gentle” Dan whispered to Anne, glancing at Layla with the corners of his eyes.
She almost laughed.
“She is,the only different thing now is she’s ready to face her bullies squarely”
“Obviously” Dan agreed.

“Oh” Anne said, seeing the confused look on Layla’s face.
“Daniel Keyes is my older brother” Anne said.
Daniel and Anne nodded with a smile.
“Wow” Layla exclaimed, looking from Daniel to Anne.
They are both good looking and they have this ‘nice’ behavior in common.
Just like Anne, Daniel hadn’t avoided her even after knowing she was African.
Well..he might just want her forgiveness and then go off but he doesn’t look such.

“I don’t know what to say, honestly” Layla said.
“Pretty normal” Dan shrugged.
“I think now that it’s obvious you and Anne have a good relationship,that should make you forgive me easily” Dan said and Layla laughed.
“Forgive you?” Anne asked.
“Layla bit me in class today…” Dan was saying.
“Wha.t, Why? Why did you bite him?” Anne asked, looking pretty upset.
“He’s not a bully so i know he would never have bullied you” She added.

“Anne wait..Layla is the coffee girl” Daniel said.
“Coffee girl?” Anne asked, looking puzzled.
“The girl i accidentally spilled hot coffee on..”
“Oh my God!” Anne covered her mouth with her palm.

There was silence among them for seconds.
“Layla,I’m so sorry” Anne apologized, looking so sorry as she held Layla’s hand tenderly.
“Why? You weren’t the one who did it and i forgive Dan already,it was a mistake..I was only pissed he ran off without apologising” Layla said.

“I’m the cause of it,i made my brother run off…” Anne paused and sighed.
She wasn’t used to telling people about her health condition, only her close friends knew about it but right now she has no choice but to tell Layla,she wouldn’t want her to think of her brother as a mischievous being.

“Anne,you don’t have to say anything” Dan said, knowing how she feels about disclosing her health issue.
“I have to.” Anne said, facing Layla.
“I’m asthmatic” She said.
“Oh..I’m so sorry about that Anne” Layla rubbed Anne’s hand affectionately.
“It’s fine” Anne smiled.
“And the reason my brother had ran off without apologising was because i was having my attack and he was rushing to get my inhaler to me,my inhaler was with him at that moment” Anne said.

“We came to get coffee and Anne was waiting in the car with the driver,she had been careless enough to drop her inhaler at home,she thought we would just get the coffee and leave for home immediately but unfortunately her attack started, the driver called me immediately knowing i was always with a spare inhaler and i was rushing back to the car when i hit you,there was no time to stop and apologize, i didn’t want the attack to escalate but when i got to her, it was too late,the inhaler didn’t really helped this time and she was rushed to the hospital,that explains her absence from school for days” Daniel narrated.

“Oh my God..” Layla almost teared up.
She felt so bad instantly.
She never knew the reason behind Dan’s act was this touching.
She wished she could change things, she would never have bitten him.
That had been so unfair of her.
God…She should really learn not to act until she hears someone’s side of story.

“Dan, Anne..I’m so sorry, please” Layla said.
“You should forgive us” Anne said.
“I’m the wrong one here,i acted without thinking. I’m so sorry” Layla pleaded.
“No, it’s normal for anyone in your shoes to react the same way,i know the pain you must have felt for days,you reacted out of pain..it’s normal” Daniel said.
“Nevertheless,you both should please forgive me” Layla said.
“C’mon” Anne said.

“How’s your leg fairing now?” Anne asked worriedly, she and Dan peered at Layla’s feet under the table but it was covered in socks and shoes.
“C’mon guys, it wasn’t so serious,just a burn..it’s fine now,the pain was just for a short while” Layla lied.
“Are you sure?” Dan asked.
“Of course” Layla nodded.
“Anne, please apply some balm on Dan’s back when you get home” Layla said, looking ashamed,she blinked remorsefully.
“I’m not even feeling pain there anymore” Dan lied, Layla’s teeth was truly like an axe.
“Are you sure?” Layla asked.
“Sure” Dan smiled, he waved at some set of students who waved at him from their table.

“So, we’re all cool now right?” Daniel asked.
“Absolutely” Layla said.
“Let’s go get our lunch, break will be over soon” Anne said.
They were about walking to their table with their burger when the bell rang.
“Goddamn it!” Layla groaned.
Students were starting to walk back to their classes.
“Well..I’m gonna sneak mine into the class” Daniel said.
“What!” Anne and Layla stared at him.
“Daniel,this isn’t Prestige high school!” Anne cleared.
“Meals aren’t allowed in the class” Layla added.

“Rules are made to be broken” Daniel grinned.
“You both are free to leave your burgers at the counter and then starve for the rest of the day” He said, picking a paper bag,he dropped his burger in it and then hid it in his shirt.
Anne and Layla swallowed hard,the thought of leaving the delicious looking burger at the counter didn’t sit well with them but then again they were afraid to break the school rule.

“Dan, you’re a bad influence” Anne said, seeing Layla already picked a paper bag too.
He laughed.
“God” He said laughing harder as Anne shamefully picked a paper bag too,placed her burger in it and hid it in her skirt just like Layla had done.
“Well..im just keeping it in there,im not gonna eat it in class” Anne said, pouting and blinking through her eyeglasses like a baby.
Layla joined Dan in laughing this time.


Dan and Layla were stealthily eating their burger while a teacher was teaching.
No one suspected a thing while they enjoyed their burger.
Layla wondered if the burger was more delicious because it was been hidden and eaten in the class.
The ones she eats openly and comfortably in the cafeteria do not taste this delicious.

She was taking another stealthy bite when her eyes met Dan’s who was taking a bite too.

They both laughed.

HER LAST WISH Episode 8 by Azeemah Salami

“Ouch!” Daniel groaned as Anne applied soothing balm on his back.
“I thought you told Layla it didn’t hurt at all” Anne said.

They were in Dan’s room, minutes after they were back from school.
Dan laid flat on his chest,shirtless as Anne applied the balm on his back,he was doing his homework in the process.

“I can’t possibly tell her it hurts, didn’t you see how bad she already felt,she would feel more bad if i tell her otherwise” Dan said and Anne nodded in agreement.
“And we’d both be lieing if we really believed that her leg is healed and that the pain was just for a short while”
“Yeah! Burns do not really heal quickly and they hurt so much” Anne said.
“She only said that to make us feel better, i had to make her feel better too” Dan said.
“You did the right thing. I’m so glad we finally got to meet the coffee girl and to think it turned out to be Layla..wow” Anne laughed sitting on the edge of Dan’s bed.
She was done applying the balm.

Dan smiled. “She seems like a nice girl but when triggered,she’s one crazy girl”
Anne laughed.
Dan dropped his pen and faced Anne.
“You won’t believe i just heard ‘Hot Coffee’ while i was checking out the timetable on the wall and the next thing i knew was someone biting me so hard” He narrated.
“Oh my God” Anne laughed hard .
Dan was tempted to join in the laughter and he did.

“I bet people had to pull her away from you” Anne said,still laughing.
“Exactly! and a girl with a pink hair said she’s African and Africans teeth are like axe. Layla told her to be careful or she’s gonna get hacked by her axe” Dan said and they both continued laughing.
“You must not have believed she was the African i do tell you about” Anne chuckled.
“I doubted it and i told myself there must be another African in the school, that this surely couldn’t be the gentle one my sister tells me about” Dan said and Anne laughed harder.

“I’m glad she’s free of the bullies and all” She said.
Dan nodded..”No one seems to taunt her anymore,looks like they are scared of her instead”
“Serves them right,you needed to see how badly she was being treated before, standing up for oneself really goes a long way” Anne said.
“Of course, the bullies were so lucky to have stopped taunting her before i resumed,you know how much i hate bullies” Dan frowned.
“Yeah i do,there are a lot of them in Ocean high school and the only person they mostly bother is Layla, thank God she’s free now” Anne said.

“Left to me,i don’t think they were hating on her because she is African,if most of her bullies were females,then they were probably jealous of her. Layla is still without doubt one of the most good looking females in that school and she has this great body none of them has” Dan said.
“You’re right, being African is just an excuse to hate on her”
“Yeah,they should just be called jealous assholes” Dan said and Anne chuckled.
“Yeah, because why would you hate on someone and even hurt them just because they are more good looking and better than you are,that’s wack as hell” Dan said.
“I think people like that should be called petty assholes instead” Anne said and they laughed.

“What’s the deal about the Dylan guy, seems Layla has the hots for him” Dan said.
“Yeah she does,i feel so bad for her,you won’t believe he embarrassed her after they shared a kiss during a truth or dare game”
“Really?” Dan asked, sitting up.
“Yeah,he said her lips tasted like a dead log of wood that wouldn’t even lit up if ignited by a wide burning fire” Anne said.
“Oh my God!” Dan exclaimed.
“He also added that he has never felt so sick after kissing someone”
“Wow” Dan furrowed his brows.
“And that coming from Dylan would have hurt her so much, Dylan is known to be a big flirt,he kisses almost every girl who wants to be kissed and i don’t think he has ever embarrassed any of them that way”

“That’s so bad of Dylan, even if he had felt that way,he shouldn’t have embarrassed her by telling everyone about it. That’s immature” Dan said, irritated with Dylan’s behavior.
“Perhaps he had treated her that way because of how Layla is viewed, he might have felt an African is not up to his taste” Anne said.
“Then Dylan is another petty asshole” Dan said.
“Sure he is” Anne toyed with his bedside lamp.
“When did it happen?” Dan asked.
“Just yesterday” Anne said.
“Woah..I just hope she’s over the embarrassment” Dan said.
“Looks like she was,she doesn’t look bothered with anything while she was with us”

“Yeah and i hope you weren’t caught eating in class” Dan grinned.
“No, bad influence” Anne said and they laughed.


“Oh my, I’m so sorry about that Layla” Aria said after Layla narrated the ordeal to her,the reason she was so down yesterday.
“It’s fine,I’m over it now” Layla smiled.
“Im glad you are but you’re so strong,those terrible words are so hard to get over so soon” Aria said.
“I didn’t do that on my own,my new friends lit my mood” Layla grinned.
“Your new friends?” Aria asked in surprise,she smiled as she faced Layla.
Layla has never mentioned the word ‘friend’ to her and she knew it was because she had none, she knew Layla wasn’t treated well in school and she has always feel so sad about that and now..did Layla just mentioned ‘friends’
They had even helped her get out of the depressing mood that silly thing almost threw her into.

Who are those angels?

“Yeah,they are my friends even though they didn’t say that to me but they are. I already take them as mine. What we shared today might not be enough for them to take me as a friend but it is enough for me. They are the only ones in school who accepted me for who i am,even when others tried to make them abjure me. They are just so kind” Layla said, almost laughing as she remembered the burger escapade.
It was fun.
She didn’t knew breaking a school rule would be that great..
She doubt if she has ever broken any school rule and well she didn’t regret breaking one today.

The teacher had almost caught them when they laughed but they had been lucky.

“I’m so glad you finally have people to call friends after a long time” Aria said, hugging Layla.
Layla is the first kid she’s ever met that has such a difficult life at her age, no friends,no parents,no siblings, only an aunt who made her life more unbearable.
Most time,she wishes Layla would come stay with her but of course that’s not possible.
Seeing the joy on her face now when she mentioned her new friends almost made Aria tear up.
Layla is so excited over what most teens have dozens of and even discard as they wish.
She’s so excited because she never had one.
She knows how much Layla would appreciate her new friends,they would be the first friends she had had in years and she’s really gonna go all the way for them, they are really lucky to have her as a friend.

“Uhm..Aria,i need to go attend to customers” Layla said.
“Oh,my bad” Aria said, disengaging from the hug.
Aria smiled as she watched Layla take orders diligently.

She wondered with a frown why Dylan would treat her that way.
He had even made her cry, that was so wicked of him.
He dashed the hopes he had given her.
So bad most times good things aren’t appreciated, having someone like Layla in one’s life is a blessing.
She’s one of the few people with a heart of gold, Layla is so selfless,she’s always ready to help.
She doesn’t deserve the sort of life she has but then again,life and it’s ways.
Aria is glad things are starting to turn out better for her though.

But how could that asshole call her lips a dead log of wood!

Layla returned from serving the customers.

“How could that guy call your lips a dead log of wood!” Aria said and Layla smiled.
“I’m sure it had been a mistake,he told me he didn’t mean for it to spread all over the school” Layla said.
“Wh..what are you saying?” Aria asked,arching a brow in disbelief.
“Don’t tell me you’ve not gotten over him” She added.
“Get over him?” Layla laughed.
“I love Dylan so much than you can imagine,i love him enough to forgive him for every mistake he makes. Mistakes happen almost all the time,we all make them” Layla shrugged.
“Oh my God, what has come over you? Isn’t it so obvious this guy doesn’t respect you,he doesn’t even love you or he would never have embarrassed you that way”
“It was a mistake Aria” Layla said.
“Did he told you it was?” Aria asked and Layla drummed her fingers on the table, giving no answer.
Dylan hadn’t said it was a mistake,he admitted saying it,he admitted feeling that way,he only apologized for the words spreading all over the school.

“He compared your lips to a dead log of wood and you call that a mistake? C’mon Layla”
“Just let it go, besides we were starting to get close before that happened,i really hope he starts talking to me again” Layla said hopefully.

“What! you mean he didn’t even talked to you after that? He didn’t apologise? Wow, fantastic” Aria clapped dramatically.
“He’s gonna come around soon” Layla said as she walked away to attend to another set of customers.
“If i hadn’t experienced love, Layla would have almost made me believe love is a bastard” Ariana said as she prepared to go pick her kid.


“You’re getting real better in preparing meals nowadays” Philia smiled as they ate dinner.
“Thanks Phil” Layla said.

They continued their meal in silence and when they were done, Layla sorted the dishes.
She joined Phil in the living room when she was done and they watched a movie together..
Layla remembered she has homework to do as they were set to watch another movie.

“I’m going to bed” She said to Philia as she got to her feet.
“Goodnight” Philia smiled and Layla knew one of the men who do shag Phil is coming around tonight.
Whenever Phil stays up this late,it means she’s expecting someone. Phil is an early sleeper.

Layla walked to her room,she fetched her school bag,sat on the bed and started her homework.
She went to freshen up for the night after she was done with her homework.
She wore her soft nightwear after drying her body.

She made her bed,about to get some real sleep when she realised she had to drink some water,she’s thirsty and if she refuses to quench it now,it would wake her up in the midnight and she won’t be able to continue her sleep.

She slid her feet into her footwear and walked out of her room.
Walking past Philia’s room,she shook her head as she heard moans.

She got to the kitchen,downed a glass of water,rinsed the cup and returned it to it’s place.
As she walked out of the kitchen to return to her room, she realised Philia hadn’t even turned off the TV and lights in the living room.
The shagging must really mean a lot to her.

Layla turned off the TV, switched off the lights and then run back to her room, covering her ears as she passed Philia’s room.
Philia was moaning like cow that’s being slaughtered and it’s so disturbing to her ears.

She locked her door as she got to her room,switched off the light and got under her blanket.
She switched on her bedside lamp and stared dreamily at the dim light, reminiscing how her day had went.

She smiled.


“Did you switched off the lights and TV?” Philia asked Layla the next morning.
“Of course i did” Layla said.
“I went to get water and saw you forgot to put off the lights and TV” She added.
“Well thanks” Phil said, preparing Layla’s allowance.
Layla was fully dressed for school, standing in front of Phil as she waited for money.

“Here” Phil handed some dollar notes to her.
She said thanks as she collected it.
She quickly counted it and discovered it was more than what Phil do give her,far more than.
“Phil…” She was saying.
“Yunno the pizza fee i deducted from your allowance the last time,well..it has been returned to you” Phil said.
“Thanks but even at that,the money is still more” Layla said.
“For preparing a good meal yesternight and also turning off the TV and lights” Philia winked.
“Wow” Layla smiled, Philia can be unbelievable at times.
She does unexpected things that makes one either love or dislike her.
Things that makes one happy or sad.
She’s glad Philia unexpected act this morning had made her happy.

“You should run along” Philia said, getting busy with her phone.
“Thanks Phil, Bye” Layla said.

She took the bus today, having more than enough money,her legs should at least rest from trekking even if it’s just for today.


Layla drew in a breath before walking into the class.
She was glad no one mocked her anymore,they seem to have forgotten about it.

They only stare at her for some seconds when she walked in and then faced their businesses.
She walked past Chloe’s seat who deliberately muttered ‘dead log of wood’ to her hearing.
Layla ignored her as much as she could,she glanced at Dylan’s seat and saw him seated, chatting with his group of friends.
His eyes met hers and it lingered for few seconds before he looked away.

Perhaps he felt sorry and maybe would talk to her soon.
She smiled at the thought as she finally got to her seat.
Her smile grew wider when she saw Daniel whose eyes has been on her since she walked in,he saw how she had smiled when she looked at Dylan and then knew she’s yet to get over him. She looked so in love with him with the way her face had brightened up,just so bad her love was one sided.
Dylan doesn’t look like someone who would want to have anything to do with her.

“Hey” He smiled back at her.
She was already seated.
“How you?” she asked.
“I’m good,your smile tells me you’re good too” He said.
“Yeah,my aunt gave me extra allowance this morning” She said.
“Wow, really?” Daniel smiled.
“Yap” Layla said, realising she didn’t needed to tell him, the way it had skidded out of her mouth is yet to be understood.
Perhaps she’s overexcited to finally have someone to tell things.
Daniel and Anne would be her first friends since she resumed Ocean high school.

“Did i…sounded childish?” She asked, pressing her lips together.
“Childish? No, you didn’t,you were only excited and you decided to share it with your friend,there’s nothing childish about that” Dan said.
“My…friend?” Layla asked.
“Ye..ah, aren’t we friends?” Daniel asked with a raised brow.
“Do you consider me as your friend?” Layla asked, blinking hopefully.
She took Dan and Anne as her friends already but she wasn’t sure they took her as theirs,she wasn’t sure what they shared yesterday was enough to make her their friend but she was really hoping it would.
“Of course we’re friends Layla” Daniel said.
“Really?” Layla’s face lit up.
Daniel nodded.
“Thank you” Layla said happily, surprising Daniel by hugging him.

He was so surprised she could hug him just because he took her as a friend but then he shouldn’t be,he knows her story,he knows he was probably the first person to call her a friend since she resumed Ocean high school.
She must be so excited to finally have a friend after a long time.
He had dozens of friends that he couldn’t even count, friends he doesn’t even care enough about and here’s someone who’s so happy to have just one.
He felt emotional as he hugged her back.
He can’t imagine how she must have felt for years without having anyone her age to talk to,to confide in,to cry to, laugh with and share silly things with.

He would make sure to fill that vacuum,he would make her happy and make her feel the joy of having a good friend.
He would make up for all the years she’s missed without a friend.
Yeah,he would do that.
She deserves it.

He smiled “C’mon Layla”
“I won’t let you go” She said and he laughed.
“You’re the first person,since i got to Ocean high school to ever make me your friend,thank you” She added.

He was still smiling when he caught Dylan’s gaze,it looked like he had been staring at them for long,he didn’t really looked pleased at the sight with the glare he was sending towards Dan.

Perhaps,it wasn’t one sided like he had thought.

HER LAST WISH Episode 9 by Azeemah Salami

“Why do the students stare so much?” Dan asked Layla after they disengaged from the hug.
“That’s because it’s me,I’ve always been stared at” Layla said.
“Oh, i’m so honored to be sitting with a celebrity” Dan teased and she laughed loudly.
“This is a class yunno!” Chloe screamed from her seat, startling them.
She has been burning with rage since she saw them hugging.

“I’m sorry for disturbing, everyone” Layla said.
“It’s fine Layla” Most of the students said.
Chloe faced her table with a huff.
She was so mad right now.
She wants him to herself, she’s the school queen and she should date the best.
Perhaps she should find a way to move her seat closer to his.
Then she would get to talk to him more often and he would see she’s far better than that fat African!
She’s so sure Layla might be using jazz on him,why else would a good looking guy get close with an ugly person who had once bit him.
Perhaps,the jazz was in her teeth!..Chloe widened her eyes at the thought.

She turned back to look at Daniel who was smiling as he talked to Layla.
‘And now,the cutie is trapped’ she thought sadly.
She wouldn’t mind using a jazz to trap him too though.

“I told ya,they are ready to change their bad history into a good one” Sabrina said.
“Just shut up!” Chloe yelled.
“And..how’s your back?..i mean the teeth bite” Layla asked, pressing her lips together shyly.
Dan smiled. “Better, how’s your leg?”
“Healed long ago” Layla said.
It only showed a scar now,a raw one and it’s still quite painful.

“Seems,the pinkie doesn’t like you” Dan said to Layla.
“She doesn’t and i don’t like her either” Layla said.
“Obviously” Daniel smiled,he turned to the guy who wanted his attention.
He chatted with him for few minutes before turning back to Layla whom he caught staring at Dylan.

She rubbed her cheek, embarrassed when she realised Dan caught her.
“He wanted me to help him with a topic” Daniel said to Layla, referring to the boy he had chatted with for some minutes.
“Oh” Layla smiled.
She feels so excited Dan had told her,it really confirmed they were friends now.

“Do friends tell one another everything?” She asked.
“Of course,close friends tells one another almost everything” Dan said and Layla nodded thoughtfully.
Perhaps, Dylan shouldn’t be blamed.
He had told his friends about how he felt when he had kissed her just because that’s what friends should do but his friends had gone ahead to spread it all over the school.
Dylan shouldn’t be blamed,she felt so bad to have blamed him..

He might be feeling guilty to approach her,she should say hi to him later and make him know it’s fine, it’s no big deal.

“The teacher is here” Dan said.


“Hey guys, my friends wants me to eat with them today” Anne said to Dan and Layla.
Her friends do get pissed with her during the times she eat with Layla instead of eating with them and now she’s glad there’s Daniel to keep Layla’s company while she’s with her friends.
“Go ahead” Layla smiled.

“Okay” Anne walked to her friends, they went to get their lunch and then sat round the table to start eating.
She looked over at Layla and Daniel,they were eating already, chatting in the process.
Anne smiled.

“Your brother is so good looking” Jessie smiled admiringly.
“And i heard he’s intelligent also” Kate said.
“Of course Dan is just perfect” Sarah added,chewing her fries,she’s the closest to Anne and she has been to her house severally,she had known Daniel even before he resumed Ocean high School.
“He’s so friendly too,i said hi to him and he replied with a smile. God,i almost melted” Jessie grinned.
“He replies every other person the same way, don’t feel too special” Kate rolled her eyes, she’s the sauciest of them.

“I know right,you don’t have to point it out to me. At least I’m one of those he smiled at” Jessie hissed.
“Anne,you should tell him to eat with us some other time. I want everyone to see how lucky we are to be your friend,they should get jealous when they see we’re closer to your brother than they are. I bet everyone would want to join our group of friends” Kate smiled.
Sarah sighed and shook her head at Kate’s thought.
Kate uses her flat mouth to spill unreasonable talks most times.

“If you want him to join us sometime,i hope you know Layla would be coming with him” Anne said, knowing Kate is among the people who doesn’t like Layla.
She gets most pissed at Anne whenever she eats with Layla and would refuse to speak to Anne and Anne being the cool girl she is would go ahead to talk to her anyway.
Kate hissed. “Does she have to come with him?”
“If you don’t want her to,then i won’t be joining you guys to eat because there’ll be no one to eat with Layla” Anne said.
“Why are you so obsessed with this girl?” Jessie wondered aloud.
“She really needs to be asked that question!” Kate said, raising her voice.
“Hey! Do you have to make your foul spit spill out of your mouth to my food just because you’re talking!” Sarah said crossly at Kate.
“That was a stupid thing to say! My saliva is not foul and i don’t spill it when i talk!” Kate said.
“Oh,my sight wasn’t clear right?”
“Probably” Kate raised her brow.
Sarah pushed her fries away angrily.
Kate drew it close and continued eating from where Sarah had stopped.

As serene as Anne is,one wouldn’t know she has crazy friends.

“I won’t be surprised if you had intentionally done that just so you could eat my fries. Stupid foodie!” Sarah said.
“I’m not cut for you at the moment. Anne,you really need to answer that question” Kate said, chewing the fries and making delicious sighs just so to piss Sarah off.
Sarah huffed.
Anne passed her remaining fries to Sarah.
“No,I’m good,you don’t have to do that” Kate said.
“I’m done eating already, you can have the rest” Anne said, gulping water.
“Thanks Anne” Sarah smiled, giving Kate a ‘i-won’ look.
Kate ignored her and turned to Anne.
“Anne, you’re yet to answer our question,why are you so obsessed with that girl?” She asked again.

“Maybe because everyone else avoids her, perhaps if she wasn’t been avoided by everyone,i wouldn’t have felt the need to always move close to her” Anne said.
“I don’t know her offense exactly,why do people hate on her so much” Sarah shook her head.
“Stop talking like you didn’t once hated on her too!” Kate rolled her eyes.
“I did because i was so dumb to have believed Chloe’s slandering” Sarah said.
“But now..it’s clear to everyone Chloe tarnished Layla’s image just to make everyone hate her” Anne added.

“Yeah and any reasonable person should have stopped hating on the poor girl having realised that” Sarah said and Kate glared at her.
“Whatever..just make your brother eat with us some other time” Kate said.
“But how come your brother is so close to her just a day after resuming? Is obsessiveness in your blood? Or could the girl be using jazz! Oh my God! Yunno she’s African” Kate said and Anne laughed.
“Layla is using no jazz, she and Dan met before now” Anne said.
“Oh, no wonder they are so close” Jessie said.
“Yah” Anne said.

They chatted about other things as they ate.
“We’re officially friends now,i want you to tell me more about yourself” Dan said.
Layla smiled. “Okay”
They were done with their lunch, and then decided to wait and chat before the bell rings.

“I am Layla Moremi Williams, partly African. My father Michael Ajagun Williams is Nigerian, from the Yoruba tribe which automatically makes me a Yoruba too. My mother Celine Marton Williams is American which makes me partly American too, I’m sixteen,I’ll be seventeen in two weeks time…”
“Wow, Moremi” Daniel smiled, interrupting her and there was this feeling inside of her when he mentioned Moremi.
He’ll be the first person,the first friend of hers to call her by her native name.
It stirred a feeling in her that she didn’t even knew existed.

“Did i get the pronunciation?” He asked hopefully.
“I can’t say,you pronounced it the way i did and I’m not so sure i got the pronunciation correctly myself, if you’re so determined to get the pronunciation correctly, you’ll have to listen to my aunt pronounce it over and over”
“I don’t mind,i love the name” Daniel said.
“So much” He smiled.
“Thanks” Layla smiled “Should i tell you the history behind it?” Layla asked.
“Yes please” Daniel said eagerly.
“Okay..Moremi was the queen of ile Ife Kingdom,Osun state. Nigeria..” Layla started with smiles.
“Wow” Daniel said, intrigued by the story.
“That’s one hell of an intriguing story,it captivated me” He added, it made him love the name more.
“Yeah,there are so many intriguing histories in Africa. My father named me Moremi because he also loved the name and wanted me to be the best of myself” Layla said.

“I would love to start calling you by your native name, Moremi” Dan announced and Layla’s eyes widened.
“Yeah,i had thought Layla was a beautiful name not until i heard Moremi. I love it,maybe because it’s uncommon. I’ma gonna stick to that name” He said.
“Do you have..to do that? People are gonna..” Layla was saying.
“I don’t have to care about what people would say,as long as I’m happy doing what i want” Daniel said.
“Wait.. don’t you love your native name?” He asked.
“Of course i do,so much” Layla said.
“Are you probably bothered that calling you by your native name would remind people that you’re African and they’ll start hating on you and avoiding you again?”
“No,i don’t care if anyone avoids me. I have you and Anne now”
“Good, okay i get it that we’re in an environment where they are not used to the name”
“Exactly” Layla said.
“How about i just stick to Layla then and call you Moremi whenever i feel like.”
“Fine” Layla smiled.

“Okay,so Moremi..continue please” Dan smiled.

“I lost my parents and only younger sibling, and now I’m staying with my aunt, Philia who owns the coffee shop we first met” Layla said.
Dan stared at her,struck by what she must have gone through losing both parents and only sibling!
Coupled with how she had been treated in school and yet she’s still standing firmly on her feet.
God! She’s so strong.
He doesn’t think he can survive loosing his parents and Anne, he can’t even imagine his life without them.
Her pathetic life at this young age almost brought tears to his eyes and he’s more determined to protect her.

“I’m so sorry about that Moremi” He rubbed her hand affectionately, staring at her with pity.
“Com’on it’s fine, I’m over it. It happened long ago” She smiled and he knows no matter how long ago it was,the pain will always be there.
“I’m so sorry once again, starting now..you have me and Anne okay? We’ll always be there for you” He said reassuringly and she nodded.
“Thanks Dan,thanks so much” Layla said.

“Okay..i should continue” She smiled.
He likes that she smiles often,it makes her more endearing.
“I have relatives in Nigeria,Lagos State..”
“Really?” Daniel smiled.
“Yeah, Aunt Esther,she’s my father sibling and her son David,asides my parents,they are the only ones who calls me by my native name and well you too” Layla smiled and he smiled too.
“They are my father’s only relatives that i know of and i love them so much,they are still one of the best people i know,I’m so happy to have them in my life or i would have broken down completely. I do call them frequently when i still have my mum’s phone with me” Layla said.
“And you don’t anymore?” Dan asked.
“I do but not as frequently as I’d love to”
“Why?” Daniel asked.
“The phone is not in my possession anymore,it’s in Philia’s”
“You don’t have a phone of your own?” Dan asked and Layla shook her head.
He sighed “I was thinking of getting your contact so we could chat over the weekend”
“Ah,I’m sorry to have disappointed you” Layla laughed.
“It’s fine,but the phone in Philia’s possession shouldn’t stop you from not calling them regularly, Philia should give it to you whenever you need it,it’s your mum’s phone and…she’s not supposed to take it from you in the first place” Dan said.

Layla shrugged..” I guess it’s because she’s always busy with the phone, doing business and all”
“Oh” Daniel sighed.
“Yeah,so that’s all you should know about me,at least for now”

“My turn” Daniel sat up properly, clearing his throat.
Layla laughed..”You look like you want to deliver a very important speech,all you’re missing is a well ironed suit and a microphone”
Dan laughed too.

“I’m Daniel Keyes,a full American, seventeen years of age,i love getting along with people,i love making friends,i hate bullies and backstabbers. My parents and Anne are the people i love most in the world,i have a lot of friends but there are two special ones and now they are three. I don’t make someone my special friend that quickly because being ‘special’ to me means i really like you and to really like you,i would have studied you,it took years for me to have those two special friends but there’s this particular particular person that i feel it doesn’t have to take years to make her one,i don’t know what she did to me” Daniel said and Layla blinked profusely.
Dan smiled. “Do you mind knowing their names?” Daniel asked.
“Of course i don’t” Layla said.
“Felia Summers,Rylan Whitney and..Layla Moremi Williams” Daniel said and the bell rang.

Layla stared at him numbly,not getting up.

“C’mon,let’s go to the class” Daniel smiled, pulling her up. He knew she was surprised,if not shocked.


“Get into the car,we will give you a lift” Anne said to Layla who was about leaving after bidding them bye.
“Yeah, we’ll give you a lift” Dan said.
“Don’t bother” Layla said.
“We want to” Dan said.
“My house is a bit far” Layla said.
“Isn’t your house around the coffee shop?” Dan asked.
“Yeah” Layla nodded.
“Our house is farther, miles after your coffee shop,so get in” Dan said.

“Hm,i insist don’t bother, i’ll take the bus. Bye” Layla waved running off before they could stop her.
“Coffee girl, see you on Monday” Dan shouted after her and she laughed.

He was about turning with Anne,to head towards the car when Dylan stopped him.

“Anne,go into the car,I’ll come join you” Dan said.
“Okay” Anne said, walking away.
“Hi” Daniel said.
“Hey” Dylan said, giving him a piercing look.
“You want anything?” Dan asked after few minutes, getting uncomfortable with the silence.
“What’s with you and Layla?” Dylan asked.
“Oh” Daniel smiled and then laughed.
Dylan stared at him with furrowed brows.
“You like her?” Dan asked.
He knew with the way Dylan had glared at him in class that he probably likes Layla.
“It’s rude to answer a question with a question” Dylan said, irritated with Dan’s behavior.

Seeing Dan resume Ocean high pissed him off badly, he hates having someone to compete with,he was the king of the school not until this guy came along, stealing every attention from him and even Layla who can’t do without staring at him is now so occupied with the new guy that she now rarely spares him a glance.
The girl who was so obviously in love with him,the girl who had almost collapsed when he complimented her hair,she had danced happily and he laughed from where he watched.
The most annoying part is the new guy even turned out to be more intelligent! the girls do not care about him any longer,they are all focused on Dan now.
It irks him so much,he wishes Dan would disappear.
He’s taking everything from him!

“Well..Layla is my special friend, there’s nothing going on with us,you’re free to go ahead with her” Dan said.
“Go ahead with her?” Dylan laughed.
“Ye..ah, don’t you like her?” Dan asked.
“Like her?” Dylan snorted.
“It’s rude to reply a question with a question” Dan stated Dylan’s words to him and Dylan bit the inside of his mouth angrily.
He hates the fact that this guy here unnerves him without even trying to.
“And why did you say ‘like her’ with such a disgusting look, like..she’s not human or not worthy to like” Dan said.

“Thats because you really need to know i do not like her,i don’t even have a tiny bit of feeling for her. She’s cool for a friend though” Dylan shrugged like he was considering it.
“Not liking someone romantically shouldn’t warrant that look, of course everyone is free to turn down whomever they don’t want to be romantically involved with,it doesn’t have to be such a big deal. I heard you embarrassed her after a kiss. C’mon that’s bad of you. It’s petty for real” Dan said, resting his back on a car.
Dylan hated that Dan maintained a normal look, his emotions wasn’t visible on his face and that annoys him so much.
He had planned to unnerve Dan but he’s the one being unnerved instead.
“Are you trying to force your own opinion on my decision? I have the right to make whatever decision i want” Dylan said.

“Of course you do, everyone does but there are some decisions that lacks sanity,for example, why would a sane person compare a human lips to a dead log of wood and you even added it wouldn’t lit up if ignited by a wide burning fire. I’m not questioning why you felt that way but going around to tell everyone..that is lame,even if you hadn’t felt anything while kissing her,even if that moment wasn’t special to you,even if your own lips was too dumb to feel anything, you should have at least cared about her feelings. You don’t even know if she held on to that moment like gold,you don’t know how much the kiss meant to her. You knew those words would hurt her and you still went ahead to say it! Is that how much of a petty asshole you are?” Dan asked, expecting an answer like it was any normal question.

Dylan glared hard at him, wishing he never approached him in the first place.
He would never have believed Dan would render him speechless,he had approached Dan so prepared and now there’s nothing left to say.
Everything he had planned to say,the words he had planned to unnerve Dan with erased completely from his head.

“Well..i wasn’t expecting an answer for that anyway but you really need to answer this question..You claim not to like her,why then did you approach me asking what relationship we have together?” Dan asked and Dylan determined not to let Dan have the last words braced up for an answer.
“Because she needs to be protected from assholes like you! You’re a fake! You’re faking that friendly behavior of yours just so to be loved”

Daniel laughed. “I was right,you’re so petty, who fakes a friendly behavior… do you do that? that’s bad,you should change your ways if you’re guilty of that. Anyway, you’re so lucky i’ve not resumed Ocean high when you hurt Layla but now you’re not so lucky anymore,hurt her and get to face me. I just hope you’re well trained in taekwondo,that was my specialty in Prestige high school” Daniel grinned wickedly and Dylan wouldn’t lie he got shivers.

“Layla is my special friend and i go all the way for my special friends so Dylan,be careful” Dan said.
“Please” He added, before walking away.
He was keeping Anne waiting,he would have loved to speak more sense into Dylan.

Dylan stared at Dan as he got into the car,the car drove off almost immediately and he released the breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“What the fuck!” He screamed angrily.

HER LAST WISH Episode 10 by Azeemah Salami

“I’m not just a friend to him but a special friend” Layla grinned happily as she told Aria.
“Wow, isn’t that so great” Aria smiled, so happy there’s someone who had made Layla happy after going through that heartbreak.
“I can’t believe i finally earned myself a good friend since i resumed Ocean high, i was mute when he told me i wasn’t just a friend but a special friend” Layla said, glowing with smiles.
“I’m so sure everyone who had avoided you then is not even up to Dan in intelligence and looks, according to how you had described him to me”

“Yeah, Dan turned out to be the most intelligent in our class and he doesn’t even hesitate to put others through. So humble to the core,I’m so lucky to get such a friend” Layla said and Aria smiled.
“Likewise him so lucky to get you as a friend” Aria said.
“Really?” Layla asked.
“Of course,you don’t seem to know yourself,do you?”
“Well..but I’m more lucky to have him” Layla said and quickly rushed to take customers order before Aria could reply.

Aria started preparing the coffee while Layla went ahead to serve it.

They returned to talking after they were done.
“Now,there’s another reason i look forward to going to school” Layla said.
“Was there a reason before?” Aria asked.
“Of course, Dylan. He kept me going to school,the thought of seeing his face everyday appeals me”
“And is he still a reason you look forward to going to school?” Aria asked, earnestly hoping Layla would say no.
“Yes” Layla said and Aria’s heart fell.
“Dylan is still a reason i look forward to going to school and he’ll forever be one because i don’t think i’ll ever stop loving him” Layla said.
“You can stop loving him if you want to, Layla” Aria said,so pained that ungrateful pig has Layla’s heart at the tip of his finger.

“I don’t want to,i don’t want to stop loving him. Sooner or later,the feeling’s gonna be mutual and then we’ll date” Layla said.
“My last wish completed! and then…” She added inwardly.

“Layla, Dylan doesn’t have feelings for you and might never get to, don’t give yourself false hope so you won’t end up getting hurt in the end. Please” Aria said.
“Not like it would be for long anyway” Layla said, looking gloomy.
“What do you mean?” Aria asked.
“Nevermind” Layla said, wearing a smile.
“I hope everything is fine?” Aria asked worriedly.
“Of course. Now go pick Jane, she’ll be waiting” Layla said, she saw a customer walk in and quickly went to take her order.

‘Why do i feel something is wrong?’ Aria wondered.
And Layla asking her to go pick Jane in the middle of their conversation is rare,it means she doesn’t want the conversation to go on and that signifies there’s something.
Or could Layla just didn’t want her to dissuade her from going on with her feelings for Dylan?
Well..whatever it is, she hopes Layla is fine.

She started pulling off her apron and hair cover,ready to go pick her kid.


“Uh..how could he approach you for such” Anne said with a frown after Daniel narrated the incidence between him and Dylan.
“He was been a fool but i made sure to set him straight” Daniel said.
“That’s good but is your speciality really taekwondo?” Anne teased, holding her laughter.
Felia do tell her how Daniel started avoiding taekwondo training in school after he was punched once on the jaw.

“Go ahead and laugh” Daniel rolled his eyes at her and she bursted into laughter.
He pinched her cheek hard as she laugh.
“Ouch” She said and continued laughing.

“Get out of my room” He said, snuggling into his blanket.
“I’m sorry” Anne said,still laughing.
“I’ve stopped laughing already” She grinned, holding herself from laughing more.
Daniel emerged only his head from the blanket looking so funny that Anne bursted into laughter again.
“God, Dan you’re gonna kill me. I’m leaving” She said in between laughter as she stood up from his bed.
She picked the balm,still laughing as she walked out of his door.
“I had thought he approached me for something serious,i even had to laugh when he asked what was up with Layla and i” Dan said as they continued their discussion in Anne’s room.
He had joined her in her room after she left his.

“Layla is very okay to be honest,i don’t know why he would have to look disgusted when asked if he likes her, she’s one of the best females in her class as far as I’m concerned,if not even the best female” Anne said.
“Yeah, Layla is a cool girl,she doesn’t deserve that reaction from Dylan and she’s really into him,she stares at him all the time” Dan shook his head.
“Dylan might consider her..with what you had said to him earlier” Anne said.

“No,i don’t even want him to consider her any more” Dan said.
“Why?” Anne asked.
“She deserves better,far better than that petty asshole”
“But if he decides to date her, there’s nothing you can do about it” Anne stated.
“Yeah, it would mean depriving Layla of her happiness because she would be so happy if he decides to consider her. I can’t stop him if he wants to date her but i hope he won’t. He doesn’t respect her enough”
“I think Layla doesn’t mind though, she’s still so into him even after he embarrassed her. That should tell you she’s so much in love with him and wouldn’t even mind anything he does to her”
“It’s just so unfair Dylan seems to be taking advantage of that” Dan said.

“All i hope is for Layla to be free of the obsession soon or it might hurt her”
“I don’t think it’s obsession” Dan said.
“Whatever feeling it is Dan” Anne laid her back on the bed,waving her legs in the air.
“I think Layla is someone that loves too hard” Dan said.
“Obviously” Anne said, smiling as she clapped her legs together.
“Loving too hard is not so bad but loving the wrong person is worse”
“I’m thinking Layla was probably obsessed with him because she had no one to talk to,now that she has you,the attention she gives him would reduce even if it’s by a bit and that would help her in getting herself back and unclogging herself from the web of the unreciprocated love she has for him,the process might be slow but it’ll happen eventually. She can’t love him forever,not when he’s not even reciprocating the love” Anne said.
“I hope so, you talk so wisely for your age” Dan said.
“Hey, I’m fourteen.. i’ll be fifteen in three months time. I’m not a kid” Anne said with an air of pride and Dan laughed.

He couldn’t ask for more in a sister.
Anne is everything and he’s so glad to have her.

“My friends said they would love to eat with you some time” Anne said.
“Oh, whenever they are ready” Daniel said.
“Speaking of food, let’s go make some,I’m hungry” Anne said and they both got up.
“Same here” Dan said.

Anne picked her inhaler and they both walked out of the room to the kitchen.
Their parents were yet to be back from work.
Their father owns two companies and their mother manages one of them, they leave for work the same time and arrive home together.

“What are we making?” Dan asked, opening the refrigerator.
“Hm..What should we make?” Anne said, thoughtfully.
She finally decided what they were gonna make and Dan started bringing out the ingredients.

“I’m thinking of introducing Layla to Felia and Rylan”
“That’s cool,your special friends should know one another” Anne said, rinsing her hand before setting out the veggies.
“Your hair cover Dan” She reminded him.
“Oops” He said, picking one.
He wore it over his hair and closed the refrigerator gently.
Anne wore her apron and didn’t bother suggesting one to Dan because he hates wearing it,he rather mess his wears with stains than wear an apron.

“So when are you planning to do that?” Anne asked, slicing carrot after washing it properly.
“Tomorrow” Dan said, helping with another thing.
“Tomorrow? Layla doesn’t even know our house..oh, you’ll text the address to her” Anne said.
“No, Layla doesn’t have a phone yet” Dan said.
“Really?” Anne asked in surprise.
“Yeah, so the meeting is gonna be in the coffee shop her aunt owns”
“Perfect! You’ll sip coffee while you guys talk” Anne smiled and Dan smiled too.

“I’m gonna text Felia and Rylan tonight and explain to them”
“I’m sure they’re gonna like Layla” Anne said.
“Layla is gonna like them too. Felia would be excited to now have a female partner, she’s gonna ignore Rylan and i completely” Dan laughed.
“Yeah, she’s gonna pay you guys back in your coins” Anne laughed too.


They chat as they ate in the dining room.

“Make sure to fill me in on how the meeting goes tomorrow” Anne said.
“Sure” Dan nodded.

They heard the sound of the door and knew their parents were home.
“We’re home kids!” Their parents called out.
“We’re at the dining Mum,Dad”


“I’m be going on a date with my husband tomorrow” Aria smiled as she told Layla.

It was Saturday and they tend to get more busy.

“You should go have fun, Sunday is the only free day you get to have during the week” Layla said.
“You too” Aria said.
“Well..i don’t have anyone to go on a date with” Layla laughed.
“I’m just gonna go to church, return home and rest for the rest of the day” She added.
“That’s cool too, you don’t have to go on a date to have a nice day” Aria said.
“You’re right” Layla said.
“Thankfully you have a friend now,i know he’s gonna invite you out sooner or later” Aria said.
“Oh, Daniel” Layla smiled.

They got busy attending to customers for minutes before they finally got to sit again.

“You look good in this wear” Aria complimented Layla’s flowery dress.
It was a short flay dress that her Mum had gotten for her and this would be the second time she’ll be putting it on.
“Oh, thanks” Layla smiled.
“My mum had gotten it for me” She added.
“She did a good job in selecting it” Aria said.
“Funny enough,i didn’t liked this dress then because it had looked so big on me but now..dresses are so unbelievable yunno”
“Of course” Aria chuckled.

“Look,we have new customers” Aria said, getting up. Layla,also got up.
She was yet to look at the customers who just walked in and when she did, there was a look of surprise on her face.

Daniel with a guy and a girl.
He smiled at her and waved.
She waved back at him, returning his smile.
Aria noticed the exchange and wondered who he was,his face looks familiar though but she couldn’t really place a finger.
Could he be one of their regular customers..

He went to grab a table with his friends, waiting for Layla to join them.
“That’s Daniel” Layla said to Aria.
“Oh” Her eyes widened.
“He’s here with his friends to see you” Aria smiled.
She’s so impressed with Daniel’s look and nice smile.
“He might be here to have coffee with his friends” Layla said,she looked flushed.
“Should i go ahead to take their orders if you won’t feel comfortable doing so?” Aria offered and Layla shook her head.
“I will do it” She said.

Layla walked to their table and she couldn’t even understand why she felt so shy.

“Hey” She said to Daniel.
“Layla,how are you doing?” He asked.
“I’m good. Hi” She said to his friends.
“Hi Layla” They smiled.

Woah..they know her name already.

“What type of coffee do you want?” She asked, pressing her lips together.
Daniel smiled..”we’re here to see you”
“Yeah and of course we will have coffee while at it too” Felia Said.
“Oh,fine” Layla said and sighed.
She knew Philia wouldn’t take it lightly, seeing her sitting with Daniel and his friends instead of working.
They came here to see her, turning them down won’t be so fair.

“Okay,i should take your orders first” Layla smiled.
They told her what they wanted and she marked it on the list.
“And Daniel, would you like to meet Aria,my colleague, i told her about you” Layla said.
“Of course” Daniel smiled, getting up.
They both walked to the counter and Aria smiled on seeing them.

“Hi Aria” Daniel said.
“Hello Daniel,how are you?” Aria smiled.
“I’m fine, thanks”
“I keep thinking your face looks familiar,do you think we’ve seen somewhere?” Aria asked.
“Probably, in this coffee shop. Although i don’t really come in but our eyes do meet” Daniel said.
“Oh..yeah! You’re the guy always peering in, were you looking for Layla then?” Aria asked.
“Yeah,but fortunately we finally met at school,a very formal meeting” He smiled and Layla laughed.

Aria smiled,glad to see how easily Dan make Layla laugh.
She likes Dan,he has this cool aura.

“Nice meeting you Aria” Dan said.
“Same here Dan” Aria said.

“Don’t work too hard” He said to the both of them before walking back to his table.

“Wow, you really earned yourself a good friend” Aria said to Layla,who was preparing their order.
“I told ya” Layla smiled.
“He seems nice,cool and carefree”
“Yeah and he said they are here for me” Layla said, looking a bit worried.
“What’s wrong with that?” Aria asked.
“Philia is definitely not gonna take it lightly when she sees me chatting with them instead of working, i don’t want her embarrassing them” Layla sighed.
“Don’t bother over that,if Philia gets to come out of her office,I’m gonna persuade her to let you be”
“And leaving you to attend to customers alone doesn’t sit well with me,I’m gonna feel bad seeing you run around while I’m seated” Layla said.
“I’m not complaining Layla,i do it all alone when you’re away at school so.. it’s definately nothing doing it for just few hours your friend would be spending here” Aria said.
Layla sighed.
“Layla,this would be the first time people would take out of their time to come see you and you’re gonna be refusing to see them just because of some silly reasons, c’mon” Aria said and Layla smiled at her.

Aria is just one of the best things that has ever happened to her.
She made life easier and more soothing for her.

“Thank you Aria” Layla said.
“Now go join them, they’re waiting” Aria said and Layla picked up the tray containing their order.
“Hey, pull off your apron and hair cover,you don’t need the coffee shop look while sitting for the first time with your friends” Aria said and Layla smiled.
She dropped the tray and pulled off her apron with hair cover,she adjusted her hair properly and Aria handed the tray back to her.
She smiled and quickly walked to Dan’s table.

“I’m sorry for keeping you guys waiting” She said, gently placing the tray on the table before sitting on the chair beside Dan.
“Wow,you look much more pretty without that hair cover and apron” Felia said.
“Thanks” Layla smiled.
“She had looked pretty even on the apron and hair cover too” Dan said.
“Shut up, i said she looked much more pretty without it. Get another ears Dan” Felia rolled her eyes at him while Rylan smiled as he sipped his coffee.
“I think you need new mouth instead, a big fat mouth for a change won’t be bad” Dan scoffed at Felia and Rylan and Layla laughed.

“Fool” Felia slapped his hand that was placed on the table.
“Ouch! You’re pained” Dan laughed.
“Who told you i am. Fool” Felia scoffed playfully.

Layla smiled at them.

“Here’s your own coffee Layla” Aria said, placing a cup of rich coffee in front of Layla who looked at her stunned.
Philia is gonna have her head for this.
“I..i ” Layla was saying.
“On my bills” Aria whispered to her with a wink before turning to leave but she collided into Philia who looked surprised to see what was going on.

“Damn” Layla exclaimed inwardly.

“Philia,they are Layla’s friends,they came to say hi to her. You don’t have to worry about work, i’ll do everything while she’s with them. You can go back to your office” Aria said, swallowing hard.
“And who are you to send me back to my office. Would you leave my sight!” Philia yelled at Aria, pushing her out of the way.
Aria sighed, she walked away to attend to new customers, feeling so bad..
She had assured Layla she would stop Philia from embarrassing her friends but she wasn’t able to do that.

“What’s going on here?” Philia asked,her eyes so wide that it might fall off.
“Answer me Layla! Who are they?!” Philia yelled.
“They..are my friends Phil, please” Layla said, giving her a pleading look.
“Fine!” Phil said after a long silence,before walking away.
Layla sighed in relief.

“Her eyes looked so wide like a monster’s while she yelled. That was so terrifying” Felia groaned, rolling her eyes.
“Who’s she?” Felia asked.
“My aunt” Layla said.
“Oh my God..that slipped out of my mouth,i didn’t mean to refer to her eyes as a monster’s,I’m so sorry”
“No,it’s fine. Her eyes indeed looked like a monster’s, the biggest monster to ever live” Layla said, surprising them all.
“Oh well,I’m glad you reason the same way” Felia laughed.
“Does that makes us partners in crime?” Layla asked with a smile.
“OMG! I love this girl” Felia said hugging Layla happily.
They were both laughing while they hugged and Rylan and Dan knew they were in for it.



Thanks for reading 😚


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2 years ago

Am glad moremi have four friends now,I hope she gets better with whatever worrying her. Thanks authoress for this beautiful episodes