HER LAST WISH Episode 67 – 70 Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 67 by Azeemah Salami

When Layla woke up feeling weak and uncomfortable, she knew more of the stretchmarks had appeared.
And after hours of remaining in bed, with her eyes wide opened, looking at nothing in particular and thinking nothing in particular, she said her morning prayer and finally stepped out of bed.
She opened the curtains and started putting her room in place, not caring to check her body to see the part that has now been infected with the hideous thing.

She wondered why Phil hadn’t come to knock on her door, it’s hours past the time she goes to the Cafe. And she hasn’t even gotten ready yet, still slowly arranging her room.
Instead of preparing to get ready for the cafe immediately she’s done with her room, she lay back on the bed, sudden fatigue overwhelming her just after the little task of making her bed and putting her room in place.

She experiences the sudden fatigue once in a while and the past ones had not been as extreme as this.
Her limbs felt numb and even on the bed, she couldn’t move.
She breath in and out slowly, praying this pass quickly.
Several thoughts crossed her mind.
What if she dies this way, the thought of death hasn’t scared her as much as it did now.
A part of her doesn’t want to die.

A part of her?

All of her doesn’t want to die. When she visited her mum and brother’s graves with her friends few days ago, she had secretly told them she doesn’t want to die anymore and she can’t believe she told them to use their ghosts’ powers to prevent her from dying.
She knows there’s no way that’s possible but she hadn’t been in the right state of mind.
Thinking about it now, she felt bad.
How could she even burden those who were no longer alive with her problem.
It’s sad enough that they are dead. . .

She imagined her friends, Aunts and nephew wailing after she dies and she quickly shut her eyes, the imagination too much for her to bear.
Her limbs got even more numb that it started to feel almost painful.

Her eyes slowly started closing and she sift into a deep sleep.


~San Francisco~

“Oh my. . . Look how pretty it is, pretty little thing” Fel gently touched the little sunbird.
“Take a shot of us Ry” She smiled, posing beside it.
“Here you go” He showed her the picture.
It was their second day in San Francisco and they were on a visit to the zoo.
They’ve been having a nice time so far.
“Aw. For real Ry, you take the best shots”
“Of course, no one does it better” He boasted and Fel rolled her eyes.

She gently patted the sunbird once more before they proceeded to another part of the zoo where they saw giraffes.

“Geez! Look at these gorgeous outrageous lashes. They are so beautiful” Fel said in great admiration as they fed the giraffes some leaves from acacia trees.
“Look how elegant their strides are” Rylan smiled.
“I think giraffes are the coolest because. . . Wow” Fel sigh, feeding them more leaves.

They moved on after spending some time with the giraffes and of course taking some pictures.
“Don’t you want to see the snakes?” Rylan asked, noticing Fel hadn’t stopped by the snakes viewing glass.
“I do not like reptiles, they kind of irritate me and even scare me, don’t you know?”
“Ah, I forgot” Rylan said, an idea popping into his mind.
He quickly set up his phone camera as they walked.

“I can’t wait to see the Rhinoceros,” Fel expressed happily “Be prepared to take so many shots when I’m with them okay?”
“Of course, even before we get there” He smiled.
“What do you mean?”
“Never mind”

They continued walking and Rylan suddenly gripped Fel’s arm.
She glanced at him, he wasn’t facing her direction and when he turned to face her, she was alarmed on seeing his facial expression. It was an expression of shock mixed with fear.
She started panicking even without knowing what it is. Rylan rarely looks this way.

“Fel” He said in a shaky voice “I don’t know how this happened, I don’t know how, but. . .” He paused, breathing heavily “A snake is slithering towards us right now. Fel run!!!” He screamed and in a second; Fel’s scream overpowered his as she started running, her legs barely touching the ground.
People quickly paved way for her, wondering what could have gone wrong with her.
She screamed in horror as she ran, close to tears and Rylan ran after her, grinning as he filmed her with his phone.
He stopped running after he was satisfied with the video he got.

After few minutes, Fel also stopped running on noticing Rylan is not behind her anymore. Her heart skipped a beat; what if he had been bitten by the snake.
She breathed heavily as she slowly turned back, her heart raced in fear when she couldn’t find him.
What sort of a friend is she!
How could she leave her best friend behind.

Relief flooded through her on seeing him approach. He was grinning as he walked towards her and something screamed at the back of her mind that Rylan had tricked her.

“Did you trick me?” She asked slowly.
“Well, yeah and not only that. I filmed you running and screaming and I even got this unique facial expression of you when I told you about the snake” Rylan smiled like he just did any normal thing.
“Rylan, there was no snake?” Fel laughed humorlessly.
“Not at all, you do not expect a snake to escape the viewing glass without it being opened. I thought you would know that and not fall for the trick but unfortunately you didn’t. Anyway, this video is going to the school group” He said, chuckling to himself as he played the video for the umpteenth time.
Fel heard herself scream and she couldn’t believe she had sounded like that.

Like a pig being slaughtered.
How could Rylan do this to her.

“Rylan why did you do this?” She asked, knowing it’s pointless to try to grasp the phone from him and delete the video. It might look as though Rylan is holding his phone loosely until one try to grasp it.
“Well. . . I only paid you back, you are still yet to delete that picture of mine you took on our trip to Grand Canyon ”
“I deleted it! You also saw me do that”
“You have it backed up somewhere, I know that. And you’re only waiting for me to misbehave so you can threaten me with it.”
Fel sigh, wondering how Rylan knew what she had plan on doing.

“Once you threaten me with the picture, you’ll be threatened with this also, isn’t that nice?” He guffawed.
“Very nice” She swallowed hard and felt like slapping him across the face harder than Anne had done.
“Let’s go check on the beautiful Rhinoceros, you wanted to take so many pictures with them” He held her hand, pulling her along.

She snatched her hand from his grip.
“What?” He asked, maintaining a straight face.
“Let’s settle this” She said. Although she knows he would never post it in the school group as long as she doesn’t post his picture but the video has more clout than the picture does and Rylan would never stop teasing her with it.
“So, what’s the settlement?” He asked.
“Let’s both delete whatever it is we have of each other on our phones, I’m going to give you my phone to do that and you’ll give me yours also”
“Well. . . That’s cool, but not now or soon, I still have to tease you with it for a while” He grinned.

She glared at him.

“Wow, never seen anyone look this pretty while pissed” Rylan looked smitten, the sincerity quite obvious in his eyes.
Fel hissed, pretending what she just heard didn’t melt her anger.
She started walking ahead, grinning and blushing secretly to herself.


~Las Vegas~

Layla heard the loud bangs, someone shouting, something hitting another, she heard it faintly at first but it got louder and clearer and then her eyes pop open.

“Layla!!!” She heard Phil scream by the door and she wondered why her Aunt’s voice held so much agony.
The loud bangs resume and her door shook, she realized Phil was hitting her door with something, obviously with the aim of breaking it open.
She wonder what’s causing this but she didn’t have to wonder anymore when her gaze landed on the clock.


How did she sleep for that long!
She stepped out of bed and hurried to the door, she opened the door to Phil about to hit the door again with an hammer.

She has never seen Phil’s eyes look this red, never seen so much worry cloud those bright eyes of hers.
She looked to be in disarray, her hair disheveled and everything about her seemed to be out of place.
Phil has never looked more relieved when she saw Layla open the door.

They continued staring at each other without saying anything.
Since Layla stomped into her room a week and few days ago after the Doctor left, they said very little to each other, they only talked when they needed to.
“You thought I was dead?” Layla asked even though it was more of a statement than a question.
Phil nodded, sighing as she rested her back on the wall opposite Layla’s door.
She looked exhausted and Layla felt bad, wondering how long Phil has been at it.

“What happened, why did you sleep for this long?”
“I. . . I do not know either, I was feeling weak when I woke up and after putting my room in place, I suddenly felt fatigued and I slept after.”
“I thought you already left to the Cafe because I woke up quite late myself, until Aria called and asked if you were okay and then after seeing your door locked from the inside, I knew you were in.”

“I’m sorry for making you worry, Phil”
“How do you feel now?”
“Surprisingly better, I never thought I’d be able to stand on my feet after what I felt earlier.”
“Does it happen often?”
“Just once in a while but this seemed extreme.”
“You still don’t want to get examined?” Phil asked slowly.
“No” Layla’s answer was firm.

“You must be hungry, I will order pizza for us”
“You haven’t eaten either?”
“Yeah, I was taking coffee when Aria called and I’ve been here since then.”
“I dented your door already” Phil added, examining the damage.
“You were just seconds away from breaking it open, I was lucky you didn’t break it open in my face” Layla said and they chuckle.
They both smiled afterwards, knowing they’ve come to what seems like a truce.

“I don’t think it’d be healthy to make pizza the first meal of the day, I’ll go prepare something” Layla said.
“I’ll help”
“What? No, you don’t have to”
“I want to. For real, I want us to,” Phil paused, looking sheepish. “Cook the same way you and Esther do”
Layla smiled, “Okay, but you need to hold on for a bit. I need to freshen up”
“Right, I’ll be waiting and I should call someone to come fix your door”.


“Do you still get in touch with Elvis?” Dan asked and the question came unexpectedly to Anne.
She knows he already gave in and even have her the go ahead to date Elvis if she wants but that was the last time they ever spoke about him.
“He is fine” She replied.
“You both still chat and call and whatever?”
“Yeah, why are you asking?”
“Just checking in, I’m sorry to have kind of neglected you both. . .”
“Well, you didn’t, since we didn’t start dating yet”
“Do you still like him? I mean, like you do then?”
“Very much” Anne smiled shyly.
“And does he return the energy?”
“Yes, I think he really likes me”
“Good for you both”

“Are you still fine with us dating after I clock sixteen?’
“Of course, you like him, besides Elvis is a cool guy. And as long as you don’t neglect me after you guys start dating” Dan pursed his lips.
Anne smiled and hugged him. “C’mon, who neglects their favorite person because of another person. What makes you think I would do that, except maybe you would do that when you and Layla finally start dating”

“Well, that’s not possible” He sigh, his feelings for Layla is still there and they all know it, even increasing as time goes on, although it doesn’t really hurt anymore seeing her almost every day and knowing they can’t be together.
“Which is not possible? The fact that you might neglect me when you finally date Layla or the fact that you think she’s never going to date you?” Anne asked.
She sighs, “Well, just one of them is not possible and it’s the fact that you will never neglect me for anyone. The latter is possible Dan, very possible. Layla is going to date you, I know it”

He shrugged.

“You both are going to be in a relationship before I clock sixteen” Anne said, looking quite sure.
Dan laugh. “What makes you so sure”
“I’m so sure because I’m going to pray about it, I know Layla likes you also but there’s something stopping her, I’m going to pray to God to take control of whatever is stopping her from dating you”
“You’re going to pray to God to take control of Dylan?” Dan raised his brow.
“It’s not Dylan! Dylan is not what is stopping her. Why are you refusing to see this”
“Alright, suit yourself. Let’s talk about something else” Dan dismissed the conversation, that last thing he wants right now is being given false hope.

“I’m not talking about anything else with you!” Anne frowned.
“Because you do not believe me”
“How do you expect me to believe that, why else would Layla not want to date me if not for Dylan. Do you know how obsessed she is with him?”
“She ‘was’ obsessed with him, not anymore” Anne sigh, it’s starting to get really annoying that Dan is so blind to what seems very clear.

“You all should just stop being delusional already, it’s frustrating!” He said, getting pissed and fed up of everyone insisting Layla likes him. He doesn’t know if they are trying to make him feel better by saying that because it’s just so clear they’re wrong.
And it’s really bugging.

“No one is being delusional Dan”
“Whatever” He said, turning away from her to get busy with his phone. He knows he’s being rude to his sister but he just couldn’t help it. He’s frustrated right now.

Anne stepped down from his bed after waiting several minutes to see if he would turn back to her. She moved towards the door and walked out, even when he called her name.


Loud knocks woke Phil from her sleep and she looked quite alarmed on opening her eyes and glancing at the wall clock.


“The door is not locked” She said, sitting up on the bed and turning on the light, a part of her worried about what could make Layla knock on her door in the middle of the night..
Such has never happened.

Layla walked into the room smiling happily, Phil curiosity deepened. . . It’s been a while Layla looked this happy, she hadn’t even look this happy after returning from meeting up with her friends few days before.

“Is there anything. . .”
“I’m going to Nigeria!” Layla cut her short and Phil thought she was crazy.

Who knocks so hard on a door in the middle of the night just to announce they are going to another country plus she was smiling non-stop that it kind of made Phil’s anxiety increase.
Layla was still looking at her, smiling.
Phil started panicking, would a normal person do this in the middle of the night?
Layla continued smiling at her and suddenly started laughing.
Phil further panicked, and almost close to tears after coming to the conclusion that Layla is losing her mind.

She grabbed her phone, she needs to call the doctor immediately.


HER LAST WISH Episode 68 by Azeemah Salami

“Moremi! I’m pregnant!”

Layla who had answered the phone drowsily sat up almost immediately.
“Huh?” She had to ask, thinking she had heard wrong in the state of her drowsiness.
“I’m pregnant!” Aunt Esther repeated and Layla’s face brightened in a big smile.

When her phone started ringing by 2:15 am, and she saw it was her Aunt. In her drowsy state, she hoped nothing was wrong. Aunt Esther never calls by this time.
She had asked her Aunt if she was okay.
“Oh my God, did I wake you up. Ah, I’m so sorry my love. It’s because of how overexcited I am, it totally made me forget about the time difference” Her Aunt had apologized.
“It’s fine” She had yawned, relieved.
And then the big announcement had dropped.

“This is such a great news! Wow. Congratulations Aunt” Layla felt her inside dance in excitement.
“Thank you, I’m three weeks pregnant. You won’t even believe I’ve been pregnant before I even came to Las Vegas and I didn’t even know” The sound of her Aunt’s happy laughter filled her ear.
“Really? You were carrying a baby during those moment you were venting to me?”
“Exactly! Ah God is just so wonderful. My enemies have been put to shame”

“I’m really happy for you Aunt, this is just great” Layla was close to crying out of the joy she felt.
“I found out just this morning o, you know that grandma I told you guys about?”
“The one who tells night tales?”
“Yes! She called me yesterday and told me I’m pregnant. I laughed it off and she did same today, she kept persisting, I Sha bought a pregnancy test kit just to get her off my back, I did the test and it was positive! For you to even know how of a disbelief it seemed to me; I told my husband the kit might be fake because there are just a lot of fake things here and he insisted we go to the hospital, it was there it was confirmed that I’m three weeks pregnant o”
“You mean the grandma said you were pregnant and it turned out you really were?”
“How?” Layla furrowed her brows.

“I also don’t know o. Although, I’ve always heard older people have this way of detecting a pregnant woman but I’ve never believed until it happened to me. ”
“That’s just phenomenal. Wow”
“But you’re really pregnant, I’m so happy for you damn!”
“Thanks, my love. David is also very excited ehn, even more excited than me and his father, he has been jumping around everywhere since we told him. Most of his friends have younger siblings and he has been yearning for one as well but he couldn’t tell us, he said he knew how we felt about not having another child yet so he didn’t want to add to our misery.”
“Dave is such a sweet and smart boy, totally compassionate!” Layla’s heart swell, feeling really proud of her nephew. .
“Aunt Moremi, I’ll be having a baby sister or brother soon” Layla heard him say in the background and chuckled.

His Mum told him to go attend to the customer who just came into the shop and he happily went ahead.
“And how’s Mr. Femi?”
“He is fine o, he’s out now though”
“Say hi to him for me when he’s back”
“I will”

“Moremi,” Aunt Esther sigh “I’m worried”
“Huh? Why? What is wrong?” Layla sat up more properly, what could possibly make her Aunt worried after such a great news.
“You know it’s been ten years I conceived last, it might be quite difficult for me now. Although I know my husband is going to help in every way he can and I’m also going to try my best but I’m still scared, my body is not familiar with carrying a baby anymore.
For now though, I’m not feeling weird or anything but I know that feeling is going to come later on, as the baby develops and I don’t even want to think about the delivery process, I’m so anxious even though I’m just three weeks gone” Her anxiety so obvious in her voice.

Layla sigh deeply. “Do you remember what I told you about you being responsible for your own feelings? . . . I understand how you are feeling Aunt and it’s very normal to feel that way but you can choose not to. You shouldn’t burden your mind with such thoughts or it’s going to manifest. Say to yourself every day that the process is going to be nothing but easy for you, let that be your mantra and trust God, have faith in him to come through for you. Our words are manifestations, whatever we repeatedly think about or say to ourself manifests in our lives. Open up to God, pray to him, he listens”

“Are you there?” Layla asked when she didn’t hear anything from the other end, except sniffs.
“You are crying?” She asked, widening her eyes.
“Why didn’t I think of God in the first place. I can’t believe I totally. . . forgot about him, I hope he forgives me” Aunt Esther said, her voice filled with great remorse.
“C’mon, you need to stop crying, you now conceive a baby and you shouldn’t do anything to trigger the poor little fella okay?” Layla said and achieved her aim in making her Aunt smile.

“Thank you so much Remi, the way I always feel better after talking to you ehn, I think I should start paying you ”
“I don’t mind though” Layla joked and they laugh.

“You must come to Nigeria when I give birth o.” Aunt Esther said, the excitement in her voice unmistakable.

“Moremi,” She called after Layla didn’t respond to what she just said “Are you okay?”
“Aunt Esther”
“How about I come before you give birth” .


Layla knocked on Phil’s door excitedly.

She’s going to Nigeria.

She’ll get to see her Aunt and nephew once again, she’ll get to be around the baby inside her Aunt even though It’s not going to be physical but it’s something!
She knows she’s never going to make it till the time her Aunt gives birth so why not utilize the little time she has left.
Her aim is to do all she has ever wanted to before whatever happen happens.

She’ll even get to visit her Dad’s grave, something she’s wanted for a long time and spend some time in her father’s country which is also partly her country. She had thought to wait until her friends are ready so they could visit Nigeria together but she doesn’t have the grace. She can’t wait anymore, she doesn’t want to have any regrets; who knows when she’ll suddenly collapse.
She’s going to Nigeria as soon as possible and she didn’t even care it was midnight, she knocked on Phil’s door to tell her.

“The door is not locked” Phil said after a while and she stepped in.
She walked closer to Phil, still bursting with happiness.

“Is there anything…?”
“I’m going to Nigeria!” She announced happily.
She had to laugh, noticing how Phil looked at her; like she’s losing her mind.

“What are you doing?” She asked, after watching Phil pick her phone.
Phil ignored her.
“Hi Doc. Mart, can I have you here by morning please, my niece is losing her mind!” Phil said, the panic in her voice obvious.
“Oh My God!” Layla couldn’t help but start laughing again.
“Doc, can you hear her laugh! She came into my room in the middle of the night and announced she’s going to another country and she has been laughing and smiling weirdly since then”
Layla couldn’t hear what the doctor said on the other end but Phil replied with “Okay thank you so much, I’ll be expecting you by morning”

“Phil, there’s nothing wrong with me!” Layla wished she could stop laughing so Phil can actually believe her but the laughter keeps rolling out of her.
Phil ignored her yet again, hugging her knees to her chest, looking so worried.
Layla sigh and moved closer, knowing she has to be serious now.

“Phil, I’m fine. The reason I’m this excited is because Aunt Esther called me few moments ago; She’s pregnant. You know David is the only child she’s got for ten years now and she has been ridiculed over her inability to conceive after. I’m just so excited for her”
“Really?” Phil looked as though she’s starting to believe her now.
Layla nodded. “She said I must come when she gives birth and you know I’ll probably not. . . ” Layla swallowed hard “make it to that time, so I thought it’d be best to go now, I’ll even get to visit my Dad’s grave and spend some time in my father’s country. That’s the reason I’m so happy, there’s nothing wrong with me, I’m perfectly fine”

“Oh,” Phil sigh. “Why didn’t you just say that then?”
“I was overexcited and the way you reacted was quite funny to me, you didn’t even give room for proper explanation before concluding that I must be out of my mind”
“I’m sorry about that. I should call the Doc back immediately,” Phil picked her phone. “Congratulations to Esther though, I’m glad for her” Phil added as she dialed the Doctor’s number.
She told the doctor not to bother that she totally misunderstood her niece’s excitement for something else.

“Come sit Layla” Phil patted the space beside her.
Layla sit.
“I feel this is the right time to tell you what really happened between your Mum and I. ” Phil swallowed hard.
“You don’t have to, if you don’t feel up to it” Layla said, on noticing how disturbed Phil looked.
“I’m fine. When Celine chose to marry your father, I didn’t hate her, at all. After all, she was free to make her choice, and whatever choice Celine made, I was always fine with it and even supported her when necessary. Although our parents were strongly against it and I even persuaded them severally to let Celine be and allow her be with whosoever she chooses. They both refused vehemently, I don’t understand what they had against black people.
Our father was quite sick at the time, I had to tell Celine to take it easy with him, but she was just so adamant. They argued all the time. Cel was quite notorious for been fierce, she was known for going for what she wants and it wasn’t different with your father. She wanted him and went for him at the expense of our parents’ lives. Celine didn’t even care or think about how these two people struggled to make us live the best lives they could afford. Like most parents, our parents went all out for us, they were bent on making us have a great future, ” Phil sigh deeply.
“Our father died of heart attack on hearing Celine got married to your father. Cel didn’t feel remorse and disconnected the call when I informed her of his death, it made me really sad and pissed but I loved Celine so much and couldn’t hold it against her. Besides, Cel doesn’t show deep emotions, she would rather cry by herself in her room without anyone knowing than breaking down in the presence of people. You’re just like her” Phil smiled, even though tears were welling in her eyes now.

“So I took it that she felt really sorry about our father’s death but didn’t show it. She didn’t visit nor call back to check on us or even ask about his burial arrangements. I did everything on my own and I didn’t even mind, our mother was so down at the time so she couldn’t help. I called Celine again to tell her about the burial date and venue and. . .What your mother said bred my dislike for her”
Layla has never seen tears drop from Phil’s eyes except this moment.

“She said; ‘ I’m not going to attend his burial because he was just so headstrong and if he had given in to my wish, he wouldn’t have died aimlessly! What type of parents would be so cruel and not give in to whatever is going to make their child happy? You should better warn Mum to mind her business or she’s going to have the same fate like her husband’ ”
Layla gasp, the expression of ‘did her mother really said that’ on her face.
“I’ve never felt more rage in my life, who turns against their parents so cruelly because of someone else. Although I know Cel might have solely made the decision to act that way but I blamed your father for it and I hated him for ruining our family. We ended quarreling over the phone and that was how it started” Phil wiped the tears on her face dry, sniffed and continued;

“Several years passed and just like your mother, our mother was also diagnosed with blood cancer, it was too late when we found out, no surgery could be performed, I had to wait in anguish for her death. She badly wanted to see Cel before she died, that was her only wish. I called Celine after years of not speaking to each other. I told her what was going on and what our mother wanted. She again disconnected the call and. . .didn’t show up until the day of our mother’s burial, I didn’t know who informed her because I didn’t, it took everything in me not to fight her that day and I’m glad I didn’t because that was the last, I saw of her until I was informed of her death”

“Phil,” Layla said in a croaked voice “I. . . I’m so sorry about that, I didn’t know that was what. . . happened”
“Yeah, the reason I held back from telling you till this moment is because I didn’t want to change your view of your mother. I didn’t tell you that with the intention of painting her badly. I told you because I thought it’s time you knew. Don’t see your mother in a different light, I’m sure Cel also had her regrets before she died.”
Layla nodded, her eyes brewing with tears.

“Layla, I should apologize for maltreating you, it was so dumb of me to have transferred the dislike I had for your mother to you, I foolishly couldn’t help it because I. . . saw your mother in you.
Of course I know apologising is not even enough, it can’t even quantify the terrible way I’ve reacted to you. Even the fact that I’ve started treating you better does not erase the fact that I’ve mistreated you in the past. I’ve never stopped feeling dreadful after realising what I was doing to you. And even if you forgive me, I can never forgive myself. It’s going to be embedded in my heart forever. . . That is not even enough punishment to have treated you that badly. Did I even ever love Celine? If I did, I wouldn’t have treated her child badly because of what she did.” Fresh tears blurred Phil’s vision. “I’m so sorry to have made you bear the brunt of what you know nothing about, I’m sorry to have been the most cruel and terrible Aunt to you. Forgive me Layla” Phil was wailing vigorously now, the pain in her tears very obvious.
Layla couldn’t help but start crying also, holding Phil’s hand as they cried together.

“I forgive you; I’ve forgiven you long before now, I have nothing against you anymore I swear. I love you Phil and I mean it” Layla pulled her into a hug, patting her back slowly as Phil sobbed on her shoulder.

“Is that the reason. . . You aborted your baby? You were feeling bad about the way you’ve treated me?”
Phil nodded.
“OMG, Phil, you shouldn’t have done that, that baby is innocent, didn’t have to bear the brunt of what he or she isn’t responsible for” Layla sigh.
“The thought of having my own child after what I did to you. . . Besides, I wasn’t ready for a child, I was not in the right state of mind to conceive or even think about rai sing a child and, ” Phil interlocked her fingers, looking quite embarrassed. “You know. . . different men do come here at that time, I wasn’t sure who the father was. It was draining and I had to do it for my sanity”

“I’m very glad we finally had this conversation. Phil, you need to forgive yourself, everyone has done something they aren’t proud of, you need to let go of it so you can move on, dwelling on the past keeps you rooted in a place.”
“I don’t think I can ever get over how I’ve treated you”
“You can, if you try. You need to forgive yourself first and every other thing comes after”
“I’ll try” Phil nodded, knowing it’s not possible to forgive herself to have treated her niece that badly.

They both talked into the morning and slept side by side till noon.


HER LAST WISH Episode 69 by Azeemah Salami

“Are you both not talking to each other?” Mrs. Keyes asked, noticing the strain in the way her children were relating with each other.
“I’ve been wanting to ask that too” Mr. Keyes added, sipping from the glass cup of water in front of him.
It’s quite easy to detect when their children were not on talking terms, which rarely happens.

“She’s the one not talking to me” Dan said.
“You started it” Anne frowned.
“Right but you didn’t give me the chance to apologize, you even locked the door to your room yesterday so I won’t be able to come in”
“I did that because I was so pissed at you” She pursed her lips.
“I reacted that way because I was. . kind of frustrated with you guys telling me that all the time. I’m sorry Anne” Dan said, looking as sorry as he felt.
Anne moved closer to him “I should have understood how you felt, I’m sorry, for. . overreacting”
“Nah, you didn’t. It’s fine” He assured.

“A reconciliation hug?” Anne asked and Dan nodded, smiling.
They pulled each other into a warm embrace, smiling and ended up laughing at a joke Dan whispered in her ear.

Their parents glanced at each other and then turned their attention to the movie that was on play.


“Dan, I have to leave for Nigeria as soon as possible” Layla said.

She had called him to come over to the Cafe after she’s done for the day.
They were both locking up now.
“Why? Didn’t we all plan to go together?”
“Aunt Esther is pregnant”
“Wow, great news! I’m so happy for her” Dan smiled.
“Yeah, and I. . . I really wish to see her soon, like very soon. I just have to. And yeah, we planned to visit Nigeria together but I’m so sorry, I don’t think I can wait anymore, you know I own a Visa already, even though it’s expired and I have to renew it but you guys still have to process yours and it might take some time for it to get approved. . .”
“Why do you want to leave for Nigeria so soon?”

They were walking home now.

“I don’t want to tell lies anymore, there’s a reason I have to go but I’m not ready to reveal it yet” Layla said, she has realized lies breeds more lies and she doesn’t want that anymore.
She doesn’t want her frequent lies to be what her friends remember of her.
“Oh” Dan sigh.
“I’m going to text Fel and Ry when we get home or rather video call them on Skype”

“I want to go with you” Dan said.
Layla sigh and turned to him, halting their walk.
“Believe me Dan, I feel so bad about leaving you guys behind after we all planned leaving for Nigeria together. The reason I want to leave this soon is best known to me, I wouldn’t, if I had another choice.” She paused. “If only you guys own the Visa already.” She would love for them to go with her, she wants companions, people she can laugh and enjoy the views with, someone of her own kind that she can relate to in a foreign country but she couldn’t risk waiting, who knows when whatever happen happens, not even when the symptoms are now appearing frequently.
She had to shave off her facial hair this morning, she can’t even count the amount of time she’s shaved her facial hair since the symptom started appearing, something she’s never had to do in her life suddenly became her weekly routine.

“How long will it take to renew your Visa?” Dan asked.
“Phil said it might take a week. . . Maximum, I’ll start the process tomorrow”
“I’ll start processing my Visa tomorrow also, if it gets ready in a week, I’m allowed to go with you right?”
“God! I’d be so happy but can you get your Visa approved that early?” Layla asked.
How lovely would it be if Dan could go with her, the thought of going to spend a few weeks in another country without seeing him is just. . .
“I’ll try my best to. I really want to go with you, I’m sure you do not also wish to leave for Nigeria alone, you would love to have some company but for whatever reason you do not have a choice. I’d love to try my best to accompany you because I know you would have done it differently if you had a choice”

Layla felt her throat tighten and she couldn’t help but pull him into a warm embrace.
“Hey” He chuckle, hugging her right back.
“I love you Dan” She said and even though he knew she meant it as platonically as possible, it still stirred a feeling in his heart.
“I love you right back coffee girl” He said and they both chuckle.

“Thank you” She held his hand after the hug was disengaged.
“Geez, there we go again” He sigh.
“C’mon, I have to thank you”
“Alright. You have, and it’s fine even if it wasn’t really necessary, but put it in hold, you’re notorious for thanking someone without stopping” He teased and she hit him playfully on the shoulder.
“I really hope your Visa gets ready by then though, I’m already excited at the prospect of you going with me”
“I hope so too, I’ll try”


“I can’t believe you guys will be going to Nigeria without us, really?” Fel whined.
“I’m not sure yet, I hope my Visa gets approved within a week…” Dan said. They were Skyping with Fel and Rylan shortly after they got home.

“I’m so happy for Aunt Esther though, that’s a great news” Rylan smiled.
“Yeah, we have to call her later to congratulate her” Fel smiled.
“I’m sorry guys, I know we initially planned to leave for Nigeria together but. . .”
“It’s fine Layla, you have your reasons” Fel said.
“And we know you wouldn’t do that if you had a choice, whatever your reason is, make sure to tell us when you’re ready” Rylan said.
“I will”

“I’m not actually that bothered though because I know we are all going to visit Nigeria together some other time. And guys,” Fel paused. “Can you hold on on going to see the Moremi statue till we all go together, it’d be nice for us to create that memory together”
“I agree” Rylan said.
“Of course, we will do that” Layla smiled, although she knew that time might probably never come but she hadn’t lied when she said they were going to do that, she had hoped.
“That’s cool” Dan nodded.
“Is that a promise?” Fel asked and Layla hesitated before nodding.

“We miss you guys already” Dan said and Layla nodded in agreement.
“We miss you too”
“I can’t believe if you guys finally get visit Nigeria, we won’t see one another physically until after three weeks!” Rylan’s eyes widen.
“Geez! Can I cope with that” Fel sigh.
“As long as I’m with you and Dan is with Layla, we should all be able to cope”
“I guess”
“I hope Dan is able to get his Visa approved quickly enough, so he gets to accompany Layla. It’d be better if you they both leave together”
“Yeah, I hope so too” Layla glance at Dan who smiled at her, she returned his smile and Fel and Rylan quickly exchanged a look.

“How about you get a tourist visa, I guess that’s quite easy” Ry suggested.
“Wow, didn’t even think of that” Dan said.
“Or you could get a Visa on arrival” Fel said.
“He’s still going to need to get a Visa approval letter, hopefully he’s able to do that within a week” Rylan said.
“I should get to it as soon as I get home” Dan said.
“I hope you guys are having fun there?” Layla smiled.
“Rylan has been a pain the head as always” Fel grimaced.

“How many fights have you guys had since you got there?” Dan teased.
“You all know how troublesome Fel is, I can’t count the number of times we’ve been at each other’s neck”
“You’re the troublesome one” Fel scoffed.
“You’re more troublesome than I am”
“That’s not true”
“Dan, who’s more troublesome?” Rylan asked.
“Fel” Dan said, ignoring the look Fel sent him. He blew her a kiss, grinning.
“Layla, who’s more troublesome?” Fel asked.
“Rylan” Layla said and laughed when Rylan rolled his eyes at her.

“Are you guys still a couple? I mean fake couple of course?” Dan asked out of the blue.
Fel and Ry exchanged glances.
“Are we?” Fel sheepishly asked Ry.
“I guess so”
“It’s not like Jacq is there to show off to” Dan said.
“I actually forgot all about it until you asked” Fel said.
“I guess that means we’re not in one anymore. We can continue when we resume” Rylan swallowed.
“Yeah” Fel nodded.
“Really?” Dan sigh.
Fel and Rylan exchanged looks again.

“You guys make sure to have fun in Nigeria okay” Fel said and it was so obvious to everyone that she was trying to change the topic.
“We definitely will”


“Aunt Esther, Dan might be coming with me” Layla said to her Aunt on the phone as she walked into her room.
“Oh my God, David! Daniel is coming with Moremi” Aunt Esther said excitedly to her son who squealed excitedly in the background.
Layla smiled. “Hold on Aunt, it’s not certain he would be coming”
“Eh? But you just said he will be coming na”
“It’s not certain”
“Ehn Ehn. Why?”
“He doesn’t own a Nigeria Visa yet and he’s only going to come with me if he can get it in a week which I don’t think is possible”

“Ehn, wait for him till he gets it na so you guys can come together”
“That’s the thing, I can’t wait Aunt. If I could renew my Visa immediately, I would get a flight ticket and be on my way right now”
“Really? Why do you want to come so soon, I understand that you might be excited to be finally visiting Nigeria but you’re not someone who wouldn’t wait for your friend to process his Visa, you love them and would do anything for them, so what’s wrong?”
“You are right, I have my reasons but I won’t like to share it now”
Aunt Esther sigh. A part of her has been worried about Layla since they left Las Vegas, the feeling that something is wrong with her niece is unwavering and she has asked Layla severally that she can confide in her but she kept insisting nothing is wrong.
She prays for her every day though. She knows God is going to take care of whatever is bothering her.

“Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’ll always be there okay?”
“Okay Aunt” Layla sat on her bed.
“Fel and Ry called me today to congratulate me and you won’t believe those two fought over the phone” Aunt Esther laughed.
“I’m not surprised” Layla chuckled.
“They are not quite happy they won’t be able to come with you, they didn’t even tell me Dan will be coming”
“Yeah, that’s because it’s not certain yet”
“I hope he would be able to though”
“I really hope so too, it’d be nice to have a company”
“Yeah, Femi wants to say hi to you o”
“Put him on the phone” Layla smiled. It’s always a pleasure speaking to her Aunt’s husband.

“Oyinbo mi (my white girl)” Femi said and Layla chuckled.
“Mr. Femi, how are you?”
“I’m fine o, you don’t kuku ask of me, if I did not ask to speak with you now, that’s how you would have ended the call speaking to your Aunt alone. Hm, it’s not good o”
“Ah, I’m sorry. To be honest it skips my mind that you’re now off work for a month, I’m always thinking you would be away at work, that’s the reason I do not ask to speak to you but I do ask of you, you can confirm from Aunt Esther”
“You see! It’s Esther that caused all this o, she just said she do forget to relay your message to me. Look at her face like baby(doll) own. . .”
“Limme jhoor” Layla heard her Aunt say in the background and smile.

“A big congratulations to you Mr. Femi” Layla said.
“Thank you Remi, and how are you doing?”
“I’m fine, very fine”
“Thank you for always making my wife feel better, she told me how much you assured her yesterday, I’m really thankful dear, may God bless you too”
“You’ll finally be coming to Nigeria, you don’t know how happy I am, I’ll finally get to see my Oyinbo. You know I’ve never seen you physically, just your pictures. I can’t wait”
“I can’t wait either” Layla smiled happily.
“And I’ll even get to teach you how to pronounce my last name”
“Aunt Esther will finally stop mocking me” Layla pouted.
Aunt Esther laughed “It’s the both of you that know”

“I hope your friend is able to get his Visa approved though, so you both can come together”
“Oh, you heard”
“Yeah, the phone is on speaker”
“I hope so too”
“Although I’ve never spoken to any of your friends but I know each of their names because Esther and David are always talking about them and I also can’t wait to meet them,” He paused. “Oh, I guess I’ll speak to you later Moremi, I need to attend to a customer”

“Hey” Aunt Esther resumed the call.
“I hope you’re not going through much stress, that won’t be okay for the baby”
“Ah, no o. My husband is not even allowing me do anything stressful. He’s the one that helps me sell now sef, I just sit in the shop”
“That’s great, I can’t wait to arrive also so I would assist you in any way I can”
“Thank you my love.” Aunt Esther smiled.

“I want to speak to Dave”
“As if you know he has been standing beside me since that he wants to speak to you. Oya take, your aunt wants to speak to you”
David collected the phone happily… “Aunt Moremi!”
“Dave, how are you?” Layla smiled.

Minutes passed, they were still on the phone.


A week and two days later, Dan and Layla were on the plane to Nigeria.


HER LAST WISH Episode 70 by Azeemah Salami

📍Lagos, Nigeria.

“Oyinbo mi!!!” Mr. Femi pulled Layla into a warm embrace.
“Mr. Femi! Wow” Layla’s face lit up on meeting her Aunt’s husband for the first time.
“Eh, is this you” He said, a bright smile on his face as he looked at her after they finally disengage from the hug.
“I can’t believe I finally met you! Wow” Layla looked as excited as she felt.
Aunt Esther and David were with Dan, happily chatting with him.

“This is just great, honestly. Look how beautiful you are. Chai those video calls did no justice to your beauty o” Mr. Femi said.
Layla smiled. “Thank you. I would say same for you too though”
“Eh, see my Oyinbo is deceiving me, me that sun is beating my head everyday”
She laugh. “I’m not deceiving you”
“If sun beats you everyday and you look like this, then I can’t wait to get tanned too”
“Ah, if you experience this place sun, I pray you don’t run back to Las Vegas” He joked and they laugh.

“Congratulations Mr. Femi, I’m so happy for you and Aunt”
“Thank you o, we’re so grateful to God to have put those naysayers to shame”
“God is just so wonderful”
“Exactly, the omniscient God, he’s to be praised at all times.”
“Right, I’m really glad to be here”
“It’s really great to receive you dear, you don’t know how happy I am to finally meet Moremi, you’re very welcome sweetheart” Mr. Femi hugged her once more.
“I feel the same way, honestly. I can’t wait to spend time with you.” Layla has a big smile on her face.
“You’re really going to enjoy your stay here, you might find things crazy at some point though but it’ll be all fun”
“I’m so excited, I can’t wait” Layla smiled, glancing round the airport.

The difference is so glaring and the air hits different here.
People trooped in and out, most with luggage just like any other airport, the only difference is the people, she has never physically seen so much black people crammed in a space, everyone looked to be minding their own business. Ranging from the extensions on most of the females, down to the clothings, to the different expression on people’s faces. It’s just so lovely to watch.
There were few whites around but she was more invested in the blacks.

“So you will not greet me abi, you’ve seen my husband now and abandoned me and my child, no wahala o” Aunt Esther sigh, pretending to look offended.
Layla laughed as she pulled her Aunt into a hug.
“Dan!” Mr. Femi smiled as he proceeded to greet Dan.

“I’m sorry, I got a bit carried away” Layla said to Aunt Esther and then kissed her cheeks.
“I can also see that. How are you?”
“I’m very fine, excited,” Her face really depicted happiness as she bent to level of her Aunt’s stomach “Hello there” She smiled before bending to give it a kiss.
Aunt Esther smiled.
“Congratulations for the hundredth time Aunt, I’m so happy for you”
“Thank you Moremi”

“I’ll give you plenty Choco Milo from my mummy shop, plenty” David said to Layla happily after she crouched to hug him.
“Yeah, we’re going to eat everything in your Mum’s shop! Everything!” Layla said, indirectly teasing her Aunt.
“See their mouth, why don’t you carry the shop too after eating everything inside.” Aunt Esther joked and they laughed.
“I knew you were going to say something” Layla chuckled.

“Layla, you won’t believe Mr. Femi knows so much about me” Dan smiled, looking quite surprised.
“When these two people won’t stop talking about Moremi’s friends. They won’t allow me sleep sometimes, especially the first few days they returned from Las Vegas. Chai” Mr. Femi grimaced and they chuckled.
“Thank you for making them have the best time there. When they showed me the pictures of the fun places you made them visit, I felt really glad you had taken out of your time to make them have fun…Thank you”
“C’mon. We had fun as well” Dan said.
“Exactly and we would have done more if we could” Layla added.

“Oya. Let’s start going. You guys must be tired, besides the cab is waiting” Aunt Esther said.


As the cab moved through the streets of lagos, Layla and Dan were intrigued as they looked out the car window.
The vibrancy and authenticity is glaring, busy streets filled with people who looked to be in a hurry to go somewhere and do something.
There’s abundance of food joints, it seemed as though food can be bought at literally every corner.
They watched the transport hustles, the street vendors,thugs who looked quite scary and bus conductors shouting destination names each with his own distinctive tune, the one they heard most was “Oshodi-Oshodi”
The buses seemed to be contesting the road with cars and hawkers trying to sell their wares to the passengers. One of them said to Layla; “Oyinbo, please buy from me, my drinks are very cold, you’ll like it” almost running after their cab with her wares on her head and even though Layla wasn’t going to take the drink, she couldn’t help but buy from the hawker, she gave her few dollars, making the woman’s jaw drop and she could still hear the woman’s prayers even when the cab had moved far away.

The city looked to match to the beats of its own drums. Beats which everyone is obviously used to.

The bustle vibe in the city of Lagos seemed almost contagious.
Dan and Layla were loving it already.


They alighted from the cab in front of Aunt Esther’s compound and Layla and Dan felt almost uncomfortable with the way people stared at them, murmuring Oyinbo.
They had expected it but didn’t know it’d be to this extent.

“Let’s go inside” Mr Femi said.
“Ahh. . . Mummy David, yunno say na Oyinbo people una go bring from airport na. Eh Welcome o” A woman said, rinsing her hands from the clothes she was washing. Piles of unwashed clothes stood tall beside her and Layla and Dan wondered at the same time if she was going to wash everything with her bare hands.

“Na Dem be this o. This is mummy Gabriel, one of our neighbors” Aunt Esther said to Dan and Layla who greeted Gabriel’s mum.
“Chai, see their skin. Why you bring them come ehn, before you know it now they’ll be black” Mummy Gabriel sigh.
Aunt Esther laughed. “They can’t be black”
“Sha make sure they don’t go out too much o”
“Nikini, these ones that are here to explore, if I don’t allow them go out sef, they won’t be happy” Aunt Esther said.

“Ehh, they’re finally here. Wow” Another woman approached them smiling, wearing a huge and long hijab.
She’s a black with a very fair skin, her nose stood pointed on her face, she almost seemed white. The only parts of her body exposed were just her palms, feet and face.
She had a slight accent to how she sounded.
“Welcome o, how was your flight?” She asked, still smiling and Layla thought the woman has a really lovely smile.
“Very fine”
“Welcome to Lagos, I hope you have fun with your stay here.”
“Thank you” They smiled.
“And Amina is not at home o, I sent her to the market, but she’ll be back soon sha”

Oh, she’s Amina’s Mum.

“Mummy David you should take them inside o, before everyone comes out and delay them from going inside, they even look tired”
“You’re right, let’s go in.”


“My Oyinbos, welcome once again” Mr. Femi smiled, sitting beside them on the couch.
“Which one is my Oyinbos, they don’t have names abi” Aunt Esther rolled her eyes.
“The people I’m calling Oyinbo sef are not complaining, I don’t know what concern you”
“Sha stop calling them Oyinbo, they have their names”
“Oda o, Aunty awon Oyinbo”
Aunt Esther shook her head, “I don’t have your time” She turned to Dan and Layla.

“I hope you people like our house, please help us manage it like that o”
“This place is cool. I like the fact that it’s quite cozy” Dan smiled, nodding approvingly. As expected there’s this different touch to the house but he hadn’t even know he would love it this much, plus the apartment is super clean. He’s very impressed.
There’s truly great beauty in minimalism.

“I know what your house looks like even before coming, remember you once showed me through one of our video calls. I love it, you do not know how much I’ve yearned to be here” Layla smiled, looking around for the umpteenth time.

Her Aunt’s living room looks nice, three couches spread around with a center glass table and a flower vase in the middle.
A movie was playing on the wide flat-screen television plastered on the wall.
A shelf containing neatly arranged books sitting by a corner.
The ceiling fan rolled at a high speed, unleashing cool breeze unto them.

David walked in happily with the bottled water his Mum sent him to bring from the shop.
He placed them on the table and quickly went to fetch cups.
“Thank you Dave” They smiled as he poured the water into the cups and handed it to them.
“Mummy, should I go and call my friends that Aunt Moremi and Brother Dan is here?”
“No o, they need to rest. Don’t you know how long their flight was, they’ll freshen up after drinking the water, eat and then relax. Don’t call anybody here o, so they won’t disturb them”
“It seems these NEPA people likes you guys, they’ve not taken the light since. Wow” Mr. Femi said.
“Exactly, I’m surprised they’ve not taken light since. I hope there’s enough fuel in the generator?”
“Of course. I bought a full gallon yesterday”


“Amina” Aunt Esther smiled as Amina walked into the living room.
“Mummy David” Amina smiled, pulling David’s cheek playfully.
He didn’t mind her as he was occupied with eating his biscuit and watching a movie, seated beside his Dad.
“Daddy David, good afternoon”
“Amina, how are you?”
“I’m fine”
“You, you cannot greet abi, you think I will beg biscuit from you. Stingy boy, see his face” Amina grimaced, poking David in the forehead.
“Limme alone jhoor!” David frowned.
Amina poked him on the forehead again.
“Daddy, tell Aunty Amina to limme o before she do face like shit” David said and they chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I know what I’ll do for you,” Amina threatened playfully.
“My mum told me they’ve arrived. I guess they are resting in the room” Amina said, sitting on the couch beside Aunt Esther.
“Yes, they went to sleep immediately they finished eating, Emeka sef was here to check on them” Aunt Esther said.
“Ehn ehn. Me and Emeka will come back later then. I just said I should comman check on them, I want to go and cook”
“Alright, thanks dear” Aunt Esther smiled.

Amina stealthily moved closer to David and snatched the remaining biscuit from his hands, laughing as she ran out the door.
He burst into tears.
“Agbaya! (irresponsible older person)” Aunt Esther shouted after her.
“Oya it’s okay, go and take another biscuit from the shop and let us hear word, before you wake Dan and Remi with your tears”

David sniffed, wiping his tears as he got to his feet.


“Hope you slept well Moremi?” Mr. Femi asked Layla who walked into the living room, still in her pajamas.
They had slept into the next day due to how exhausted they were.
“Yeah I did, I feel so good now” She stretched happily.
“That’s good to know” He smiled.
“Dan is still sleeping?” She asked.

Mr. Femi and Dan had shared a room while she shared the other room with her Aunt and David.

“Yes, he’s still sleeping and I doubt he’ll wake up anytime soon because we both talked late into the night, he wanted to know more about Lagos and I gladly told him”
“Oh” Layla smiled.
“Are you about to sweep?” She asked noticing the broom in his hand.
“I’m actually done sweeping”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t up early enough to help you. What’s left to do?”
“C’mon it’s fine, there’s nothing left to do” He smiled, impressed with her manners.

“Aunt Esther and David must be in the shop already” She hadn’t seen any of them beside her when she woke up.
“Yes, I’m about joining them now, I just want to keep this broom in its place”
“I’m coming with you”
“You need to get ready first and eat. Esther already made breakfast for you both”
“Really? I must have woke up quite late then”
“Not really, when Esther and David arrived from Las Vegas, they slept into the next day noon”
“That’s very much expected though, the flight is just so crazy” Layla sigh.

“I hope no part of your body is aching you sha from the stress?”
“No, I’m fine. Just quite hungry” She smiled.
“Oya go and get ready and eat then. Just check the pot on the gas in the kitchen, she didn’t dish it out so it won’t get cold”
“Oh Okay”
“You’ll join us in the shop when you’re done abi”
“Definitely” Layla smiled.

“Amina and Emeka came to check on you guys yesterday, they came twice sef”
“Yeah, I’m sure you know who Amina is”
“Yes, Aunt Esther told us about her. I guess Emeka must be a neighbor also”
“Yes, they are both friends. Esther do tell them about you guys and they’ve been looking forward to your visit”
Layla smiled. “I’m looking really forward to meeting them also, I should quickly go take a shower, I’ll join you in the shop soon”


“I’m Amina, it’s so nice to meet you both”
“I’m Emeka, it’s a pleasure meeting you guys”
Amina and Emeka smiled. They had walked in just when Dan and Layla were about leaving for the shop.
“It’s nice meeting you both also” Dan and Layla chorused, smiling.
“We were told you came over twice to check on us and say hi yesterday, thank you” Layla said.
“Please would you speak at a slower pace, I’m finding it quite hard to grasp every bit of what you’re saying” Amina admitted sheepishly.
“Oh, we’re sorry about that”
“No, it’s fine. I know you guys are used to speaking that way, I should be the one sorry for making you speak in a way you’re not quite used to” Amina said.
“We are in a different environment, we should adapt to the way people live here” Dan said and Layla nodded.

“We were excited to meet the people David’s Mum was always talking about and we’re glad we finally did” Emeka smiled, he’s another black with a very fair skin, his height almost towering over Dan’s, though not quite as muscular as Dan is. His dark curly hair cut in an afro barb. He looked really good.

“You both are really good-looking by the way” Amina said.
“Asin eh! Look how long and full a guy’s hair is. Chai” Emeka stared admiringly at Dan’s hair.
“You both look good also, what’s this called? I saw your Mum put on a longer and bigger one yesterday” Dan said to Amina. He knows it’s a piece of clothing that signifies Islam religion, this won’t be the first time he would see it on a female, he’s seen it severally on most of the Arabians who visit Las Vegas but he doesn’t know what it’s called. It’s really fascinating to be able to distinguish Muslims with just a piece of clothing.

“It’s called hijab” Amina smiled.
“Why isn’t yours as long and large as your mum’s?” Layla asked. Unlike Amina’s Mum, some part of Amina’s body was still very visible. The cloth she’s putting on was clearly on view.
Just her hair and shoulders were covered.
Amina is even more beautiful than her Mum is, although with a darker skin. Her nose stood beautifully pointed on her oval face with big bright eyes that really complimented her skin. She also has a very lovely smile.

“Ah, no o, this small one is okay for me, I do get really uncomfortable with those big ones. My mum grew up in the north so she’s quite used to it”
“Oh, you guys are from the northern part” Layla said.
“Yeah, my Mum is Fulani and my Dad is hausa, most people do say the tribes are the same but they are quite different, although they both originate from the northern part”
“Oh wow” Layla was impressed with how detailed Amina was in her response. She seems like a lively and fun person.

“Emeka, did I get that right?” Dan asked.
“Surprisingly yes, although it sounds so different in your mouth but I love it. I think you’re the only one allowed to call me as Emeka henceforth” He joked and they chuckled.
“What tribe are you from?” Dan asked.
“I’m from the Igbo tribe, the southeast part of Nigeria”
“Oh wow. There must be more tribes then” Dan said.
“There are more than three hundred tribes in Nigeria” Amina said.
“Really?” Dan and Layla looked amused.

“Yeah, Igbo, yoruba and Hausa are just the most common”
“There’s still a lot we would tell you guys, but we shouldn’t bombard you just yet, maybe after a day or two when you guys finally feel relaxed” Amina said…
“Oh, we definitely cannot wait” Dan smiled.
“We look really forward to that”
“Let’s go outside, you guys are about going to Mummy David shop abi?” Emeka asked.
“Sha be prepared for the attention you’re about getting, people have been asking me since yesterday if it’s true Oyinbo people are in our house” Amina said.
“It’s not only you o, they’ve been asking me too.” Emeka chuckled.

“I’m kind of nervous” Dan said.
“Same here” Layla nodded.

“You don’t have to be, they are not going to bug you that much, though I can’t assure that their stares won’t make you uncomfortable but just overlook it, they are just fascinated with you guys as they are with most white people ” Amina assured.


Kids surrounded them in seconds after they stepped out of the house chanting happily;

“Oyinbo pepper”

Dan and Layla looked quite flushed at first but later found themselves blending in. Laughing amusingly as the kids surrounded them.
The kids looked really intrigued with them and squealed happily when they get touched by either Dan or Layla.

Layla thought back to the moment she was speaking to the kids through video call and was wishing she could meet them and now she’s here with them.

How time flies….



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