HER LAST WISH Episode 64 – 66 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 64 by Azeemah Salami

“Aunt Esther, please just spare him” Layla pleaded to her Aunt for the umpteenth time as she glanced at David who was on his knees, his hands over his head, sweating and whimpering, he’s being in that position for almost an hour.
“You said I should not flog him and I didn’t but you see this punishment, he’s not going to escape it, just leave me and him o” Aunt Esther sigh “What if Phil had insisted we pay for the TV ehn?” She asked…
“At least she didn’t. Phil wasn’t pissed. You shouldn’t punish him this way” Layla said.
“Just leave him, let him know what he did is wrong”
“He already knows that, look, he seems to be in pain” Layla said, still stunned Aunt Esther could punish her son this way.

Aunt Esther ignored her, and concentrated more in tapping her feet to the floor.
“Aunt Esther, please.” Layla said but still got ignored.
“I’m going to serve the punishment with him if you don’t make him stop” She said, looking quite serious that her Aunt had to change her mind.
She sigh and then turn to face her son. “Oya, stand up”
Layla sigh, why didn’t she think of doing that soon enough.
“Thank you mummy, I promise not to do it again” David said as he got to his feet.
“Better. Go to the room, have a bath and sleep” She said and he quickly did as she said.

“Phil totally surprised me. Wow, I never expected her to react that way” Aunt Esther said, turning to Layla.
“Yeah” Layla nodded. Phil seems to have two different personalities, if not more.
Whenever she’s expected to get angry, she would not, but Phil would flare up over what shouldn’t even make her pissed.
She’s full of surprises.

“I still need to apologise to her though, even if she had been planning to buy a new TV, I’m sure she would have just sold this one or give it to charity, now this boy has ruined everything”
“He didn’t do it intentionally, and that’s the reason Phil hadn’t gotten angry”
“But still, it’s still paining me”
“Just forget about it okay? Don’t you think David needs some pain reliever”
“For what? No o, if he sleep and wake up, he would feel better.
“Of course”
Layla sigh. “But would you really have continued hitting him with that cable if I hadn’t stepped in?”
“Yeah, I was just so angry. And since that was the only thing I could find at that moment…”
“That needs to stop Aunt, you can’t hit your son with anything you find at the moment, it’s dangerous, you need to learn to control your anger especially when it comes to him, he’s a child, you need to take it easy with him, although I’m not in full support of the punishment but I think it’s better than hitting him”
“Okay o, I’ve heard you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, what you said makes enough sense. I won’t hit him anymore”
“You need to promise me that”
“You don’t know how frustrating David can be, it’s only cane that use to make him behave”
“That’s because you made cane the only thing that can make him behave, they are other things other than cane that makes a child behave properly.”
“Hm” Aunt Esther sigh.

“Now promise me you won’t hit him anymore”
“I promise” Aunt Esther said after a little hesitation.
Layla smiled, “And you should better keep to it”
“I will, don’t worry”

“Great, why don’t we also relax till it’s time to make our Nigerian dish” Layla looked excited.
They planned to make Nigerian jollof rice and fried chicken for lunch.
Dan is going to arrive soon with others, and they had also plan to bring some deserts and drinks alone.

“Let’s do just that”

Their sleep was interrupted when the TV got delivered.
They assisted the men in setting it up and it took some time.
After they were done, they decided to start making lunch instead of just going back to sleep.


“Phil, you’re right on time. Lunch is ready” Layla smiled as Phil walked into the living room.
The others were at the dining already, setting up the table.

“Oh really,” Phil said, she knew Layla’s Aunt was going to be making Nigerian jollof rice and fried chicken today and a part of her has been secretly looking forward to it.
She has been perceiving the aroma right from the gate and she just couldn’t wait to get inside the house to have a taste. There’s something about the aroma of Esther’s meals, it makes one get really hungry and yearn for nothing but her meal.
“This looks nice” Aunt Esther smiled, on seeing the new TV.
“Right,” Layla said. “Phil, I’m so sorry about Dave damaging the … old TV, I..”
“It’s fine, he’s a kid, bound to do things like that. Let it go, I’m not annoyed” Phil said.

“Of course, if I was, I would have expressed it, you know I’m not that good in hiding my feelings”
Layla nodded. “Thanks for letting it go”
“C’mon” Phil said, moving closer to the new TV to inspect it.
“How’s Aria?”
“She asked me to say hi to you and your Aunt, she also left for home already”
“Yeah, we left the Cafe the same time”

“I’m going to freshen up” Phil said, completely satisfied after inspecting the TV.

Layla returned to the dining room and started helping in setting up the table.


“Feels like we’re in a very classy restaurant” Rylan grinned at the setup of the table.
“Exactly” Dan added.
“I’m feeling that bougie restaurant vibe already” Anne smiled.
“We really did a good job in setting it up” Layla nodded.
“Before we start eating, please hold on, I need to take a picture of this for memory” Fel carefully took few shots of the table, smiling in satisfaction.
“Can we start eating already please” Rylan said.

They said a short prayer and started eating.


“Phil, are you going to come with us to the High roller observation Wheel tomorrow?” Dan asked. They were discussing over the delicious meal about going to visit the place, although they already finalised the plan of going there, they were only expressing how excited they are to be visiting the place tomorrow and also touring some parts of Las Vegas in their car.

They all stopped talking and turned to look at Phil after Dan asked the question.
Layla hadn’t bothered asking Phil because she knows she’s going to say no, they had asked her to come with them on their last trip but she had said refused so Layla thought the she’s going to repeat the same and didn’t bother asking her.
“Yeah,” Phil said to everyone’s surprise. “I will love to go”
“Oh my God, I never thought Phil would say yes!” Fel expressed her surprise.
“Same here” Anne said.
“We are sorry we didn’t ask you earlier Phil, we thought… You wouldn’t like to go” Rylan said.
“Yeah, you refused to go on the last trip with us so we didn’t think you’d want to go on this but that’s not an excuse, we should still have gone ahead to ask you” Fel said.
“I’m sorry Phil, I should have asked you” Layla looked and felt kind of bad.
“C’mon, it’s fine. I didn’t even think to take it as an offense, it’s nothing. If Dan hadn’t asked, I was about saying I would go with you anyway. I do hear how fun the place is”

“I wish you had also gone with us on the last trip, it was so fun” Rylan said.
“I know right” Phil said, she had seen several of the pictures taken on the trip and of regretted she had refused to go with them.
“This is going to be fun also” Fel said.
“I’m glad Phil will be going with us, it kind of make it feel like a complete family trip” Rylan grinned.
“Cliché” Fel rolled her eyes and they chuckle.

“Let’s leave the Roller observation wheel earlier than we planned so we can visit other places also, like springs preserve and origen museum” Dan suggested.
“Yeah, I think that’ll be great” Rylan nodded.
“Why don’t we visit the observation wheel last, after we’ve toured a small part of the city and also visit places we want to or what do you guys think?” Layla asked.
“I think that’ll be better, besides I heard the view of the that place is best when it’s evening” Fel said.
“It’s sealed then” Dan said.

“I hope you guys are not going to do that car race sha. Hm” Aunt Esther sigh and they laugh.
“Really? they car raced?” Phil asked Aunt Esther and that would actually be the first time Phil would intentionally direct a question to her.
If Aunt Esther was surprised, she didn’t show it. Neither of them did.
“Hm, they did o. These children ehn, Fel was driving so fast to the extent that I even wanted to get down, I was even starting to question myself for getting into the car”
Phil chuckled.

Although that was the shortest conversation Layla ever experienced but it really made her heart swell.
She has never been so glad to see two people talk to each other…
Her Aunts. The short conversation might mean nothing to others, but it meant a lot to her.
She knows they probably might not talk to each other again till Aunt Esther leaves but seeing them talk now, even though it’s the shortest conversation ever really melted her heart.
She never knew or even thought her Aunts talking to each other will make her feel this way.

“I can vividly remember Aunt Esther praying so hard and shouting that she’s going to get down, her heart looked to be in her throat that moment” Anne said and they all laugh.

“You should help me tell Aria that David won’t be coming tomorrow anymore but Sunday, I totally forgot we planned to go out tomorrow”
“Oh, okay, I should call her now” Layla said, dialing Aria’s number.

Aunt Esther picked out David’s nightwear, she gave it to him and he walked into the shower to freshen up for the night.
“I’m coming” Aunt Esther said to Layla who was on the call with Aria, she nodded.

She sigh disappointedly when she got to the living room and didn’t meet Phil.
She wanted to apologise to her for the TV David had damaged.
She deliberated if to go to her room or not and then decided against it.
She might be sleeping already and she won’t like to disrupt her sleep.

She returned to the room to freshen up for the night.
Layla was off the call with Aria and was texting her friends when Aunt Esther walked in.
“I told her already, she’ll be expecting him on Sunday”
“Alright, I’m going to make rice and stew on Sunday after we get back from church and you’re going to help me give it to her when you go drop David there. That TV wahala totally made me forget to give her from the meal we made today”
“You’re going to come with me to church?” Layla asked.
“Why not,” Aunt Esther said “We go to church every Sunday at home, I don’t see why that should change here”
“That’ll be so nice!” Layla smiled.
She has always admired seeing people come to church with their family. It’d also feel good to go with her own family.

“You want to turn to fish inside there abi” Aunt Esther said loudly to David.
“I’m almost done Mum”
“Okay o”
“And did you say we’re going to make Nigeria rice and stew on Sunday?” Layla asked.
“Yes, you know I promised to make Nigeria jollof rice and also rice and stew for you before I leave, the jollof is out of the way now, it’s remaining rice and stew and Sunday seems to be right day for it”
“I’ve never looked this forward to meals but it changed since you got here because your meals are just worth it! Damn” Layla sigh.

Aunt Esther’s Nigeria jollof rice is the best she’s ever tasted; it was
just so good. Her Aunt actually never disappoints when it comes to cooking.
“I’m saving the best of my meals till you come to Nigeria. Ah, I’m so going to overfeed you.” Aunt Esther said. David walked out of the bathroom that moment and she didn’t get to see Layla’s sad expression.

They stopped at a restaurant to eat after they were satisfied with touring a little part of Las Vegas with their cars.
Minutes after they were done eating, they started driving to Springs Preserve and origen museum.
“Aunt Esther, we’re about to car race” Fel teased as she drove.
They chuckled when Aunt Esther shouted “Please o”

David stood with his mum and Phil, licking his Ice cream happily as he enjoyed watching the high roller observation wheel roll.
Layla and her friends were on it, having great fun, it was their second ride on it and with the look of things, they might go on the third..
Phil, Aunt Esther and her son had stopped at a ride because it was quite scary enough to go on another.

The high roller observation wheel is the tallest in the world with massive Ferris wheel featuring twenty eight handcrafted air conditioned pods made of Italian glass that’s capable of holding up to forty people each.
The place is built in such a way that even if one is unable to get on the wheel, one wouldn’t feel left out just by touring around it.
Everything stands out, their attention to details should be applauded.

They stood enjoying the blissful view, cool evening breeze blowing gently.
“Fel was right, this place looked the best during evenings” Phil said.
“Yeah, she was. It’s so beautiful, I’m glad we took a lot of pictures already, nothing beats having a picture memory of a beautiful place” Aunt Esther smiled.
“Yeah. I can’t believe I’ve been living in this city all these years without touring the beautiful places here, just look how beautiful those lights are. Damn” Phil smiled.
“Right, this place is filled with attractions”

“Can you take a picture of me by those lights please” Phil asked, she didn’t know how she got talking with Layla’s Nigerian Aunt, even if their conversations have been short and random, it’s not bad at all like she had thought.
“Of course” Aunt Esther said and Phil handed her phone to her.
She took a few shots of Philia, making sure to capture the lights also.
She handed her phone back to her.

“Oh, I love it! Thanks Esther” Phil smiled, scrolling through the pictures.
Aunt Esther nodded, she had to admit she liked the fact that they now seem cool with each other, even though they do not feel that free with each other yet to start having deep conversations.
“Let’s just tour the place till they are done, it seems unjust standing in a place when this whole place is filled with attractions”
“You’re right” Aunt Esther smiled, taking hold of David’s hand as they started touring the place.

“Phil, gosh, I forgot. I’m so sorry, I’m yet to apologise to you over what David did yesterday. It totally skipped my mind”
“C’mon it’s nothing, for real. He’s a kid and kids are bound to do things like that. I was actually ready to change the TV even before yesterday”
“Even at that, the fact that he damaged your stuff is still not fair”
“It’s fine, just let it go”
“Thanks so much Phil”

Phil nodded, she doesn’t know how to tell Esther that she wants her to make her hair also, she’s been wanting to since she saw how beautiful Fel and Anne’s looked.
And just when she thought she was ready to tell her. Layla and her friends approached, all grinning happily.

“We aren’t going home from here guys! We’re going to Bellagio casino and Fountains! We heard that place has mad ass views also. Get into the car!”

David squealed happily.


Layla and Dan walked into the living room after their friends.
She had gone to drop David at Aria’s and got back home coincidentally the same time her friends arrived.
They had all walked in together but Dan stayed with her as she locked the door.
Aunt Esther will be leaving tomorrow morning and they all didn’t look very happy. Today is the last day they’ll be spending with her.

As Dan and Layla were about stepping into the living room, they noticed the smile and surprised look on their friends face and wondered why but they didn’t have to wonder anymore as they also stepped into the living room.

Her two Aunts were engaged in a seemingly lively conversation while Aunt Esther made Phil’s hair.

“You guys should sit down na, I’ll soon be done with Phil’s hair and then we will go and eat” Aunt Esther smiled.
Phil flashed them a smile also, looking sheepish.

“What’s going on?” Layla couldn’t help but ask. She left home just few hours ago and there hadn’t even been a trace of coming back to see this. Although they all had a great time yesterday but that hadn’t put her Aunts in a great talking terms like this.
They were literally having conversation like they were friends!
How did that happen in the space of few hours!

“Yeah, we need to know the story” Dan said.
“Exactly” The rest agreed.

Phil and Aunt Esther glance at each other and laugh and Layla thought it felt kind of creepy.

“Oh my God, are they possessed! they look like they’re possessed” Fel said, her eyes widening.
Phil and Aunt Esther laugh again….
“Oh my God, it seems so” Rylan said, starting to slowly move back…
Aunt Esther suddenly rolled her eyes in a scary way and Anne was the first to scream, she ran out the door, immediately followed by others who had started screaming also.

“You shouldn’t have done that” Phil said, laughing hard after they’ve all bolted out of the house.
“I thought it’ll be fun to scare them. God, are they ever going to come back into this house” Aunt Esther said and they both laugh again.

HER LAST WISH Episode 65 by Azeemah Salami

“I can’t believe you guys ran off” Aunt Esther laughed alongside Phil.
They had to go fetch them outside after they were done and really had to assure and convince them nothing is wrong with them, they were not possessed, they were completely fine but only tried to pull their legs and that was when they stopped panicking.
“Geez! You guys, I never thought you guys would fall for that wee trick” Phil chuckle.
“If Anne hadn’t run off, we wouldn’t have followed” Fel said, they all looked quite flushed.
“Yeah, Anne made me run off!” Rylan said.
“That’s not true, I saw you already moving back even before Anne ran off” Layla said.
“Well… ” Rylan trailed off looking quite sheepish as he had been caught.

“I had to run, I’ve never seen Aunt Esther look that way. It was quite scary, y’all also saw it right. If I hadn’t run first, im sure you guys would have gone ahead anyway” Anne said.
“I think Layla was the most scared, I can still picture her face while we ran, it was the most funny expression I’ve ever seen but I couldn’t laugh at that moment” Dan said and they chuckle.
“You’re right, I was the most scared because I couldn’t even get myself to believe it, before I left the house, there had been no trace whatsoever that I’m going to meet them in that position so coming back home to meet them like that gave me more reason to believe they were possessed and then Aunt Esther had to roll those eyes. God, that totally did it for me” Layla said.

“Are you guys really… I mean, you’re really on talking terms now?” Layla had to ask even if it was quite obvious.
“I’m sorry we made this hard for you guys to believe. Gosh, you guys even had to think we were possessed to see us that close” Phil sigh.
This should be any normal thing, two Aunts getting together, chatting and laughing but they had made it something so difficult for them to believe it. This is to blamed on her in particular, if she hadn’t been so mean to Esther right from the beginning, she’s quite sure Esther wouldn’t have mind them having a cool relationship.
She feels bad about been that way to her but she’s glad she made amends even though it was quite late, Esther would leave tomorrow morning.

“We need the story please because I can clearly remember I left you guys at home barely not talking to each other, so how did this happen so fast?” Layla asked.
“Oya, all of you should sit down. Story time” Aunt Esther joked and they chuckle.
“Should I go ahead or you’ll do the talking?” Aunt Esther asked Phil.
“Go ahead”
“Okay, so… It was just few minutes after you left and I was rounding up with putting everything in place in the kitchen when Phil walked in. Although we already started talking before today, we talked at the observation wheel yesterday even though it was short and random. So, Phil walked into the kitchen and said we needed to talk… She ended up apologized for been mean and not creating the space to know each other better and then… that was it” Aunt Esther smiled, she won’t deny she’s glad that they were now cool with each other.

“Woah, really?”
“That was quite fast”
“That still doesn’t explain you both being that close so fast, except maybe you both have been wanting to get along all these while but were only pretending not to care about each other’s existence. Wow” Dan grin.
“Exactly, that must be it. Because how else would you both be chatting like friends when you only reconciled few hours ago” Layla said.

“Maybe,” Phil smiled. “To be honest, we also didn’t know how it happened so fast, we just found ourselves talking non-stop, our conversation flowed without even trying hard and Esther is the real definition of; a very lively person. I can’t even count the number of times she’s made me laugh just during that short period, it’s starting to make me regret why I had not gone to her sooner but I’m glad I’ll still get to spend some hours with her before she leaves.”

“Same here Phil, I’m glad we’ll at least get to enjoy each other’s company and get to know more about each other before I leave. It’s a great thing coming here not on good terms with you and then leaving here as your friend” Aunt Esther smiled.
“I’m glad.”

“Aw, I’m going to tear up” Fel said and they smiled.

“I never thought seeing you both come together would make me feel this good, I’m glad you made the right decision. It means a lot to see my only family come together. Thank you” Layla said, trying not to cry.
“We’re so sorry it took this long Layla”
“Yeah, who else should have decide to come together long before now if not us, we should have done that at least because of you but we should be glad it isn’t too late.”
“But we’re here now, together” Phil smiled, pulling Aunt Esther in a side hug.
Layla burst into tears and they both hugged her.


“Who’s going to make cornrows for us when you leave” Anne looked unhappy.
They were still seated in the living room expressing how unhappy they were about Aunt Esther leaving tomorrow.
“C’mon, I’m pretty sure there are hair salons here with very good hairstylists” Aunt Esther said.
“They’re not going to be as good as you” Fel frown.
Aunt Esther laughed. “How can you say real hairstylists are not going to be as good as I am, me that I only know how to weave hair by chance compared to those that really took time to learn it. They’ll even know how to handle your hair better, believe me. I’m not also happy to be leaving so soon.”

“How did time even fly so fast? You were only here just… ” Dan groaned.
“The fact that we’re going to visit Nigeria soon is what’s actually consoling me” Rylan said.
“Exactly” Dan said, turning to glance at Layla who seems to be the only one that hasn’t made a comment.
She has been so subdued and he wondered if she was still reeling with the emotion of her Aunts coming together.
“Are you okay?” He had to ask her and she nodded.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m fine” She smiled even though her heart was bleeding.

Knowing after tomorrow, she might probably not get to see her Aunt and nephew again really saddens her heart.
She wonder why life is so unfair to her.
Just when everything seems to be finally turning for the better, here she is deeply worried about her health.
Just when she can finally be happy, her health condition is in the way.

She couldn’t even believe she’ll one day get really sad about her situation.
When the doctor broke the news to her, although it didn’t quite made her happy but she wasn’t even worried about it, she was ready to welcome whatever comes to her. She accepted her fate, at least she’ll get to meet her parents and brother again. That was what had being her resolution then.

Who would have thought she would meet these wonderful people that’ll make her realise life is too fun to want to leave.
Perhaps God shouldn’t have even sent them her way so it would have been easier to embrace her fate.
She’s losing more hair now and it’s only a matter of time before they start to notice.
She’s secretly hoping Fel doesn’t pull her hair playfully like she normally do because it’s going to be horrific if the remaining hair on her head is in Fel’s palm.

As they all proceeded to the dining room to eat, the meal served, everyone excited about it and happily chatting over the meal, all Layla did was feign smile and fake a laugh when necessary…
Halfway through the meal, when she couldn’t bear to do that any longer, she excused herself from the table, claiming to have headache and needing to rest.

She closed her door behind her and slid to the floor, crying.

“Phil, is there anything wrong with Layla?” Dan suddenly asks and it kind of took Phil off guard, and she really hoped she didn’t give anything away with her facial expression.
“What do you mean by that? You clearly heard when Layla said it’s just headache” Rylan said.
“There seems to be something else, don’t you guys notice the aloofness about her, or could I be mistakenly” Dan looked worried.
“I noticed it also” Fel sigh.
“Don’t you think it’s because Aunt Esther is leaving tomorrow” Anne said.

“Even at that, it shouldn’t make her look that way. It’s not like she’s never going to see Aunt Esther and David again. There seems to be something else” Dan said and looked like he was thinking.
“I think I should go check on her” Aunt Esther said. She had also noticed how off Layla seemed.
“How about waiting till she comes out, she might be napping already and disrupting her sleep might worsen her headache” Phil said, hoping that makes sense.
“Oh, that’s true, lemme not disturb her”


“Guys” Layla smiled, walking into the living room.
She had cried herself to sleep and kind of felt better after waking up, she had even freshened up and put on fresh wears.
“Gosh, we were so worried, we were about coming to your room” Fel said.
“Why?” She asked, sitting beside Aunt Esther.
She wanted to be by her Aunt’s side as much as she can.
“You looked kind of aloof before leaving the dining table earlier and we thought there might be something other than headache” Dan said.
“Oh, there’s actually something other than the headache” She said and Phil really hoped Layla would at least open up to her friends, although there’s nothing anyone can do anymore as it’s too late, it was too late when they find out also. She contemplated if to tell Aunt Esther about Layla’s medical condition.

“Really? What is it?”
“I’m sad Aunt Esther and David will be leaving” Layla said, that at least had not been a lie.
“I knew it” Anne said.
Aunt Esther squeezed Layla’s hands affectionately and gently rubbed her back.
She’s quite unhappy to be leaving her niece but she’s consoled with the fact that they will still get to visit each other occasionally.

“Oh, you’re missing Aunt Esther and Dave in advance” Fel said and Layla nodded.
“But that shouldn’t have made you look that sad, not when we even planned to visit Nigeria soon. You looked like you weren’t going to see Aunt Esther anymore” Dan said.
“Well… Maybe” Layla blurted and on noticing the tensed atmosphere and seeing the confused look on everyone’s face, she realising what she just said and quickly laugh it off “I’m just joking of course”

Everyone seemed to sigh in relief almost at the same time.
“It’s so easy to pull y’all legs” She further faked her laughter.
“Gosh, that had seemed so real” Fel said.
“I almost thought she was serious” Anne said.
“She looked really serious, I never knew Layla was so good at pulling legs. Damn” Fel said and Layla smiled.
“I knew she was joking of course because why won’t she probably see Aunt Esther and Dave anymore” Rylan chuckled.
“Exactly” Layla laugh.

The bantering continued and Layla’s eyes met Dan’s while she was faking yet another laughter, he seemed to be studying her and she quickly looked away not wanting him to see through her facade.

“Would you hold me while I sleep?” Layla asked Aunt Esther as she lay beside her.

They were ready to go to bed, after getting ready for the night.
Aunt Esther packed already and she had made sure David go to bed almost as soon as he was done having dinner.

“Of course Remi, come” Aunt Esther smiled, holding her.
She gently rubbed Layla’s hair and watched her sleep.

Soon, their deep breathing synced.


“OMG Layla, would you leave her alone, she’s going to miss her flight!” They all said to her for the umpteenth time.
Layla is holding Aunt Esther so tight and crying really hard much to the surprise of everyone except Phil who just stood and watched, being the only person understanding why Layla’s doing this.
She wouldn’t let go of Aunt Esther no matter what anyone said.
Aunt Esther stood in her embrace, not saying anything and trying to hold back her tears.

“Layla, this is ten-eighteen am! Her flight is for ten-twenty am, she should be on the plane already.” Fel said, sighing deeply.
They’ve been at this for minutes now and it’s really starting to wear her out.
No one understands why Layla is being this way.
“Layla, we’re visiting Nigeria soon and you’ll get to see her again, I understand how you’re feeling but you shouldn’t do this” Rylan said.
“Don’t make them miss their flight Layla” Anne said.

“The flight is being announced already, you should let her go” Dan said and it was then Layla slowly let go of her Aunt.
Fel passed her a handkerchief and she blew her nose into it.
“Esther, you guys should go now. Or you’re going to miss your flight” Phil said and they all saw the tear that dropped from Aunt Esther’s face even if she clearly tried to hide it.
She could feel it, although she doesn’t know what it is but something felt really wrong and it’s about her niece.
She almost didn’t want to leave as she kissed Layla on the cheeks, giving them all a quick hug before waving them bye and hurrying off with her son, muttering a prayer she didn’t even know how it got to her mind;

God should correct whatever is wrong.

When Aunt Esther and Dave were no longer in sight, Layla turned and started walking out to where the cars were parked, her eyes looking so puffy and gloomy.

They all drove home in silence, Layla caught Dan staring at her again with the look of yesterday and she wished he would ask because right now seems to be the only moment she feels like spilling it all out.


HER LAST WISH Episode 66 by Azeemah Salami

Layla resumed the Cafe on Wednesday.

She had planned to resume yesterday thinking getting over her Aunt and nephew won’t be so hard but it really didn’t work, she had felt so down and weak that she didn’t even know if her symptoms had come to play or she’s still not over their departure.

“It feels really good to have you back Layla” Aria smiled as they work.
“Do you miss me that much?” Layla asked smiling, she can’t count the number of times Aria said that already.
“Of course, I really did”
“I really did miss you also, I miss everything; taking people’s order, making coffee, serving and chatting with you”
“Now you’re back. But you don’t look happy, are you still not over your Aunt leaving or… Is there something else?”
“I guess I’m still not over it”
“Aw. You’ll be fine, you’ve gotten real used to her during the short period she spent here, that’s the reason you’re finding it hard without her”

“I really like her though and I wish she didn’t have to leave so soon. I would have love to spend more time with her. And Jane wouldn’t stop mentioning Dave” Aria said.
“I can relate to that, same as Dave. He mentioned Jane countless times and told me to say bye to her for him. Did you notice how unhappy he was to leave your place on Sunday?”
“Jane was equally unhappy to see him leave. Children get along real fast and it’s just so amazing”
“You won’t believe the Moremi tale has become Jane’s bedtime story”
“She would refuse to sleep if I don’t tell it to her, and then she’ll get real angry at the goddess who took Moremi’s child and fume at her till she sleeps”
Layla laughed.


“Really?” Dan asked after Fel announced she would be going to San Francisco in a week.
“Yeah, I’m quite bored of Vegas and I do not want this long holiday to go down the drain, I want to explore another city.”
“On a trip or vacation?” Layla asked, untying her apron.

They had decided to meet in the Cafe after Layla’s done for the day.

“Well… Do I even know which it is, I guess vacation suits it better”
“How long are you going to be there for?” Layla asked.
“Two weeks… max” Fel grinned.
“Really? You’re going to be spending quite a lot then, why don’t you cut it down to a week?” Layla expressed.
“Actually, her Dad owns a house in San Francisco” Rylan said.

“Oh, I guess you can spend as long as you want then” Layla smiled.
“Right. You guys should come along with me”
“I’m in” Rylan said.
“I would really love to Fel but . . . the Cafe. I can’t just tell Phil I’ll be going to San Francisco for two weeks after she gave me a week and a few days off”
“Oh, I get you. We will go together some other time then” Fel said and Layla nodded.
“Dan?” Fel asked.
“I will have to think about it”
“Well, that means you’re not going” She shrug.
“Don’t come to conclusion”
“You only ‘have to think about something’ when you do not want to do it.”
“I insist you shouldn’t come to conclusion yet, I might go with you guys”
“Well, I already came to the conclusion that you’re not going with us”
Dan groaned.

“When you guys get back, we should go on a trip” Layla said.
“Why don’t we do that before we leave, after all we’re gonna be leaving in a week time” Rylan said.
“Nah, I think it’ll be better to go after, like Layla said” Fel.
“Sealed then” Dan said.

“Everything seem boring after Aunt Esther left,” Fel sigh looking unhappy. “I miss her so much”
“I miss her more than you do” Rylan said.
“I called her yesterday night. Anne and I spoke to her and David”
“Oh, I can’t believe calling her hadn’t even cross my mind, I’m going to do that tonight. Nigeria is nine hours ahead of us in time, right?” Rylan asked.

Dan cleared his throat and they quickly shared a look except Layla who wasn’t included.

“Layla, don’t you think you should learn how to drive” Fel started.
“Drive? Why ?” Layla ask.
“Well . . . She means you’re the only one who doesn’t know how to drive among us” Rylan added.
“Yeah,” Dan nodded. “You should learn to drive”
Layla looked from one person to another, wondering what prompted them to think she needed to take driving lessons.
Although she knows her friends are people who doesn’t want any of them left out.
They must be feeling like she should know how to drive also since they all have the knowledge but she doesn’t think it’s necessary.

“I don’t think that’s necessary” She mouthed her thought.
“Of course it is, it doesn’t especially sit well with me that you’re the only one among us who doesn’t know how to drive” Rylan said.
“C’mon,” Layla smile. “I understand what you guys mean but really, is it necessary? it’s not even like I own my own car”
“Not having a car now does not mean you would not in the future” Dan said and of course he meant that, they planned on getting her a car soon and that’s the reason she needs to take driving lessons before it arrives. It doesn’t sit well with them that Layla seems to be the only one among them who doesn’t own a car.
Even though it’s gonna be a tug of war to make her accept it, they were ready.

“Well… There would be no future” The words spilled out of Layla’s mouth before she could stop herself, she wonders if her mouth running uncontrollably is part of the symptoms.
“I was just joking of course” She quickly laughed.
“What’s with you and expensive jokes these days. Whew! You scared me” Fel sigh in relief.
“Well, I kind of knew she was joking” Rylan lied.
“Why did you look more scared than the rest of us then, you lie so much Ry” Fel scoffed and as she and Rylan went back and forth, Layla’s gaze landed on Dan; giving her that suspicious look yet again!
She smiled at him and he did same even though the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I’m done arguing with you!” Fel turned back to Layla.
“Dan is right Layla, you should learn to drive.”
“I don’t see any reason to, honestly” Layla sigh.
“You might see the reason to later on, just do it. You’re not gonna lose anything after all” Rylan smiled.
“Okay fine” Layla said, knowing her friends won’t give up until she gives in.


“You should have just knocked before walking in” Layla said, looking offended as Phil stood by the door, her mouth wide opened after seeing how largely the stretchmarks had stretched to her niece’s back.
She was undressing when Phil suddenly walked in.

“Layla” Phil breathed, stepping further into the room. Forgetting what she came here for.
She had been shocked to see how bad her niece’s body had gotten, it looked hideous.
“What?” Layla asked nonchalantly…
“Why didn’t you tell me it has spread this much?”
“What are you going to do about it if I tell you? There’s nothing, nothing can be done, you are only going to pity me and I hate that”
Phil swallowed hard. “Don’t you think we should visit the doctor?”
“For? Scrubbing it off my back?” Layla asked humorlessly.

Phil sigh. “I think it’s time you tell your friends”
“I’m not going to”
“You should”
“Why should I? Nothing can be done”
“I know but they need to know, Layla. Stop bottling everything to yourself!”
“I still do not get the reason they need to know, so they can probably start mourning me in advance? Just let me be! and it would be greatly appreciated if you leave my room” Layla said, her anger building up.
She’s not angry at Phil, she is at herself.
“They won’t ever forgive you for not opening up to them even when you called them your best friends”
“At least, they won’t have to feel the pain of seeing me and knowing I’m going to die soon”
“Would you even have told me if I hadn’t gone with you to the doctor?”
“Probably not”

“Keeping this all to yourself isn’t going to help”
“Spilling it isn’t going to help either! It’d be unfair to burden them with my shit, I don’t want anyone counting the days with me, I can’t bear to cause them that much pain”
“They won’t mind, they are your friends. You didn’t even tell Esther.”
“I don’t want anyone sharing my pain, they all have their lives to tend to, why should I bother them with mine and would you please leave, I have to shower”
“I am going to tell them if you won’t!” Phil threatened, hoping that would at least change Layla’s mind.
“Go ahead and I’m just going to kill myself before they get here! I don’t have anything to lose anyway, I’m just going to end everything!” Layla slammed the bathroom door, startling Phil.

Phil walked out of the room after she heard the shower run.
She paced the living room worriedly, thinking hard about what she’s going to do.
Should she just tell Layla’s friends and Aunt without making her know?
What if she really murders herself like she said.
Is Layla capable of doing that?
Well . . . She had looked pretty serious.

She hadn’t seen those stretchmarks on Celine’s back or any part of her body.
How come it’s suddenly appearing on Layla’s body.
Are there different symptoms for the same type of cancer?
Shouldn’t they go to the doctor again?
But Layla’s been so adamant, she’s not even going to listen to her or accept to go to the hospital with her!
She should try to persuade her to or call the doctor to come over if she refuses.

“Layla, you need to come with me to the hospital tomorrow” Phil said over dinner.
“No” Layla said, not raising her head from the meal.
“I’m not going to the hospital with you!” She yelled.
“You’re going to the hospital with me!” Phil yelled back at her.
“I will not! There’s nothing to do there”
“Your stretchmarks needs to be examined! Those things weren’t on your mum’s or brother’s body”
“And I need to go to the hospital to examine it because it wasn’t on my mum or brother’s back?”

“Yeah, just listen to me Layla please”
“What use is examining it? Is it meant to make me feel better or miraculously make it all go away, as long as it isn’t going to cure my cancer, it’s not worth stressing over” Layla continued eating even if the meal now tasted stale in her mouth.
“I still feel we should go to the hospital, why won’t you even listen!” Phil said, starting to look really pissed.
“Just make researches if you’re so concerned, I’m not going to the hospital with you because that’s definitely going to amount to nothing! And you can’t surely tell if my mum or brother had it, they never revealed their whole body to you”

“You’re going to come to the hospital with me tomorrow…”
“I’m done here!” Layla pushed the meal away, got to her feet and walked off angrily.


Layla yelled at the Doctor for the third time to fucking leave her alone.

Phil sigh as she watched, she had to summon the doctor over today to examine Layla and she has not been giving him the chance to.
It’s quite surprising to see Layla behave this way.


“Layla, you need to calm down. I’m only going to examine it . . .”
“I don’t want you to! Why are you being so annoying. I don’t want to be examined! Leave or you’re going to be arrested for wanting to forcefully examine me.”
“I guess I’ll take my leave now Ms. Marton, you should get her to come to the hospital when she’s ready” The doctor picked his bag.
“Thanks so much Doc. Mart I’m so sorry for the stress”
“It’s fine” He said and Phil walked him to the door.
She returned to Layla.

“Phil, would you leave me the hell alone! Leave me alone!!” Layla screamed at her, stomping off to her room.


“Can you just see how dumb the movie ended? You should have allowed me select a better movie but you’re just so headstrong” Fel hissed at Ry who looked kind of guilty.
“I do not really watch movies but I’ve never watched one as dumb as this” Layla groan.
“Don’t mind them buddy, the movie is great, very great” Dan teased.
“It would have been better if you had just condemned the movie like they did, now you make me feel even worse” Rylan said and they shared a laugh.

It’s a week after and they were seated in Dan’s living room, spending time together before Rylan and Fel leave for San Francisco tomorrow.
“Fel, go ahead and select the next movie, these guys are not allowed to anymore” Layla said firmly.
“But Rylan was the one who did a bad job at it, why include me?” Dan frowned.
“You were included because you and Ry have the same taste”
“Exactly” Fel agreed.
“Really? Then give me the chance to prove you wrong” Dan said determinedly.

“Dan, you just indirectly said my taste is bad” Rylan tried to look offended.
“When did I say that? I never did”
“You wanted to prove them wrong when they said you and I have the same taste, you wouldn’t have done that if you think my taste is good”

“Ah, my bad. I didn’t actually mean it that way, although your taste is quite bad but I didn’t mean to do that” Dan grinned and ended up laughing when Rylan sent a throw pillow in his direction.

“I bet this will be great, check it out” Fel handed her phone to Layla.
“Let’s go for it” Layla said.
“Aren’t you guys going to allow us see the movie we’ll be watching?” Dan asked.
“Why should we? It’s not like your comments matter, you can’t even tell a good movie from a bad one” Fel said.
“Ry, look what you caused!”
“You selected a bad movie and now I’m being tagged along with you”
“You also said the movie was good when I showed it to you!”
“You convinced me to say it was!”
“Whatever, but you were also an ally in selecting it”

Anne walked into the living room and moved towards Rylan and they all paid no attention to her as they thought she was going to sit beside him and watch the movie with them but they were shocked when she suddenly slapped Rylan across the face.
Rylan blinked in disbelief, tiny stars blurring his vision due to the effect of the slap.
They were all so speechless, not knowing where that came from.
“You’re lucky my friends aren’t here” She said and they all saw what they hadn’t seen in her hand earlier.

A trip ticket.

“We’re going on a trip to Zion national park and Bryce canyon this weekend” She smiled before walking away.

“Oh my God” Fel held her stomach as laughter rolled out of her.
Layla felt kind of sorry for Ry but couldn’t help but laugh. He shouldn’t have underestimated her in the first place.
Dan folded in his lips, preventing his laughter from escaping his mouth..
But when it seems his cheeks were going to burst open, he let it out and they all laughed except Rylan who looked quite swollen.



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