HER LAST WISH Episode 61 – 63 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 61 by Azeemah Salami

“It still feels so unreal that you’re finally here. You do not know how happy I am” Layla said to Aunt Esther who smiled.p by
They were on the bed, minutes after freshening up for the night.
David is snoring lightly in his sleep already.
The day had been fun, ranging from the delicious meal to the historical tales Aunt Esther had told them, down to the random chats and the plays.
Her friends did not leave until it was dark.

“Seeing you after a long time just gives me a different type of joy. Moremi, I know I’ve said this multiple times but I’m so sorry about … What happened to your Mum and Bryan, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.” Aunt Esther held her hands, looking sorry.
“It’s fine Aunt, I know the reason you couldn’t come. And I can remember you wanted to come after but I had told you not to bother. Believe me it’s fine. I was not even in the right state of mind then to even welcome anyone.” Layla said, after her mum and brother were buried, she could remember Phil coming over everyday to their house but she wouldn’t even open the door to let her in. She opened the door after a week, inside the house all by herself for a whole week and it’s still so surprising she hadn’t gone crazy.
“I still wish I had been there for you though”
“It’s okay, believe me”
“You’re going to take me to where they were buried tomorrow or a day after”
Layla nodded… It’s been quite long she went there and she feels so bad about it . Going there brings back memories and she’ll end up feeling very sad for days.

“When you come to Nigeria, you should visit your Dad’s grave, I’m sure you’ve been wanting to do that right?”
“Yeah,” Layla smiled sadly “I miss that man so much”
She actually wish to visit her dad’s grave, she has never visited and she has been wanting to do that for a long time but she doubt it’s going to be possible.
“I feel bad for him though, his family wasn’t even given his death gratuity after his great service to his country, after dieing for his country. That our country ehn, it’s only God that’ll help us. Well… I believe his reward is in heaven” Aunt Esther said, looking quite sad.

“I believe so too,” Layla sigh. “We would have stopped him from going for that war if we knew that’ll be the last time we’ll ever see him”
“That’s just the sad thing about death, you’ll have no idea that will be the last time you’ll be seeing someone”
“And that’s why it’s advisable to cherish every moment with the people we love”
“Thanks for coming Aunt Esther”
“C’mon why should you thank me for coming. It’s something I should have done even before now, I should actually apologize to you for taking this long to visit”
“Well, I actually have my reasons for thanking you” Layla said.
“Stop jare, who thanks their Aunt for coming to visit them, you’re making me feel like you don’t think of me as your Aunt anymore but a stranger”

“No, C’mon Aunt, don’t think that way. You’re my Aunt, my sweetest Aunt now and forever”
Aunt Esther smiled. “Just exactly how you’re the sweetest niece”
“Feels good to flatter each other though” Layla said and they laugh.
Quieting their laughter almost immediately, not wanting to disrupt David’s sleep.

Layla’s phone pinged and she picked it up and smiled on seeing a text from Dan.
She replied him and dropped her phone back beside her.
“Dan right?”
“Well, yeah.” Layla said, wondering how her Aunt knew it was Dan.
She hadn’t even mention his name.
“You did not have to mention his name, I’ve only been here not quite long but I know your face only light up this way whenever it’s about him”
Layla looked sheepish immediately and her Aunt chuckled.
“You like him, don’t you?”
She nodded.
“It’s so obvious and it seems he equally likes you, I can see it with the way you both look at each other. He might approach you soon”

“He did already”
“Really? Oh, you guys are dating already, that’s cool” Aunt Esther smiled. She’s fully in support of it because Dan is a very good person and he seems just right for her niece.
“Well… We’re not dating yet, I didn’t approve of it”
“Why? Oh… you want to do small shakara. That’s fine” Aunt Esther chuckled.
“What’s shakara?” Layla asked.

“Oh, shakara. How am I going to explain it laidis… Okay, if someone says your shakara is too much, to my own understanding it means, showing off, having pride and so many other things in that aspect Sha but doing shakara in romantic aspect means another thing, it’s when a girl equally likes a guy but puts on a different front as though she’s not interested in him a bit, like,…” Aunt Esther looked to be thinking of the right word to use “Ehn ehn! forming hard to get when you actually do like the guy”

“Oh that’s what it means” Layla sigh.
“Yeah and it’s normal for ladies to do shakara whenever guys ask them out. But just make sure you don’t overdo it as long as you equally like the guy.”
Layla nodded sadly, if it hadn’t been for her health condition, she would have said yes to Dan immediately, who cares about shakara.

“I remember the days I was in the university, when David’s father who’s now my husband was asking me out. I did shakara for him ehn, he would come to my hostel every evening and on weekends, morning. Sometimes I will even refuse to see him, most times, I would keep him waiting, and it’s not because I didn’t like him o, it was because I wanted to do small shakara ni o. So, one day my roommate came back from class and told me how she had seen him with another lady and they looked quite intimate that it seems they were already dating. Meanwhile, before she walked in, I had been thinking of doing just small more shakara before finally accepting to date him. You won’t believe how much I cried that day” Aunt Esther said and they both laugh.

“My roommate scolded me and reminded me of the times he would come to see me but I will refuse to see him just because I wanted to form hard to get, I didn’t want to look cheap meanwhile I equally liked him, I couldn’t even eat properly that night, I just kept reminiscing on how I have treated the poor guy and I wished I hadn’t done that much.”
Layla chuckled “I can imagine”
“So, the next morning, it was a Saturday and he came over to my hostel again and requested to see me. Remi, this time, I didn’t waste any time in going out to meet him” Aunt Esther said and they both laugh again.

“Although when I got to him, I maintained my composure and didn’t give away the fact that I actually like him. I asked him what he was doing in my hostel, when he now has a girlfriend. I tried to speak casually, like I’m not affected a tiny bit about the fact that he now has a girlfriend. But dear, I couldn’t control expressing my jealousy, I ended up shouting at him to go meet her and leave me alone and… he looked confused and said he doesn’t know what I’m talking about or where I got the false information from. I lied that I saw him myself with his girlfriend at the school library and… he just laughed and said she was just a friend and he could take me to her if I don’t believe him, me that didn’t even recognize the girl. I told him not to worry, that I believe him. You do not know how happy I was inside of me, I didn’t lose him after all. And then he smiled and said so I equally like him and I told him no that he’s wrong but I was already bursted, he knew it and that was how our relationship started”
“Aw” Layla smiled.

“While we were dating, he told me he was actually on the verge of giving up going after me because he thought I didn’t like him. Having Femi in my life is just one of the best things that has ever happened to me. If I had lost this great guy, although it won’t stop me from meeting other guys but I’m going to feel bad about it for a very long time because I really do like him. Dating him and getting married to him has been one of my best decision till date. He has been my biggest supporter, there’s no one that has my back more than Femi does, he has being the best father to our son and the best husband to me” Aunt Esther smiled proudly.
“I know that too, Mr. Femi is a great person even to me” Layla said.
“Wow, I think you should just stick to calling him Femi, look how smoothly it rolled out of your mouth. Please don’t try to call him by his last name anymore” Aunt Esther said making them giggle.
They paused after seeing it made David stir in his sleep…

They ended up giggling quietly when they turned to face each other again.

“Hmm” Aunt Esther sigh deeply after they stopped giggling, rubbing her son’s back gently.

“Is there anything wrong?” Layla asked worriedly, it seems as though her Aunt’s mood suddenly changed.
“Yeah, I’m… bothered”
“Why?” Layla sat up immediately, alarmed at what it could be to make her Aunt look this sad.

“You know David is ten right and is going to be eleven soon”
“Yeah, I know that. Is something wrong with David?” Layla panicked.
“No, he is fine but you know since I… gave birth to him, I’ve not been able to have any other… child, my husband and I already went for series of medical tests already and we’re both fine medically, so we just decided to wait, if another child comes..fine and if not, it’s fine also. We do not mind David being our only child but for some time now,…” She swallowed hard and then continued in a shaky voice ” It might sound dumb to you because you’re not familiar with this sort of thing but My husband’s relatives are not having any of it, they’ve been on my neck for a while now, I’m not being given breathing space. They want another child from me and… they come over almost everyday to… threaten me that something bad is going to happen to me if I don’t give birth to another child”
“What! What the hell! Really? Who does that?!” Layla expressed her shock and anger at the same time.
“You mean, you’re literally being choked, pressurized, threatened because you’ve not had any other child asides Dave?” Layla furrowed her brows.
Aunt Esther nodded.
“Are you sure their mental health is in check? No one in their right senses would pressurize someone over what they absolutely have no control over, who pressures someone to give birth to another child! No one has the right to pressurize anyone to give birth to another child! That’s ridiculous. No one should be pressurized over anything and not even over a matter such as having a child!” Layla looked pissed.
“At least you have a child! What more do they want, having another child or not should not be any of their business, you’re not married to them but your husband who’s fine with you having just a child”

“According to them, having a child is just the same as being barren”
“Oh My God! For real Aunt, they need to be examined seriously, they are not normal! A normal person won’t think that way, trust me”
“I keep getting reminded evertime that anything could happen to my son sooner or later and then I’ll leave my husband with no child to father and… I’m just so scared, what if…” She sniffed back tears “What if… something really happens to David” Aunt Esther wiped her tears, stroking her son’s face gently.

“Nothing is going to happen to David! how can you give in to the pressure coming from a certain set of dumb people who obviously have no idea about life. Aunt, they need to be sued, you don’t make life hard on someone and just walk freely and not be punished for it. No! If they don’t get sued, they’ll keep coming back”
Aunt Esther smiled, “Things are not as easy over there as it might seem here, I do actually stand up to them whenever they come over and act unaffected by their words but deep down, it’s the opposite. I act all strong and unbothered to their face but just cry when they leave”

“You guys shouldn’t let them into your home anymore and if they still try to come in, you know that thing called… ” Layla looked like she was trying to remember something. “Yeah! That thing called horse whip you once told me about… Whenever they try to come into your home. Whip them hard with it”
Aunt Esther couldn’t help but burst into laughter which ended up almost waking David, she had to pat him back to sleep, still laughing though not as loud.

“That’s what you should do. Believe me, they would stop pestering you”
“Moremi, I can’t whip my in-laws with horse whip, that’ll be disrespectful and I’ll be tagged a bad wife” Aunt Esther said, giggling.
Layla felt kind of glad to have made her laugh.

“But to be sincere, they are being so unfair and unkind to you” Layla said, unhappy that her Aunt is going through this and the fact that she can’t help is even more sad.
“Right. And I’m so grateful for the type of husband I have, I would have broken down completely if not for him, he stands up to them, gives it back to them hot and they would only come over when he’s away at work and if I should tell him when he gets back, then they are really in for it. Sometimes, I even avoid telling him because I don’t want wahala. Although my husband has my back but I’m just fed of everything, I’m tired” She sigh.
Layla pulled her into a hug, rubbed her back gently and told her everything will be fine.

“You’re actually sad because you choose to be, if you decide to be happy then you will be regardless of what anyone says or do, caring about what people say is a chronic Joy robber, as long as you and your husband are fine with David being the only child, then anyone else’s opinion shouldn’t matter, you own your life Aunt, don’t allow anyone rule it for you. David is a wonderful child and nothing is going to go wrong with him. Laugh in their faces whenever they come to taunt you again, make them realise you are happy with or without another child, tell them to fucking mind their own business and repair their broken lives. Just choose to be happy and that’s it”

“Aw,” Aunt Esther smiled proudly, hugging Layla tighter “Omoremi temi nikan (My own one and only Moremi) I love you so much, oshey okomi( Thank you my darling) . I’m so proud of the person you’ve become. Wow, did my little niece of then just lift my mood and change my thinking with her wise words? I’m a very proud Aunt”
Layla smiled “There are days you also lifted my mood, what I just did cannot even be compared to what you’ve done for me”
“I’m just so glad I opened up to you, is that how I would have returned to Lagos and continue giving those people the chance to make life miserable for me. Eh God! Thank you my love”
“I’m happy to have helped”
“My mind is finally at rest after all these while. Words are indeed powerful. My husband is going to be so glad if I should tell him this” Aunt Esther smiled happily, Layla had completely changed her thinking for the better.

“Mr. …” Layla paused, teasing her Aunt.
“Please don’t tell me you are about to pronounce his last name”
“Well I am. Mr. …” Layla was saying and they both laugh when Aunt Esther covered her ears.
“Gosh, am I that bad at it?” Layla asked.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to teach you how to pronounce it tomorrow, it’s very late now, we should go to bed”
“That’s true and we even have a trip for tomorrow”

They’ve all booked their mobile tickets to the Grand Canyon West Rim tomorrow on a luxury bus tour.

“Odààro (Good night)” Layla said, smiling as she got under the blanket.
“Wow, that’s impressive, I only said that word to you yesterday and you already can pronounce it smoothly, I’m sure you’ll not have much problem with learning Yoruba”
“Of course, that’s my father’s language, it’s inborn” Layla said, looking proud of herself.
“Ah, look at her mouth. You better don’t get flattered too much” Aunt Esther said and they both laugh.

“Ohhhhhh, you people are making noise jhoor” David said, with closed eyes.
Aunt Esther and Layla glanced at him and then back at each other..

They burst into laughter again…


“Yeahhhhhh!!” Fel shouted happily as she drove past Dan’s car, while Layla and Anne laugh sticking out their tongue at Dan and Rylan as Fel’s car sped past them.
They were all on their way to the designated hotel where they would meet the driver that’ll drive them on the bus tour to West Rim.
Layla was seated in the front with Fel while Anne and Aunt Esther were seated in the backseat. David is in Dan’s car with Rylan.
They’ve been in the car race since they left the house, Dan and Fel kept overtaking each other and it’s been fun so far even though Aunt Esther is not so happy about it.

“Shey this thing you people are doing is not dangerous laidis” She said worriedly for the umpteenth time, she had shouted Blood of Jesus when they first started and they had all laugh, she didn’t stop expressing her worry.
Fel and Dan were driving real fast, trying to overtake each other and even though they were all finding it fun, it’s not fun to her at all.

“Aunt Esther, it’s nothing, just be calm and enjoy the ride” Anne said.
“Yeah, if only you can just put your mind at rest, you’ll find it fun” Layla said.
“Hmm” She sigh, trying to keep her mind at rest like they said but her mind did not even rest a bit.

“Shit!” They groaned when Dan overtook them.

“Ehyyy! Èyin Òmò Yii! (You these children!)” Aunt Esther shouted, looking so scared when Fel suddenly swerved the car to the right. She suddenly swerved to the left again and Aunt Esther started shouting that she’s going to get down if they don’t stop racing.
Anne couldn’t stop herself from laughing.
“Aunt! Chill, we are almost there” Layla said.
“Oluwa o, Sé mi sí mòto wò bayi (God o, hope I’ve not entered the wrong car like this)”

Fel was so concentrated and focused on overtaking Dan before they get to the gate of the hotel and she succeeded.
They squealed in joy till she drove into the hotel and parked the car.
“Thank you Jesus” Aunt Esther muttered under her breath, finally letting out her breath.
They all stepped out of the car.
Dan drove in almost immediately too and they alighted when he parked the car.

Fel and the girls smiled triumphantly as they watch them approach.
“You couldn’t even park your car properly” Rylan scoffed.
“We intentionally left you to overtake us” Dan rolled his eyes and they laugh.
“Well… whatever you guys say doesn’t change the fact that we overtook you guys, I know it’s quite painful but just accept it” Fel grinned mockingly.
“Who knows… we might let you guys win another time” Anne smiled.
“Yeah, perhaps in decades to come” Layla said and they laugh.

“E remain small, we would have win you people” David said.
“So you too you like it ehn” Aunt Esther raised her brow at her son.
“Yes na, it was fun” He giggled…
“See mouth like kettle, you and rough play are kuku five and six” She said.
“OMG, did you just compare his mouth to kettle?” Dan asked in disbelief before they all started laughing.

“David, your Mum was so scared” Layla said after they finally stopped laughing.
“That’s how she use to do at home too, if we enter Maruwa (tricycle) she’ll be telling the driver not to speed too much”
Aunt Esther smiled, children really notice everything.
“What’s Maruwa?” Rylan asked.
“Of course you should know it’s a means of transportation, your brain should at least tell you that” Fel said.
” I wasn’t talking to you, you should actually learn to put your mouth in place” Rylan said.
“Oh please guys, don’t start. Look, the tour guides and the driver are waiting for us already. Let’s go” Dan said.
“The way the both of you argue, it’s like you like each other” Aunt Esther smiled.
“No way! I can’t like someone like him who eats a whole pie in a bite” Fel said, with a roll of eyes.
“I can’t like someone whose mouth is like kettle either” Rylan said and God knows they all tried not to laugh but they couldn’t.

They all laughed really hard, not minding that Fel doesn’t seem happy about it.


HER LAST WISH Episode 62 by Azeemah Salami

“Fel, I was just joking, I’m sorry” Rylan said, stifling his laugh as he hurried after Fel who’s obviously so pissed at him.
“Please” He added.
“I’m sorry”
The others stood, watching them, although they’ve stopped laughing but a trail of laughter still remained in their eyes.
“Take back what you said” She turned to face him.
“I take that back. Your mouth is not like kettle” He said, never having struggling this much in his life to hold a laughter.
If he should laugh, Fel is never going to forgive him till this trip is over and he doesn’t want that, he can’t stand her not talking to him for that long.

“Take it back to the hearing of everyone” She said.
“I take it back everyone, Fel’s mouth is not like kettle” He shouted loudly and this time even the tour guides and the driver laughed.

They all looked quite excited.
After all they were visiting the Grand Canyon West Rim on a luxury bus tour!

They got on the bus and the scenic drive began…

“How come we never even thought to take a trip until Aunt Esther got here” Fel said.
“Actually I would say school is the reason, our weekdays are usually packed with school work and we relax or just hang out on weekends” Rylan said.
“Exactly. Then, we do go on trips only whenever we were on holiday, don’t you remember?” Dan said.
“Well, yeah but we haven’t even thought of going on a trip during this holiday and if not for Aunt Esther and Dave, I doubt we would have planned any”
“You know we always plan it together after we finish the last paper of every exam and since Dan is no longer a student in our school, I guess that made it stop”
“He might not be a student in our school anymore but we’re all still best friends after all, that should never have stopped and now that we have Layla, it would even be more fun”
“Then I guess we should go on a trip soon” Dan suggested.
“Exactly” Rylan nodded.
“What do you think Layla?” Fel said.
“Absolutely fine, I’m open to it… there’s no harm in having fun after all” Layla said excitedly.
“Great! It’s sealed then” Fel smiled.
“So where should we go to?” Rylan asked.

“Are you guys really planning to go on a trip while on one? you should at least get home to properly decide” Anne said.
“Hm… It seems someone is jealous” Rylan teased.
“I’m not jealous, I’ve got my own friends too”
Dan smiled, pulling his sister’s cheek playfully.
“You guys are still kids so you won’t be allowed to go on trips by yourselves” Rylan grinned mockingly.
“What!” Anne looked offended.
“Ah, didn’t know that was going to offend you” Rylan grimaced.
“We’re not kids! We’re fifteen!”
“Oh really? I thought you clocked twelve on your last birthday” Rylan teased further.
“Really? I know you’re trying to upset me but that’s not going to happen”
“For real, I thought you clocked twelve. So, you’re really fifteen, you’re a teenager! That’s great! For real” Rylan clapped, a mockery grin on his face and that really upset Anne.

“Dan! Aren’t you going to say anything” She whined to her brother.
“Rylan is an asshole, I’ve got nothing to say” Dan said, resuming to his phone.
“Really? You’ve got nothing to say after saying I’m an asshole?”
“A big one” Dan added nonchalantly.

“Anne, what you just have to do to prove this dickhead wrong is to actually organize a trip with your friends, slap the trip ticket on his face if possible” Fel said.
“Wow, ‘dickhead’, ‘asshole’. Why didn’t I realize earlier that these people have been hating on me” Rylan said biting his lip, looking like he was really thinking.

“Of course I’m going to, and I’m really going to slap the ticket in your face! And also tell my friends to do the same” Anne said.
“Wow, is that supposed to make me scared, guess what… I’m not even bothered because you guys can’t even leave the house to the grocery store on your own, not to talk of being allowed on a trip” Rylan laughed.
“Well… Just wait” Anne said determinedly.
“I’m going to, even patiently at that and you should really slap those tickets on my face when you guys finally do” Rylan said, still laughing.
“You all heard Rylan, I hope no one scolds me when I finally do as he said”
“You’re never going to be scolded after slapping the ticket on his face, at least not by me. I’m in full support” Fel said.
“I’m in also” Layla said.
“Same here” Dan said.
“I knew y’all hated me but I didn’t know it was this worse, it’s fine. I don’t see any reason to continue this trip with you guys any longer” Rylan said, maintaining a straight face as he pretended to stand up…
“Hi Mr. Brown” Fel called on the driver. “Can you please pull over to a side, someone wants to alight”
“What the heck!” Rylan swore “Mr. Brown she was only joking, no one is alighting!”

“I thought you were going to leave” Layla said, trying not to grin.
“When did I say that?” He asked.
“Oh, guys. I guess he doesn’t want to leave through the car door, let’s just push him out the window” Dan said, getting to his feet.
“Fel, grab his hands. Layla, his legs. I’m just going to press his shoulders together so it can fit through the window” Dan looked serious as he said this and Fel and Layla equally started doing as he said, much to Rylan’s horror.
“You guys Stop!” He yelled.
They didn’t listen to him, they pinned him down to his seat, looking as though they were really going to throw him out.

“Aunt Esther, help!” Rylan shouted as he struggled with them.
Aunt Esther and David laughed.
“Anne!” Rylan shouted.
Anne who has been laughing all the while told Dan to press his shoulders tighter.
“Guys, okay I take it back. I’m not leaving, not through the door, the window or anywhere, I’m sorry I said that” Rylan said breathing heavily from the struggle.
They finally spared him, and Fel pushed his forehead with the tip of her finger, grinning widely.
Layla laughed as she returned to her seat.
“Don’t fucking ‘Buddy’ me!” Rylan yelled at Dan who had called him buddy before sitting and he laughed.

“For a moment, I almost thought he was really serious about leaving” Aunt Esther chuckled.
“Nah, even if he is, we’re never going to allow him to” Fel said.
“And he isn’t someone to be serious about such” Layla added.

“Dave, can you see what they did to me. Don’t ever have friends like them okay?”
“But I want to have friends like them. I like the way you people are always playing” David smiled.
“Even little David turned against you” Fel laughed.
“That must hurt” Layla grinned.
“David, I can’t believe you did me this dirty, it’s fine though” Rylan shrugged, pretending to look offended.

“Ry! Look, I told you she was going to win the award!” Dan exclaimed happily, stretching his phone to Rylan.
“Yes!” They both jumped happily.
“Ah, I guess Dan’s crush finally won the award” Fel said.
“Dan’s crush?” Layla asked.
“Yeah, she’s a teenage singer and Dan really likes her”
“Oh” Layla couldn’t help the jealousy that pinched at her heart..
Dan and Rylan were still jubilating over her win.

“He doesn’t actually like her in that way, he only likes her as singer, he admires the talent she’s got at a young age” Anne said.
“No, he likes her romantically” Fel said.
“He does not”
“He does”
“Dan, do you like her as a singer or romantically?” Anne asked Dan.
“Huh?” He asked, not quite getting what his sister just said.
“I mean… Mary Harold”
“Oh,” He said and didn’t know why his eyes fell on Layla’s, she was looking at him, an unreadable expression on her face.
“I only like one person and that’s definitely not Mary, I like her only as a singer, her talent is just so admirable ” He said, glanced at Layla again before resuming his jubilation with Rylan.
Layla swallowed, turning to face the window.

“I told you” Anne said to Fel.

They continued chatting, switching from one topic to the other.
Their tour guides were so lovely and conversational.
And before they got to Hover Dam, they were served a very tasty fresh deli sandwich and a bottle of water for breakfast.


They paused for a photo shop at the Hover Dam, they were going to spend some hours touring Hover dam before finally going to West Rim. Major stops on the tour to The Grand Canyon West Rim had include photos at the ‘Welcome To Las Vegas’ sign, seven magic mountains and Hover Dam.
They were now in Hover Dam, happily touring one of the scenic areas around Las Vegas, they were having so much fun enjoying the beautiful views, talking and laughing at their jokes. They took several pictures as they toured the Hover Dam, one didn’t have to be told to know they were really enjoying their time there.
Their tour guides were really fantastic, they gave them time to walk out on the memorial bridge for a full view of the Hoover Dam.
After taking more pictures and satisfied with the time spent at the memorial bridge, they moved to the Hover Dam Walk-On-Top with seven magic mountains.

“This is so beautiful” David said, his eyes and everyone else’s filled with great admiration for the place, he looked really excited as he jumped around.
Big layers of beautiful, bright and colorful stones were stacked on top of each other till it stood tall and it wasn’t just one, six more layers also stood at different places, making it all seven. It was a scene! A beautiful one. They wondered how the uneven big stones were able to stand on each other looking so stable.
“How can stones be this beautiful? Or aren’t these stones?” Aunt Esther asked.
“I’m wondering also, so colourful as well” Rylan said.
“Am I the only one amazed at how these stones stand on their own even when they look so uneven.” Layla said.
“It’s crazy” Fel said.

“Well, not crazy to me because this place simply reps its name” Anne added.
“Seven Magic Mountains” David said…
“Yes!” Anne said and they both clicked their palms together in high-five, smiling.

It really looked its name.


“Wow, why didn’t I even think of that” Rylan said.
“Well seems you’re the actual twelve-year-old here” Anne taunted, and he frowned looking a bit taken aback, he hadn’t expected that comeback from Anne.
Fel captured his look immediately and screamed happily. “Yes! This horrible picture of Rylan Whitney, the girls crush is going to the school group immediately. I think those girls need to see how horrible their crush looks sometimes,” Fel laughed.
She showed the picture to Dan.
“Oh My… I never knew Rylan could look this ugly” Dan laugh.
Anne and Layla shifted closer and they also laugh on seeing the picture.
Anne was especially glad she finally had a comeback at him.

“Well, I know I’m good looking, nothing you say can move me. Y’all are just pained by that fact”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to take that back after seeing this picture of you” Fel grinned, showing him the picture, she made sure to hold her phone tight knowing Rylan might grasp it from her.
“What the hell, this is not me! Delete that picture” He growled.
“No way!” Fel laugh “It’s going to the school group immediately, just watch me” She said, focused on her phone, pretending to be really serious on doing that.
“Fel!” He yelled and made to grab her phone but she was quick enough to not let that happen, soon he was running after her, demanding she deletes the picture.

The others continued admiring the scenic area.
“Everyone come over, let’s take a picture, this sight is too beautiful not to have a memory of it” Fel said.
“Yeah, let’s take a picture in group and also individually” Anne said.
“Let’s do that!”


Upon arrival at the beautiful Grand Canyon West Rim, they started at the welcome center. From there, they were free to continue at their own pace and they took as much time as they wished, bantering along the way, admiring the breathtaking views and taking more pictures.
They had fun using the hop-on hop-off shuttle at Eagle point and the Grand Canyon skywalk.

After they were served lunch, they had a stroll over the Grand Canyon horse-shaped glass bridge, peering over the rims of the Canyon. It felt like they were floating on air with the spectacular view.

“Oh my God, this is bliss” Layla smiled happily.
“Pure Bliss” Fel said.
“Am I the only one kind of scared?” Rylan asked.
“My dear, you are not the only one o. Although the view is so beautiful but my heart has been beating fast since” Aunt Esther said.
“Perhaps, you guys are acrophobic” Dan said.
“No, I’m not. But the fact that this place is made of glass just keep bringing series of thoughts to my mind”
“Exactly” Aunt Esther agreed.

“Let’s take a picture then, perhaps it’ll take you guys mind off it” Anne said.

The rest of their day passed in immense fun.


They got home quite late in the night and while Aunt Esther and David walked into the room to freshen up for the night. Layla, even though all she wanted to do was sleep, asked Phil what she would like to have for dinner.
She couldn’t express her joy when Phil told her she already ordered pizza.
She said goodbye to her and went to freshen up for the night before going to join Aunt Esther and David in their room.
They all slept off almost immediately their heads hit the pillow.


Aunt Esther, Layla and David returned home after visiting the cemetery where Layla’s Mum and brother were buried.
They had bought fresh flowers on their way there to place by the graves but had been surprised to see fresh looking flowers there, Layla was so sure she hadn’t put it there, it’s been months she visited them and they had to ask the watchman who told them her mum’s younger sister comes to visit every two weeks, he knows her because she gives him some money so he takes extra care of the graves, she replaces the flowers with new ones every two weeks.

Layla knocked on Phil’s door, Aunt Esther and David already head to their room.
She feels really down and sad like she normally do whenever she goes there, she thought she had healed from their death but that had been a facade…
And Phil replacing the flowers by her mum and brother’s grave really shocked her. although it made her feel less bad, at least someone else has been going to take care of them when she neglected them.
She thought Phil did not like her Mum, her Mum and Phil had not been in good terms till her Mum died, the dislike for each other actually started when her Mum chose to marry a black which was against the will of her family.
They expressed their dislike for each other on several occasions even after their mother’s death and now Phil is going to replace the flowers every two weeks?

“Oh, you’re back” Phil said and Layla was a bit startled, she didn’t know Phil had opened the door.
“Yeah, can I come in?”
Phil nodded, already knowing what Layla’s about to say.
She knew Layla was going to find out when she told her she’ll be visiting the cemetery this morning.
“You’re the one right? You replace the flowers by their graves every two weeks” Layla said.
Phil nodded.
“I… I thought you hated her”
“I never hated Celine, she’s my sister after all, my blood sister whom we once shared a bond and even though we fell apart till she died, it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t take care of her grave” Phil said, she’s having great regrets about falling out with her sister over something as irrelevant as choosing to marry a black, they had loved each other so much and the fact that Celine had chosen a man over her family had made her so angry.

“Thank you, Phil,” Layla said in an almost inaudible voice, she knows she’s going to break down soon.
“Thank you for taking care of them even when I neglected them, I’m… so grateful”

“You didn’t neglect them Layla, I know how you do feel whenever you visit their graves, you were only trying to avoid that”
Layla smiled, a smile that lacked warmth “That’s such a lame reason to have stopped going there, they are my family after all and feeling that way after I visit them does not justify me neglecting them”
“Believe me, they won’t also be happy if you had kept visiting knowing you feel so terrible after. They would want you to be happy, they care for you and won’t like seeing you sad because of them”
“Nothing you say justifies my actions, I neglected them. I’ve been a terrible family to them. Thank you Phil, what you did really mean a lot to me” Layla said before walking out of Phil’s room, her eyes pinching with tears.

She got under the blanket in her room and let out the tears she’s been holding all day.


“Are you sure Layla knows we’re here?” Fel asked for the third time since they got here.
She and Anne had gotten here first because they planned to make cornrows and right now Aunt Esther is on Anne’s hair, working magic through it.
“She might… be sleeping” Rylan said, he and Dan came over just few hours ago.
“She doesn’t sleep for that long and not even when she knows we are here, are you sure she’s fine?” Dan asked worriedly, he noticed Aunt Esther’s mood is not as bright.

“Well… We went to the cemetery today to visit her Mum and brother’s grave and… as expected she’s been in a sour mood, she hasn’t come out of her room since we returned, she has been crying” Aunt Esther said unhappily.
If she hadn’t promised Fel and Anne that she was going to make their hair today, she wouldn’t have attended to them, she’s equally feeling really down and all she wants to do is comfort her niece but she won’t even open the door for her.

There was silence, each of them feeling sad and very sorry for Layla.
Anne sniffed and quickly wiped her tears as it sipped from her eyes.
Fel faced the other side of the couch, not wanting anyone to see her cry.

“How long has she been in there for?” Dan asked, trying really hard not to show the emotions that was reeling out of him.
“Since we got back at 11am”
“She’s been crying for six hours” Rylan said, glancing at the wall clock. Struggling to have his emotions in check but the tears slipped out of his eyes and he has his palm over his face as more tears rolled out.
“Don’t bother going to meet her” Aunt Esther said to Dan, who already got to his feet.
“Her door is locked, she won’t even allow me in, she had only allowed David in when he cried by her door. I guess she just want some time to herself”
Dan nodded and slowly sat back on the couch.

Aunt Esther paused making Anne’s hair.
The silence continued, every one of them in their own thoughts, deeply sorry and worried for Layla…
They remained that way for close to an hour and they all rushed to Layla as soon as she stepped into the living room, hugging her all at once.
She smiled, trying to get to hug them all.

The fact that she cried so much is so glaring, her eyes looked so red and twice its normal size.
Even though she had washed her face before stepping out and even waited a few minutes in her room just so to make her puffy eyes look better.
Her head is aching so much, due to how much she has cried.

“Ah, you guys are going to suffocate me” She chuckled softly and they slowly released their holds on her.
“Anne, did you cry? Fel! You too, Rylan! Daniel. You guys… ” Layla paused and sigh, realizing her friends had cried because of her, her throat tightened with tears and her eyes were starting to pinch again.
“Hey! You’ve cried enough, don’t make that tear drop” Dan said, holding her hands.
“Thank you guys, I love you all so much” Layla wiped her tears.
“We definitely love you more”
“Now, stop crying” Fel said to her…
“Your head must be hurting right?” Anne asked.
Layla nodded.
“I should get you some aspirin, Dan, let me have your car key” Fel said. She didn’t come here with her car because she hadn’t felt like driving. She and Anne had hailed a cab here.
“Wait, there’s some aspirin in my room” Layla said.
“I will get it” Rylan said.
“In the third drawer,” Layla called after him. “And please make sure not to wake Dave”

“Comman sit down” Aunt Esther said, leading her to the couch.
“What are you going to eat? Should I make that palm oil rice for you, we still have enough palm oil left, we are just going to get beef and prawns” Aunt Esther said.
Layla nodded, she’s actually starving and hearing that palm oil rice made her stomach rumble more.
“Anne and I will go get the beef and prawns” Fel said.
“Yeah” Anne nodded.
Rylan walked back into the living room with the Aspirin.

“When next you’re going to visit the cemetery, we’re all going to come with you” Dan said.
“Exactly” They all agreed.
“We need to also meet them and pay some respect” Rylan said.
“Alright, I’ll be going in two weeks’ time” She already decided to visit them regularly now.
“It’s sealed then” Fel said.

“You guys just stay back to help Aunt Esther prep for the meal, Rylan and I will go get it” Dan said.
“Oh okay” Fel said.
“We’ll be right back” Dan said before walking out of the house with Rylan.

“Here” Anne placed a glass cup of water in front of Layla.
“Thank you Anne” Layla said, gulping the pills down with enough water.
“We’ll just go ahead now to start prepping for the meal, you need to eat soon enough” Fel said.
“Will you be fine alone?” Anne asked.
“C’mon, of course” Layla smiled.
“Keep yourself busy with the TV before Dan and Rylan comes back you hear?” Aunt Esther said to her and she nodded.

Layla sigh deeply after they all left to the kitchen, almost contemplating if to open up to them about her health condition or not but she quickly brushed it off.
She can’t do that.
The last thing she wants is making them worry, they’ve done enough for her already, she shouldn’t burden them with her issue.
She fixed her gaze on the TV even though her mind was not really there, the thought that she’s going to stop being around these terrific people soon really has her in a chokehold.
The stretchmarks has extended largely to her back and she knows it’s only a matter of time.
She’s so sad and scared.

“We’re back!” Rylan and Dan walked in and Layla quickly plastered a smile across her face.
Dan sat beside her while Rylan walked to the kitchen to deliver the beef and prawns to them.
He returned to the living room, sitting on the other side of Layla…
“Let’s play a game” He said, hoping that will lighten Layla’s mood.
“I’m in” She smiled.


They all laughed at a joke Rylan had cracked.
They were sitting in the living room after they were done eating, Phil had eaten with them this time and she’s also seated with them in the living room and even though she looked like she wasn’t paying attention to them, she actually was and she’s been enjoying their banters so far.
The earlier dull mood has been replaced, they don’t look quite as sad anymore.
Aunt Esther has resumed making Anne’s hair, chatting with them in the process.

The doorbell rang twice and Dan went to get it.
“Aria!” He said happily and Layla got to her feet, excited.
She really misses Aria, even though they do talk on the phone every day, she misses her presence.
Aria and Jane walked into the living room and Layla was pulling her into a tight hug her the next second.
“Layla!” Aria hugged her back, smiling happily.

“Ah, they have brought new oyinbo friend for me” David smiled excitedly on seeing Jane…


HER LAST WISH Episode 63 by Azeemah Salami

“Actually, there are several tales of Moremi Ajasoro, people tell it differently but no matter how different each of these tales are, the fact that Moremi fought for her people and made them free of the invaders will be mentioned”
“Would you tell us the tale then?” Rylan asked.
“Yeah, please do. I’ve always wanted to hear the full tale myself” Layla said.

“Of course” Aunt Esther said and Jane and David who were playing, stopped to also listen to the tale.
Aria smiled, her daughter loves listening to tales, she would not even sleep if a bedtime story isn’t read to her. And she’s glad she and David are getting along so well. Jane looks pretty excited, she’s never had a friend of a different race, David would be the first. And Aria knew another reason Jane had gotten along with him so fast is because he answers the same name as her father.

Layla’s Nigerian Aunt is actually one of the loveliest people she’s met, she had welcomed her so well and expressed her disappointment that Aria and Jane didn’t arrive to meet the Nigeria meal she prepared and promised to make another one soon and send their portion to them. Not only is she good natured, she’s very fun as well. Since she arrived, she hasn’t ceased engaging everyone in her lively conversation, she has been making the room lively with series of talks and jokes.
She’s far lovelier than Layla had described her.
She had planned to leave just after few hours of saying hi but now she’s stuck, it’s fun being around her and she isn’t ready to leave soon.

Aunt Esther was making Anne’s last cornrow when she started the Moremi tale.

“There once lived a woman called Moremi, she’s from Ile-ife, Osun state, the wife of king Oranmiyan and she had a young son named Ela.
Moremi was a very beautiful and virtuous woman.
Ile-ife during that time was being raid continuously by the Igbo people, Igbo in Yoruba means forest, they were being raided with no mercy by the forest people whom the Ife people thought were aliens due to their weird appearance. They forcefully capture people and take them away to their territory to be slaves and some were even brutally killed.
The Ifes thought they were sent by the gods as punishment for something evil they’ve done, an abomination they’ve committed. And even with the number of sacrifices the people offered to the gods, the raids of those weird beings did not stop. The land was thrown in great panic.

Although, the people of Ife were angry about the raids, they did not have the means to defend themselves and that was when Moremi stepped in, she was unhappy alongside other people about what’s going on. She grew a strong desire to change things for the better and sought to bring an end to the bad condition of things.
She made a plan to let herself be captured during one of the raids so she might be taken prisoner to the land of the forest people and try as much as she can to learn of their secrets.

She then sought the spirit of Esimirin river where she pledged to it that; if her attempt is successful, she would offer it the richest sacrifice she could afford.

As planned, she allowed herself be taken captive by the forest people and taken to their capital as a prisoner. Because of how beautiful she was, she was given to the king of the forest people as a personal slave and due to how intelligent Moremi was and her noble heart, she gained the respect of all, including the king, soon she rose to a better position and later married the king.

Not long after, she learned all of their secrets and discovered they were not weird beings after all, they were ordinary humans, whenever they were going to raid, they would wear strange mantles of grass and bamboo fibre, hence their unnatural appearance.
She realized that they were afraid of fire because the mantles are made of dry grass and if the Ifes were to attack them with lighted torches, they would easily be defeated.
She cunningly left the palace and escaped from the land of the forest people, she returned to her own land and conveyed everything she learned to them.

Immediately the forest people tried to attack again, they were attacked by the people of Ife with burning torches, igniting and lighting them up in flames which led them to be defeated and never to return.”

“Wow” Layla smiled.
“That was a brave move”
“She could have lost her life while at it, she’s quite courageous”

“Well, the story didn’t end there” Aunt Esther said.
“Yeah, remember she went to the spirit of Esimirin river to make a pledge. Moremi proceeded there and made a huge sacrifice of tons of valuable things including sheep, jewelries, fowls, Bullocks but the goddess doesn’t want any of that, she demanded to have Moremi’s only son, Ela.”

“Oh my God!” They all seem to exclaim at the same time, except Phil though, she was touched also but hadn’t joined them in expressing it, she doesn’t even look like she was listening to the story.
“Did she sacrifice her son?” Layla asked, her father hadn’t told her to this extent.
“Yes she did, even though it was unwillingly. She sacrificed her only son and the people wept to see that. In order to make up for her loss, they promised to be her sons and daughters forever and till date, the locals are referred to as the children of Moremi.”

They had a collective sigh. “That’s sad”
“The goddess was unfair to her, was she arrested after? For taking Moremi’s child?” Jane asked.
Aunt Esther laughed. “She can’t be arrested, she’s a spirit, a supernatural being, not even everyone can see her”
“I never thought the story ended sadly” Rylan said and rest nod in agreement.

“Moremi statue of liberty was built in honor of her, it’s the tallest statue in Nigeria and the third in Africa, it’s built on the same spot she lived many centuries ago within the close range of Ooni of Ife palace. The Edi Moremi festival is done every year to celebration Moremi”
“It’s still quite sad though” Fel said.
“We’ll definitely go to see it when we visit Nigeria” Rylan said.
“That has increased my desire of going to Nigeria, I want to see it, damn!”
“You can actually google it but it just won’t be the same as seeing it in reality”

“There are so many tales to tell. I wish you guys would meet grandma, she stays in our compound in Lagos, she arrived from the village just last year. She has lived for so long that she can’t even walk straight anymore, it’s either she walks with a staff or she’s assisted but you need to hear the words of her mouth, she speaks so good and clear. Grandma has a lot of ancient and interesting tales in her head, she gathers the children every evening to tell them tales and sometimes even the adults sit to listen” Aunt Esther smiled.
“I can imagine how great that must be” Dan said, looking like he wanted to be there already.
“Can I get a Nigeria Visa already!” Rylan groaned and they laugh.


“Mum can David come over to the house someday?” Jane asked her mum as they were about leaving.
“Of course, as long as his Mum permits him”
“Aunt Esther, will you allow David come over someday?” Jane asked.
“Yeah, I will dear”
“Okay” Jane smiled, glancing at David who smiled back at her.
They were both happy to have found a new friend in each other..
“Let him come over on Saturday then, you guys leave on Monday right?” Aria asked, she had suggested Saturday because Phil had given her Saturday off, she insisted it’ll be quite strenuous for her alone.
She still doesn’t know how Phil has changed for better so fast.
It’s incredible!

“Yeah, we leave on Monday”
“Ah, I haven’t even thought of that. ” Fel sigh, looking unhappy.
“Right, I can’t believe you’ll be leaving so soon” Anne added.
She was done making her hair and everyone had commented on how beautiful it is, Aunt Esther had even looked so proud of her handwork, she hadn’t thought she would get it right with the texture of their hair.
Now she’s on Fel’s, almost done. And Fel’s face is looking so highlighted already.
“We will surely be visiting again, though not anytime soon and we’ll also be expecting to see you guys in Nigeria”
“Nigeria is definitely on my list” Dan said.
“Same as everyone’s” Rylan.
“I hope you guys will keep to your word Sha, it’ll be lovely to have you guys around” Aunt Esther said.
“We definitely will” Rylan said.

“Layla, don’t you want to visit Nigeria, you do not make any comment whenever we talk about visiting Nigeria” Fel said.
“C’mon, who else would want to visit Nigeria most if not her, she doesn’t have to say anything to show her interest” Rylan said.
“Yeah, I would love to visit Nigeria of course” Layla place a smile across her face.
Aunt Esther glance at her niece, before resuming Fel’s hair. She also noticed Layla hasn’t mentioned coming over to Nigeria and she even tries to avoid talking about it whenever she brings it up, she tends to quickly dismiss it.
Well … It might be nothing though, she doesn’t have to say anything to show her interest like Rylan had said.

“I’ll leave now, it’s so great to finally meet you.” Aria smiled; she had enjoyed Aunt Esther’s company greatly.
The Nigerian woman had by far exceeded her expectations.
“Believe me, It’s really nice to meet you also, thanks for coming all the way here just to say hi to me” Aunt Esther got to her feet to walk Aria out the house.
“Bye David” Jane waved.
“Bye Jane”
“Phil, I’ll be leaving now” Aria said.
“Alright, I’ll come over to the Cafe tomorrow” Phil said.
“Okay Phil. Bye guys”
“Bye Aria”
Layla also stood up and joined Aunt Esther in walking them out.

They started walking back into the house after Aria and Jane got into a cab.
“Aria is great, I really like her”
“She is more than great. I love her so much”
“Obviously, you guys have quite a bond”


“Aunt Moremi, are you not going to make your own hair too? so, you’ll look fine like them” David said.
Fel and Anne looked so good with their cornrows and weren’t hesitating with flaunting it all over the place, they took several pictures already and Rylan hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off Fel.
Dan did not stop teasing him.

“I… I I’m going to make mine soon also”
“Okay, because I want you too to be fine like them,” David said, shifting closer to her and then whispering in her ear. “I will tell my mummy to make your own to be finer than their own you hear?”
“Okay Dave” Layla chuckled, her heart swelling.
How good will it be if her hair’s not falling off, how good with it be to rock the same hairstyle with her friends, how good will it be to be healthy.


Layla watched with confusion as Aunt Esther spoke to her husband on the phone in Yoruba.
Her Aunt looked quite upset and she wondered what’s wrong.
This is one of the moment it pains her that she doesn’t understand her native language.

“What is wrong with you?! Why did you stay there?” She asked in Yoruba.
“Why can’t I stay there?”
“Do you want to give me a bad name, you don’t know that people will start talking, they’ll start calling you woman wrapper”
“And what’s wrong with being a woman wrapper as long as it’s my wife’s. Am I not your wrapper ni, I sha cover you every night” He joked and she couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Femi, on a more serious note, I don’t want anyone abusing you because of me, people will start talking now”
“Let them say whatever they want to say with their long mouth, I’m not bothered and I don’t see anything wrong with helping my wife make some sales before she gets back.”

Aunt Esther sigh.
“Esther, why are you always so bothered about what people would say, ehn?”
“No, it’s not that. I just don’t want anyone disrespecting you because of me”
“Disrespect me keh? Let them come to my front and tell me to my face that I’m a woman wrapper na. They won’t even be able to say it, the only place they can talk is at my back”
He continued “After all I’m on off at work for a month, instead of just sitting inside and watching TV or listening to radio when there’s no light, staying in your shop is even better, imagine the amount of sales I’ve made for you, if I tell you ehn, you’ll be surprised, I’m even making sales more than you do sef, everybody wants to see the husband staying in his wife’s shop and you know they can’t just come and look and go , they’ll use style and buy something. We’re even gaining in their hypocrisy”
They both laugh.

Layla looked on in more confusion. Just now her Aunt looked upset and now she’s laughing.
She isn’t understanding a thing they were saying and it kind of made her wish she understands her native language, the way it rolled smoothly and perfectly out of Aunt Esther’s mouth made her wonder if she’ll ever get this good at it.
She really wish to.
Although Aunt Esther has taught her some words since she arrived but she doubt that’s ever going to make her improve, it’ll be quite hard for her to adapt to the language she hasn’t grown up speaking.

She tucks David in the blanket properly and picked her phone to start playing games, it doesn’t look like her Aunt will be done with the call anytime soon.
Aunt Esther walked towards the bed after she was done and then sit beside Layla.

“You looked quite upset at the beginning of the call, I hope there’s nothing wrong?” Layla asked.
“Actually there’s nothing wrong, it’s just that my husband now stays in my shop to help me keep the business going”
“Why then did you look so upset?”
“Because it might cause people to disregard him”
“Why would he be disregarded because he’s helping you?”
“Well… That sort of thing tends to be unusual over there, it’ll make people start referring to him as woman wrapper”
“The meaning is a weakling, someone who follows a woman blindly” Aunt Esther quickly explained, noting the confusion on her niece’s face.

“Oh, you mean he’ll be referred to as that because he’s helping you keep the business going?” Layla looked quite surprised.
“Yeah, when a man starts doing things, they think his wife is meant to be doing, they refer to him as that”
“Wow, so many surprises. I never thought a man helping a woman out will be an issue in another part of the world”
“You have to be especially strong to cope in that part of the world”
“I guess”

“Your husband doesn’t seem to care though or he wouldn’t have stayed there knowing people would talk”
“Exactly, he doesn’t care. That man ehn, I don’t know where I saw him from. You won’t believe he’s even making more sales than I do”
“Yeah, because people wants to see the ‘mumu’ man staying in his wife’s shop so they pretend to come buy something”

They laugh.


A loud crashing sound halted Aunt Esther and Layla’s talk.
They were seated in the room having a random conversation after eating breakfast.

They both rushed to the living room and gasped at the sight in front of them.
David stood beside the broken TV, shivering in fear and bursting into tears as he soon as he saw his Mum appear.
He had been watching Spiderman and also decided to reenact it, breaking the TV in the process.

“Eh! God o, God! This boy have put in into debt o” Aunt Esther shouted, exasperated.
“Come over here!” She yelled at him and his cry grew louder as he saw his Mum was frantically looking for something to discipline him with.
She grabbed a cable on the floor.
“Are you deaf! Come here!”
“Mummy please” He cried and she hissed, going over to meet him, careful not to step on the broken glass.
He ran over to Layla crying and rubbing his back frenzily after receiving a long whip.

“Oh my God, why did you hit him with that!” Layla exclaimed, her eyes widening.
“I’m not done yet, you better tell him to leave your back so this wire won’t touch you” She said heading over to David again.
“Help me and beg my mummy” David cried, holding on to Layla’s legs tightly.
“Aunt stop! You shouldn’t hit him with that”
“I should not hit him with what, you dinnor see what he did abi! where do I get the money for another TV! Oya leave her back now and comman kneel down here!” She yelled.
“Just hold on, hitting him isn’t going to assemble the TV, he wouldn’t have intentionally broken it.”

“He doesn’t hear word! How many times did I warn you to be very careful here! How many times did I tell you to put your body in one place! but you won’t hear word. Rough play have scatter your head, now see what you’ve done. Where do I see money from now!”
“I was doing like Spiderman, I did not know that the television will break. I’m sorry Mum”
“That’s because you didn’t listen to me. Why do like Spiderman in another person’s house! Why! With all those warnings I gave you! Any child who doesn’t listen to his mother deserve any punishment dished to him. Oya come here now!”
“Shut up! Shey I warned you abi I did not warn you!”
“You warned me”
“Good, now come here”

“Aunt Moremi, she’s going to beat me, help me and beg her” David cried.
Layla sigh, her Aunt was looking so annoyed and she doesn’t think she’s going to listen to her.
“Aunt Esther, would you please drop the cable, and then we’ll know what to do, please” Layla said.
“Drop what, Moremi just stay out of this. You don’t know how stubborn this boy is. Look at what he did! And you’re saying I should just leave him. You! If I should repeat ‘come here’ again, you know what will happen”

David’s cry increased as he slowly walked towards his Mum.
“Gimme your hand!” She demanded.
“Give me your hand!” She yelled again when he hesitated “Abi, you want me to scatter your body with this wire!”
David shook his head.
“I won’t allow you hit him again with the cable” Layla said, stepping between David and his Mum.
David held on to her tightly, whimpering.
“Really? You don’t know that if I don’t punish him, he won’t know what he did is wrong and he’ll do it another time. If it’s that I did not warn him before now, I can still spare him but I clearly warned this boy! He just decided to disobey me, now see the wahala he caused. What do I say to your Aunt now! What type of thing is this for God’s sake! You this boy! Oya go on your knees and raise your hands!”

Phil walked into the living room, fully dressed and ready for the Cafe.
She didn’t look surprised at the scene, she already heard everything from her room.
Aunt Esther stood, not knowing what to say, the cable still held strongly in her hand.
Where is she even going to start apologising from. Why has this boy decided to do this to her.
She glared at him angrily before turning back to Phil.
David spoke up before she could.
“Aunty Phil, I’m sorry for breaking your television, it did not know it was going to break. I’m really sorry”
“Phil, Please, I know sorry is not even enough for what this boy just did but… I’m so sorry he damaged your TV, if you would please be patient with me, I will try to get the money back for you” Aunt Esther said.

“It’s fine, I was actually thinking of buying a new TV anyway, I ordered one already. If it arrives before I’m back, Layla make sure to sign the delivery form, the delivery men are going to set it up,” Phil dropped her phone in her bag.
“Make sure not to hit him anymore, he wouldn’t have broken the TV intentionally. You should be glad the pieces of glass did not hurt him. I need to leave now” Phil said, leaving them all to stare after her in surprise as she walked out of the house.



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