HER LAST WISH Episode 51 – 53 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 51 by Azeemah Salami

“That’s unbelievable” Dan said.

“I think so too” Layla nodded.

“I think they’re both pulling our legs” Dan said.


It was Thursday, Dan and Layla were standing by their lockers after school activities.

They both just saw the message Rylan and Fel sent to the group.

They are dating!

“But what if they’re not joking?” Layla reasoned loudly.

“They are, I know that” Dan said, he has known them long enough to know that they can’t just start dating all of a sudden. It’s just too weird.

“Well…they said they’ll tell us the details on Sunday” Layla said, dropping her phone back in the locker.

“We should just meet at my house then, you know we already scheduled to read at mine on Sunday”

“Yeah, that’s perfect” Layla said.

“I can’t wait for them to tell me it’s a joke, I’m so going to kill them”

“Well, to be honest, I don’t it is” Layla said.


“Of course, they’ve never joked about that, I don’t think they would now”

“Well, even at that Rylan has never told me he likes Fel and Fel never told me shit also”

“I think we should just wait till it’s Sunday for the details. Promise me you won’t go to any of their houses, demanding explanation” Layla said, looking at him suspiciously. He laughed.

“C’mon, of course not”

They started walking back to their class.

“By the way, you looked so good in your cheerleader wear” He said.

She had not gone to swim today, she had joined the cheerleaders and had cheered Dan as he played.

“Thank you” She smiled.

“And you played so well, I’m proud of you”

“Well, I think you’re my lucky charm, seeing you cheer me up seemed to boost my energy, hence the good performance” Dan said, smiling to himself as he watched Layla blush.

“No, I’m not. You just happened to be a good player” She said, they were entering the class now.

“Nah, I’ve never played so exceptionally well and it happened because you were cheering me on, take it or leave it” He said.

“Well…I’m leaving it” she said and he groaned.

She laughed.


“Phil, I was invited to a birthday party by a friend in school” Layla said to Phil over dinner.

“And..?” Phil asked.

“It’s on Saturday… Next week Saturday.”

“You’re going to leave all the work to Aria alone just to attend a party? I know she’s kind to you and all but taking advantage of people’s kindness is not fair” Phil frowned.

“Ofcourse that’s not what I’m trying to do, I would never do that, besides the party is not to start until it’s 4:30pm, that’s what I wanted to say”

“Oh” Phil sigh.

“I might not attend because I might get tired after we’re done but if I still feel up to it, can I go?” Layla asked.

“You’re free to” Phil said.

“Thanks Phil”

“Is Dan going with you?” She asked.

“Yeah, he’s to pick me up if I decide to go”

“Okay and make sure to drop the venue and the person’s contact” Phil said.

“Sure, I’ll do that” Layla said, trying to ignore the fact that Phil just spoke like her mum.

She brushed away the brewing emotions and focused on her meal.

“And…how are you doing?” Phil asked.


“I mean…the symptoms, are there any new symptoms?” Phil asked.

“Not really…just sudden fatigue” Layla answered, wanting to mention her hair gain also but decided not to, she had probably just imagined it.

Phil wondered how Layla can be so at peace knowing something…is going to happen to her soon.

She wanted to mention it to Layla but decided against it, she doesn’t want them to dwell on it, although they might have to do that sooner, it’s been months already, Phil’s starting to get really worried and scared.

It’s only a matter of time before whatever is going to happen happens.

“And I’ll be going to Dan’s on Sunday to study” Layla said.

“Okay but make sure you come back early enough to prepare dinner”

“Alright Phil” Layla said, staring at Phil who continued eating her meal.

Is she just assuming it or Phil looks really depressed…

Could it be because of her? Could Phil be sad because of what’s happening to her?

Phil’s not her vibrant self anymore and she’s sure there’s something else on Phil’s mind. Something that doesn’t even involve her at all.

“What?” Phil asked, catching Layla staring at her.

“Huh?” Layla asked, knowing she’s bursted.

“Why are you staring at me?”

“Am I?” Layla asked. “Well Is the meal great?”

“It is but I know that’s not the reason you’re staring at me but let’s keep it at that” Phil said, looking at her pointedly.

“Okay” Layla pressed her lips together, facing her meal.



“I think something’s wrong with Phil” Layla mouthed her concern to Aria.

“Really? How?”

“I can’t really place a finger on what it is but… she’s not like the Phil I once knew”

“The one who use to yell and mistreat you?” Aria asked.

“Well…not actually, I like the fact that she’s changed even though I know it’s for a reason but that aside, there’s something else, there’s something else that really changed about her. She doesn’t look happy anymore, she doesn’t even come to the Cafe like she used to and even if she managed to come, she’ll be in her office all day and not even check if the customers are well attended to like she normally does”

“I noticed that also but I didn’t really dwell on it, I just thought she might not be feeling up to it. Do you think something is bothering her?”

“Yeah” Layla nodded and she’s pretty sure whatever is bothering Phil is not because of what is about to happen to her, although it might be part but there is just something else, something odd and out of place.

“I think you need to ask her” Aria suggested.


“Of course, she might open up to you if you do. Just try” Aria said.

“Okay, I will”

“It might not actually be something serious, you know people have bad days, I guess that’s just what’s happening to Phil”

“You think so?” Layla asked.

“Of course, she’s adult and of course go through adult shit”

“Well…that sounds right. You think I should still ask her what’s wrong?”

“I think you should probably hold on and then if she isn’t back to her normal self after some days then that definitely calls for concern”

“I’ll do just that” Layla nodded.

They spent the next couple of hours attending to customers without really taking any quality rest.

They finally got to rest but still at alert, in case a customer walks in…

“I hope you’re starting to prepare for your exam”

“Yeah, I’m actually going to Dan’s tomorrow to study”

“Great. And say hi to him for me”


“You want to say something?” Aria asked her, noticing the skeptical look on Layla’s face.

“Well..” Layla trailed off, looking sheepish.

“Hey, you can talk to me” Aria encouraged, it’s unlike Layla to look this shy and it’s really making Aria curious on what it is.

They attended to more customers again for some minutes before settling on their chairs again.

“So what is it?” Aria prompted.

“Well…I think I like Dan” She spilled, not looking so shy anymore.

Aria smiled, it was no surprise because it’s so obvious Dan and Layla likes each other.

“Actually, I don’t think you do, you do. You like Dan” Aria said. She’s just glad Layla is over that not so good guy Dylan who doesn’t by any means deserve her.

“Well..I guess so” Layla said meekly. She looked quite unhappy admitting it.

“What? There’s nothing wrong with having feelings for someone” Aria said.

“I know but he’s my best friend and it’s just so crazy” she sigh.

“I don’t think there’s anything crazy about that, after all, you didn’t choose to like him and you know what?” Aria grinned.


“I think Dan equally likes you”

“What?! No” Layla said almost in horror.

“Believe me, he does”

“I know why you think he does, the affection Dan shows for me is nothing more than being friends, trust me, it’s platonic”

Aria smiled. “That’s what you think but you’re wrong, he likes you Layla”

Layla shrug, not wanting to argue further, she knows Aria’s wrong, most people do mistake Dan’s affection for her for another thing else.

“Why don’t you want to believe? You think he can’t like you?” Aria asked.

“Of course he can’t, I’m the stupid one going ahead to develop feelings for him even after knowing he’s my best friend”

“C’mon, don’t speak that way. It’s not your fault okay?”

“And I really hope Dan reveal his feelings to you soon so you both can can give it a chance, you both are just perfect for each other” Aria added, smiling.

“Just stop already” Layla said.

“Oh my God, is that you blushing?” Aria teased.

“C’mon…” Layla said, trying not to smile.

“Gosh, your cheeks , I bet they can bake pizza rolls”

“Aria! Stop”

“I won’t until your cheeks return back to it’s normal color” Aria giggled, teasing Layla further.

“Gosh” Layla groaned.

“OMG! Did your cheeks just turned tomato shade?” Aria widened her eyes teasingly.

Layla started laughing and Aria laughed with her.


“Okay you both, just tell me you’re joking” Dan said as Fel and Rylan walked into his room.

He and Layla were halfway done with their books when they arrived.

“Just chill, you didn’t even say hi” Fel rolled her eyes, hitting Dan on the shoulder and kissing Layla’s cheeks in greeting.

“You look like your eyes are going to pop out of the sockets” Rylan laughed.

“Ry” Layla hugged Rylan who picked her up and whirled her around Dan’s room while she laughed.

“Just drop her, your girlfriend is probably pissed that you’re holding another girl” Dan said glancing from Fel to Rylan.

“Ugh” Fel rolled her eyes. “Like you aren’t the one being jealous he’s holding her” She said only to Dan’s hearing.

“Just shut up, will you” He scoffed.

“Whatever” She grinned. It’s no secret that Dan likes Layla, they knew it even before he told them.

“You both sit, we need the details, you’ve kept us waiting long enough” Dan said.

“Are you both really dating?” Layla asked.

Fel sat on Dan’s bed and Rylan sat beside her.

Dan and Layla stood in front of them, looking curious.

“Yes we’re” Fel said, grinning.

“What? Are you serious?” Dan asked in disbelief.

“How come?” Layla asked.

“It’s not possible, I don’t believe them” Dan said.

Rylan laughed. “Well, we are but it’s not real. We’re fake-dating, satisfied now?”

“Gosh. I knew it! You both are always at each other’s throats to even think of dating and I was really beaten me up when I playfully suggested that you both should date.” Dan rolled his eyes.

“What led you both to doing that?” Layla asked.

“Jacq of course, there’s no other reason they would do that. Fel’s not over him yet and I bet she gets sad whenever she sees him with Jennie so they decided to do that also, to probably spice things up” Dan said.

“What the…” Fel and Rylan glanced at each other.

“I knew you were a wizard but has it really advanced to this?” Rylan asked.

“Were you there with us?” Fel asked.

“I know what you both would do of course” Dan laughed.

“You must be feeling so good right now to have guessed everything correctly” Fel rolled her eyes.

“Well..I didn’t guess, I knew it” Dan said.

“Good for you! Not when I thought I would have fun explaining to you guys and keeping you in suspense but your wizard-self ruined everything” Rylan groaned.

“Serves you right” Dan chuckled.

“Has the plan been working so far?” Layla asked, amused.

“Why do you think Fel is this happy. It’s working more than we expected” Rylan laughed.

“It’s so good to see him look pissed whenever Rylan and I appear in his face, his face would look all rumpled and ugly” Fel laughed.

“God! You need to see him Dan, if I knew this would work, I would have suggested it all along instead of just watching Fel suffer alone” Rylan said.

“But is it really necessary?” Dan asked.

“I know it’s not but it’s fun. We’re doing this for fun obviously. Nothing else, we’re going to stop when we feel it’s enough” Fel grinned.

“I bet you guys aren’t stopping anytime soon, by the look of things…you’re enjoying it” Layla said.

“You’re right!, We’re not stopping anytime soon, it’s only getting started” Fel said wickedly. She glanced at Rylan and they both laughed as they ‘high-fived’

Dan shook his head. “I’m actually feeling bad for Jacq”

Layla laughed. “They look so ready to make him feel the heat”

“What do you expect when two mischievous people come together” Dan said.

“Exactly” Layla said.

“Hey! Fake couple, leave to the living room. We want to continue reading” Dan said.

“Well…you should know you won’t be able to read anymore when we arrive” Rylan said.


“I’ve actually given up on reading when I saw you both come in” Layla laughed.

Fel quietly helped Dan close his book, ignoring the sour look on his face.

“The only thing stopping me from kicking your ass right now…”

“I love you” Fel kissed his cheeks, shutting him up.

She laughed as he covered his face with his palm obviously frustrated.

“Anyone cares for pies?” Anne asked from the door.

“Yesssss” They chorused happily, starting to salivate.

“Well…just joking. No pies” Anne said, laughing as she sped off, knowing well they are going to come for her.


In seconds they were banging her door and all she did was laugh.

HER LAST WISH Episode 52 by Azeemah Salami

“Buddy, come pick me up” Layla said to Dan on the phone after they were done for the day in the Cafe.
“Oh, I guess you’re feeling up to it. Great.” Dan smiled.
” On my way” He said before disconnecting the call.
It’s 4:19 and she was almost home. She was walking alone, Phil had not visited the Cafe today.

Yeah… It’s Saturday again so soon, the weekdays had passed doing the usual.

“Hi Phil” Layla said, walking into the living room.
“Hi, you still going to the party?” Phil asked.
“Yeah, do you want me to do anything for you? I don’t necessarily have to be there by that exact time” Layla said.
“No, you can go on and get ready”

“Alright” Layla headed to her room and went to take a quick shower..

After freshening up, she tended to her skin and then opened her wardrobe to pick an outfit.
She settled for a brown ripped crop top and a black leather knee-length skirt with a thigh high slit.
After adjusting the cloth to look good on her body, she walked to the living room.

“How do I look Phil?” She asked.
“Good, get my makeup kit from my room, your face needs a little touch up” Phil said and Layla smiled, she loves it whenever Phil offers to make her face radiant.

Dan knocked just after Phil was done with Layla’s make up, Layla loved it. It doesn’t even look like she had make up on, so simple yet highlighting.
“Thanks Phil” She smiled.

“Come in Dan” Phil said.
Dan walked in, looking so good in his cream colored sweatshirt and matching joggers.
Layla has finally come to the conclusion that Dan looks good in anything.


“Hi Phil” He greeted.
“Dan, how have you been?” Phil smiled, it’s no secret how much Phil likes Dan.
She asks about him more than she does the rest of her friends.
“I’ve been good, how have you been also?” Dan asked.
“Good, return the kit Layla so you both can leave, you’re running late already” Phil said.
Layla smiled at Dan in greeting and quickly went to drop the kit back in Phil’s room.
She walked into her room and picked a purse that looks well paired with her outfit, she dropped her phone in it, picked the invite and the present she’s to give Chloe and then walked out of her room.

“I’m ready” She said, getting to the living room.
Dan was still conversing with Phil and he got to his feet as she appeared.
“We’ll get going now Phil” He said.
“Alright dear, make sure you both don’t stay out late” Phil said.
“Alright Phil” Dan said.

They walked out of the house and Layla suddenly felt shy, Dan wouldn’t stop staring at her and it’s making heat rush to her face.
He smiled, like he’s enjoying making her feel this way. “You look beautiful”
“Thank you” She said. “You look good also, you actually look good in anything”
“Shit, is a guy meant to blush? asking for someone” He said and she chuckled.
“Where’s Paul?” She asked as they got to the car.
“I’m driving” Dan said.
“Oh okay”
“I wouldn’t like to keep him waiting by the car while we have fun”
“That’s very thoughtful of you” Layla said.
“Of course, I’m the most thoughtful of all” He boasted.
“Urgh…” Layla rolled her eyes and they laughed.
He opened the car door for her and she hoped in.
He got in while she fixed her seatbelt, he fixed his also and then started the car.


“Happy birthday Chloe!” Dan and Layla wished Chloe over the blaring music. Handing her the presents they had for her.
“Thanks so much guys, thanks for coming” Chloe shouted so they could hear her.
She was in this simple looking sleeveless silk pink dress and she looked so good, her face all made up, glowing with happiness written all over it. Including her friends.
“I hope you guys are having fun?” She asked.
“Yeah, we are” They said and they were indeed having fun, it seems as though Chloe intentionally rented this huge hall knowing almost half of the school will be at her birthday party, they’ve participated in games and the ones they didn’t participate, they watched and it was so fun.

They’ve danced and eaten, and right now they were both holding a glass of drink each.
From the hall decor to the settings, the meal, the gigantic cake and the grand entrance of the birthday girl..it just clearly shows Chloe’s from an extremely wealthy home, it’s so glaring.

“You look so beautiful” Layla said to her.
“Thanks Layla” She smiled.
Chloe walked over to other people after taking few pictures with them.
Everyone looked to be in a full celebration mood, most people spilling across the dancefloor.
“Dan” Layla heard the familiar voice and she saw Dylan walk up to them.
They both exchanged greetings and he kind of said hi to her also.
“You both come, there’s great fun going on over there” He said.
“Really?” Dan’s face lit up.
“Yeah” Dylan said.
Dan glanced at her and she nodded, they followed Dylan to a corner of the hall and realised, there’s truly great fun going on there.

Most of their classmates were there, organising games, drinking and a few dancing naughty.
Dan joined the game the guys had organised and Layla had to join the girls game also. In minutes, they were having great fun in their respective teams but that didn’t stop them from checking up on each other.
The only time the games were put on hold was when the birthday girl wanted to cut her cake.

The rest of the day passed in an utmost fun atmosphere and they were a bit sorry to leave when it was finally time.

Dan drove Layla home after they’ve had enough fun, they were one of the few people that didn’t want to party into the night.
“I had so much fun” Layla smiled as Dan drove her home, the night felt so cool and peaceful, the breeze gently massaging her face..it’s just bliss for her right now.
“I had so much fun also” Dan said.
“And the highlight of the day was when her father presented her dream car to her, damn it, it was so sweet” Layla smiled.
“Yeah and the car actually cost a whooping amount of money, it’s a badass car, Chloe sure has a good taste” Dan said.
“Obviously” Layla said.

“Woah, time is actually far spent” Dan said after glancing at his wrist watch.
“Is Phil going to scold you?” He asked.
“I don’t think so, she hasn’t started calling me yet which means I’m not so late.”

Layla wished Phil would have sorted out dinner, all she wants to do when she get home is freshen up and have a good night sleep.
She still has to go to the church and then Dan’s tomorrow to study..


“I expected Chloe’s birthday to be the talk of the school” Layla smiled as she and Dan walked through the school hallway heading towards their lockers. There were students in different groups hanging around the hallway and most of their discussion was about Chloe’s grand birthday party and the expensive gift her Dad gave her.
Dan nodded “it’s worth talking about”

They got to their lockers and dropped their bags.
“You’re attending statistics class this morning right?” Layla asked Dan.
He nodded and she sigh, pressing her lips together.
As much as she loves history class, she still feels Dan’s absence.
“Okay, see ya” she said.
“Will be back soon” Dan said, picking his textbook.
“I’m not counting on that” She raised her brow.
Dan being so intelligent that at the end of the class, students ask him to re-explain some equations to them and by the time he’s done attending to each of them, time will be far spent. Although Layla doesn’t mind, she only misses having him beside her in class.
“C’mon, I’m serious” He said.
“Okay, go quickly” She said.
“See ya” He smiled, she smiled back at him and watched him leave.

She picked her history textbook and headed to the class.
The students aren’t as many as they would on a normal day where they do general classes.

She headed to her seat, dropped her textbook on the table before sitting.
Waiting patiently for the teacher who takes them history, she’s actually always looking forward to her history classes, Mrs Lisa is just the best history teacher that has ever taught her, she wishes Mrs Lisa was every student history teacher so the wide-range misconception about history class being the most boring class would be cleared off.

“Hello class” Mrs Lisa walked into the class in smiles as always.
She’s a beautiful mother of four and an excellent teacher who takes time in breaking down every piece of history to them and always making it as interesting as she can.
She’s just one of her best teachers..
“Good morning Mrs Lisa” The students chorused, almost everyone looked happy to see her..

The class started.


Layla sat, deliberating if to go meet Dan in his class or not, they were done with their class and she enjoyed it as always, she’s pretty sure Dan is done with his also, probably just attending to some students.
Well, she should just wait till he comes, going there might distract him.
She picked her textbook and started going over what Mrs Lisa had taught.

A soft knock on her desk made her raise her head, she saw Dylan standing by her desk.
He didn’t say anything and he looked everywhere but her face.
“Hi” She said nervously, wondering what he wants.
Back in the days she was still into Dylan, she would have gotten overexcited as he stood in front of her desk and her heart would have almost burst open but…seriously she felt close to nothing now.

Dylan is also in the history class with her. Then, she would always look forward to the class knowing there’s no Dan to reprimand her for staring at someone else while a teacher is teaching, she would look forward to the class and get so excited when it finally comes just so she could stare at Dylan to her heart content.

“Is there anything wrong?” She asked when Dylan still wouldn’t say anything, he was still not meeting her gaze.
“Yeah” He mumbled.
“Really? What is it?” She asked sitting upright. She was so curious as to what Dylan has to say, the last time she checked they were not really in good terms, after the last almost-heated exchange they had, they had not really spoken to each other. And she’s actually not happy with him after realising how much he had manipulated her.
So Dylan being in front of her desk now, looking like a scared cat is just something she cannot quite comprehend.

“And would you please look at me? Looking everywhere else but me is kind of odd and uncomfortable for me” She said.
“Well… It took a lot of courage to actually walk up to you Layla, I’m here to apologize and knowing how much I’ve wronged you is making it quite hard to look at you. I’m ashamed” He said, swallowing hard. He was looking at her now.
Layla sigh. “Here, sit”
“Thank you” He said, sitting on Dan’s seat.
Layla remembered what had happened the last time Dylan was on Dan’s seat, she knows that isn’t gonna happen today though, the guys are now friends.

“Well…if you want to apologise because you couldn’t reciprocate the feelings I had for you, then you shouldn’t, it’s not your fault you couldn’t like me” Layla said.
“Well .. that’s not what I want to apologise for. I’ve wronged you so many times actually but you just couldn’t see it because of how much you were into me.” Dylan said.
“Well…I saw it later on. I realised how you were always talking down at me, taking advantage of my feelings for you. You would basically walk up to me and propose anything like you were so certain I wouldn’t refuse you just because of how aware you were of my feelings for you. You even used me to unnerve Dan multiple times. ” Layla said and Dylan looked more ashamed than he had when he first approached her table.
She knew everything, he doesn’t know if that made it easier for him or harder for him. Maybe both.

Easier in the aspect that he doesn’t have to reveal everything he did, she said it already, she knew it all already, it saved him the shame of revealing the terrible things he had done to her.
But it’s harder in the aspect of her already knowing how terrible he was all along, looking at him with the eyes of a horrific person that he actually is, and hating him to have done such to her.

He was at loss for words, what could he say?
He had planned to reveal how much of a manipulative jerk he had been to her and then apologize afterwards. He didn’t expect this.

God knows how much courage it took him to approach Layla. Is he just going to keep mute and then leave when he gets tired of keeping mute?
If he should leave, knowing Layla is aware of how much of a terrible person he is, he might never gather that courage to walk up to her again.
He’s wronged her so much and he should apologize, sitting and mopping like a rabbit isn’t going to help him!!

“I’m glad you already know how terrible of a person I am. Layla, I’m sorry, saying I’m sorry actually sounds dumb even to my own ears because sorry is not even enough. I’ve not been the nicest to you, I used you as a tool to always unnerve Dan just like you said, there are also a lot of times I took advantage of your feelings for me, please pardon me, starting the day I referred to your lips as a dead log of wood. I admit I’m a terrible person to you, please forgive me, I’m changed now, I’m on the path to becoming a better person. You don’t have to forgive me right on this spot, you can take your time, and I’ll wait patiently till whenever you want to.” He said, finally breathing.
“God, I’m so glad I finally gathered the courage to apologize to you, I feel better and at peace now.” He sigh.

Layla sigh. “Well… It will be unkind not to forgive you after admitting your fault and asking for forgiveness. I won’t lie that it really hurt me after realizing you for who you are but it’s all fine now, we’re cool Dylan”
“Am I forgiven?” Dylan asked.
“Of course you are, I see no reason why I would refuse to forgive you”
“Are you for real? You’ve forgiven me? So soon?” Dylan asked in complete surprise.

Layla chuckled “Is forgiveness supposed to take a lot of time?”
“Well…I..i..tho.. thought..” He stammered. “I just didn’t expect that but really…. you’ve forgiven me?” He asked again, in disbelief.
“C’mon Dylan,I wouldn’t say I have forgiven you if I haven’t. You’re forgiven, for real”
“Wow” Dylan sigh. “Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you Layla” He looked really glad.

“And stop painting yourself as a terrible person, you are not anymore, you’re becoming a better person, and that’s the mindset you should have” Layla said.
“Alright Layla, thank you. I’m so glad right now” He smiled.
“I’m glad also, seeing people turn for better makes me happy. Keep it up Dylan, making such decision is not easy and I find it admirable”.
“It’s all thanks to Dan” Dylan smiled.
“Right” Layla nodded and “you also played a major role in it, no matter what Dan would have said to you, if you hadn’t been willing to change, you wouldn’t have”
“I guess so”

“Hii, is this some reconciliation I’m seeing?” Dan asked, smiling as he approached them.
“Dan” Layla smiled and Dylan noticed how her face lit up on seeing Dan.
Is this really the person Dan claimed does not have feelings for him?
Damn…this is so clearrr!
“Hey, how are you?” He pinched her cheeks softly.
“I’m fine” She said holding his hand.
“I wasn’t late, was I?”
“You were right on time. I hope you didn’t ditch the students for me?”
“Of course not, you know I wouldn’t do that”
“Right” She nodded.

“Dylan” Dan patted his shoulder in greeting.
“Thanks for showing us the ‘fun corner’ at the party” Dan winked and they laughed.

“Oops, I hope I’m not distracting you guys, you seem to be in a conversation when I walked in” Dan said, trying to ignore the pinch of jealousy he was feeling, he knows Dylan finally summoned courage to apologize to Layla and from the look of things, she already forgave him. He knew she would, she likes Dylan and he’s sure she would be so happy now that they’re cool. He’s going to tell Dylan later to actually go ahead with Layla if he wants to, although it’s really going to hurt him but he knows it’s going to make Layla happy.
“No, we’re actually done. Layla forgave me” Dylan smiled.
“Oh Cool” Dan nodded.

“Thanks so much Layla, it really means a lot to me. I’m glad we’re cool now” Dylan said, getting to his feet.
“I’m glad also.” Layla smiled.
“See ya” He smiled at the both of them before walking to his seat.

“How was class?” Layla asked as Dan took his seat.
“Great, I bet yours was awesome also”
“Yes” Layla smiled.
“And I’m glad all feuds has been resolved”
“Same here, it feels so good to be cool with everyone”
“Right” Dan said.


~~Layla, I had to go on a vacation, I’m sorry for not informing you before now, I’ll be back soon. I trust you to take care of the house and Cafe.

Layla read the note Phil had dropped for her for the third time and everything about it screams that something is not right.

No, something is wrong. Very wrong.
A vacation? All of a sudden?
She hadn’t even noticed Phil pack or prepare for a vacation.

Do you not prepare for a vacation?

She quickly picked her phone from her bag and dialled Phil’s number.

Panic starts to set in when Phil didn’t pick up at the fourth ring.

HER LAST WISH Episode 53 by Azeemah Salami

Layla paced the living room, panicking.
Different thoughts running through her mind as she kept dialling Phil’s number.
It would ring for a while and then direct her to voicemail.
She was goddamn worried and close to tears.

It’s not possible Phil went for vacation all of a sudden, Phil would have informed her beforehand and it’s not like her to drop notes, she prefers calling or texting or whatever.
If at all Phil went for an unplanned vacation, she would have called her to inform her. Well…Perhaps, she didn’t want to distract her in school.
But why the hell is she not picking up, what’s going on.
She didn’t stop dialling Phil’s number, she pulled off her socks as her feet were starting to get uncomfortable.

She walked to Phil’s room and tried to open her wardrobe but it was surprisingly locked.
Since she started living with Phil, she never knew her to lock her wardrobe..for what reason?
Well…it’s hers and she can do whatever she wants with it but she has never noticed Phil lock her wardrobe.

Phil never locks her wardrobe!
Did she do it because she’s off on vacation?
No, even at that…

Now something is really wrong.
Her stomach churned and she had to sit on Phil’s bed.
She was scared now. Has Phil been kidnapped? Did the kidnapper lock the wardrobe so she wouldn’t find out if Phil packed for a vacation or not, did the kidnapper dropped that note in the living room to make her think Phil’s on a vacation but she actually recognized the handwriting as Phil’s, did the kidnapper made Phil write the note?

Could she be overreacting?
Is Phil really on a vacation?

She got to her feet, tears starting to build in her eyes. She headed to Phil’s bathroom.
Her skincare products are still there although that can’t even confirm If Phil’s on vacation or not.
Most people don’t go on vacation, carrying their whole skincare products along, they buy empty small sized containers and transfer some of the products into them… so this is not even helping.

She walked back to Phil’s room and tried dialling her number again.
The only thing that can calm her disarray mind right now is if Phil picks up but she’s not! Which is making her get more worried.
Phil’s always with her phone and there’s no how she would ignore her calls except something’s really wrong.
Could she be busy settling in a hotel or could she be in the restroom? could she be on the beach in the vacation location and decided to drop her phone in her hotel room? Could she….

She picked up!

“Phil!” Layla almost screamed into the phone.
“Where the hell are you? Why didn’t you pick my calls? Are you okay?” She asked worriedly, her chest rising and falling.
“I’m fine” Phil said in a not-so-fine voice.
“What’s wrong?” Layla asked.
“Nothing, I’m good” Phil said.
“You’re not sounding good Phil! Where are you? Are you ill?” Layla asked, the worry that Phil might have been kidnapped is now being replaced with another worry that Phil’s not fine wherever she is, her voice and the way she’s speaking so slowly indicates something is wrong.
Phil’s never someone to speak that way, she speaks so loud and clear.

“I’m fine, why did you call?” Phil asked and it’s no brainer that Phil wants to get off the call, confirming Layla’s suspicion that something is indeed wrong. She’s starting to suspect that Phil had intentionally ignored her calls.
“I was worried when I saw your note, are you really on vacation? Are you fine?”
“I’m fine, I said that multiple times already”
“But why are you sounding this way? You’re not fine Phil. Tell me what’s wrong, besides where exactly is your location?”
“I’m okay!” Phil yelled and then groaned in pain afterwards “I’m really fine” She added slowly.
“Oh my God, You’re not fine! You are in pain! I heard that just now, where the hell are you Phil? Please!” She said, growing more worried. Phil’s in pain somewhere out there and is keeping it from her. Her eyes started building up tears again.

“I’m on vacation, how many times do I have to repeat that!” Phil said.
“Okay, I know you’re on vacation, but where exactly is the location? You should at least be able to tell me that” Layla sniffed, her tears dropping.
“Are you crying? I said I’m fine! Why the hell are you crying! You should really stop the act of crying all over the place like a toddler. I’m fine!” Phil said.
“But you just groaned in pain!” Layla yelled back. She’s so frustrated right now.
It’s so obvious Phil’s keeping something from her and not knowing how serious whatever it might be, is just making her sick with more worry.
“I didn’t. You only heard that wrongly” Phil said.
“You did! I know what I heard and you lying is even confirming that something is wrong. Your voice even sounds down”
“That’s because I’m tired, from the trip. I need to relax now”
“Aren’t you going to tell me the location?” Layla asked.

“I’m not disclosing the location because there’s no need for you to know, since when did you start probing me! You’re starting to make me think it was a bad idea to have given you that much chance and audacity. I only picked your call because I know you’d be worried about me, I’ll be back soon and don’t even call me except I do. Bye”

Layla wiped her tears as she sat on Phil’s bed.

She knows for sure that something is wrong with Phil, but what is she going to do when Phil refused to tell her anything, how’s she going to help when Phil’s not even giving her the chance to come in.

She’s going to pray for her, pray really hard. That’s the only thing she can possibly do.
Her gaze fell on the wall clock and she realised how long she’s spent at home since she arrived from school.
God…she needs to go get ready for the Cafe, she knows Aria won’t complain but it’s unfair to make her work extra hours.

She hurried to her room and started getting ready for the Cafe…

“Hi Layla” Aria responded to Layla’s greetings, quickly untying her apron. She looked to be in a hurry.
“Layla, I have to go pick up Jane, her teacher called some minutes ago and I would have asked Dave to go pick her up but he’s on a business trip. I’m sorry I have to leave now”
“Oh, please go quickly and I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting” Layla said, feeling bad.
“C’mon, see ya” Aria kissed her cheeks before hurrying off.
“Bye” Layla shouted after her.

She washed her hands, put on her apron and hair cover before resuming duty.


“What’s wrong Layla?” Dan asked, as they settled in class.
Layla’s mood has been off and he even sensed it in their chat the night before.
“Dan, I think Phil is ill” Layla sigh worriedly.
“Really? Have you made her go to the hospital?” He asked.
“That’s the problem, she’s away on vacation”
“Really?…Vacation? Oh..she called to tell you she’s sick?” Dan asked, looking a bit confused.
“Okay, I need to just tell you everything from the beginning” Layla said.

“Oh my God, she’s ill Layla. With what you just told me, something is wrong with her” Dan said after Layla was done with her narration.
“Right. She’s in pain… you know yelling while in pain is so painful, her voice also gave her out. There’s no way Phil would be fine and sound like that and what’s even with the sudden vacation, don’t you plan vacation beforehand?” Layla wondered aloud.
“Exactly! you plan for a vacation and then inform your loved ones about it. You don’t just drop a note that you’re away vacation and what’s weird is..she didn’t mention the location, that shouldn’t be hard if she’s truly away on a vacay. I think something is wrong and she probably doesn’t wanna bother you with it” Dan said.

“What am I going to do? What if whatever is happening to her is so serious?” Layla asked.
“To be honest, it’d be easier to know what to do if Phil gave away some information, but we don’t know where she is, what has happened to her….” Dan sigh, trying to think about what they can possibly do when he noticed Layla is already in tears.

“Layla C’mon, you can’t do that here. Look, we’ll figure out something. You need to stop crying” He said, his face fledged with worry as he comforted her.

She nodded and wiped her tears.

“I’ve called and texted her this morning and got no reply, she should at least reply my text so I won’t be so worried”
“Just keep calm, I believe Phil will be fine, she probably just doesn’t want you to see her in her down moment, she probably just doesn’t want to bother you…”
“If anything, I’m more worried now by being kept in the dark. I want to care for her, I want to help her find solution to whatever is wrong, I want to be helpful and she’s not giving me the chance”

Dan sigh. “I know right, why don’t we just see if she’s going to be back today and then we’ll really figure out what to do”
“You think so?”
Dan nodded.
” I know how worried you are right now but just know everything will be fine, we’ll figure it out okay?” He assured.
“Okay Dan”


Layla knew Phil was back when she didn’t meet the door locked. It was Friday and she has been dead worried about Phil since she last heard from her. She has been praying and expecting Phil since Monday which is the last time they both spoke on the phone.
She had planned to go make a report with Dan in the police station just after she’s done freshening up.
She was starting to go crazy with the fear of the unknown. Different thoughts had ran across her mind timeless times and she couldn’t even count the number of times she has imagined terrible things happening to Phil and not hearing from Phil made it all worse.

She had been so worried since they last spoke and it even reflected in her mood, a couple of people had even asked what was wrong with her.
She lost focus in her classes severally and she didn’t even find herself enjoy Mrs Lisa’s history class like she normally do.

The cause of her apprehensiveness is back and safe, she couldn’t feel more relieved.

“Phil” Layla called and when Phil turned to face her, it felt like…she was seeing an entirely different person.
She looked so sick and pale, her face devoid of colours. Her collarbones shooting out. Phil looked like she’s just recovering from a disease.
Layla was shocked. She has never seen Phil look this way. She looked obviously sick and starved, her skin looked malnourished like she hadn’t had anything good to eat in days…
Phil looked terrible that it brought tears to her eyes.

“Layla, how are you?” Phil asked, her voice sounded okay but it still lacked some vibrance.
“Phil, what happened?” Layla finally asked after recovering from the shock.
“Nothing happened, I’m back” Phil said even though she knows clearly what Layla meant.
“Phil, why..wh..why are you looking this way? You are ill! Why did you keep such from me! Why Phil!?” Layla asked, dead worried as she moved closer to Phil.
Phil looked even worse on a closer inspection.

“I wasn’t sick and would you please leave me the hell alone!!” Phil yelled.
“I’m not leaving you alone! You need to tell me what’s wrong with you? The last time I saw you, you were perfectly okay, how come you turned this way just in few days!” Layla yelled back at her in tears.
“There’s nothing wrong with me! I went on vacation and I’m back to my house, why won’t you leave me alone!”

“No! There’s something wrong with you, there’s no how you’ll come back from a vacation looking like this” Layla tearfully said.
Phil swallowed hard as she ignored Layla and continued watching the TV.
“Phil, please tell me what’s wrong. I’m dead worried. You’re looking so…s..o different” Layla sniffed, wiping her tears.

She continued even when Phil didn’t reply.

“Phil… You don’t expect me to believe that, do you? You don’t expect me to believe you’re fine when you’re looking this way right?” Layla asked slowly.

Phil continued ignoring her.

Layla sigh “Why are you ignoring me, you shouldn’t have come home looking like this if you didn’t want to answer questions! Do you think I will see you looking this way and just walk past you? A joke! ”
Phil looked so focused on the TV, like she didn’t give a damn about what Layla’s saying.
“Phil” Layla continued in a more gentle tone. “What’s wrong with you? You need to tell me, I need to know. I’ve been worried sick for days, Dan and I were about to go to the police station to make a report, I was so scared that I was starting to give in to series of terrible thoughts, your sudden absence took a huge toll on me, and now you’re ignoring me. How can you even do this to me after making me go through that”

Phil felt touched but didn’t make it obvious.

“Phil….” Layla was saying.

“Okay! I. went. for. an. abortion! I went to remove my baby!! in some unauthorized place! And everything got so complicated that I ended up in the ICU! Are you fine now!!!” Phil screamed.
“I guess so” She added, before stomping off.

Layla stared at her as she left, her brain yet to digest it and when it finally did, her legs felt wobbly and she quickly gripped the armchair to stop herself from falling.



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