HER LAST WISH Episode 47 – 50 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 47 by Azeemah Salami

As they sat in class, listening to the teacher teach. Dan stared at Layla, trying to observe if she still stares at Dylan.

Right now, she was focused on the teaching but Dan kept staring, Layla do steal glances at Dylan even during a class.

Since the class started, he has not notice her even as much glance Dylan’s direction, which is quite strange, as far as he knew… Layla loves staring at Dylan, she’d stare at him in class and not concentrate on the teachings and he would reprimand her all the time.

Now that he’s really thinking about it, Layla might have actually stopped staring at Dylan because he couldn’t remember reprimanding her to concentrate in class for several days now.

But does that mean she really doesn’t like Dylan anymore?

She might still like him but just decided to concentrate in class due to how much he always reprimand her, maybe he should just observe after the class.

His heart thumped like he’s about to come to a big realisation, deep down, he’s really wishing Layla has stopped staring at Dylan, though that doesn’t literally means she doesn’t like him anymore but that definitely means the feelings is not as strong as it used to be and that might actually give him the chance he’s been waiting for.

“What’s the meaning of that word she just said?” Layla asked Dan.

“Huh?” He asked, a bit embarrassed Layla almost caught him staring at her.

“What Miss Steels just said, what’s the meaning?” She asked.


He doesn’t know anything Miss Steels just said, he doesn’t even know the topic of today’s class.

“Dan” Layla said.

“I don’t know the word, just tell me what it is, I might know the meaning” He said, fully embarrassed now.

“You were not listening? What’s wrong?” She asked, a bit surprised, it’s very unlike Dan not to concentrate in class.

“My mind was occupied” He admitted.

“What are you thinking about? Are you okay?” She asked, starting to look worried.

“C’mon, I’m fine. Just some silly thoughts”

“Are you sure?”

“Daniel and Layla, any more word from you both and you’ll be out of my class” Miss Steels warned.

“We’re sorry, Miss Steels” They said and the class continued.


“Are you sure it’s nothing serious?” Layla asked, after Miss Steels’s class is over.

“It’s not, for real” He smiled.

“Okay” She said, flipping through the pages of her book. “Yeah, here’s the word”

Dan looked at it and told her the meaning.

“Oh thanks” She smiled as she normally do whenever she gains a new knowledge.

Dan nodded, he picked her book and started going through it to fill in on what he missed during the class.

Layla gazed at him, what’s there not to love about Dan.

She honestly doesn’t blame herself for developing feelings for him.

Who won’t?

Who would be around Daniel almost all the time and not like him.

Well…Fel has been around Dan for years and didn’t develop any feelings for him, and she has only known Dan for months and she’s starting to feel like her heart would thump out of her chest whenever she sees him.

Maybe it’s not a matter of ‘who-would-be-around-daniel-almost-all-the-time-and-not-like-him’, maybe it’s not a matter of him having a great personality that one can’t help but fall in love with, maybe it’s not a matter of his beautiful smile that can literally brighten one’s day.

It’s a matter of the heart. Her heart chose to fall in love with him and is it really her fault?

She doesn’t think it is. After all, she didn’t chose to have feelings for him, she didn’t chose for her heart to beat so crazily when he told her he liked her by his locker even though she knows he only meant it as friends. Her heart and whatever part of her body that strings feelings had made that decision and she wished she could sit her heart down and tell it how unfair it is to her.

Well..her heart had made the decision but she can try to change it.

She switched her gaze to Dylan and gave a small sigh. Trying to like Dylan again is a stupid idea right? But yeah, that’s the only thing she can think of, it’s better than having feelings for her best friend, it’s better than ruining the relationship she has with her best friend.

She tried to think what it is about Dylan that made her fall for him in the first place. Is it his looks? She stared at his face, drawing in every inch, bringing up every fantasy thought she could ever think of but felt nothing…

Isn’t it crazy to feel absolutely nothing for someone she was once head over heels with…so she thought.

Could developing feelings for Dan have completely erased whatever she’s ever felt for Dylan?

Or could it be that what she had felt for Dylan wasn’t serious after all.

She could feel it that whatever she’s feeling for Dan is much more intense than what she had felt for Dylan.. she could really feel it, it’s just there.

Dylan never made her feel this crazy way and to think she had developed feelings for Dan gradually without knowing is one of the most crazy things to ever happen to her. Realising it just recently that she has feelings for her best friend and realising how deep it is is even crazier.

She sigh again, a deep sigh this time .

Starting at Dylan did nothing, she doesn’t think that lame idea is gonna help her.

She switched her gaze back to Dan and caught him staring at her, he gave her a quick small smile before turning back to the book.

And is that a look of disappointment she saw on his face, well..clearly she’s mistaken. What could Dan possibly be disappointed about.

“You’re still coming over to the Cafe today right?” She asked him.

He nodded, he had planned to see who Mirabel was today.

“You need to come before it’s 4pm because once it’s that time, she grabs her bag and leave without looking back”

“Oh Okay” He said drily.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yeah I am” He said, feeling like a dick. Layla still stares at Dylan and it’s just heartbreaking, she had even done it with more intensity. What a fool he is to even think Layla probably doesn’t like Dylan anymore.

“But you look like you’re bothered with something”

“Well..I am” He admitted.

“Do you want to share?” She asked and he shook his head.

“Okay… whenever you’re ready, I’m always here okay?” She assured and he nodded.

“Whatever it is, it’s okay, you’ll be fine” She said squeezing his hand.

“Thank you” He said with a smile.


“Ofcourse She still stares at him” Dan said to Anne.

“I bet you’re mistaken” Anne said.

“I’m not, I told you Layla still likes Dylan, he’s just the one she likes and that’s fine” Dan said unhappily..

“Are you sure she really still stares at him in class?” Anne asked, wondering if Layla likes two guys at the same time because she obviously likes Dan.

“Of course, It was so dumb of me to think she stopped in the first place”

“I’m sure there’s something that isn’t clear here. Layla likes you, I know that” Anne said.

“She doesn’t! Stop saying that, it’s hurting me and giving me false hopes and that’s the last thing I need now” Dan said, turning back to the TV.

Anne sigh. Dan’s still refusing to believe and the fact that Layla still stares at Dylan is starting to make her doubt that she actually likes her brother. She’s pretty sure there’s something unclear here.

“Shit, I need to go to the Cafe” Dan said, getting up from the couch.

“Okay” Anne said.

“See ya” Dan said, literally dashing out of the house. It’s almost 4pm and Layla told him Mirabel leaves immediately it’s 4pm.

Shit! How could he have forgotten.


He got to the Cafe and was about walking in when someone bumped into his shoulder, glanced at him and walked away without apologising.


He walked in rubbing his shoulder as he went to meet Layla by the counter.

“I guess she left already” He said disappointedly.

“Didn’t you see her, she left just now, it’s a surprise you both missed each other” Layla said.


“Yeah, she walked out of that door as soon as you came in” Layla said.

“Hold on, her nose and chin … Is pierced?” Dan asked.

“Well, yeah, I guess you met her” Layla said.

“I saw her, she bumped into me and didn’t even apologize plus she looks so rugged, I’m surprised Phil could employ someone like that. You should be careful with her” Dan advised.

“I don’t care how rugged she might be, she’s capable of doing nothing to me. Come, your shoulder must be hurting. I think I have a balm in my bag” Layla said, feeling so pissed at Mirabel for hurting Dan. She searched for the balm in her bag and saw it.

“Her body is just like steel but it’s fine. I’m okay” Dan said.

“C’mon, come here” She said and he walked into the counter so she could massage his shoulder with the balm.


The rest of the weekdays passed in a blur. It was Saturday.

“Mirabel, you can’t just sit and watch me do all the work when we’re supposed to do it together!” Layla said angrily, she’s been up and about for hours now and Mirabel sat, doing nothing. Today being Saturday, the Cafe is extra busy and the work is just crazy.

This would be the first Saturday they’ll be working together, Phil had given them the last Saturday off.

“What do you mean?” Mirabel asked softly, maintaining a very cool poise. One would almost think she was the boss or the head of the workers.

“It’s either you go take people’s order or you prepare the order, you can’t just sit and make me do everything, that’s not fair” Layla said, annoyed.

“I work during the weekdays more than you do, you should do most of the work on weekends” Mirabel stated.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Layla asked, getting irritated with the whole thing.

“You only resume after 4pm on weekdays, which is almost near to the time the Cafe closes, I always do the most stressful part of the work from 8am to 4pm, you only resume to finish it up. In summary, you’re doing the most work today dear” Mirabel said, air-quoting the dear with a grin on her face.

“Wow, that’s a joke right?” Layla asked, dropping the tray she was holding on the counter.

“Sorry to burst your last bubble but It’s no joke!” Mirabel rolled her eyes.

“That shows you really do have a shallow thinking” Layla slammed.

“Excuse me?” Mirabel rose from the stool, her anger building up.

“I said what I said and I’m not sorry for saying that. As a matter of fact, there are days where you literally do less work than I do, most days, I do the most stressful work after I resume, that 4pm you mentioned is actually the time most people walk into the Cafe to have coffee after a stressful day. Of course you wouldn’t know that, when you only pick your bag to leave once it’s 4pm.” Layla hissed.

“Lies! I do the most work on weekdays!” Mira

“I can’t even believe there’s actually someone who think like you do and I can’t believe I’m having this lame conversation with you. You’re here to work! Nobody cares if you do the most work on weekdays or not, you should work when due, after all you’re getting paid”

“Of course you have the right to talk to anyone in any manner since your aunt owns the Cafe but watch how you speak to me. I’m not so nice” Mirabel said angrily.

“I do not speak to anyone in any manner, I speak to people the way they deserve to be spoken to. You can’t act all bitchy and expect me to remain kind to you. I’m not going to watch how I speak to you unless you do same and “Punch Line” .. I’m not so nice also” Layla stated clearly, looking Mirabel right in the eye.

Mirabel stood,hot breath escaping her nose, infuriated at Layla’s gut. It doesn’t take her anything to hit Layla but of course she doesn’t want to lose her job. She has disliked the girl since Phil told her she was her niece, she knows Layla would want to abuse the privilege of being the boss’s niece and then try to ride on her, so she had made up her mind not to leave that chance.

“You need to join me now, more customers are coming in” Layla said, about to go take the customers order.

“You’re joking right! I’m not joining you!” Mirabel half yelled.

“You’re going to make me do all the work, while you’re here!?” Layla asked.

“Of course, don’t think because you’re Boss’s niece, you’ll get me to work my ass off while you chill. That isn’t going to happen!”

“Incredible” Layla sigh in disbelief of the type of person Mirabel is. She’s much worse than being rude.

“Okay, I think you need an explanation. If you’re someone who abuses their privileges, that doesn’t mean other people are like you. While at work, I’m not Phil’s niece, I’m her worker! She doesn’t even treat me like her niece at work, she treats me as she does any worker… that’s another fact you would have known if you don’t pick your bag to leave once it’s 4pm. Why am I even wasting time explaining this to you? We’re supposed to be working! You need to stop being so obstinate and work alongside me” Layla said, uncomfortable with keeping customers waiting. It’s only a matter of time before they start getting impatient.

“I’m not working alongside you!” Mirabel said, sitting back on the stool.

“It’s so obvious you’re crazy” Layla said, starting to really boil with anger this time. “how dare you not work and leave your co worker to do every damn thing just because of a stupid claim you have. If anything, you should be the one doing most work! Because you’re the one getting paid! Do you get paid to work on weekdays alone? If you thought I’m so dumb for you to try this with,then as you can see, you were in for a shocker. I’d advise you to get on your feet, let’s start working or I go into Phil’s office to explain all these to her and I bet you know what happens next” Layla said, she’s not someone to threaten anyone just because her position seem to be a bit higher but it’s just so crazy how people push you to do what you wouldn’t normally do.

Mirabel stepped down from the stool trying to stop her hands shaking from the anger she felt, God knows if she hadn’t been trying to keep her job, Layla would have received the beating of her life.

Layla’s just so lucky she could now control her anger, she was expelled from school after fighting and hurting people multiple times, it doesn’t take her anything to deal with Layla right here and now. Well…it takes her her job and she isn’t ready to lose it.

“Are you going to take orders or prepare them?” Layla asked.

“Don’t fucking question me!” Mirabel yelled so loud that people turned their attention to her.

She swallowed hard after realizing what she just did.

“Don’t fucking talk to me, you bitch!” She said angrily but in a low tone to Layla.

“Rubbish! And do not startle customers with your unnecessary yelling. Anyway, I’ll go start taking orders, you should get behind the coffee machine”

“Did you just call me rubbish?

“Yeah I did. I said you’re rubbish and that’s already being courteous to you! After all, there are different grades of rubbish and you’re one of the lowest!” Layla thrashed.

And just when Mirabel thought she couldn’t restrain hitting Layla anymore, Phil appeared.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

“It’s nothing Phil” Layla said.

“Mirabel, get behind the coffee machine. I’ll go take orders” Layla said, her voice and eyes daring Mirabel to refuse now that Phil’s here.

Mirabel slowly got behind the industrious coffee maker machine, seething.

Phil walked away while Layla also went to get customers order.

Mirabel grinded her teeth together, it’s being a while she felt this angry. She really hopes Layla doesn’t provoke her to scald her with hot coffee.

And that’s likely to happen when her anger finally get out of hand.

HER LAST WISH Episode 48 by Azeemah Salami

“She’s really starting to piss me off” Layla said to Dan after narrating the Saturday incidence to him,they were seated in class now.
“Wow, she’s really something. I think you should tell Phil”
“It’s not like Phil’s gonna do anything. I just have to keep trying to keep up with the girl” Layla sigh.
“Phil needs to know, Layla. She needs to know the kind of person Mirabel is”
“You think so?”
“Of course, she needs to know the worker she’s paying refused to work on Saturday because she feels she has done enough on weekdays”
“But isn’t that going to make Phil probably fire her”
“Whatever Phil decides to do with her should not be your business, just make Phil know, she deserves to know, trust me”

“I’m going to tell her then” Layla said.
“Yeah, do and I’m glad you stood up to her, way to go” Dan patted her shoulder and she smiled.


“Hi Dan” Dylan approached Dan and Layla who were walking to the Cafeteria.
“Can I have some minutes?” He asked.
“Yeah” Dan said.
“I’ll be waiting in the Cafeteria” Layla said, walking away.

“Okay, so … Thank you Dan, I just want to thank you, that’s all” Dylan said.
“Thank me? For what?” Dan asked.
“For… speaking senses into me”
“I did?” Dan raised a brow.
“Yeah, you did. In the school detention, you advised me to stop feeling insecure”
“Oh that” Dan said and Dylan nodded. “I’m very glad you made use of those words though. I bet it wasn’t easy to try to change”
“Honestly it wasn’t easy, normally, I usually don’t find it easy to adapt to change, so I found it really hard but I tried because I was actually fed up of hating on someone, it felt like a burden and I was glad to let it go. Thank you Dan for not hating me, even after knowing how much I despised you”

“I couldn’t hate you because I understood how you felt, I knew where your hate for me was stemming from, I knew you hated me because you were insecure so I knew it’d unnecessary to return the hate. Although, one thing I didn’t like you for was embarrassing Layla and always taking advantage of her feelings for you just to spite me” Dan said.
“I feel so ashamed of myself to have gone to that length” Dylan bit his lip, feeling so ashamed. For some days now, he has been finding it hard to face Layla. He knows how much he has offended the girl.
“I never knew harboring hate in your heart pushes one to do unimaginable things” He said.

“Yeah, it does” Dan said.
“How do I even face her now? I’ve been finding it hard even looking at her, I feel so bad” He said, knowing he’s been a real dickhead.
“It’s a good thing you admitted your wrong, you can approach her when you feel ready to. Don’t rush into it” Dan said.
“Okay Dan, thanks. I think I can finally see the reason a lot of people love you”
“C’mon” Dan smiled.
“We’re cool now right?” Dylan asked.
“Of course we are, we’ve been cool since you started saying hi to me even though you don’t wait for me to reply, you just leave” Dan said.
Dylan chuckled ” I bet you don’t get how hard it was for me to even say hi to you, I feel ashamed anytime I do that, knowing how much I’ve wronged you but I went ahead anyway and it actually helped me adapt easily”
“I’m glad to know that Dylan” Dan said.
“Hm, cool to hear you say my name” Dylan said and they chuckle.

“I should go join Layla now” Dan said.
“Oh okay. You guys must have started dating already, I’m happy for you both, you deserve each other” Dylan said.
“Well… No, we’re not dating yet” Dan said.
“Really? Why?” Dylan asked, wondering what’s holding them back with how obvious it is that they both like each other.
“Well…I think Layla still…likes you” Dan admitted painfully.

“No, that’s not possible” Dylan said.
“Yeah it is, she’s still not over you.” Dan said.
“C’mon” Dylan said “You’re the one Layla likes now. Everybody knows that. It’s so obvious”
“I guess most people mistook the way Layla acts towards me. It’s plain, no feelings involved. I’m the one in love with her”
“No, she is with you also, how can’t you see it” Dylan wondered aloud.
“She isn’t, she still stares at you Dylan, she still does.”
“I’m sure you’re mistaken” Dylan said.
“I’m not. Anyway, I should go join her now” Dan said, before walking away.

Dylan wondered how Dan could be so blind to see it, Layla likes him too.
Well.. they’re both gonna realize it soon.


“You guys should just stop!” Kate said to her friends who were teasing her about Saturday’s incidence .
“I can’t believe Paul almost saw Kate butt” Jessie grinned, sipping her juice.
“Kate would have actually died of horror if he had” Sarah said and they laughed.
“You guys say anymore word about it and I’ll leave this table. There’s nothing wrong with skinny dipping!” Kate said.
“Okay, we’ll stop” Sarah said, grinning.

“Remembering how she held us tight while she was naked is just another thing that makes me laugh” Jessie giggled..
“You’re right. She was so terrified” Sarah said.
“Especially when Paul came running” Anne said and they laughed again.
“That moment was literally hell for her” Jessie said.

Kate made to get up but they pulled her back and she was forced to laugh with them.

“Okay guys, we’ve actually teased her enough” Anne said.
“Yeah, we have” Kate and Sarah agreed, still grinning.

“Jess, Mark is approaching our table” Sarah said.
They all knew Jess and Mark were not on talking terms.
“Oh” Jess pulled her face into a frown.

Mark finally got to their table, he smiled as he said hi to them.
“Hi Mark” They smiled back at him.
Mark is actually a very cute and loving guy, one of the most intelligent in the class.
Jess had been so over the moon when he asked her out.
“Hey” He said to Jess.
“Huh?” She asked, finally looking at him, maintaining an unsmiling face.
“Well…you want some cookies? My mum made them” He said, dropping a package in front of her..

The frown that was on her face softened.
“Thank you” She said.
He kissed her cheeks “I’ll call you”
“Okay” She said.
“See y’all in class” Mark said to them.
“Okay Mark” They said and he walked away to his friends.

“OMG, that was so sweet” Kate blinked.
“I think I’m going to get myself a boyfriend too” Sarah said.
“I’m definitely getting myself one” Anne joked.

“You guys stop” Jessie said, blushing hard.
“Oh God, Jess…your cheeks” Kate said and they all laughed when Jess quickly covered her cheeks with her palms.

“I guess you’ve forgiven him now” Anne said.
“Isn’t it so obvious” Sarah said.
“In fact, I’m pretty sure jessie has forgiven him for his future offense also” Kate teased and they all laughed again.

“Wow, so…you and Dylan are officially in good terms now” Layla said after Dan was done telling her what happened.
“Yeah” Dan said .
“I’m glad, who knew the fight that happened between you two would actually quench your dislike for each other” Layla smiled.
“Yeah, who knew. And I liked that he admitted his faults, he’s really changed” Dan said.
“Good for him” Layla said.

“Hi Dan, is the pasta good?” Chloe asked and Layla wondered when she got to their table.
“Yeah it is” Dan said.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Of course”
” The last one I ate was terrible and Im craving pasta now but I’m afraid it’s not going to be nice, I don’t want to waste my money and irritate my tongue”
“Trust me, it’s good. You can have a taste” Dan said.
“It must be really good then, I’ll go get mine” She said.
“Okay” Dan said.

Layla watched her leave, Chloe’s really changed. She even finds it hard to look Layla in the face now and her friends are now quite reserved also.

It’s no doubt Dan brings change wherever he goes, he’s never afraid to speak his mind, he’s never afraid to tell you you have a shitty behavior, he gives room for forgiveness, he’s just the sweetest friend Layla has ever come across..
How couldn’t she love him…

“Do you see yourself accepting Chloe’s apology if she apologises to you?” Dan asked.
“Well…yeah, even though she was so horrible to me then, she’s a chaged person now, it won’t take me anything to forgive her, everyone deserves second chance” Layla said and Dan smiled.
“That’s so good and thoughtful of you”
“Well…I got that from you” She said.
“Okay, I’m trying not to blush” He said and they giggled.

Dan had told Chloe when they first started chatting how terrible she had been to Layla. And Chloe had admitted it and said she really wants to apologize to Layla but doesn’t have the courage to, she feels so ashamed to even look Layla in the face, not to talk of approaching her. Besides, she doesn’t know how Layla would take it.
He also didn’t know how Layla would accept Chloe’s apology because Chloe literally made her school life hell but what matters is she’s changed now, he advised Chloe to approach Layla whenever she feels confident enough.

And apparently, Layla is going to forgive her.
He’s just so lucky to have friends with the best heart.


Layla studied her hair in the mirror, she doesn’t know if she’s seeing clearly but it seems as though her hair is getting fuller.
Could she be mistaken?
Of course it’s not possible, she’s supposed to be loosing hair, not gaining it.
She’s clearly not seeing clearly, she is really mistaken.

She gently hand brushed her hair and even in her hands, she could feel it that it’s gotten fuller.
She quickly dismissed the thought and started getting ready to leave for the Cafe.
She walked into the Cafe and wondered what was wrong with her sight today.
That definitely isn’t Aria that she’s seeing at the counter, her heart ached, she must have missed her so much to start seeing Mirabel as Aria.

But as she walked closer, Aria’s image still refused to leave Mirabel’s face. Layla could see outstretched arms, the only person who welcome her that way is Aria, there’s no way Mirabel would stretch out her hands to welcome her, no way and as Layla got closer, it was still Aria’s image she was seeing.
She stood by the counter and stared.
“Hey, it’s me. C’mon” She heard that familiar laughter and in seconds she was screaming and running into Aria’s arms.

Aria laughed, hugging her tightly.

“OMG! Aria, is it really you?” Layla said, still not letting go of her.
“Yeah it’s me” Aria smiled.
“I’m so glad to see you, I was actually planning to come visit you on Sunday, didn’t know you missed me so much that you couldn’t wait to see me and have to come all the way here” Layla said, feeling so happy.
“I missed you so much Aria, I miss you being here with me” Layla said, wondering where Mirabel was.
Aria knew Layla is still yet to notice she was putting on the Cafe’s apron and hair cover.

“Where’s Mirabel? Did she leave already, it isn’t 4pm yet” Layla frowned.
“Well… Mirabel left, I’m the new worker. It’s so nice to meet you. My name is Aria, what’s yours?” Aria said with humor.
Layla screamed happily, finally noticing the apron and hair cover Aria has on.
Aria laughed.
“OMG! Aria, you’re back!!” Layla said in disbelief.
“Yeah, after Mirabel left on Saturday. I saw the notice Phil put outside and I submitted my application and was employed without interview, am I not so lucky” Aria grinned.
“Oh my God, you’re really back! Thanks for coming back Aria” Layla hugged her again, trying not to cry.

“It’s fine, and before the mushy stuff, you’re yet to introduce yourself” Aria said .
“Okay” Layla laughed and cleared her throat dramatically.
“I’m Layla, it’s so nice to meet you too, I look really forward to working with you. But why do I feel like I’ve met you before even though it’s the first time we’re meeting” Layla raised a brow.
“Well…maybe we had a bond in our past lives” Aria said, looking so serious that it almost made Layla laugh but she isn’t ready to ruin their acting.
“Well..if that’s so, I would love for us to have another bond in our present lives” Layla said.
“I’m open to it also, it’s nice to meet you again Layla” Aria said.
“Same here, I love you Aria” Layla said.
“Wow Isn’t that too extreme for someone you just met?” Aria widened her eyes and they couldn’t stop themselves from laughing anymore.

“But did Phil really put out the notice of looking for another worker?” Layla asked Aria.
They were settled now, seated after serving the customers in the Cafe.
“Yeah, the notice has been out since yesterday”
“Really?” Layla asked.
“Weren’t you aware? Of course you weren’t or wouldn’t have asked where Mirabel was when you arrived. I guess Mirabel left since yesterday”
“But while I was coming back from church yesterday, I didn’t see the notice of Phil looking for another worker” Layla said.

“It was there, I guess you didn’t just notice it” Aria said.
“I guess” Layla said, wondering why Phil didn’t tell her Mirabel quitted since yesterday.

“Anyway, how were you able to convince your husband?” Layla asked.
“It wasn’t easy, trust me. I literally have to convince him everyday” Aria sighed.
“You still tried to convince him even after Mirabel resumed?” Layla asked.
“Of course, I just needed him to consent and then planned to persuade Phil to take me back. Three people working in a Cafe isn’t too much.” She smiled.
“You’re right, when did he finally give in?” Layla asked.

“On Saturday and I was on my way to your place on Sunday to convince Phil when I happened to come by the notice. I was so happy” Aria smiled.
“So, you’ve been employed since yesterday and decided to keep it from me” Layla pretended to be pissed.
“Yeah, I told Phil not to tell you, it was meant to be a surprise” Aria pulled her cheeks and she laughed.

“I never thought your husband would finally consent, he was so bent on you not resuming work here anymore” Layla said.
“Well…there’s a condition attached to it though” Aria said.
“Really? What condition?”
“I’m going to stop working once I get pregnant again” Aria said.
“Of course you’re going to stop working, it’s not even a condition, it’s something you must do” Layla said.
“Yeah” Aria nodded.

“And you shouldn’t try to get pregnant soon. You can’t leave me all alone again.” Layla pouts. “Well…i think it’s your husband I need to tell this to” She joked and they laughed.

HER LAST WISH Episode 49 by Azeemah Salami

“You didn’t tell me Mirabel quit” Layla said to Phil as they walked home.
“That’s because she didn’t” Phil said.
“I fired her”
“What! Why?” Layla asked, surprised.
“Really? Why? Left to you, does she not deserve to be fired?” Phil asked.
“Well…I do not know but why did you fire her?”

“I’ve been observing her since I knew you both did not get along. I know how friendly and accommodating you are, you would get along with anyone that gives you the chance. I noticed she did not only refuse to give you that chance, she kinda dislikes you also and on Saturday, I heard you both argument from the start to the end and I had to quickly step in when I saw the rage in her eyes or trust me, she would have hurt you” Phil said.
“You knew?” Layla asked.
“Yeah, I wasn’t in my office, I was inside the Cafe and you both were so into this argument that you didn’t notice me. After we were done in the Cafe, remember I told you to leave for home before me”
“Yeah” Layla nodded. After they were done on Saturday, Phil had told her to leave that she wanted to be somewhere.

“After you left, I told her to leave that she was fired and she left” Phil shrugged.
“Really? She didn’t say anything or even beg to stay?”
“She didn’t, even if she had, I wouldnt have accepted her plead, she told me to fuck my Cafe” Phil chuckled.
“Wow” Layla furrowed her brows.
“I don’t know why it took me so long to notice that very part of her, she has that grim and unkind look but I thought not to judge a book by it’s cover. I employed her knowing she’s an high school drop out and might want to need the money to continue her education and also because she’s your age so you both might get along, become friends and to think I was planning to assist her get back to school” Phil laughed.

“Really? Wow” Layla shook her head.
How people throw away opportunities with no other reason than a bad behavior is just so abnormal.
Having a good behavior costs you nothing, it creates opportunities for one instead. It doesn’t even cost anything to behave the right way.
The reason people would choose to have a bad behavior over a good one will forever remain unknown to her, how can you deliberately choose something that makes your heart feel heavy, restless and filled with hate over having peace of mind and heart that’ll always be filled with love.

“I’m glad I fired her soon enough, she’s capable of hurting you, it’s always so obvious on her face that she doesn’t like you”
“It’s good she’s gone now” Layla sigh.
“And I was planning to tell you on Sunday that I already fired her but Aria’s call came in” Phil said.
“Oh” Layla smiled.
“You’re so happy she’s back, it’s all over your face” Phil smiled.
Layla grinned.

“Phil” Layla called gently.
“It’s so good to see you smile and laugh so often now, would you please keep it up? Layla asked.
Phil nodded not trusting herself to speak.

They continued their walk home in silence with Phil trying not to cry.


“Aria is back!” Layla said to Dan as they settled to eat in the cafeteria.
She couldn’t wait since yesterday to tell Dan that Aria is back, she really tried not to tell him over their chat yesterday night and when she saw him this morning, she almost spilled it. She wanted to tell him over lunch, so they’ll discuss as they ate and here they are.
“OMG, really? Wow!” Dan smiled. “I was wondering why your glow is so different today, didn’t know Aria was behind it” He said and she chuckled.
“You must be so happy, it’s so written all over your face” Dan said, he was equally happy too.
“I was so elated when I realised she’s back. When I saw her in the Cafe, I thought she just wanted to say hi and leave but it turned out she was back. ” Layla grinned.

“Awesome. I actually miss seeing Aria at the counter also. I’m going to come to the Cafe today just to see her work alongside you” Dan said.
“Nice!” Layla said and they started eating.
“I thought her husband was really against it” Dan said.
“Yeah, he finally consented but once Aria gets pregnant again, she’s going to stop working” Layla said.
“Ofcourse, that should happen. I’m so glad you’re gonna start looking forward to going to the Cafe again” Dan said.
“Believe me, same here” She smiled.

“What of Mirabel?” Dan asked.
“Well… Phil fired her”
“Wow, really?”
“Yeah she got fired and after getting fired, she told Phil to fuck her Cafe”
“What!” Dan exclaimed and they both laughed.
“She is just so crazy, you won’t believe Phil was actually there during my argument with Mirabel on Saturday, she heard every thing”
“Oh God, I’m so glad she did and I’m more glad she made that decision of firing her”
“Believe me. Phil has been observing her for a while now after knowing we do not get along, according to her, I get along with almost everyone and for me not to get along with Mirabel, then there must be something so she decided to start observing and eventually realised Mirabel doesn’t really like me, i mean…it’s so glaring that this girl dislikes me and then on Saturday Phil said she quickly had to step into our argument or the rage she saw in Mirabel’s eyes is capable of hurting me”

“Wow. I told you to be careful with that girl, I knew she was capable of hurting someone, her appearance says it all, I’m glad she wasn’t able to hurt you though, she would never have gotten away with it” Dan said and Layla smiled, happy she has people who would always have her back.
“There’s actually no how one can be careful with someone like Mirabel, she literally frustrates the hell out of me, even the most gentle person blow horns when frustrated”
“I know right. I think Phil’s changed though, don’t you? Seems she knows you better now and looks out for you. I mean…she literally fired Mirabel because she doesn’t want her niece to get hurt in any way. That’s really thoughtful of her”
“I think so too. Phil has really changed..like, really really changed and it feels good actually”
“It’s just so great to see things falling in place” Dan smiled.
They continued eating, talking about other things.

“Hi…Layla” Chloe said, after gathering much courage to finally approach Layla.
Layla glanced at Dan and then back to Chloe.
“Me?” She asked, thinking Chloe might have mistaken her name for Dan’s.
“Yeah, Layla. You’re the one I want to speak to” Chloe said.
“Oh” Layla said, a bit surprised. She wondered what Chloe wanted to talk about.

“Okay, I guess I should excuse you both” Dan said, picking his tray of meal as he got to his feet.
“I’m so sorry for bothering you Dan” Chloe said.
“It’s cool” He winked and her heart raced, to be honest, she’s still yet to get over her feelings for Dan. It’s still there and she knows it’s probably gonna be there for the longest time.
Chloe sat opposite Layla and swallowed hard. Where was she going to start.
She has wronged this girl so much, she literally caused her misery.

“I don’t know where to start from, sitting before you right now is just…” Chloe sigh.
“Layla, I’m so sorry. I know sorry is not even enough to correct all my wrongs but I’m sorry, I’m.. so sorry. I wish you can actually see how sorry I am. I… feel so ashamed sitting before you right now and if you’ve noticed, I’ve not been able to meet your gaze for days now. That’s because of how bad and ashamed I’ve been feeling.
I’ve been wanting to approach you for some time now but didn’t have the courage to because of how bad I know I’ve treated you. Forgive me please… “And if you can’t, I understand, my attitude towards you deserve no forgiveness” Chloe said, finally catching her breath.
It took her so much to say all that, she has never felt this bad in her life, remembering how cruel she had treated Layla laced her eyes with tears.

Layla stared at her without saying anything. Thinking back to how Chloe had always treated her, the days where she dreaded coming to school, the days she cried because of Chloe’s hurtful words, the days when almost everyone avoided her because Chloe told them to.
Is this really that Chloe before her now, she continued staring at Chloe in wonder of how much she has changed.
If anyone had told her then that Chloe would sit right in front of her and apologise almost with tears in her eyes, she would have staked all she ever owned to argue that it was impossible.

But this is the world where the impossible becomes possible.
She knows Chloe is changed now but she never expected an apology. She forgave Chloe already even before she sat in front of her to apologize. Because she finally realized and understood where Chloe’s hate for her was coming from. She is not trying to justify Chloe’s bad treatment towards her, no matter whatever reason, Chloe should never have treated her that way.
But now that she’s changed, admitted her fault and is now asking for forgiveness, that’s enough. Everyone deserves a second chance as long as they’re willing to admit their fault and become a better person just like Dan always said.

“Layla, I’m so sorry. Please…ju..st forgive me” Chloe continued pleading. Layla’s looking like she won’t forgive her but she won’t even blame her if she refuses to, she deserves no forgiveness.
Though, she really wished Layla could see how truly sorry she was.

“I must not have been in the right frame of mind to have treated you that way. To be sincere, I…was jealous of you right from the day you resumed Ocean High, you were so pretty and…even…curvier than I was, the students were starting to shift the attention to you and I knew I had to act fast, I was never against the fact that you’re African, that’s not the reason I hated you, I do not hate Africans, I’m not a racist, I know most of them are lovely people with the most beautiful culture. I only used the fact that you are one as a cover to justify my hate for you, I manipulated the students minds by filling their minds with false terrible things about you. I made them dislike you. I just couldn’t deal with the fact that someone would steal the attention that I was starting to get away. I was so selfish and cruel to you. Forgive me Layla, I can’t believe I made almost everyone avoid and dislike you just because of my insecurity, I even made the Juniors disrespect you, on top of that I spill hurtful words to you with every chance I get, Oh God … how must you have felt?” Chloe said, in tears.

Layla looked surprised, not because of Chloe’s confession but because she was crying loudly, drawing attention to their table.
Everyone’s gaze was fixed on them and it really made Layla uncomfortable.

“It’s okay, stop crying. I forgive you Chloe” Layla said to her, passing her a paper towel to wipe her tears with.
“No” Chloe refused to take it. “I think my apology to you needs to be as loud as my disregard to you was” She said and stood on her feet in a flash.
“Guys” She called everyone’s attention, even though their attention was already on them, she wiped her face with her palms and sniffed.
“Chloe this is not necessary” Layla said, realising what Chloe’s about to do.

“I know most of you probably realise by now that every terrible thing I’ve said about Layla is false, I said those things about her just to make everyone avoid and dislike her because I was so… envious of her” Chloe swallowed hard and then continued. ” I realised she might steal the attention I was getting away and then decided to fill people’s heart with dislike for her. Layla did absolutely nothing wrong to me, yet I tried to make her school life miserable. I’m such a terrible person, yes I know. And I’m also sorry to other people I’ve treated wrongly” Chloe said and the Cafeteria was filled with murmurs, most of the students obviously irritated with what Chloe had done and they didn’t hesitate to show it.

“I’m so sorry Layla, to have made you an outcast in the school.I come to your table every morning and made you cry” Chloe swallowed hard, tears starting to spill down her cheeks again. “How must you have felt? What was I even thinking, how could I have been that wicked to you when you literally did nothing to me”
The insults Chloe was getting increased and the Cafeteria looked like it was in chaos.
Layla sigh and got on her feet.

“Everyone” She said and sigh again, she never thought she would do something like this.
“Please do not take out Chloe’s wrongdoing on her. Yeah, she was once not the nicest person to me and some other people but what matters now is she’s changed, she’s asking for forgiveness, she realised her faults, admitted it and is ready to become a better person, let’s not react to people based on their past, let’s open our heart to forgive people as long as they admit their faults and they are willing to change” Layla said, hoping that would help.
It helped subside the insults Chloe was getting but it didn’t stop it.
Her eyes met Dan’s and he smiled at her, looking so proud of her, she smiled back at him, her heart racing crazily.

Layla fixed her attention back to Chloe, made her sit back on the chair and then passed her the paper towel again, this time she accepted it and wiped her tears. The students were still murmuring and didn’t stop looking at their table.
Layla held her hands and smiled. “You know the best thing about forgiveness? Admitting one’s fault and becoming a better person, you are forgiven Chloe and I mean it, I forgive you”
“Of course, I mean it. Besides, you’ve been forgiven before now, it just wasn’t official” Layla said.
“Are you for real?”
“Yeah, since you became a changed person, I already forgave you, I don’t have anything against you anymore. Nothing at all” Layla smiled.
“I…I don’t know what to say” Chloe said after much hesitation. ” I didn’t expect that you would forgive me so soon”
She already stopped crying, hearing Layla said she forgave her stopped her tears. She felt much more relieved.

“Well…I did. And I must tell you, I’m so glad you’re a changed person now, it suits you better” Layla said.
“I’m glad too, it gives me so much peace of mind and my heart has never felt so free.” Chloe said, smiling.
“I know right”
“Not having to yell all the time and harbor hate in one’s mind is just so peaceful” Chloe said.
“I can completely relate to that”
“I pretended to yell while staring at my reflection in the mirror yesterday and I looked like a bull” Chloe said and they both giggled.
“If I knew yelling made me look that ugly, I wouldn’t have made it a habit. Well, it still feels so unbelievable that you’ve forgiven me”

“I understand why you’re feeling that way, come, let’s hug it out” Layla said, stretching her arms towards Chloe as she stood up. Chloe looked surprised but quickly got to her feet also, they both hugged over the table blocking out the murmurs that seemingly rose.


“Wow, Layla and Chloe officially in good terms. Unbelievable” Anne said to Layla in the car. They were heading home.

“I also never thought she would apologize” Layla smiled.
“I’ve actually fallen in love with Chloe for what she did. It takes a lot to admit one’s fault publicly and she did it, wow. She was so intentional on wanting you to forgive her” Anne said.
“Exactly, and I really admire that. She’s really a changed person now and it’s just so great” Layla said.
“Yeah, I’m glad she finally gathered that courage to approach you though” Dan said.
“You’re right, doing that required a whole lotta courage” Layla said.

“I knew Layla would forgive her though” Anne said.
“I knew that too” Dan said.
Layla smiled, staring at Dan, he made her a better person.
He saw her smiling at him and then returned the smile.

Anne sigh, how couldn’t Dan see that Layla has feelings for him and she bets Layla also doesn’t know Dan has feelings for her.
Can’t one of them just open their mouth to talk instead of staring at each other all the time like…they would devour each other on the spot.



“Chloe! How could you embarrass yourself that much! God, I’m so disappointed! It’s enough that you changed, but how could you stoop so low to apologize to Layla publicly, that fat bitch and a lot of people were throwing insults in your face, people who wouldn’t even dare meet your gaze when you were the school queen spilled all sorts of nonsense on you Chloe! I told you your new change is nonsense.” Miranda ranted as they walked to their cars in the school parking lot.
Sabrina and Christy made to give Mira a deserving reply but Chloe stopped them.

“Look” Miranda continued, it’s not too late to go back to who you were, you’re starting to lose your respect Chloe and you need that more than anything, nobody cares about us any longer, they don’t even move out of the way when they see us approach anymore and you caused this Chloe but it’s not too late, I’m going to make it all easy for you to go back to who you were, trust me” Miranda said.

“Miranda” Chloe said as they got to her car.
“From this moment, you’re no longer my friend, you’re out of this circle Miranda. You’re a devil!” Chloe yelled, got into her car and her driver drove off almost immediately.
Miranda stood there, astounded. Sabrina and Christy were equally surprised but were glad Chloe did that.
“Well…bye” Rina said, getting into her car also.
“Chloe made the right decision” Christy said to Miranda’s face after waving Rina bye.
“Mira, I think you’re even more terrible than Chloe was, it just wasn’t obvious, how could you have this type of heart, you have a bad and negative energy and you really need to work on yourself. Bye and have fun creating another circle” Christy hopped into her car…

“You know what?” Christy said, winding down the car window.
“I’m so glad Chloe realized soon that bad friends should be cut off.”
She told her driver to start the car and he did, Christy gave her one last look before her driver drove off.
Miranda stood, still astounded by everything that has happened.
She was trying to digest everything, when her driver walked up to her.

“Ma’am, aren’t you getting into the car?” Her driver asked.
“Leave me the hell alone!!” She screamed and if scream could bring down a building, the school would no longer exist.

HER LAST WISH Episode 50 by Azeemah Salami

**Prestige High School**

“Would you ever stop staring at them?” Rylan asked Fel whose gaze was fixed on Jennie and Jacq. She’s still yet to completely get over him and seeing him all loved up with his new girlfriend almost everyday is not helping matters.
“No, I don’t think I’ll ever stop” She sigh, still not lifting her gaze off them.
“C’mon, you’re actually making that guy feel like he was your life”
“He was” Fel said.
“Gosh, Fel. It’s been quite long, just forget him, as you can see, he doesn’t care about you any longer and would you please stop staring at them” Rylan said.
“Seeing him everyday is not helping matters and no, I won’t stop staring at them” Fel said.
Ry sigh. “Really? You want Jacq to think he still owns your life?”
“He does”
“Shit” Rylan groaned. “Obviously but please don’t make the motherfucker! know or he’s gonna feel so important and even rub his girlfriend in your face more”
“I don’t care” Fel said.
“You actually look like a robot right now, talking while you fix your gaze in a direction without moving”
“I don’t care”
“Okay Robot, just listen to me and take your eyes off them ”

“Date me” Rylan said.
“What!” Fel turned to him almost immediately.
“Great, you finally looked at me” Rylan said.
She smacked her lips together, realising Rylan had said that to make her look at him.
“I didn’t say that to make you look at me, I mean it, I want you to date me” Rylan said.
“You’re crazy” Fel rolled her eyes, even though he looked quite serious, she knows he must be joking.
She resumed staring at Jacq and Jennie.
Everyone knows about their relationship now and they are popularly referred to as the ‘J’s couple’

“Yeah I’m crazy but I’m serious as well. I want you to date me, I’m going to help take your mind off Jacq and all” Rylan said and Fel turned to him again. Looking at his eyes, it was humorless and it was then she knew he was dead serious.
“What the hell are you saying? It better be a joke” She said, wishing he would tell her it was.
“I’m not joking. But it’s fake-dating of course” He said.
“I’m not interested, what made you think that in the first place and what made you think you could suggest it to me?”Fel asked knowing Rylan is never one to think in that direction not to even talk of bringing it to her.

“You, Fel. You made me think that, I’m not always cool with you staring at them all the time, you’re starting to look pathetic Fel which is very unlike you, I know your niche is spicing things up, let’s just do that, let’s make Jacq feel the heat also, let’s get him jealous, you shouldn’t suffer this alone, if anything…he should suffer it the most because he mercilessly broke your heart. I promise I’ll do my best in taking your mind off them, it’s gonna work out, trust me” Rylan said.
“No, I’m not interested” Fel refused.
“It’s just fake-dating, perhaps you’re thinking we’re going to be dating for real, no…”
“Rylan just stop this! It’s crazy, it absolutely makes no sense, it’s lame I don’t want to do this, never!” Fel looked pissed.

“Okay, I’m sorry it made you upset. I really wanted you to stop gaping at him all the time. I hate seeing you do that, I hate seeing you suffer over an unreasonable thing and that left me no choice but to think of ways I could stop it and the only idea that came to me was that. It was the only thing I could come up with, I’m sorry it’s stupid. I’ll try to think of other things” Rylan said.
Fel sigh “Thanks Rylan and seriously, I do not take that you wanted to help me for granted but the idea seems stupid. Fake-dating is never going to make me happy, I might act happy on the outside but I’ll be hurting inside”
“You can’t actually tell, you’ve never tried it” Ry said.
“I know I haven’t tried it but I know it’s not going to work, it’s lame and awkward”
Rylan sigh. “So, what do you suggest we do? I’m pretty sure you also do not want to spend the rest of your high school days staring at some undeserving scumbag”

“Wait…” Fel paused and it looked like she was thinking.
“How will fake-dating take my mind off Jacq? And I don’t think he’s gonna get jealous seeing me in a new relationship, he doesn’t love me anymore”
“Well…for context, we’re not necessarily aiming to make Jacq jealous, we’re just going to make him see you’re more than happy in this new relationship and it’s going to displease him knowing you’ve finally gotten over him. Believe me Fel, Jacq is taking great pleasure in seeing you still wallowing in the space he left in your heart, he’s more than glad you’re not completely over him, it’s giving him a great satisfaction”
“So, how’s the fake-dating going to help?” Fel asked.

“Well… Now you know he derives great satisfaction in seeing that you’re still suffering from the break-up, I think getting into a new relationship, being affectionate and happy with another person right in his face will make him realise you do not care about him anymore, therefore upsetting him. Believe me, even if he doesn’t love you anymore it’s going to hurt him, a part of his ego will still get bruised and he would start getting uncomfortable with seeing you happy with another person, that’s when we would rub it in his face more like he’s presently doing with Jennie. The only difference is that they are in a real relationship and ours would be fake” Rylan explained.
“Hmm, how long have you been thinking about this?” Fel asked.
“Well it might come as a surprise but I only just started thinking about it recently” Rylan smiled, feeling proud of himself. Fel is obviously impressed.

Fel smiled. “I think I like that, he should also get displeased as I do whenever I see him all loved up with Jennie. But…” She glanced at Rylan.
“Well, it does not necessarily have to be me, we can just get a guy and fill him in on the details, the reason I suggested myself in the first place is because I know you’re comfortable with me and you trust me enough to know I’ll be discreet enough about the fact that it’s fake but we do not trust other people, we’ll be more bothered if they’ll reveal it or not than planning about ways to make Jacq feel the heat, therefore making everything not really slap hard”
“You’re right but I wasn’t even thinking about it being you or not because I know if I eventually agree, it’s gonna be you, what I’m bothered about is that I want to be genuinely happy, I really want to get over Jacq but doing what you’re suggesting won’t give me that”

“Right, would you give me time to think of a better plan?” Rylan asked.
She nodded “Yes Rylan”
“You’ll be fine okay?” He assured and she nodded.

They heard Jacq and Jennie laugh loudly from their seat, playing and loved up as always.

Rylan cleared his throat, wishing he could knock Jacq right in the middle of his head. He glanced at Fel “You don’t have to be bothered by that”
“You know what? I’m in Ry, let’s do that” Fel said with a determined look.
“What?” Rylan asked.
“C’mon, the fake dating. Let’s do it” She said.
“No, if you made that decision from what just happened now, then I’m not doing it with you”
“Rylan! I made this decision solely on my own, well, to be sincere they kind of fueled it but I was actually thinking of doing that, they only helped me finalize it and you dare not say you’re no longer in when you’re the one who suggested it in the first place” She shouted at him.
“Arrgh! Fel you really need to do this because you want to and not…”
“Well..I’m doing it because I want to, if I do not want to.. nothing is going to influence my decision and you know me well enough to know that” Fel cut in.
“Okay” Ry sigh. “But you said you wanted to be genuinely happy and you really want to get over Jacq. Do you think that’s going to help? I don’t want you doing what you might later feel bad to have done ”

“Believe me Ry, I’m sure I’m not going to have any regrets! The only regret I’m going to have is not doing this! Let’s do this Ry. I know it might not make me genuinely happy or completely get over Jacq but it’s better than nothing! Rather than sitting here all the time, dejected while I watch Jacq and Jennie, I should make him feel the heat also, that’s going to atleast give me some satisfaction, it’s better to do something than nothing. I know the plan is lame and stupid but it’s fine to be stupid at least for some time” Fel chuckled.
“Why did this plan suddenly appeal to you?” Rylan asked suspiciously.
“Because you’re right! My niche is spicing things up. I wonder what happened to that Fel, besides, things are starting to get boring, I want to have fun and I know this is gonna be fun!” Fel said excitedly.
Rylan smiled, Fel really wants to do this.

“So when do we start?” She asked.
“Tomorrow” He said.
“Okay boo” She said and they laughed.

**Ocean High School**

“Hi guys, you both are invited to my birthday party, make sure to attend” Chloe said to Dan and Layla, handing them an invite each, smiling happily.
“Woah, great” They both accepted the invites.
“Layla I forgot to get your contact yesterday, if you don’t mind” Chloe said, stretching her phone to Layla.
“Oh, I definitely don’t” Layla smiled as she punched in her number on Chloe’s phone.
“Okay! You’ll receive my text soon” Chloe said, moving to other people with two of her friends behind her, Layla wondered where the last friend was, they always moved everywhere together.

“Woah, it’s next week Saturday, will you be able to attend?” Dan asked Layla.
“Really? Saturday?” Layla checked her invite and sigh.
“Well..it’s by 4:30pm and don’t you close by 4pm on Saturdays now” Dan said.
“Well, yeah but you know Saturday’s work is extra, I might be tired by the time we’re done”
“Oh that’s right”
“But if I still feel up to it, I’ll call you to pick me up”

“Let’s visit the library after lunch today” She said to him.
“Okay” He grinned and laughed when she hit him on the shoulder.


Dan plugged in his headphones as he sat opposite Layla in the library, he was not interested in reading so he decided to do music instead.
He scrolled through his playlist and finally settled for one of the romantic songs. He clicked on it and it began playing.
He started moving his head slowly to the rhythm of the song, he noticed Layla’s eyes widened but it quickly returned to normal so he thought she had done that subconsciously.
He felt the song wasn’t loud enough and then increased the volume.
Yeah, it’s good now.

For some reason, they were allowed to use headphones in the library because of people who understand things better by listening rather than reading but so many students took advantage of that and listened to songs in the library instead and well..he’s one of them.

He nodded and sang along quietly to the song while he watched Layla read, he noticed she was grinning hard and he knew it was probably what she was reading.
He was feeling the song more now and was starting to tap his feet into the floor in sync with the beats.
He was startled when he suddenly saw the librarian appear in front of him, glaring, it was then he also noticed everyone’s gaze on him, he glanced at Layla wondering what was going on and she was grinning so hard now, obviously trying to stop herself from laughing.

His song was still playing and he deliberated if to pause it or not, he can hear whatever the librarian says even without pausing it.
“Daniel Keyes, if you would please leave the library, listening to songs in the school library is prohibited, you’re distracting other students with this act” The librarian said.
“What the hell? I’m using my heapho…” He was saying when he realized his headphones had not been properly plugged into his phone, the song has been playing to everyone’s ears, they’ve been listening to the song with him all along and he’s pretty sure they must have watched him nod his head in rhythm to the song, tap his feet on the floor like a toad and gently swayed his body to it. Everyone must have watched him open and close his eyes like a dying animal as he enjoyed the song.
And even worst, the song was filled with naughty romantic words.
Wow! Perfect.

How many people must have laughed at him.
Wait…is that why Layla was grinning.

He turned to her and she burst out laughing alongside some other people in the library.
He bit his lower lip, this girl knew all along and refused to tell him.

He glared at her as he stood up and she laughed harder.
He walked out of the library in embarrassment and Layla wouldn’t stop laughing to herself as she continued reading.
“Oh yeah, baby kiss me while I sleep !!” Layla sang as she walked out of the library and saw Dan was waiting for her.
She closed and opened her eyes, nod her head, tap her feet on the floor as she sang mimicking Dan as she got closer to him, she’s trying so hard not to laugh.

“Don’t come closer, beast mode activated” He said, trying his best to really look like a beast.
“Shit, really?” Layla said, pretending to look scared, now laughing as she continued mimicking him. She started running even though she knew it was pointless, he would catch up with her in seconds. He did.
She laughed hard as he pressed her against the wall.

“How could you do that to me? Argh” He groaned, reminiscing the embarrassment.
“If only you didn’t also mock me about going to the library only when exam is near. I would have alerted you immediately that your headphones isn’t correctly plugged to your phone. Tit for Tat” She stick out her tongue, giggling.
He frowned and gave her a soft knock on her forehead.
“Ouch” She pouted as she rubbed her forehead.
“Is it painful?” He asked worriedly.
“Very painful” She lied.
“Really? I’m so sorry” He said, looking as though he felt bad as he gently rubbed her forehead.
“Just joking!” She laughed and he sighed.
“You’re so silly”
“Yeah right” She said.

Realising how close their body was, they quickly gave each other space, both looking quite embarrassed.
The bell rang, stopping them from drowning in the awkwardness further, they both walked towards their classroom hand in hand.


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