HER LAST WISH Episode 44 – 46 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 44 by Azeemah Salami

“It seems as though you’re the only one not freaked about the upcoming exam and I’m not even surprised” Layla said to Dan.
They were in the library, after having lunch, she had told him they should quickly read something before lunch is over and here they are.
Dan picked up a novel to read instead of a school book and their exam is right at the corner, the library’s even more packed with students.

“But Exam is still in few weeks, I don’t want to start reading ahead now” He pouted and she didn’t know where the stupid thought of kissing him came from, she quickly brushed it away.

God…what’s wrong with her.

“I can’t believe this library’s now so packed with students” Dan laughed.
“I can clearly remember how sparing it always was whenever we came” Layla laughed also.
“Most students only get serious whenever exam is near” Dan said, trying not to smile as he indirectly teased Layla.
Layla has never suggested coming to the library, though she always come with him whenever he suggests it but she only picks up novels to read and never a school book but right now, guess who has three school books in front of her.
“Well…that’s me and I know you’re indirectly teasing me” She rolled her eyes and glared at him, pretending to be pissed.

He chuckled, trying to keep his voice low. “I wasn’t talking about you, I said most students…do you fall in that category?” He teased further, folding his lips in to stop himself from laughing again.
Layla hit him with a book and he didn’t know how the laughter escaped from his mouth, loudly…

The librarian ended up asking them both to leave, she has actually warned them earlier to stop disturbing other students and they had really tried to keep their voice low but his laughter had given them out.
They both burst into laughter after stepping out of the library.

“You’re so silly..gosh” Layla said, still laughing as they walked back to their class.
“Your laughter made us get chased out of the library” She said, smacking him on the back after she stopped laughing.
“Ouch! You were the one who made me laugh in there and that was the reason we were asked to leave” Dan said, rubbing the spot she had hit him.
“You shouldn’t have teased me in the first place” She rolled her eyes..
“I wasn’t teasing you, I said most students…I didn’t know you were in that category” Dan said and started laughing again, laughing so hard that Layla knew he was mocking her.

“You’re so dead right now” She said and he was smart enough to run off.
She chased him in the school hallway while he laughed, she knew she would never be able to catch up with him but it’s worth trying.
He would stop and when she’s about getting together him, he would swing his butt, stick out his tongue and run off again, laughing hard.
He kept repeating that and she couldn’t stop herself from laughing any longer.
She laughed as she chased him.

Students stared at them as they passed but they were oblivious of every other person asides themselves.
They were having great fun.


“Is it starting to subside?” Dan asked Anne, walking into her room with
She nodded,sprawled on her bed trying not to cry from the menstrual cramps she was feeling.
She’s always had one of the most painful cramps ever that it made her start dreading that time of the month.
She has extreme period pains every month.
But she’s so lucky because her brother is always with her, trying to do everything he can to ease her pain. He prepares her warm compress, fill her water bottle, prepare her meds, prepare her pads, wrap her in a blanket and watch her sleep.
She doesn’t even know what she would do without him.

She always pray the first day passes so quickly, she doesn’t feel any pain on the second and third day but the first day literally shows her hell.

The only way she can escape the pain is by sleeping but the damn thing won’t make her sleep, the pain is so intense that it felt as though her stomach was being pulled apart.
How could she sleep…

“I told Layla I was going to come today, now who’s going to be with her” She managed to say, even speaking was not so easy during this period.
She’s feeling quite bad, not able to make it to the Cafe today to be with Layla and she knows Dan wouldn’t go also, he won’t leave her.
“C’mon, Layla also knows your condition. I’m sure she won’t mind. I already texted Fel and she’s excited to go join Layla” Dan said.
“Oh” Anne sigh, relieved.

“You’ll be fine okay?” He said and she nodded.
“I can’t believe you’ll keep experiencing this excruciating pain every month, it’s so unfair” Dan frowned as he started preparing the warm compress.
She smiled.
She knows if its possible for Dan to get his hands on this thing called ‘cramps’ he would beat it up without hesitation for causing his sister this much pain every month but ‘Mrs Cramps is so lucky’
She laughed softly, thinking about it.
“What’s funny?” Dan asked, though glad the pain is already relieving her, Anne wouldn’t laugh if the pain was still unbearable.

“Just having some weird ass thought” She smiled.
“Oops” She sigh.
“The pain has kicked in again?” Dan asked.
She nodded and he tightened his fist.
“If only I could get my hands on this thing, I swear…it isn’t going to survive it” He threatened, and that took Anne back to her thought.

She laughed, despite the pain she was feeling.


“She’s still asleep” Mrs Keyes said, walking into Anne’s room with Mr Keyes behind her.
They just got back from work.
“Hi Mom, Dad” Dan said, he was beside Anne reading a book while she slept.
“Daniel, how are you?”
“I’m good” He said, they both kissed him on the cheeks.

“My baby” Mrs Keyes said, crouching by Anne’s side and then kissing her softly all over the face.
“Jennifer, you’re going to wake her” Mr Keyes said.
Mrs Keyes stopped, staring at her sleeping daughter, feeling so sorry she has to go through this every month.

“Is her cramps very intense today?” Mr Keyes asked, touching his daughter’s forehead gently.
“Not very” Dan said. “You guys should leave, you’re going to wake her up, it was so hard getting her to sleep”
“Okay, I should go and start preparing dinner then” Mrs Keyes said, kissing Anne’s cheeks before grabbing her bag from the table.
“Should I come help you?” Dan asked.
“No, just stay with her, yunno how cranky she might get if she wakes without seeing you beside her. Christ is going to assist me, let’s go Christ” Mrs Keyes said, pulling her husband with her.
They closed the door gently after stepping out.
Dan put the hair on Anne’s forehead in place, covered her properly with her blanket and then grabbed her laptop to watch a movie.


“Two people already applied for Aria’s post” Phil informed Layla who was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
She came to grab a drink.
“Really?” Layla asked.
“Yeah, i already told the both to come tomorrow morning to the Cafe for interview, I’m going to select the best person” Phil said.
“Oh okay” Layla said. “Will the person start tomorrow?”
“Of course, I intentionally stated in the qualification that the person must have worked in a Cafe before applying, I did that so the person would start working immediately after interview, I have no time explaining to anyone how a Cafe is run” Phil poured the drink in a glass cup and grabbed the pack of chips.
“Here” She poured some of the chips in a clean plate. “You can also have that while you work” She said, dropping the plate in front of Layla. She picked up the remaining chips and her glass of drink before walking out of the kitchen.

“Thanks Phil” Layla finally shouted after her after recovering from the surprise.



“Hi Dan” Chloe said, standing in front of Dan’s seat.
“Chloe what’s up?” Dan asked.
“There’s something I have to tell you” She said, swallowing hard.
She’s finally going to tell Dan how she feels for him, she can’t keep hiding and liking him from afar he needs to know how she feels. Her friends also supports her decision but they made her know she’s likely to get rejected and then advised her not to take it to heart if she eventually get rejected. She also knows the probability of getting rejected by Dan is high but she’s still willing to try, confessing her feelings for him is better than hiding, at least it’ll make her know her stance, she has never dealt with rejection, no one has ever rejected her, perhaps that’s what gave her the courage to decide to approach Dan.

” Oh really? Go ahead” Dan said.
“Not now actually, later”
“Okay” Dan said.
“Yeah” Chloe said before walking back to her seat.

“To think Chloe would literally stand in front of me and actually not give me a bad look… wow. Her new behavior suits her so much, I’m glad she’s a changed person” Layla said.
“I’m glad also” Dan said.
The teacher walked in and the class started for the day.


Dan was by his locker after changing back into his school uniform, they just finished playing football in the school field, today’s Thursday and they engage in school activities after lunch break.
He thought of going to check Layla at the school pool as he placed his sweat-filled jersey in his locker, he closed it and was a bit startled to suddenly find Chloe standing there.
“You scared me” He said.
“Sorry” She smiled.

He remembered she said she had something to tell him, and that’s the only reasonable reason she’s here.
“Do you want us to sit somewhere and talk?” He asked.
“No, I’m fine here”

“Go ahead” He prompted after she remained mute.
“I like you Dan” She finally blurted after gathering every bit of the courage left in her “I like you so much, I’ve had feelings for you for so long, and I’ve tried everything I can to make you notice me but you just don’t. I just can’t get over thinking about you every time. I would really be glad if we can… date, like…be in a relationship” Chloe said, holding her breath as she waited for him to talk.
Dan sigh, this isn’t the first time he’ll be getting this from girls and he doesn’t like it because of how hurt and sad they do look whenever he rejects them, the last thing he wants is being the cause of someone’s sadness.

“Chloe, just like how your heart chose me, my heart chose another person also” He said and Chloe has never felt tears rush to her eyes this fast. She has never has to feel rejection, she rejects other people instead, she didn’t know it hurts this much.
God, she feels like she’s going to get sick.

“It’s just so crazy how these things work, liking someone and then the person liking another. Chloe, I’m so sorry, it isn’t your fault, your heart chose me and there’s nothing you can do to control it, liking someone is just something we have no control over ”
He wiped her tears “I know it hurts but trust me, you’ll be fine. You’re so beautiful and so many guys want you and I’m sure you’ll get over this soon, you’re a strong lady” He said, patting her back gently as he gave her a light hug.

“Can we at least be friends?” Chloe asked, sniffing.
“Of course, we’re friends” Dan said.
“No, I mean friends that…invites each other to their birthday parties” Chloe said and Dan smiled.
“Okay Chloe, there’s no problem with that” he said.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Of course” He assured.
“You’re going to invite me to your birthday parties and also honor my invite?” Chloe asked again.
“Of course Chloe” Dan smiled, knowing she’s yet to believe him.

“You do not believe me right? Okay, let me have your contact” He said grabbing his phone from his locker.
“Yeah, I do not ask for anyone’s contact except I’m ready to make them my friend, like my real friend”
Chloe smiled as she punched her numbers into Dan’s phone, at least she’ll now get to be his friend and not just a classmate, that alone made the rejection hurt less.
Dan’s glad he didn’t make Chloe completely sad, at least he did something to make her smile even after turning her down she’s a changed person now and he doesn’t see anything wrong in making her his proper friend.

Chloe passed his phone back to him and he saved her contact and texted her.
“I texted you already” He said.
“Really? Im not with my phone right now but I’m going to reply you immediately I get home” She said.
“That’s fine”
“Can I ask you something?” She asked.
“Go ahead”
“Layla’s the person your heart chose right?”
Dan nodded without hesitation.
“She’s so lucky and she actually deserves someone like you” Chloe said, “I’ll reply your text once I get home.”
She walked away and Dan sigh.

He feels ashamed of himself, when a female could walk up to him to confess her feelings, what’s stopping him from doing the same for the person he loves. Females walk up to him knowing they’ll probably get rejected but they still go ahead and here he is, hiding his feelings like a scared cat.
He saw Layla approach him and then made up his mind to confess his feelings to her right there and then.

“Dan” She smiled.
“Layla, I like you” He said before he could change his mind again.
“I like you too buddy” She chuckle.
“No…no, I didn’t mean…” He was saying but stopped.
“What?” Layla asked.
“Nevermind” He said, faking a smile when all he wanted was giving himself a hard knock on the head.
“Is there something wrong?” Layla asked.
“Nothing, I hope you enjoyed swimming”
“Yeah I did, it was fun”


Layla walked into the Cafe and seeing another person in Aria’s spot made her heart ache painfully, realisation finally dawning on her. Aria would really not be coming anymore.
The girl by the counter should be just her age, she has the shortest Bob Layla has ever seen, her nose and chin is pierced and she has the look of someone older and more experienced than her age. Phil told her the girl is a school drop out and she had impressed her more than the other lady had so she chose her. As Layla got closer, she could bet the girl has seen and gone through a lot, her eyes were dark and grim.

“Hi” Layla greeted.
“I’m Layla…”
“The Boss’s niece, I don’t need introduction. And do not feel you can come here anytime you deem fit, making me work extra hours. I’m only getting paid for working from eight to four, just eight hours. I won’t appreciate you coming in to take over later than that. Excuse me” She grabbed her bag and walked away.

Layla stared at her as she walked away, dumbfounded.

What In the world is this….

She was forced to glance at the wall clock…

HER LAST WISH Episode 45 by Azeemah Salami

“So what do you think of Mirabel?” Phil asked Layla.
They were seated in the living room after dinner, watching a movie.
“Her name is Mirabel?” Layla asked.
“Of course, didn’t you guys get to know each other?” Phil asked.
“Well…no, I guess she was in a bad mood today”
“Oh” Phil said. “You guys will get to know each other tomorrow then”.
“Yeah” Layla said.

After Mirabel rudely left, Layla had put it that she was in a bad mood. Who in the right mood would behave in that rude manner, and she hadn’t even arrived at the Cafe late, she is to arrive at the Cafe by 4pm and when Mirabel left, she had checked the time, it was only 4 :10. Surely, that’s not enough to make someone that pissed.
She’ll try to arrive earlier tomorrow, if arriving late had pissed Mirabel off that badly.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” Dan asked Layla who obviously has been giving him attitude, he has noticed it from their chat the night before.
“What do you mean?” She asked.. and even the tone of her voice shows she’s pissed at him.
He wonder what he did, he tried thinking back but he couldn’t actually get what he did wrong. They were in good terms yesterday, nothing was wrong, even after she got home, they chatted before she went to the cafe and then, in the night, he texted her to talk to her about the viral picture of him and Chloe hugging that was posted in the school group.

Although Chloe debunked the rumor in the school group immediately and stated they were just friends but the students are not having it, they keep spreading false rumor and exaggerating the whole thing, he doesn’t even care, anyone can think whatever they want, what he’s concerned about now is the reason Layla’s giving him attitude.

“I know you’re pissed at me but it’s unfair not knowing what I did to warrant such attitude from you” He said.
She stared at him wondering why she’s giving the poor boy unnecessary attitude. Although, she’s genuinely pissed he has now made Chloe his friend without telling her, aren’t best friends supposed to tell each other everything, but that’s not even the issue. She’s actually pissed at herself for feeling pissed at him for hugging Chloe. Why should she be pissed over that! Exactly, that’s what is making her so pissed.
The reason she was so mad yesterday after she saw the picture, the reason she started giving Dan attitude after seeing him hug another girl is just something she’s yet to comprehend.

He isn’t her boyfriend, he’s only her best friend, why should she get so mad and jealous and that’s exactly what’s making her mad at herself.
She knows what’s happening to her, she’s well aware of the dumb feelings she’s developing and the refusal to admit is making her go crazy.
She likes Dan… She likes her best friend!! What the hell. And now she’s giving him attitude because she likes him??

Isn’t that crazy.

Well, she likes him or not, she isn’t going to make it count, she should discard of the feeling as soon as she can, she isn’t going to nurse that feeling. Hell no.
Gosh, she can’t even believe herself.
Now she gets why Dylan doesn’t appeal to her anymore. It’s much more better for Dylan to appeal to her than Dan, Dan is her best friend and whatever stupid feeling she’s starting to develop for him might ruin their friendship and she doesn’t want that. She wondered where this pointless feeling arose from.
She’s so shameless, falling in love with her best friend.
She should better try to start making Dylan appeal to her again. If only that’s possible.

God, what has she gotten into.

“Layla” Dan called.
“Dan, you did nothing wrong, I’m the one being so stupid and dumb here, I’m so sorry for giving you unnecessary attitude” She said, feeling ashamed.
“What are you feeling so stupid and dumb about?” He asked.
“I want to mind” He said. “And don’t try dismissing it. I want to know what you’re feeling so dumb and stupid about”
She sigh. “Really?”
He nodded.
“Well…I’m not telling you, you can’t know that”
“Why?” He asked.
“Because it is very unnecessary”

“Are you….pissed because I didn’t tell you about Chloe and I?” He asked.
So he knew not telling her he’s now friends with Chloe would piss her off and he still went ahead to keep it from her.
“Well .. yeah. You knew that would piss me off and you still went ahead to keep it from me?” She asked wondering what went wrong.
Dan is not someone to keep things from her, he tells her almost everything, is he really having a thing with Chloe? Is that why he didn’t tell her? The thought made her inside turn. She really hopes nothing is up between him and Chloe or she’s gonna go crazy.
She’s crazy enough as it is.

“And you think it’s unnecessary to feel pissed because of it? No, you’re not being dumb or stupid, you have the right to be mad, we’re best friends and I should tell you everything, I’m sorry Layla. I completely forgot about it, or I would have told you”
“Are you guys really friends now?” She asked.
“Yeah and there’s an explanation behind it, I’ll tell you over lunch” He said.
“Okay” She said, relieved. Dan forgot or she knows he would have told her.

“I’m really sorry Layla” Dan apologized.
“It’s fine, i know you truly forgot, you’re not someone to keep things from me, if you had remembered, you would have told me”
“You know that right?” He asked.
“Of course, so do not apologize anymore, it’s okay”
“Thanks Layla”
“Gosh, Dan why are you thanking me again”
“For forgiving me” He smiled.
“C’mon! You shouldn’t actually apologize for something you didn’t do intentionally, just stop it already okay?”
“Okay ma’am” He said and was glad she smiled for the first time this morning.
“Seeing that picture on the school group actually made me realise that I’m yet to tell you and I messaged you immediately so I could explain, not knowing my best friend who only suggests to visit the library when exam is near already saw it and got mad, and planned to give me silent treatment till today’s over” Dan teased with a raised brow.
Layla laughed, “just shut up already, will you?”
“I won’t” He chuckled, glad to have achieved his aim of making her laugh.

“Actually, I should also apologize to you. I should have just told you what you did wrong and make you know I’m pissed instead of giving you attitude and planning not to speak to you till today’s over like you said”
“Nah, you girls are more emotional, your emotions get to you so quick and you react to it” Dan said.
“I guess you’re right” Layla pressed her lips together.

“Phil already employed someone else to take Aria’s place” She told him.
“Wow, and how do you feel about that?” Dan asked.
“I feel nothing” Layla shrugged, “Okay, lies, I feel something, I miss Aria so much and the fact that she would no longer be working with me is just so painful”
“I know” Dan held her hands, “but I know you’ll get over it soon. Just take It easy on yourself okay?”
She nodded. “Seeing someone else replace her hurt so much”

“The person resumed already?” Dan asked.
“Yeah, yesterday” Layla said, remembering how Mirabel had acted so rude to her.
“How’s she? Is she kind?” Dan asked, hoping this person would actually also help in Layla getting over Aria’s absence.
“She’s just my age, Phil said she’s an high school drop out”
“Wow” Dan sigh.
“Is she kind?” He asked.
“Well..I guess she was in a bad mood yesterday” Layla said.
“That means she wasn’t nice to you. Not when I was starting to think she’ll help you in getting over Aria” Dan said, looking disappointed.
“You know we all have bad times, maybe I happen to meet her during one of her bad times” Layla said.

“Yeah, but it’s unfair to make other people bear the brunt of our bad times, making other people suffer for what they know nothing about is just not fair, honestly. I don’t like people who do that” Dan said.
“Well…let’s see what happens today.” Layla said.
” Anne saw her?” Dan asked
“No, she didn’t. Anne arrived some minutes after she left” Layla said.


Layla left for the Cafe as soon as she was done dressing up.
She was there in few minutes and as soon as Mirabel saw her walk in, she untied her apron, dropped her hair cover and picked her bag.

“Good to see you take lessons” Mirabel said, glancing at the wall clock..


“Excuse me?” Layla asked.
“Well…I’m off, take over” She said, about walking away..
“Hold on” Layla said and she stopped, turning to look at her impatiently.
“I’m sorry to be wasting your time but we are co workers, Shouldn’t we at least get to know each other” Layla said.
“I guess you know my name is Mirabel and I know your name also, that’s okay for workers to know about each other, I do not have the luxury of time for long ass introduction and I’m here to work, not chat.” She said and walked away.

Layla sigh, Mirabel is having no bad times, she isn’t in a sour mood, she’s just so rude.
Now realizing how Mirabel is, Layla also decided to keep to herself. She can’t possibly force Mirabel to mingle with her, everyone is free to do whatever they want.

She washed her hands by the sink and then dried it up.
She picked up an apron and hair cover.

“Mirabel’s gone already?” Phil asked.
Layla turned, not knowing when Phil got behind her.
“Yeah” She said.
“You guys didn’t get to talk?” Phil asked.
“I don’t think she’s someone who enjoys chatting or even making friends and it’s fine” Layla shrugged.
“Oh” Phil said, a bit disappointed Layla and Mirabel didn’t click.
One of the reasons she had employed Mirabel was because she was Layla’s age and she felt they would make good friends, she thought Layla would see another Aria in Mirabel but it seems that didn’t happen.

“How was school?” She asked.
“Good” Layla said.
“I’ll be back in my office”
“Okay Phil”

Layla sat, staring into space, she’s not very happy Mirabel turned out to be someone like that. It’s making her miss Aria more, she blinked back tears, feeling so lonely.
She wasn’t even aware Rylan had popped up in front of her.
“Hey, I wonder what has taken over your mind” He said, waving dramatically in front of her eyes.
“Rylan!” She said happily, getting down to hug him.
She was so glad to see him, she knew he would come but didn’t know it’d be today.
They released each other and laughed.

“How are you?” He asked.
“I’m good, hope you are also?”
“Yeah, I can see you’re bored. Well I’m here to kill your boredom” He said rubbing his palms together “and don’t even think of sending me back” He quickly added and she laughed.
“You’re welcome, come here” She said pulling him to come sit with her.
“I should wash my hands first” He said.
“Do you plan on working?” Layla asked.
“Of course, Fel and Dan did also so it’s my turn now and I’m so sorry about what happened to Aria, it’s really so sad and unfair to someone as sweet as her” Rylan said.
“Yeah, right.” Layla sigh.

“Extend my greetings to her whenever you visit her again” Rylan said..
“I will do just that” Layla said, smiling as Rylan finally sat beside her.

“I have piles of gist for you” He said.
“Yaay” She giggled, hoping Rylan won’t make her laugh so hard that her stomach would start hurting. Yeah, he’s capable of that.

HER LAST WISH Episode 46 by Azeemah Salami

“Anne, I think I like Layla. No, I really like her, I have feelings for her” Dan said.
“Oh,finally” Anne smiled.
“What?” Dan asked.
“You finally admitted it. It’s so clear you both have feelings for each other” Anne said.
“For each other? Layla doesn’t have feelings for me but I do for her” Dan said..
“She does” Anne said.
“She doesn’t, we all know how crazy she is over Dylan and that’s actually one of the reasons stopping me. I’m so in love with her” Dan said sadly.

“Well…I know Layla likes you also, it’s so obvious.”
“Anne…What are you saying? The love she has for me is platonic, Dylan’s the one she loves romantically. Everyone knows that Anne, just tell me what to do. Its really eating me up inside. Should I tell her?” Dan asked. He can’t believe he’s this anxious, he has never delayed telling anyone his feelings, well…maybe because he knew he would not get rejected but with Layla, he’s likely to get rejected. Is he going to cry like Chloe had when he rejected her.


He has almost never had to deal with rejection, the girls he dated in the past accepted to date him almost immediately.

“Dan, Layla likes you, believe me, it’s not just platonic” Anne said, wondering how Dan could have missed it. It’s so glaring. The way Layla stares at him already explains everything, the only person she do stare at that way was Dylan and it wasn’t even as intense as how she stares at Dan now.
Can’t Dan just see it!
“Just stop already, okay? Tell me what to do. Should I tell her?”
“You do not shy away from asking girls out. What are your fears concerning Layla?”

“She’s in love with another person so I’m likely to get rejected, our friendship might be at stake because I don’t think everything will be the same after I tell her about my feelings, she won’t be free around me anymore. Everything will be so awkward” Dan sigh worriedly.
“You know what?” Anne asked.
“I think you need to confirm if she’s still in love with Dylan”
“Of course she still is! Why all this Anne?”
“Does she still stare at him? Does she still speak to you about him, does she still care about him?”
“Well..I haven’t noticed if she still stares at him, but she definitely does, I just hadn’t taken notice and well…she had not talked to me about him for some days now but that doesn’t mean anything”

“There’s no how you wouldn’t notice if Layla still stares at Dylan, the truth is Layla doesn’t stare at him anymore”
“No, she still does, I’m sure I just didn’t take notice”
“She doesn’t! You’ve been noticing way back that she stares at him and suddenly you don’t anymore, that means she has stopped, believe me Dan” Anne said.

What if Layla doesn’t really stare at Dylan anymore? And she had actually stood up to Dylan, that
might not have happened if she was still so into him, she hadn’t even talked to him about Dylan for a while now, she doesn’t seem to care anymore. What if Layla likes him like Anne had said, he almost smiled, the thought appealed to him greatly but he quickly brushed it off.
So many ‘What Ifs’.
He shouldn’t be happy based on ‘What Ifs’
And all that doesn’t mean Layla’s no longer in love with Dylan, the last thing he needs right now is giving himself false hopes.

“Anne, I don’t care about Dylan or whatever, just tell me what to do” Dan said.
Anne sigh, Dan is still yet to believe Layla’s now into him.
“Well..go ahead and tell her how you feel” She said.
“What if it affects our relationship?”
“You’re not going to hide forever, it’s better you tell her as soon as you can, your heart will keep hurting if you keep your feelings to yourself. ”
“I think I’m going to do just that but fuck it, it’s easier said than done” He groaned, hitting the bed.

Anne sigh, if only he would believe her.

Layla fucking likes you too!!!


“Guys!” Anne said excitedly, welcoming her friends into her home.
“Heyyo!” They said excitedly, hugging her one after the other.
She closed the door after they stepped in.
She had invited them over. She was really bored at home and dropped a message in their group chat asking if they could come over.

Dan is out with Layla and her parents were at work, they do not usually go to work on Saturdays but there was a lot to be done like they said.
She actually doesn’t mind being alone at home, she’s being home alone severally but today she was extra bored and even the TV could not kill her boredom, she needed to be around people.

“I was also bored at home and immediately I saw your message, I got to my feet!” Kate said, bouncing on the couch.
“Same here, I think this particular Saturday is boredom inflicted” Sarah groaned, dropping her coat.
Anne hadn’t even thought Sarah would come because her house is miles away but she did and Anne’s glad.
“Where’s Dan?” Jessie asked, although she do say she’s gotten over her crush for Dan but it doesn’t seem so, even though she now has a boyfriend.
“He’s clearly not at home or Anne wouldn’t have messaged us to come over” Kate said.
“Of course” Sarah added.

“Well… he’s out with Layla” Anne said.
“What a lucky girl” Jessie pouted, wishing she was Layla.
“Lucky in what aspect?” Kate asked even if she clearly knew what Jessie means, they all knew.
“Being around Dan all the time of course” Jessie said, sitting.
“Mark would be somewhere thinking he’s got himself a girlfriend, I feel sorry for the poor boy” Kate shook her head.

“What do you mean?” Jessie asked, looking offended.
“Why would you keep fantasizing over another guy when you have a boyfriend!” Kate slammed.
“I’m not fantasizing over Dan! I’ve gotten over him” Jessie yelled.
“Obviously” Kate rolled her eyes.

“Well, let’s not dwell on that. I invited you guys over so we could have fun. What do you suggest we do first?” Anne asked.
“First, I think I need to eat your pies. Let’s go make pies!! What do you guys think?” Kate asked.
“Great!” Sarah said.
“You guys go ahead, I’m just gonna watch a movie” Jessie grabbed the remote control.

“Are you really serious?” Sarah asked Kate.
“Of course, Anne said there’s no one at home”
“That doesn’t mean you should swim naked!! Just get a swimsuit from Anne” Sarah said.
“I love swimming with no clothes on, you should try it. It’s divine” Kate grinned, pulling off her clothes as she stood by the pool.
They were by the pool after eating pies and watching movies.

“Let her be, she should do whatever she wants” Jessie said, diving into the pool with a swimsuit on.
Sarah sigh and did same.
Anne was by the edge of the pool, her legs dangling in the water. She’s not a very big fan of swimming, she prefers having just her legs in the water than her entire body .
“Kate, are you really going to dive in naked?” Anne asked, watching Kate really strip.
“Of course, what’s up with you guys?” Kate rolled her eyes as she completely stripped, she dived into the water, giggling happily.

“We are supposed to take pictures but this nude girl in here is just…urghh” Jessie groaned, splashing water on Kate. They laughed.
“Anne get in here, it’s fun” Sarah said, swimming towards Anne.
“I’m fine here” Anne smiled..
“Okay” Sarah said, swimming back to Jessie and Kate.
Anne saw her whisper in their ears and she knew something was up or something’s gonna be up soon.

They flashed her a wicked grin and started splashing water on her.
“OMG! Guys” Anne giggled, getting on her feet quickly and moving away from the pool side.
“Get in here or we’re gonna make sure you’re dripping wet even without swimming” Jessie said.
They moved to the edge of the pool, splashing more water on her.
Anne laughed and kept moving farther.
“You guys.. okay stop, I’m going to get into the pool. I’m going to go change into my swimwear now” She finally gave in, laughing.
She walked back towards the pool.
“Go change into a swimsuit this minute” Kate said, hovering by the edge of the pool.
“Okay okay, I’ll be back” Anne said, about heading into the house when she saw Paul approaching.

“OMG!” She suddenly exclaimed.
“Kate, dive back into the pool this minute. Paul is here”
“What the fuck!” Kate screamed, getting into the farthest end of the water as she can get.
“You said there’s no one at home!” She shouted, terrified at the fact that Anne’s driver is gonna see her naked.
“I didn’t know when he got back home!” Anne said. “Paul don’t come closer”
But Paul had a confused look on, he kept walking closer and started running thinking Anne might be in danger.
“Paul stop!!” Anne shouted.
“Kate, you’re so doomed today” Jessie said, trying to stop herself from laughing.
“What am I going to do, there’s no how far I go, he’s still going to see me. Anne stop him!” Kate yelled.
“Just stop talking and get behind us” Jessie said.
Kate held the both of them tightly, hiding behind them.
“I warned you, didn’t I?” Sarah scoffed.

“Paul, someone’s naked in the water!” Anne said, running to meet him halfway.
“What!” Paul stopped running.
“My friend is naked in the water, you need to go back” Anne said.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Paul said, walking far away from the pool.
Anne walked towards him.
“I’m just getting back and I said to say hi to you, didn’t meet you inside so I knew you’d be by the pool” Paul said.
“Oh okay” Anne said.
“Holla..if you need me” Paul said.
“Okay Paul, thank you” Anne said.

Paul walked away and Anne walked back to her friends.

Kate released her hold on Jessie and Sarah, moving away from their back “Where are my clothes?”
They all burst into laughter except Kate who looked quite embarrassed.


It’s Monday and Layla started preparing to go to the Cafe after she got back from school.
Her phone vibrated in front of her and she saw a notification of a new message.
She smiled seeing it was from Aria.

She had visited Aria on Saturday with Dan and she’s so glad she’s now doing better.
She’s starting to look her normal self..
They had spent some time with her before leaving, they had went to Fel’s house next, Rylan came to join them there and they really had fun.
Phil had given her the Saturday off and she had decided to make very good use of it, knowing the offer might not come again anytime soon.
She replied Aria’s text, dropped her phone in her bag and headed for the Cafe.

“Excuse me, where to?” Layla asked Mirabel, who picked her bag to start leaving after Layla walked into the counter.
“What do you mean? I’m leaving of course” Mirabel said.
“Well .. you are not allowed to leave until it’s 4pm, you can’t just pick your bag to leave after I arrive, you need to work till it’s actually time for you to leave, after all you’re being paid for eight hours,so you need to work for the whole of eight hours, it’s just 3pm and you want to leave? when you’re being paid for working from 8am to 4pm? C’mon, I expected better” Layla smiled, proceeding to the sink to wash her hands.

Mirabel glared at her in anger, she dropped her bag and then picked up the apron and hair cover again.
Layla smiled to herself as she saw Mirabel starting to put on her apron and hair cover again.

She sat on the stool, ignoring the look Mirabel was giving her, she intentionally did not put on her apron or hair cover because she didn’t intend on helping the rude girl, she fetched her phone from her bag and started texting her friends, she’s going to do this until it’s time to take over.
Layla chuckled to herself when Mirabel angrily stomped out of the counter once it was 4pm.

God, Layla bet Mirabel didn’t know she still has the hair cover on.
She laughed, stepping down from the stool to grab her apron and hair cover.
Mirabel walked in again, dropped the hair cover on the counter and then stomped off again.
Layla laughed and didn’t bother hiding the fact that she was laughing at Mirabel.

“Bye Mirabel” Layla shouted after her, still laughing.


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