HER LAST WISH Episode 38 – 40 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 38 by Azeemah Salami

“Daniel Keyes, come with me immediately” The teacher said, looking horrified.

Oh well ..

Dylan smirked and Dan felt anger bubble inside him. It took everything in him not to hit Dylan again.
He started walking alongside the teacher who suddenly turned. “Dylan, you also” She said.
It was Dan’s turn to smirk and he did it much to Dylan’s chagrin.
Dylan also walked behind them and together they all walked to the principal’s office.


“He hit me first” Dan said to Principal Henroe who sat behind his desk, watching them intently. The teacher left already after explaining to the principal what she saw.
“Dylan” Principal Henroe called…”Did you truly hit Dan first?”
“It was not intentional” Dylan mumbled.
“It clearly was” Dan contradicted.
“It wasn’t” Dylan scoffed.

“Intentional or not, you hit him first right?” Principal Henroe asked.
“Yeah” Dylan said reluctantly.
“And you returned the punch?” Principal Henroe asked.
“Yeah” Dan nodded.

“And you both would have resort to blows if the teacher hadn’t appeared?” Principal Henroe questioned further.
They both stared at their feet without responding.
“Well, fighting is prohibited in this school and you know it so you’re both going to receive the punishment for it. The penalty for hitting one another is spending hours in the school detention doing whatever punishment is assigned to you after school’s over, today and tomorrow. You both can leave to your classes and return to the detention after school’s over, the detention officer would tell you what you’re to do” Principal Henroe dismissed them.

By the time Dan and Dylan returned to class, everyone already knew what transpired. The students murmured and stared at them as they walked to their seats. The teacher presently teaching in the class ordered the noise to die down and then continued teaching.

Layla sigh worriedly, Dan’s lower lip is broken and she knows how much it’ll be hurting. She knew the two guys didn’t like each other but she had never thought they would resort to hitting each other.
“Are you okay?” She finally asked Dan.
“I’m fine” He tried to smile.
“You’re not” She said.
“Yeah, I’m not” He nodded.
Layla blink severally in worry as she stared at the wounded lip more intently, she gently placed her finger on it and he winced.
“Aw Dan…” She looked so worried.

“It’s okay, concentrate…Miss Moore looks like she’ll kick us out any minute” Daniel said and Layla reluctantly faced the front of the class, holding onto Dan’s hand. Miss Moore was indeed staring at them, she gave them a warning look before going on with her class.

Layla would never have believed she would feel this pissed towards someone and not just anyone but Dylan.
Although she saw he also had a bump on his chin but how dare he hurt Dan.


Layla and Dan were only able to go to the school infirmary during lunch break.
The nurse attended to Dan while Layla sat beside him.
He was yet to tell her what went wrong and she was so curious but even more worried.
Dan didn’t know how he was going to tell her without mentioning the note he had seen in his locker… she’s going to know he lied to her and she would get so worried after knowing the content of the note.
Still, he has to tell her anyway, he could omit the note part.

“Dan!” Anne called loudly as she walked into the infirmary.
“Hey, I’m fine” Dan said.
“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly, distracting the nurse as she checked out the wound, she sigh in relief after seeing it wasn’t so much and then quickly apologized to the nurse.
“What happened? Why did he hit you?” She asked.
“I hit him also” Dan said.
“You would never have hit him first, I know that.”
“Yeah, he hit me first” Dan said and Layla felt more annoyed with Dylan than she had earlier.
“He’s a mother fucking bastard! asshole” Anne said, looking pissed.

“Hey!” Dan reprimanded and she sigh. She is not someone to use vulgar words, infact Daniel could count the number of times she had and it’s usually whenever she feels very upset which is unlike her or whenever someone hurt him. Anne’s meekness automatically peels off whenever someone hurt him.
“I’m sorry for using such words but really?? How could he hit you first. What did you do to him? That’s unfair” She said, pissed as she paced in front of him.

“It’s fine Anne, you need to see Dylan’s chin also, it’s as big as my fist, right Layla?” Dan said.
“Yes, it’s so big” Layla confirmed.
“You don’t have to lie to me” Anne sigh as she sat on the other side of Dan.
The nurse told Dan not to speak further till she completes his treatment.
“How did you find out?” Layla asked Anne.
“I was actually wondering where you both were until Jessie called my notice to the news going on in the cafeteria. I went to your class and couldn’t find you and then headed here” Anne said, gently stroking Dan’s hair with her hand.

“I’m starving and I’m sure Layla is also, let’s go get something to eat” Dan said after the nurse was done, they left the infirmary and headed to the cafeteria.
“Dan, What really happened?” Layla finally asked.
“Well…he hit me first in the hallway and I hit him back” Dan said.
“Why did he hit you?” Layla asked, looking unclear about the whole thing.
“He said he didn’t know I was the one”
“What the ….” Anne looked .
“Really?” Layla asked.
“Yeah” Dan said, not meeting her gaze and she kind of suspected he was hiding something but she quickly dismissed that thought. Why would Dan lie or hide something from her.

“And…The Punch Line…” Dan hesitated.
“Is?” Anne and Layla asked.
“We’re to stay in school’s detention after school hours today and tomorrow” He breathe out.
“What!” Anne and Layla exclaimed at the same time.
“OMG…you guys were taken to Principal Henroe?” Anne asked.
“Obviously” Dan said.


“Layla you need to leave for home, Paul will drop you” Dan said for the umpteenth time.
School is over and Layla is insisting on waiting behind with Anne till Dan is done in the school detention.
“I’m not leaving, just let me be” Layla said stubbornly.
Anne sigh…”Layla..”
“Don’t try to talk me out of it, I’m staying behind with you guys” She said, sitting on one of the empty chairs in their class. The class was completely empty now, except for Dylan who was standing by the door, waiting for Dan in complete contempt.

“Layla please…”
” You shouldn’t ask me to leave, am your friend, can’t I stay behind with you? It’s something you would do for me Dan” Layla interrupted him.
“Of course, you’re my best friend and I have no problem with you waiting behind but you’re going to be keeping Phil waiting and…you know how she is” Dan said.
“I’m gonna figure out what to tell her, I can’t leave you all by yourself” Layla said.
“You’re not leaving me all by myself, Anne would be with me” Dan assured.
“I also want to be with you” Layla said.

“I know you want to but you have things to do, you know it’d be unfair to wait here with me when you have to relieve Aria of her duties, she has been working for hours and I’m sure she’s tired and expecting you to arrive so she can leave, you know she wouldn’t be able to leave without you arriving.” Dan said and that was what made Layla start reconsidering. It’d truly be unfair to make Aria take over her shift after working for hours but then again, she wants to stay with Dan..she knows if she was in this condition, Dan would ditch everything to stay behind with her.
Aria would need to go pick Jane from school also, asides that.. it’d be unfair to make her work extra hours.
Ahhh…what’s she gonna do, her hands are tied.

“Besides, we do not know when the detention is gonna be over, it’s really okay Layla, please leave. Anne would be here” Dan said.
“I’m here Layla, he’s not going to be alone” Anne also assured.
“I’ll be fine” Dan said like he was reading her mind.
She swallowed, finally resigning…”I should at least walk you there”
“That’ll be great” Dan smiled.
They joined Dylan by the door and they all headed to the school’s detention.


Dan and Dylan sat in separate chairs in the detention center after being instructed by the detention officer to read and summarise two large books, they’re only allowed to leave after that.
It was a very easy thing for Dan to do but Dylan found it tedious as he wasn’t so used to reading.
There are also a few students in the school detention, everyone looked so bored and unhappy.

Dylan kept yawning and sighing in annoyance as he flipped the pages, he would hiss and groan and he wasn’t even done with a quarter of the first book before he started feeling sleepy.

“You shouldn’t have caused trouble if you will be not be able to own up to it” Dan said, not raising his head from the book, he was almost done with the first one..
“Just shut the fuck up okay?” Dylan said through gritted teeth, resisting the urge to yell, he doesn’t want the officer to add to his punishment, he’s even yet to get out of this one and to think they’ll be coming back tomorrow…ahhhh.
“Did you drop that note in my locker?” Dan asked, raising his head from the book.
“I did and it feels so good to have bruised your goddamn lip, it’ll make your damn mouth run less” Dylan snarled.
Dan smiled and started summarizing the first book.

By the time Dan picked up the second book, Dylan was already fast asleep.

Dan picked up Dylan’s books after he was done with his and quickly flipped through it.
He knows Dylan’s gonna leave here late into the night if he doesn’t get help. Other students were starting to leave and he would have left also if he hadn’t picked up Dylan’s books.
He hurried because he knows Anne is out there waiting for him.

He sigh after he was finally done with Dylan’s.
He placed the books and summaries back on Dylan’s desk and then poked him in the cheek to wake him up.
It took several pokes for him to finally open his eyes.

“So, I woke you up to say goodbye, enjoy your time here, I’m done with mine” Dan smirked, getting on his feet.
Dylan’s eyes widen, he looked round the detention room and realized there was only a student left asides Dan and she was preparing to leave also.
Fuck.. and he’s even yet to get to a quarter of the first book.. he’s so screwed!
“Continue reading, time is far spent” Dan said,still smirking as he packed his things.
Dylan felt like punching the smirk off his face but he had better face the books so he’ll get out of here also.
He glared at Dan before turning to the books.

Ah..he must have slept so deeply to be seeing things, he rubbed his eyes and prepared to pick up the book again.

Did he do this before falling asleep?
Nah, he hates reading, he would never even have finished the two books and then summarised it that soon, besides..this isn’t…his handwriting.
He stared on in confusion wondering what happened. Could it be…

He glanced at Dan who winked at him before walking towards the door.
Could Dan have helped him?
No, Never, not even after what had transpired between them.

But who did?

Before he slept, other students had looked so preoccupied with their own punishments to even help any other person with his.

“Did you do this?” Dylan found himself asking Dan who was about stepping out.
“What?” Dan asked, acting oblivious.
“This” Dylan raised the summaries, he doesn’t know why he’s asking Dan this. Dan would never have helped him. He would have gladly taken pleasure in seeing him lag behind in his punishment.
“Nevermind” He quickly added.
Dan nodded and walked out.

“He did” Dylan heard someone say.
He turned to the last girl remaining.
“What?” He asked, not quite getting her.
“He helped you” She said, packing up her books.
“What? Who?”
“Dan helped you complete your books and then summarised them after he was done with his” She cleared.
“What?” He asked again, astonished.
“You still don’t get it? Ahhh” She rolled her eyes before walking away.

Dylan sat there for a while, flummoxed.
He finally got up, walked out and submitted the notes to the officer who went through it thoroughly before letting him go.

He got to the school park and saw there was no car left there except his, which means Dan’s gone.
His driver stepped out to open the car door for him.
He stepped into his car, still so surprised.


“You should call Layla back after we get home, she called a dozen of times” Anne said to Dan.
They were in the car, almost home.
“I definitely will” He smiled.
“Ah, she’s calling again already” Anne chuckle as she handed the phone to Dan.
“Hey, Dan speaking” Dan said, smiling as he picked the call.
“Dan!” Anne heard Layla shout happily from the other end and she smiled.

She watched Dan chat away with Layla and wondered when they were going to realise their feelings for each other.
It’s just too obvious and glaring.


“Arrgh…So tired” Layla said to herself as she walked into her room..
She dropped her tote bag on the bed and sat, breathing fast like she just finished doing a very tedious work, meanwhile today wasn’t stressful a bit.
She’s starting to feel fatigue more often now.

She pulled her phone from her phone bag and text Dan.
She knows he would help her get her mind off whatever is starting to brew.

“Moremi” Her phone pinged as Dan replied and her face lit up.

HER LAST WISH Episode 39 by Azeemah Salami

Dylan glanced at Dan severally in class, contemplating if he should thank him for helping him out yesterday or not.
Should he?

No, he isn’t going to.
Dan’s gonna feel like he now has the upper hand.
He finally stopped glancing in Dan’s direction after coming to the conclusion of not thanking him but geez, why is he feeling bad.

“Buddy, you not going to eat?” Dylan’s friends asked, approaching his seat.
“Go ahead y’all, I’ll join you” He said.
“Okay…See ya”

It’s lunch break and students were starting to move out of the class, Dylan knows he should approach Dan or he’s going to feel uneasy through out the day.
He’s not exactly gonna thank him though..

“Hey” He called out to Dan who was about walking past his seat with Layla.
Dylan wonders irritatedly if they’re glued together, you would never find Dan or Layla alone, they’re always with each other being all cheesy and stuff and it’s just so annoying.
He just can’t comprehend the fact that Dan who had always made him unhappy since he got transferred here is always so happy.
How can he be so happy and carefree and loving after taking everything away from him.

“Layla or…Me?” Dan asked.
“You ofcourse, Who’s she? I don’t have any business with her” Dylan said. He had felt so pissed after Layla legit declined his invitation to eat with him and even right in front of Dan.
Layla being the only last tool he could have used to unnerve Dan also failed. He feels so pissed with everything and that had prompted him to write that note and drop it in Dan’s locker and also punched Dan without thinking.

“I do not have any business with you either” Layla said. “And I do not appreciate you speaking to me like I’m nothing, that has to stop, really?” She added with a roll of eyes’ before stepping aside.

Dan and Dylan stared at her in surprise.

Layla’s heart raced where she stood but not in the way it normally do whenever she couldn’t control her feelings for Dylan, it raced in a strange way, in an unconstrained way, she couldn’t believe she uttered those words with ‘a roll of eyes’ directed to DYLAN and the most shocking part, it felt so good. She has had enough of Dylan talking down at her just because of how aware he was of her feelings for him. He had been so unfair to her but she ignored all of it and still pursued her feelings for him.
She had even almost ruined her friendship with Dan because of him. Thinking about everything now and she’s realising how much of a tolerant she had been.
A stupid tolerant probably…

This guy has clearly been taking advantage of her feelings for him and she’s so stupid to be realising that now, he would walk up to her and propose anything to her like he was so certain she wouldn’t dare refuse him.
And he even uses her to unnerve Dan at times.
A manipulative jerk!
She gave him the chance though, it’s clearly not his fault, it’s fully hers but should she be blamed for having feelings for someone and making it obvious she wanted him?

All these had all been in the picture for long and she wonder why she didn’t see it, it had been stark clear yet she was so blind to it.
What Dylan said just now is what he would have said to her on a normal day and she wouldn’t react this way, she wondered what changed her view so suddenly.
Although, she has kind of being having mixed feelings about Dylan for days now and she couldn’t pinpoint why. He just doesn’t seem to appeal to her anymore like he once does.
Setting her eyes on Dylan once meant the world to her, her heart would race and threaten to burst out of her chest but now she could feel close to nothing for him and it’s just so alarming considering how mad crazy she had been over him.

She had thought it had to do with her mind being so preoccupied nowadays but yesterday drew the line, she hadn’t cared about the bump on his chin, who wouldn’t care if their long time crush got a big and painful bump on their chin! She had felt sorry for him though and then nothing. She knew herself well enough to know that if Dylan still meant a lot to her, if she was still so crazy about him, she would have gone everywhere searching for a soothing balm.
She doesn’t even steal glances at him in class anymore, she doesn’t look so forward to seeing him anymore, she realised all these has been happening gradually but she hadn’t taken notice.

Whatever all this meant…she knows one thing for sure, her feelings for Dylan is not so strong as it used to be.

“Hey…seems you’re in shock” Dan waved his hand in front of Dylan’s face.
He was surprised himself but then again he’s glad Layla put Dylan in his place, how could he utter those words like Layla meant nothing, he had planned to put Dylan in his place but surprisingly Layla beat him to it.

Dylan finally looked like he was out of whatever dazed condition Layla’s words had thrown him into, he swallowed hard and finally faced Dan.
“You’re still shocked?” Dan mocked. “I’m a bit surprised also, but she did the right thing. Go ahead and say whatever you called me for”
“Shocked? I’m not” Dylan lied, a lie that was so visible on his face. He’s truly shocked, he never expected that from Layla, he would never have expected that from her, she always looked so smitten with him to have turned against him this quick! She never talked back at him…even when he had said the meanest things to her. What prompted this?
Not like he cares though…but fuck it, he cares!!!
He shouldn’t be surprised though, of course Dan would have filled her with unpleasant details about him, her rebelling against him shouldn’t shake him so much.

“She doesn’t mean anything to me so I don’t care about whatever she says” Dylan said, to Layla’s hearing.
That didn’t make her flinch where she stood and Dan almost applauded her.
“Whatever…go ahead with whatever it is you wanna say” Dan said, getting impatient. He was not happy about making Layla wait, they still have to go to the school infirmary before going to the cafeteria.

“You helped me yesterday just so you could show off right?” Dylan asked.
“Is this what you really called me for?” Dan asked with a raised brow.
“I never asked you to help me, and I know you didn’t do it genuinely because there’s no how you could have helped me after everything that happened, you only did that so you could show off, tell everyone you helped Dylan and then get praises huh” Dylan scoffed.
“I bet everyone already knew how you helped my ‘sorry’ ass” He added.

“I’m not a blabbermouth, I didn’t even deem it fit to tell anyone, it’s not like I won a trophy or anything, you’re actually the one announcing it to the world now and as a matter of fact, I helped you because I didn’t want you serving your punishment late into the night but it seems I was wrong to have done that.” Dan said, walking away.
He took Layla’s hand and they both walked out of the class.

“You helped him with his punishment after you were done with yours?” Layla asked Dan who nodded.
“Oh wow” She sighed.
Dan shrugged.
“You know what I love most about you?” Layla asked.
“What?” Dan smiled.
“Your heart” Layla said and Dan felt that heart of his race faster as he looked into her eyes. The feeling was not new but it felt more intense.
“Not you making me feel so mushy right now…geez” He said and they chuckled.

“And…are you okay?” He asked her.
“After blasting Dylan?” She asked and he nodded.
“I am, it feels strangely good”
“Really?” Dan asked in surprise, he had thought she would be filled with regrets on how she had spoken to Dylan and probably be looking for ways to apologize but Layla’s not even looking apologetic a bit.
“I must have taken you by surprise” She smiled.
“Of course” Dan said.
“I took myself by surprise also” She said.
“Don’t feel bad okay? As long as he didn’t feel bad saying those words to you,you shouldn’t also feel bad returning those words to him okay?” Dan assured her and she nodded.
“I’m glad you put him in his place though, way to go” He winked and she grinned, kinda feeling proud of herself.

“Here we go again” Dan groaned and they chuckled as they walked into the school infirmary.


Dan started getting ready to leave the school detention, he was done summarizing the set of books given to him today.
“Hol’up” Dylan stopped him as he was about leaving.
“Me?” Dan asked in surprise.
“Yeah” Dylan said, not able to meet his gaze.
Dan wonders why surprises keep popping up on him today.
“What?” Dan asked.

“Would you…help me…complete these….please?” Dylan asked after hesitating for a while.
He would never have thought he would ask for Dan’s help, but he really has no choice right now, the books they were given today are larger and three in number and there’s no how he would finish it today, he’s not even done with one and that means he will have to come back tomorrow, spending another day in this hell of a place doing one of the things he hates most is just unimaginable.
For the first time, he had set his pride aside to ask someone for something.
“You want me to help you complete the books?” Dan asked, to be clear.

Dylan bit his lip… What was he thinking? Dan would never help him, not with how he had clearly told him he didn’t need his help earlier today, why didn’t he think of that before making this huge embarrassing move.

“Okay” Dan sat back on his chair, he knows Dylan’s probably feeling too embarrassed to talk right now, Dan knew what it must have taken for someone like Dylan to set his pride aside and ask for help and he isn’t gonna turn him down.

“Yunno what?…continue with that one you’re reading and pass me the remaining two, let’s do this quickly” Dan stretched and rubbed his hands together in preparation.
“C’mon, pass the books already and stop staring” Dan prompted when Dylan wouldn’t stop staring in surprise, He knows Dylan had probably thought he would turn him down…. That’s what someone like Dylan would have done but he wasn’t built that way.

Dylan finally passed the two books to Dan.

“The…note I dropped in your desk..” Dylan swallowed hard and then continue “it’s only a threat, it was just to make you uneasy. You always looked like nothing could unnerve you so I had to do that.” Dylan spilled.
Dan smiled…”Of course I know and do you probably know why you hate me so much? I know you could go ahead and mention lots of petty reasons but I think you should know this… Your insecurity after I resumed this school made you detest me… Try to get rid of feeling insecure and you see there’s really nothing to hate about me”

“Let’s do this and hurry out of here” Dan patted Dylan’s shoulder who looked stunned.
“C’mon” Dan prompted when it looked as if Dylan was too dazed to return back to his book.
They have to leave here soon.
“Concentrate on the book for now and think about other things later, it’s getting late” Dan advised and Dylan found himself nodding numbly.

The rest of their stay in the school detention passed in silence and they both walked out after they were done.


“I guess Dan is out now?” Aria said to Layla who just finished ending her call with Dan.
“Yeah” She smiled. Aria had found out about Dan’s school detention yesterday when Layla won’t stop calling Anne to ask about Dan.
“Good, you’ll stop worrying now” Aria said and Layla nodded, still smiling.

There’s something I want to tell you though” Aria said, her face lightening up.
“Really?” Layla scooted closer, wondering what could make Aria’s face this lit up.
“Jane is gonna have a younger sibling soon” Aria said, smiling happily.
“OMG…Aria!” Layla squealed in delight, hugging Aria closely.

Aria giggled happily in Layla’s embrace.
“Congratulations Aria!” Layla said delightfully after they finally let go of each other.
“Thank you” Aria smiled.
“Wow, this is just great. I’m so happy right now! God!” She hugged Aria again.

“So…a baby is in there?” Layla asked, looking amazed as she stared at Aria’s flat stomach.
Aria nodded, laughing at the look on Layla’s face.
“Your husband must be so happy and Jane also”
“They are both excited. Jane can barely wait for the baby’s arrival, she was so upset when we told her the baby won’t arrive until after seven months” Aria said and they both laughed.

“You’re two months gone” Layla said.
“Yeah and it’s just so funny how I’m only just finding out recently”
“I’m so happy for you Aria, I’m excited!” Layla grinned, holding Aria’s hand excitedly.
“Thanks Layla” Aria smiled, Layla’s acting just how Jane had acted… just like the older version of Jane and it really melted Aria’s heart.

“And…what are you going to do about work, Yunno how stressful it can be at times and that won’t be healthy for the baby” Layla stated worriedly.
“I’m going to continue working, there’s nothing to worry about as long as I have you with me” Aria winked and Layla smiled.
“Of course, I’m going to assist you always but what if I’m away at school and the work gets really tedious”
“I’m going to pull through,trust me. I’ll take gentle steps, I won’t do anything to upset the baby” Aria assured just like she had assured Dave, her husband.
He had also told her to stop working. It took her hours before she could finally convince him to let her continue working. She can’t leave Layla here all by herself.

Layla sigh. “I really wish I can be with you all the time to assist you. But I’m still going to, in anyway I can”
“Thanks Layla and I have the doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning, so I might arrive later than usual”
“Oh okay”
“I know how things get really busy on Saturdays, I’m going to make sure to arrive on time to join you”
“No, take your time. Yunno how strong I am right?, I’m going to handle it all, trust me. Thinking of it now, I wonder why I’m yet to be awarded the strongest girl of the decade” Layla pouted.
“C’mon” Aria laughed.

They both got to their feet to attend to the customers who just walked in.

“Have you told Phil?” Layla asked.
“I’m going to before i leave for home” Aria said.
“Oh okay” Layla said.
Aria’s pregnancy reminded her of the pregnancy test kit she saw in Phil’s restroom but she quickly brushed off the thought as soon as it came to her mind.

HER LAST WISH Episode 40 by Azeemah Salami

“Seems Winter is approaching” Layla sigh, closing back her curtains.
She said her morning prayer before walking into the bathroom to freshen up for the day.
She has made the habit of saying her morning prayer now. Because Why not?

Although since her mother’s death, she stopped saying it, she only says it whenever she feels like but now she has developed the habit again and it feels good. Praying to God every morning makes her day brighter.

She dropped her toothbrush in its space after she was done brushing her teeth, peeled off her nightwear and then slipped into the shower.

Walking back into her room, she dried the water off her body and then quickly moisturized her skin, she settled for a cropped white top and blue baggy jeans.
She gently handbrushed her hair, she has stopped using her hair comb since her hair started falling off.
She’s scared every strand of her hair will pull off from the scalp and she’ll remain bald.

Even as much as she always try not to think of her condition, handbrushing her hair every morning reminds her of it.
Asides fatigue and the falling off of her hair, she hasn’t started experiencing other symptoms and she wonder why.
She’s grateful though, she can’t afford to welcome other symptoms or she’s gonna breakdown completely, she’s really on the verge of breaking down, how she holds herself still is just something she can’t seem to understand.

She put on her footwear and then walked out of her room.
She’ll need to prepare breakfast before going to the Cafe.

“Good morning Phil” She greeted, on getting to the living room.
“Good morning” Phil responded before turning back to the TV.
“What should I prepare for breakfast?”
” I’ll order pizza or something. Aria won’t be coming today though” Phil said.
“Oh okay” Layla said, but Aria only told her she’ll be arriving later than usual not that she won’t be coming at all…well, maybe something came up.

“Will you be fine at the Cafe alone today?” Phil asked.
“Of course, I should go get my bag and get going” Layla said.
“Just wait till pizza arrives, so you can eat something before leaving” Phil said, picking her phone to order pizza.
“Okay” Layla said.
Phil’s sudden change is still something she’s yet to get over or process in her head. This was someone that was so mean to her, doesn’t care if she eats or not.

Layla picked up her phone from her bedside table as she sat on her bed.
She switched it on and her face lit up like it does every morning whenever she sees the notification of Dan’s message.
She clicked on it.

Dan— Morning! I think it’s Winter already.

Layla— I think so too❄️ Morning! How was your night?

Dan— Perfect. Yours?

Layla— Great, felt so good to wake up to Winter.

Dan— Haha, Same here. But it’s only a matter of time before we start shivering and going everywhere in thick winter jackets 😩

Layla— LMAO

Dan— Not going to the Cafe??

Layla— I will, waiting for breakfast to arrive. Phil ordered pizza.

Dan— Good for you and you should eat enough. Yunno the Cafe is always so busy and tedious on Saturdays.

Layla— I know right😩

Dan— You should say hi to Aria for me .

Layla— Oh, she won’t be coming today.

Dan— Really?

Layla— Yup, I think something’s up.

Dan— Ohh

“Layla pizza is here!” Phil shouted from the living room.
“Be out in a minute” Layla shouted back.

Layla— Gotta go.

Dan— Okay… Byeeee.


Layla put on her apron and washed her hands to begin the day’s work.
Two customers are seated already and she walked towards them to take their order.

“Three cappuccino please” She heard a familiar voice and some familiar giggles.
She turned to the entrance and saw her three best friends walk in..

“Guys!” She smiled, taking turns to hug them.
“How are you?” They asked.
“I’m good and I can see you guys are great also. Excuse me please” Layla said and quickly took the customers order.
She walked to the counter to start preparing it.
More customers walked in.
“You guys go grab a table, I’ll be with you shortly” Layla smiled at her friends.
“Nah, we didn’t come here to sit” Rylan said.
“Huh?” Layla asked.
“We’re here to replace Aria for today” Fel winked.
“What..?” Layla looked from one face to another, her gaze finally landed on Dan. She had literally told Dan Aria won’t be coming and…he had contacted the rest of them to show up and assist her for today.

“Don’t you dare tear up!” Felia warned.
“And don’t try to tell us not to bother, we’re going nowhere” Dan added, knowing Layla.
“Yup, where are the aprons and hair cover” Rylan said.

“I love you guys so much. Thank you” Layla sniffed back tears.
“We love you more but there’s no time for mushy stuff right now, more customers are in already. Let’s begin” Fel said and Layla smiled.
She showed her where the aprons and hair covers are and they all put it on except Dan who only had the hair cover on, they washed their hands and together they all set to work.


“Wow, you and Aria are doing one hell of a job Layla. And to think we’re four and I still feel this tired after everything then I can imagine how it must be for just two people” Fel said.
They were done for the day, they are the only ones remaining in the cafe drinking coffee after a long tedious day..
Phil had actually told them to have coffee after they were all done, she had showed up earlier in the day and then went back home hours later. She seemed glad Layla got some help.

“Exactly and to think Layla would have done all this by herself if we hadn’t shown up. Wow” Rylan shook his head .
“Actually, it gets this busy and tiresome only on Saturdays. Besides, it’s because you’re not used to it. It gets a lot easier when one get used to it” Layla said.
“But really, you’re very strong. I really admire you to be honest, even when we all took a rest, you were still up and running. That’s just..” Fel sigh to complete her words .
“Not Fel making me feel this flattered” Layla said and they chuckled.

“Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate your help” Layla said.
“Don’t thank us, you did the most work” Rylan said.
“You guys help still came in handy, and I’m so grateful”
“I was so touched…it’s a wonder I didn’t cry. Thank you” Layla said holding their hands.
“C’mon, why are we even friends if we can’t show up for one another” Dan said.
“Of course” Fel nodded.
“Still, Thank you” Layla said.
“Okay, enough of the ‘thank you’ Layla, let’s go get something to eat guys, I’m starving” Rylan groan.
“Ah. Was about saying that” Dan said.
“Let’s lock up and go to a restaurant then” Fel said.
“Bills on me” Rylan said.
“I’m so gonna wreck you today” Fel threatened, looking so serious that they all laughed.


“I bet the cost of their meals will be so outrageous” Layla sigh, looking round the restaurant in awe.
From the building to the classic settings, down to the aesthetics… everything screams “OUTRAGEOUS!”
“Fel, you should have just..chose another place” Layla said.
“This place is nice also, their meals are great, trust me” Fel said.
“Of course, I know that but it’s gonna be damn expensive” Layla said.
“Not really, actually. Their prices are quite reasonable” Fel said.

They were seated already, checking out the menu.

The waiter approached them to take their orders.
“I’ll just have your signature dish” Fel said to the Waiter, who stood neatly dressed and at attention.
“Same here” Dan and Rylan said.
They all glanced at Layla when she didn’t say anything.
“Aren’t you ordering?” Dan asked.
“I’ll go with that also” She said, looking a bit embarrassed.
The Waiter bowed and walked away.
“What’s wrong? You don’t like this place? Do you want us to go to another place?” Dan asked her.
“No, it’s fine” Layla said. “For real” She added.
She was actually having second thoughts because the dish seemed pretty expensive.

They were served fries and sauce with drinks to have until their meal get ready.

“I’m not going to eat these because there’s no way I’ll be able to eat my meal once it finally get here” Fel said.
“Not me” Rylan said, chewing the fries already.
“Of course, not you” Fel rolled her eyes. “You’re actually going to develop a big stomach soon, trust me”
“I don’t mind” Rylan winked and then laughed.
“Stop winking please, it makes you look so scary” Fel groaned.
“What? My wink alone has won hundreds of hearts” Rylan bragged.
“Duhhh” Fel rolled her eyes again.

“Rylan, who are you dating now?” Dan asked, he knew how girls are all over Rylan and he also knows Rylan’s relationships do not exceed two weeks max.
“One boring girl from the junior class” Fel said.
“Really? I always told you to stay away from the Juniors Ry.” Dan said.
“I do but they don’t stay away from me. So…” Rylan shrugged.
“You’re a jerk” Dan sigh.

“You actually need to be in a serious relationship for once in your life” Dan said.
“I’ve not seen anyone eligible for that yet” Rylan said, almost done with his fries.
“Why don’t you and Fel just try something out” Dan suggested even after knowing they were both going to probably roast him alive.

“What!!!” They both screamed in horror, glanced at each other before finally giving Dan the beatings he knew he deserved.
Layla laughed as she sipped her drink.

Layla walked into the house with her stomach filled, she’s only going to hurt herself if she dares eat dinner tonight.
She’s just going to prepare dinner for Phil and then go to bed.

“Hi Phil” Layla greeted, stepping into the living room.
“Hi. Have you called Aria?” Phil asked and Layla thought Phil’s voice sounded off but she brushed it off, she guess she had only imagined it.
“Not yet, I plan to call her once I get to my room”
“Okay” Phil swallowed hard, deliberating if to break the news to Layla or not..
She bit her lips as she thought about it.

“Is there anything wrong?” Layla asked.
Phil’s acting so unusual and restless.

“Actually…” Phil sigh, she should tell Layla anyway.
“What?” Layla asked, starting to get disoriented as she realised Phil’s voice had indeed sounded off, she hadn’t imagined it. And that means something’s wrong.
“Aria had a miscarriage” Phil finally announced.
“What!” Layla screamed, dropping on the couch.
“And her husband said she won’t be coming to work anymore”

Aria’s husband had actually called her this morning that Aria was feeling slight pain in her stomach and they have to go to the hospital and Phil knowing her condition gave her the day off.
But just some minutes after she arrived home from the Cafe, Dave called again and said Aria had a miscarriage and won’t be coming to work anymore because the goddamn stress of the work had made her miscarry the baby, he hadn’t even given her the chance to say anything before ending the call.

So crazy.

Phil sigh loudly after seeing the tears lacing Layla’s eyes.



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