HER LAST WISH Episode 31 – 33 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 31 by Azeemah Salami

“Bye” Layla waved back at the Keyes before Paul drove off.

Yeah, Paul was driving her home again and she hadn’t even turned it down today.
The Keyes would have insisted though.

She smiled, she had so much fun. Asides when she ruined the lunch with her story, everything else was perfect.
She stared at the two bottles of expensive wine the Keyes had given her, she had accepted it after much persuasion, she wondered if they truly gifted her for coming like they insisted or her love for the wine had been too obvious.
But whatever, she’s going to get to drink these tasty wine, gonna have it to herself. She’s gonna give Phil one of course and she knows Phil is going to love it.

Perhaps they should even share a bottle during dinner.

She scooted closer to the open window and smiled as she closed her eyes, relishing the cool evening breeze.
His face found his way to her mind and instead of the darkness that comes with closing one’s eyes, all she could see is his face.

She snapped her eyes open and repeated ‘It’s the wine’
“Are you okay?” Paul asked.
“Yeah” Layla said, almost startled by his voice.
“I’m okay” She added, staring outside the window.

But she’s not okay and she knows it.


“The pink lipgloss is too bright plus you’ll be wearing a pink dress, it’ll be too flashy, you should use the nude lipgloss” Fel said to Anne and Layla nodded in agreement.

It was Anne’s birthday, they were with her in her room getting her ready.
It’s 12pm and the party will be starting by 1pm. They’ve been in the Keyes house since 9am because Anne had insisted on making pies herself, she doesn’t want the caterers to do it for her. So, Fel and Layla had offered to help, it was a large quantity and it’ll be so stressful for Anne to do it alone.
They were done with the mince pies and were getting Anne ready after they had gotten ready.

Layla wore a long black dress with silver glitters at the hem and neckline, it was so fitting that it hugged her curves like second skin, she wouldn’t have picked it if she had known it’ll be this . . hugging, it made her feel a little bit uncomfortable because she knows she might attract a lot of gazes. Though Fel and Anne told her the dress was perfect, it was indeed, just too tight.
This will be the first time she’ll be putting it on, it was one of the many dresses that belonged to her mum.

Thinking of it, if she hadn’t met Dan and co, she probably wouldn’t have had the chance to rock any of her mum’s dresses. Since her mum’s death, she hadn’t worn any of her dresses. She couldn’t possibly wear a dress to the cafe or school . .

“I think Layla has an eye for necklaces, she should choose one for you” Fel said.
“Layla, which one do you think it’s better?” Anne looked lost over the two necklaces on her dressing table.
“Hmm” Layla hummed as she checked out the necklaces, she folded in her lips and peered closer, it was actually difficult to choose one because they are both beautiful.
She clicked her tongue and smiled when she finally made her choice.

“You should wear this” She said to Anne, pointing at the gold one with a single pink crystal as pendant.
“Okay” Anne smiled.
“And no glasses today” Fel said, gently removing Anne’s glasses from her face before dropping it on the table.
Anne chuckled. “You’ll be held responsible if I start seeing things in twos”
Layla laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear. She had given her hair a thorough wash this morning as she does every Saturday and using Anne’s hair lotion made her hair look so sleek, her hair has never looked this good, she loved it. It even gave her a prettier look.
Fel laughed also.

“You should help Anne with her hair, I’ll go get her dress ready” Layla said.
“Okay and we should hurry, the guests will be here soon” Fel said.

Layla got Anne’s dress from the closet and sprawled it on the bed.
She smiled admiringly at it, this won’t be the first time she’ll be seeing it. Anne had shown it to her the day she got it and they had marveled at how beautiful it is.
The A-line skirt is simple and elegant, flowing down from the waist in layers of pink, the halter bodice is a blast of white and gold, vines of lace climbs up from the hips, flowing across the chest and ribs and gathered together into a collar at the throat.
The dress was not only elegant but breathtaking.
Anne had gotten it from Daire Fashions at no extravagant cost, that was where Layla’s mum had gotten most of her dresses from also. The fashion designer and CEO is just so good at what she does.

Layla picked the strappy gold heels and placed them beside the dress.
“Awesome” She muttered, grinning.
“Perfect combination right?” Fel smiled, even without looking at the bed.
“Yes” Layla said, turning back to them.
Fel was halfway done with Anne’s hair.
“Anne is gonna look so gorgeous after we’re done getting her ready, I’m not even done with her hair yet and her face is starting to look radiant” Fel said.
“I bet” Layla smiled.
“I just hope Elvis breath is not going to seize in his throat after seeing her” Fel teased and Layla laughed.
Anne’s cheeks heat up and she bit the inside of her mouth.

“Okay.. yeah!” Fel said as she round up the hair styling.
“Woah, good job” Layla said. Anne’s glossy brown hair was pulled in a tight ponytail, her curly bangs parted and formed into tendrils framing her face.
Fel tilted her head, smiling as she admired her work.
“I love it” Anne grinned at her reflection in the mirror.
She almost didn’t look like Anne, this is like a sleek version of her.

“Alright, let’s get you in your dress!” Layla said.
“Yeah let’s do it!!!” Fel said in a singsong voice.
They laughed.

A knock interrupted the moment.
“Come in Dan” Anne said and when Dan walked in, Layla looked surprised wondering how Anne knew it was him.

“God. Your hair is gorgeous” Dan said, walking closer to his sister who smiled as he kissed her cheeks.
He was dressed up also, in a pair of blue ripped jeans and a white New York hoodie, his hair was pulled to the back and some stubborn strands covered his forehead. He looked effortlessly beautiful.

His eyes landed on Layla and she realised she had been staring, she switched her gaze to the necklace on the dressing table, embarrassed.
Her cheeks heat up as she felt his gaze roam her body, she was suddenly conscious of her body hugging dress and she had to turn slowly so her backside would face Anne’s closet and not Dan’s direction.
She suddenly wished she had dressed just like Fel, who wore a pretty white sleeveless jumpsuit that was fitting but not so tight.
God knows if she had tried on this dress before leaving home, she wouldn’t have brought it.

She watched Dan from the corner of her eyes and realised he was yet to take his eyes off her. She swallowed hard, starting to get pissed at herself for cowering under Dan’s gaze who was probably only just admiring her dress.
She’s pissed at herself for feeling this way, she couldn’t even meet his gaze.
He should also stop staring at her, does he want her to fucking melt!!!!

Is she only being sensitive about her dress or there’s something else to it. Whatever it is, she hates it.
He’s her best friend and she shouldn’t feel this way with him, regardless of whatever she’s putting on, he shouldn’t make her feel suddenly perky.

“Wow” Dan smiled.
“Thank you” Layla quickly said, not wanting him to compliment her any further or her cheeks will be on fire.
“You look beautiful as always Layla” He said with that same sincerity in his voice and she couldn’t help but smile.
She finally raised her gaze to meet his charming eyes and their gazes locked for a minute.
He was the one who switched his gaze this time, he turned to Fel and Layla released the breath she didn’t know she was holding.

‘Wow’ Her inner voice applauded mockingly and she groaned.

“Is anything the matter?” Anne asked.
“Absolutely nothing” Layla said, smiling too sweetly.

“I wish I had invited Jacq so he’ll lose his mind when he sets his eyes on you” Dan said tilting his head as he took in Fel’s ravishing look.
Fel laughed, it’s been weeks and damn! She’s over Jacq already. She’s looking forward to meeting Dan’s new friends from Ocean High. He had invited some of them.

“I should leave you girls to your business but be quick though, people are starting to arrive” He winked at them and kissed Anne once again before walking out of the room.

“Come get into your dress” Fel pulled Anne up while Layla fetched the dress.
Dan sigh as he rested his back on Anne’s door, his heart hammering against his chest.
He’s so mad at himself.

How could he have feelings for her?
How could he?
She’s one of his special friends for mercy’s sake, and she’s madly in love with another guy! why does his heart always point to the wrong person.
He’s tired of using ‘friendship affection’ as a cover, he’s fed up of denying what he feels for her.

Jennie was right and to think he hadn’t even realised it then, he had thrashed her words.
How could he even have missed it, how could he have realised it just a couple of weeks back when it had been so clear.
The way he always looks so forward to seeing Layla, how much he loves watching her laugh,her wink always sending his heart fluttering and the secret glances he do give her, the way his mood lighten whenever he sets his eyes on her.

How could he have been so blind to it all!!!

Where the hell did the feelings came from in the first place.
He only realised it a couple of weeks back and he refused to admit it until he could no longer.
He even tried to tag it as friendship thing but he knows what he’s feeling is no that, he was restless for days until he finally admitted the true feeling to himself.
If only she wasn’t so obsessed with Dylan, he would tell her, he doesn’t like keeping his feelings to himself, it makes him feel hoarded and uncomfortable but he doesn’t have a choice here.
He’s worried about what would become of their friendship if he finally tells her.

Why is this so fucking complicated.

Perhaps it’s just a feeling he can get over, he’ll try to.

Their giggles filled his ears through the door, interrupting his thoughts. He sigh before walking away.


The Birthday Party was in full blast, the hall boomed with music and people were scattered across the dance floor, few sitting, almost everyone held a drink.
There were refreshments on the table stand also.
The hall was beautifully decorated in Anne’s best colors.

Anne looked so dashing, unmistakably the celebrant, she was the center of attention in the dance floor, hugged and kissed here and there, her hands filled with presents.
And Dan standing protectively beside her.
He helped her with the presents by going to drop them in her room and when he comes back, her hands will be filled again.
She had invited just some of her classmates but most of them had turned up, and she was glad they were all having fun.

Dan glanced towards Layla’s direction, she was sitting with Fel and some of their classmates from Ocean High, he could see how the guys were ogling her and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy though he didn’t blame them. It was the first time they were seeing Layla in a dress, not just a dress but a hot one at that plus Layla was one of the most attractive females in the hall.
He looked away when her gaze caught his, the last thing he wanted was giving her hints about his feelings.

His classmates from Prestige were also in attendance, the same set of people that had attended his parents Thanksgiving party except Jacq and Jennie though.

“Buddy, bring those” Rylan said, helping Dan with some of the presents to Anne’s room.
Dan smiled thankfully, though he knew the reason Rylan was doing this.
Elvis approached them and Anne was so surprised to see Dan excuse them but not after giving Elvis a warning glare though.

“Happy Birthday Anne” Elvis smiled, hugging her.
“Thank You” She blushed.
“Have this” He placed a small wrapped box in her palm, his eyes gleamed like he knows what exactly his skin contact is doing to her.
“Thanks Elvis” She said, he was still not letting go of her hand.
“You look gorgeous” He complimented with such intensity that made her heart flutter. And to think he was probably the fiftieth person to say she looked gorgeous.
“Thank you” She said.

“I know you are not going to date anyone till you’re sixteen, I overheard you tell Dan that and . .” He paused as Anne looked up at him.
Her deep black eyes do things he couldn’t explain to him and he had to swallow hard as he continued.
“I’m going to wait” He said, squeezing her hands gently before walking away but not missing the surprised look on her face though.

She blushed hard as she stared at his present. Did he just said that .
She grinned, feeling surprisingly happy and had to restrain herself from laughing.
She glanced around for Dan and quickly stopped grinning after seeing he was watching her.

She removed her gaze from him and somehow her gaze landed on Sarah and Felix..
She has never seen Sarah laugh so heartily.

Oh well.

The rest of the party passed in a flavorful multicourse blur seared with different delicacies.
Everyone had great fun and Anne knew with the amount of her schoolmates that attended, her birthday would be the talk of the school on Monday.

She cared less about that though, her thoughts was filled with Elvis as she undressed.
She couldn’t stop grinning.


“Coming” Layla slipped her feet into her slippers as she walked to the door to attend to the knock.
They were watching a movie after having lunch.

Layla opened the door, thinking it was one of Phil’s men but got the surprise of her life when she saw her friends by the door grinning at her.
As if the surprise wasn’t enough, Phil’s next words almost threw her off balance.

“Let them in, I invited them over”

HER LAST WISH Episode 32 by Azeemah Salami

As if the surprise wasn’t enough, Phil’s next words almost threw her off balance.

“Let them in, I invited them over”

Layla blinked in shock and confusion, she turned back to look at Phil to confirm if she was truly the one who just spoke.
Phil nodded at her “I invited them over”
“And where are your manners! Won’t you allow them in?” Phil scolded.
“Oh my ” Layla turned back to the door.
“I’m so sorry guys, I was just . . surprised. Come in please” She said, hugging them one after the other as they walked in.
” I guess Anne’s taking a rest at home” She smiled.

“Yes plus she has so many presents to unwrap” Dan smiled.
Layla led them to the couch and they said hi to Phil before sitting.
“Thanks for coming” Phil smiled.
“We’re glad to be here” Fel said, starting to bounce on the chair.
“And the surprised look on Layla’s face was so satisfying” Rylan laughed.
“Tch” Layla glared playfully at him.

“Okay, I’ll leave you guys to yourself, have fun” Phil said, rising to her feet, she slipped on her slippers.
“Thanks for inviting us over Phil” Dan said, smiling as he looked around.
He loved how cozy the apartment is, he felt relaxed.
Phil smiled before walking to her room.

“You guys actually took me by surprise” Layla said.
“We know right” Fel laughed.
“When did Phil invited you guys? How?” Layla asked.
“When we came over to the cafe last Saturday” Dan said.
“Oh” Layla sigh, blinking.
“And damn, you look bombed in that bum short” Fel winked.
“Ah” Heat rushed to Layla’s cheeks, realising her laps were exposed, she had threw on the pink short and vest after she returned from church thinking she would be home all through with Phil alone.

“I love your apartment” Dan said.
“Really? Thank you” Layla smiled.

“I’m actually waiting for you to offer us something to drink” Fel groaned.
“Oh, pardon my manners please.” Layla laughed, getting up.
“And you can change the channel to whichever that suits you” Layla said.
“The remote control please?” Rylan asked.
“Right beside you” Layla said, pointing to the stool beside Rylan.
“Oh” He said, picking it up.
“Do not try to switch it to any of those dumb channels! you’re obsessed with!” Fel yelled.
“I don’t watch dumb channels!! You only think they are dumb because you have a poor taste!” Rylan yelled back at her.
“I hate you” Fel snorted.
“I hate you more” Rylan rolled his eyes.

Dan shook his head and stood on his feet.

“I think I should go with you to the kitchen Layla” He said.
She laughed “Come”

They both walked to the kitchen.
Dan admired how neat and well arranged everything was.
Every surface shone with no single speck of dust. He knew Layla had done it all, and she hadn’t even knew they were coming, this is just how she lives.
He was so impressed that he smiled, he turned towards her. She was backing him, fetching drinks from the open refrigerator.

He’s convinced that Layla would look good on anything, how can anyone look so good on vest and shorts, her hair was not even combed yet she’s making his heart thump hard.
God . . Not after he planned to get over whatever feeling he’s developing for her.

“Now I understand why Phil had stocked the refrigerator with packs of juice” She said, cutting through his thoughts.
“Oh” He smiled.
“Can I help with anything?” He asked, glancing at the packs of juice and cookies Layla had placed on the counter.
“The cups please” She smiled. “Open the shelf behind you”
“Okay” He said and quickly washed his hands in the sink. He dried it and then opened the shelf.
He picked four tall glasses and placed it on the tray Layla had gotten ready.

“I always have to stretch on my toes to reach the shelf, watching how easily you reached it made me realize how short I am” Layla grimaced and he laughed.
“Actually, you’re not short. I’m just the tallllll one” He said.
“You’re not just tall, you’re built also” Layla said. It’ll be so hard to believe Dan is actually seventeen, he could pass for an Athlete with his broad shoulders and narrow waist.
“Is that a compliment?” He asked with a grin.
“Oh someone is blushing hard already” She teased and they both laughed.

They heard Fel and Rylan yelling at each other again and Dan groaned.
Layla laughed as she picked up a tray.
Dan picked the other and they both headed to the living room..
They settled down to watch the movie Dan had selected when Fel and Rylan wouldn’t stop yelling at each other over the right channel to watch.

Layla watched them laugh whenever a funny part comes into display, she smiled, she had watched the movie severally and it wasn’t so funny to her any longer.
Plus she was a bit disturbed. She had wanted to invite her friends over so many times, she had been to each of their houses and she wished they would come to hers too but she knew Phil would never allow it and now, Phil had invited them over herself. Yeah, she can be surprising but this feels different, strange even.
Thinking back, Phil has changed so much, she’s now so mild, lenient.
It can’t possibly be what she’s thinking right. . Because she had clearly warned Phil not to be nice to her if it’s for a reason.

She gently dropped her glass of juice and slipped away from her friends, they were so engrossed in the movie that they hadn’t even noticed her movement.

She approached Phil’s door in quick strides.
“Come in Layla” Phil said after she knocked.
She walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

Phil was seated by the edge of her large bed making account of the week’s sales.
“I invited them over because you’ve been to their houses severally and it’s only fair they come to yours too” Phil said.
Layla stared at her.
“Isn’t that what you’re here for?” Phil asked, looking back at what she was doing.
She grabbed her bag and shoved some of the money into it and then continued accounting for the rest.

“Why are you doing this?” Layla asked.
“What?” Phil feigned ignorance.
“You know what I’m talking about Phil”
“Unfortunately I don’t” Phil shrugged.
“If you’re being nice to me because…”
“I’m not being nice to you for any reason!” Phil cut her short.
“When will you stop nagging and just accept and appreciate what I’m doing for you, stop being so uptight Layla!”

Layla stared at her and let out a shudder breath.

“It’s not nice to leave the guests all on their own, go join them. I need to take a nap” Phil said, shoving the rest of the money in her bag.
She dropped the notebook and pen on her bedside table and laid on her back, staring at the ceiling.

“You’re still yet to leave? Do not push me to yell at you” Phil warned, not removing her gaze from the ceiling.
“I’m leaving” Layla said, walking to the door.
“And the frozen chicken in the freezer, you are free to use it to make a nice meal for your friends” Phil said, rolling to her side.
“Thanks Phil” Layla said, and stared at Phil’s back for a while before walking out of the door.

What if something is wrong with Phil?
So bad of her not to have thought of that all these while, she had been focused on herself alone, so selfish in her thinking, she had attributed all of Phil’s new behavior to her, she hadn’t even cared for once if her Aunt is fine.
All she had cared about was herself alone.

“Leave my door young lady and go join your friends” Phil’s voice broke into her thought.
Gosh, she had almost forgotten her friends.
She hurried to the living room the same time the movie came to an end.
She doubt if they had even noticed she left, they were looking like they really enjoyed the movie, she was glad.

“Did you go somewhere?” Rylan asked.
“Yeah, seems you guys loved the movie” She smiled, sitting beside Dan.
“Of course we do, I have a knack for selecting the best movies” Dan boasted, smiling sweetly.
“Yeah, it would have been terrible if Rylan had selected it” Fel said.
“Not surprised that’s coming from you” Rylan laughed, sipping his juice.
“Ugh” Fel groan.

“So what would you guys like to have?” Layla asked.
“Anything” Fel said, making to select another movie.
“Dog poop?” Layla teased and Fel screamed, fake-vomiting .
They laughed.
“Thanks for that Layla” Rylan laughed and Fel glared at him.
“What? You said you would have anything and she offered you something” Rylan said, still laughing.
“Exactly” Dan laughed.
“Whatever . . Y’all are .. ugh” Fel rolled her eyes, turning back to the TV.

“I’ll be right back guys”
“Off to the kitchen?” Dan asked.
“Yeah, wanna join?” Layla asked.
“Yes!” Dan smiled, getting to his feet.
“I can’t believe you both are leaving me with this bully again” Fel sniffed.
“Look who just called someone a bully” Rylan frowned.
“Whatever, come here. Which one do you think will be more interesting?” Fel asked Rylan, holding out two movies.
Rylan moved closer to her and Layla and Dan shared a knowing glance before walking to the kitchen.

“So what are we making?” Dan asked after they both washed their hands.
“Pasta, Salad and fried chicken? Is that okay?” Layla asked passing him just a hair cover.
She knows he doesn’t like putting on apron.
“Perfect” He said.
“Let me help you with that” He said.
“Oh thanks” She turned her back to him and he helped her with her tie her apron.

“You good at slicing veggies?” She asked.
“I’m perfect at it, bring it on” He winked and she smiled.


“Byeeee” Layla smiled, waving at her friends.
They waved back at her, smiling.
“Thanks for the cotton candy” Rylan shouted before the car drove off.
She smiled and waved till the car was out of sight.
She enjoyed their company greatly, they had all ended up preparing the meal together, it turned out great even though Dan and Ry almost burnt the chicken.
And she had gotten them cotton candy down the street while they were waiting for Paul to bring the car.

The evening cold made her shiver and she ran back into the house.


“I should better use the restroom before the teacher comes in” Dan said to Layla who nodded before turning back to her book.
He stood up and walked out of the classroom, if Layla wasn’t so occupied with the book she was reading,she would have noticed Dylan follow him.
“Hey” Dylan smiled at Dan as he stepped out of the restroom.

“What do you want?” Dan asked.
“You like her right?” Dylan grinned.
“Who?” Dan asked even though he clearly knew who it was.
“Layla, you like her” Dylan said it like it was a fact.
Dan looked stunned,not because Dylan had mentioned Layla but with the certain way he had said it. Was it that obvious? Does this mean so many people are aware . .

“Well, I don’t need you to answer, the look on your face said it all and yunno what? I know what to do” Dylan said, smiling wickedly before strolling away.


“It seems everyone is talking about Anne’s birthday” Dan said.
“Of course, with the amount of students that attended, I knew it’ll be talked about” Layla said, glancing round the cafeteria. Almost everyone had their gaze on Anne who was looking a bit uncomfortable.
“Plus her birthday pictures will surely be in their class group chat” Layla added.
“Oh wow” Dan said and continued eating.
“Anne’s looking a bit uncomfortable though” Layla noted.
“Of course. She doesn’t like attention” Dan glanced at his sister and smiled.

“She’s even yet to unwrap most of her presents, she slept all through yesterday” He said.
“She needed it” Layla said. “I’ve never seen so much presents in my life”
Dan laughed.

Layla bit into her chicken.

“I bet the chicken Ry and I fried tasted better than this” Dan said, looking so proud of himself.
“You and Ry almost burnt the chicken!” Layla laughed.
“We almost did but we didn’t and it even made it taste better” Dan said.
“That’s not true” Layla said “And stop feeling like the world best chef after you failed at the simple task of frying chicken ” She chuckled.
“You and Fel actually distracted us”
“God, another excuse” Layla laughed.

“Hi Layla” They both heard and saw Dylan by their table, he was smiling down at her.
“Hi” She smiled back at him, trying to look normal with the butterflies she was feeling deep in her belly.
He’s so close to her and damn it, she had to hold her breath.
“Do you mind joining me at my table?” He asked with a charm he knew she couldn’t resist.

Layla blinked at him, stunned.

“Yo..you wa..nt me to e..at with you? . .” She stammered.
“Yes or do you mind?” Dylan asked.
Layla swallowed hard, her heart racing. She stared at Dan who was looking down at his meal.
Dylan wants her at his table, she couldn’t think properly.
And why won’t Dan look up.

“Its fine if you don’t want to…” Dylan was saying.
“I want to” Layla said, not wanting to offend him.
She glanced at Dan again as Dylan picked up her tray with a smirk.
“Dan” She called.
“It’s fine” He said, without raising his head.

Layla looked back at him as she walked away with Dylan.

Dan stabbed the peas on the plate with his fork, gritting his teeth hard.
He could feel the rage burning in him and it took a great restraint not to bang the table.
He now knew what Dylan had meant earlier.

Dylan will be using Layla as a tool to unnerve him, he almost banged the table this time but no he wasn’t going to give Dylan that satisfaction.
That’s exactly what Dylan wants and he’s not going to do that.

He continued his meal even though it now tasted sour in his mouth.

HER LAST WISH Episode 33 by Azeemah Salami

They were back in class after lunch break and Dan looked like he was focused on his book, he doesn’t want to speak to Layla, yeah that’s petty but he’s a little bit pissed at her or rather he’s pissed at himself.
He couldn’t wait for a teacher to come in so Layla would stop giving him those sorry looks, he was watching her from the corner of his eyes and she wouldn’t remove her gaze off him.
She hadn’t tried to talk to him since lunch break was over and he guessed his mood must really be reflecting on his face or she would have excitedly filled him in on the details of the lunch with Dylan.

“Are you pissed at me?” She finally asked and when he glanced up to look fully at her face, every anger in him dissolved.
She looked like she was really sorry and it made him get real pissed at himself for overreacting. She did nothing wrong, who wouldn’t grab the chance to eat with their longtime crush and she never would have thought sitting with Dylan would offend him. He hates that his feelings is getting the best part of him.

“No, I’m not pissed at you” He said.
“Then what’s wrong? You look moody and you didn’t even talk to me” She said.
“Im sorry about that, how did it go with him?” He asked and felt a painful tug in his heart when her face lit up.
“Great, I’m so happy. It seems he’s starting to like me? Don’t you think so too?” She asked, grinning.
“Yeah” He mumbled, the anger he’s feeling towards himself intensifying.

He fucking caused this!
Now Layla’s is thinking Dylan is really into her, when Dylan is doing that just to piss him off!
He gave Dylan the fucking privilege to use Layla.
He had been a fool to make his feelings for her so obvious, he had been so dumb!
What the hell is he going to do to this.
How’s he gonna fix this mess.
He can’t allow Dylan continue to lead Layla on falsely.
He wish he could tell her about what Dylan is really doing but is there a way he would tell her without revealing his feelings. And that would even leave Layla more flummoxed.

Why does everything seem so complicated, he has never been in a situation as this, he’s at loss over what to do.
How can his feelings put him in this type of situation.

“You’re pissed at yourself?” Layla asked.
“Huh?” He ask.
“You’re chewing on your pinky finger” She said.
What. . He hadn’t even realised he was doing that.
He dropped his finger and faked a smile “I think it has become an habit”
“No, there’s something wrong with you Dan, there’s something bothering you. Do you mind sharing?” She asked, shifting closer to him with a worried look.
“I’m fine, honestly, there’s nothing bothering me” He said.
“There is, you started chewing your pinky finger out of nowhere, looking lost and bothered. What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Hi” They heard and glanced up to see who interrupted them, it was Chloe, wearing a firm look. Layla remembered the look as the one Chloe do wear whenever she bullied her. She wondered who Chloe is about to bully now, definitely not her and absolutely not Dan either.
Why’s everyone suddenly looking in their direction, it’s annoying actually and she wondered why Chloe’s puppies are not with her.
They were seated and this would be the first time Layla would see them look so uncertain.

“You want something?” Dan asked sounding harsher than intended, he looked a bit irritated with Chloe’s presence. He doesn’t like Chloe, he doesn’t tolerate her a bit and the mood he was in worsened it.
“I just want to know why you hate me so much! No doubt she turned you against me! She filled your heart with false stories about me!” Chloe said, glaring at Layla.
“You came over to say that?” Dan looked stunned but Layla wasn’t even moved a bit. She smiled, irking Chloe further.

“Yes! I need to know why you won’t even answer my greetings, why you won’t be nice to me, she planted my hate in your heart right? I’m not surprised, she’s African and sure has the blood flowing in her veins” Chloe said, breathing heavily. She looked pissed enough.
“That’s lame, did you really left your seat for this?” Dan raised a brow in surprise.

“I won’t deny that I do not like you a bit and it’s actually funny you want me to be nice to you when you’re not even nice to others. So bad of you to have assume Layla filled me with terrible things about you when I see them myself everyday, she didn’t even have to tell me anything to dislike you, that wack behavior of yours that’s always on display is enough to do that. Your attitude sucks!” Dan said calmly, though loudly.
Chloe’s face ashen and she stared at him like it was the first time she was seeing him.
Layla folded in her lips and started drumming her fingers on the desk. Way to go Daniel.
Their classmates whispered amongst themselves, bracing up for more drama. Chloe’s friends looked like they were arguing.

“I don’t have a terrible attitude!” Chloe said shakily, recovering from the shock of Dan’s words.
“You do!” Dan yelled, startling everyone. Layla turned to him in surprise. It’s unlike Dan to yell and even so loudly at that.
“You do” He repeated calmly this time.
“You’re a bully! And I hate bullies, I hate people who seek laughs from others at the expense of someone else’s embarrassment, I hate people who derive joy in hurting others! I hate people who put others down, i’ll never tolerate such people. They are soul killers! Do you even know the effect of your bad attitude on people, i bet you don’t even care, some of these people are probably thrown into depression at the expense of what you did or said to them. So inhumane ” Dan shouted, the weight of his words bringing absolute silence.
Layla stared at him, her mouth slightly opened, she knows he hates bullies but he has never been this expressive about it. She was impressed, though a little bit stunned.

Chloe who looked like her breathing was snatched, started walking slowly to her seat, her shoulders slumped.

The mighty Chloe.

“Some situations deserves second chance and it’s only if you change your ways will you get tolerated, not only by me but others as well” Dan said after her, loud enough.
She continued her walk to her seat, and finally got seated after what seems like ages. Her face looked robbed of its bright color, Chloe has never looked so flustered, she sat limply looking straight ahead.

“Did you see what you’ve caused?” Miranda whispered to
Sabrina and Christy.
“We warned her not to go confront him” Christy whispered back.
“I’m glad she did though” Sabrina said, knowing Chloe would come to her right senses after this.
Her obsession for Dan is sickening.
“You both are disappointing” Mira snapped.
“Same here” Rina and Christy snapped back at her.

“I’m sorry I’m late” The teacher said, walking into the classroom.


“Did Chloe just let that girl go without doing anything?” Sarah asked, .
She wasn’t the only surprised one, her friends were also, everyone in the cafeteria was.

Someone just mistakenly made body contact with Chloe and while everyone expected her to come into display, she had just told the girl to leave, calmly.
The girl was so surprised that she stood rooted to the spot even after Chloe told her it’s fine.
Confusion and surprise was written on everyone’s face. They watched Chloe walk to her table with her friends.

“She’s even looking so calm, didn’t you notice?” Jess asked her friends.
“Yeah, that air of pride isn’t even there anymore” Sarah agreed.
“I wonder what happened” Kate said.
“Could she be putting on an act?” Anne asked.
“I don’t think so, there’s this new calmness to her” Sarah said, still watching Chloe.
“And if it’s an act, we’ll know soon because Chloe can’t keep acting that way for long” Jess said.
“Exactly” Anne said.

“Wow! Dan did you see that?” Layla asked Dan.
“I did” He said.
“Your words changed Chloe” Layla said.
“Well…we can’t be sure yet” He said.
“I really wish she can keep being this way, it suits her” Layla said, glancing in Chloe’s direction and for once Chloe wasn’t glaring at anyone. Dan’s words must have hit her deeply..
“I hope so too” He said.

“OMG, it seems Dylan is coming to get me again” Layla said blushing hard as Dylan approached their table.
“Hi” Dylan smiled at her.
“Hi” She smiled back.
“Wanna join me?” He asked and she nodded almost immediately.
“Dan” She called and he glanced at her, restraining himself from yelling at her not to fucking call his name when she already made the decision to go with him.
“It’s okay” He mumbled and she stood up while Dylan grabbed her tray.
He didn’t glance at Dylan because he knows the fool would be smirking and he might not be able to stop himself from punching him.

They both walked away and he continued his meal in anger like he had yesterday.
Is he going to keep allowing Dylan lead Layla on!
What the fuck is he going to do!!!

“Can I seat?” He heard and on glancing up, his eyes met with Chloe’s.
He had almost not recognised her voice and her eyes, there wasn’t that normal iciness in it. She looked so subdued and he was confused if his words had really had this effect on her.
“Of course” He said.
She smiled and placed her tray on the table before sitting on the seat Layla vacated.
Dan knew everyone was staring at them but he wasn’t bothered about that.

“Thanks for saying those things to me Dan, it..it made me see things in a new perspective, I..I don’t even know what to say to you, just thank you” She said and Dan smiled.
“You don’t have to search for words Chloe. I’m so glad I did what I did, who would have thought Chloe would look this calm, you can also see the surprise on everyone’s face right?”
“Yeah” Chloe nodded. “It made me realize how much my attitude suck” She said, looking ashamed.
“We all have our flaws, just let go of the past, you should stop feeling guilty about it now that you’ve stepped onto a new path”
“Thank you” Chloe smiled gratefully.

“Is this really you? This should better not be a dream” Dan joked and she laughed.
“You’re not eating?” Dylan asked Layla who was picking at her meal as she watched Dan and Chloe.
Yeah, she’s glad Chloe has turned a new leaf but why the hell is she with Dan!
Why the hell would she leave her table for Dan’s!
Why the hell are they laughing!

“You’re not eating?” Dylan asked again.
“I’m eating!” She snapped at him and gasped, on realising what she just did.

“OMG, I’m so sorry”


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2 years ago

Layla oo
The same hell reason you do leave Dan to meet Dylan

2 years ago

So funny both have feelings, I just hope Chloe isn’t faking it just to get back at layla