HER LAST WISH Episode 28 – 29 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 28 by Azeemah Salami

“Don’t ever! allow anyone take up my seat just because of whatever uncontrollable feeling or weakness you have for them!” He added and she stared at him, stunned.
He dropped his books on his desk and sat down without sparing her a glance, she couldn’t tell if she was surprised or angry, if it is anger then its directed at Dylan, she wasn’t at all pleased with his behavior, and if it is surprise then its at Dan.
He almost yelled at her . . No, he did yell at her, for the first time and she would have cried if she hadn’t controlled herself.
He even looked more angry than he had when he stormed off to find Elvis at the thanksgiving party.

It’s all Dylan’s fault, she’s more pissed at him than she wants to. She wont allow her feelings for him cloud her judgement. He had acted irrational, how can you take up someone’s seat and refuse to get up when the person arrive even after you said you will and when your own seat is clearly empty, that’s just like intentionally seeking trouble. And he had even mocked Dan before leaving.

Dan has every right to be angry but it shouldn’t be directed to her but Dylan, the only mistake from her was allowing him take up Dan’s seat but she couldn’t have stopped him if she wanted to because it wasn’t even her seat, she can only exercise authority over her own seat. Dan must have thought she had invited Dylan to take up his seat just because he was absent, she would never do such, regardless of whatever feelings she has for Dylan and not even when everybody knows the guys do not tolerate each other.
The teacher was still teaching and she wasn’t even concentrating, she glanced at Dan and it looks like he was fully following the teacher. He still looked pissed, though not as pissed as earlier and he wasn’t even looking in her direction. That hurts. She’s still so worried about the wounds on his face, she was tempted to ask him about it but she knows this is no time for it.

She glanced towards Dylan’s seat also and could see he was also fully concentrating. Even the guy who had caused all this was listening attentively to the teacher and here she was thinking and worrying.

She sigh and stared at the teacher who was teaching with full vigor like always, she almost hissed knowing they wont escape assignment.


It was time for lunchbreak and neither Dan nor Layla were standing up, they both go to the cafeteria together, holding hands most time but now the situation made it feel awkward, they both look like they have something to say to each other but were waiting for who to talk first.
Dan felt bad to have yelled at her and he really wants to apologize but he was so ashamed to do it. How could he have yelled at Layla. He’s trying to find excuses, reasons he had done that but he couldn’t come up with one.
All he knew was that he had felt so angry seeing Dylan on his seat and Layla looking so smitten with him. It had angered him so much, he’s not the one to get angry over trivial things but the anger had suddenly claimed him and clouded his sense of reasoning. He would have punched Dylan if he hadn’t restrained himself.

Or could it be that what happened yesterday had overwhelmed him . . No, he had been happy after giving Jacq the beating of his life, he had been happy until he walked into the class to see Dylan had taken up his seat.
Coming up with an excuse for his bad behavior is so jackass-sy!

He had been a jackass because he couldn’t control his anger, he had yelled at his special friend, he had been an asshole!
He should apologize and stop being more of an asshole.

He chewed his pinky fingernails, something he does whenever he’s feeling bad or guilty. He stole glances at Layla who was also buried in her own thought.

She badly wanted to ask him what had happened to him but he wasn’t even looking at her, she stole glances at him and found him chewing his pinky finger, she has never seen him do that, he was looking down at his laps so she couldn’t read his expression, she wanted to know if he was still pissed at her.
She’s feeling so bad to have allowed Dylan take up his seat but she there was really nothing she could have done.

“Layla i’m so sorry for yelling at you, I . . ”
“Dan i’m sorry for pissing you off . .”

They both said at the same time and it sounded so funny to the ears that they laughed, it wasn’t a guffaw laugh, it was a chuckle-laugh.
They both stared at each other after laughing.
“You go first” Layla said.
“No, ladies first” Dan said and she smiled.
She was glad to see the humor return to his voice. “So” She started. “I know you probably thought I invited Dylan to take up your seat but that isn’t so, I know im head over heels for him but I would never do such” She paused and Dan felt his heart ache painfully at what he just heard, he couldn’t understand why. Of course Layla is head over heels for Dylan, he knows, everyone knows so that cant possibly be the reason his heart had ached.
Probably because he realized he had yelled at Layla over nothing . . yeah that should be it. The guilt must be slamming his heart really hard for his heart to have ached that painfully but it doesn’t seem so . . .

“He approached me and said he wanted to take up your seat ” Layla continued. “I told him you’ll be in school soon and he said he’s gonna leave for his seat when you arrive. I couldn’t even have stopped him if I wanted to because it wasn’t my seat, I have no authority over it, though if I had known he would have refused to get up when you arrive, I would have tried more to make him not take up your seat but I can only try, I cant stop him. I’m sorry about everything Dan” She said.
Dan chewed his pinky finger, feeling more bad than he had felt earlier.
“Why do you keep doing that?” She asked.
“Because I’m feeling so bad to have yelled at you over something you didn’t even do!” He said, so angry at himself.

“You have every right to be pissed, though not at me but Dylan but it’s understandable because you had misunderstood the situation, you had thought I invited him over and to be sincere, you shouldn’t be blamed for that, anyone would have thought the same with how obvious my affection is for him” She smiled, not a happy smile, nor a sad one . . in between.
“Even if you had invited him over here, I shouldn’t have yelled at you, I should never have done that but I’m such an asshole!, a jackass, a jerk, an insolent fool . . . ”
Enough” Layla stopped him. “Enough of feeling bad, enough of calling yourself names and enough of chewing your pinky fingernail” She smiled at him, a smile that relaxed him completely.

He stopped chewing his fingernail and stared at her, like a kid caught stealing cheese. She almost laughed.

“Anger is such a strong feeling and unfortunately most of us have no control over it, we only get to feel bad or remorseful after it has cleared off. It’s not your fault Dan, it’s normal to get angry over something we cant seem to tolerate and in the course transfer our anger/aggression to other people, though that’s bad, we should try to work on avoiding that, making other people suffer the bad actions of others is not so nice. In your own case, it’s understandable because you misunderstood the whole thing, so you should stop feeling bad, I hadn’t even taken it as an offense and what the hell happened to your face?” She asked.
“Tell me you’ve forgiven me first” He said pouting childishly, it was so cute and funny at the same time and Layla found herself laughing.

“No, you should tell me you’ve forgiven me first” She said.
“But you didn’t offend me” Dan said.
“I feel we should apologise to each other” Layla said.
“That’s not necessary, I’m the one at fault here”
“Well, if you wont tell me you’ve forgiven me, then i’m not going to forgive you either”
“Okay but Ladies first” He grinned and she scoff playfully.
“Daniel Keyes, you are forgiven with utmost pleasure” She said with a curtsy bow.
“Layla Moremi Williams, you’re forgiven even if you did nothing wrong”
“What a way to forgive someone” Layla rolled her eyes and he laughed. He always found that funny.

“So, what happened to you, your face?” Layla asked, solemnly.
“Oh what a long story, you sure you’re ready for it?” He asked with a wink.
“I’m most ready but you know what?” Layla asked with a smile.
“What?” Dan asked eagerly.
“You should talk about it over lunch or we’ll have to hide to eat burgers again” Layla said.
Dan laughed. “Wasn’t that fun?”
“Sure it was but if we’re caught our punishment wont be fun in any way” Layla shook her head.
“Well, I’m looking forward to that” Dan grinned naughtily.
“Well, not me. I’m off” Layla said getting up.
“Gosh . . Ocean High students are cowards” Dan teased, getting up after her.

Layla glared at him and said slowly . . “I think you should run for your dear life, I’m about to pounce on you on behalf of every Ocean High student”
“Oh my . .” Dan laughed, dashing off.


“Thanks Layla, these are so beautiful. She’s gonna love it” Aria smiled adoringly at the hairpins in her palms. Layla had just gifted them to her daughter.
“But I think just one is okay, these two seems . . too much, don’t you think?” Aria asked Layla, who was sitting on one of the high stools, looking as beautiful and happy as she did these days.
“No, it’s okay, Philia got so much for me, so much that even after giving six out, I still have much more left” Layla said.
“Yeah, so you should better give those two to Jane before I decide to add to it” She smiled playfully.
“Thanks Layla.” Aria smiled.
“Aaargh, enough of the Thanks, it’s just two hairpins” Layla said.
“Well, no matter how little you think these are, they are worth thanking you over ”
“I know right but it’s enoughhhhh” Layla said.
“You didn’t have to prolong the enough though” Aria laughed.

“A customer is here” Layla said and got on her feet, she waited for the woman to get seated before going to take her order.
“Café Latte” She said to Aria on walking back to the counter and Aria quickly prepared it, Layla went to serve it return to sitting on the high stool.

She was balancing her self on it when she heard her phone ring, she grabbed her bag and pulled her phone out of it.


She smiled. “Hi Fel”
“Layla! Thanks for the hairpins” Fel’s cheerful voice rang in her ears and Layla almost doubted if she was the one who got heartbroken just yesterday.
“It’s fine Fel”
“They are so beautiful, I love them! I’m wearing one on my hair right now” Fel said.
“Really?” Layla smiled. “I’m glad you love them”
“And I’m so sorry about the break up” Layla said.
“Oh that . . thank you. Did Dan told you he gave the asshole the beating of his life?”
Layla laughed hard. “Yeah he did and I was so glad he did that”
“You need to see Jacq’s face looking like he was stung by honeybees. I secretly took a picture of him though, do you wanna see it?” Fel asked, grinning wickedly.
“OMG, I would love to” Layla laughed.
“I’ll send it to you right away” Fel disconnected the call.

Layla’s phone beeped few seconds later and after staring at the picture, she gently stepped down from the stool, knowing the type of laughter brewing inside her is enough to make her fall off the high stool. She found herself laughing all over the counter, holding her stomach. Aria gave her quizzical looks with a smile on her face and soon enough she was laughing too though not as hard as Layla . She couldn’t help herself, Layla had a contagious laugh.

“So good to see my employees laughing without even noticing the two customers that walked in” Phil smiled, a smile that didn’t quite reached her face and they knew it was forced, the smile smelled DOOM.

“OMG” Layla and Aria exclaimed and quickly set to work, bumping into each other.

HER LAST WISH Episode 29 by Azeemah Salami

“OMG” Layla and Aria exclaimed and quickly set to work, bumping into each other in the process.


Dan raised his head from his phone on hearing the door open.
Anne stood by the door.

“Why are you not coming in?” He asked.
“Jennie is here” Anne announced.
“Jennie?” Dan asked and Anne nodded.
He sigh before getting up from his bed, wondering what Jen wants.
She hadn’t even texted him she was coming.
“And she doesn’t want to come in, no matter how much I tell her to” Anne said.
“Really?” Dan asked with a raised brow.
“Yeah” Anne said, adjusting her glasses.

Dan followed her down to the living room, she sat on the couch to continue watching the TV while he walked further to the door.
He saw Jennie standing there, clad in a pair of pink fitting jeans with a top as blue as her eyes, her hair was unpacked and pulled to a side and her hand on the hip. She looked like a model . . A pissed model.
She didn’t looked pissed though but Dan knew her too well to figure she was pissed at the moment.

“Hey what’s up? Come in” He said.
“I won’t” She answered coldly.
“I don’t want to” She said.
“Okay, I won’t force you to. Is there anything wrong?”

“Really?” She folded her arms beneath her breasts casting Dan a ‘are-you-serious-look’
“What’s going on?” Dan asked, starting to get real confused.
“Are you going to keep pretending? Or they are really yet to tell you?” She asked.
“Say whatever it is, I’m the most confused being on earth right now” Dan said, closing the door as he stepped out in front of her.
Jennie was no doubt a tall teen, she’s taller than most girls her age but Dan’s height still made her feel small and it’s not like he’s so so tall but his charm is capable of making one feel inferior.

“I’m Jacq’s girlfriend, the one he chose over Fel” Jennie said with an air of pride, looking as though she cared less what Dan’s reaction would be when indeed she really do.
Dan was surprised and he didn’t hide it, he looked stunned as he stared at Jennie and she smiled inwardly, satisfied with the look on his face.
He was more surprised at how he felt than he was at what Jennie just said. He should feel hurt, furious, scream, his heart should be aching, he should feel terrible but none of that is happening. He wasn’t even feeling the slightest anger or jealousy, he felt calm instead, just surprised, if not stunned.
And now . . He’s just realising that his heart hadn’t even raced when he saw her, he must be improving with getting over her and he’s so glad. Layla’s words really helped.

“Oh, you’re still so stunned. I hope you don’t plan on beating up Jacq again!” Jennie snarled.
“Really? Why would I do that? I already dealt with him for hurting my friend, why else would I want to beat him up again?” Dan raised his brow. “Except if he hurt another of my friend though”

Jennie stared at him . . This wasn’t what she was expecting, she expected him to get mad, furious, she expected to see jealousy spark in his eyes, he had only looked surprised, not even pissed at the least and he wasn’t even looking at her with that charming mildness like he always do, the look in his eyes is so different . . so free of every gentleness it once held for her.
Has he gotten over her? . . Her heart almost ached at the thought.
He won’t even fight Jacq because of her…that says a lot.

She dropped her arms by her sides, trying not to look disappointed and defeated.

“Oh, is this what you said I was going to find out myself?” Dan asked.
“Yes” She said, keeping the edginess off her voice.
“Turns out you told me yourself, well . . It wasn’t even worth the wait” Dan smiled and her stomach churned.
He was over her, she’s so certain of it now and she won’t deny it hurts so much.
She had loved him so much but then he chose his sister over her without the smallest apology, she told him not to leave Prestige High School or their relationship will be over but he left, meaning their relationship hadn’t meant anything to him and then she called things off.

At the Thanksgiving party, seeing that he was yet to get over her gave her immense satisfaction and she wanted to see him look more hurt by telling him about her new relationship though leaving Jacq’s name out of it but then Layla had appeared and the look on Dan’s face had been unmistakable, that’s the look Dan do give her alone and she has never seen him look at another girl that way except Layla.
Dan cares for Layla like he does his other special friends but she could tell he’s more affectionate towards her, she had been hurt thinking he probably has feelings for Layla and she had walked off not bothering to tell him what she wanted to but the thought that he was yet to get over her consoled her.

“I can’t believe this is what you wanted to tell me then because i can remember clearly how serious you were when you told me not to be surprised when I find out, though you were right, i was indeed surprised when you told me but I had thought it was a very important thing and it even got me worried for days. I can’t believe I was thrown in suspense over . . this” Dan sigh, brushing his hand through his hair.
Jennie felt more terrible as she stood looking at him.
Her relationship with Jacq doesn’t mean anything to him . .

“And you had even said you didn’t deem it fit to tell me, why do you suddenly deem it fit to tell me now?” He asked.
“Though I’m glad you didn’t tell me then though, I would have been so hurt and Jacq would probably have his ass dragged out of the party” Dan added warmly like it was the most normal thing to say.

“I hadn’t planned to mention his name! And I didn’t deem it fit to tell you then because of how you looked at Layla!” Jennie said before she could stop herself.
“Excuse me?” Dan asked.
“Well . . It was obvious you have feelings for her, the way you look at her . . ” Jennie trailed off.
“What are you saying? Its not so. Layla is someone I care deeply for like I do my special friends, you must be mistaken” Dan chuckled.
“No! I’m not mistaken, you like her! You do! I know you do” Jennie said louder than she intended.
“You’re wrong, very wrong. How can you claim I have feelings for Layla when I know I don’t, you’re not me, you can’t state how I feel for someone. And even if it’s so, which is not, why should that be the reason you felt you shouldn’t tell me about Jacq?”

Jennie fell silent. .

“Is that all you want to say?” Dan asked, getting impatience with the silence.
“It’s so shameful of you to fight someone just because he broke up with your so called special friend! Who does that?” Jennie yelled and Dan shifted back startled.
She hadn’t yelled because Dan had beaten Jacq up, she had because she was so angry he has gotten over her and doesn’t even care how she lives.
“Wow. Jacq is so lucky to get a sweet lover like you, I can’t believe you came all the way here to yell at me for beating up your boyfriend, you’re the shameless one here and your boyfriend is more shameless for narrating to you how a guy his age had beaten him to a pulp” Dan snorted.

“Did you just called me shameless?” Jennie asked, shocked.
“You called me that too, well I’m sorry for calling you that but are you done?” Dan asked.
“I have tons of assignments to do” He added, opening the door.
“And I hope Jacq’s face is healing fast, say hi to him for me” Dan said before walking in and closing the door behind him.
Jennie blinked at the door in shock.

Was that Dan?


“My mum said to invite you over for lunch on Sunday” Dan said to Layla as they had their lunch in the cafeteria.
“Oh” Layla smiled.
“Will you be coming?” He asked.
“Of course” Layla said, though a bit worried about Phil, she’s not sure she is going to give her the permission.
“Mum would be so glad to hear that. She actually wanted to invite you over on Saturday but I told her you’ll not be chanced, I know you won’t want to leave Aria to all the work” Dan said.
Layla smiled. “You know me so well”

“I saw Jacq’s face” Layla said, chewing on her fries.
“Oh really?” Dan sigh.
“Yeah, Fel secretly took a picture of him and . . his face doesn’t look so good”
“Fel can be so mischievous. Well . . That’s what Jacq gets for hurting my friend, I hope his face is healing fast though” He shrug.
“You look so calm to be the one who messed up Jacq’s face. I’m so scared” Layla said putting on an exaggerated shivering act.
Dan laughed. “C’mon”

“Jennie came around yesterday” He said and Layla muttered an ‘oh’ wondering if he already found out Jennie is the one dating Jacq.
She’s sure he’s yet to find out or he won’t be this cheerful, she had been so surprised when Fel had told her while they chatted yesternight .
Fel had said she’s yet to tell Dan because she doesn’t know how he’s gonna take it.
“She came to say hi to you?” Layla asked, she had stopped chewing her fries.
“No, she came to tell me how shameful I was to have beaten up her boyfriend ‘because he broke up with my friend’ ” Dan said, biting into his chicken.
Layla stared at him, stunned.

He knows already . .

“Oh, you’re surprised too?” Dan chuckled.
“No, it’s not that. I know already, I’m just surprised you found out and . . ”
“You know already?” Dan asked.
“Yeah, Fel told me. She doesn’t want you to know because of how you might feel” Layla said and Dan laughed.
“But , seeing how you look now even after knowing, it seems we’ve been worried for nothing about you not finding out. I’m surprised to see you this . . bubbly”
“I was surprised at how I reacted to the whole thing also when she rubbed it in my face, I think I’m finally over her ”

“Really?” Layla asked.
“Yeah, my heart hadn’t even raced at her sight and to think I hadn’t even tried to get over her this time made everything more surprising, your advice worked Layla. Thank you” Dan said.
Layla smiled, so happy for him.
“If I hadn’t gotten over Jennie, I can’t even imagine what I would have done when she told me”
“I’m glad you took my advice and it worked for you”
“Yeah yeah, I’m glad too” Dan winked.

“What a cute wink you have there” Layla smiled.
“Yours is cuter” Dan smiled.
“Well, if you said that to make me wink. I’m sorry,you ain’t getting any more wink for today” Layla stuck out her tongue and Dan laughed.

“You can go” Philia said to Layla.
“Huh?” Layla asked to be sure.
She just told Phil about the lunch invitation and Phil agreed without any argument.
“You can go!” Phil repeated, turning her gaze back to the TV..

“Wh..why do you suddenly keep letting me do what I want?” Layla asked.
“Excuse me?” Phil asked.
“You know what I mean Phil, you don’t normally do this” Layla said.
“Well, I started already. Don’t question me further please” Phil said, quickly turning back to the TV and Layla knew something was up.

She hope it wasn’t what she was thinking as she walked back to her room.


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