HER LAST WISH Episode 26 – 27 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 26 by Azeemah Salami

“OMG!” Phil exclaimed on seeing Layla’s new phone.
Layla stood in front of her, fully dressed for school with a happy grin on her face as Phil checked out the phone, completely mesmerized.
“Dan got you this?” She asked Layla.
“Yeah, he did” She smiled.
“Wow, this is a very sleek and expensive present. You should really thank him” Phil said, handing back the phone to Layla.
“Yeah, I would” Layla nodded.

“And i’m surprised you accepted it, you are not someone to accept this . . . from someone” Phil said.
“Yeah, but Dan isn’t just someone to me, he’s my best friend and it would really hurt him if I reject it. Besides, birthday presents should be accepted right?”
“Of course” Phil nodded, watching Layla beneath her lashes as her gaze returned to her phone.
Layla has changed so much in the past couples of days and she’s just noticing it now. Well. she’s glad…
“And you should thank Anne for me, I enjoyed the pies” Phil said, preparing Layla’s allowance from the dollar notes spread on the table.
“You know her name?” Layla asked.
“Of course!” Phil slammed, rolling her eyes.
Layla pressed her lips together, of course Phil would know Anne’s name! What’s wrong with her?

“Have it” Phil handed Layla’s allowance to her.
“Thanks Layla and . . I was so stunned and happy to receive those birthday presents from you”
“Well . . it’s nothing and I can see you really love your hairpin” Phil said, not able to hide her smile this time, staring at the hairpin placed neatly on Layla’s hair. She’s glad Layla didn’t reject her presents and not only that but liked it.
“I love it” Layla smiled shyly, patting her hairpin.
Phil decided to buy more of it for her.

“I should get going” Layla said.
“Alright, Bye”
“Check out my new phone” Layla swirled happily in front of the open car door, her phone in her hand.
Dan and Anne laughed.
“Oh my, its so beautiful” Anne smiled, holding it. She hadn’t gotten to see the real phone, just the pack when Dan bought it.
“Thanks so much Dan” Layla grinned
“Like seriously?” Dan groan. “I cant count the amount of times you’ve said that”
They had talked over the phone, late into the night and the sentence Layla repeated most was ‘Thank you so much Dan’
“That was over the phone, I should thank you properly now. ” Layla said, getting into the car and closing the door.
“Well, you’ve thanked me properly now, I don’t want anymore ‘thanks’ ” Dan said.
“You don’t have to want it, you’ll get it till today is over, tomorrow and forever” Layla said.
“I’m in deep shit!” Dan groaned and Layla laughed.

“Good morning Paul” She greeted.
“Morning Layla” Paul smiled and started driving.

“Thanks so much for your gift Anne, though i’m yet to unwrap it” Layla said, smiling sheepishly.
“Because you and Dan were on the phone late into the night. His room is beside mine yunno” Anne winked and continued exploring Layla’s new phone. She loved it.

Layla smile and turned her gaze back to Dan, he was staring at her. She pulled his cheeks playfully and they both giggled.
“Why did you buy such an expensive phone for me? I really appreciate it though but you could have gone for a cheaper one, it’s . . too expensive, Phil confirmed it too. I’m sorry for making you spend so much money” Layla said.
Anne laughed. “Trust me, that money is nothing to Dan, he would have gotten a more expensive one if he wanted to”
“Well, it wasn’t too expensive, I don’t actually care about prices, I will pay anything for a good quality so worry not and feel less bad for ‘thinking you made me spent so much money’ ” Dan winked.
“Thanks so much Dan” Layla said.
“There we go again” He groan and they laughed.

“Anne, Phil said to thank you for the pies, she enjoyed it” Layla said.
“Oh i’m glad” Anne said.
“What a great phone you have” Anne smiled, handing it back to Layla.
“You done with it?” Layla asked.
“Not really but I don’t want to fall deeper in love with it, so it’s better to keep it away for now” Anne said and Layla laughed.
“Besides, I’m having a test this morning and I want to revise before getting to school” Anne picked her book.
“Oh, get to it ” Layla said and turned to Dan.

“Wanna check out this masterpiece?” She winked, stretching her phone to Dan.
He chuckled. “Can you start winking more often?”
“Why?” She asked.
“You look so cute at it” He said and her cheeks flushed.
“Okay . . so, lets see what Layla’s masterpiece got” He smiled, turning to her phone.

How can he act so normally after making her cheeks go hot.


“Her hairpin is pretty though” Sabrina chipped in as they started their normal morning banter after Dan and Layla walked in.
Chloe’s still so sullen over the fact that Dan had chosen Layla as the most beautiful even when she was there!
And not only that, people were starting to compare her beauty to Layla’s . Goddamn it! She has never felt so much hate towards Layla .

“How can you bring her hairpin into a serious conversation” Mira snarled.
“A serious conversation? This is no serious conversation Mira” Sabrina said.
“Whatever” Mira turned to Chloe “Chloe, c’mon stop thinking about what Dan said, you’re the most beautiful girl in Ocean High, everyone knows that”
“Just because Dan said Layla is the most beautiful doesn’t mean she is, that’s just his own opinion” Christy said.
“An opinion that sucks” Mira added.
“It’s not worth bothering yourself over, how can you even feel insecure of your beauty just because someone didn’t think you are the most beautiful. He’s entitled to his own opinion just like everyone is. You shouldn’t even allow someone’s opinion define you in the first place” Sabrina said .
Mira hissed.

“Will I ever get a chance with Dan?” Chloe asked.
“Yes you will” Mira quickly assured.
“I think you will” Chloe said doubtfully.
“I don’t think you will to be honest” Sabrina said and once again she and Mira started yelling at each other.


“OMG! Dan got you this?” Aria asked in surprise, checking out Layla’s new phone.
“Yeah he did” Layla said, wearing her apron.
“Wow, this is so great, i’m so happy for you. You’ll get to interact with your Aunt and Nephew as much as you like” Aria smiled happily.
“Yes, exactly the main thing im happy about” Layla grinned.
“Dan was so thoughtful to have gotten this for you, It was so nice of him” Aria smiled.
“Yeah” Layla nodded, now standing beside Aria.

“Have it, keep it safe in your bag, I don’t want anything happening to it” Aria passed her phone to her.
“Well, there are no new customers, you should check out the pictures we took on the thanksgiving party and on my birthday” Layla smile.
“Really? It’s in here?”
Layla nodded.
“Show it to me immediately” Aria said eagerly, sitting.


“Fel, open the damn door!” Dan knocked hard for the hundredth time, Mrs Summers beside him looking so worried.
Mrs Summers had called him shortly after he got back from school that Fel has refused to open the door since daybreak. She hadn’t even gone to school.
“Fel” Dan knocked again. His knuckles hurting terribly.

“I’m actually going to break down your door if you don’t open up soon” Dan threatened and waited for some minutes.
“Mrs Summers, can I please get an axe?” He asked loudly.
“Of course” Mrs Summers said, though not moving. They really hoped that will make her open up.

“Don’t fucking break my door” She yelled.
“Then open it!” Dan shouted.
“I’m coming” She shouted back and they breathed in relief.
“Only Dan is allowed in though” She said, unlocking the door. She wouldn’t want her mum to see her looking a mess.
“Of course, I have no problem with that. Just open the door” Mrs summers said, she knew Dan, Rylan or her father are the ones that would make her open the door and presently her father is on a trip.

The door opened and Dan walked in, closing it gently after him.

“Fel, what’s wrong and why are you putting on sunshades in the room?” He asked, noticing how disheveled her hair was.
“I’m fine, there’s nothing wrong with me” She said in a shaky voice, which she was obviously trying to keep still.
“Oh, you’re fine? Yet you refused to open the door and even go to school, You’re still in your pajamas at 4pm, you’re using sunshades in your room! your hair is a mess! and your voice . . I know you’ve been crying. What’s wrong?” Dan asked, crouching before her.

Dan waited for her to speak up and when it was obvious she wasn’t going to, he slipped the shades from her eyes.
“What the hell!” He exclaimed on seeing how swollen and red her eyes looked.
“OMG” He got on his feet. “Felia!”

“What the hell is going on?! ” He asked, brushing his hand roughly through his hair. Fel rarely cry till her eyes are swollen and that red!
She started crying again.
“Just stop, seeing you like this is making my heart ache, please stop and fucking tell me who did this to you” Dan said slowly. He was already so pissed at the anonymous person and he was dead worried about her at the same time.
“You are not going to talk?” He asked, getting frustrated.

“Jacq did this right?” He asked and got the answer with the look on Fel’s face.
“He broke up with you” Dan said, sitting beside her.
She burst into tears again and he hugged her.
“It’s okay, I knew that would happen” Dan said, trying to keep his anger from his voice.
He wish he could tear Jacq apart for causing Fel so much pain but of course he could do nothing. It’s crazy to beat someone up just because he broke up with your friend. Break ups happen, Jacq must have had his reasons but Dan still felt like beating him up, hearing Fel cry keep fueling that thought.

“I knew this was what he was up to when he started to misbehave. And the most painful thing to me right now is how much you love him! You refused to go to school or even eat, your mum was so worried! Fel, what the hell” Dan said, trying to keep his voice gentle, he wanted to yell.
“It’s not just that” Fel sniffed, wiping her tears.
“There’s more?” He asked and she nodded.
“He was dating someone else while we were dating, and he wasn’t even remorseful about it” Fel said, her voice shaky as tears build in her eyes again.

Dan’s head spun with rage as he got to his feet.
“He still stays in that apartment right?” He asked through gritted teeth and Fel stared at him, regretting why she had told Dan that, knowing what he could do.
“He doesn’t stay there anymore, i’ll be fine, i’ll go to school tomorrow and i’ll eat now” She quickly said.
“I’m going to fish him out wherever he is” He said slowly, ignoring Fel’s other words as he dialed Rylan’s number.

“Hey buddy” Rylan said.
“Aren’t you aware Fel wasn’t in school today?” Dan asked.
“I am, and i’m actually on my way to her house, I’ve been calling her and she has not been picking up”
“Get here soon and take care of her. I need to get somewhere” Dan said, walking to the door. He disconnected the call before Rylan could ask what was wrong.
“Daniel” Fel stood up from her bed. “You are not going to Jacq’s house are you?” She asked even if it was so obvious that’s what he’s doing.
“You cant stop me Fel, Jacq is so dead” Dan smiled before walking out and closing the door.

Her mum walked in almost immediately.

“Why the hell did you call him?!” Fel screamed at her.
“Why the hell do you look so terrible!” Her mum screamed back at her.

HER LAST WISH Episode 27 by Azeemah Salami

Prestige High School~~

“OMG! You mean Dan did this to you!?” Jennie asked Jacq, horrified.
They were seated in class the next day and Jacq’s face was full of ugly bruises.
“Yeah” He sigh, still feeling pains.
“Couldn’t you fight back!?” Jennie asked, pissed at Dan for hitting Jacq and also pissed at Jacq for not fighting back.
“I tried to, didn’t know where he got the strength from . . ” Jacq trailed off, embarrassed to have been badly beaten by his mate and the look Jennie was giving him wasn’t helping matters.

“I also hit him, though a few times but they were hard hits. His cheek and lower lip bled before he left my place” Jacq said and was glad Jennie looked a bit pleased.
“Still . . That can’t be compared to what he did to you! You look like you were hit by a truck for goddamn sake!” Jennie scowled and Jacq almost melted in embarrassment.
Everyone was even looking in his direction, probably wondering why his face looks so battered.

“I’m so going to deal with him! Who the hell fights someone for breaking up with their friend! That’s so irrational” Jennie spat angrily.
“He said he was fine with me breaking up with her because I’m an asshole, he was only pained I could date someone else while dating Fel. He claimed I had no respect for her and that she deserves better”
“That’s not it!” Jennie said with a small smile. “He’s so pained I’m the one you’re dating, he still loves me and I could clearly remember telling him to stop whatever feeling he still has for me!”

“He’s not even aware you’re the girl I’m dating!” Jacq cleared and Jennie’s face fell.
“You mean he doesn’t know I’m the one? And he fought you this much, like…he battered your face this much?”
“Yeah, he fought me for Fel’s sake not yours or anyone’s, Fel hadn’t told him it was you and he clearly said he doesn’t give a damn about whomever I’m going out with, He was just there to fight me for hurting his best friend”
“Oh” Jennie said, disappointed Dan hadn’t fought Jacq because of her but for Fel.

“And what did your parents said to your face?” She asked Jacq.
“They’re still on their business trips and won’t be back in weeks. The housekeeper had helped me nurse the bruises” Jacq said.
“Little wonder it’s looking so terrible, you should have gone to a doctor” She said, touching one of the bruise lightly. He winced.
“Your face must be in so much pain, sorry” She gave a small shrug.
“I’ll be going to the doctor today, Mrs Smith just gave me first aid treatment and it really helped” Jacq said.

Jennie twitched her nose and almost rolled her eyes. She dislikes Mrs Smith so much because the woman obviously preferred Fel to her and she doesn’t even hide the fact!
She asks for Fel almost all the time even when she could clearly tell Jacq and Jen were now together.

“I know you don’t like her” Jacq said.
“Of course I don’t” Jennie rolled her eyes. “She gives me this stupid look every freaking time”
“But you know I can’t fire her without my parents consent” Jacq said, knowing where Jennie was going.
She had told him to fire Mrs Smith severally, it was clear they don’t like each other.
Mrs Smith prefers Fel and she makes it so obvious much to Jennie’s chagrin.
But he had grown up to know Mrs Smith, she took care of him more than his parents had, he could count the number of times he had seen his parents in his lifetime . . Yeah, they were mostly never home and even the few times they are home, they work nonstop not even giving room for parents and son relationship.

And yeah . . Obviously,his parents were damn wealthy.

Mrs Smith had given him the love and attention his parents denied him and he would never fire her for anything, not even Jennie whom he loves so much.

He has always been attracted to her beauty but Dan had beat him to it by getting to date her first and he was the happiest when he learnt Jennie broke up with Dan and Dan was even getting transferred to another school.
He approached Jennie almost immediately Dan left and shortly,they started dating.
He liked Fel so much too but Jennie’s charm had been irresistible.

“Whatever, I know you won’t fire her anyway” Jennie scoff and Jacq smiled, a smile which stopped halfway because his lips were hurting.
“C’mon” He hugged her closely and Rylan rolled his eyes from where he was watching them.

“Shameless teens” He muttered to himself, looking irritated.
He was so glad Dan disfigured Jacq’s face but he was somehow scared on what Dan is gonna do after finding out Jennie is the anonymous girl.
He had been so surprised when he learned everything from Fel yesterday and seeing how Jacq looked this morning didn’t surprise him a bit .
And he doesn’t even feel sorry for him. He should get more beatings for breaking Fel’s heart.
Motherfucking squirrel!

Fel had looked so terrible yesterday and he knew what he went through forcing her to clean up and eat!
It had been a difficult task but he had succeeded at it anyway, he made sure she fell asleep before leaving her house yesterday.

A smile lit up his face when he saw Fel walk into the class, not even looking a bit of what she had looked yesterday.
She look her normal beautiful happy self and she had walked past Jacq with a smirk that says ‘serves you right’
Yasss! This is the fucking Fel he had chosen as his best friend.

She was greeting her friends and answering why she had been absent yesterday while Rylan waited patiently for her to get to her seat which was beside his.
He could see Jennie looking at her scornfully and he almost laughed. She got Jacq already, what’s she pained for.

“Buddy” Fel said on getting to her seat.
Their palms collided before she took her seat.

“How are you feeling now?” He ask.
“Better . . than yesterday” She said and he knew the smile she had put on when she walked in had been a facade.
She’s still so unhappy, it was clear in her voice and written on her face now that she’s with him.
“You’ll be fine. He’s not worth it though to be honest, he’s not worth your unhappiness. He’s not hiding anything with Jennie now, as you can see . . ” Rylan said, pointing to them with his jaw.
Fel nodded with a sad smile.

“Dan did a badass job on his face though” She laughed, seeing Jacq’s face that way hadn’t surprised her, when Dan left her house yesterday,she knew what to expect when she get to school today.
She won’t lie it made her feel better though.

When Jacq broke up with her and told her he had been with another person even while they had been in a relationship, she had wanted to hit him non-stop but she had had no ounce of strength in her. And then Dan had done it for her, she couldn’t be more glad.

“A really badass job” Rylan laughed too.
“I’ll get over it, over him soon” Fel said determinedly.
“I know you’re no weak girl” Rylan winked.

“It’s actually surprising to see Jacq and Jennie together, I’m still wondering how Dan would feel about it” Rylan sigh.
“At least she was thoughtful enough to have broken up with Dan before getting into another relationship, she respected him enough to do that” Fel said.
“You’re right” Rylan said. “Well . . We all should live our lives the way we want” He added.

“Yeah but using that phrase to justify hurting someone is not fair. We should live our lives the way we want but not at the expense of other’s pain. That’s a nonsensical behavior”
“Oh yeah, you’re right” Rylan nodded and smiled.

“Come here” He hugged her to his chest, seeing her gaze was starting to trail to Jacq and Jennie’s direction.
She sigh as she rested her head on his chest.
“Uhm, you hair is smelling so nice” He sniffed the rose flavored shampoo Fel had used on her hair this morning, the lovely smell still lingered.
She smiled. “You like it?”
“I love it” He said, kissing her hair.


“Where’s Dan?” Were the first words Layla muttered on opening the car door.
“He’ll join us at school, he’s quite busy and doesn’t want us to run late” Anne said.
Dan was getting his bruises treated by the doctor because he hadn’t allowed anyone see his face until this morning, and Anne was so sure he would have avoided being seen this morning also if he could. But Dan wasn’t the person to wear a bandana over his face to breakfast, revealing his eyes alone, so they had all known something was wrong and their dad had asked him to pull the bandana away which he had done reluctantly.

They were alarmed to see his lower lip bruised and the upper part of his cheek,close to his eyes wounded, it seemed like a deep wound and Anne had started crying before his parents could ask what happened to him.
“Hey, it’s nothing serious” He had said, consoling her and then narrated what had happened.
His mum said nothing, knowing how Dan go out of his way for his friends and they do the same for him also. Her Dad had called their doctor after telling Dan that was no wise thing to do.

“Oh and pardon my manners, good morning to you” Layla smiled, getting in.
“Good morning Layla” Anne smiled back at her.
“Hi Paul” Layla greeted.
“Morning Layla” Paul said, turning on the ignition.

The car started moving…

“And look at you with another beautiful hairpin” Anne said admiringly and Layla smiled.
She had been so surprised to see Philia get more beautiful hairpins for her and of course she had accepted it happily much to Philia’s delight.
“Philia got more for me and here .. ” Layla said, bringing out the two hairpins she had kept for Anne, she kept two for Fel also and she had plan to ask Dan to give it to her.

“Have these, it’s yours” Layla stretched it to Anne.
“Oh my . . These are beautiful but it’s yours. Philia got enough for you so she could switch between them” Anne said.
“She got so much for me, there’s still more than enough left for me to switch between. I even kept two for Fel also and I still have enough left”
“Of course, please accept them” Layla said.
“Thank you” Anne smiled, accepting them and staring at them admiringly. “These are so beautiful and even in my best colors”

“Really? I’m glad you like them” Layla smiled.
“I love them” Anne grinned.
“Put this one on my hair please” She said handing one of the hairpins to Layla and then shifting her head closer.
Layla pinned it neatly on one side of Anne’s hair and Anne checked it out in the car rear-view mirror, smiling admiringly.
“It looks more beautiful on my hair, thanks Layla”
“It’s fine and yeah it really do look more beautiful on your hair, so perfect” Layla wink.

“Oh please, Daniel is the one who wants you wink more often, do that when you both are together” Anne teased and they laughed.


Layla is seated in the class, waiting for Dan.
She wondered what could be keeping him, she has gotten to school for some minutes now and she knows class would be starting soon .

Talk of the devil . . Mr Blaine walked in.

She sigh worriedly as she placed her book on the table, she grabbed her pen and raised her head to see what Mr Blaine would be taking them today but was surprised to find Dylan standing in front of her with his books and pen in hand.
She was lost for a while before getting herself together.

“Hi” She said, though she had said hi to him this morning and he had responded but right now, she’s at loss for words.
“Hi, seems Dan won’t be coming today. I will take his seat” He smiled, making to drop his books on Dan’s table.
“He’s coming, he’s on his way” Layla said though stunned.
Dylan is taking Dan’s seat! She couldn’t quite place what’s happening…

“Well, I’m gonna get up when he gets here” Dylan said. “Or do you mind?”
“Why? Why do you want to take his seat?” She asked, surprising herself. Her voice had even been firm, she knows she should be excited Dylan wants to sit beside her but . . she’s not, she’s flummoxed instead.
“Well, I’m going to get up when he gets here” Dylan said, sitting.
Layla stared at him and he smiled sweetly at her.
It had the same effect on her and she found her whole body turning jelly, she was starting melting under his gaze and sweet smile.

She turned sharply to the front of the class when she heard gasps and a gasp escaped her throat too. Seeing a part of Dan’s cheek covered in plaster and his lower lip bruised.
“Dan” She found herself muttering under her breath, her heart racing fast at what must have happened to him.

Anne had told her he was busy . .

He got to his seat and Layla was still so occupied with different thoughts to say anything to him or notice the anger on his face.
She noticed he wasn’t sitting, he was standing in front of his seat and then she realised Dylan was seated on his seat and wasn’t getting up!

“Get up” Dan said and Dylan acted like he wasn’t the one referred to.
OMG . . Layla breathed, sensing the trouble looming.
“You said you would get up when he’s here, you should. This is Dan’s seat” She said, not at all satisfied with Dylan’s behavior, he had said he would get up when Dan gets here and he’s doing otherwise.
“Well . .” Dylan said, getting up. “I didn’t realize he was here, I never thought a ‘Kung Fu master’ would ever sustain an injury and it even looked like he was beaten” Dylan laughed mockingly before walking away to his seat.

“Dan what ha..” Layla was saying.
“Don’t ever! . . ” Dan interrupted her coldly and she blinked at him, bewildered.
“Don’t ever! Allow anyone take up my seat just because of whatever uncontrollable feeling or weakness you have for them!” He added angrily and she stared at him, stunned.


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2 years ago

Poor layla would cry her heart out because Dan is angry

2 years ago

Jealousy, dan is in love. I hope Layla realises soon

2 years ago

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