HER LAST WISH Episode 14 – 16 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 14 by Azeemah Salami

“Felia” Layla smiled.
“Hey Layla” Felia wave with a smile, before going to sit at a table.
“I should go take her order” Layla said to Aria who nod with a smile.

“How are you?” Felia ask Layla as she got to her table.
“I’m good Fel,excited to see you”
“Believe me, same here. Been dying to see you again since i left here on Saturday”
“Really?…well,if that’s to flatter me,you succeeded” Layla said and they both laugh.

“So,what’s up? What would you like to order?”
“Uhm.. Nothing, at least for now”
“Your aunt isn’t around,i guess” Fel peered around the cafeteria.
“Then sit with me” Felia smile.
“Uhm..You think if my aunt was around,i wouldn’t sit with you?”
“Yeah,after see how wide her eyes went when she saw you sitting with us the last time. ” Felia said and Layla laugh.
“That was because i was supposed to be working”

“Don’t your friends visit?” Or rather…you don’t sit with them when they do?” Felia ask.
“Well..i don’t have other friends asides you guys”
“Are you being serious?” Felia couldn’t hide her surprise.

“You’re in high school and you do not have friends until you met us? why? that’s pretty unusual.”
“Yeah..it is” Layla sigh.
“Did you decided not to have friends until you get to a certain age?” Felia asked, curious to know the reason. It was unusual for a teenager,a beautiful one at that .. not to have even one friend.
“Well..not everyone finds making African a friend a normal thing to do like you guys did..” Layla said and Felia raise a brow.
“You mean no one wants to be your friend because you are…” Felia trail off when Layla nodded.

“OH MY…WOW, the whole school turned against you? for being something you had no control over?”

“My classmates especially but it’s all good now, meeting you guys made up for all the years of loneliness for me” Layla smile happily.
“Oh no, don’t give me that pity look” She added with a chuckle, seeing how Felia looked at her.
“I keep trying to think how you survived for years in the midst of .. everything” Felia said, feeling sorry for Layla. It must have been so tough for her.
“My parents raised no weak girl” Layla says, wearing a small smile.
“Obviously,I’m glad we’re here for you now. Those pieces of shits do not deserve you anyway” Felia scowl.

“And thanks for the books! It’s been so long i read a book so old and rich in culture. I enjoyed it,just waiting for the two dickheads to be done with theirs so we can swap”
Layla chuckle.. “How’s Rylan?”
“He’s fine, being a pain in the head as always” Felia groan and Layla laugh.
“Say hi to him for me”
“I will” Fel nod. “They both actually didn’t know i’ll be coming here,they would have come with me”
“Oh,was wondering why you came alone too”

“Wow . . i should have just sat down” Layla said,realising how long she’s been standing.
“Told ya” Fel said, sticking out her tongue.
It made Layla laugh again.

“Gotta go, Layla” Fel glance at her wrist watch.
“I should get back to work too. I hope you come around soon again” Layla says with a smile.
“I will, bye” Fel kiss her cheeks and wave at Aria who wave back with a smile.


“Felia came around yesterday” Layla told Dan immediately they sat in class.
“Yeah” She smile.
“She didn’t tell me anything”
“She didn’t have to” Layla shrug.
“Uh” Dan raise his brows in a playful manner and Layla laugh.

He smile, he has realised he love seeing her laugh. She does it so heartily.

“You and Rylan do make her feel left out and now she’s found me!” Layla says gleefully.
“I knew Rylan and I were in trouble when i made you and Felia meet each other” Dan shakes his head,wearing a sour look and Layla laugh again.
He smile, watching her laugh.
“You laugh so beautifully and heartily” He had to say.
“Thank you” Layla smile, flushed. The compliment had taken her by surprise.

“Here we go again” Dan murmur as a teacher walked in.


“This is so chilled” Layla says as she sips her juice.
“I can tell from the cup” Dan says, eating almost hurriedly.
“I wonder why it seems like you’re in a hurry” Layla savors the taste of the chilled pineapple juice.
Anne recommended it to her when they met at the food counter and she didn’t regret changing her juice flavor today.

“I am, i need to visit the library”
“Alone? You don’t want me to come with you?” Layla ask, she find herself wanting to go with him everywhere.
“I wasn’t sure you’d want to come and I don’t want to impose it on you”
“You didn’t even ask me..” She looks a bit pissed.
“I’m sorry” He says, looking as apologetic as he feels.
Layla nod… “It’s fine”

“So if I hadn’t asked, you would have gone off…”
“Nah… I wouldn’t do that” Dan interrupts. ” I was planning to tell you once I’m done eating”
“You do ask me to come with you every time and I do, I wonder why you think I wouldn’t want to come with you today” Layla say without humor.
Dan sigh…She seems pretty offended to have being left out in the plan to go to the library after lunch.

“I’m sorry Layla, to be sincere…I deliberately didn’t ask you to come with me” Dan confesses.
“What? Why?” Layla stops eating her doughnut halfway.. blinking hard.

Did she offend him?

Will he stop being her friend?

She almost shudder at the thought, she has gotten so used to Dan,and to think she’s just realising that now. Wow.

“C’mon it’s nothing serious” Dan almost laugh, seeing how funny she looks.
“I just don’t want you to feel overwhelmed by our friendship. We’ve never been apart since we became friends except when we’re in our various houses. I don’t have a problem with it though but i feel you might want some breathing space,some minutes alone and you probably don’t know how to say it to me so…” Dan trail off.

“That’s not true, I don’t have a problem with it too. Why would I want some breathing space? You’re not suffocating me, you’ve never. You’re my best friend and I would never get tired of being around you. I’m disappointed you could think that way”…
“Don’t you know best friends stick to each other always” She adds with a pout, facing her now ‘less chilled’ pineapple juice.

She raise her head to Dan’s direction when he didn’t say anything for minutes and found him staring at her, unblinking.

Is he lost in thought?

This is so unusual of him.

She was about calling him when he sigh loudly.
“Are you okay?” She ask and he nod.

“I’m sorry for thinking that way Layla” He said.
“It’s fine.. Is that the reason you looked so lost in thought?”
“No..I was stunned by how highly you think of our friendship. With the way you spoke, one wouldn’t even know you’ve been without friends for years”
“Whoosh, I’m flattered” Layla said and they laugh.
“So.. Layla, would you come with me to the library” Dan ask.
“You don’t even have to ask,I’m coming with you anyway” Layla roll her eyes and Dan laugh.

“It was great seeing you upset though” Dan tease and Layla hit his arm playfully.
He laugh once more and continued rushing his meal.

“There’s actually a bo..” He was saying when he notice Layla’s attention was somewhere else.
Dylan was approaching their table and Layla’s gaze wouldn’t leave his face.
Her heart is probably in her throat already with how lost she looks.
Dan sigh, swallowing his meal.

He wonder what Dylan was coming to do at their table when Dylan who looked like he was going to stop at their table, walked past them with a smirk on his face.

Layla swallowed hard, returning her attention to Dan.
She smiled shyly at Dan, embarrassed.
She knew he had been watching her.

“There’s nothing to feel embarrassed for. Let’s go to the library” Dan said after gulping a glass cup filled with water.


“You and Rylan are so annoying!” Felia yelled, so Dan could hear her in the bathroom where he is presently freshening up.

She is sitting on his bed, waiting. She arrived shortly after Dan got back from school and got into his room to hear the shower running and then she knew he was still freshening up..
She’s pissed at him and Rylan for not finishing the books Layla gave them yet. Rylan hasn’t even started his… She’s done with hers, eager to swap with them but the assholes are delaying her.

“Fel, help me select fresh wears, I’m almost done” Dan shouted from the bathroom and Felia roll her eyes before getting up from his bed.
“Bitch, I know you just rolled your eyes” Dan shouted, like he was in the room with her when she did that.
They know each other so well that they could detect their next moves.

“Wizard” Felia said to herself,laughing as she open his wardrobe.
Her eyes roam his wears for some seconds before she pulled out a pair of pale green linen shorts with a black sweatshirt.
She lay the wears on the bed and sit down.. sighing.

Dan finally stepped out of the bathroom with a grin on his face . . He knew what Felia was pissed at him and Rylan for. Rylan already called him to warn him before Felia arrived at his house and he had quickly ran to the bathroom when he heard her voice from the living room.

“Who are you to think your grin will subdue my anger, It’s actually annoying me more. Stop grinning like a fool or I’ll hit you with this pillow ” Fel said through gritted teeth and Dan started laughing.
She ended up hitting his wet body over and over with the pillow while Dan just kept laughing.

“I’m so pissed at you and and Rylan .. what’s taking you both so long? We do finish a book in a day or two.. it’s going to three days already and you guys aren’t done yet, delaying us from swapping. I’m tired of reading mine over and over again. It’s not fair! ” Fel complain.
“I’m sorry” Dan pouts. I’m actually almost done with mine … I swear. I’m gonna read the rest tonight and we’ll swap tomorrow . I promise”
“You should better do that” She bats her eyelashes as she drops the pillow back on the bed. She sat down and sigh deeply.

Dan figured immediately that she was bothered about something.

“Hey, what are you worried about?” He ask getting into the shorts she had selected for him. He drop his body towel on his dressing chair and sat beside her before putting on his sweatshirt.
Fel rarely get worked up over things or rather she rarely shows she’s worked up over something and whenever she makes it obvious,then it’s really bothering her.

Dan drape his arm over her shoulders and pull her close . “Felia Summers, what’s bothering you?”
Felia smile, she does whenever Daniel calls her by her full name, no matter how bad her mood is.

“It’s nothing so serious..it’s just Jacques. He has been acting unusual. I feel he’s starting to avoid me” Fel shrug.
“Really? Have you tried talking to him about it?” Dan ask. Jacq is one of his numerous friends and Fel’s boyfriend at Prestige high school.
“I tried talking to him about it but he’s not giving me the chance to, he doesn’t want to talk to me, giving flimsy and irrelevant excuses. It’s so unlike him and it’s getting me really worried” Fel looked downcast.

Dan sigh, patting her back. “He might be going through something and doesn’t want to bother you about it”
“No, I don’t think that’s the case”
“It might be, it might not, we can’t be sure . Do you want me to talk to him about it?” Dan ask and Fel shook her head.

He sigh. “Are you sure?”
“If you keep looking this way, I won’t have any choice than to talk to him” Dan states.
“I think you might be right, he might be going through something and doesn’t want me worrying…or what else would make him turn that way. I should be patient, till whatever is nothing him stops” Fel says, consoling herself with those words, she looked a bit better.
“Good” Dan smile.
“But i really wish he can talk to me about it” She prodded.
“Good guys like us don’t always want to bother girls” Dan tease and laugh when Fel roll her eyes.

“Can’t believe Jacq could make you look that bothered for the first time in months, you rarely show your emotions Fel . . And this Jacq guy,you must really like him”
“Of course, I would never have dated someone I don’t like”
“We all know you like him. But never knew you liked him this much” Dan said, he was worried because he could tell deeply inside him that Jacq was close to breaking Fel’s heart .. It wouldn’t have been a problem if Fel didn’t like him this much. Looking this down just when he’s starting to avoid her shows how devastated she would feel when he breaks her heart. She would be so hurt and that really bother Dan.
“I like him so much now” She smile, shrugging.
Dan nodded, returning her smile and trying to keep his concern out of his face.

“Jennie sent her greetings” Fel says and Dan didn’t know if it was hearing her name for the first time in days that made his heart beat faster or he still has feelings for her.
“Oh . . Say hi to her for me” He swallowed.
“Are you going to invite her for you parents Thanksgiving party?” Fel ask and Dan didn’t respond for seconds. He hadn’t even thought of sending an invite to her.
“Do you think I should?”
“Of course, you’ve always invited her. I know the both of you are over and all .. but not inviting her just because she broke up with you would make you seem petty and you’ll make her have the thought that ‘you’re yet to get over her ‘ C’mon Dan” She punch him lightly on the arm.

“Okay, gonna send an invite to her today. But, what if she doesn’t come?” He ask.
“That’s her problem, you shouldn’t be bothered by that. You’ve done your part by inviting her. Wait . . .” Fel suddenly pause, looking like she’s examining Dan closely.
“What?” He ask, wondering what she’s up to this time.
“Are you still yet to get over her?” Fel ask slowly and it seem as though she’s holding her breath while waiting for Dan’s answer.
“I don’t know” Dan says. He really do not know if he’s over Jennie.

Fel sigh.

“I really do not know . . . I swear, but when you mentioned her name . . my heart . . ” He pause, looking at Fel.
He knows she understands what he meant.

“Oh Dan” She says softly, almost in a whisper. They all knew how much he love Jennie, it’ll be so hard for him to get over her . What’s Fel’s just so pained about is that Jennie didn’t even seem to care, she’s still being her goofy self around the school with no single worry on her face since she broke up with him. Felia had almost thought Jennie was never in love with him to begin with. And here he is, finding it hard to get over her.
“Don’t give me that pity look, I’ll be fine” Dan assured.

“Daniel, I know it’s hard but you just have to get the fuck over Jennie, she clearly doesn’t care about you anymore, she hadn’t even seem affected by the break up, she’s going in with her life even with more enthusiasm ” Fel cleared and Dan wouldn’t lie he felt a bit hurt . Well . . He hadn’t expected her to brood over it when she had been the one who broke up with him.
She obviously hadn’t cared enough about him or she wouldn’t have broken his heart.

“I actually did not really think of her since I resumed Ocean High or rather I tried not to think of her .. Until now that you mentioned her, I had thought I was over her but clearly there are still some feelings left . . I’ll try to get rid of them ” Dan said and he knows it’s easier said than done. Even Fel knows that too.
“Good! This is the Daniel Keyes I’m familiar with” Felia grins, raising her palm for a ‘high-five’ Daniel smile as their palm collided.

“What of Layla? Have you invited her?” She ask and he almost smile at the mention of her name.
“Not yet”
“Why?” She ask,with a raised brow.
“Chill..I’m waiting till it’s Friday”
“Whyyyyyyy” Fel drawl with furrowed brows.
“Isn’t it okay?”
“It’s not, you should invite her sooner so she’ll shuffle it within whatever plan she already have for Sunday”
“You really want her to come, don’t you?”
“Of course i do” Fel smile. She really likes Layla.

“Okay.. okay, I’ll do just that” He nod, almost rolling his eyes.
“Good Boy” She tease and he finally roll his eyes.

Felia laugh.

“Pies anyone?” Anne ask loudly through the door.
Dan and Fel look at each other in horror, knowing how bad Anne’s pies always taste. They both scurry under the blanket, holding their laughter.

“Pies anyone??” Anne ask again and they know she’ll be coming in soon.
“We’re sleeping” They both shouted and ended up bursting into a rib-aching laughter.

HER LAST WISH Episode 15 by Azeemah Salami

“Heyyo!!” Layla smiles as she got into the car, sitting beside Dan who is seated beside Anne who look like she was sulking.
“Good morning to you!” Dan smile back at Layla, who was now positioning her backpack on her Laps.
The driver started driving. “Hi Layla” Anne said slowly.
Layla turn to look at her, noticing her tone didn’t sound cheerful as usual and she was sulking. She wondered what was wrong with her and then turn to Dan, searching his face for answers. He grin naughtily, and that made Layla relax a bit, knowing it wasn’t something serious with the way Dan was grinning but she should ask anyway.

“Anne are you fine?”
“I’m not” Anne blink fast through her eyeglasses.
“What’s wrong?” Layla ask, sitting upright.
“Dan and Felia made me waste the Bridie pies I made for them yesterday. They refused to eat it, claiming it wasn’t good enough after I spent hours in the kitchen and when my mum got back yesterday, she ended up scolding me for wasting the pastry” Anne explained, looking at Dan with disapproval.
He sigh, resting his head on his palm. He couldn’t count the times he had apologized to Anne.

Layla turn to Dan, looking at him accusingly, demanding an explanation.

“God” He groan, the piercing gazes from Layla and Anne at the same time was too much to bear. He wish he could disappear from their middle.
He almost turn to the driver for help but Paul was too focused on the wheels.

“Anne, for God’s sake, the pies were burnt!! you couldn’t eat it yourself” Dan finally said in defense, after their looks almost sent him out of the car.
“Even before you knew the pies were burnt, you and Fel lied that you were asleep. That means you wouldn’t even had eaten it anyway. So you don’t have excuses” Anne pout.
“I already apologized for that . I’m sorry Annette please” He said looking so sorry that Anne didn’t have any choice than to forgive him.
She stared at him softly, making the ‘lastborn’ face.
Dan almost laugh but he knew better.
“He’s truly sorry Anne” Layla said.

“He’s forgiven” Anne said, facing the window.
Dan laugh as he pull her close, kissing her cheeks. She ended up laughing too and Layla smile as she watch them.
“You’re so cute when pissed” Dan tease, releasing her from his grip.
She pull his ear lightly and he faked a sound of pain.
“Your gazes almost killed me. Damn” He groan and Layla and Anne laugh.
“That’s what you get for pissing one of us off” Anne said.
“I’m never going to do it again” Dan made a crying face and they laugh again.

“So I guess Anne is not so good at making pies” Layla said.
“I try my best” Anne press her lips together.
“C’mon, it’s nothing to feel bad about. Even the world best cook fail at making certain meals. I can help you become better at making pies though. I’m quite good at it. Different types of pies ” Layla wink.
“Really? ” Anne face lit up. She was almost perfect at making other meals but she never succeeded at pies, she has tried severally, looking recipes and procedures online but she never got it right.

” Yeah, I have a book of recipes and easy procedures made by my mum. She was a baker by hobby and if she had wanted to commercialize it, she would have made loads of money because she was just so good at it . I’m going to lend it to you and all you just have to do is follow the procedure, practice it . . I’m eighty percent sure the book will groom you and if that doesn’t work, I’ll have to take you some oral classes on it. Im sure one of those options will work out” Layla smile.

“Thanks so much Layla” Anne said excitedly and Layla knew if Dan hadn’t been in their middle, Anne would have hugged her with how excited she looked.
She was a bit surprised Anne hugged her anyway, not even caring how uncomfortable it made him feel.
Layla had to laugh with the way Dan groan in discomfort.
Anne finally let go of Layla and Dan sigh in relief.
“Thank you Layla” Anne smile.
“I’m gonna get you the book tomorrow”
“Thank you” Anne said feeling so grateful.
“C’mon it’s nothing” Layla shrug.
“It’s something to me” Anne said and Layla smile.

“You should thank me too” Dan said.
“Why?” Anne ask.
“If I had eaten your pie, you wouldn’t have been pissed… Layla wouldn’t have known you are not good at making Pies, she wouldn’t have offered to help you” Dan said, smiling.
“Gosh” Anne shook her head and Layla laugh.
“Whatever, I know you wouldn’t want to admit it but that’s true. ” Dan stick out his tongue playfully.
“You’re a clown” Layla laugh.

Paul pulled into the school parking lot and they got ready to alight.


“This is just so hard for me to see everyday” Chloe whimper, watching Dan and Layla walk to their seats together.
“What are you going to do about it?” Sabrina ask.
“Are you asking me that? Are you all not supposed to have come up with something for me?! ” Chloe almost yelled.
Christy sigh . . . “Chloe, to be honest Dan isn’t like other guys”
“What do you mean? You mean he’s got pussy?” Chloe hiss, looking angry.
“Not that . . It’s just that I’ve never even caught him once staring at you. He doesn’t seem to be interested in you at all”
“That’s because that fat African enchanted him to focus on her alone” Miranda chip in.
“You all promised to come up with something for me but nothing yet! They keep getting closer, now, it’ll be difficult to pull them apart!” Chloe sigh, glancing at Dan and Layla. A fresh anger brewing in her.

“Are you planning to pull them apart” Rina ask.
“Of course! How else will she get Dan to notice her” Mira answered.
“I think you should focus on the plan of getting him to notice you. Trying to pull them apart is only going to waste your time, they seem inseperable to be honest” Christy said.
“Exactly my thought” Rina said and Chloe seem to be thinking about their opinion.
“You both are just so lame at times, how is Dan gonna notice Chloe when obviously Layla has all his attention” Mira said .
“I hope you’re not so blind to see how close they are! Trying to pull them apart is going to take a lot of time. You’re the lame one here” Sabrina retort.
“You’re the lame one!” Mira shouts in Rina’s face.
“You are!” Sabrina shouts back.
“You are!” . . . They yell in each others face, entertaining their classmates until a teacher walk in.


“I feel the movie is overrated, it didn’t meet my expectations in any way” Sarah said to her friends. They were enjoying their lunch in the cafeteria.
Anne and Jessie had recommended the movie to her and they had talked so highly of it.
“I feel its not, you just didn’t find it interesting or rather were you distracted while watching it?” Anne ask.
“I wasn’t . . I concentrated fully on it, it just wasn’t interesting to me” Sarah said and Anne shrug, continuing her meal.
“Everyone I recommended the movie to appreciated it, you just don’t find anything interesting! That movie was great, just because it didn’t meet your poor expectations doesn’t mean its overrated. ” Jessie hiss.
She feels so offended that Sarah thrashed one of her best movies.

“That was my own opinion of the movie. Everyone is allowed to have different opinions on things. I didn’t find it interesting does not mean its not. Grow up Jess” Sarah chew on her fries.
“Whatever” Jess roll her eyes. “Just know, I will stop recommending movies to you, you are so ungrateful”
“C’mon Jess, its not that deep” Kate said.
“I thanked you when you recommended the movie to me. Not finding it interesting now means im ungrateful? Wow” Sarah gave a surprise chuckle.
“Chuckle all you want, all I know is I’m never going to recommend a movie to you again” Jessie said.
“Do whatever pleases you. Do I look like I care?” Sarah shrug with a roll of eyes.

“Heyyyy” Dan and Layla wave at them as they walk past their table, each holding a tray of what they got for lunch, heading towards an empty table.
“Heyyy” Anne and her friends wave back with smiles.
Jessie was still smiling even after Dan and Layla were seated, starting to eat. She still haven’t gotten over her crush for Dan.
“They are always together” Sarah smile admiringly at them.
“After Anne, Layla is still the closest to Dan in this school” Kate said.
“I envy her” Jess said sullenly.
“So many girls do too” Kate said.
“The hate on Layla will be so much more now, especially amongst the girls” Sarah said.
“Dan actually relates with other girls too, he relates with everyone, he’s just closer with Layla ” Anne said.
“So many girls are vying for that closeness, they don’t just want to be said ‘hi’ to and smiled at every time” Jessie sigh.

“The sooner you let go of that crush you have for Dan, the better. You’re just going to break your own heart if you don’t stop” Anne advise.
“There’s no harm in trying” Jessie shrug.
“Of course, do whatever suits you ” Anne smile.

“Y’all wont believe Layla is willing to help me on how to be better at pies!” Anne announce excitedly. Of course, her friends also knew how bad she is at. “She’s a genius at it, her mum was too. She’ll be lending me her Mum’s recipes book tomorrow, i’m so happy!” Anne grin.
“Wow” Kate said.
“That’s so nice of her” Sarah smile.
“She doesn’t have any choice than to reciprocate you guys kindness. After all, she now rides in your car to school and back home” Jessie roll her eyes.
“Layla is not someone like that! She would have offered to help regardless of that and Point of correction, we made her start riding in our car, she never wanted to . . maybe it was even because of blabbermouths like you that she refused at first” Anne hiss at jess for the first time and she looked clearly offended. Her friends stared at her in surprise, Anne has never talked to any of them in this tone, she was the coolest and sweetest among them .

Kate clear her throat and Sarah swallow hard while Jessie continued staring in surprise. . She couldn’t believe Anne who has never even defended herself defended Layla,even calling her a blabbermouth in the process. Anne is never someone to speak that way not even when she’s pissed but Layla changed everything.
Her hatred for Layla grew, almost exploding.

They continued their meal in awkward silence . . .
“My parents will be hosting a Thanksgiving party on Sunday by 4pm and I’ll like you to come” Dan said to Layla whose mouth was almost filled with pasta.
She stare at him, not knowing what to say.

How was she supposed to respond?~
She has never been invited to a party.~
What would Phil say?~
She doubt if she even has outing dresses . . ~
Why is she starting to feel nervous already? . . It’s just a party.~
And it’s still on Sunday.

“We would really like it if you can attend… Me, Fel, Rylan and Anne” Dan smile, hoping Layla would say yes.
“And of course, we will understand if you wont be able to” Dan assure her, he doesn’t want her to feel they are gonna be offended if she choose not to attend.
“No, I’m gonna attend” Layla blurted . . she doesn’t see any reason not to attend the first party her best friend is inviting her to. Phil might not agree immediately but surely after much persuasion. And the party is by 4pm, she would have been back from church before then and for the dress . . well, she’ll figure that out. She can’t wait to tell Aria, The thought of attending the party suddenly appeals and excite her. She hasn’t attended one since she became a teen.
“Really? You’re gonna attend?” Dan ask.
Layla nod and his face lit up with a smile. He had almost thought she was going to say no .

“You thought I wasn’t going to honor your invite?” Layla ask.
“Yeah . . You looked like you were going to say no”
She laugh ” With how I stared after you told me right?”
“Exactly” Dan chuckle.
“This is the first time I’ll be getting invited to a party since I became a teen, so when you told me . . Different thoughts came rushing in my mind but I didn’t see any reason not to honor your invite, as a matter of fact, I’m excited at the prospect. ” Layla grin.
“Wow . . it seems I keep breaking the ‘firsts’ in your life” Dan said humorously.
“Why don’t I start calling you ‘Mr Firsts’ ” Layla joked and they laugh.

“I’m actually glad you’re excited to be attending the party. I assure you that it’ll be fun, it has always been fun” Dan wink.
“I cant wait” Layla smile.
“And thanks for inviting me” She added.
“C’mon, its what friends do ”
“Well…thanks anyway”
“Lets quickly finish our meal before lunchbreak is over” Dan said.


‘Meet me in the shop immediately you’re done freshening up” Layla read the note Phil left behind on the table.
She drop her backpack and hurried to her room, peeling off her schoolwears even before she got to the bathroom.
Philia rarely leaves such note..so she guess it must really be urgent.
She headed to the café after dressing up, her hair wasn’t even completely dried. Cool breeze massage her wet scalp as she hurry towards the shop.
She walk in and was surprised to see Phil on an apron, making coffee and serving customers with Aria nowhere to be found.

‘Has Aria quitted?’ Layla thought dreadfully as she made her way to Philia who looked relieved to see her.
Layla followed her to the counter, resisting the urge to ask what’s going on.
Phil looked tired and angry and the apron even looked funny on her. Layla would have laughed if she wasn’t worried about Aria’s whereabouts.

“Take over” Phil said, untying the apron and hair cover and throwing it at Layla who caught it.
“Where’s Aria?” Layla ask as Phil turn to leave for her office.
“Will you stop questioning me and get to work immediately!” Philia half yelled and Layla set to work immediately.
“Well…” Phil started in a cooler tone. “She got a call that her daughter collapsed in school”
“Oh my God!” Layla exclaimed, her eyes widening.
“You’re free to allow your huge eyes fall off but not in my shop . . I got a call from her not long ago and she told me Jane was now conscious”
“Thank God!” Layla let out the breathe she hadn’t even realize she was holding. She felt so relieved.

“Yeah,so get to work” Phil said and walked to her office.
“Aria must have been so worried” Layla sigh as she set to work. She’s so glad Jane is fine now. Though secretly happy Phil got to experience how tedious the work can be.
She smile to herself as she started brewing fresh coffee.


“Taa…daa!” Dan heard as he walked into his room, with someone jumping right in front of him.
He was so startled that he almost ran out of the door.
“Fuck! You scared me” He groan, seeing it was Fel. She dissolve into giggles, landing on the couch in the process. Dan was forced to laugh too.

“I came to get the book” She finally said after their laughter subsided.
“No, you came to scare me” He corrected and she laugh again.
“I didn’t mean to, you got scared”
“Whatever” He roll his eyes playfully, dropping his backpack.
“So . . the book, you said you’d be done with it by today. Can I have it?” Fel got to her feet.
“I’m not done with it” Dan said sitting, he was teasing but he wore a serious look. He almost laugh as he hope Fel doesn’t pounce on him.
“You’re joking right?” She ask.
“I’m not” He answered, maintaining his serious look.
“Gosh! I cant believe this. ” Fel scowl.

“Chill.. I’m done with it, was just teasing” He laugh.
“Arrgh, was about pouncing on you” Fel raise up her tightened fists.
“I know, that was the reason I quickly spoke up, would have loved to tease you longer” Dan chuckle.
“Asshole” Fel said as she searched his bag for the book.
“You look hundred percent sure that the book is in my bag”
“That’s because I’ve searched your shelf for it and it wasn’t there . . Found it!” She grin, pulling out the book from his bag.
“I’m off. See ya” She said, swirling out of the door before he could blink.

“Wow” He shook his head.
He started pulling his shoes and socks, and when he was done, he got to his feet to go freshen up. His eyes landed on his bed and a smile lit his face when he saw Fel already picked out fresh wears for him.

“I love you bitch!”

HER LAST WISH Episode 16 by Azeemah Salami

“Aria. .” Layla call happily as she walk into the shop to see her by the counter.
Though she knew Jane had been conscious since yesterday but she hadn’t expected to see Aria in the shop today , she thought she would remain with her daughter for some days.
She had even planned to find out the hospital from Phil and go check on Jane.

Aria stretch out her arms, smiling as Layla approach her. She miss her, even though it was just a day they didn’t see each other.
Layla fell into Aria’s outstretched arms, smiling.
Phil roll her eyes before removing her gaze from them.

“How’s Jane?” Layla ask.
“She’s fine now” Aria sigh.
“I didn’t think I will see you in shop today, why didn’t you spend more time with her before resuming?”
“She’s very fine now, even ready to leave for school today if we had allowed her” Aria smile.
“Yeah, it was a minor thing. Though I was so worried when I got the call but on getting to the hospital, the Doc assured me it was nothing serious and when I saw her, it was indeed nothing serious. She looked so fine that I almost doubted if she truly collapsed.”
“What was the Doc’s diagnosis?”
“She fell unconscious due to the wave of dizziness that hit her while she was playing on empty stomach and I tried to get her to eat something before she left for school yesterday but Jane is just so stubborn” Aria sigh.

“Oh .. It happened because she missed breakfast.”
“You should really make sure she doesn’t miss it again”
“Of course, she also knows better than to argue with me about breakfast now” Aria said.
“I’m so glad she’s fine now” Layla smile.
“Me too, I almost collapsed myself when I got the call” Aria laugh.
“I also knew you would have been so worried, So who’s with her now?”
“Dave, he wouldn’t leave her side since yesterday” Aria roll her eyes and Layla laugh.
Aria has always gotten jealous of Jane and her father’s bond, Jane was closer with her father than she was with Aria.

“Anyway, I miss you” Aria smile and Layla grin.
“Me too, I was so bored yesterday and Phil wouldn’t stop yelling at me. Yunno she had to take over when you left, she was so angry to have worked that much before I returned from school and I’m so sure she would have pulled me out of class if she could” Layla said looking around slowly before they both exploded in laughter.
“She got to experience how tedious the work can be for one person”
“Yeah and I’m glad for that, she’s gonna have to treat us with more respect now” Aria said.
“I doubt that though” Layla shrug, getting into her apron and hair cover before proceeding to wash her hands.

They spent minutes making coffee and attending to customers, they got to rest when everyone was fully served.
They were on their feet, knowing another customer might walk in any moment.

“Dan invited me to his parents thanksgiving party on Sunday and I agreed to go” Layla beam as she told Aria .
“Wow, Great” Aria smiled. Glad Layla is finally going to attend a party!
She’s finally enjoying her teen privileges.
“I’m yet to tell Phil though” Layla sigh.
“Why? You should”
“I know right, I should and im going to. But what If she refuses to allow me attend”
“Well…Knowing Phil, she might refuse at first but after much persuasion, she should concede” Aria assured.
“I hope so”
“And I don’t think she’s gonna even refuse to allow you attend the party, you’ve not attended any since you started living with her, she should be excited for you and readily give you the permission” Aria said.
“Yeah she should but we’re talking about Phil here. Well…I might be lucky if she’s in a good mood”
“I hope Phil wont be cruel enough not to allow you go”
“I hope so too”

“And.. there’s another little problem” Layla smile shyly.
“What is it?” Aria ask.
“Dress… I don’t know what to wear and I don’t think I have something suitable for the party” Layla press her lips together.
“And the fact that its a thanksgiving party to be hosted by his parents made it seem more difficult to know what to put on” Layla added and Aria smile, glad Layla confided in her on the dress issue.
“Actually .. I understand how you’re feeling, you feel you have to wear something close to extravagant because the party is being hosted by his parents?” Aria ask and Layla nod.
“No, you shouldn’t feel that way. I’m sure you have enough beautiful dresses in your closet but you just feel they are not suitable enough just because of the party hosts. Stop that thought, Pick a dress you like in your closet, something you know you’ll feel comfortable in, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a dress filled with glitters and all. You’d look beautiful in anything Layla, trust me. ”

” Thanks Aria, I’m so glad I told you about it, its been bugging me”
“Remember you can always come to me for anything, im always here for you”
“Thank you” Layla said, close to tears.

What would she do without Aria . . .

“I hope Aria’s daughter is fine now?” Dan ask Layla, raising his head from his book.
They were seated in class and he had been reading while waiting for the teacher to come in.
Layla told him about Jane yesterday.
“Oh, she’s now very fine. Aria resumed yesterday”
“Really?” Dan’s eyes widen.
“I was surprised to see her too” Layla chuckle.
“Her daughter must be perfectly okay then”
“Yeah, I’m so glad”
“Oops, Mr Blaine is here”
“You know what Layla, just approach him if you really like him” Dan said and Layla turned to him with flushed cheeks.
They were done with their first class, waiting for the second teacher to come in when Dan had noticed Layla was lost staring at Dylan again.
“You don’t even concentrate in class, all you do is stare at him. You should move to him if he really affect you that much” He advise.

“Really?” Layla ask and he nod.
“You think that’s the right thing to do?” She ask, looking hopeful.
Dan swallow hard. He knows Dylan is not the right person for Layla but the rate at which she stares at him in class without concentrating is gonna affect her grades.
And the most annoying thing is Dylan doesn’t even seem to care, he had even told Dan he doesn’t like Layla and even his actions proved he doesn’t , but what to do . . . when Layla wouldn’t take her gaze off him.
She should approach him .. Perhaps Dylan will be touched to make her happy by considering her and then she would stop staring longingly at him in class, knowing she owns him already. Dan really hope that will work out, its the only thing he can think of at the moment .

He would have loved to really tell her to forget about Dylan and throw whatever feelings she has for him in the thrash but she looks happy whenever she stares at him. And of course he’s not ready to make her unhappy. Besides, making her forget Dylan and the feelings she has for him seems almost impossible, he was once in love and he knows that look in Layla eyes whenever she stares at Dylan.

“You really like him right?” Dan ask and she nod shyly.
“Then do it”
“What if … ” She trail off.
“He doesn’t feel the same” Dan completed and she nod.
“If Dylan doesn’t feel the same way, you shouldn’t take it to heart. you shouldn’t blame him or hate him for it, the heart chooses whom to love, he has the right to love anyone …just like you do, just like everyone do. I know it’ll hurt but you’ll get over it eventually” Dan says suddenly feeling more right about her approaching Dylan. It’ll make her know her stand , he kind of feel she knows Dylan doesn’t feel the same way but she’s under the illusion that she might have a chance with him. Approaching him is the best decision, it’ll make everything clean clear to her.

“Okay, i’ll do that.” She sigh.
“You don’t have to if you’re feeling uncertain about it”
“No, I’m only nervous.”
“Whatever the outcome is, don’t feel so bad about it. We wont always get what we want and that’s fine” He said, so she wont feel so down at Dylan’s response cause he certainly knows Dylan doesn’t feel the same.
“Thanks Dan ” She smile.
He wink.

“And you really have to concentrate in class this time” He said as they watch Miss Margaux walk in.
“I will”
“Promise?” He ask and she chuckle.

And then….she concentrated fully in the classes they had before lunchbreak . . .


“Hiii” Dan smile at Anne and her friends as he gently place his tray of lunch on their table, sitting beside Jennie, oblivious to how happy it made her feel.
“Hey Dan” They respond.
“Where’s Layla? why aren’t you eating with her?” Anne ask and Jess almost roll her eyes at her.
“She’s quite busy at the moment, she’s going to join me soon and so I decided to eat with you guys till she’s done” He said. Layla is with Dylan in the classroom, it had taken some time before she finally gathered the courage to approach him and when she did. Dan left to the cafeteria.
“That was very thoughtful of you” Jess smile.
Dan smile back at her and started eating.
“So…” Layla swallowed hard, standing in front of Dylan with sweaty palms and flushed cheeks, they were just few students in the class with them but Layla was oblivious of their presence. Dylan had her unwavering attention.
Her heart was the only thing that moved and it did not only move but was thumping fast and hard against her chest.
Dylan was standing in front of her… Gazing directly into her eyes, for once, she had his full attention too!
The thought almost made her inside melt.

“Layla” Dylan call finally, when it seemed like she wasn’t going to say anything.
Hearing her name jolt her out of whatever fantasy she had thrown herself in and she felt embarrassed to have kept mute for too long, keeping him standing when he was supposed to be having lunch.

Gosh . . Layla.

“I’m so sorry” She said.
“It’s fine. You said you have something to tell me, im all ears” He said, trying to hide his impatience.
“I .. I . . I ” Layla stammer and Dylan groan inwardly. He was fucking hungry!! and this girl is keeping him waiting by stammering. Fuck!
“You what?” He ask.
“I I .. I ” She sigh and shut her eyes tightly. No, she cant do this. She cant seem to get the words out of her mouth, it felt like something was holding back her tongue and it was so annoying she almost cried.
Dylan bit his lower lip as he lower himself onto a desk, sitting.

She finally opened her eyes and was startled to see him shorter than she was, she sigh in relief when she realize he was sitting on a desk.
His legs must have been aching, gosh . . she felt so terrible.
She couldn’t tell him she had nothing to say after making him wait for this long or he’s never going to take her serious again.
Okay…maybe she knows what to say.

“I know we were starting to . . talk and then something happened and you’ve totally ignored me since then. If you’re holding back from talking to me because you think i’m still pissed over .. the truth or dare saga, I want to let you know that im not pissed over it, i’m cool with it, I know it wasn’t intentional so I didn’t take it to heart. If you’re still feeling bad about it, then you should stop and lets continue saying hi to each other, lets continue being cool with each other” Layla concluded, totally satisfied and surprised at her courage. She felt so proud of herself at that moment that she almost hugged herself. She has been wanting to say that to him for quite long and she finally got to.

“I’m sorry about how my comment must have made you feel then, thanks for not taking offense over it and i’m very glad you approached me to amend our relationship that was just starting to grow” Dylan said calmly and Layla felt like she was in the sky.
“So.. We are cool now right?” She beam.
“Of course” He smile and her inside melt.
“Okay” She blush.
“Can I leave for the cafeteria now?” He ask, still smiling and anyone observant enough would tell the smile was forced.
“Of course, I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting”
“It’s fine. See ya” He got to his feet and walk away after flashing her a smile.
Layla smile back shyly and she exploded into a happy giggle after he walked out of the classroom.
Dan smile as Layla narrate everything to him happily.

It wasn’t what he had wanted but as long as it made Layla happy, then he’s cool with it.

“Phil…” Layla started.
They are having dinner and she feels this is the best time to tell Phil about Dan’s parents Thanksgiving Party. Seem as though she’s in a good mood now but Phil can be so unpredictable.
She will be so happy if Phil could allow her attend.

“Dan invited me to his parents Thanksgiving party on Sunday, and . . I told him i will attend, I swear im not going to stay out late, the party will be starting by 4pm, I promise to be back anytime you want me to, I …”
“You can go” Phil cut her short.
“What?” Layla opened her mouth in astonishment.
“You heard me right, and close your big mouth before I change my mind” Phil scoff.

“Thank you” Layla grin happily.




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2 years ago

When will Layla see that Dylan doesn’t like her I hope soon I want her with dan