HER BABYs SECRET Episode 71 – 72 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 66 - 70 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 71 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: The only witness

 Arike’s POV 

A loud gasp was heard in the court from the spectators and even the prosecuting attorney was speechless. I was sure that Shalewa would be shocked to find out that I had recorded our conversation that day.

“It is clear that Mrs Shalewa framed her husband just to enact revenge on him and she doesn’t feel remorseful about her deeds. My lord, with your permission I shall now call a witness to confirm the facts of text messages and test results. I call Doctor Nelson.” Bamidele said.

“Doctor Nelson!” The court bailiff called out.

Doctor Nelson stood up from where he was seated and went to the witness box. The court bailiff came to the front of the box.

“What’s your religion?” He asked.

“Christianity.” Doctor Nelson replied.

The bailiff handed him a Bible and Doctor Nelson took it in his right hand.

“Please repeat after me.” The bailiff instructed.

“I swear by almighty God, that everything I shall say in this court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

Doctor Nelson repeated after the bailiff before going back to his seat.

“Please tell this court your name.” Bamidele said.

“My name is Ajibade Nelson.” He answered.

“What is your occupation?” Bamidele asked.

“I am a doctor at Bradjos hospital.” He replied.

“Look at that man in the accused stand, can you justifiably say that you know him?” Bamidele pointed Adedayo.

“Yes I know him.” Doctor Nelson nodded.

“And for how long have you known him?” Bamidele asked again

“I have known him for over a decade now.” Doctor Nelson responded.

“And what’s your relationship with him?” Bamidele requested.

“He is my very good friend. We went to the same university and he has really helped me a lot over the years.” Doctor Nelson replied.

“Have you ever by an chance see him treat any woman unfairly?” Bamidele asked looking straight at Adedayo.

“No..Adedayo is a good man.” Doctor Nelson answered confidently.

“Doctor Nelson can you please tell this court what you know about his marriage.” Bamidele said.

“About two years ago, Adedayo came to the hospital to tell me about the problems he was facing in his marriage. He complained that his wife was cheating which didn’t make him moved to make love with her. He thought that he wasn’t active sexually but after listening to him I figured that he has a psychological problem. The fact that his wife has been a cheat even before they got married has made him less sexually attracted to his wife. He also told me of how his wife has to get him drunk just for them to make love as a couple.” He narrated.

“Tell the court what advice you gave to your friend as his consultant.” Bamidele requested.

“Adedayo suggested a divorce but I advised him to have a chat with his wife with a hope that things would work out. I even fixed him up for a therapy section to help him get better.” Doctor Nelson explained to the whole court with sincerity in his expression.

I have never heard this part of the story about Dayo.

“And did he expressed any form of anger whenever he came to see you?” Bamidele asked.

“No..he was never angry instead he blamed himself for everything that was happening in his marriage.” He answered.

“And did he tell you the reason for blaming himself?” Bamidele asked.

“Yes he did…” Doctor Nelson paused and focused on Adedayo. “He stated that he only married her to help his family business and I also tried to motivate him to move pass that notion.” He completed.

“And how was the therapy section?” Bamidele asked again.

“He got better until his wife cheated on him with an upcoming actor. Adedayo stopped seeing his wife and only went home whenever he wanted to see his son. And there are times when Shalewa tried to get him drunk again so they could make love.” He said.

“Please tell this court how Dayo found out Jamal wasn’t his son.” Bamidele said.

“Few months ago he came to my office and showed me the message he got from actor Charles Adams. So I suggested that he run a DNA test on his son and the results proved that Jamal wasn’t his son. That is the reason why Dayo made up his mind to file a divorce. I was solely involved in every decision he made and on the day of the incident his plan was to tell his wife to sign the divorce papers or else he would be forced to tell her family about the DNA results. The only call I got from him was to bring an ambulance to his home that his wife tried to kill herself by falling off the stairs intentionally after hurting him.” Doctor Nelson explained.

The spectators made several sounds of disgust and contempt.

“Order!” The bailiff shouted.

“No further questioning, my lord. But lastly I have with me another text message Mr Charles sent to me explaining the reason why he decided to tell my client the truth.” He handed the court clerk the white sheet.

“My client’s wife never stopped seeing her ex and the only reason why he texted my client was because Shalewa refused to grant him custody of his child.” Bamidele explained to the judge

Another disapproving sounds from the spectators made the judge hit on the gravel.

“All evidences I have tendered to this court are enough reasons to prove my client is not guilty.” Bamidele bowed slightly before walking back to the defense bench.

It was surprising how the prosecuting counsel didn’t object or say a word before the judge announced a recess.

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 72 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: Victory at last

         Arike’s POV 

   •••15 MINUTES LATER•••

“All rise the court is now in session.” The bailiff announced.

The judge entered the courtroom and sat at the bench and then she told everyone to be seated.

She called out the counsels to give their closing statements. The prosecuting counsel pointed out that justice be served for his client while the defense attorney pleaded not guilty and asked the judge for a fair verdict for his client.

The female judge cleared her throat. “In all things, justice must be served. I have the statements of the counsels and I have also looked into the evidences presented by the defense counsel. And this is my verdict.” The judge paused and the whole courtroom was silent.

She cleared her throat and spoke up after some seconds of studying Adedayo and then Shalewa before focusing on whatever was in front of her.

“I am dismissing this case for lack of evidence from the prosecuting counsel. And I find you, Awosika Adedayo not guilty of the charges against you.” The judge said.

And they was a loud cheer in the court room before the bailiff called everyone to order.

“The accused is acquitted and for Shalewa Oriola, you are to pay a sum of 50 million naira for defamation of character and public humiliation to the accused within 48 hours.” She readjusted her eyeglasses.

“This case would also serve as a lesson so many parents to never try to use your children for selfish purposes and amongst many other factors. This case is closed.” The judge hit the gravel again.

“Court…Arise!” The court clerk screamed.

We all stood up as the judge walked out of the courtroom.

Tears welled up in my eyes as a loud cry of joy and cheers was heard among the spectators.

Dayo was now a free man!

Mrs Moyosoreoluwa and her parents went to meet Dayo where he stood wiping his face wet with tears.

I watched as Shalewa slapped her attorney which threw the courtroom in absolute silence.

“You should have told me that you are not competent to defend me in court!” She screamed out in frustration.

Everyone became to murmur to each other’s ears.

“And you..” she pointed to Adedayo. “This is not over!” She grimaced.

“It is over..and don’t forget you have to pay my brother 50million naira. You have just 48hours to credit him…and you time starts now.” Moyosoreoluwa said with annoyance in her tone.

“Trust me..this is not over!” She shouted before storming out of the court.

The reporters filmed the whole scenario while some followed her outside the court room. Some reporters rushed to have a word from Adedayo as he moved out of the courtroom with Bamidele and barrister Prosper and his family guiding him.

I stayed back in the court and listened to every bit of words people around me commented on this case.

“I am happy for him o.”

“Serves Shalewa right.”

“No..they should have confined her to a psychiatric home.”

“I came all the way from Ikorodu to witness this court drama.”

“Did you see her face when she realized that she lost the case?”

“She is a disgrace to womanhood.”

“My sister..even motherhood join.”

People commented as they walked out of the courtroom until I was the only left in the room.

I stood up and went to the center of the room with my gaze fixed on the judicial logo hanging in the wall of the judge bench.

That seat has once been part of my plans but here I was standing without a hint of any of those dreams on my mind. Every dream I had died down because I wanted to be devoted to my child.

And now what next? Finally Dayo was free and I was left with a promise to fulfil to my child.

“Arike…” a familiar feminine voice called my name.

I turned to see Mrs Moyosoreoluwa there in the court room.

“I thought you didn’t attend until I saw you when I was about to leave with my family.” She folded her arms.

I just nodded my head.


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3 years ago

Thank God Justice prevailed.

3 years ago

Justice at last