HER BABYs SECRET Episode 7 – 11 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 2 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 7 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: Hidden feelings

Arike’s POV

“Oya oya the gist o!” She chanted as she sat down.

“Wait, I hope there’s no bad news?”

“Oh no..no..bad news ” I settled in the chair facing her direct with a glass of orange juice on the table.

“So..I am listening.” She swallowed the food in her mouth.

“I..erm…I had dinner with Bamidele during the week.” I said.

She looked up at me. “For real?”

I shook my head in response. “I thought you said -“

“I don’t wanna have anything serious with him.” I completed her intended sentence.

“Exactly! So have you changed your mind about him?” She asked.

“I don’t know yet. We just had dinner as friends, nothing more.”

“Well I still don’t know why you won’t give bamidele chance. See grade one husband material! But no o! It’s uncle -“

I cut her off. “Please sister mi, let’s not go down that lane.”

“I have said you my own, sheybi now he’s off market. You better wise up.”

“Do you still want to hear the gist or not?”

“This one I am saying doesn’t make sense right?” She frowned.

“I didn’t say that o.”

“I should shut up abi?”

“No…I didn’t say that -“

“You don’t have to open your big mouth to say it before I know!”

“Stop misinterpreting my words.” I pleaded.

“Please continue before I will vex and say you should keep your gist.” We laughed.

“We bumped into Dayo and Shalewa at the restaurant.” I explained what you already know to her.

“But what does Dayo have against Bamidele?”

“Seriously,I don’t know.”

“You should have asked him.”

“I did asked him but he wouldn’t open up to me.”

“Well…maybe Bamidele once snatched his babe in school.” Busayomi pondered.

“I don’t think that’s the case. I have this feeling it’s more deeper than what you just said.”

“Dayo shouldn’t think of making you stay away from Bamidele for his selfish reasons.” She mumbled to herself.

“What selfish reasons?” I asked with a confused look.

“You’re so clueless, Arike.”

“Tell me what selfish reasons are you talking about?”

“Think about it. And what I will say is that Dayo is having fun with Shalewa plus they’ll be getting married soon so you shouldn’t waste your time sitting around here thinking of how you will stay away from Bamidele.”

She was done eating now. I helped her take her plates to the kitchen.

“And guess who visited me today?”


I rolled my eyes. Bamidele doesn’t even know my place lest to talk of coming to my house. I didn’t let him pick me up or even drop me off at my place after we had dinner.

“Dayo?” She tried again. I shook my head. “Abeg spill it, you know I am not good at guessing.”


“Ahn ahn wetin she dey find?”

I narrated what happened to Busayomi and all she did was laugh for a long time.

“Seriously sister mi?! It’s not funny o. My heart almost came out of my chest when she said it straight to my face that I am in love with Dayo.”

“Ahn ahn isn’t she right?”

“What do you mean?”

“What are we talking about?” She replied

“Shalewa.” I responded.

She leaned forward. “So aunty are you in love with Uncle Adedayo Awosika?” She asked with a serious face.

“No! You shouldn’t think like Shalewa too! You of all people should know that Adedayo and I are just bestfriends.”

She stared intently at me. “Then why are you scared and concerned about Dayo finding out that you and Bamidele are together?”

“Bamidele and I are not together.”

“Because Dayo asked you to stay away from him right?”

“This is not about -“

“And you choose to obey Dayo?”

“No! I wouldn’t have had dinner with Bamidele if I wanted to obey Dayo.”

She shook her head hopefully in understanding. I only agreed to have dinner with Bamidele because of what she said plus I saw no reason to avoid Bamidele because Dayo asked me to.

“To be honest you have to stop doing some things just to make Dayo happy.”

“You don’t understand.” I avoided her gaze.

“Think about yourself too. You deserve to be happy.” She said softly.

I nodded in agreement. “Dayo wants to talk to me.”

She rolled her eyes. “After avoiding you and not replying your texts and calls? Who does he think he is? He feels he can just boss you around.”

“He’s not bossing me around. Sister mi, I feel Dayo has a good reason for asking me to stay away from Bamidele.”

“See babe..Hmmm -” she paused.


“Never mind but all I know is that the Bamidele I saw that day doesn’t look like a bad person.”

“And what if he’s pretending to be good just to get me?”

“I don’t think so. Listen whether Dayo likes it or not there’s nothing he can do if you and Bamidele are meant be together.”

“I don’t think we are meant to be toge -“

She cuts me off with a glare. “Stay there and be saying nonsense. Don’t wise up before it’s too late. Be waiting for Mr Right to look at you.” She stood up. “Please I need to rest.”

Busayomi walked away to the bedroom while I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

I don’t understand why she’s against Adedayo, probably because she likes Bamidele for me but Dayo was against it.

Busayomi wants me to give Bamidele a chance but she can’t understand my feelings. No one can understand. Perhaps does she have an idea?

Oh God I need to do something before I ruin someone else’s relationship. Nobody really has to know,all I have to do is play along and act like everything was fine.

“I’ll get over it.” I mumbled to myself.

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 8 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: what’s the occasion?

Arike’s POV

“I don’t understand why your stubborn boss wants to see you on a Sunday.” I grumbled as I helped Busayomi carry her bag to the car.

She planned to leave on Monday morning but then her boss called up to bring some files she picked from the office to his house.

“It’s strange how your boss wants to see you. Can’t he wait to get the files on Monday?” I continued grumbling.

“I don’t know if it’s -“

“Arike please my ears are full. I am a secretary more or less like a personal assistant so he can call me up anytime. He’s a businessman.”

“I don’t believe it’s just work related. Work on Sunday? Who does that?”

“My boss does that.” She replied with a laugh.

“Perhaps are you hiding something from me?”

“Something like what?”

“Anything about -“

She interrupted me sharply. “Hey! Aunty! Stop right now! If you are thinking I am having an affair with my boss then dead that thought!” She eyed me.

“I didn’t even say anything.” My boss shrugged.

“My boss is a good looking man but I don’t like him. And remember I have a boyfriend.”

“Which boyfriend?”

“Seyi of course.”

I rolled my eyes. Durrrhhhh. “Well I hope your so called boyfriend is able to speak of you like this to his friends and family?”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Sister mi I don’t understand why you’ll be dating someone for close to five years now and you don’t know his friends or family.”

“Arike please let’s not go down that lane.”

“Your wish.” I stepped back from the car so she could close the door.

“Don’t forget everything I said to you.” I shook my head in understanding. “I will give you a call when I get home.”

“Take care of yourself and tell you boss to be careful if he doesn’t want me to serve him a court note.”

She laughed. “I’ll constantly remind him that my baby sister is a lawyer.”

We laughed. “Bye bye.” I waved and watched her drive out of my compound.

My phone rang as I turned back towards the house. It was a call from Bamidele.

“Hello Damsel.”

“Hi Bami.”

We exchanged how are you’s.

“Are you enjoying your Sunday?” He asked.


“Your sister is still around?”

“No, her boss called her up to bring some files to his House.”

“Ouch! Now you’re home alone.”


“What do you intend to do?”

“Prepare for the new week.” I responded.

“And after the preparation?”

“Review a case.”

“And?” He asked again.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion as I thought for second. Why was he asking me these questions? But nothing came to my mind.

“What would you do after reviewing the case?” He asked again.

“Probably read a book.” I responded.

“Okay..seems you have everything planned so don’t let me interrupt your plans.”

“What about you?”

“Home alone trying to kill boredom with video games.”

“Oh! Okay.”

“I’ll be stepping out soon to buy dinner, do you want to join me?”

“Me? I have enough food at home.”

“Oh! So why don’t you invite me for dinner?! Don’t be selfish, Arike.” He chuckled.

I was taken aback by his words. Should I really invite him over for dinner? I am aware Bamidele can’t cook. And he told me that he always eat out or order food whenever he’s too stressed to drive out to buy food. Life of a bachelor who can’t cook.

“Arike, I was -“

He snapped me out of my thoughts. “Yes! What did you say?”

“I was only trying to make a joke about you inviting me for dinner at your place. I mean.. well since you already have plans for today then we can have dinner some other time.”

I don’t think it’s a bad idea to invite him over for dinner. An inner voice said to me.

“I’ll talk to you later.” He said.

“No! Wait!” I said quickly.


“I have food…so it’s okay for you to come over for dinner.”

“No you don’t have to do that because it was a joke.”

“I am serious. I don’t really having anything doing and you are bored too so we can keep each other company till night falls or anytime.”

“Okay..okay what time should I come over?”

The time was 4:00pm. “Is 6 okay?” I asked.

“You should be the one to decide since you’re the host.”

“No..you decide.” I said.

“Okay..six is fine by me. It’s cool. I’ll be there.”

“Okay.. I’ll text you the address.”

“I won’t be needing it.”


“Oh no! I mean -” he paused.


He sighed. “Arike, we worked together on a case for a long time and you think I won’t know where to live?” He asked.

Well I was kinda stupid to hide my place from him when he already knows where I live. At the last dinner when he offered to drive me home I refused and it was obvious that I had pushed him away so he wouldn’t know my place. I ordered Uber in place of a free ride. Right now I feel so embarrassed and I don’t know what to say.

“I am sorry. I shouldn’t have found your place without your consent.” He apologized.

“No..no.. it’s alright.”

“Okay….i’ll see you later.”

“Bye.” I disconnected the call.

I set off to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. I decide to cook Rice,turkey stew and catfish pepper soup because these are his best meal.

I finished cooking and cleaning around 5:30pm. Thirty more minutes and Bamidele will be here. I should take a shower because my body stinks from too much sweat from cooking and cleaning.

I didn’t take too long in the bathroom,it was like the quickest bathe I have ever had in my life. I was a bit nervous about Bamidele coming over for dinner. I kept thinking if I was doing the right thing. All I truly wanted was distraction from my feelings.

I rushed to my phone when it beeped. A message from Bamidele.

“I am sorry, I will be late for dinner. I have to take my dog to the clinic but I won’t take long.”

I already set the table. I shook my head in disappointment. I wasn’t happy even though he had a good reason for turning up late for dinner.

I shrugged off the feeling of disappointment. “He has to take care of his dog who happens to be his closest friend. He’ll be here soon and I hope his dog is fine.” I whispered to myself as I sat on my couch and turned on the TV.

Some minutes later the doorbell rang. Who could it be? Bamidele? Perhaps was he playing a prank on me? Silly boy!

I rushed to the door without looking through the small gap on the door.

“Ba -” my intended word was cut off when I saw who was at the door.

My smile dropped. “Oh..Dayo?”

“Were you expecting someone else?”

“Come in,” I stepped aside for him to walk in. ” You didn’t tell me you were coming.”

“Sorry about that but I wanted to surprise you.” He flashed me his best smile.

“You should have at least send me a text.”

“Here.” He handed me the paper bag in his hands. “I brought your favorite chocolate.”

“Thank you.”

“Aren’t you happy to see me?”

“Don’t I look happy to you?”

“Okay I know why you’re giving me cold attitude. I am sorry.”

“About what?”

“Everything..whatever it is that’s making you act -” he sniffed the air.

“Are you cooking something?”


He gave me a wink. “Five star Chef…I can smell something delicious.” He sniffed again.

“Wow! Smell like my favorite – catfish pepper soup!” He made an attempt to rush into the kitchen.

“No..I mean…” He stopped at the dinning table.

“Wow! Food?! What’s the occasion?” He asked.

I was quick enough to stop in from opening the bowl of pepper soup on the table.

“Arike, what’s with all these food on the table?”

“Cover it up before it gets cold.”

He obeyed. “You don’t eat much but why cook plenty?” He asked. No response came from me.

Dayo didn’t tell me he was coming over and Bamidele would be here anytime soon. I don’t know what to do to stop these men from seeing each other. Adedayo would be so pissed once I tell him Bamidele is coming over to my place.


Theme: He is gay

Arike’s POV

“Perhaps are you expecting someone? Oh wait! Lemme guess Busayomi is coming right?” He asked.

“No, she just left few hours ago.” I answered.

“So why is there so much food on the table?” He asked again. No response.

Why am I scared right now?

“Did you predicted my visit and cooked my favorite?!” He smiled. “Awnnnn that’s so cute. You’re such a darling.” He patted my head.

“No Dayo -” I stopped him when he tried to hug me. “I didn’t set the table for you.”

“Okay…” He settled in one of the chairs.

I summoned the courage to say the words. He can’t kill me but I am just worried about what he would say and how he would react.

“Bamidele is coming to have dinner with me.”

He dropped the plate he was holding and looked up at me. “You’re kidding right?” He chuckled. When I say chuckle – it was devious.

“I am serious.” I said.

“No you can’t be serious!” He shouted and I jumped. I should have prepared for his reaction.

“I invited him over.”

He stood up and stood in front of me, looking straight into my eyes. “Arike?” He placed his hands on my shoulder blades. “Why are you so stubborn?”

I moved his hands away. “My stubbornness has nothing to do with anything.” I said.

“Oh really? Why set the whole table for him? Is he your boyfriend now?!” He was furious.

“Dayo stop over- reacting!”

“Answer me Arike! Is he your boyfriend?!” He yelled.

“No he is not my boyfriend.” I responded.

“Fine..fine..” he breathed out. “I don’t want to see him around here. So you better call him up and cancel this dinner.” He sounded like he was commanding me. And I hate being told what to do and he knows that!

I laughed. I think I have heard enough.

“The last time I checked you don’t own me. I can do whatever I want. I can invite anyone – this is my home!”

“Don’t you get it? I don’t want to see you with Bamidele!” He blurted our.

“And why is that?!”

“You shouldn’t be seen with someone like him.” He replied.

“I will be the one to decide that not you.” I walked back to the living room.

“Arike don’t you dare walk away from me, I am not done talking.” He hated that shit of someone walking out on him and I purposely did it to make him angry.

“Dayo…please don’t tell me what to do.”

He blocked me from watching the TV. “Babe,” he sighed. “I don’t like your friendship with that guy.”

“What’s wrong with him? You keep telling me to stay away from him without giving me a good reason.”

Few seconds passed before he answered me. “Never mind. Just stay away from him.” He tried to walk away but I blocked his pathway.

“Tell me why?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Okay…then I won’t stay away from him. And as a matter of fact I have decided to give him a chance.”

Well I only said that to try to make him tell me the truth about Bamidele.

“You better don’t try it.”

“Maybe I’ll change my mind if you tell me the truth about Bamidele.”

“Oh! So all these while you’ve hanging out with him, you still don’t know how true colors?”

“We only went out once but we’ve been friends for a while now.”

“Well Bamidele did a great job at putting up a facade so you can fall for him.” He clapped his hands. “Bravo! If only you know his true colors then you won’t be here preparing dinner for him.”

“Go straight to the point. Tell me what you know about Bamidele.” I pestered him.

“Ask him this question once he arrives. For me…I am not going anywhere and I won’t let him into this place.”

“Seriously? If you are not going to tell then I don’t care!”

“It’s best you stay away from him!”

“Don’t tell me what to do.” I snapped.

“A good attorney shouldn’t be seen with a man who hits on other men!” He hissed and flopped down on the couch.

I stopped in track and turned to face him. “What did you just say?”

“Are you deaf? Which of the words I just said did you not hear?” He eyed me.

I was confused. “What do you mean by a man hitting on other men?”

“Bamidele is gay.” Adedayo answered.

My jaw dropped completely.


Theme: Dinner goes wrong

Arike’s POV

My jaw dropped completely.

“Do you need a shock absorber?” He grabbed the remote and tuned into a football station.

I could hardly believe what Adedayo just said about Bamidele. I bursted into laughter as I settled in one of the couches.

“What’s so funny?” He gritted with a huge frown on his face.

“Bamidele is gay.” I laughed.

“How can he be gay?”

“Oh! You think it’s funny?” He hissed

“Oh course! I know you’re just making things up so I would stay away from Bamidele.”

“Why on earth would I come up with such a thing if it’s not true. You should know me better than this, Arike!” He said with annoyance in his tone.

I stood up from the couch and went to sit beside him.

“Ade, are you being serious right now? Like Bamidele is gay?”

“If you think I really joking then ask him whenever he comes. Well I am sure he would deny ever being gay but I am a solid witness.”

Adedayo was damn serious. What the heck?! Bamidele is Gay! But why has he being on my neck lately?! I stood up and began to pace.

“Seems like someone is heartbroken!” He whistled.

“I am not heartbroken! I am just shocked.”

“I warned you not to get attached to him but you didn’t listen to me.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before now?”

“Well..he begged me not to disclose it to you on the agreement that he would tell you himself. But that bastard didn’t make an attempt because he claimed to not be gay anymore. But I am sure he’s trying to be bi-sexual since he likes you.”

“This is unbelievable!” I am beginning to get goosebumps all over my body.

“Well you have to believe it.”

“Is that why you hate him so much?”

“That son of a devil-“

“Dayo!” I cautioned him

“Sorry….I don’t like him. I hate him!” He spat.

“Because he is gay?”

“Maybe..but -“

“Any other reason?”

“Yes I have many reasons to hate that fool.”


“Back then in school, he asked me to be his girlfriend! Can you just imagine?!”

My eyes widened again. “What?!” Jaw dropped.

“Yes.. remember that year I came to your hostel with a bloodshot eyes?”

“Yes..yes…you said it was an accident that happened on your way back from school.” I answered.

“Well..I lied. Bamidele and his boys beat me up because I refused to date him.”

“Oh my God!” I gasped out.

“Bamidele had some gay buddies, it was like a secret group.”

“Ade,why did you hide all these things from me?”

“He threatened to kill me. I was so scared of what he would do to me. But now I am not afraid aymore. That jerk doesn’t deserve to be a lawyer. He is very terrible person.” He hissed.

We lapsed into silence. I was lost in thought. Bamidele is gay and even made a hit in Adedayo. The sound of doorbell interrupted my train of thought.

“Talk of the devil… I’ll get the door.” Dayo stood up but I stopped him.

“I will get the door.” I said.

“Your wish.” He mumbled before sitting back on the couch. I went to the door.

“Hi.” He greeted

“Good Evening Bamidele.” I replied.

“You must be really mad at me.”


“Sorry I am late. I had to -“

“Take your dog to the clinic.” I completed his intended statement. “I got your message.” I feigned a smile.

“I brought some groceries you might need.” He handed me two bags.

“You shouldn’t have bothered yourself. I…Erm -“

Should I let him in? God! I don’t want to be judgemental but I still can’t accept Bamidele’s sexuality.

“Won’t you let me in?”

“Oh! I am sorry…come in.” I stepped aside for him to walk into my home.

Bamidele was surprised to see Dayo.

“Well you didn’t tell me we would be having him around for dinner.” He whispered to me.

“Sorry…” I mouthed.


“Stop whispering behind my back.” Dayo said.

I cleared my throat. “Please take a seat.”

“Good Evening Dayo.” Bamidele greeted.

“And what’s so good about the evening?” Dayo replied in a harsh tone.

“Dayo!” I cautioned.

“What?! There’s no need to entertain him just ask him the questions you wanna ask to confirm what I told you. I am sure he won’t lie about it.”

“What are you talking about?” Bami asked.

“What’s your -“

“Dayo please not now.” I cut him off.

“Well…it seems like I am not welcomed here. I will just take my leave.” He stood up from the couch.

“You don’t have to leave coward.” Dayo laughed.

“I am not a coward!” Anger lit up on Bamidele expression. Dayo was pushing him too hard and I have to stop him before they both end up fighting.

“Then why try to leave?”

“You are like this because you don’t you like seeing me with Arike. Are you jealous?”

“Stop acting like a child.” Dayo stood up to face him.

“And why should I be jealous of someone like you?!” Dayo snorted. “I hate you! I can’t stand seeing your face!” Dayo yelled.

“Dayo…that’s enough.” He jerked free when I tried to hold him.

“Just look at you… putting up a facade of a good man whereas you are a devil.”

“Dayo,that’s enough!” I screamed. “I know the truth about you.” I mumbled to Bamidele. I recognized the look of understanding in his expression. He knows what I meant by the truth.

“That I used to be gay.”

I nodded.

“Used to? Or you’ve chosen to be bi-sexual now.”

“That’s not true!” I snarled.

“Hey who gave you the right to raise your voice at me?!”

I stopped Dayo before he could charge at Bamidele what was ready for him too.

“I know you hate me because I asked you to be my girlfriend. But I already apologized to you.”

“I don’t need your lame apologies!”

“So what should I do?”

“Stay away from Arike, you gay bastard! And if you are not careful I would sue you and write a petition again you for being gay.”

“I am not gay anymore.”

“Dayo….calm down.”

“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down!”

“Can you stop being aggressive over this issue! And let’s talk like matured minds.”

“I don’t need to talk to him. Just tell him to leave. Jeez! I still don’t know why you invited him to your house.” He snarled in anger.

“I’m sure if I wasn’t here he would have tried to rape you.” He hissed.

“I wouldn’t do something like that to her or any woman!” Bamidele countered.

Dayo laughed. “Oh! Convince me! What about those boys you raped when they refused to be gay!”

Those words are terrible to the ears and it made Bamidele silent.

“Am I wrong?!”

“I…I…” Bamidele stuttered.

“Can’t you talk?!”

I turned to Dayo. He was taking things too far and personal.


“Tell him to leave!”

“If you say anymore words ,I will throw you out of my house.”

“Like seriously?” He asked surprisingly.

“Try me.” I said with serious face. Them he sat back on the couch.


“I’ll take my leave now.” He grabbed his jacket and walked out before I could utter any word.

I didn’t miss the look of embarrassment on his face. Adedayo really crushed Bamidele with his words.


Theme: Sharp Tongue

Arike’s POV

“Is he gone?” Dayo asked.

I grabbed a throw pillow and slapped his head from behind.

“Ouch! Why did you do that?!”

“That’s for being too hard on Bamidele!”

“Oh now..you’re taking sides.”


“Trying to defend your boyfriend?!”

I eyed him. “You were too harsh on him!”

“Like I care..”

“One day you’ll kill someone with your words.”

“I wish he had died.”



I shook my head. “You should have allowed him have dinner before talking about him being gay. Now my food is going to waste.” I hissed.

“I will have dinner with you. And if we can’t finish it, I’ll pay you for the waste.” He stood up.

“And I’m throwing the groceries away.”

I grabbed the bags on the table before he reached for it.

“You’ll keep it?”


“Whatever..just stay away from him.”

“Don’t tell me what to do!” I snapped at him.

“Okay.” He raised his hands up. “I am hungry.” He motioned towards the dinning area.

Dayo and I had dinner and talked till around 11pm.

“When are you leaving?” I asked for the umpteenth time.

“Soon.” His phone beeped.

“Okay o.” I focused on the work which I was tending to on my laptop.

“Hey…” He said. I couldn’t hear what Shalewa was saying on the other end.

“I am with Arike. No..no I am not coming over to your place. And you can’t visit me at my place too.”

“I have work to do. And I don’t think Arike would like to have you at her place by this time.”

I looked up at him. “Whatever happens is your fault…not mine. I will talk to you later.” He disconnected the call.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

“So why did you do that?” I asked

“What did I do?”

“Don’t give that Innocent face.”

“I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Are you fighting with your fiancee?”

“No.. we’re good.” He shrugged.

“So why don’t you want to see her?”

He stared intently at me. “You’re too sensitive,Arike.”

“No..I can tell some -“

“I am spending the night here.”


“Why ask me why?”

“Don’t you have work to do at your place anymore?”

“Babe do I have a job?” He laughed.

“No.” I answered. He doesn’t have a job but he is richer than those who are working.

And it seems like Dayo was trying to avoid Shalewa. Something must have happened between them.

“Can you stop trying to figure out if we’re good or not.” He jolted me out of thought.

“I am not trying to -“

“Can I spend the night here?” He cuts in.

“Ask politely.”

“Have been asking rudely?”

“Oya comman be going.”

“Okay..fine. please ma, can I spend the night at your place?”

I didn’t give any response.

“Should I call you mommy?”

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Mommy wa, ejor na.” He gave me a puppy face that made me burst into laughter.

“Okay..it’s your time enjoy it while it last o.”

“You can spend the night. But I want you out of my house in the morning.”

“Won’t you offer me breakfast?”

“Are you talking to me?” I eyed him.

He looked around. “Yes na.”

“No breakfast.”

“That’s not fair.” He mumbled. “I’ll go and take a shower now.”

“I am not giving you my bed tonight.”


“It’s my bed.” I grinned.

“I am not sleeping on the couch. We’ll share the bed.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“I won’t touch you, I promise.” He chuckled.

I laughed. “You’re a clown. The last time we shared a bed, I didn’t get a good sleep. Those long legs tormented me through out the night.”

“You can sleep on the couch then.” He said to me.


“Let’s wait and see.” He moved to the bedroom.


Phone Conversation

“Ahhhh..babe..I am surprised o. Bamidele is gay! One would never imagine it!” Busayomi exclaimed.

“At first I thought Dayo was joking about it. Like he wanted to use it to make me stay away from Bamidele.”

Busayomi sighed. “Hmmmm…what are you going to do now?”

“Sister mi, I don’t know o. Like I don’t even know how to approach him. As in he was embarrassed.”

“If I was in his shoes,I would have prayed for the ground to open up and swallow me. Ah! Poor boy…I can imagine Adedayo spilling words on him.”

“As if you were there. What do you think I should do?”

“Have you tried calling him?” I sighed.

“No, I haven’t called or texted him I am afraid that he won’t want to pick up or reply the texts.”

“I feel bad for him but we have to be sure he isn’t gay anymore.” She said.

“So I am thinking -” I paused.

“What are you thinking?”

“I don’t want to avoid Bamidele because of his sexuality.”

“I suggest you set up a meeting with him. I feel there’s a reason for being gay.”

“You think so too?”

She hummed a positive response. “Okay… I’ll text him.”

“Please do and get back to me.”

“Okay sister mi.”

“Take care.” I disconnected the call. I should text Bamidele on WhatsApp, fortunately he’s online.

“Can we talk about -” I paused. No, I shouldn’t send this. I concluded on deleting it.

“Do you remember what happened at my place?”

Of course he would remember! I shouldn’t start like this. Think! think!

“I’ll like to see you so -” I paused again. It doesn’t sound right as I read out loud.

I sighed in frustration after three attempts what should I type? How do I make it less embarassing?

Oh! Yes! I have an idea! I picked up my phone again and began to type.

“Good afternoon Bamidele, I hope you’ve been good? Well I think I need your help on a case I am working on. Let me know when you are less busy so I can bring the files to you.” I read it three times before pressing the send button.

I hope he replies my message soonest. I understand that Bamidele might be feeling ashamed but I don’t want to stay away from him because of his sexuality. Aside from him being gay, Bamidele was a very good attorney. He has been a great help to my cases since I met him.

I reached for my phone Immediately it beeped hoping it was a message from Bamidele. But I rolled my eyes when I read the message from Adedayo.

“Let’s have dinner together today.”

Having dinner with him means Adedayo is coming over to my place and might sleep over again. No! I don’t want Shalewa’s trouble again. The last time Adedayo spent the night at my place, she called the next morning and said some mean things to me. She asked if I would be happy if my fiance was sleeping at his female bestie house.

To be honest,I wouldn’t accept it! But come on! It wast my fault! I am in no position to kick him out of my house at that hour. And she kept asking if he said anything about her to me. Hello! Is everything okay? I have a feeling something is wrong with their relationship! But Adedayo doesn’t want to discuss with me.


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Ngbale Kpan
Ngbale Kpan
3 years ago

Being waiting for the next episode….this story is moving well

3 years ago
