HER BABYs SECRET Episode 36 – 40 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 2 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 36 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: Gist Lover

I began to sing her one of the lullabies the nannies at the home sings to the babies all the time to put them to sleep.

You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away.”

My gaze fell on a black mark on her nose and remembered where I had always seen it.

Dayo has the same mark on the same spot. One of the things to prove that she was his child but I didn’t want to think about it right now.

“Arike-“ Busayomi stopped halfway when she saw my position.

I stood up and faced her. “I was just singing to her.” I said.

“Oh! It’s alright.” She shook her head.

“Why did you tell me your mom and Mr Paul were at your place?” I asked.

“It was meant to be surprise.” She crashes down on the couch with a sigh.

“They both insisted on coming because she wanted to see Iteoluwa.”

“I feel bad that they didn’t get to play with her because she is sleeping.” I said.

“Mom had planned to spend the night here but Aunt Tito ruined everything. Oh! I even forgot to give her the small bag she brought along.” She sighed.

“We can go and say hi to her tomorrow.”

“No, not with aunty Tito at our place.” Busayomi objected.


“She will start marriage lectures like a pastor that is about to join couples together In holy matrimony..”

“Is it that bad?” I asked.

“It is very bad. The last time we talked on phone she spent close to one hour lecturing about marital life.”

“At least it was her airtime.” I laughed.

“Which stupid airtime? She flashed me at first asking if I had enough airtime and I said no. She pestered me that she had something important to say. Las las, I recharge her one thousand naira airtime.”

I couldn’t stop laughing. “At least you have an aunt.”

“Aunt Tito is a very bad aunt. If all aunties are to be like her, I would rather not have any.”

I laughed again. “Pray to have a Jehovah Witness as an aunt in your next life.” I said.

“Ahhh! Aunt Tito is a Jehoval witness.” She laughed.

“No wonder -“

“She talks like a parrot and she’s never tired.” Busayomi shook her head. “Just keep an eye on her at the wedding, you’ll see that she will want to be in charge of food.” She added.

“I think I know enough of Aunt Tito, I can’t wait to meet her in person.”

“Abeg comman freshen up.” She walked over to carry Iteoluwa to the bedroom while I followed closely with our box.

“I’m so happy you guys are here with me.” Busayomi said.

“Missing your wedding would haunt me forever.”

“Definitely!” She laughed.

Busayomi lay Iteoluwa on the bed gently but opened her eyes slightly. “Mo….mmy-“

Busayomi paved way for me to pet her back to sleep. “Shhhssshhh..sleep now my love.” I whispered.

“Oh’ let me switch on the fav.” Busayomi whispered.

“Thank you.” I said when the fan came on and started its movement in full speed.

“Is she asleep?” She asked in a low tone.

I shook my head yes. “You should rest too, I will prepare dinner for us.”

“No, I am alright let me join you in the kitchen.”

“Arike I can-“

“I have gist o.” I cut her off knowing that Busayomi never rejected gists.

“You want to use that get me, abeg rest.”

“I’m coming with you.” I pushed her gently out of the room.

“I told you to rest, tomorrow is gonna be a long day.”

“I will sleep after dinner.”

“Okay, just gimme the full gist of whatever you want to tell me.” She said.

I laughed. I said it! She will never say no!


Theme: The wedding dresses

       Arike’s POV 

We woke up as early as six to prepare ourselves for the planned visit to the fashion home to try out the wedding outfits. Busayomi as the bride, Iteoluwa as the little bride and I, the best lady with some other ladies that belonged to the bridal train. After that we would all head down to the dance center to rehearse for the couple entrance show. Everything was planned out by the event planner.

“Mommy…” Iteoluwa called.

“Come on, it is bad to talk while eating.” I cautioned her.

“I am sorry, mommy.” She mumbled before getting back to eat her food.

“It’s alright…open your mouth.” She did as instructed and I scooped golden morn into her mouth.

“Are we ready?” Busayomi walked in.

“Almost ready…”

“Wait will that cereal be enough for her? We will be out for too long o and might not return until night time.” Busayomi said.

“Don’t worry, I already packed food into a bag for her.” I showed her the bag on the table.

“Oh! That’s good.” She said.

I spooned the last portion of cereal into Iteoluwa’s mouth before letting her slide off my laps.

“Yes! We are ready!” She said in excitement.

“Wow! You are so pretty..baby.” Busayomi pinches her cheeks gently.

“Thank you.” She pouted.

I went ahead to the kitchen to wash the cup in the sink before coming back to the living room where I didn’t see Iteoluwa again.

“Iteoluwa…” I called out to her.

“She went to get her teddy bear.” Busayomi replied.

“No..not again.” I went after her.

I bumped into her coming out of the room and she quickly hid the teddy Busayomi bought for her behind her back.

“I said you should not take any teddy out today.”

“Why? I just -“

I interrupted her. “We have a lot to do today and you won’t have the time to play with your teddy.

“But I promised to let her see my dress.” She said in a low tone.

Teddies don’t talk so why does she think they can hear her and see what she wanted them to see. She treated her toys like humans and they are like her best friends.

“Mommy please….” Her eyes pleaded.

Oh no don’t give me that face, I won’t be able to resist her.

“Please…” She pleaded at the verge of crying.


“The driver is here!” Busayomi screamed from the living room.

“Let’s go.” I carried Iteoluwa in my arms to meet Busayomi.

“Thank you mommy..for letting me take my teddy.” She flashed me a smile.

“The event planner just called now, she is at the fashion home.” Busayomi informed me as we all moved out of the house.

We arrived at the fashion home owned by Mr Paul’s elder sister. She had offered to take on the expenses of the bridal dresses as well as being the designer for the little bride and bridesmaids. Busayomi has given me the full gist about Mrs Chidinma, how she had been cold towards her at first meeting. Mr Paul had his own history too. He had been married once but his wife cheating on him took a big tow on his health. He was depressed for a few months before he could move on and be his normal self again.

Long story short, Mrs Chidinma thought Busayomi would turn out like Mr Paul’s ex wife but after spending some time with Busayomi she realized that she was totally different from the other woman. She was impressed by Busayomi true love for Mr Paul which made her promise to take on the expenses for the dresses.

“Omolade!” Busayomi called out at a lady who was holding a boy of about Iteoluwa’s age.

“Oh Good Morning, we have been expecting you now.” Omolade said.

“There was traffic…please meet my sister, Arike and her daughter Iteoluwa.” Busayomi introduced her to me.

“Oh..I am Mrs Omolade Kokomo and this is my son, Jeffrey. I shouldn’t have brought him but his nanny is not well.” She explained to Busayomi.

“Nice to meet you.” I said.

“Your daughter is pretty..” she complimented.

“Thank you Ma.” Iteoluwa answered.

“Please Omolade, are the ladies ready?” Busayomi asked.

“Yes..they have all tried their dresses and it fits them perfectly.” Omolade replied.

“I can’t see…Temitope now..” Busayomi said.

The ladies around greeted her while I paid attention to Iteoluwa who whispered into my eyes.

“Is this boy four years old like me?” She whispered.

“I think so..” I mouthed.

“Why doesn’t he have like Martins hair?” She asked again.

“Because..he is a Nigerian, Martins is a white child.” I answered.

“Oh….” she shook her head. “But why is he trying to hide his face?”

“I guess..Jeffrey is a shy boy.” I whispered.

“Oh! Just like…Roberto.” She said.

I shook my head. “Roberto doesn’t like being friends with anyone.” Iteoluwa said without whispering.

“That’s because he is a shy boy.”

“You are right..mommy..I really miss the children at our home.” She sighed.

“Why? Do you want to go back already?” I asked.

“No..I want to stay..and -“ she was interrupted by Omolade who announced that it was time for us to try out our clothes.

Two attendants helped me and Busayomi into the changing room and handed us our dresses. One of them offered to help Iteoluwa with her dress and I thanked her.

“How is it?” Busayomi asked when I came out of the cubicle.

She was so beautiful in her wedding dress and it almost brought tears to my eyes. She was finally getting married, it was a dream come true for Busayomi.

“It’s beautiful.” I smiled.

“Don’t you think it is too revealing?” She pointed to her cleavage.

“I think it is fine..come on you are the bride! You have to look….what’s the word?” Omolade thought.

“Stunning!” Iteoluwa screamed.

“Oh that’s right! You are such a bright child!” Omolade gave Iteoluwa a high five.

“Elena looked bright and stunning on her wedding day.” Iteoluwa talked about one of her story books, Princess Elena.

That was where she got the word stunning from, she never ceased to amaze me.

“Okay..if you say it is fine like..but do you think Paul will like the dress? Doesn’t it make me look too big? Or too tight? Won’t they say the paparazzi on the dress is too much?” Busayomi blabbed.

“You worry too much about just a dress!” Omolade exclaimed.

“Yes she is right, to be honest the dress fits you perfectly.” I said.

“Yes godmother! You’re so pretty!” Iteoluwa stood beside Busayomi in her own white dress.

“So what do you think?” Busayomi asked her.

“I think…we..make a perfect brides! Just like the Simpson sisters!” She giggled.

Busayomi gave me a who-are-the-Simpson-sisters look. I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Oh what can I do with this child? She knows too much.” Busayomi pinched her cheeks.

“Mom..you should stand with us too.” She dragged me to her side.

“Wow!!! A bride, little bride and best lady!” She clapped. “But….what about the grooms?” She asked.

Busayomi rolled her eyes. “Temitope ought to be here by now to check out her son’s suit.” She hissed.

“Relax, maybe she is stuck in traffic…” I said.

“Alright..is your dress okay?” She asked.

“I think it is too tight..” I tried to raise my arms up but failed at it.

“I am sorry about that, we will make adjustments.” One of the attendants said.


Theme: Nosy woman


“Our wife! Our wife!” A lady in her fourties walked into the room.

It wasn’t hard to tell that she was Mrs Chidinma, the one Busayomi had given me a full gist on.

“Good afternoon ma.” Busayomi greeted.

A phone beeped. “Sorry it is mine…oh It is Temitope.” Omolade said.

“I hope nothing is wrong.” Busayomi huffed.

“I will just go out and talk to her.” Omolade moved out of the room.

“Wow! Your dress is beautiful. I hope you like it?” Mrs Chidinma asked.

“Oh yes ma and I really appreciate your help.” Busayomi answered.

Mrs Chidinma looked at me. “Oh,she is my sister.” Busayomi said.

“I am Arike, and this is my daughter, Iteoluwa.” I did a brief introduction.

“Oh..I must say you have a beautiful daughter.” She complimented Iteoluwa.

“Thank you ma.” I said.

Iteoluwa was too carried away with her dress that she didn’t even pay attention to us. She was doing several poses in front of the mirror.

“So funny and cute.” Mrs Chidinma laughed. “I think your dress is tight.” She said.

“Oh yes..but they promised to amend it.”

“Okay..you should have all the dresses by next week. I will have them delivered to your apartment.” She said.

“Thank you very much ma.” Busayomi gestured to me to help her unzip the dress.
“I am sorry I have to go now. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to call me.” Mrs Chidinma said.

“Okay Ma.” We said in unison before she walked away.

“She is nice?” Busayomi asked as my eyes trailed on Mrs Chidinma as she finally left the room.

“I don’t even know what to think.”

“Let’s wrap things up here and then head to the dance center.” She said.

“Ite, come here let me help you take off the dress.”

“Okay.” She came to me and while I was busy helping her out Omolade voice echoed in the room.

“Finally she is here o.” Omolade announced.

I peered up to look at the person, it was Temitope an old friend to Busayomi back in school days. She was holding an albino boy. I wasn’t surprised because she was an albino herself.

“Ore mi!” She screamed and ran towards Busayomi.

(My friend)

She embraced Busayomi. “I know you must be really angry at me for turning up late.” She said.

“Yes I am angry, you should keep to time now. You kept us waiting for too long.” Busayomi said.

“I am sorry.” Temitope apologized.

“Just don’t come late on wedding day or else we will fight.” Busayomi warmed her.

“I won’t come late.” She laughed

“You did not see Arike..” Busayomi said.

“Arike,” she called.

I straightened and face her. “Wow!” She gasped out.

“Wow! Long time Arike! America must have been really good to you!” She exclaimed as her eyes did a slow crawl on me then to Iteoluwa.

“It is nice to see you again.” I smiled.

“Your child?” She asked.

“Yes..” the resemblance was very clear.

“Oh my God, I didn’t know you had a child. Busayomi didn’t tell me that you even got married!” She turned to Busayomi.

Busayomi and I exchanged glances. Was it necessary for me to let her know that I wasn’t married?

“But I don’t see a ring on your finger..Perhaps you didn’t come with it.” Temitope examines my fingers closely.

“What do you mean?” Busayomi came back from the cubicle where one of the attendants helped her pull off the dress.

“I am just surprised, what’s your name? And how old are you baby girl?” She asked.

“My name is Iteoluwa and I am four years old.” She answered.

Somehow I was happy and relieved that Iteoluwa didn’t say her surname together with her name this time around.

“Oh that’s good..my son’s name is Richard but you can call him Richie and he is five.” She said to no one in particular.

“Please can you bring his suit?” Busayomi requested from one of the attendants.

“Yes ma.”

“Let me go and prepare the ladies, so we can all move after Richard has tried his suit.” Omolade said before leaving us again.

“Hi Richie.” Iteoluwa waved at the boy.

He waved back with a boyish smile. “Wow! I really love her accent.”

“What do you expect from a child that grew up abroad?” Busayomi replied her.

“Anyways..that’s true.” Temitope nodded.

“So tell me why did you relocate to America?” She asked.

Busayomi and I exchanged glances again. “Temitope, can you please tell Omolade to find out if the caterer will meet us today?” Busayomi said just to dismiss her and so I wouldn’t have to answer the question.

“Oh..oh sure.” She walked away.

I heaved a sigh of relief. That was close to revealing the truth. I don’t even know what I would have said if Busayomi had not helped.

Iteoluwa was busy chatting with Richard while Busayomi dragged me away from them.

“She is still nosy! Always poking nose in others business! I am beginning to regret asking her son to be a little groom.” She said furiously.

“Calm down..”

“Well I can’t..I would have smacked her head if she asked about your husband! How can somebody be so -“

“Our bride..can you please relax?”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay. Just avoid answering her questions..no..I will find a way to make her leave, she doesn’t have to come with us to the rehearsal.”

How long will I have to keep avoiding such questions from people? Everyone has always been curious as to why I have a child without a ring on my finger.

It was really uncomfortable for me. I love my child but being a single mom was never what I planned for myself. My past was beginning to catch up with me.


Theme: The singing doll

       Arike’s POV 

   •••••SOME DAYS LATER•••••

It was a Saturday morning, Iteoluwa had looked forward to this day ever since we got to Nigeria. Our plans was to either watch a movie or buy few things from Shoprite mall, and Iteoluwa had picked going to shoprite so she could buy a singing doll after Busayomi told her about the special pink singing doll that most of the children came to buy the day she went to the mall.

Iteoluwa was anxious about the singing doll, she has never had a singing doll except for teddy bears. And it seemed like my baby was obsessed about teddy bears if the word ‘obsessed’ is not too much for her age.

“Mom, can we go now?” She asked with excitement clear in her tone.

Iteoluwa woke up before anyone else, she had even picked out her outfit and shoes from the box and laid it on the bed.

“Why are you in such an hurry?” I asked.

Her eyes filled with obvious happiness and excitement glistened as she peered up at me. “I don’t want-“ she paused.

“What if the children pick all the singing dolls and there is none left for me?” She completed her sentence.

“We will buy another beautiful doll.” I answered.

Her happy expression faded and was filled with disappointment. “But..I want a singing doll.” She folded her arms and went ahead to sit on the bed.

I focused on applying my make up and after it was done perfectly, I stood up before the full length mirror and checked myself. I was dressed in a blue jeans that showed off my curves, a red off shouldered top and I paired it with a silver block heels.

“Baby, how do I look?” I asked my daughter who had a sad look on her face.

I knew she wasn’t happy for the fact that my make up had taken longer than expected plus my response to her about the doll was way out of her expectations.

“You look fine.” She commented without even looking at me. Iteoluwa toyed with the hippopotamus teddy in her hands.

I sighed and went to her. “Iteoluwa,” I called out her name but she didn’t look at me.

“Ma,” She continued to toss her toy around on her laps like she was punishing it.

Iteoluwa was never the type of child to throw tantrums or cry whenever she was angry or if she wanted something instead she would rather become quiet and choose not to talk to anyone. And if she was close to her toys, she would pick one out and punish it on her laps.

Over the years I have watched her raise the unlucky toy hands up or poke at the eyes or press the belly till she started to feel pity for the toy. That was her way of expressing her anger or display whatever mood she was in at that moment.

I crouched down before her. “I am sorry.” I apologized.

She shook her head. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” Iteoluwa mumbled as she lowered her head.

“My make up took longer than expected.” I held her clenched fist and collected the hippopotamus from the other hand.

“Perhaps..are we meeting someone?” she glanced up at me.

“No my love, I just want to look good. Listen we have the whole day to ourselves so let’s enjoy it okay?”

She nodded in agreement. “You are pretty.” She complimented.

I smiled and stood up and helped her up from the bed. “What do you say to the hippo?” I gave the toy to her.

“I am sorry happy baby hippo.” She kissed it.

“That’s my girl.” I kissed her forehead.

Iteoluwa went ahead to keep the hippopotamus toy in her toy bag. She looked up at me with a bright smile on her face. “I love you mommy.”

My daughter has the most beautiful eyes and whenever she smiled it shined. “I love you too. Let’s go and get the singing doll.”

“Yes! Can I get ice cream too?” We motioned out of the bedroom.

“You can have anything provided you stick to my side at the mall.” I answered.

“Yes, I will hold your hand like this-“ she wrapped her little fingers around mine. “I am with you.” We walked out of the room.

“Ready to go?” Busayomi walked out of the kitchen with a tray in her hands.

“Yes we are ready to go to the mall!” She answered happily.

“Okay my dear.”

“But are you expecting someone?” Iteoluwa asked as her eyes was focused on the tray.

“Yes, the event planner and caterer are coming around.” Busayomi responder.


“We have to go now the uber is here.” I said.

“Say me hi to Jeffrey.” Iteoluwa waved.

“Sure enjoy your day too.” Busayomi replied.

Finally we arrived at shoprite and I was beginning to regret my decision to bring iteoluwa to the mall because it was a bit packed with people in the compound. A fun fair was ongoing, and oh my God! I should have listened to Busayomi’s advise of taking my child to a cinema or a nice restaurant where she could have mince pie and ice cream like she had asked two days ago.

“Mommy..why are there too many people here? Is today children’s day in Nigeria?” Iteoluwa asked as she held on to my hand tightly.

“A fun fair is going on.” I assumed it was to advertise a brand or something.

“Oh! Like Charlie’s funfair!” She screamed.

I nodded in agreement. The children at the home always visited the children park for Charlie’s funfair every children’s day.

“Can I get a face painting?” She jumped in excitement.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. There are way too many people waiting to paint there faces.” I pointed to a long queue.

“Oh that’s right.” She said.

“Let’s just go inside to get the singing doll.” I held her close to myself. I would have loved to carry her but I was wearing a heels, I can’t risk spraining my ankles.

“Mommy..let’s have a nice treat too.” She said at the top of her voice.

Geez! The music was loud. We pushed our way through and managed to get to the entrance leading into the mall. We saw a young teenager handing out fancy balloons to some cheerful children.

“Look mom! The balloons are pretty!” Iteoluwa pointed.

People weren’t too much in the hallway, just few walking in and out of several stores in the mall.

“Excuse me..” an unfamiliar voice said behind us.

We looked back to see the teenager holding balloons. “The balloons are free gifts from our store to the children.” She gave iteoluwa a yellow balloon with ‘pretty girl and lots of stars’ imprinted on it.

“Thank you.” Iteoluwa swirled around and the balloon went flying in the air but she held on to the tiny thread attached to it.

“Wow! This is so pretty!”

“You can visit our saloon.” The girl handed me a flier.

“Okay..and thanks for the balloon.” I said.

“You are welcome.” She replied and walked back to her spot.

We walked into shoprite and went straight to the children session. Thank God it wasn’t too packed.

“Oh mommmy! That’s the doll!” Iteoluwa let go of my hand and ran to the toy aisle.

“Careful my -“ I was interrupted by my phone ringtone.

“Look mom! It is so pretty!” Her New York accent echoed in the section. Her face brimmed with happiness.

Why is she so loud in a public place. I reached out for the phone in my bag.

“Pick whatever you want while I answer this call.” I said.

“Okay mommy.”

The caller was Uncle Badejo and I picked up. “Hello Sir.”

“Arike, how are you doing?” he asked.

“I am fine sir and what about you?”

“ I am okay too. Is everything alright over there? How is Iteoluwa doing?” He asked.

“She is fine. We are at the mall, Iteoluwa wants to buy a singing doll.” I answered.

“That’s good, please make sure she visits many fun-filled places so she can be familiar with Lagos.” He said.

“You can visit the beach or go on a boat cruise.” I heard Aunty Sade’s voice over the phone.

“Okay ma.”

“And how is the wedding preparation?” She asked.

“It is going well too.” I responded.

“Thank God, please let me talk to Iteoluwa.” Uncle Badejo said.

“Iteoluwa,” I mumbled, turned to the doll area but she wasn’t there anymore. My heart skipped beat when I didn’t see her.

“What’s wrong?” Uncle Badejo asked.

“I can’t find her…I will call you back when I see her.” I disconnected the call in a rush.


Theme: Lost but found

       Arike’s POV 

My eyes scanned the area and panic set in about two minutes after realizing that my daughter was gone. At first, I told myself that it was no big deal. Iteoluwa was probably over in the children book section checking to see if there would be an interesting princess book or if Barbie collection has been updated.

When I got to the book aisle, she wasn’t there so once again I thought she would have wandered to the teddy bear collections. Iteoluwa was a sucker for teddy bears. And when she wasn’t there either, I became concerned.

My heartbeat accelerated but I told myself to calm down and not overreact. But I couldn’t calm down, the shoprite mall was big with lot of people in it so I was scared even though I had warned her to never talk to strangers to and stay in one place if perhaps she got separated from me in a public place though it had never happened before.

I walked away from the teddy aisle. “Iteoluwa!” I went to the food section but she wasn’t there either.

“Where are you Iteoluwa?” I started running passing many sections and she wasn’t there.

Has she wandered out of the mall?

“Iteoluwa?!” I looked down at every area.

People stared at me and whispered but I didn’t acknowledge them. Finding my daughter was my concern. She wasn’t even at the ice cream aisle too, Where could she be?

My eyes combed the area for my daughter’s pink gown. I had bought it for her last Christmas and Iteoluwa had decided to bring it along to Nigeria so she could show Busayomi.

Oh my God! If the call hadn’t come in my eyes would have been on her but at the same time how far did she go? I wasn’t even on phone for too long!

One of the mall attendants came to me. “Hello madam, is everything okay?” The young man asked.


“Are you looking for someone?” He asked again.

“Yes please…” I breathed out.

Oh my God why didn’t it occur to me to ask the attendants I had passed by instead of running around the mall like a woman completely out of her mind.

“A little girl..she is four dressed in a pink gown, she had a yellow balloon in her hand and probably the singing doll. She was with me in the children section but then I had to receive a call…after that I couldn’t find her.” I blabbed.

“Relax madam, you are looking for a little girl of about four years old, dressed in a pink gown with a balloon and singing doll in her hand.” He described.

“Yes..Yes please..did you see her passing by?” I asked.

“I am not sure but let me ask my colleagues.” He went away to speak to the other attendants.

My eyes continued to search the area.

“Madam did you come along to the mall with your husband?” The attendant asked.

“No I don’t have a husband. I only came with my daughter.” I replied in a rush.

“Okay according to the your description you gave me, my colleague saw a little girl with a man who had a little boy on his shoulder.” He explained.

“She was on a pink gown?” I asked.

“Yes she had balloon and singing doll in her hands.” He replied.

“No I don’t have a man, someone must have abducted my child..oh my God..” I panicked.

“No that can’t happen here. You can check the provision section, the bakery she must have wandered there to get a cake. But if she is not there come back here so we can check the CCTV in the security department to find your daughter.” he said calmly.

“Okay..thank you.” I hope to find my daughter at those places he mentioned. I prayed silently.

I started running towards the provision section but she wasn’t there either, I was at the edge of losing my mind.

“Iteoluwa!” I screamed her name as adrenaline coursed through my shaky body.

I was approaching the bakery section and if Iteoluwa wasn’t there, I don’t know what would happen next.

I didn’t even spend too much time on phone and how could my daughter have possibly disappeared in just few minutes.

My heartbeat pounded against my chest as I approached the bakery section, suddenly I spotted the familiar pink gown.

“Iteoluwa.” This time it wasn’t a scream instead I exhaled a sigh of relief.

I rubbed my eyes to see if I wasn’t hallucinating – she was there, standing with a little boy, he had the balloon in his hands as they stood on the queue.

I blinked rapidly to clear my vision of tears that had almost flooded my eyes. How did she get here? Who is this little boy with her?”

I didn’t rush towards her to hug her instead I took slow steps as she stood playing with the little boy. My legs had suddenly grew weak and I could feel slight pain in them due to the running around I had done. I didn’t want to cry so I controlled myself because for a moment I thought I had lost my daughter.

“Iteoluwa.” I called out her name when I got closer.

She turned and looked up at me. Her face lit up at the sight of me.

“Mommy!” She embraced me. “Look there are cupcakes, can I get it?” She asked.

I pulled her away from me. I forced myself to not scold or scream at her in a public place. Slowly I crouched down to her size as I checked if she was okay.

“How could you do this to me?” I whispered.

Her expression told that she knew I was angry but was trying not to lash out at her. “Mommy-“

“You wandered away from me in a public place and you played with a little boy you don’t even know.”
I said in a sternest voice I could muster.

Iteoluwa bowed her head in shame. “Look at me.” I commanded and she raised her head up.

“I am sorry mommy, you asked me to buy anything I want..so I saw a girl eating cupcake and I wanted it too. I wanted ice cream too but…I couldn’t find you.” She explained.

“I only told you to buy whatever was at the children store.” I made myself clear.

“I am sorry mom, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She apologized in a remorse.

I want to keep on the hard face but her remorseful expression calmed me.

“Please don’t do it again. I was so worried about you.” I hugged her tightly after making sure that she was fine.

“I was scared when I couldn’t find you and I ran screaming through the mall.”

She stepped away from me. “Oh mommy I am sorry.”

“It’s alright..where are the things you picked?” I stood up not taking my gaze away from her face.

“His dad picked a basket for me and helped put my things in it.” She pointed at the boy.

There was ice cream, doll and cookies in her basket.

“Where is his dad?” I asked.

“Good afternoon madam.” A masculine voice greeted.

I wasn’t sure if it was meant to be a familiar voice or not but I didn’t want to think too much. Why do I still find myself thinking about him? How do I still recognize his voice in my head?

“Oh mom! It’s him! He helped me try to find you.” Iteoluwa said.

“I am glad you found your mom.”

No! Am I imagining things again in my head? No I have to be sure. The knowledge came as a surprise when I looked away from my daughter and glanced up at the man who had helped my child.

And suddenly my jaw dropped completely, a gasp escaped from my mouth and all I could do was stare at the man. He was shocked as I was to see him.


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3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago

The hypocrite Dayo