HER BABYs SECRET Episode 16 – 20 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 2 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 16 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: Pregnancy Test

              Arike’s POV

I settled in my bed after taking a hot shower. I grabbed my phone from the drawer next to my bed.

(Hi. I have been trying to reach you but you didn’t pick my calls. I was hoping that you could help me check out my suit. They delivered it today)

Dayo’s message popped up as soon as I switched on my data.

(I was busy) I replied

(Okay, Leo already helped me and it looked good on me)

He texted back and before I could type, pictures of himself on suit together with his best man Leo came in.

(Wow! The suit looks nice on you,Bes.)

(Thanks. I am a bit nervous about the wedding.)

(You need to calm down. Let your mind be at peace and prepare for the big day.)

(Okay. So what about your dress? Is it ready?)

The moment Dayo sent I and Busayomi Aso Ebi, I didn’t waste time dropping it off at the Tailor’s place.

(The tailor promised to deliver lastest by Thursday)

(Good…so what’s your plan? Should I send someone to come pick you up? He would bring you to the hotel where my sisters would be spending the night.)

(There’s no need for that. Bamidele would drive I and Busayomi to the party.)

I told him our plan.

(Well I can see you’ve planned everything with Bamidele.)


(Did Shalewa invited you to her bridal shower?)

(Yes,but I am not attending it.)

He was still typing when I sent my last message to him.

(I am tired,need to rest. Good night.)

I sent it and switched off my data before his next message came in.

It has been two weeks since Adedayo got married to Shalewa. The wedding wasn’t a low-key one. Different Media houses stomped the wedding capturing the whole event. The bride was beautiful and the groom wasn’t bad himself. And for a moment I had wished I was

the one in that gown saying “I DO” taking the vows and kissing the groom. Lol! But it was all in my imagination. A wish that will never come true. The new couple are out of the  country, in Australia precisely, enjoying their honeymoon.

It was on a Saturday morning! I got out of bed feeling nauseous and tired and weak. I didn’t know why my body was acting up.

I went into the kitchen to prepare tea for myself. I needed to put something in my stomach so I could use drugs. But bile rised in my throat at the second gulp of the tea. I found myself throwing up all the food from last night into the sink.

My head was spinning, I felt dizzy at the same time. I had to grab the counter top to steady myself. I have never felt this way before…like it’s strange. The fact that I have been feeling this way for days now and  I didn’t know what to do! Perhaps I was coming down with malaria? I should see the doctor or better still let me call Busayomi.

I went back into the room,lay back in bed and took out my phone from underneath the pillow. I dialed Busayomi’s number and she picked on the second ring.

“The law! The law!”  She hyped the usual way but I wasn’t in the mood.

“Good morning.” I greeted in a low tone.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“I think..I am sick.”


“I have been feeling somehow lately..like -“

“That must be your period. Try and get some painkiller.”

“No…” I paused.

Oh my God! My period! Realization hit me.


“Oh..no..no..no…it can’t be..my period.”

“Ehn your period? What happened to your period?”

I wasn’t myself anymore. I grabbed the small calendar on my dressing table and began to count.

“Arike, talk to me.” Busayomi was still on speaker.

 I was weeks late! Damn it! Why didn’t I pay attention to it before now?!

“Oh..no..God! This can’t happen!” Tears formed in my eyes.

“Please can you tell me what’s going on, Arike!”

“Listen..I have been throwing up every morning for days now plus I feel weak and tired and -“

“You can’t be serious…that’s malaria…or no.. typhoid.” She stuttered.

“No..no..I don’t think so…I missed my period. I am four weeks late!” I blurted out

“What?! Arike! Have you been sleeping with Bamidele?! Why didn’t you tell me?! Maybe you are pregnant.” She sounded shocked but excited.

She got it all wrong!

“I can’t be pregnant.”

“Okay..I will be there soon.” She hang up the call.

I fell to the ground slowly, my kneels curled up as I rested my head on the bed. Lately I have been eating and sleeping too much. Wait..please that  doesn’t explain anything right?Oh God! Don’t let me be pregnant! I began to pray.

My body shook vehemently but I tried to calm myself. The thought of being pregnant scared me, I don’t even want to think about it. I remember that night…and I began to cry.

About an hour later, I heard the door bell. I rushed out of the room to get the door. Busayomi was there.

“Jesus! What Happened to you?!” She gasped.

I wasn’t myself anymore. I have been crying since I dropped the call, silently praying that I wasn’t pregnant. Right now! At this point I don’t need to hide anything from Busayomi anymore.

“So you said something about not seeing your period.”

I nodded. “So before discussing anything…let me ask you one question.”

I shook my head again.

“Did you give up your V-card?”

I nodded. Yes.

“Wow! Whoah!! And you didn’t tell me! When was it?! When did you do it?”

“I..think four weeks ago.”

“I can easily tell who took your V-card! It’s Bamidele!” She winked and smiled but it soon faded when I cried out.

I haven’t hid anything from her but this aspect of my life wasn’t known to her. I know she would be disappointed in me when I tell her everything.

“Okay..okay..I know you’re afraid of being pregnant. You don’t need to worry…we can’t be sure about anything until we take the test.” She searched her bag for something.

“Here this is a pregnancy test strip. I just felt we might need it. Do you want to take the test?”

I don’t want to because I am scared. I was afraid it would turn out positive but at the same time I needed to be sure.

“You’re taking the test.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bathroom.

She left me there and rushed out of the bathroom only to come back with water after some seconds.

“Drink up, you need to pee.”

I drank from the glass before giving it back to her.

What would I do if the test comes out positive? I asked within. I began to think of how my life would change.

“I want to pee.” I announced after some minutes.

“Good.” She handed me a plastic to pee in it.

I watched her as she placed the contained in the sink and dipped the strip into the urine.

“We have to wait.” She said.

Busayomi emptied the urine into the toilet and rinsed the plastic before looking at me. But I avoided making an eye contact with her.

Minutes went by, that was the longest minutes of my life. My heart was beating hard against my chest. I felt like it was going to burst anytime soon. The result and how I would break it down to Busayomi without her getting mad stirred panic within me. I was scared.

I closed my eyes as she picked the strip. I could feel her eyes on me.

“I.. think..this is good news.”

My heart broke at her words. It’s really bad news if it’s positive.

“You’re pregnant.” She spat.

No..no..no..my heart beat skipped two beats at a time. Suddenly I went into hyperventilating mode! And I couldn’t control it.


Theme: His baby

    Arike’s POV

“No..no..no..my heart beat skipped two beats at a time. Suddenly I went into hyperventilating mode! And I couldn’t control it.

“Hey..Arike…Arike..” she shook my shoulders. “Can you hear me?!”

She sprinkled water on my face and held me tight so I wouldn’t hit the ground.

“Pull yourself together! Relax…breathe in breathe out..” I did as she instructed until my breathing returned back to normal.

“Are you okay now?” She asked with a worried look.

“Come..you need to relax.” She led me out of the bathroom.

“We..we..need to talk.” I whispered.

“Yes..yes..I know..but we will do that after you get enough rest. You don’t need to stress yourself because of the baby.”

The mention of _baby_ brought tears to my eyes as I lay back in bed.

Busayomi sat beside me and held my hand. “Everything will be fine.”

I closed my eyes. No! Everything is not fine. Infact this baby is gonna change my life forever. Whatever decision I make about it, either good or bad is going to change my life forever.

“Being pregnant isn’t the end of the world. It’s a good thing. And do you want me to call Bamidele?”

I reopened my eyes. “No..no..don’t call him.”

“Why? I am sure he’d like to hear the good news.”

Panic set in again. “No.no…no..you can’t tell him.. please.” I pleaded.

She frowned and raised her brows. “Why not?”


“He deserves to know you’re carrying his child.”


“What do you mean by no?” She asked angrily.

“He’s not the father.” I cried.

“What?!” She gasped. “Wait..hold..wh..what are you talking about? Bamidele is the only man that I have seen with you. And he is your boyfriend.”

I finally agreed to date Bamidele few days after he confessed to me. The connection wasn’t there yet but I knew I had to distract myself from the Feelings I had for Adedayo. And I hoped my feelings for Bamidele would grow with time.

Busayomi thinks we are really a big thing because Bamidele told her that he loves me. He didn’t take his hands off me at Dayo’s wedding too which made Busayomi happy to finally see me with a man who loves me.

“I know..he’s my boyfriend..but he didn’t impregnate me. As a matter of fact we never got intimate.”

Busayomi gave me a surprised look. “Arike…I need you to tell me the truth.” She paused and I nodded.

Another wave of heavy tears hit me again and I couldn’t control it.

“Have you been seeing another man aside Bamidele?”

“No.no..its not what you’re thinking. Bamidele is..the only man I…I..have been seeing.”

“So how come he’s not the father of your child?!” She asked with a confused look.

“It’s.It’s..it..” I stopped.

Da…Dayo. it’s Dayo’s baby.” I sobbed.

“What?!” She gasped in shock.

My heartbeat accelerated. Seriously I have never been this scared in my life.

“Dayo?” She frowned. “Hold up…which Dayo?”

I couldn’t dare look into her eyes.

“The..same.. Dayo.” I whispered shakily.

Then I heard her laughing as she stood up from the bed. I didn’t feel any better by the sudden laughter.

“Oh please! That was such an expensive joke!” She laughed.

This is not good. She thinks I am joking! Oh my God! What have I gotten into?!


“No! You can’t be serious!” She snapped.

“Adedayo..is the father of my child!” I cried.


“Please..please don’t make it hard for me than it is now.” I pleaded.

“Oh God! This must be a dream.” She tapped her cheeks.

I wish it was a dream too so I could just wake up and pray to never let it happen.

“How on earth did Dayo become the father of your child? Have you guys been sleeping with each other? Oh! Obviously! This is it!” She pointed to my belly. “I should have known! So this is the result of all the sleep overs!”

“No..it only happened -“

She interrupted me. “So you’ve been sleeping with him, knowing that he already had a fiancee and now a wife!” She said angrily.


“What do you mean by no?! You are pregnant!”

I nodded in agreement. “Wait..are you trying to pin it on him because you want to hide the real father?”

“No..I swear… it’s Dayo’s baby. And…and..it happened..just once…just once. You have to believe me.”

She paced to and fro with an angry look. “And you didn’t tell me! You just decided to keep it to yourself.”

“I am sorry…I wanted to tell you about it..but..I was scared.”

“Scared? Scared of what? What else have you been hiding from me?!”

“Nothing else… believe me.”

“How do you -” she paused,threw her hands up and turned her back on me.

“Please..I..am sorry.” I begged her.

Busayomi turned towards the door. And I figured what she was about to do. She was leaving.

“I am disappointed in you.” She mumbled.

“Please..don’t..leave me.” I sobbed.

She opened the door and went away. I was wrong to have kept such big deed away from her. Busayomi was like a big sister to me. She’s part of my life,the one person I could turn to as a family.

I understand how she was feeling – betrayed! Finding out that I was carrying the child of the man I clearly denied to never have feelings for was so hard for her.

So how do I live my life now? Busayomi was gone,my baby’s father was out somewhere probably enjoying the honeymoon with his wife and I have no idea of how to raise a child. I shouldn’t have let this happened to me after the promise I made to my mother. How could I have forgotten such promise?!

More tears streamed down as I remembered that day. The day my mother had called me into her room when I was just 8.


“Arike,are you done with your homework?” My mom asked as I climbed into the bed and lay my head on her chest.

“Yes mom.”

It was just the two of us. Grandpa had stated clearly that he never wanted to see my mom again because of me. He disowned her even after everything Uncle Badejo said to dissuade him from his decision.

“You know I love you so much.” She kissed my forehead.

Everything she did was just for my sake. She lived for me.

“Yes mom and I love you too.”

At that time she already told me the story of how my father denied ever having anything to do with her.

“You’re growing up so fast.” She caressed my cheeks. “And I can’t wait to see you grow up into a big woman,then you’ll achieve your dream of becoming a lawyer. You’ll have a good husband and bear children too.”

“Yes..a husband like big daddy..not a man like my father.”

(I call uncle Badejo big daddy.)

She chuckled. “Why?”

“Big daddy is really nice but my dad is not good because he didn’t want me.”

“You’re right about uncle Badejo but your father is a good man.” She said.

“Then why didn’t he want me?”

“Arike, we have talked about this before. Your father and I were too young. He wanted so many things but raising a child wasn’t part of his plan.” She hugged me. “Let’s not talk about it okay?!”


“Arike?” She pulled away from me.

“Yes mommy.”

“I want you to promise me one thing.”

“What is it mom?” I looked into her eyes.

“Promise me that no matter what happens, you’ll never end up like me.” She said.

Even at that age I knew what she was talking about. She had clearly outlined the consequences of sex before marriage to me. And I had heard her praying to God that I shouldn’t end up like her who lost focus and couldn’t achieve her dreams and give her child the life she deserved.


Theme: Hard Time

Arike’s POV

(Flashback Continues)

“Arike? You have to -“

“I promise. I won’t engage in premarital sex.”

“Pinky promise?” She smiled.

“Pinky promise.” She locked our fingers.

“I will buy you a big house and a car too when I have a lot of money.”

“The I can’t wait for you to grow up..my baby.” She kissed me on my cheeks.


She didn’t stay alive for me to buy her a car or a house. My mom died a year after and she didn’t get to fulfill some promises she made to me like telling me who my father was, attending my graduations and buying my law outfits.

And what about me? I failed her! I only got to become a Lawyer but I didn’t fulfill my promise of not engaging in Pre-Marital Sex. That promise has be the reason why I never had a boyfriend. I was scared that I would be compelled to lose my virginity if I got involved with any man.

I couldn’t control my tears at the realization of how I had ended my life. I didn’t get to know the man who fathered me and the second thing was repeating itself but the only difference was that I know the father of my child,he won’t deny our baby but I could never be with him because he was married to someone else. My baby will never get to be with her father. I have ruined my life and the life of the innocent soul in my womb.

A glint of hope stirred within me when Busayomi opened the door. She walked in with a tray in her hands.

“Sit up…you need to eat.” She said.

I shook my head. “I..I..am not hungry.”

She frowned deeply. “My friend sit up before I beat you up now.”

I did as she instructed. “I am not doing this for you but for the baby. So don’t feel like I have forgiven you.” She placed the tray filled with tea and bread on the bed.

“Oya madam eat up.”

I picked a slice of bread. “I.. I thought you..left..” I sniffed.

“Yeah…I feel like leaving but you have no one else to turn to. If I leave now who will take care of you and the baby? So I am stuck with you.”

She was right. Uncle Badejo was the only family I know with my mom aside the day Grandma came visiting after my mom died.

Tears spilled down my cheeks. “I..am..sorry.” I mumbled with the bread in my bread.

“It’s alright.” She said.

“No, It wasnt…supposed…to happen.”

I dropped the bread in the tray. I couldn’t even swallow the portion in my mouth. I felt like my throat was closed.

“Am I eligible to know how it happened?” She asked.

I shook my head. I couldn’t dare look up at her because I was afraid to see the look of disappointment in her expression. I know that I fucked up big time.

“I will tell you everything.” I sniffed and wiped my face clean.

“Okay..I’m listening.” She said.

“I was asleep that night when I heard the doorbell. It was so late that I couldn’t even tell who it might be. And it turned out to be Dayo. He was so drunk that I couldn’t ask him to leave.”

Busayomi was aware that I was trying to avoid Dayo because of Shalewa.


“Why can’t they be like you?” He mumbled into my ears.

“W..what are you talking about?” I asked. But no response came from him.

Maybe he already dozed off. I thought.

“Dayo?” I tried to get away but his hold on me was tight. I stopped trying.

“I..erm… I keep wondering why they can’t be like you.” He moved away from me to look into my eyes.

“You’re drunk. Stop saying nonsense.”

“I am talking about all the women I have dated..including Shalewa.”

“You are drunk. I will go and boil water so you shower to relax your body.” I tried to stand up but he pulled me back to the couch.

“I don’t want this relationship with Shalewa.” He said soberly.

Okay! He’s seriously drunk! That’s why he’s saying nonsense. I concluded.

“She’s not the woman I want to be with.” He stopped to study my expression.

At the same time, I have heard that a drunk man tends to speak the truth in such state.

“I don’t like her at all.” He said.

“You told me that you guys are getting along well. And that you love her.”

“I..I..was only playing along. I have to act like I am in love with her.”

“You know this is wrong.”

“Yes..yes..I know..but -” he paused. “I can’t do this anymore.” A tear slipped down his right cheek.

And it breaks my heart to see him cry. And now I see the reason why he has been avoiding Shalewa.

“She’s cheating on me.” He added.

My forehead creased. “What?!”

“Shalewa is a cheat!” He spat out.

“Wait..are you for real?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Yes..yes..she’s not honest with me.”

“Well..you can’t be so sure.”

“I am 100% sure.” He wiped his face and stood up from the couch. “I saw her with him.”


“The movie she acted one month ago.”

“Yeah…I checked out the thriller.” I nodded.

“She has been cheating on me with the lead actor in that movie. What’s his name again?” He tried to remember.

“Charles Adams.” I answered.

“Yes! It’s him! I suspected it at first but had to check her phone to confirm. I asked her about him but she denied it.”

“Maybe it’s not true.”

“Did you not hear me say that I saw her with him! I saw him coming out of her apartment when I went to visit her yesterday. She tried to deny it but I showed her the picture of him which I snapped while he was driving out.”

I was shocked.

“And he hasn’t been the only one. Over the months I have suspected her having affairs with co-actors but she would never admit it anytime I confront her.”

I tried to control the anger that was trying to stir up within me. Now I get the reason why Shalewa always ask me if Dayo ever told me anything about her! That bitch has been lying to me! She said Dayo has been her crush forever the first day we met. She acted like Dayo was the only man she has ever loved. Such a cheat and a liar! She tried to make me think that I was the reason why Dayo couldn’t pay attention to her whereas she has been sleeping with other men! Shalewa is a Sly!

“Why didn’t you tell me about it?” I asked him.

I wouldn’t have tried to stay away from Dayo if I knew she was a devil! Sleeping with half of the men she has acted with! Wow! Unbelievable!

“I didn’t want you to worry about me.”

And now that I know won’t it bother me? Won’t I be worried?!

“So you decided to drink to stupor because of her?”

“I was so angry. Not because she cheated but she blamed it all on me.”

“Why would she blame you?!”

“She cheated because I haven’t gotten intimate with her.”

My jaw dropped slightly. “What? And is that true?”

“Yes…” He scratched the back of his neck. “I haven’t slept with her. I can’t do it. I don’t love her and she knows it too. I am only in this relationship because of my family business. This is all business!”

“It’s a lame excuse for her to cheat because you refused to sleep with her.”

“She’s doing it to get back at me for not loving her. God! I shouldn’t have agreed to get married to that witch. And now it’s too late.”

I went to him. “She would definitely cheat on me if we get married.”

“Why don’t you try to talk to your dad? Tell him everything she has been doing…I am sure he would understand.”

Dayo shook his head. “No..he doesn’t understand me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I told him what Shalewa has been doing yesterday but he doesn’t care if she’s a cheat or not. He already spent so much on the wedding so nothing can be done.”

Wow! Wow! What a father?! How could he do this to his son? He doesn’t even care about his son’s feelings! What a selfish father! All he cares about is money,and his business! If all fathers are like this then I don’t regret not having one.

I felt pity for Dayo, so I wanted to comfort him. I wrapped my hand around him for a tight hug.


Theme: Making Love

Arike’s POV

“What are you going to do?” A tear slipped from my eyes.

“I don’t know what to do.” He mumbled as he hugged me back.

I couldn’t bear to see him hurting. It felt like I was the one hurting badly anytime he was like this. And the reason wasn’t far-fetched. I love him! But I never wanted to admit my feelings because I can’t stand a chance.

I have been hiding my feelings since high school. To be honest, it had hurt me to see him date several women. I know I would just remain as a best friend in his life and nothing more so I didn’t try to get my hopes him.

“But..I wish I could just end everything.” He pulled away from me. I could see tears at the corners of his eyes.

“Hey..” he placed both hands on your cheeks. “I know..I look pitiful but I don’t want you to cry for me.”

I shook my head but I couldn’t stop the tears.

“Please don’t cry.” He kissed my forehead.

And the feelings came rushing in – I didn’t want him to stop at just kissing the forehead.

“Dayo..” I whispered as we stared at each other intently.

“Arike..” Slowly he brought his face closer to mine that I could feel his breathe on me. He kissed me and I kissed him back. It was my first so I wasn’t really good at it but I managed to go in line with what he was doing. I didn’t want it to end. His hands came down to my waist, pushing me closer to his body as my hands went around his neck. He lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as we didn’t break off the kiss.

At that moment I wanted to have all of him not minding the fact that he was soon getting married.

Dayo pulled backward to look at me. “We..we.. shouldn’t -” I cut him off with a kiss.

He stopped again. “Are you sure about this?”

I threw caution into the wind and kissed him again. We can deal with whatever will happen later.

Dayo motioned towards the bedroom. He lay me on the bed as I pulled over my nightie, revealing my naked chest region. I moaned when he sucked on my nipples.

I enjoyed everything he did to my body.  It wasn’t just sex to me but we made love. And we did it all night long.

“That was how it happened.” I whispered.

“Geez! I know it was your first! But how can you be so dumb to the extent of having sex without protection! You’re 24! I expect you to act up to that age! And as for Dayo.. he’s the one with more experience,he should have known better.”

“There was no condom.” I mumbled.

“And so? He should have used the withdrawal method! You both are so dumb!” She spat angrily.

“He was careful…but we got carried away in the shower and he didn’t remember to…pull out. And it wasn’t his fault…I had forgotten to use the pills he asked me to buy.”

“Did you buy it?! Obviously No! You didn’t use it.”

“I forgot..I totally got busy with work.”

“Oh my God! What do I do with,Arike?”

“I am sorry.”

“Sorry for yourself! So what happened after that?” She asked.


I woke up to meet empty space beside me. The time was 6:05am. Dayo had left because he promised to leave before anyone wakes up. I felt sad that he didn’t even say goodbye.

But relief rushed through me when I heard the shower running in the bathroom. I felt the soreness between my thighs as I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

I drank a whole glass of water – I was on the third glass when I heard Dayo calling my name.

“I am in the kitchen.” I shouted.

Soon he appeared in the doorway, fully dressed to leave.

“Good morning.” He greeted with a smile. No shyness.

I was a bit shy to look at him but I tried to act normal.

“You’re leaving already?” I asked.

“Yes….” His forehead creased as he studied my expression. “You want me to stay?” He asked with a smile.

“No..no…you can go..I have to prepare for work too.” I stuttered.

“Alright.” He replied.

I cleared my throat. “So..what are you going to do?” I asked.

Now is the time to deal with our leftover problems.

“Call off my wedding just to be with you?”

“No..no..I wasn’t thinking like that. I..I..mean…hey..I know what we did last night nothing. And –” I paused.

So I can think about everything now. Last night,I didn’t care about anything other than having Dayo.

I didn’t know he was close to me until I felt his touch on my face.

“Look at me.” He said but I didn’t look up at him.

“Arike,look at me.” I did as he instructed. “Everything we did last night means a whole lot to me.”

I could see the sincerity in his eyes as I looked into them.

“Dayo?” I moved away from him.

“Listen I have been hiding this feeling for a long time now. I tried to let go by dating other women but I felt drawn to you all the time. And I didn’t want to ruin our friendship that’s why I didn’t take a step to tell you about how I feel.” He said.

I hope we haven’t ruin this long term friendship because of what happened last night.

“And last night…felt so real. Now that we have admitted our feelings,I feel like I should call off my wedding just to be with you.”

I admitted that I love him while in bed and all he did was kiss me without saying a word.

“I am not expecting anything from you.” Was all I could utter at the moment.

I tried to put up a facade that what happened last night was just for fun.

“Last night we just got carried away and let our hormones..or emotions rule us.” I faked a smile.

“Seriously? How can you say that after admitting that you love me?” He snorted.

I avoided his gaze and went over to the sink. “Look…I am not expecting you to call off your wedding and be with me.”

I started washing the plates in the sink.

“Fine..I know it’s easier said than done but that’s my wish.”

“Wishes don’t come true at times.” I said.

A wish that can never come true. It’s too late to call off the wedding. His father would definitely disown him if he does anything stupid. And that means his inheritance will be gone too. Though I feel bad for Dayo,the fact that he’s getting married to  someone he doesn’t love but I can’t let him lose everything because of me.


Theme: The promise

Arike’s POV

A wish that can never come true. It’s too late to call off the wedding. His father would definitely disown him if he does anything stupid. And that means his inheritance will be gone too. Though I feel bad for Dayo,the fact that he’s getting married to  someone he doesn’t love but I can’t let him lose everything because of me.

“The Awosika Empire is my sole responsibility now. And –“

I interrupted him. “That’s you can’t call off the wedding.” I completed his intended statement.

“I am sorry.” He apologized.

I shook my head. “it’s alright. I mean..you don’t have to apologize. I understand.” I faked a smile.

We can never be together because he has to save his family business. And I am definitely out of his family league of women. I am not from a rich background.

I bit my lower lip as I tried to control my tears but I failed. And I just let them flow freely while my back was against him. I don’t want him to see my tears.

“Hey..” he touched me and tried to swirl me around but I didn’t bulge.

“I am really sorry.” He whispered.

I nodded. He shouldn’t be apologizing. I was the one who wanted it. He clearly asked if it was fine to get intimate sexually and I said Yes. I was in the position to say no but I chose the other way – Yes. Knowing that I will never get what I want which was to be with HIM.

And I wished he had left without saying goodbye maybe I wouldn’t be having this kind of thought. But remembering how I felt when I didn’t see him next to me, I knew I was only decieving myself.

“Arike…” I wiped my face and turned to face him but without looking up at him.

“I promise to make things right.”

Then I looked up at him,trying to understand his words.

“Just..give me a little time. And I promise everything will be fine between us. I promise.”  We stared intently at each other

Dayo rested his forehead on mine before he kissed lips gently. I didn’t open up to him.

He didn’t give up so I kissed him back,more tears streaming down my cheeks. I know this would be the last time I would ever be close to him. And I will only get to see him on his wedding day.

We expressed everything we needed to say in the kiss before he pulled away from me.

“I love you..and I seriously do.” He whispered before he turned and I stopped him.

“Dayo?” I sobbed. “I love you too.”

He nodded. “I know…please take care of yourself.” He walked out of the kitchen.

I stood there for several minutes just crying. And it took me about an hour before I could pull myself together. And I ended up getting to work late.


Busayomi let out a loud sigh. “So your baby father is out there on a honeymoon sponsored by his father in-law while you are here crying about finding out that you are pregnant. I am speechless.”

If I had bought the pills Dayo googled for me then maybe all this wouldn’t be happening now. I blamed myself.

“What’s the next thing you want to do?” She asked.

I shut my eyes trying to think but nothing occurred to me.

“You’re definitely not aborting this baby.” She said and I nodded in agreement.

“You should tell him about the baby.” She added.

What?! I opened my eyes Immediately.

“No! No! No! I am not telling him about the baby!” I panicked

“What?! Why?” She asked with a confused look.

“He doesn’t have to know.” I answered.

She frowned. “He deserves to know you’re carrying his child!”


“What are you scared of? His father? Shalewa? Huh! Tell me.”

“He’s going to lose everything.”

She hissed. “You’re still thinking about him? Think about yourself for once..for the sake of the baby.”

I placed my hands on my belly.

“No..if they find out then I would be the bad egg for sleeping with him knowing that he already has a wife.”

“Oh well madam,you should have thought about this before giving yourself to him!” She blurted out

Her words hit me badly. “I know..I know… it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have slept with him.” I cried.

Her expression soften. “Come on…I didn’t mean it that way. I am sorry.”

“I’m just trying to protect him. He’s already been through a lot because of his marriage to someone he doesn’t love. And I don’t want to be a burden to him.”

“It’s okay…stop crying.” She wiped my tears.

Deep down in my heart, I was scared of what his father would do to him and to me. I have nobody,I am not rich enough to stand against Mr Awosika if he decided to take my child away when I give birth. Then I would end up losing on both sides – the man I ever loved and my child too.

“We can’t tell him.” I said.

“Arike…your child needs a father.”

“No..please we have to keep it a secret. I beg you.” I pleaded.

If I can’t have Dayo, at least I can raise his child.

“I don’t want them to take my baby away from me.”

“Okay..okay…but what about the bump when the baby starts growing?”

“I..I..will think of something when the time comes. Moreover I won’t be seeing HIM.”

She sighed. “What about Bamidele?”

Can’t things just get easier for me? Now I have to deal with Bamidele.

“I will talk to him.”

“And what will you say to him?”

“I am just going end the relationship.”

Busayomi shook at head. I agreed to date Bamidele not because I like him but to distract myself from thinking about Dayo. If I had known I was pregnant I wouldn’t have said yes to Bamidele. Now I feel bad for using him.

“Will you tell him about the baby?”

“No..it will remain a secret between us. I will just tell him the truth that I don’t love him.”

“Ah!! No! That’s harsh for someone like him! And why agree to date him when you don’t love him?”

If Bamidele asked the same question what would be my response? I thought deeply.

“This is all my fault.” Bamidele said.

“I pushed you to get to know him and date him.”

“It’s not your fault. Please let’s not talk about it now.”

“Okay. I am sorry.” She came closer and hugged me.


It has been two days since I found out I was pregnant. And today being Tuesday, I decided to visit the hospital for a proper test and check up. I turned in sick at the office on Monday and my boss gave me one week off to rest since I have no case to handle.

I have refused to pick up Dayo’s call neither did I reply his text messages plus I have been avoiding Bamidele too. I was feeling guilty and I need to figure out what I would say to him.

The doctor confirmed that I was pregnant and gave me advice on what to eat and what to do away from. He handed me a pamphlet titled “Tips for awaiting mothers” and he recommended a book to read as a first timer mother – “Motherhood” he said that I could get it online.

On the very day I found out I was pregnant,I knew I was going to keep it. Abortion never crossed my mind because I didn’t want an innocent soul to pay for my mistake. Moreover sleeping with Dayo wasn’t a mistake,it was what I wanted.

I sat in the Uber I had ordered, with the pamphlet and scan result in my hand,I knew my life was going to change. Though it hurts to know that I have to deal with everything alone.

You might say I have Busayomi but I wasn’t planning on being a burden to her. She has her life to live.

Everything’s going to change from now on. And I just need to figure out a way to keep the baby a secret from Dayo and everyone associated with him.


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3 years ago

Oh! This is so sad.

3 years ago

Why are we not getting the remaining part of our story ?????