HER BABYs SECRET Episode 12 – 15 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 2 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 12 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: Talk to me

Arike’s POV

A ring on my phone jolted me out of thought. Adedayo was calling again.

“Hello.” I said.

“Did you get my message?” He asked.

“So rude, you can’t even say Hi!” I hissed.

“Oh sorry…Hi.” he said.

“Good I got your message.”

“So should I come over?”


“Why?” He asked in a surprised tone.

I hate to admit it but I think Shalewa was right. I shouldn’t give Dayo the chance to be spending the night at my place again. If I don’t stop it then I won’t he able to prove to Shalewa that Dayo and I aren’t having an affair. We are just bestfriends. And if he get married will he be coming to my place?

“Arike are you there?”

“Yes…Yes..I can’t have dinner with you anymore.”


“You’re getting married soon. You shouldn’t be going out with me but your fiancee.”

“Oh come on Arike, we are best friends.”

“Yes I know but it’s really a different case if you’re single.”

“Okay so how about you come over to my place?” He requested.


“Don’t say no.”

“It’s a no from me.”


“I have lots of work to do.” I lied.

He was silent. “You’re lying.”

“I am serious.”

“No I know you. Arike when did work become an excuse to not see me? Did I do something wrong?” He asked in a low tone.

“No Dayo, you didn’t do anything.”

“Perhaps did Shalewa call or meet up with you?” He asked but I didn’t reply.

“I take your silence as a yes.”

“No, she didn’t call me.” I said sharply.

“What did she say to you?”

“Nothing..I.. I haven’t talked -“

The call went off.

Oh my God! I hope he doesn’t do something stupid.

I tried calling him back but he didn’t pick up. A message notification popped up at the top of screen.

“Where do you want to meet up?” Bamidele replied.

“Should I come over to your office?”

“No..I am not at the office.”

“Where are you?”

“I am not feeling well..so I am home.”

“Oh sorry…how are you feeling now?”

“Getting better, I just need to rest.”

“Maybe I will bring the files later. Get enough rest okay?”

“No, it’s alright. You have to solve your case anyways. Let’s meet at the office shop not far to your office.”

“No you don’t need to stress yourself. How about I come over to your place?” I asked.

“If it’s fine by you.”

“And you?”

“Not bad…”

“Okay fine…text me address. I will drop by at your place before heading home.”


Bamidele sent his address few seconds after I dropped the call.

“Good evening.” I greeted once Bamidele opened the door. He hummed a response as I walked into his apartment,my eyes scanning the whole place.

“Nice apartment.” I commented.

“Thank you.” He replied without meeting my gaze. I could feel that awkwardness between us due to what happened at my place.

“Please take your seat.”

“Thanks.” I settled on the couch.

“What would you like drink?”

“Water please.”

“I’ll be right back.” He left the sitting room only to come back some seconds later with a bottle of chilled water.

“So how are you feeling now?”

“Better…I just need to take my medications and have a good rest.” He responded.

“Oh..okay.” I managed to smile.

“So about my case…” I handed him the files.

“It’s a murder case. A woman was found dead in her apartment. And the cause of death is strangulation. No suspect at the moment..”

“Arike…” Bamidele called my name in a low tone.


“Don’t act like everything is fine here.”

“Ahm…erm..” I stuttered.

“I know you wanna know more about me being gay. You want to talk about what happened at your place but you don’t want me to feel embarrassed.” He dropped the file on the table.

“Bamidele, it’s not -“

He interrupted me. “I understand.”

I looked up at him. “I am sorry about everything Dayo said to you.”

He chuckled. “I have always known Dayo to be a sharp mouthed person. His words are like thongs on ones flesh. But I don’t blame him,he is only trying to protect you as a friend because of what I did to him in the past.” He said soberly.

“Bamidele -“

“I admit that I was very wrong. And I have tried apologizing to Dayo but he claimed to have forgiven me but he would never forget what I did to him. And I should have fulfilled my promise of telling you about my sexuality.”

“Are you still gay?” I blurted out.

“I was gay…” He replied. “I stopped being gay after I passed the bar exam. I knew it wasn’t legalized in our country.” He sighed.

“It was really hard for me to get over that feeling of loving another man. My past keeps coming at me and I am afraid that it might ruin my career someday just like what is happening now.”

“Perhaps if I may ask since when did you notice this feeling of loving another man?” I asked.

I could see tears at the corner of his eyes when our gaze locked buy he looked away quickly.

“This is a really long story.”

“Sad right?” I asked.

He shook his head. I stood up and sat beside him and held his hands in mine. Eversince the incident at my home, a thought hasn’t left my mind that there must be a reason why Bamidele was gay.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He looked down at my hand on his. “I am ready to listen.” He flashed me a small smile.

“You shouldn’t be here after everything he said about me.”

“To be honest, I was shocked and disappointed but something keeps telling me that there was more.”

“You don’t hate me?” He asked a serious face.

“I can’t hate you because you are gay.”

He withdrew from my hold and stood up from the couch.

“Arike you should obey Dayo. You should stay away from me.”


“He’s right. You deserve a better friend than me.”

I went to him, stood in front of him with my arms folded.

“What if I want your kind of friend?”


“You are a good attorney, Bamidele.”

“You’re the best attorney.”

“No,you have helped me solve cases I couldn’t work on.”

“You’re also good at what you do.” He replied.

It clear Bamidele is fighting an internal banter. He’s pondering if it was a good idea to share the mystery behind him being gay. He doesn’t trust anyone.

“You know what? I will just drop the case file for you to review it..then call me if you find anything.”

There’s no need to force words out of him if he wasn’t ready to discuss it with me.

“Bye bye.” I picked my bag from the couch and motioned towards the door.


Theme: Gay uncle

          Arike's POV

“Wait…Arike..” he grabbed my elbow before I reached for the door. I looked down at his hold on me.

“Bamidele..” I placed my hand on his. “You don’t have to open up to me if you don’t want to.” I said but hoping he would just tell me everything.

He shook his head. “I will tell you everything. Please stay with me.” His eyes pleaded with me.

“Okay..okay..let’s seat down.” I said.

He motioned towards the couch to sit down.

Bamidele heaved a sigh as he started off. “My parents died in a plane when I was 12.”

“Oh..I am sorry about that…” I mumbled.

He nodded in acknowledgement. “They were out for a vacation out of the country.”

“You survived the crash?” I asked without thinking. What a silly question!

Of course! Bamidele wouldn’t have survived a plane crash without sustaining a permanent injury.

“No, I wasn’t with them. My dad sent me off to his younger brother’s home at Abuja. No one knew that they would never return home.” He closed his eyes for some seconds.

“We travelled back to Lagos for their burial. And after that my uncle took over my father’s company and decided to raise me too. It was just the two of us, my uncle was so young…and I didn’t know he was gay until I turned 15.”

“You never suspected him?” I asked.

He looked at me. “Well..let’s say I noticed some things about him that was strange but it didn’t occur to me that he could be gay.”

“Like what?”

“Despite the fact that we had several rooms in our home, my uncle never allowed me sleep alone. I always wake up to him cuddling me. And he always insist on bathing me even at 14.”

My eyes widened a bit. “I became uncomfortable around him when he toyed with my di*k while I was taking a shower.”

Bamidele shut his eyes tight again. “And that was how it all started. He made me believe that loving a woman was a waste of time. He said that it was better to be with another man who understands how it feels to be a man.”

My jaw dropped in shock. “What’s sort of theory is that?!”

“That was his own belief. I was so little and naive that I believed everything he said to me even though I knew it wasn’t right to love a man. At the same time I couldn’t fight it. It became so hard for me to know what’s right or wrong.” He rubbed his temples.

Pity stirred within me for him. “He made me do all sort of things with him until I couldn’t control my feelings anymore. I..I…” He paused and sighed. “I fell in love with my uncle.” He said soberly.

“I found it really hard to love a girl, everytime I was drawn to a man. I hated the girls in my school because of the stories my uncle told me about the women who broke his heart.”

“Why didn’t you talk to someone?” I asked.

Bamidele looked at me. “There was no one I could talk to…” He paused.

“Maybe at some point…I didn’t…want to speak up… because I love..my uncle. Basically, I enjoyed being with him.” This time he didn’t even try to meet my gaze.

“So you just let him -“

He interrupted me. “And it continued like that till I gained admission. I already had many gay friends,home and abroad. So it wasn’t really hard connecting with the gays at the University.”

“So..the issue with Adedayo -“

“I got attracted to Adedayo the first day I met him. You..know…as the son of the famous Mr Awosika..we all wanted him in our group. He didn’t want to join us or be my… girlfriend. He was so stubborn and it annoyed my boys.” He explained.

“So you sent them after him?”

“No, he threatened to report us to the school authority and even the police. His threats annoyed us and so we decided to teach him a lesson.” He said sincerely.

“What he didn’t know was that I begged my group to not kill him. I didn’t want them to hurt him because of what I felt for him…so they spared him but on the note that they couldn’t kill him because he was the son of a well known business man.”

“You saved his life.” I added.

“Maybe…” He nodded. “I tried to apologize to him but he avoided me and asked me to never come to him again.”

“Do you want to tell why and how you stopped being gay?” I asked after a moment of silence.

“It was really hard being that my uncle never wanted me to be with any woman. I wanted to stop because of what Dayo said to me. His words…kept ringing in my ears.”

I can imagine Dayo words to Bamidele. Oh God! That guy knows how to use words on people.

“He said I was worst than the devil. And some day the law I was studying would be used against me and no one would be able to save me.”

“He must have said more terrible things to you.”

“He was right.” He rubbed his palms together. “I thought about his words and realized that as an aspiring lawyer I didn’t want me name in the headline news. And knowing that being gay was a crime in this country, I became desperate to quit the act.”

“So I spoke to my Uncle…” He paused.

“So did he agree to you not being gay anymore?”

“No he said I was insane and there was no backing out.”

“So what did you do?”

“I threatened to report him to the police if he doesn’t stop coming to me.”

“He let you be after the threat?”

“Yes..for a while but deep down I needed something permanent.”

“What did you do?”

“I gave my life to Christ and asked God to forgive me for my wrongdoings. I left home so my uncle wouldn’t change my mind. I took the bar exam and passed it…shut my uncle and my gay friends out completely. It wasn’t easy but I broke free from being gay with God’s intervention.” He sighed

That was a long story. I am really out of words. I don’t even know what to say to him. But at least I know the reason why he became a gay. And deep down in my heart, I am happy Bamidele wasn’t gay anymore.

I met Adedayo waiting in front of my door when I drove into the compound.

“Why haven’t you been picking up my calls?” Dayo asked.

“I was busy.” I replied sharply.

“Arike… Arike…” He followed me into my apartment.

“Dayo..I am really tired and I need to rest.” I pulled off my heels and flopped down on the couch.

“I don’t understand what’s going on between us?” Dayo was in front of me when I reopened my eyes.

“Nothing is wrong.”

“No..no.. everything is wrong. Nothing is okay between us.”

I rubbed my temples. “We are fine.”

Dayo settled down beside me. “Did I do anything wrong? Tell me…and I will apologize to you.”

“Dayo, you’ve done nothing wrong to me.” I responded.

“Then why have you been avoiding me? Why haven’t you been picking up my calls?”

“Don’t make it sound like I have been doing these things since…FOR..EVER.” I stressed the last word.

I turned him down only today. I didn’t pick him calls for just today because I was with Bamidele.

Dayo sat down beside me. “Arike…please -” he held on to my right hand. “Let’s go out tonight.”

“What? No! It’s late.” I jerked free. “I am tired.” I stood up from the couch to stay away from him.

“You’ve changed.” He muttered.

I bit my lower lip. “Look -“

He cuts me off. “Arike…I don’t like this new you. I don’t want to see you like this.”

“You don’t -“

“You’ve never shut me out like this.”

“I am not shutting you out.”

“Oh come on Arike! You and I know how we do things together.”

“Everything is different now!” I snapped at him.

He gave me a shocked expression. He was taken aback by my expression.


Theme: Keeping space

Arike’s POV

He gave me a shocked expression. He was taken aback by my expression.

“I..I…am..sorry. I..I.. didn’t mean to raise my voice at you.” I apologized to him.

“It’s alright.” He mumbled.

“Look Dayo…we can’t do the things we used to do together as best friends anymore.” I stuttered.

“But why?” He asked.

“You’re getting married in few weeks time.”

He sighed. “That shouldn’t affect us.”

“You should be with your wife to be and not me.”

“I know Shalewa called you. Tell me what she said to you that made you change towards me?”

I shook my head in disagreement. “I am not sharing it with you.”

“Keeping space between us isn’t right…and you know that!”

“But everything Shalewa said was right. If I were in her shoes I wouldn’t like to see my husband to be stick around his female bestie anymore. Plus I don’t want to be on the headline news as a husband snatcher.” I pointed out.

I sniffed as Dayo walked over to me.

“No one is going to tag you as anything aside the fact that you are my best friend. Most of my other friends and family knows that I am closer to you than anyone else.” He said calmly.

“That’s not enough.” I said.

“You can’t stop being friends with me because I am getting married. I need you more than ever now.”

“I am not ending our friendship.” I tried to make him understand.

“That’s how I see this space you are trying to create leading to.”

“See..don’t get me wrong Dayo. I just don’t want any problem. That’s it.” I managed to speak amidst the lump in my throat.

I also did a great job at hiding the tears that threatened to spill down anytime soon. To be honest, one of the last things I want to do is stay away from Adedayo. I am so used to having him around. Even while he was dating other women, I never cared about them. But Shalewa seems different maybe because she’s getting married to him. She doesn’t want me to be with Dayo. All she wants is for me to end my friendship with Dayo so she could have his undivided attention. And that’s what I am trying to do for her. I don’t really know what I should do! But I just want to put that space between us!

“I am sorry we can’t have dinner together and you can’t sleep over at my place too. Shalewa..needs you more than I do.”

“Okay..okay..I understand.” He whispered. “I should get going.”

I could see the hurt written in his expression.

“Good night.” I said.

He placed a kiss on my forehead before walking towards the door.

Trust me he’s never done the kissing on the forehead with me before. I felt like taking back all my words and just let him stay but I can’t forget the promise I made to Shalewa. I fought against the urge to run out and call Dayo back.

A tear slipped down my cheek when I heard the door close gently. I didn’t expect to feel this pain in my heart and it was becoming almost unbearable.

I think I need to make my heart,body and soul understand that Adedayo Awosika belongs to someone else now and forever. He can’t be with us anymore.

“Everything is different now. The sooner we accept the better it is for us.” I said internally.

Slowly, I made my way into my bedroom.


I grumbled as I hopped out of bed when I heard the doorbell in my deep sleep. Wait! It’s really late! I glanced at the alarm next to my bed, the red light beeped 2:35am! Who could be out there by this time?! Shit! And why is the doorbell So loud?! Plus I wasn’t expecting anyone except Busayomi who promise to visit yesterday but ended up being too busy with work at the office with her boss. I hate her boss for giving her too much work!

The doorbell stopped ringing and a bang on the door came afterwards,making me afraid.

“Who the hell is out there?!” I shouted when I got to the living room. No response

Why on Earth did Ahmed let someone in by this time?! Perhaps is it a thief or worse thieves?!

Gba! Gba! Gba! I should call the police.

“Arike! Open up!” I heard Adedayo’s voice.

I relaxed a bit. Why is he here? By this time? I haven’t seen him since almost two weeks now. We didn’t even exchange text messages online or even call. I assumed that Adedayo really accepted my decision to stay away.

To be honest, I expected him to at least call to check on me but nothing. Busayomi said it was the right thing to do and I have been telling my heart to reason the same way.

Dayo’s wedding is just in two weeks time. So I supposed he has been busy preparing for the big day. And guess what?! Shalewa asked me to be part of her bridal train but I declined. Why? I belonged to the husband side. And she also offered me the position of best lady, saying that her best friend was now heavily pregnant but I refused the offer. I don’t want! I am not even friends with her so why should I get involved with her! Shalewa was just trying to show me that Dayo was hers now. Dorrrhhhhh! Do I look like I Care? I wasn’t from a rich background so I wasn’t expecting anything more than friendship with Adedayo.

I tried to remember where I had dropped the key but another bang on the door interrupted my train of thought.

“Arike! Please open up! It’s me…Adedayo.”

“Sorry…I know..it’s you. I am looking for the keys!”


“Found it!” I breathed out when I saw it on the stool next to the big couch.

Then I rushed to the door to open it only for the smell of alcohol to wash over me. Ewwwww!! So disgusting.

“Oh my God! Dayo….why are you so drunk?!”

He laughed, pushed me aside and went into my apartment.

I sighed in frustration and slammed the door.

“Dayo! Dayo! What’s all this nonsense?!”

“Trust me…I didn’t..drink much…”

“Seriously? Why the drink at all?!”

“Now..you..want to…scold me..can’t you see I am drunk?!” He dropped on the couch.

“Didn’t I make it clear that you can’t sleep over again?!”

“I know..but -” He didn’t reply but a sniff from him got my attention.

“Don’t I..look…pitiful to you?” He said in a low tone.

I sighed and went to him. “Is everything okay?”

Dayo was never the type who takes alcohol but he only gets drunk whenever something’s really bothering him.

“You promised to never get drunk again.” I said.

He shook his head. “I can take anything…but not you…pushing me away.” He placed his hand over his face. He was sober.

“I am not pushing you away,Dayo.”

He snorted. “Yes… that’s it. Arike…we didn’t keep in touch for about two weeks..and you were fine with it because that’s…how you want things to be between us now.”

“Dayo -“

“It was…hard for me..but I…have to respect your.. decision.”

Okay so one thing about the drunk Dayo, he tends to talk too much anytime he is such state.

am trying to protect your relationship with Shalewa. I know you love her and she loves you too. I don’t want to be a problem to -” I paused.

I shouldn’t be conversing with a drunk man. I face palmed myself.

“You should get some sleep.” I said.

Suddenly Dayo pulled me in for a hug when I tried to stand up.

“Dayo -“

“Wait..let’s…stay like…this..for a while.”

I tried to free myself. “Dayo we shouldn’t -“

“I miss you.” He whispered. I wasn’t expecting it. His words stopped me from pushing him away. I miss you too but I can’t tell him.

“Please just this one time…I promise to leave before anyone wakes up.”

“You should take a shower. Your body stinks of alcohol.”

“Why can’t they all be like you?” He mumbled into my ears.

“Huh? W..w..what are you talk about?” I asked.

No response came from him.


Theme: Confession

   Arike’s POV 


So I am going on a date with Bamidele. Hey! I know what you are thinking! Hanging out with an Ex-Gay! Come of it! Bamidele is normal now! Lol! And we’ve been going out for a while now. We aren’t dating yet. No! Let me rephrase it. I am not in a relationship with Bamidele. We are still trying to figure if things can work out between us.

My phone beeped as I apply make up to my face. I was kinda excited to see Bamidele. Honestly I enjoy Bamidele’s company. And guess what? We have decided to attend Dayo’s wedding together. Thank God I won’t be alone at the party,just watching my best friend get married.


“Are you ready?” Bamidele asked.

“Yes…I am ready.”

“Okay…I am waiting outside your home.”

“Oh really?!”

Then I heard a horn. “Okay…I’ll be out soon.”

We didn’t agree for him to come pick me up. The initial plan was to meet up at the restaurant.

“I am almost done.”

“Take your time.” He said before hanging up the call.

I finished up my make up in a rush and motioned out of my room. I couldn’t understand why I was in a hurry to meet Bamidele.

He was out of the car when I came out of the gate. His eyes was busying checking me out with as he smiled at me.

“Hi..sorry I kept you waiting.” I said shyly as I was towards him.

“No..it was worth thr wait. You…look beautiful.” He commented and I blushed.

“Thanks. You don’t look bad yourself.” I complimented his looks too.

“Ahmmm you sure?”

“Of course!”

“Okay..thanks. let’s get going.”

“Wait… it’s my turn to drive.” I reminded him.

Yeah! We always take turns to drive whenever we are going out together.

“You can have the keys.” He dropped it into my open palm.

“Thanks.” I said. We entered the car.

“So now…I have to relax while you drive.” He adjusted the seat and relaxed.

“That’s not fair.”


“I didn’t sleep the last time you were in my position.”

“Oh really?” He said and I hummed a response.

“I am changing style today.” We both laughed.

I started the car and the engine roared back to life.

“I like it when you drive.” He said.

“Does it surprise you?!”

“No..not at all.” He responded.

“So what?” I looked at him.

“You look more beautiful.. whenever you drive.” He said after some seconds of silence.

“Are you trying to flatter me?”

“No…I am not flattering you.” He stuttered and avoided a glance with me.

“Maybe…I should make a video of you driving.” He brought out his phone.

“It is necessary.”

“Says who?” I asked

“Say me…Barrister Bamidele.”

“Sounds like you are indeed proud of yourself.” I laughed.

“Of course! And you’re Barrister Arike, the best criminal attorney working in the best law firm in Nigeria.”

“One of the best.” I corrected.

“Great! I am going to post this.”

“What’s that?” I looked at him.

“I just made a short clip of you.” He waved his phone.

“Are you serious?” I tried to snatch his phone but he hid it away from me.

“Oh please concerntrate on the road or else we’re going to crash.” He winked.

I returned my focus back on the road. A ring from my phone stopped me from saying my next words to Bamidele.

I checked the caller’s ID – Adedayo.

“Won’t you pick up?” He asked.

“I am driving.”

“Why don’t you park somewhere and pick up the groom’s call.” Bamidele suggested.


“I can help you pick up..who knows..he might need your help with something.”

“Like what?”

“Wedding preparation.” He answered.

“No,his best man is there to help him out. I’ll talk to him later.”


None of us said anything until we arrived at our destination.

“Bamidele, thanks for bringing me out for dinner today.” I smiled.

“You’re welcome. But…let’s do it again.”

“Definitely not next weekend.”

“Why not?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh! Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten -” I waited for him to remember but no response.

“My best friend is getting married!” I snapped him out of reverie

“Oh! That’s true! How did I forget that?!” He hit his head on the wheel.

“If you don’t stop hitting your head on that wheel,you’ll have headache.”

He stopped. “How can such big event skip my mind?”

“Too much on your mind.”

“So what’s the plan?”

“I will be handling a new case from Monday but I will try to wrap things up quickly before Friday.”

“Easier said than done.” He said.

I laughed. “Exactly.”

“Will you be sleeping over at Dayo’s home on Friday night?” He asked.

“No!” My reply was sharp.

His forehead creased at my response. Okay! I went a bit overboard.

Why should I sleep over at his home on the night before his wedding?!

“Sorry..I forgot you are a woman. But what about his family home?”

“I am not going there either. Busayomi is coming over to my place on Friday, so we’ll all go together.”

“Okay…good…I will come pick you ladies up on Saturday morning.”

“Thank you.” I smiled. “You should get going….it’s late.” I tried to open the door but a hold on my wrist stopped me. I glanced up at Bamidele.

“Sorry…. Just wanted to say… something.” He stuttered.

“Okay…” I mumbled. Somehow my heartbeat accelerated as I waited for Bamidele to man up and talk to me.

I heard him release a sigh.

“I like you.” He said finally.

Our eyes met. I didn’t look away neither did I utter a word. It was as if my tongue was tied. Of course I should have expected this day because Bamidele and I has been spending more time together.

“Arike, I know…you already made it clear from the start that you want just friendship…with me..but -” he paused.

“I can’t just control this feelings. This is me to me being that -“

I cut him off. “I am the first woman you choose to like.”

“Yes..you’re right. And I would like it if you give me a chance,Arike.”

We stared at each other for some time. “We can start from somewhere.”

I swallowed hard. “Can you give me some time to think about it?” I asked.

“Yes…you can have all the time you want. And I hope to get a positive response.” He said.

I managed to smile. “I should get going now.” I said

He unlocked the car. “Drive safely.”

“Good Night.”

I waved at him before entering my gate.


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Neimi Ngbale
Neimi Ngbale
3 years ago

Being waiting for d next episode since morning