HE CALLED ME A CHEAT Episode 8 – 10 Olowojesiku Deborah

HE CALLED ME A CHEAT Episode 1 - Olowojesiku Deborah

HE CALLED ME A CHEAT Episode 8 – Olowojesiku Deborah

Upon the completion of my ante-natal, the nurse who do attend to me gave me my card and instructed me to take it to the office of the midwife and have my card signed showing the completion of my ante-natal and the readiness to go into the labour room any moment from now.

With joy in my heart, I walked to the office of the midwife to have my card signed. Getting to the doorpost, I knocked and was given permission to enter.

‘Good afternoon ma, I was directed here to have my card signed as I have completed my ante-natal session’ I informed the midwife but instead of replying me, she was lost in staring at me

‘Hello ma’ I called out to her

‘Yes, what do you want?’ She asked angrily

‘I came to have my card signed ma, I have completed my ante-natal session’ I repeated to her hearing

‘Get out of my office and never come back’ she barked at me

I ran out of the office in fear wondering why she had to scream at me. I explained what happened to the nurse and she collected the card from me claiming she would ensure it get signed. She apologize to me on behalf of the midwife claiming that she might be in a bad mood.

After the encounter with the midwife, I keep asking myself if she knew me from somewhere as her behavior that day was uncalled for.

My day of delivery was drawing near and I kept buying the necessary things for my baby. God helped me, Jeddy didn’t fall sick throughout that month so I was able to buy more things for the baby.

While cooking one evening, I started having signs that the baby was coming. I managed to finish up with cooking, I dress Jeddy up and together we both went to the clinic. Immediately I got to the Clinic, my water broke.

The nurses on duty collected Jeddy from me and took me to the labour room. The nurse in charge of me informed the midwife that there was a woman in labour who needed to be delivered of a child.

The midwife ran to the labour room but when she saw that I was the woman who needed to be delivered of a child, she refused to attend to me. I cried and pleaded with her to attend to me but she refused and went away. The nurse took pity on me and decided to help out.

She gave me Instructions and in no time, I was delivered of a beautiful baby girl. She was cleaned up and placed on my bare chest, the moment I set my eyes on her, I loved her with every fibre in me. Seeing her on my chest brought tears to my eyes, she was the reason why I was thrown out of my matrimonial home.

She was the reason why I had to toil day and night, she was the reason why I laboured so much but I love her so much. For a moment, I forgot all the pains I went through. I requested that Jeddy be brought to me and when he came, he was so happy to see that his baby sister had been born.

After spending a day at the hospital, we were discharged. My neighbors were surprised to see me with a new baby as I didn’t tell anyone that I was going to the hospital. They congratulated me and assisted me with one thing or the other.

I named my baby Joy as she brought so much Joy to my soul. I suddenly had a longing to see Jerry, I just wanted him to see his little sister but situations on ground won’t let that happen.

Life continued and my baby was growing, she keep resembling Jeremiah every day. Jeddy was still falling sick but the rate at which he fall sick reduce. I keep toiling just for my children to have their daily need, I no longer cry as my children were a source of joy to me.

When Joy became five month old, I came home and the landlady informed me that a woman came looking for me and dropped an envelope when she met my absence. I appreciated her and collected the envelope from her.

Getting to the room, I tore the envelope open and was surprised to see a clip, a letter and a receipt of payment. I took the letter and read through.

Dear Mrs Jane,

I am sorry the pain I caused you but I want you to know that it isn’t my fault. I didnt want to succumb to such wickedness but your mother threatened to kill the child if I didn’t.

Remember, you had twins at Corolla Hospital and I was the midwife in charge of your delivery. Your boys were adorable and identical that virtually all the nurses fell in love with them.

Your mother approached me and asked me to exchange one of the boys with a sickly child. At first, I refused it but she offered me the sum of one million naira to carry out the task, she further threatened to strangle one of the twins to death if i fail to carry out her order so I had no option but to carry out her order.

Over the years, I lived with the guilt of such wickedness. I sent you out of my office that day because I saw the past coming back.

Your other twin is with Mr. And Mrs. Da Silva, a popular family in this town. I know I have caused you much pain but please find a plance in your heart to forgive me. In this envelope is an audio clip where our conversation was recorded.

HE CALLED ME A CHEAT Episode 9 – Olowojesiku Deborah

The letter dropped from my hand and I was numb for some minutes. So, my stepmother has been the one behind my predicament all along. I fell to the ground and let out a scream, what did I do wrong? I wasn’t the one who asked my mother to have an affair with her husband, I was just the product of nightstand.

That night was a sorrowful one for me, I have come to love and adore Jeddy as he had become my friend and husband during my trying moment. I just can’t afford to lose him. I was happy that the truth was out but I was sad because Jeddy wasn’t mine.

I kept the matter to myself for almost three months but as time goes on, I decided that I had to let it out.

Jeddy and Jerry’s eight years birthday was fast approaching and I decided to be with them that day. Two weeks to their birthday, I called John with my new line informing him that I have information for him and I want to see Jerry on his birthday.

After listening to me, he ended the call without giving me a reply and refused to pick up when I called again. I stopped calling him but save some money to get both of them beautiful wristwatches as their birthday present.

A day preceding their birthday, he called and gave me the location where I am to meet up with them. It was a public secondary school. I tried my best to buy new wears for Jeddy as I didn’t want him to feel inferior when he meets Jerry.

On the birthday, I celebrated Jeddy in my own little way, I took him to the studio to take pictures and also bought biscuit which I shared among the children in our compound.

At exactly 3 pm, the three of us left home for the school we were to meet up with Jerry and John. After waiting for one hour, John drove into the school compound. He came into the classroom with Jerry in his hands, it was obvious Jerry was not aware that he was coming to meet with me.

‘Mommyyyyyyyy, Jeddyyyyyyy’ Jerry scream immediately he saw us

‘Oh my son, I missed you so much’ I drew him into my embrace

‘Happy Birthday Jerry’ Jeddy wished him

‘Happy Birthday Jeddy, I miss you so much’ Jerry replied

‘I missed you too’

‘Here are your birthday gift boys’ I said while handling the wristwatches to them

‘Ohh thank you, mommy, this is so beautiful’ Jeddy exclaimed

‘Wow! This is beautiful mommy, I love you so much. Mommy, please come back home’ Jerry said and a tear dropped from my eye

I was so happy that Jerry’s mind hasn’t been polluted against me. I drew him to an embrace again and affirmed that I never stopped loving him. Jerry requested to carry Joy and I placed her on his laps.

While both boys were engrossed in admiring their watches and playing with their little sister, I moved to where John sit and gave him a copy of the letter and receipt of the money my stepmother paid the midwife.

He collected it from me and never stopped staring at me, he was surprised to see how much I have aged. Well, that’s the result of the torture he subjected me into.

Right there, he opened the envelope and read through the letter while I went back to meet the boys. He came over to meet us after reading the letter.

‘Jeddy, won’t you say hello to your Dad?’ I asked Jeddy immediately John got to where we were

‘I don’t have a father’ Jeddy replied rudely

‘Come on Jeddy, don’t be like this’

‘I hate him because he hated us. He sent us out of the house and allowed us to suffer’ Jeddy lamented

‘Will you stop spewing nonsense?’ I screamed at Jeddy

‘Leave him alone’ John finally said something

John returned back to his former position and had his head buried in his palms. When the night was fast approaching, he told Jerry they needed to go back home but the latter refused to go with him. I had to plead with Jerry to go with his father with the promise that I won’t be far from him again.

Episode 10

Life continues and we kept living it one day at a time. For almost three weeks, I didn’t hear anything from John just for me to see a neighbor’s son bring him to the shed where I sell my wares one evening.

At first, I didn’t see them coming. Jerry’s scream was what attracted me to the direction they came through.

‘How are you son?’ I asked Jerry

‘Fine mommy and you?’

‘Fine too’

I gave John and Jerry a seat while I hurriedly pack my wares since it was getting dark. John offered to help me but I told him not to worry. Done with packing, we trekked to my house which was just thirty minutes’ walk from where I sell.

Getting to the house, I invited them in and quickly heat up the rice which I prepared in the morning and serve the children with it. While the children were busy with the food, John requested to speak with me outside. I took him to the backyard in order to avoid our conversation being eavesdropped.

‘How are you?’ John began

‘As you can see, I am doing great’

‘Can I carry her?’ He requested but immediately Joy saw that he wants to carry her, she held on to me

‘No, you can’t. She isn’t yours or Is she? I asked surprising him

‘She looks so much like Jerry so it’s obvious she is mine’

‘You are sick upstairs. So you think you can humiliate me in public then come secretly to beg me abi? You lie, I actually thought you are a matured man, I never knew you are a mommy’s puppet. Look here Mr. I only allowed you into my house because of my son, don’t feel that I still want anything to do with you’ I replied with rage written all over me


‘If you call my name again, I will plaster your face with a slap. Jeddy is right, you never loved us. I regret ever having anything to do with you weakling, the only thing he knows how to do is to impregnate a woman and reject the pregnancy. Only God knows what he did to his ex-girlfriend that made her abscond with his best friend’ I raged on

I saw him break down in tears but I wasn’t moved by his tears. After being forcefully married to him, I live all my life to please him. I bore him children and also care for both him and the children but all he could reward me with is throwing me out of the house when there was crisis forgetting that he was the one who forcefully broke my hymen.

For the eight years I lived with him, he never stops comparing me to his ex-girlfriend whenever we have misunderstood and when I try to defend myself, he would always remind me of the twelve years gap between us.

After Jerry and Jeddy celebrated their second birthday, I actually pleaded with him to send me back to school since I was just twenty years old and was still interested in bringing my dream to reality. He told me to give him time to think about it and after thinking about it, he refused to send me to school with the thought that I would grow wings after schooling.

I pleaded and pleaded with him that nothing of such would happen. I even went as far as writing undertaking but he remained obstinate. After all the ill-treatment, he now comes secretly to make me come back to him.


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