GRANDMOTHER’S BOX Episode 5 – Elisha Kehinde Fagbemi

GRANDMOTHER'S BOX Episode 1 - Elisha Kehinde Fagbemi

GRANDMOTHER’S BOX Episode 5 – Elisha Kehinde Fagbemi

“What do you mean by Grandma called Judith”, I asked Jimmy while shaking his arm aggressively as if our lives depends on how much I shake his hands.

“What’s wrong with Grandma calling Judith. She probably want to give or tell her something”, he replied.

“That’s part of what I want to tell you now”, I screamed.

“You mean you want to tell us something about Grandma”, Justin asked.

“Yes”, I replied. “Grandma is probably a and she is very dangerous. She has heads of people in her wardrobe, including Grandpa’s”. I explained how I saw the heads and how Granpa’s head talked to me.

“Are you sure about this”, Justin interrupted me.

“I’m very sure. I saw the heads yesterday. We really don’t have much time, we have to save Judith”, I screamed in explanation.

We took off after my explanation and we started running to Grandma’s room.

We could have knocked the door politely and wait for Grandma to come and open it for us, but instead of knocking the door, I knocked the door down with so much strength that no one will believe belongs to my body.

To our surprise, there was no one in Grandma’s room. The room was all quiet and calm as usual and its mild darkness was cr.eepy.

My brothers started questioning me again, asking if I’m sure about what I said.

“I am very sure”, I replied him. ” Let me even show you the heads”,

I dunked myself in the wardrobe and I brought the four boxes. I was surprised to see another box tucked at the inner end of the wardrobe.

My brothers were just watching me in awe as I brought the boxes out. They were not believing what there eyes was seeing.

I opened the first box that I was familiar with and lying in there was our Grandfather’s cold head. I wasn’t surprised but my brothers were. They screamed as soon as they saw it and Jimmy started crying.

Grandpa’s eyes was opened this time and all I could see was a mean stare. It was as if his eyes was telling me that “why are you here again. Do you think the mistress will let the slide like the last time”. I kicked the box aside and I proceeded to opening the second box.

I was about to open the second box when I realised that Jimmy has passed out and Justin was trying to revive him. He probably passed out because of shock.

I ran to Grandma’s bathroom and I scooped a good amount of water.

When I got to Grandma’s bathroom, I saw some blo.od like liquid on the floor but I ignored it. I went ahead to grab a bowl of water and I poured it on Jimmy.

Jimmy jerked back to life and he started crying as soon as he woke up.

“Should I open the second box or you guys are still doubting me”.

“Don’t!!. Let’s just call Dad. Let’s just save Judith and get out of this place”, Jimmy screamed amidst tears, oblivious of how powerful Grandma was.

“Open it”, Justin replied immediately while cutting Jimmy off.

I proceeded to the second box and I opened it, excepting to see a random person we didn’t know.

I flinged the second box opened and lying in there was Judith’s head.

I didn’t believe what my eyes saw, so, I had to bring the head out of the box to confirm if the head belongs to my sister, and it was really my sister’s head.

Jimmy passed out again as soon as she saw her head while Justin was too vexed to contain his again.

“The mistress is coming for you all. The mistress will ki.ll you all”, My sister’s zombied head said while laughing hysterically.


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