FARIDA Episode 74 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 57 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 74 by Oge’s Stories

Monica was quite stunned at Wale change. Who changes suddenly? Something was amiss but she couldn’t place a finger on it. She sat down with Farida when her healthy son was brought to her. The nurse advised her to wait for the doctor who was on his way to her to hear about the other baby. Farida went into panic mode. Monica assured her all was well but she didn’t believe her until Wale entered the room with the doctor. He was smiling so she calmed down. The doctor explained to her what happened.

“You are a lucky lady. There was no water in the amniotic sac, it had been sipping away without your knowledge. I wonder how that happened. Well, one of your sons tied his cord around his neck and was in distress; you got here in good time. He is still under observation. Thankfully, he wasn’t deprived of too much oxygen before we got him out. He is responding to treatment”

Farida sat up as he spoke. Was that what happened? Were her children at risk? Nobody told her. Was that why Wale insisted she went to the hospital? Was he told something? She had questions that had no answers immediately. Wale saw the doctor out.

Farida had questions. She waited but Wale didn’t return. She asked Monica if she knew where Wale was?

“He is in the chapel praying”


“I am serious. Something happened to him”

“Go and check on the second baby, nothing must happen to him”

“I have been there. They have removed some tubes. He is breathing on his own now”

“Are you sure he is fine?”

“Both of them are fine all thanks to God”

“What has come over Wale? When did this start? I can’t even share the news of their birth until I am sure both of them are fine”

“I think so too”

Wale came back to the room and behaved like he normally did. He assured Farida he had checked the boys and they were fine. He was bombarded with questions. How did he know she needed to go to the hospital? He silenced them and shared some of his experience that morning.

“It was so scary at a point. I called my dad and shared with him. He asked me to calm down and connect with whatever was trying to communicate with me. I did and I heard and saw it clearly, Farida should go to the hospital immediately. I didn’t wait for further instructions, I called you”

“Just that? A premonition?”

“It was just that. On my way here, after Monica told me what happened, I called maami; she was with Iya Agba. She advised me and assured me all will be well. And all is well”

“Wale, you went to the chapel”

“I did. I went to talk to my God and he listened to me. Our son is getting better”

Something had changed about Wale. The way he spoke and his countenance reflected a different person. Farida didn’t know if she liked this new Wale or not. He was weird and it freaked her out. What had happened to her carefree and exciting Wale? He was in charge and overly protective of her and the boys.

Farida and one of the boys were discharged. Wale stayed with the second boy while Farida tended to the other. A few days later, their second son joined them at home hale and hearty. Wale would go over to their room and pray over them every night and morning. He hired a retired nurse as a nanny to help with the boys. He made sure they had as little human contact as possible. Eni, Dayo and Morenike fell in love with their baby brothers. They were only allowed to peek at them but not to touch them. They were happy to visit them in their nursery as it was used as a bait to make them behave.

They had decided on a closeknit naming ceremony. Farida gave Wale a list of those she wanted to invite. Wale took up the responsibility of organizing the ceremony. He ordered the food and drinks for the occasion. The decorations were put up the night before. Wale had plans.

The night before the ceremony, Wale had a dream. In the dream he saw himself lifting his sons to God and saying, “Father, these are David and Daniel whom you have found favour in your servant to bless me with. Just as David was the apple of your eyes and Daniel was one who loved and obeyed your commands; may my children find such favour in you. May they be blessed and be a blessing to us all. Amen”. Wale woke up. He switched on the side lamp and wrote down the encounter. He had chosen befitting Yoruba names for them but these were the names given to him to call them.

Farida watched him sit up to write. Wale hardly slept. He behaved like one tormented by a secret. What was wrong? This was how he woke up every night and scribble in his book which he keeps away from her. What was he hiding? She missed her Wale. He was still caring and in charge but the fire between them was no more there. She couldn’t feel his. What was he battling with? What did he get himself into? They never had secrets between them so how come they were now? She knew she had to have the conversation with him after the naming ceremony.

The house was decorated ready for the party. The caterer brought in the food. Farida was wondering why they had so much food. She thought they invited only a few people. Wale had dressed up and was organizing things downstairs. Farida went to get ready and get the children ready. Monica and Hugh were present to help out.

At 10am, people started trooping in. Farida was beside herself when she saw her mother, her grandmother, her brothers and their wives. Wale had ensured her entire family was present. She was so happy and excited that she went to Wale gave him a big hug and kissed him in the presence of everyone at amidst laughter and cheers.

By the time they were through, Wale’s entourage was watching them by the door. Farida couldn’t believe her eyes. Wale’s entire family was in their living room. His father, mother stepmothers, siblings and step siblings were in her sitting room. She unconsciously dropped to her knees to greet them and welcomed them. Wale led them to their seats. Interestingly, they were not aware they would be attending Wale’s baby naming ceremony.

Iya Wale wasn’t happy to be taken by surprise the way she was. She looked at the interior of the house they came into. She was quite impressed by what she saw. This Farida girl had taste or was it her Wale that made this place look special? She looked at Farida; she had refused to age. Who would believe she just had a baby? She looked nice. Maybe that is why Wale is so interested in her. She saw Farida’s mother. The woman was also surprised to see her here. It was Baba Wale that made her, Iya Wale, come. He insisted they all come to the UK on holiday. He never mentioned Wale or Farida having a baby together. She could hear her fellow wives and their children asking silent questions amongst themselves. She overheard one ask who the father was. She and her daughters already suspected it is Wale’s child but wondered why they had to be there. What was so special? After all, they were not legally married.

Other guests came in too. Friends from the university, their clients, their workers, everyone connected to them was invited. Wale even flew in three of his well deserving staff to attend the ceremony. They had never travelled before but he was able to get their visas expediated.

The naming ceremony commenced with an announcement by Wale to all present “Farida and I have been blessed with twin baby boys. I invited you all here because you are both friends and family. We are grateful to God for his blessings upon us. I will be conducting the naming ceremony myself today. As their father, it will be done in a Christian way” There were side comments especially from family members except for maami and Iya Agba. They understood he was taking charge of his family.

“Today before God and man, I present our sons David Eyitomilayo (this is enough for me to rejoice) and Daniel Ebunoluwa (God’s gift). We ask Lord that you bless them. Father we ask for grace to be good parents to these children; that we will be worthy of leading them through the path of life. May they be loved and cherished all the days of their lives. May they make us their parents, their siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins, friends and extended family proud of them. Lord, may they be protected from evil. No force working against them will ever succeed. Their lives will never be cut short. Their presence will always cause positivity anywhere they go. They shall excel in all they do. This will ask in Jesus name”

There was a resounding Amen followed by an applause. Wale’s mother was shocked on all levels. First of all, Wale had twin boys with Farida. Secondly, when did Wale become a prayer warrior. She remembered what she was told many years ago about her son. She was told he is very special and when the time comes, he will pick up his mantle. Was this the mantle? She was happy. Her son has the first set of twins in the family. This Farida ended up being a blessing to them because twins are believed to bring goodluck and prosperity to a home.

Iya Wale wasn’t the only one surprised, Farida too was dumbstruck at Wale behavior. The prayer and the names chosen surprised her too. They hadn’t decided on a name together as she asked him to decide. She had seen him write the Yoruba names but the biblical names were unexpected. Something was happening and she wasn’t certain if she liked it or not.

Wale took Farida to meet his parents and other family members.

“Dad, mum, my dear family, this is my wife to be Farida. I beseech you to accept her, love and protect like you would me. She is the mother of my children and has played this role for over a year. I don’t need anything from you except you extend your love to her”

The family accepted her. Iya Wale was happy, she helped Farida stand up and hugged her along with the other wives. They presented the babies to them and they all confessed they were absolutely handsome.

As the party continues, the had some other guests; Farida’s uncle (her father’s brother) AND Alhaji, Wale’s boss. Farida wondered why her uncle was there. Why was her family adequately represented? What was going on? She dragged Wale to the bedroom upstairs and asked what was going on.

‘We have to get married Farida. We can’t continue to live in sin. You are the mother of my children so I can’t leave you but we will no longer be able to have sexual relations until I have married you either customarily or legally”

“What has come over you? You are acting so strangely. Since the day the twins were born, I have seen a different you. What have you gotten yourself into?”

“Farida, nothing is wrong with me. I had an encounter which I am not ready to share yet until I am instructed to. But I love you and you are my heavenly ordained wife. Please, do not let me live in sin. Farida please marry me so I can remove this burden from my heart. This is all I require and request from you. Do it for me”

‘I don’t know you anymore; you have changed. Why would I want to be with someone who I don’t know or understand? Someone who keeps secrets? We could tell each other anything but now you are hiding away to pray in the sitting room at night. You hardly sleep, always scribbling away in that your book and hiding it. I am not convinced all is well”

“Farida, how would I tell you this and you would believe?”

“Tell me; I would believe you”

“The morning I woke up, I had a nasty dream that had to do with you and the babies. I couldn’t remember the details so I shoved it aside. I hit my leg on a very small stone but I almost fell. It was strange. I observed my buttons were not done properly. I always button from the buttom up. then I spilled coffee on my shirt and laptop. All these sound like coincidences right? I felt the same until my door opened by itself, and someone came in. My mahogany door opened without anyone behind it. This was after my phone would ring and no one will speak. I checked the CCTV and saw no one behind the door. I panicked and called my father. he asked me to remain calm. Someone or something wanted to communicate with me. I did and Farida, it communicated with me. He asked me to send you to the hospital immediately. But that’s not all. One the flight London after talking to your grandmother, she advised me to hold my God. Nobody had ever talked to me about God. I closed my eyes and talked to God before I fell asleep. Farida, I had an encounter. It was a trance. I saw myself as a blind man leading people. Many I led either lost their lives or where snatched away or living lives I couldn’t see. I was vexed in my spirit. I cried out and then the blindness was uplifted. I could see clearly. I had led them to the wrong path because of my blindness. When I regained my sight, I retraced my steps, lifting those that ‘fell’ because of my blindness and leading them through the right path. I woke up. I didn’t understand what the dream meant but I have asked my God to interpret it. Farida, my family is my first church. I have not led you aright. I was blind but now I can see. I know what I need to lead us to greater height. Allow me keep discovering myself in the Lord and help me obey his commandments”

Farida dropped on the bed. She was shocked. What was he talking about? This sounded like a mental case. She could see the appeal in his eyes and she just wondered why her life had to be like this. First Sam was a betrayer and a monster and now Wale was a psycho. How would she manage this?

“You don’t believe me? I will prove it to you. Somethings that happened some days back, I knew before they happened. I will give you the book I scribble in for you to read and understand. I love you with all my heart but I have a deep calling to stand up to my responsibilities”

He brought out the book, he dropped it on the bed and left the room. Farida opened the book and she was amazed. He wrote the date and the time he had the encounters or dreams. She saw the day her son was released. He had written that morning, “From a bad situation comes something great. the baby is coming home today. The doctors will marvel at the goodness of God. The twins are for signs and wonders. Never underestimate them. Both of them will stop suckling at six months, they will walk at nine months, but they will only grow their teeth when they are one year three months. There is nothing wrong with them. Their umbilical cord will fall off on the day of their naming. One by 5pm; the other by 10pm. Mark this day. I will reveal more to you. Keep these children safe”

When he came back, she asked, “Are you sure this is from God? Are you sure this is not manipulation? Maybe you have joined a church and now they are sending you these dreams. The umbilical cord of the second twin is still attached by more than half. It will not fall soon. Even the first we are looking at tomorrow or next”

“I joined no church. I had a personal encounter and it is not a calling to found a church but to lead my family. Let us do the introduction here and now. It doesn’t mean we are married. If you believe me, we will have the wedding but know that I would no longer be sharing your bed with you until we do the right thing”

‘Were you told to marry me?”

“How do I continue to live in sin because grace abides? God forbids. I know the right thing to do and I will do it. Let’s do the introduction and take it from there. Think about it and meet me downstairs”

Farida sat down to think about it. She loved Wale but this new Wale was too intense and she wasn’t sure she wanted someone currently obsessed with premonitions. She laid on the bed. She was born a Muslim even though she hardly practiced it. She didn’t want her children brought up in a religion that made a girl feel less than a boy. She is forced to have early marriage and abused severally by her husband. But she had encountered Muslims in the UK and their daughter had some rights. They had right to education and working to earn a living instead of been forced into marriage. There were extremists but she surrounded herself with those who know their rights. Alot had changed.

Now, Wale has brought religion into their lives. She wanted to avoid it so much. She wanted her children to decide the religion they wanted and where they would worship. She believed it should be all them. Wale can’t force his new found love for religion down their throat. She decided she would go ahead with the introduction but it didn’t mean she had married Wale.

She came downstairs and when her eyes locked with Wale’s eyes, she nodded her head. Wale talked to his father and then they did the introduction. They agreed they would wait until the babies were six months before they would have their engagement and then the court wedding.

While entertaining the visitors, the new nurse called Farida and showed her baby’s cord had fallen off. She checked the time and it was a few minutes after 5pm. This was definitely coincidence.

After the guests had left. Farida dragged herself to the bedroom. She had a shower came out into the bedroom. Kufre knocked on the door. She had the second cord in her hand. It was 10:04pm. Farida knew no one could be this precise at something like this. How was it possible?

#OpraDre FARIDA 74

To be continued.

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Adeyemi mutiyat
Adeyemi mutiyat
2 years ago

Hmm interesting

2 years ago

This is getting interesting

2 years ago

Next o, Farida marry Wale o