FARIDA Episode 72 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 57 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 72 by Oge’s Stories

They still couldn’t reach Monica which necessitated Wale to visit Hugh. Hugh called her in Wale’s presence and asked her to speak to him. Monica sounded very formal on the phone. She didn’t give a tangible reason why she was avoiding their calls. It was Hugh who told Wale her brother suffered a massive stroke and was in hospital when she refused to say anything.

Wale and Farida wondered why Monica was behaving in this manner. Farida was shocked at the news and then called Sam’s father.

“My daughter, Sam got what he deserved”

“What happened?”

“He had a heart attack. If I hadn’t sent Idara to him; he would have died”

“What caused it?”

“He has not been able to tell us. His speech is impaired and he can’t walk well”

“Monica didn’t tell me and has refused to speak with me””

“His mother is sowing a seed of discord. Don’t bother yourself. You are not to blame for what happened. He chose his path and he has to enjoy it”

“Dad, what am I to be blamed for now?”

“Nothing. You did nothing. He did it all. He can’t talk so his mother is promotining the propaganda. I am waiting for them to come back. She has proved her worth. Years ago, I warned her about her behavior; she just wanted to sit at home and answer madam without adding any value. I told her to make something for herself and not depend on me. She refused. I starved her of my wealth and my affection to get her to behave because I loved her so much. She went haywire. She did what I asked her to do and then left the house. She never gave me a good reason for leaving. She travelled abroad and demanded for a divorce. I gave her thinking she would come back to her senses. She didn’t. instead she went to marry a man old enough to father her. I had young children she abandoned when she left. I remarried. My wife had the same attitude; she was lazy and didn’t want to do anything but live off me. Why would any human being with self-worth want to live off another? I began to starve her and separate her from friends leading her astray. She still didn’t change or want to change. That was until you came along. You were what my heart desired. If not that you were Monica’s friend and I could see the impact you had made in her life, I would have made you mine. I didn’t hide it from my wife that was why she was hostile to you. I told her one day, why not learn from this girl instead of fighting her? Use your head and not your heart. She started and now she is someone that can hold her own. She is a good mother, wife, housekeeper, business owner and philanthropist. She has my full attention now and I have hers. This was all I wanted for Sam’s mother but she chose to learn the hard way. Sam has lost something in you and he is aware. He was holding on to strings but sometimes you just have to let go and tow the line of friendship which was what I did with his mother until she began to lead him astray. You have done nothing wrong instead Sam owes you a deep apology. It is sad but this is what it comes to”

Did Monica believe her mother? Monica was aware of all Farida went through in the hands of Sam so why would she take sides with them. Farida was deeply hurt. Wale tried to pacify her but she laid awake most nights just thinking about it. They had been together for so long for Monica not to defend her. She never wished evil upon Sam even though he deserved it after all he did to her. She didn’t want Monica added to those she had to battle with.

Wale stayed back for another month to help Farida open the new studio for kids. The opening attracted people from Northampton and neighouring counties. The lighting and experiences her studio created for both the children and their parents were amazing. They had so much work to do that day. Wale did most of the leg work doing whatsoever Farida wanted done without her being on her feet for more than two minutes. It was also amazing for the children as they were used for the advertisement. It was awesome. The pictures were uploaded on their social media pages and they got amazing responses.

Two day after, Wale got a call. The caller id didn’t look familiar but he still picked up. He was surprised to hear Tomiwa’s voice.

“Hello Wale. I hope I am not disturbing you”

“No, you are not. How are you?”

“I am good. I saw a picture of you and Morenike and I was stunned. She has grown big and looks happy”

“Yes, she has. She is very happy”

“You took the right decision moving her to UK. I saw the picture she took with Farida. They have a bond. That should have been me. Wale I have many regrets but having that child for you is not one”

“You cannot regret having such an angel”

“Kiss her for me. Please tell her about me. And, most importantly, thank Farida for me. She is one of a kind”

“I will. Take care of yourself”

“And you too”

The phone called filled Wale with joy and satisfaction. He was happy everyone was attesting to the fact Morenike looked well taken care of. It couldn’t have been him; it was all Farida. When he told her about the phone call, she was glad. Next time, he would ask whoever to thank her themselves. He knew it would make her day.

Monica came back to the UK a few days before Wale left. She came with Hugh to visit Farida and Wale. She apologized for being incommunicado as the situation on ground warranted it.

“It got messy. My brother was a ghost of himself. I broke down. Mother told me you did this to Sam so you could get your divorce from him and she allowed the divorce to go through. She told me stories I didn’t believe but didn’t have a choice but to listen to. Sam couldn’t talk so I wondered where she got all her information from. She didn’t know half of what was going on. One night, she started her craziness again. I called Idara and asked her what really happened. I begged Idara to confide in us so we can help Sam. She told me we couldn’t help Sam; if we knew what he went through, we would allow him be. I pressed for the information. She explained to us that Sam had stepped on some powerful toes. He had joined forces with a faction to help him win the election. After the election, he was going back on their agreement. He did it to the extent he was creating his own faction. They came after him. he refused to do the rites they had agreed on so they kidnapped his son. It was while looking for Junior father stepped into the matter with pleas from Idara and Sam. They went to see the man who helped Sam. He insisted on the rite. When it was done, Idara knew Sam would never be the same again”

“What did they do to him?”

‘She told me in confidence they did what Sam did to you. Five men; five hefty men raped him”

“Omg!” cried out Farida, “Why? Why would they do that to him?”

“According to Idara, they told him they found out he liked to sodomise women so they decided to do same to him. How did they know what happened? I believed you told someone that decided to take revenge on your behalf”

“How can I tell anyone? How can I share something like that? I didn’t do such” Farida responded.

“Alhaji knew about it. There is nothing he is not aware of. He knew Sam sodomised Farida. If he did that to revenge for Farida, I am not aware of that. All I know is that he was the one stopping the court case in the court. He asked them to grant the divorce and they did. He told me it would be over soon but I didn’t know it was like this” Wale added.

“Farida I was bitter. I believed you did something against Sam. I watched my mother age before my eyes and agonise over her son. Idara asked to relocate to Germany so she could be with Sam while he recuperates. It would also give my mother a breather. I accepted. She couldn’t stay in Papi’s house so I had to get a place for them with my father’s help. He was the one that explained further and deeply what happened. I know why he had the heart attack that led to a stroke. Father assured me neither of you were involved. Idara is there now with her children. Interestingly, she is with Papi. Papi wants the kids with him while she takes care of Sam. We had to cancel her lease. It was a horrific three months plus. Sam is getting better. With therapy, his movement has improved tremendously but his speech is taking time. My stepmother came with Idara to visit Sam. She shed tears for him. she stayed for a week and then left to take care of her husband. Sam was surrounded by love which he never gave. I hope he learns his lesson from this”

“He will always be in our prayers. He is the father of my children so I can’t wish him evil. I have forgiven him for everything he did to me. I hold no grudge against him. I have what I wanted the most and I am happy”

“That is true, have you told him?” Monica asked Farida.

“You won’t believe how he found out. But anyway, he knows” Farida replied.

“How did he find out?” Monica asked very interested. She could see Farida was reluctant to tell her.

“I came around and this pregnant girl allowed me make love to her. You know, I put all my skills into action and it gave the desired effect. The babe was bleeding o. Like play like play we landed in the hospital. That was how I knew. According to Kufre, a pregnant woman is not supposed to have hard sex. Whatever that means”

“Kufre said that?” Farida inquired with her eyes almost bulging in shock.

“You don’t know you are loud. You, Farida, you are loud” Monica replied laughing her head off.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Farida asking visibly upset.

“It’s sensual. It’s interesting. By the way, when you were sneaking around Kaduna and Abuja with Wale, did you tell me?” Monica asked.

“I’m been honest here; that was the best time of my life. The sweetest sex I have ever had was in Kaduna. No other has beat it” Wale confessed to them further embarrassing Farida.

“Why are you shy? The pregnancy is evidence of the do” Monica teased further.

Wale was in the office when he was told he had a visitor. He checked the CCTV but couldn’t see the person clearly. He asked her to come in. He was surprised to see his mother in the company of another lady. He greeted both of them politely and asked them what he could do for them.

“Is dis aw you treat de woman dat gave birt to you?” his mother asked

“Mum, if you came with drama, I am not ready for it. I will leave this office for you” Wale replied her.

The woman with her asked her to calm down. Then she said, “Adewale, I am your mother’s good friend. She complained to me you abandoned her and took her grandchild to your married lover abroad. I was surprised I always want to hear from both sides and I told her. She has been having disturbing dreams that they want to kill you because of your lover. She has gone to church and we have been doing prayer. The pastor said we should bring you to him for prayers so that the evil one will not win over us”

“How much did the pastor ask for?” Wale asked.

“He did not ask for money only for materials. He has finished the prayers and wants you to come” the woman answered.

“I had a dream. I dreamt that my mother will come with a woman to dupe me. The woman will want to kill me to prove what she and her pastor had seen. My mother will be the one to lead me to my death”

“God forbids. Emi, lead you to your deat? I cannot do dat. She’s de one dat take me to er pastor”

“Madam, eat the money my mother gave you; you will not get more. If your pastor was seeing, he would have seen Farida getting her divorce and her ex husband very sick. He is a fake pastor”

“The man worked on the information we gave him. if you come with us we can get all the details”

“Madam please take my mother and leave my office. I am not leaving Farida; I love her. Whatever you say or do, it is Farida or no other person”

“Adewale, why are you insisting on marrying another man’s wife when there are single girls all over. She has sharmed you and we want release you”

“It is no more a dream? Mum if you ever come back here with this woman or your wild stories you will not like me”

“Wat woman turns a son away from is moter? It is honly a wicked and devilish woman dat will do dat. You don’t ask after your mother. You don’t kiare whether I am alive or dead. Because of married woman. Wo, I will continue to pray until God deliver you o. Dat woman must leave you and my Morenike alone”

“Go and pray. Are you tired of using Babalawo? What did your ifa priest tell you? Didn’t he say you should leave us alone? Now you have gone to pastor. Church you did not enter unless it is wedding or burial. Farida is my wife whether you like it or not. If you have to die for her to be mine, get ready”

“Ah! Did you ear dat? My son wants me to die because of is married lover. Wale, she ave sharm you. Ilorin juju is very strong. Ah omo mi ti lo. You want me to die because of dat tin”

“You never liked her. I have always loved her. You know that. Farida and I is until death do us part o. Nothing anybody will say that will separate us. Anybody that tries to separate us will die before they succeed. Anybody that wants to put asunder will be electrocuted by lightening. Anybody that that takes our name or material to any place to separate us both the giver and the received will catch fire. Anybody…”

“O tito. It is enough. Why all this epe? Why are you placing curse like this? It will affect your mother. She is the one running helter-skelter on your case. She wants to help you. She is searching for your deliverance”

‘Did I ask for her help? I ask again, what did the ifa priest tell you that has made you go to pastor? Leave me and my family alone. We are happy the way we are”

“It is dat girl dat made you leave your ineritance to be a slave to an Hausa man. Dey talked and laughed about it. She said you should be a man because we rejected her. Wat kind of woman separates a man from his family? You worked for an Alhaji; wat did you gain? Now you are back to work for the family”

“Mum, please leave. I have tolerated you enough. You stand here to insult me without facts. Go and get your facts before talking to me again. As per my love Farida, she is the best woman ever. Her advice was the best advice I have ever taken and it paid off. Go back and ask your husband and your stepsons why I am back here. In the meantime, take your fake pastor assistant out of my office. I am calling security now”

“To trow me out of my usband’s office?”

“It’s my office and they will throw you out. Security please I need you to escort these two ladies in my office out of the premises…..” They both picked up their bags and left.

#OpraDre FARIDA 72

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Catherine idoko
Catherine idoko
2 years ago

Weldon 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

2 years ago

Wale please take it easy with your mum oo.
Na African mum she be

2 years ago

That’s how most African mum’s are… although hers is too extreme. May God touch her heart.

@oge’s stories well done o. This is such an interesting read. Anxiously awaiting the next episodes. Please nothing should happen to wale and Farida o.
We want happy ending Biko.

2 years ago

More grease to your elbow, the author

Catherine idoko
Catherine idoko
2 years ago

sup With the new episode on farida ?

1 year ago

i sooo much love this story 🤗