FARIDA Episode 56 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 20 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 56 by Oge’s Stories

Wale targeted travelling just before the naming of the baby. His mother had asked him what he wanted to name her but he wanted to agree with Farida before choosing. They agreed on Morenike – I have found a person to pamper.

Wale arrived a day to the naming ceremony. His father helped him get all the information he needed to see the baby. He landed in the house on the day of the naming. His two sisters and step siblings were present. Tomiwa’s mother too was there and members of her family he didn’t know. They were all surprised and happy to see him. He was shown his baby who he carried all through.

When they asked the father to name her, Wale called her Morenike. They all supported the name. He tried to avoid taking pictures with Tomiwa and his mother. He made sure he had eaten very well before he left the hotel. He refused to eat anything there.

Tomiwa’s mother approached him in the company of two other elderly women. She said to him, “Wouldn’t it have been better we had the introduction at once here?”

Wale was shocked at their suggestion. “I don’t understand. Introduction for what?”

“To make Tomiwa your wife” another woman answered.

“But I am not marrying Tomiwa, we had an agreement. She would have the baby and move on”

“What are you talking about? Do you think it is that easy?”

“That’s why I asked her to have an abortion but she was bent on having the baby she deceitfully conceived. I have never come to you to talk about Tomiwa’s pregnancy so what does it tell you? I am not interested in marrying her now or ever. If my mother is deceiving you, don’t let her. It will never happen”

“So you want to use my daughter and dump her”

“Since Tomiwa took in, have you ever seen me? Did I come to meet you to let you know I was the one responsible for her pregnancy? I am not responsible for her pregnancy; she is. Now, she is free to move on with her life and I will take care of my daughter”

“Your mother specifically said you will marry her. Your family wants the union; so, what is the problem?”

“I am married to someone else. My heart belongs to her and your daughter knew before she intentionally got pregnant for me. I forgive Tomiwa and you should too. We have an agreement and she can’t go back on it. Excuse me”

Wale was angry at their effrontery. He had never been to them to talk about the pregnancy talk less of marriage so why would they approach him about introduction? He had had enough of the place. He took pictures of his daughter. He gave Tomiwa and his mother $5000 to do extra shopping. He told them he had to go leave. His mother wasn’t happy. Tomiwa wasn’t happy. Wale didn’t care. As he left there, he packed his bag and left for the airport. He changed his ticket and got a flight to the UK. He would rather spend the rest of the week with Farida than with his mother and Tomiwa.

Wale arrived the house very late. He came in through the front door as he had the keys. As he got in, he tiptoed upstairs. Everyone was asleep. He dropped his bags quietly in the living room. He entered quietly into Farida’s room. He stripped and joined her in bed.

Farida was startled awake when she felt someone joining her in bed. She laid still to catch the person unawares. As the person laid down, she turned abruptly and turned on the side lamp. She was perplexed to see Wale on her bed. She cleaned her eyes to be sure but he was the one smiling at her. He hugged her and planted a kiss on her mouth. As the kiss got deeper, she voluntarily took off her nightie and other appendages so he could have free access to her body. The tiredness from his trip disappeared from Wale’s body. He had missed Farida and her beautiful body. She was different. She was slimmer and her tummy was way flatter. It was unbelievable. He begged her not to be loud while he gave them both pleasures. She just couldn’t help, he had to cover her mouth with his hand before he called out her name and ejaculated. As usual, they had a shower together and round two took place before they cuddled up and went to bed. It was summer so the weather was a bit hot, they slept without the duvet.

Monica woke up the next morning. She had heard noises but wasn’t willing to come out to check. When she came out, she saw a bag in the sitting room. It looked familiar. She left it and as her morning routine entailed, she checked on Farida. She opened the door without knocking and met the shock of her life. Farida was stark naked in bed with a man. She knew Farida not to be some who was wayward so she guessed it was Wale. It was her first time seeing Farida naked and now she understood why all the guys were after her. Even there, they got free stuff in a bid for the shop owners to woo Farida. They didn’t really know Wale with them. Farida had a hot body. She trained the body; Monica joined her and had lost a considerable amount of weight. The problem were her hips; they refused to reduce. But she didn’t mind. Hugh loved them and that was all that mattered. Farida had been asked to do some modeling jobs and the children were being canvassed to do some adverts and get paid. They were really cute and both of them had Farida’s height.

Wale woke of first and noticed her by the door.

“Hi Monica”

“It’s you. I was trying to make out who she was in bed with”

“It can’t be anyone but me”

“I can see that. And I can see you had a wild one”

“We missed each other”

Farida woke up and was deeply embarrassed. She searched for the duvet to cover herself. Monica watched her struggle. She said, “So Wale can see this body but I cannot. Isn’t it what you are trying to say? You never used to sleep in the nude even with Sam but you are exposing everything for Wale. Stop cutting eye for me Wale. She wants to cover herself so I cannot see her breasts or what? I just wanted to be sure Sam had not deceived you in coming here and having what he truly desires. Wale, what will you like for breakfast?”

“Anything dearie. It will take a while before I come down though”

“Do you think I don’t know? Just don’t be loud please, there are children else in the house”

Farida felt like dying. She couldn’t say a word. She was caught like they say, pants down. She couldn’t even deny anything happened. Why didn’t Wale lock the door? Why was he suggesting to her they were still going to have sex?

Wale stood up stark naked to lock the door. Now she understood what he was saying. She wasn’t interested. He had embarrassed her and Monica would be listening for them. Wale wasn’t interested in her excuse. He told her he needed as much as he could get before he goes back to his lonely life. She succumbed.

The twins had grown. He was happy to see them. He spent the whole day with them playing and laughing. They had fun time with him. He took them on strolls. Ladies gave them freebies because they were so cute but Farida said it was because they had eyes on her Wale.

They had fun. Wale was introduced to Kufre. She was doing an excellent job. Trust Wale, he went shopping for the house that would last at least two months. He stocked up the place and insisted while he was there Farida cooked food they would eat for the next month. She was skinny which was sexy but wasn’t healthy.

“She has been missing you that’s why” Monica offered.

“I know. She will get enough of me before I go” Wale responded which made Farida shy.

The day Wale was to go back, Farida had an examination and couldn’t see him off. The snuggled in bed that morning after a round of sharing their affection for each other.

“Will I ever get bored of you?” Wale asked.

“I hope not. I haven’t shown my skills yet”

“I am not Sam. I will give you all the pleasure you deserve and more. You don’t have to do anything to give me pleasure; your pleasure is my pleasure”

“Can I ask a question?”

“Go ahead”

“Promise me you will answer me honestly”

“I promise you”

“Is it the same with others? I mean, I have heard you and Tomiwa. Is there is difference with me?”

“You want me to be honest?” Farida nodded her head, “it’s the same but the feeling isn’t. you don’t need to do anything to turn me in. I am always turned on by you because of how I feel about you. With others, something attracts me and when I’m done nothing keeps me. With you, I want to please you because I know your reaction is genuine. I watch you struggling to hold it back and can’t. Do you know what that does to me? You are sweet and you make me want to go on and on and on. I can never have enough of you. This is just because I love and no other. See, see what talking about it has done to me”

“I can’t bear you making love with another”

“Same here. I won’t, I promise you. Also, I won’t want you to do same. Especially not with Sam”

“Never. I can’t have sex with Sam ever again. I know the difference now between making love and having sex. I had sex out of obligation but I am experiencing love making for the first time”

“You sure? What of your first sexual experience”

Farida froze. She never thought Wale will bring it up. She didn’t say anything. Wale sensed there was something but didn’t want to push. He then said “When you are ready we can talk about it” and changed the topic.

As he was leaving for the airport, he played and fed the twins and kissed them goodbye. He gave Kufre £1000 for doing such an awesome job with the twins. She made it possible for him to spend quality time with Farida. He hired a cab to take him to the airport. He intended to spend more time with Farida on the journey so he offered to drop her off in school since she had an examination.

After he dropped her off at school while he headed to the airport, he wondered what Farida may be hiding. She had been withdrawn since he asked that question. He decided when he comes around and is staying longer, he would bring up the topic and ask her about it.

While he was in the UK, he had asked Kufre to get a very good nanny in Lagos for him. She got him someone whom he interviewed and employed immediately. When he mentioned it to his mother, she insisted the nanny wouldn’t stay in her house. Wale got infuriated. He opened his flat had it completely cleaned up and renovated in preparation for their return unknown to them.

Six weeks after the birth of Morenike, she came back to Lagos amidst funfare. Wale refused to be a part of it. He came to see them three days after they came back. He introduced the nanny Agnes to them. He said he wanted the baby to be well tended to as his mother goes for her owambe partie. He asked Tomiwa and the nanny to move into his flat until the baby is old enough to be weaned. His mother can check on them there.

Iya Wale was shocked at her son. She went with them to the flat and truly he had renovated the place, converted the second biggest room to a Nursery for Morenike. The nanny would be staying there with her. The master bedroom, which was where he was staying, he made very comfortable for Tomiwa. He employed a help who would help with the cooking and cleaning of the house. She resumed at 7am and closed at 7pm. They were all on his bill. He made available a car and driver to move them around.

Wale laid down the rules. It was his house it was either his mother abided by the rules or he moves his family to a house outside the estate where she is not welcome to.

1. His mother could visit but she was not to stay with them and they are not allowed visit or sleep in her own apartment.

2. Morenike is not allowed to go out or sleep anywhere outside the flat without his permission.

3. Until Tomiwa leaves in six months as agreed, she is not to receive visitors in that flat except her mother and siblings. Any other visitor should see her in his mother’s apartment. They cannot see Morenike.

4. All their needs have been provided for. Tomiwa will receive N200,000 in addition every month until she leaves.

5. Morenike will be weaned at three months so Tomiwa can start looking for a job in other to move on.

6. There will never be any marriage between Wale and Tomiwa. It will never happen. After six months, Wale will settle Tomiwa and she can leave.

“What kind of nonsense rules are these? What do you mean by this?” Wale’s mum yelled.

“I don’t want you caring for my child. If it is too much, I will move them to Abuja, get them a place”

‘We had agreed, I will take care of her and Tomiwa, what changed?”

“I got my daughter a nanny and you tell me the nanny can’t stay with you. I can manage my daughter on my own but I would want her to get the required nutrients from breastfeeding that is why she would be on exclusive breastfeeding for three months before I introduce milk. I have it all planned out and I can do this on my own. A nurse will visit weekly to check on my daughter. This is my wish. If Tomiwa wants to stay with you, she is free to but Morenike remains with the nanny in my flat”

“Is that what that witch and her mother put you up to? Because she used nannies therefore you must? I have nursed three children successfully and now you don’t want me to take care of them. No problem. Remember you rejected the pregnancy, I was the one who asked her to keep it”

“Point of correction, you planned the pregnancy with her and asked her to keep it even when I said I didn’t want it. Morenike is my blood and will be raised by me”

“What of her mother?”

“She can’t be raised by a scheming woman who deceived her father into impregnating her just because she wants him to marry her”

“Can’t we ever move past the mistake. I am sorry for everything. I have changed. Please forgive me and let us move on” Tomiwa asked calmly.

“I have forgiven you that is why you are here talking to me. If moving on is you leaving in six months, then I am ready for that. But if it is our reconciliation and deepening of a non existent relationship, it is impossible. It will never happen” Wale answered

“I agree to your rules. I actually thought with the birth of our baby you would come around but you are not. I will leave at six months but will love to have access to my baby to visit. I can have her for some weekends and holidays …..”

“Shut up! Do you have sense at all? You want to leave your husband and your baby for another woman? Is that what we agreed?”

“But mummy, Wale doesn’t want me. He told my mother in clear terms he is not interested in marrying me. Why will I tag along with a man that loves someone else? Why would I want to make a man love me by force? What if it backfires? I have thought about it. Wale is a good person. See all he has done for his daughter. A child he didn’t plan for. I will be a wicked person to do evil against him”

“Omoyi ti kpa mi. What are you saying Tomiwa?”

“Don’t think I am not aware of all you are doing against Farida and I. You, my own mother plotting my downfall. See, the love I have for this child is because of Farida. She loves her even more than I do. She has made me accept her as it is not her fault she came and she came for a purpose. Nothing you do will separate Farida and I. Nothing!”

“Wale. A fly that doesn’t heed to the advice follows a corpse into the grave. You see that Farida girl; she is a gold digger and will never enter this family”

“Accepted. Let her dig my gold. I do not want anything from the family. I want no inheritance. We will struggle and make it on our own”

‘Shut up! Don’t let be heard. You want to leave your family because of that girl? You left the family business; your father said it was temporary and now you want to have no inheritance. Are you a bastard? You want your brothers to take your birthright? They are almost killing themselves over the company you left and now you are talking of having no inheritance. If you don’t want, what of your daughter?”

“The problem is you don’t believe I can make it on my own. I can, mum. And I will. You will be amazed. Farida doesn’t want anything from me. She’s a scholar. She is about rounding up her Master’s degree. And guess what, she is the best graduating student. She is also a certified Personnel Manager in the United Kingdom. She is not poor. She’s hardworking and focused. Together we will make it with no one’s help”

“I am not in support of you giving up your inheritance. What of Morenike? She should be entitled to something from your family” Tomiwa added.

Wale turned to his mother and said, “Who is the gold digger now?”

He walked out on them and went to see his daughter. He gave the nanny strict instructions, showed her where everything was. Kissed Morenike good bye and then left. He had his regrets. He should have brought Morenike to Abuja to be close to him. He just didn’t want Tomiwa around and Tomiwa was has made it obvious she was interested in the family fortune.

After he left, Wale’s mother had it hot with Tomiwa. “You cannot even hide your greed. Amebo. You talk too much. Instead of you to fight for your man I am the one fighting for you and you show no respect or regard”

“Mummy, you were the one that planned this whole thing with auntie Bose. I told you I know Wale very well; he will never agree but you reassured me he does whatever you say. It didn’t work out that way. He doesn’t want me. I have accepted my fate but I can’t leave emptyhanded. Either Morenike’s future is secure or I take a settlement or I leave with her. I cannot afford to lose out completely”

‘What are you saying? Settlement for what? See if you leave with this child it will be the biggest mistake you made. Wale will never come back her. That Farida is being nice because they haven’t married her yet. Once Wale marries her and she has a child for him; Morenike is forgotten. I thought you were smart but I was wrong”

Tomiwa has lost interest in Wale due to his attitude. At the naming, it was obvious to everyone he didn’t want to be seen with her. He even embarrassed her mother. It was not getting any better. Her ex-boyfriend heard she had a baby and called to congratulate her. He asked if she was married now but she said she wasn’t interested in marrying the father of her child. He asked to see her when she was in town. She could see he was a big boy on social media. She wanted to lose more weight and get into shape before she goes to see him. She was no longer worried about the reason they broke up which was his philandering.

If she wanted to marry a man who was in love with another woman, she can manage a man who just enjoys having many women without bringing them home. All Wale’s mother was saying was gibberish to her. Tosin knows how to have fun.

Wale was clean, doesn’t drink or smoke or do drugs or club like crazy. Tosin was the compete opposite. She missed that lifestyle and she craved it now. She has made her decision. Six months and she’s out.

#OpraDre FARIDA 56

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Catherine idoko
Catherine idoko
2 years ago

Iya wale be doing the most 🤦‍♀️

2 years ago

There is many more things, people can gain in this story