FARIDA Episode 55 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 1 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 55 by Oge’s Stories

As though the matter on ground was not bad, Sam’s phone began to ring. It was an unknown number. He picked it to distract himself from Idara and the mess on ground.

“Good afternoon o. Ish dis Farida husband?”

“Who is this?” Sam asked.

“My name is Mrs Badmus. I am Wale’s mother. Your wife ave sharmed my son. You dat is d husband, wat is your plan to get your wife back?”

“This is not a good time to talk about this. Maybe we should discuss this tomorr….” Idara snatched the phone from Sam and spoke with the person on the other end,

“Hello who is this and what do you want from my husband?”

“Your husband ke? Isn’t he Farida husband? I was talking to Oko Farida”

“Who are you?” Idara asked.

“I am Mrs Badmus. I am Wale’s mother. I want to talk to Sam about Farida is wife. You say you are his wife; Farida get second wife ni”

Sam took the phone from her and asked Iya Wale to call back later.

“What does she want? Why does she want to talk to you about Farida? What is going on?”

“I don’t know. I will find out tomorrow”

“Who is Wale?”

“Forget about it. I will sort it out tomorrow”

“Who is Wale? Why is his mother calling you? Why was Farida pregnancy and birth of her babies kept a secret from me? You made promises to me Sam, you didn’t fulfil them. Your father dislikes me; he prefers his darling Farida that can do no wrong and has given him a grandson. Ok, we shall see”

She stood up and went into her room and locked the door.

Sam went down to meet his father who was still seated comfortably in his sitting room.

“Why did you do it dad?”

“Do what?”

“Tell her”

“Because you married a woman who feels entitled. She felt entitled to a gift for giving birth to a son thinking she had the first son. She has never asked for gifts for the daughters she had. I had to let her know she couldn’t any as she didn’t have the family heir. And, she deserves to know. She needs to sit up. I am not impressed with her and I have a problem with her covetous nature”

“It wasn’t enough for you to do this”

“You don’t listen to me. I know more than you think I know. I am waiting for when you will ask for my help and I will tell you there is nothing I can do. I asked you to allow Farida go for her Master’s degree, you refused. You carted away her documents but she outsmarted you. I asked you to make peace with her, you went threatening her. I knew she was pregnant and she confided in me the babies were yours long before they were born. Go and make peace with Farida, win her back, you went arrogantly as if she needs you. Farida doesn’t need either of us. She is a very smart girl and can make it on her own. Pay child support for your children, you refused. Another man bought a house for your wife and children and is catering for them. You are not smart. You never calm down to think. You only did that when Farida was with you. Now, you have been exposed. Live up to your responsibility. That’s all I can tell you. Your first son is now another man’s son. Remain with Idara, leave Farida alone. Focus on your election and win. If you lose, I will not sponsor you again”

“Wale’s mother doesn’t want Farida either. She is waging a war against her. The local woman claims Farida charmed her son. Let’s see how your darling Farida will come out of this”

“Obviously, the boy is in love. He has seen her value and her worth which I was helping you make her believe we saw and appreciated. You have a wife and you can’t take care of her. Idara came here, what you did to Farida you did the same to her. You made no arrangement for a vehicle to move her and the children around. She went for Farida’s vehicle; did you observe it? I bought the vehicle for Farida and she used it well. I kept the car but left the key so it would be warmed regularly. Idara took the vehicle amidst protest from the drivers. She didn’t take permission from me. I didn’t say anything thinking you will observe and do the right thing but you didn’t. What does it say about you?”

‘Because of a vehicle? Farida had a new one three years ago which is still parked there”

“But she treasured the one I gave her. We had a deal and she got the vehicle. You won’t understand all I had to do to feed your ego. That’s the reason she never let it go. Your wife can have it; I will buy her an even better care when she comes back to Nigeria finally. Idara expects another to cook for her to eat. She cant even supervise the kitchen staff on what to make for us all to eat. Farida would cook the food I would eat when she is around from her kitchen. My wife will join me to eat the sumptuous meal made with love. You have no idea what you are losing. I told you to bring Idara back here so she will learn how to be a good wife but you dumped her here and didn’t get her taught. Well. Farida is the only daughter-in-law I have whether she divorces you or not” Sam’s father opened his newspaper and continued reading.

Sam knew he had been dismissed. He was angry at his father but he couldn’t do anything. Why was he bringing all this up now? He should have directed him earlier. He felt defeated about Farida. How can Wale afford to buy Farida a house in London? If she has a house, Farida will never come back home. Her mother was getting anxious about their reconciliation; she said it was taking too long. What was he to do? He had an election coming soon. Maybe he could send her to see the children on his behalf. It will also spite Farida the more. He smiled to himself. His father underestimates him.

Iya Wale called Sam several times during the next day but he was busy. When he was less busy, he spoke with her. He told her he would prefer a face to face meeting with the parties involved at his mother’s house. He gave her the address and the date for the meeting. He also invited Farida’s mother.

Sam’s first shock was the gorgeously dressed woman who came in. She was adorned with so much gold it could blind the eyes. Even his mother was taken aback. They sat down to discuss after introductions.

“I am Wale’s mother. My son has a wife who has travelled to have a baby for him. Farida sharmed him and he didn’t look his wife again”

“Wale has a wife? Are you sure about that?”

“She will born soon. I am travelling weekend to America where she will born”

“So, he has a wife and he is deceiving Farida?”

Iya Farida stepped in, “What we Yorubas refer to as wife is a woman who has a child for you. We believe no child is illegitimate. A girl is pregnant for him and the family wants him to marry her but he has refused”

“O, I see. They are not legally married. Ok, so what does she want?”

“She wants us to join forces to separate them since you want your wife and children back then” Iya Farida replied.

“The problem I have is the election upcoming elections. I am contesting and I really don’t have the time. What I intend to do is to ask you, Farida’s mum to travel to the UK on my behalf to see Farida and the babies on my scheduled visit. Then you will tell her the situation on ground right now. Wale is expecting a child too. The best solution is for both of them to separate and face their individual spouses”

“Kini eleyi so bayi? What are you saying? Farida know Wale has wife. She know the girl is pregnant. Still she want Wale”

His mother spoke up for the first time. “I am beginning to believe the charming thing. For seven years she had no child all of a sudden, she got pregnant for Sam and had twins. It was well orchestrated. Then she has sunk her claws in another rich guy who has a pregnant wife but bought a house for her in London. She is doing all this for the money; I am not deceived”

“Money? My daughter is not interested in your money. Ask Sam if he has given her money since she left for London. It is not about money; she felt betrayed by you and Sam. How can Sam marry a second wife and have children and hide it from his wife? When she wanted IVF he said he didn’t want children. It wasn’t fair. I supported her then. I was ready for her to take a break from it all. Then she discovered she was pregnant and it changed everything. The children deserve to be with their parents. That’s my stand and it is causing friction between us. Sam is not a saint and hasn’t treated my daughter fairly but as long as he is not abusive towards her, she can endure. Sam claims he still loves her so I will support him”

“Your daughter wasn’t a saint either; she had a lover all along” Sam’s mother responded.

“Her friendship with Wale has been on for several years. They met during Jamb. I knew he loved Farida but she didn’t feel the same then. When Sam came along, I asked her to reconsider as I know Wale loved her but she insisted it was Sam she wanted. Her relationship with Wale was after she left Sam. Farida is not like that at all” Iya Farida answered.

“But why is she going after rich guys? Is she a gold digger? I haven’t seen her with an average or poor guy” Sam’s mother added.

“Ask your son why he went after her. She refused him but he went all out to woo her. Ask your son” she said to Sam’s mother and then turned to Wale’s mother, “I want my daughter to be with her husband. I left my husband when the beating was too much. I would have stayed if he wasn’t beating me. I left because I knew I would die one day and my children will suffer. I suffered as a single mother; I was disowned and rejected. My father wasn’t poor neither was Farida’s father but single parenthood brought poverty. I don’t want the same for Farida. I want her to remain married to Sam so her children will remain legitimate and not be products of single parents. I don’t want people to take advantage of her like they did to me. I don’t want her to be looked down on. Beg Wale to allow Farida return to Sam. I beg you”

“Maybe you should tell Wale yourself; he doesn’t listen to me. He has stopped talking to me because of Farida. He left the family business and started his own because we were against him being with a married woman. It is not that I don’t know what to do to separate them but I wanted the separation to be peaceful. But if it is war she wants; I will give her war” Wale’s mother answered.

“Don’t try that with my daughter. She didn’t charm your son; your son has been in love. I am not interested in his love; he should also leave my daughter alone. I am from Ilorin o, if you try anything with my daughter, your son will carry it. Why would Farida choose to be with someone whose mother is diabolic?”

“Who is diabolic?”

“She means you visit jujuman, babalawo” Sam’s mother explained to her.

“I will go to any length for my only son”

“I will go to any length for my only daughter. Omo Ilorin ni mi, I am from Ilorin. Don’t try me or we will all end in tears”

“Everybody should calm down” Sam stepped in. “We want Farida back and you want your Wale back. Both of you should go to London and see Farida and let her know the implication of what she is doing”

“I will go alone; she is not going with me” pointed at Wale’s mother.

“My grandchild is about to be born; I am going to America. If she doesn’t leave Wale she will hear from me”

“I am waiting” Farida’s mother replied.

Sam told his mother, after they had left, he didn’t need to fight anymore as the two warring mothers will bring Farida back.

“Why do you want her back? She has taken a lover and you still desire her?”

“You won’t understand mum. I love her and desire her. I just want her to myself”

“But you will cheat on her”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t love. It just means I have a healthy apetite”

“What Idara? Doesn’t she satisfy you?”

“Idara is lazy. She can’t do half of what Farida does”

“So sex is the issue you have with Idara that you are still seeking to have sex with Farida until you get her pregnant again. Idara is our blood and her son is a full bloodied Ibibio boy. Farida’s son is mixed breed. So, let it be known that Idara’s son is your legitimate first son”

“And Farida’s son born within the confines of a legal marriage is an illegitimate child? Please mum, stop deceiving yourself. You turned Idara to what she is now. No son of mine is illegitimate. I have two sons and that’s it”

“Truly, Farida has a hold on you. The juju they did is in her womanhood. I will get to the bottom of this. Divorce her and face your life with Idara. That’s the sensible thing to do. You want a woman another man has been enjoying. What is wrong with you men?”

“I didn’t meet Idara a virgin, she was also used by other men. You met papi after being with dad for many years, so what are you saying?””

She stood up and gave him a thunderous slap. “Don’t you ever talk to me or about me in that manner again. I have given you the best advice; do what you want to do. Ungrateful boy” and she walked away.

Sam nursed his cheek while wondering what was wrong with his parents. First it was father causing problem in his home and now it was mother. He was tired of being told what to do.

Wale was woken up in the early hours of the morning by a phone call. It was an international number. He knew it wasn’t his Farida. He picked it up.

“Wale, you are now a father. Your wife has given birth to a bouncing baby girl. You cannot even deny the child; she looks exactly like you”

“O, Tomiwa has given birth. Tell her congratulations”

“When are you coming here? When are you coming to see your wife and daughter?”

“My daughter you mean. I will see her when you come back to Nigeria”

“What have they done to you Wale? You followed a woman to born her baby but you will not see your baby? What did she give you to eat?”

“If you are going to start with this then it is best you don’t call me at all”

“No problem. Talk to Tomiwa. Hold on let me give her the phone”

“Hello Tomiwa”

‘Hello Wale”

“Well done. Thank you for giving me a beautiful baby”

“She sure is cute”

“So, how long do you plan to be in the US?”

“Six weeks?”

“Ok, I will come to Lagos to see the baby when you get back. In the meantime please send me pictures of her”

“I will”

As he went to ease himself and then get back to sleep, he received a notification. When he checked, it was the pictures he asked for. All of them were of Tomiwa and the baby. Lucky there were some he could easily crop her out from. He edited them and sent to Farida with the caption, “Our baby has arrived”.

Within minutes, his phone began to ring. It was Farida.

“Congratulations. She’s cute. She looks like you” Farida said excitedly.


‘Have you spoken to them?”

“A few minutes ago”

“That’s great. When are you going over?”

“Over where?”

“To see the baby?”

“When they come back and I am around, I will see the baby”

“No, you leave tomorrow. Tell Alhaji you had a baby and ask for a week”

“Why? I would rather take that time and be with you”

‘I am not running away but the bond with your own flesh and blood is. Go over there please”

“What kind of person are you? I know them, they would want pictures to deceive themselves. They will misread my intentions. I don’t want that”

“Take a week off and attend to the arrival of your baby meet her and show her love. Be respectful to Tomiwa but still repeat your agreement with her so she doesn’t have ideas. It’s that simple”

“I have heard you”

To be continued

#OpraDre FARIDA 55

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