FARIDA Episode 54 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 1 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 54 by Oge’s Stories

Farida was happy with the new nanny Kufre. Since she came, she took over the responsibility of the children and never complained about anything. Farida could study during the day and sleep all through the night. Someone with experience would make your life easier. Kufre placed the children on a scheduled feeding time which made it easy to manage them. Once they took their bottle of milk by 10pm, they eat again by 5am. Farida had learnt something new.

Having free time made Farida engage more in her academics. She participated in class projects and was most times selected to do the presentations. She buried herself in her school work and her job. She didn’t want to have time to think. She didn’t want to have time to worry. Wale called several times daily and he was the last person she spoke with before she slept. Whenever he claims to be busy, her mind runs riot so she buried herself into something more demanding so she won’t have crazy thoughts.

Wale called and told her he was travelling to a state in the far North for Alhaji’s project. He also told her the mobile network over there was bad so he might not be able to speak with her often. Farida accepted. Wale had impressed her with all the work he was doing. He was busier now than when he worked with his family. Akram had told her how hand working and focused he was. She was glad she was with a man who believed in his capabilities.

Wale didn’t call all day. Farida kept checking her phone. She became restless. Monica watched her as she paced the kitchen doing nothing.

“What is wrong? You have been pacing”


“Something is wrong. What is it?”


“It will not be more than Wale, did you guys have a fight?”

“No, we didn’t”

“So what is it?”

“He travelled and he hasn’t called since then”

“He is busy now. Why are you acting like a child? He will call when he has the chance. Or are you suspecting him?”

“I don’t know. I am not there”

Monica laughed. Farida was insecure. Farida Wale should be insecure about is the one worrying about him being unfaithful. That’s life.

“This guy must have scattered your brain for you to desire him like this. Farida, Wale is not like Sam and please don’t treat them alike. He is very responsible. Give him the benefit of the doubt except he shows real reason for you to be suspicious”

‘But you know Alhajis and their promiscuous tendencies. I don’t want them to offer my Wale a girl there. It is not a big deal for them”

“Your Wale is starting a business and his priority will be girls? I trust Wale. He will call you when he can. I am sure the reason he hasn’t called is because he can’t reach you. He will call this night. I can bet my life on it. Sit down and work, let’s make some money”

Later that night, Wale called using another number. He said he had to get a new sim for the only network that worked there and it was activated after six hours. They spoke at length his experience in the North and their way of working. They spoke for about an hour when Farida told him she misses him.

“I know and I miss you too. I might not be able to make it next month as planned. The construction will be at a critical stage at that time and I would have to be around. Please bear with me. I will join you immediately after”

“When will that be?”

“Maybe two months after?

“That’s too long. I can’t cope for that long. Come before the project starts even if it is for a week”

“Ask Akram, I can’t do that. I can’t leave here for that long. It won’t tell well of me”

“Ok. So we have to wait another three months before we can see you. By then won’t they have convinced you to marry Tomiwa?”

“Farida, you are making me laugh. I never knew this side of you. I will be too busy for them to see me talk less of convincing me. Forget about that. I know what your problem is, I will be there soon to stop the ache”

“Please come. The children are growing. That’s true when is Tomiwa due?”

“I don’t know”

“Has she travelled for the delivery?”

“I don’t know. I asked my dad to cover the expenses on my behalf so I don’t have anything to do with them”

“She should be due soon. Why not reach out and find out?”

“You want me to go back to Tomiwa?”

“That’s not what I said”

“That was what you meant. Once she has the baby, they will inform me and I will let you know immediately”

“That’s better”

After their conversation, Wale thought about his situation with Tomiwa. Will she be willing to allow Farida raise her daughter? He knew she might be fight against it. It was best to leave her with his mother until his daughter is maybe five years old then she would join the rest of the family.

Iya Farida could not believe Farida hadn’t contacted her since she named the babies. Sam had told her about the trial and how Wale was living off Farida in London. She wanted to correct the notion but instead she kept mute. It could cause additional problems.

Ahmad got married and his sister wasn’t there. Iya Farida thought Farida would use the opportunity to come back and let her see the babies but she didn’t. instead she sent her support and explained to him she was a nursing mother and couldn’t leave her babies. Why didn’t she just come with them?

Sam hadn’t said anything about working on their marriage. He had been campaigning for the House of Reps according to him. He didn’t have time for the Farida and the children now. His election was more important. Iya Farida knew he was selfish but didn’t know he was this selfish. He hadn’t seen the babies ever since the court case. He hadn’t even been communicating with Farida to work things out. How then would he convince her to come back?

She was home one evening when she received a visitor. The woman was gorgeously dressed like she was going for an owambe party. With her was a pregnant young lady. When she came in, she introduced herself as Iya Wale. Iya Farida welcomed her.

“Are you aware your daughter has sharmed my son? The boy left this young girl to take care of your daughter and her bastards”

“Madam, Farida does not have bastards. She has a husband who is the father of the children. What is your son doing with a married woman? Why would he want to have an open affair with a married woman? That’s the question”

“It is sharm. My son is not like dat o. Please tell your daughter my son will never marry her, it will be over my dead body he will marry her. This is his wife. I don’t know where he got your daughter from but this is our wife”

“Iya Wale, are you saying you didn’t know Wale and Farida have been friends for a long time before they fell in love? I am not supporting them, I want Farida to go back to her husband but we have to agree that they were friends; it is not charm”

“Why is her husband not fighting her?”

“He wants her back. He is ready to take her back today”

“So why hasn’t she gone back?”


“Give me his phone number so we can plan how we will reconcile them so she leaves my Wale alone to marry his wife”

Iya Farida gave her the phone number. She knew nothing much would come out of this but there was no harm trying. Maybe partnering with Sam will help separate the two lovers. Her problem was Sam. He was never consistent. He took too many things for granted. He had to bring Farida and her children back. What Farida had wanted she had gotten now. Farida too is very stubborn. She wondered how it would play out.

Idara put to bed and had a son. She was so happy and excited. She began to raise her shoulders very high. She had given birth to the heir of the family. She didn’t understand why everyone wasn’t hailing her and even worshipping her. She has given them the desired grandson they wanted. She confronted her father-in-law.

“I expected as I have had a son for Sam, the heir of the family, you would have given me a gift in appreciation”

“Idara, haven’t you had children before? What is so special about this child?”

“He is a boy and you have always wanted a male child for your son. If it were Farida that had this boy, you would have thrown a party for her and bought her a new car”

“Idara, people don’t know I wasn’t consulted when you came into the picture. Did you know that Farida was Monica’s best friends before she met Sam? She spent holidays with us here in Ibeno and so we knew her well. I have had a relationship with Farida even before she became Sam’s wife; she is like my daughter. I didn’t have such with you. You were thrown at me pregnant and in connivance with Sam’s mother. I accepted you and I have forced Sam to treat you right. The problem between Sam and Farida was caused by you. Whatever I do for Farida is like I am doing it for my daughter. You took over her X6 and I didn’t complain. I will get her a newer model when she gets back. That’s how it is”

“You see. You love Farida more than you love me. I have given you your first grandson. I should be appreciated for that”

“You haven’t given me my first grandson. You have given me a grandson and I am grateful for that”

Idara couldn’t believe what she just heard. Did Sam have a child with another woman without telling her. She fell at her father-in-law’s feet and held his legs saying,

“Your son has ruined me this time. Who is it? Who had a child for him? He promised me no other person will have a child for him. Please tell me who”

Her wails attracted people to the sitting room where she was. Her stepmother-in-law dragged her from her husband’s feet and asked her to behave herself. She sent someone to call Sam. Idara remained on the floor wailing. Her father-in-law focused on the newspaper he was reading pretending not to know what was happening around him.

Sam came there. Idara grabbed him by his shirt. “Who has a son for you? Tell me you gave birth to a son for you”

Sam looked quite confused. He replied her, “Nobody”

“Your father said my son is not the first so that is why he is not excited at his birth”

“That wasn’t what I said. Please quote me right if you must quote me”

“Don’t listen to him, he was just pulling your legs”

‘He wasn’t. who had a son for you? If you do not tell me the truth and I find out you were lying to me, I am going ruin you. It’s better I know now than later”

“Please can both of you take this to the privacy of your apartment; you are disturbing the rest of us”

Sam was upset with his father. Why would he reveal something as sensitive as this to her at such a crucial time? Was it because of the disagreement they had? What he did was petty.

Sam’s father was glad. Idara brought this upon herself. He found her very annoying and felt entitled. He had asked her to get a job or start a business as she was too young to just sit at home. She refused saying she was taking care of her children. Children she had employed two maids for. So, what did she do all day? This pregnancy was her last excuse. He gave up on her. How can a lawyer with a Master’s degree from a reputable university in the UK decide to be a stay at home mother? She had no ambitions. It was what Sam’s mother wanted; a wife she could manipulate. Sam fell for it. She had the effrontery to drive Farida’s car without express permission from him. He had kept it for her. She can have it. Farida beat her to it this time. She had Sam’s first son and still doesn’t feel entitled.

Monica had informed her father about the trial and Sam’s application for custody of the twins. He had called Sam before he went on that trip and advised him to focus on making peace with Farida until after the elections. Monica also mentioned Sam refusing to pay child support. That was the first thing he told him to offer immediately he confirms they are his children. But he never listens; he does his things the way he liked. He told him “It is wrong for another man to take care of you son when you are alive and capable”. He believed the money he would give Farida would be used on Wale. Sam never investigates anything. He had never investigated Wale. If he had, he wouldn’t have said what he said. He is aware Wale bought the house in Northampton for Farida and the babies. This was what Sam should have done. Since Farida left, Sam had been thinking irrational and making irresponsible decisions. He was his son and he couldn’t throw him away but he was not impressed. All those brilliant ideas he used to bring forward were obviously not his. It was becoming glaring. If he makes it to the House, he would be happy. At least he can sit there and behave like others. He will be the youngest member of the house of reps.

Idara was still fuming. Sam wondered how he was going to manage the situation. He never envisaged what was going to happen when Idara finds out. The more he refused to talk the angrier she became. She left him and went into the kitchen. She came out with a knife hidden behind her. She came close to him and asked him again but he was quiet. He was thinking of what to say. She grabbed his manhood from his trousers and put the knife against it saying “This is what is making you misbehave. If you do not tell me who had your first son, I will cut this thing off”

Sam could see she was serious. He was scared. He wanted to scream for help but it would shameful for anyone to see her holding his manhood threatening to cut to off. He appealed to her instead, “Please Idara, stop all this. Why are you doing this?”

‘You think I am joking? I am ready to go to heaven with you today” She tugged the manhood and tried to slice through his trouser.

“Ok ok, it is Farida. Farida has my first son”

“Which Farida? Barren Farida? When did you meet her that she got pregnant or both of you did IVF after you told me I will have all your children? Answer me”

“I didn’t know she was pregnant; she didn’t tell me. It was when I went to London last year I discovered”

“So how are you sure the baby is yours? She has proven to be irresponsible”


“You have confirmed it?”

“Yes, I have. They are my children”


“She had twins, a boy and a girl”

The knife dropped from Idara’s hand. She dropped on the floor. She had been cheated. She had every right to give Sam his first son and Farida stole it from her. Farida that couldn’t have children now has two? She threw her hands up in the air and dropped them on the floor beside her while she stretched with her eyes bulging from the socket. “I am finished. I am finished” was all she kept repeating.

Sam didn’t know how to console her. He didn’t plan it this way. His father has cost him a lot now. He should have kept quiet. Why did he need to expose everything to Idara knowing how much she wanted to have a son for him? He could see how heartbroken Idara was. She had stopped going to spiritualist and co for some time now. He feared she would resume and this time, she will be determined to do harm to his first son. He was glad they were not in Nigeria. His two wives and children have to remain apart for a long time.

#OpraDre FARIDA 54

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