FARIDA Episode 52 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 20 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 52 by Oge’s Stories

Farida came back from school and let herself into the apartment. Wale was fast asleep on the couch. She couldn’t believe it. They had talked that morning and he never mentioned he was coming to visit. It was a big and welcome surprise. She jumped on him which roused him from his sleep. They hugged with tears in Farida’s eyes. She had been very emotional in these days.

Wale was glad to see her too. They talked for a while before Monica came back. She was also surprised to see Wale. Farida joined Monica in making dinner while they caught up.

Wale told them about Sam’s visit and having the liberty to record their conversation. He played the recording for them to listen to. While they listened, Monica had a good laugh.

“This is typical of my brother; he will call a dog a bad name just to hang it”

“I know, I didn’t fall for his antics” Wale responded.

“Yes o, you gave it to him back to back” Monica added.

“Sam was so disrespectful to his wife. How could he say such about her?” Sam asked as they continued talking.

Farida was quiet. Her thoughts were running riot. Wale never knew Sam wasn’t her first so why did Sam have to tell him? Sam had admitted he used her as his sex object; there was no way she would ever go back to him. He had no atom of regard for her. It hurt her that the seven years she was with Sam was a big lie. He pretended to love her but he didn’t. She was just a tool for his career advancement and pleasure. She was far more than that. She was far better than that.

She was happy she was doing very well in school. Her biggest fear was how to handle two babies at the same time. She had Monica but how would they cope as they both haven’t had children before. Maami had refused to talk to her.

With so many things happening, Farida fell into depression. She realized she was completely on her own with just her friends; no family around. She had tried to make peace with her mother but she was proving very stubborn. She told her unless she goes back to Sam, she wouldn’t have anything to do with her.

“Are you disowning me? I want to confirm this”

“Yes, you have brought shame and ridicule to me these past months. I have asked you to go back to your husband, you refused instead you are frolicking with another man. Until you obey me, you cease to be my daughter”

Farida was fed up with people telling her what to do. If she had aborted the pregnancy, her romance with Wale would have blossomed. Maami that is blackmailing her asked her to keep the pregnancy. She was happy with Wale and that was all that mattered.

But she had started feeling rejected and unloved by her family which she needed the most. She couldn’t sleep. She worried but didn’t share her worries Wale and Monica for the fear of feeling ungrateful. She spoke less and buried herself in her school and work.

Farida unconsciously became distant. Any move by Wale repelled her. She didn’t realise what she was doing. Wale was beginning to feel unwanted. He had asked her several times what the matter was but she didn’t give a good response.

Monica drew her attention to her behavior but Farida wasn’t seeing it. She was in a world of her own. She refused to confide in anyone.

Wale got a Christmas tree for them to decorate and liven their apartment. The excitement for Farida was short lived. Something was bothering her. Wale was no longer comfortable.

The next day, he took Farida to hospital. She wondered why he insisted she had to see a doctor. It was during the consultation he told the doctor what he had observed. The doctor knew instantly she was depressed. He gave a referral to see a psychologist. Wale waited for her at the reception while she saw him. The doctor was able to get Farida to talk. She poured out her heart to the doctor in tears. They talked at length and finally, he made some recommendations. She needed to express how she really feels to the people who are her support right now so she doesn’t alienate them further. She was to forgive those that have hurt her and prepare for the babies she is expecting. She has to see them as a blessing and be happy she is having them. He reminded her how long she waited for these babies and even though the circumstance of their birth is controversial, she was going to be a mother. She left there a different person. She was grateful to Wale for looking out for her. She came home and shared her fears with her friends. She poured her heart to them. It was obvious she missed her mother. Wale asked her not to worry, her mother will come around when the time was right.

On the 26th of December, very close to midnight, Farida went into labour. She felt a pressure to ease herself and went to the bathroom. On her way back, water trickled down her leg. As she entered the bathroom, the water gushed out. It was shocking to her. She stayed back in the bathroom thinking of how to mop up the floor when the first contraction hit her. That was when she knew it was serious business. The contractions came in quick successions. She couldn’t move. The pain was overwhelming. She couldn’t call out to anyone.

Wale observed Farida had not returned to bed for a while. He became worried when he got to the bathroom door and called out to her. Her response was a low grunt in pain. He opened the door quickly and saw Farida bent over by the sink. She was in pain. Her night wear was wet. He brought her to the room and called out for Monica. He told Monica to change her outfit while he called 999. Farida was shy and didn’t want to change but Monica insisted as the weather was very cold. Monica realized Farida was trying to hide her nudity, she was seeing Farida naked for the very first time. When the contraction hit her again she surrendered to Monica.

The ambulance arrived and Monica and Wale joined Farida to the hospital. At the hospital, they realized she had gone into active labour and the babies had to be born that night. The babies were only 33 weeks old so they were all worried. The doctors assured them they were in good hands. While Monica stayed with Farida as the labour progressed, Wale stepped outside to make a call. He knew it was late but he needed to let her know her first grandchildren where about to be born.

“Who is calling at this time of the night? Who is this?”

“Maami, it is Wale”

“Wale? What happened?”

“Maami, Farida is in labour and she wants you”

“She’s in labour? I hope she is still alive. Are you sure you are not calling me to tell me you have finally killed?

“Killed her? Why would I kill her? She is in labour and she is asking for you”

You want to kill her. How can you be sleeping with a married pregnant woman?”

“Me? Who did I sleep with?”

“You are asking me? Farida of course”

“No maami, you should trust Farida now. Nothing like that happened. I have never had sex with Farida; never. I am telling you the truth”

Maami was silent. She realized she had misjudged her daughter. Even with this revelation, she wanted Farida back with the father of her children. She felt awkward being in Nigeria while her daughter was in agony.

“Hello maami”

“Let me talk to her”

Wale took the phone to Farida. Farida, who was in pains, wanted to throw the phone away until she heard her mother’s voice. Tears flowed from her eyes as her mother spoke to her and prayed for her to her a safe delivery. She really missed her mother and wished she was there with her. For now, she was just glad she spoke to her.

Wale called her brothers and let them know their sister was in labour. Everyone was awake keeping vigil waiting to hear the good news.

Farida was moved from the ward to the delivery room. The nurse asked if she would like her family members to be there with her and she said yes. Wale didn’t want to be there but Farida insisted Monica and Wale come in with her. Wale held her to encourage her to push while Monica watched the progress with the doctors.

The first baby was delivered, a baby girl. She cried as soon as she was out. A few minutes later, the second baby came out. He was a boy. Wale and Monica were excited at his birth. The next was to deliver the placenta and then clean Farida up.

Wale took several pictures of the babies. He sent them to Farida’s brothers. They were so excited. Wale called Farida’s mother and told her she had a granddaughter and a grandson. She began to pray for the children. She had to wait to be able to speak with Farida. She waited until she heard Farida’s voice. She sounded so strong and calm. Iya Farida was grateful to God. She prayed for her and her children.

Immediately she ended the call with Farida, Iya Farida made a call. Sam’s father picked up. She announced to him Farida had just given birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Sam’s father was baffled. So Farida was really pregnant with twins? His son now had an heir. He was ecstatic. Immediately, he sent request for a wire transfer to be done to Farida’s account. She needed a bigger apartment. He didn’t know if it was a good idea to break the news to Sam.

The babies were premature so they were kept in the incubator for some time. The girl weighed 2.7kg while her brother weighed 2.9kg. Farida went to see them. Immediately she sighted them, she fell in love. She couldn’t believe they were her babies. She, Farida, was now a mother. Wale hugged her from behind. He kissed her on her cheek and said, “You did it, baby, you did it”. Farida smiled and rested her head on his chest. She felt loved and appreciated. For calling her mother and convincing maami to talk to her, she owed Wale a lot. He just didn’t know how he made her feel. He had made sacrifices for her which she appreciated.

She was discharged the next day but the babies remained in the hospital for another week. Farida had to come there every day to attend to them. She received an email of a lodgement into her account. When she checked the sender, she was shocked. Her father-in-law had sent her money. Because the babies were on admission, she forgot to let him know. She called him.

“I have given birth”

“I know. Congratulations”

“Thank you sir”

“Are you ready to get the bigger apartment? Houses close to your school are expensive. You can pay for two years until you round up. Once you round up, you can move into my flat”

“Like I said, I will be staying with Monica and my boyfriend. It will not be proper to stay in your flat. I will get a place once I can. For now, they are ok in the apartment”

“I want to send nannies from here to help you tend to the babies. Where will they stay?”

“I intend to use nannies here that would come and go”

“That’s also not bad. Ok, I will make the arrangement immediately, they would meet you soon. Congratulations; you have made me proud”

“Thank you, sir. How do I refund the money?”

“Keep it, you would need it”

When the babies were discharged, the bill was enormous. Farida wanted to pay but Wale stopped her. He was making arrangement for money to be sent from Nigeria to pay the hospital bill before Farida was issued a receipt acknowledgement for payment. Monica had secretly reached out to her father with the details for him to pay. She was unaware of the money he sent to Farida.

Farida was requested to fill a form for the issuance of birth certificate. On the form, she was asked for the babies’ father’s name. She asked Wale who she should put. He told her, “He is their biological father, you can’t deny that. Let him have his right”. That was how Sam’s name appeared on the certificate.

Having two new babies in the house wasn’t easy at all. They had to take turns to tend to them at night. They slept during the day and were wide awake at night. The nannies Sam’s father sent came in very early to tend to the babies. This gave them an opportunity to catch up on sleep.

Wale tried to convince Iya Farida to come and visit Farida and her grandchildren but she refused. She gave her conditions to come with didn’t go down well with Farida. Farida told Wale not to bother. She was no longer depressed and had all the love she needed. Wale knew it hurt her badly. He was quite disappointed in Iya Farida. He believed she was a reasonable woman but she chose tradition over the happiness of her daughter. It was quite shocking to see a woman who defied all odds and escaped an abusive marriage want to push her daughter into a similar bondage. The only difference was Sam wasn’t physical assaulting Farida. Since he was doing that to his second wife, he would do it to Farida in the near future if she attempted to go back.

On the eighth day, her children were named. She asked her mother for the names she would like to give the children. Her mother insisted she also asked the father for the names he would want to children to bear. Farida had no intention of doing that. She assured her mother she would ask but asked her father-in-law instead.

Her father in-law called them Iniabasi – God’s time, EnoAbasi – Gift of God

Her mother called them Enitan- The one whose birth inspired a story, Ekundayo –My sorrows have turned to joy.

Wale called them Asher and Alisa

Monica called them Elise and Elijah

Farida went with the names chosen. She called them the names Wale called them which was between the names he gave them and the names her mother gave them.

As the babies were growing, so was the fondness for them. Wale didn’t see anything wrong in taking turns to attend to them at night. He allowed Farida sleep all night so she could wake up early and attend school. He didn’t allow her feel the burden of having new born babies.

Monica took over the morning duty from 5am until the nannies come. Then she prepares for work. At all times there was someone at home with the babies.

Iya Farida called Sam and asked when he was leaving for London to visit Farida and the babies.

“Babies? What babies?”

“Are you not aware Farida gave birth to twins? She had a son and a daughter”

“When was this?”

“Didn’t your father tell you? Didn’t Farida tell you?”

“Nobody told me”

“She has given birth”

“Good for her. I hope her boyfriend is happy”

“Do you have sense at all? Has your arrogance swallowed your brain? I could have sworn you were smart but now I believe what Farida said about you. Won’t you check if the children are your own or her boyfriend’s? Do you want another man to train your son?”

Sam was confused. What was she talking about? Her words were loaded with mystery. He talked to his lawyer who confirmed, after investigating, that Farida had truly delivered. He filed for Confirmation of paternity of the twins. The request was sent to Farida’s apartment.

When Farida received the request, she was down cast. She thought it was Sam’s father that told him. She stopped talking to him. She wondered how he could have betrayed her like this.

She challenged the request and they made their presentation in court. The court ruled that Sam had a right to know if he was the father of the twins and a simple Paternity test will confirm it.

The children were brought to the court. It was the first time Sam was seeing them. Without any DNA testing, the boy looked like Sam. He had his complexion and facial features while the girl, who also took his complexion, looked more like Farida. He knew instantly they were his children. He started talking to the lawyer about custody.

Farida felt vulnerable when Sam had access to the babies. She knew they were his. Why did he want to take her joy and peace of mind away from her? What really did he want from her? She had made up her mind she was never going to get involved with him ever again. Now he had played this trick on her, she knew she didn’t have a choice but to let him have access to the kids. The law insists on it.

Sam could see how beautiful his babies were. He was overjoyed they were his. Just looking at them even a blind man could see they were his. His major problem was Wale that was with his wife. Wale helped with the babies; he carried they car seats. Attended to them when they cried and even fed one of them. Those jobs are for women. When was this sissy with his wife? He didn’t want Wale anywhere around his children. That was the next notion he was going to file for.

He also wanted Farida back in Nigeria. If she comes back, it will be easy for their issues to be resolved unlike in the UK. Farida was capitalizing on their laws protecting to get away with her misbehavior. If she was in Nigeria, he would have taken the babies away from him and there was nothing she could do about it. She looked beautiful at the court today. She didn’t look like Idara after she had had a baby. She didn’t look stressed. Probably he would send her a message hoping she would reply.

#OpraDre FARIDA 52

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2 years ago


2 years ago

This story has so many lessons in it. I wish Farida and Wale’s relationship can flow without issue. This is an interesting read. Well done @Oge’s Stories. 🙌🙌🙌

2 years ago

Well done
More ink to your pen

2 years ago

Had to come and read again. I hope this is not the end o.👌👌👌