FARIDA Episode 49 – 50 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 20 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 49 by Oge’s Stories

Wale stood his ground against opposition from his family. His mother begged him to marry Tomiwa for her sake but he wouldn’t budge. His siblings got involved and tried to convince him not to have children outside wedlock. If she was good enough to have unprotected sex with then she was good enough for marriage. When he explained to them how she got pregnant, all of them kept mute. They agreed she was a conniving deceitful girl who didn’t deserve him. When they made their position known to the elders, Tomiwa fate was sealed.

Tomiwa wept when she heard the final verdict. She turned to Wale’s mother and said,

“It was you and auntie Bose that led me into this. Why did I listen to you? I am pregnant now and the father has rejected the pregnancy. How will I have this child who is not loved by the father and his family? I hate the child already. I don’t want to have the child anymore. I was deceived into this. I would rather take my life than live in this shame”

It was a very charged atmosphere at that point. Even Wale could hear the genuine pain in Tomiwa’s voice. He didn’t want to deceive her by making her believe he would marry her and then dump her later. His mother being part of the plot broke his heart. Why was she so desperate for him to settle down? It will not be beyond putting up a show. He was not interested. He wanted to live a very quiet life just like he was doing. When he gets married, he wanted to live just like that. Tomiwa was just like his mother. She loved to dress up and attend parties. Farida was just like him. She was only interested in making better situations around her and the world in general. That was what he wanted in a woman. He really didn’t care if she had children or not but they would have each other.

“Wale. Wale, they are talking to you. What do you want to do now?” his brother roused him from his thoughts.

He didn’t know when he said, “I will take the baby. I will accept the child and free you to continue your life like nothing happened”

“You will accept the child?”

“I will. I am partly to blame; I lost my self-control. We both have to pay the price for our indiscretion. I will not marry you but I will take the child. My mother will take care of him or her for the first three years then I will take over. If you agree to this then we are good”

“Can I visit the child?”

“When he is with my mother. You can’t visit him when he is with me; I don’t want to fall for you antics again”

“I think this is fair. Tomiwa, you will have the baby and be relieved of the burden of responsibility of training it. Other details will be discussed later”

This pregnancy drama had been on for months now. He needed a break. He needed to be with someone who understood him and can relate with all he has been through. He booked a flight to UK without informing Farida. He was leaving in a week’s time. He planned to be gone for a month.

Sam was satisfied with all the advice given to him thus far. He was sad and disappointed at the same time. Spending time with his new catch didn’t change how he felt about Farida’s betrayal. What hurt him the most was the way Monica rubbed it in. Why would she be against him? She was his sister; how can a sister turn against her brother? She was just an ungrateful person.

He was in Lagos going to see Farida’s mother. He had called her and told her what he experienced in London but she seemed to be surprised about the whole story and promised to get to the bottom of it. He had come to hear from her what was going on and who was responsible for Farida’s pregnancy.

When he got to her house, he was surprised to meet Iya Farida and her mother. Then he talked to her about the situation. Unfortunately, what he heard wasn’t what he wanted to hear.

“I called her and asked if what I was hearing was true. She said she had nothing to say for now until later. I asked who was responsible for the pregnancy and she told me she knows you were the one pestering me to find out so she won’t say until after the court case she is filing against you. That was all she said”

“So, you cannot get your daughter to tell you who is responsible for her pregnancy? She is a whore sleeping around like a dog and had the effrontery to get pregnant by the bastard?”

“The person who impregnated her is a bastard?”

“Yes, he is. He is a low life, good for nothing and hungry nobody. I took care of Farida and this is how she pays me back”

“She also mentioned that you are married with two daughters and a third child on the way. Is this true? Did you get married and have children while still married to Farida?”

“Yes. I had to have children and I did. That’s not the bone of contention”

‘Did you tell Farida you were getting married and having kids with another woman?”

‘Like I said, that’s not what we are talking about now. We are talking about Farida. Let’s stick to that”

“Well, she said since you tried outside and the lady conceived, she had to try her luck to and she conceived immediately. So, what’s the problem?”

“Is that what you are saying? I was told that Yorubas were wayward but I didn’t believe them. Your comment today has proved the saying right”

“I told Farida not to marry you because you were pompous, disrespectful and manipulative but she was blindly in love. She can see clearly now. Farida is having a child. Go back to your wife and children. Farida will never come back to you. She is happy and contented. Move on. Her ship has sailed a long time ago”

Sam was shocked at the manner Farida’s mother spoke to him. Was she also in support of Farida leaving him? Why would she turn against him like this? She sounded genuinely concerned when he first told her but now, she was being hostile to him. He stood up and left.

He had to visit Farida again in the UK otherwise he would have no peace. Who could have been responsible for her pregnancy? How did she get pregnant so easily after they pathed ways?

He got a message in his mail. It was the restraining order. He couldnot be anywhere as close as a 400 metres from her. He couldn’t talk to her or harass her otherwise he will be picked up. His wife placed a restraining order against him and sent a copy to him. Farida had changed completely. He couldn’t believe how much she changed in such a short time. He would stay away for a while before visiting again. She was making life difficult for him. He couldn’t concentrate on work. The primaries for House of Rep was coming up soon. He needed Farida to analyze his opponents and tell him how to go about his campaign. She absconded when he needed her the most.

Wale arrived Farida’s apartment in the evening. As he knocked on the door, his heart was beating fast. He didn’t know how to tell Farida about Tomiwa’s pregnancy and he felt he owed her that. He wanted to tell her in person. He had missed her so much. He was happy they would be reunited. Farida had started the process of filing for a divorce. He got her the lawyer she was using and the feedback he got was that they had filed the initial request. The lawyer told him Farida wanted it done urgently. That was a good sign for him.

Farida was closer to the door when she heard the knock.

“Monica did you order anything?” she asked.

“No, I didn’t. It must be the building maintenance” Monica answered.

Farida opened the door. She was transfixed in that position when she saw who it was. Just a couple of days ago, Monica asked her to inform Wale of her condition because she suspected he would pay her a surprise visit and here in was in the flesh.

Wale walked straight it her, held her head and gave her a peck on her forehead. Tears flowed from Farida’s eyes. She couldn’t believe she was with Wale at this instance.

“Baby why are you crying?” Wale asked.

“She is happy to see you. Please come in” Monica answered.

Wale came in and settled down. Farida laid down on the bed curled into a ball with her a pillow covering her stomach.

Monica attended to Wale who kept spying at Farida and smiling. Farida was the luckiest girl ever. She had two girls desiring her. If not for her condition, she would have had more guys after her in school. While she Monica didn’t have anyone. One of their neighbours who was also a student at LSE had asked her to dinner but she had declined because of Farida. Not really because of Farida but rather because of he was white. She wasn’t interested in a white guy. They remained friends anyways.

After Wale had eaten and they had caught up, Monica knew she had to excuse them to discuss in private. She sent a message to Hugh asking if he was still open for a dinner date and he replied yes immediately. She told them stepping out for a bit. She dressed up for the dinner date and left.

Wale came to Farida and asked her, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m sorry Wale”

‘Sorry about what?”

“I have been looking for how to tell you”

“Tell me what”

“Tell you about this”

‘About what?” Wale asked pretty confused.

She stood up and removed her sweater to real her baby bump. Wale was speechless. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The excitement came over him.

“You are not barren! You are pregnant Farida”

“Yes I am”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was ashamed”

“Ashamed of what? Does Sam know?”

“He saw it and accused me of sleeping with another. Wait a minute, why are you excited?”

“You tried to be pregnant for seven years. Sam had kids with another because you couldn’t and now you are pregnant. The shame is on him”

“Yes, it is. I can’t believe I was so scared to tell you. I’m so happy you understand”

“I also have something to tell you”

“Go ahead”

Wale told Farida about his encounter with Tomiwa and his decision. Farida was shocked at her desperation. Such a young girl trying to get married by every means to the extent of plotting and getting pregnant for a man.

“It is our Yoruba culture which puts young girls under pressure to get married in early. It’s more annoying that she is from an enlightened family and they encouraged her to do something like this. My mother was in on it”

“Really? Why would she do that?”

“She wants me to get married”

“O, I see. But she should know that forcing a marriage on you won’t work. You too marry so you won’t have a string of children from your family’s plotting to get you settled”

“I’m waiting for you”

“Waiting for me?”


“Even with this pregnancy?”

“Tomiwa is pregnant too. We will have three kids together”

“Wale, how can you still want to be with me? I having another man’s child. How can you still want to be with me?”

“I will be with you all the way. I will be there when you go into labour and birth this two. As long as they are yours, they are mine. That’s how much I love you Farida”

Farida looked at Wale as tears swelled in her eyes. Did she deserve someone like Wale who was loyal and consistent from the very beginning. He made it sound easy but she knew to be with him; there would be battles to win. Farida didn’t think Wale’s mother liked her at all. Her behavior towards her each time they met suggested it. Wale was so confident. She wished she could share in it but she was cautious.

Wale laid down on the bed and pulled Farida to lie beside him. He cuddled her from behind and rocked her gently. Before long, Farida was asleep and Wale followed suit still holding unto her.

Monica’s date was interesting after all. They watched a movie together and then had dinner. He took her to the pub for some drinks before they walked hand in hand to her apartment. At the door Hugh pulled Monica close and said,

“I had a good time tonight”

“I also did. It was fun”

“Can we do this again tomorrow”

“You bet”

Hugh was not bad at all. The time she spent with him opened her eyes to a different side of him. He was fun when he wanted to be. Spontaneously, he planted a kiss on Monica’s lips and bade her good night.

Smiling to herself, Monica entered the apartment. She didn’t see Wale or Farida on the couch. She moved further to the bed and there they were. Cuddled up together and fast asleep. They looked so sweet together that Monica could not resist taking a picture of both of them. She took her position on the couch. If only they could be together. She doubted it. Everything was complicated. She knew Sam would never agree to give Farida a divorce especially if he finds out she was having his kids.

Wale stayed with them for a full month. It was an enjoyable time for them. He went on walks with Farida daily to make sure she exercises. He went through her course work with her. He helped her with her research and analysis. He stock up on everything they needed. Monica knew this was how a relationship was supposed to be; looking out and supporting each other.

Farida compelled to communicate with Tomiwa. He made it clear to her it was for the sake of the child and not a reunion ploy. When she found out he was in London, she questioned where he was and he told her he was with his best friends. Tomiwa wasn’t happy. Even though she appreciated the calls, she was upset he went running to Farida. Miss goody two shoes could have made him behave himself by communicating with her. She knew what to do.

Being with Wale a very different experience from being with any other person. He showed love and affection in unimaginable ways. Like he would make her have milk no matter how much she hated it for the benefit of the children. He was ready to feed if she was too tired to eat. Then he massaged her feet every night before she slept. It was the most amazing feeling Farida had ever had. Effortlessly, he showed he cared. He was never sexual with her even though she still had that effect on him but he knew she would feel awkward and never did. The highest he did was peck her on her forward which she loved.

He could see Farida had lost herself because of the pregnancy. She wore baggy and uncomplimentary clothes. Wale went shopping for her. He got her nice and comfortable gowns she could wear. Maternity trousers and tops which were also trendy. He got comfortable shoes and sandals to go with the clothes. Farida loved all of them. The next morning, she dressed in the neon green shift dress and black sandals; one of the clothes Wale bought. She packed her books in a trolley bag Monica had got her which she never used. The big difference was that she combed and packed her hair in a bun and then wore a face powder and light pink lip gloss. She looked very cute in the outfit.

She stepped out for Wale to see the transformation he started. Both Wale and Monica were perplexed and impressed. Monica and Wale took pictures of her. Wale walked her to school. He told her as they left the apartment. “You are the sexiest pregnant woman I have ever met” Farida chuckled. Wale had a positive influence on her.

Everyday, Farida transformed even more. She became more vibrant, and full of life. She had gotten her groove back. She was greatly admired for her new look and her baby bump was very cute. She was not ashamed to show it. She had a glow which made her look adorable and sweet.

Monica told Farida she owed her new self to Wale. He had a way of taking control while not looking controlling. It was something he learnt when he met Farida and began to woo her many years ago. She changed his mindset about relationship and love. He used to be a playboy but Farida made he want to be a better man. He realized he wanted to be a better man for her.

Monica left the bed for both of them. They slept together most nights. Farida was a different person now. As her heart accepted Wale, she had no cares anymore. Monica had to ask Wale if anything was going on under the duvet.

“No, I just want her to be comfortable while she sleeps”

“And you are not aroused?”

“Says who? Man has learnt how to control his urge. I know Farida, she will bolt if I attempt anything”

“I am happy for both of you. I wish we could be together like this forever”

‘We would have to include Hugh into the equation”

“Hugh is a nice guy. I like him. He wants me to move in with him with him. He believes you are Farida’s husband. I told him you will be going back soon and I have to be with Farida”

“Would your parents approve of a white guy?”

“They have no say over my love life. They made a mess of Sam’s so they can’t advise me on mine. I like Hugh, he seems genuine but I have to still watch him”

Wale was glad Monica was getting her act together after Francis. She hung out with Hugh a lot so she could give them space. What she didn’t realise was that they spent that time working or reading or sleeping. She was happy and so he played along.

FARIDA Episode 50 by Oge’s Stories

The holiday came to an end. Wale’s leave was exhausted. He had to go back. He wanted to extend but he knew he had to lead by example. He promised Farida he will be there for the birth of her babies and he intended to keep that promise.

The night before he was to leave, they discussed the future for the first time. Although Farida had reservation, she opened up herself to dream. Wale talked about his plans to cut away from the family business if they meddle in his personal matter again. He asked Farida to consider remaining in London and do her research and analysis job or get a job as a Compensation and Benefits Manager after the children arrive. He felt Farida had more potential in London than back home which she also agreed to. At least until the tide settles. She would only come back to Nigeria if offered a mouthwatering job. Wale would visit every month.

The lawyer had filed for a divorce, immediately Sam received the application, he replied saying he was not willing for the marriage to end and wanted mediation between them. Why would he want to hold Farida down? Wale said it was a temporary setback. As long as she had the bigamy card to play, she was safe. Mediation couldn’t take place between Farida and Sam because Farida was in London while Sam was in Nigeria. Farida refused to come back to Nigeria to pursue the case. She asked her lawyer to take care of it.

They talked until very late at night. They were at a bridge and were strategising on how to cross it. Farida had given up on her marriage and swore never to go back. Wale had made his intentions clearly known again; it was Farida or nobody. Wale was convinced they were both on the same page. If nothing else this trip was the glue they needed to bond their relationship

Farida gently laid her head on Wale’s shoulder and said, “I will miss you. This place won’t be the same without you. I will go back to my boring life”

“We will both go back to our boring lives. At least you have Monica; I have no one. Hopefully, you will be all mine soon”

“All those girls with big hips and boobs will be there for you now”

“After Tomiwa’s issue, I have cut ties with them. Since we have agreed to be together, I will wait for you to have the babies then we will take it from there”

“You have been good to me. I don’t know why I couldn’t see and feel you clearly when I met you. Why did I have to rigmarole before finally settling with you? I still can’t believe I feel this strongly about you. What I feel for you is not just love but a bond. I feel confident when I am around you. You allow me be me and don’t impose what you want or expect from me. You allow me make mistakes and then learn from them. You make it easy to trust you and your decisions. I don’t know why but I hang unto every word you say. Don’t stay away too long, I miss you already”

Wale was so touched by her words that he turned, pulled her to himself and then kissed her. The kiss got deeper within seconds because there were obvious sparks which were waiting for this explosion. Both of them were enveloped in deep passion and didn’t hear the door open or anyone come in.

Monica came back with Hugh. The environment they entered into was charged. Monica was scared they would do ‘it’ tonight. She wouldn’t have minded but she knew Farida, she would hate herself afterwards and then avoid Wale. She cleared her throat loudly and said “There are children in the apartment”. It jolted them back to reality.

Farida hid her face in Wale’s chest. She felt ashamed. Wale himself was all smiles. Hugh said hello and dragged Monica to excuse them as he left.

“I love you. Always remember I love you. No matter what happens, no matter the storm, no matter the attacks, no matter what we face, know that you can never do wrong where I am and I will always have your back. Even if you decide to go back to Sam, I will wait for you and still love you then. This is what I have done all these years and I will keep doing it”

Tears dropped from Farida’s eyes as she said to Wale, “I love you and I promise today I will never go back to Sam. I won’t love anyone else except our children. I am ready to weather the storm with you. I am prepared to face the attacks. I don’t care about anything anymore; all I want is to be with you. I wish this past month was my life story. You encourage be to be a better person. You remind of who I am; a pace setter. Unlike Sam, you do not care about me being in the spotlight. I know the world might be against our love but it conquers all. I will never give up on it. I will never give you up”

Wale knew there and then he had his love. He was set to be with her for the rest of their lives. They hugged until they heard the entrance door close before they went to the bed. Wale couldn’t sleep as Farida laid on his chest releasing gentle snores. He believed everything she said. He was going to fulfil all his promises to her. But he was still scared of opposition to their love. He suspected it won’t be easy but if they stand together, they can conquer.

They were all at the airport to see Wale off. Farida eyes were swollen from crying so much. She wouldn’t let Wale out of her reach. Even Monica was shocked at her open display of affection. She didn’t seem to care anymore. As Wale was about to leave, she held onto him in an embrace. People stared at them. Wale didn’t care but he knew they had to be careful so people don’t recognize them and go back with information. As he was leaving, he hugged Monica and thanked her for everything. Then he looked at his Farida and kissed her on the mouth passionately and then hugged her and he whispered to her, “Take care of yourself. I will be back soon. I love you always” then he kissed her forehead. Farida began to cry again which broke his heart. Monica took over and asked him to go.

Wale knew he had to be back soon. He planned on coming back for Christmas and the new year and then wait until the babies are delivered. He had given Monica money to start shopping for the babies as Farida never brought it up. She had refused to know the sex of the babies too. He had bought enough baby clothes until they are nine months which will be delivered after he had left. He also bought the cot and other items the ladies in shop suggested. Tomiwa was having a daughter so he shopped for the baby too and had it sent to his mother in Nigeria. Since his mother would be travelling with Tomiwa for the delivery, she had to know what was available and what they needed to buy when they get there.

Monica held on to weepy Farida. She kept warning her it wasn’t good for her health and the health of the babies. The drive back home had her sobbing until her phone rang. It was Wale.

“I have boarded. We will take off soon”


“Are you still crying? I’ll be back sooner than you think”

“I will wait for you”

“I know you will. I love you”

“I love you too”

Monica listened to Farida talk on the phone. Many things had changed since Wale came around. Farida had blossomed and was more confident in herself. Monica remembered when the reverse was the case. Wale had told her how Farida changed his life and mindset. Now he was the one giving her back her life. She was happy for both of them. Her fear was the challenges ahead. Sam will never give up without a fight. Farida’s stubbornness was back so it will be a struggle. She was in love with this new Farida; Miss goodygoody was out the door. She knows if she had not stopped them last night, they would have had sex. Farida baby bump was large. She knew Wale wouldn’t have minded. But it was better it was done right. The divorce had to be finalised before they could consummate the relationship. It was her opinion. But also, Sam would be an obstacle if he discovers the babies belong to him. She knew Sam well. He will not want to let Farida go. Maybe if he sees she has moved on, then he would let her be.

Wale had avoided calls from family when he was away. It was only his father and work calls he took. His mother called a good number of times but he didn’t answer her calls. He was still furious with for conniving with Tomiwa against him. When he landed Nigeria, his phone rang and it was his mother. He refused to pick it but it was persistent. He then picked up.

“You are back? Oluwa e se. Dat girl did not tie you dere. Aa! My son, why are you doing dis to me? You didn’t even tell you are travelling. It is Tomiwa dat told me. Why are you following a married woman around? Why are you romancing a married woman in public?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw the video. You were kissing someone else’s wife. It is an abomination”

“What did you see? Where did you see it?”

“I will send it to you now”

Wale waited anxiously until he saw the video. Who could have made this video and circulated? It was a private moment. He knew this video was going to raise a lot of dust. He was tempted to send it to Farida to prepare her but he decided against it. It didn’t matter much to him; he was just worried about Farida.

Sam saw the video. He was hysterical when he saw. He couldn’t believe it was his Farida that behaved so recklessly. She was hugging and kissing a guy in the view of everyone. The video spoilt his day. He called his lawyer about it. The lawyer told him the video would be useful if he was the one filing for or in agreement of the divorce. Since he wanted to get back together with her, he should not bring it up. Sam was tired of hearing all these. He wanted to see Farida and confront her with this evidence. The guy she was with looked familiar. He had seen him somewhere. He decided to spend Christmas in London to investigate himself.

Monica watched the video too but refused to show it to Farida. She didn’t need the tension it would bring. She should have shown Farida because Sam sent the video to Iya Farida and asked her if this was how she raised her daughter.

Iya Farida called Farida and was frantic on the phone. Farida didn’t tell her Wale was around because she knew she wouldn’t approve of him staying with her. Her mother was furious with her.

“Where did you throw all your values? Is it the pregnancy that is making act so senselessly? How can you be hugging and kissing a man who isn’t your husband in public? You are making people insult me because of your behavior”

“Maami, I am sorry if my conduct put you in bad light. I don’t think you owe any one an explanation; send them to me. I am not giving up Wale maami. He is sacrificing so much to be with me too. I love you maami but I will not trade my happiness and peace of mind for anything. Sam is my past; Wale is my future”

“Farida, I asked you to stay back and get a second degree not to be frolicking with another man while pregnant for your husband. Don’t you know you will be unable to bear the babies if you have sex with another while pregnant for another?”

“That’s your beliefs in Nigeria not here. Over here we don’t believe in superstition. I am with Wale and I am not ashamed of my actions. Sam dealt me a heavy blow which I can never forgive”

“Farida, think of your children. What will happen to them? Their father is alive and well. Are you the first woman her husband married a second wife because she couldn’t have babies? Some take that information to the grave. You are a Muslim and you know your husband can marry more than one wife. Why are you fussing? Stay in London with your children away from Sam’s wife and children but allow your children reap the benefits of having an influential father like Sam”

“I don’t love Sam. I will not stay in a loveless marriage. I have filed for a divorce. Whether he grants it or not is none of my business”

“Does he know he is the father of the babies in your womb?”

“He doesn’t need to know”

“He does Farida. You chose Sam even when we all tried to warn you against him. He was your choice. You can’t back out now. Wale was there when you chose Sam. I talked to you about it. Monica did too. Wale was disappointed. Why would you go back to the person you rejected? Why would he even accept you back? It is either he is playing a game with you or he is plain stupid. He has never married and he wants to be married to someone who was married for seven years and is expecting twins. He is deceiving you. He wants to use and dump you”

“Think what you want to think maami but I am not going back on this. Even if he is deceiving me, I prefer his deception to Sam’s. He put a woman in the family way and he confessed it to me immediately we met. What else do I want in a man? He supported me and uplifted me while he was here. I love Wale and nothing anybody will say will change my mind”

“He has a child too out of wedlock. You want to divorce the father of your children. Both of you are dreaming in lust. Very soon he will get tired of having sex with a pregnant woman. He would go outside and satisfy his urge. What happens?”

“As long as he tells me before going, I will not stand in his way. If he comes back, I know he is mine. Maami, Wale will come back; he will always come back. I know Sam put you up to do but I really don’t care how he feels. It’s all about me now”

The Farida talking to Iya Farida wasn’t the same Farida she had known for the past twenty -nine years. When did she stop caring about what people will say? What changed her? She was not bothered about Sam and his family. She wasn’t worried she will be a single mother. She was so assertive that her mother had to ponder. Her perspective now was not for her good. Sam was her husband and father of her children. She didn’t think the children deserved to be raised by another. As long as Sam was not beating, she should endure in the best interest of her kids. She decided Sam had to find out so he takes action. Maami didn’t want to come out straight to Sam, Sam talked too much and might tell Farida she was the one. She decided to see his father instead. He would know what to do.

Sam’s father welcomed Iya Farida to his office where they agreed to meet. She told him she suspects Farida might be pregnant for Sam. She advised him to meet with Farida and have a talk with her. If she denies the pregnancy is Sam’s, he should get a court to subject the children to a DNA test at birth. She told him she was doing this because she believed Farida doesn’t know what she was doing. She also asked for discretion.

Sam’s father understood. He knew why Farida didn’t want Sam anymore. He also knew Sam wasn’t helping matters. Iya Farida’s idea was a good one. Farida was like a daughter to him. He failed her and needed to apologise to her. He wanted her to come home, but there was a mess on ground. Idara was out of control. Sam moved out of the house because of her excesses. She was obsessed with Farida. If he can relocate Idara and her children then Farida can come home and live in peace. Sam had been misbehaving because Farida wasn’t there to caution him. Farida knew how to handle him. He booked a flight for the weekend while he instructed someone to trace her in London.

Sam’s father was surprised to see Monica with Farida in their apartment. He wasn’t aware she was in London. He asked to speak with Farida privately. Monica prepared refreshment and left for Hugh’s apartment.

Farida wasn’t expecting anyone so she wore a clingy dress which outlined her baby bump which was now getting bigger by the day.

“How far gone are you?” Sam’s father asked. The pregnancy, even though not very large in size, looked advanced.

“28 weeks sir”

“When did you come to London? That was about four months ago. You came to London pregnant”

“I found out I was pregnant here”

“I know you Farida, you didn’t take any lovers while you were in Lagos. Tell me, is Sam responsible for this pregnancy?”

“I don’t know yet”

“I won’t tell him, that’s a promise. Is he?”

“Yes sir”

“I believe you. So, what’s your plan?”

“I want to live here with my children”

“Children? Are you having twins like your mother?”

“Yes sir”

“Do you know the sex?”

“I have refused to check. I just know I am having twins. And I want to keep it that way. I was deceived and cheated just because I loved Sam and I couldn’t have children. Any sex I am blessed with is fine by me. Seven years is a long wait”

“I agree with you. Are you still bent on divorcing Sam? He still loves you and would do anything to make up with you. He has moved out and wants to divorce Idara so both of you can go back to the way you were”

“Sam and I are no longer compatible. We do not share the same values and ideologies. He wouldn’t be able to cope with the new me. And by the way, I am involved with someone else and I want to be with him”

“Farida, that is not how it works. Sam messed up, I agree. Yes, I supported him marrying from our place but he should have treated you with love and utmost respect. He should have told you. The deed has been done. He regrets all his action. He wants you back. Come back to his life. He is just loafing around aimless because you are not there to give him direction. You know he takes every word you say seriously. Sam loves you so much but has a strange way of showing it”

“Sir, it is beyond that now. I wish Sam all the best but we can never be together again. I have moved on with my life. I have someone I overlooked for Sam and I won’t make that mistake again”

“Farida, don’t take hasty decisions. Think about it carefully. Sam doesn’t want to give you a divorce. As long as you are with another man, you are committing adultery. Most people won’t take kindly to that. It will affect your reputation. It is not just about Sam but for your own peace of mind”

“I will think about it sir”

“Here is $10,000. I want to arrange my flat here for you to move into before you have the baby, sorry, babies”

“That won’t be necessary sir, we can cope”

“It’s your right. Whether you forgive Sam or not, you are having my grandchildren after seven years of waiting. I want to make sure they are comfortable while away from home”

“Thank you, sir. But my boyfriend will be around when I have the babies”

“Boyfriend? I thought you were joking”

“I am not joking”

“That’s the main reason I will turn down the offer. We will find a bigger place soon”

“You can use it. Farida you have changed”

“It is what your son turned me to”

“I know how pained you are on Sam actions but I want to assure you, he is a different person now”

“Good luck to him”

“Farida, he is still your husband. He is the real one”

“I don’t think so. I’ve moved on. I have forgiven him and started a new life that has no chance for him in it”

Sam’s father was glad he went on this trip. He believed Farida when she said it was Sam’s pregnancy. Now he had to keep to their agreement. Sam had to woo her back. Sam’s problem was his mother and others he was talking to.

They give him wrong advice which backfires.

Farida didn’t need him. He could see her surviving without Sam.

It hurt him but what could he do?

#OpraDre FARIDA 49

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2 years ago

Impressive. In love with the angle this is turning to. Farida, pls don’t change this your current decision..

Kudos to the brain behind this. Awaiting next episode ASAP. Thank you 💕💕

2 years ago

This getting interested everyday

2 years ago

Enemies of progress everywhere. Wale n Farida don’t give up please

2 years ago

Maybe Farida is dreaming and she’ll wake up soon. I don’t see the possibility of her being with Wale. Sam will never change but it’s Farida’s cross to carry.