FARIDA Episode 41 – 43 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 20 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 41 by Oge’s Stories

Farida saw less of Sam from the days that followed. She would be asleep by the time he came home. She would just feel his hands on her body. That was the only way he woke her up. It would be difficult to keep up when work began.

The morning she was to resume at her new appointment, Farida got dressed for work and came downstairs. She prepared breakfast for her husband and set the table. He came in at almost 2am that morning. She kept the food in the flask. She had planned to go with a cab or use her father-in-law’s driver to work until she and Sam can work out her movement. As she came out, she saw a new BMW X5 in the driveway with a driver sitting inside. Farida wondered if her father in law had acquired another car. She entered the main house to seek him out so his driver could drop him off.

“Good morning sir” she said as she genuflected.

“I said call me daddy”

‘Good morning daddy”

“I see you are getting used to married life”

“Yes dad. I am going to work. Can your driver drop me off? I will ask Sam to send someone to pick me up”

“That won’t be necessary, your car is in the driveway with your driver. He is conversant with Uyo so he can take you around”

“That BMW is my car?” Farida asked with a surprised look on her face.

“I promised you a car when you agreed to allow your uncle give you away. I bought it for you”

Farida ran to him and gave him a hug. She didn’t just have a car but a brand new BMW X5. She ran upstairs to wake Sam up to share with him. She practically dragged him downstairs as he couldn’t get what she was saying in her excitement. When he saw the car, he was also surprised. His father went all out for Farida. He could see how happy his wife was. He knew she would need a car and he should have gotten one for her but he got carried. He wouldn’t have bought her such an expensive car. It was her first car. His father should have discussed with him. He was upset but didn’t show it.

After Farida left for work. He confronted his father about it.

“Sam, you act like a child. You went to bed without making arrangement for how your wife will get to work this morning. Do you know who you are? You are heading for the House of reps and the fact that you married a Yoruba Muslim lady and treat her like a queen will endear you for higher positions like the position of Vice President. The most important thing is that it should be seen that you are treating her well. What happens at home is between both of you can be different but outside, you should be seen to as the best husband ever. I have done this for you, you need to do the rest. Change her wardrobe, buy her our traditional attires and plenty of jewelry. Yorubas love gold, buy for her. Let her look way better than she looked when she was single”

“But dad, she’s very smart and intelligent. I cannot win an argument with her. She is opinionated and strong willed. She schools me and calls my bluff some times. How do you control a woman like that?”

“Who takes charge in the bedroom?”

“What do you mean?”

“Who takes charge during sex? Who is the one always asking for it? Who squeals while the act is on?”

“I think I am the one”

“Then she is the man”

“How can you say that dad”

“If she is the giver of pleasure not the receiver then she is the man. She is holding you by your balls. That’s why you will be checking your wristwatch while we are having a meeting. Withhold her pleasure and watch what happens. She will crave for it. She will obey your instructions just so you would give it to her”

It sounded like a good idea but Farida didn’t seem like someone who would ask for it. And for now, he didn’t mind having her everyday. He was addicted to sex with her and she doesn’t disappoint. He had to tell Monica secretly and ask her not to tell Farida at all. He was the one craving for her not the other way around. Probably when he is weaned off it, then he will use his father’s method.

Their married life was fun for both of them. Farida was a dutiful wife. She cleaned and cooked all Sam’s meals herself. He had breakfast set for him, lunch packed to be taken to work and dinner was always waiting for him. She selected what he would wear on a daily basis, took his clothes to the dry cleaner, washed his undies with the washing machine, had his shoes thoroughly cleaned and kept. The room was always neat and tidy. It smelt nice too. The bathroom was not left out. Saturdays, she did a spring cleaning of the entire house and also cooking. She did all without assistance.

A month into it she broke down. They thought it was pregnancy but it was stress. She was doing too much work and still attending to Sam’s sexual demands. She was asked to rest. Farida appealed to Sam to cut down on the frequency of their sexual encounter but instead he got her a maid that would attend to the house chores and help her while cooking so she would have less stress. Farida was against it but he insisted. He also said he didn’t want any pregnancy until their one year anniversary. It was ok with Farida. She wanted to enjoy her husband too. He took very good care of her and she did what she could to appreciate.

Married life separated Farida from her friends. She hardly spoke to Wale and Monica. She initially tried to broker peace between Monica and her dad but Monica refused to speak with him. All the effort came to nought. Monica visited Nigeria often at her mother’s insistence. She was her father’s only daughter so she needed to be rooted in her place. Even though they hardly spoke, Monica came to the village during the Christmas holidays. She stayed in Farida’s apartment during the period. She saw how they lived and envied them. Farida was a good home maker. She also saw her brother would come for Farida whenever she fell asleep in her room. One night she heard them in the room as she was in the sitting area upstairs. It was her brother she could hear. Obviously, he was enjoying himself. When she asked Farida what she did differently she told her it was nothing. Her mother taught her to please a man and now Sam is satisfied. Sam didn’t look at any other woman again. Monica believed there was more but she had no proof.

Wale buried himself in work. He expected Farida to disassociate from him because her husband would force her to. He knew when she needed him she would reach out.

Seeing pictures of them in the papers was not helping matters. Farida and Sam looked so in love. Probably they were wrong about Sam. He may have genuinely loved Farida. She radiated on the pages of the newspaper. And when they looked at each other, it looked like love. He got updates about them from Monica. They had gotten close again and chatted a lot. Wale went back to his former lifestyle. He had casual sex with ladies. He didn’t take anyone serious. He had girls on speed dial when the need arises and most times, he imagined they were Farida for him to reach a climax.

FARIDA Episode 42 by Oge’s Stories


The new state Governor appealed to Sam and his father to step down Sam’s desire to get to House of reps until he was much older. Sam consulted Farida on this knowing he would have won both the primaries and the election proper. Farida agreed he needed more experience as he was in his early thirties. She asked him to request for a firm agreement he will be made a commissioner and even chose the ministry for him. The governor gave it to him without argument. He made him a commissioner for the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources. Sam never knew it was the most lucrative ministry but Farida did. His level changed overnight. He was the interface between the state government and the oil companies. The oil companies ‘settled’ well and he was happy. Farida advised him to ensure the largess he was collecting went around every staff of the ministry. She asked him to share a percentage and it should reach even the security. His generosity was legendary. Everyone wanted to be redeployed to his ministry.

Farida had also advanced in her career. She had been promoted twice. The community loved her because she mingled with them. Every month, she encouraged Sam to give to the widows in the community. Sam gave her some of the money she used to empower them.

She saw a gap in the healthcare system in the village. She advised her stepmother-in-law to bring a medical team once a month to attend to the people in the village. She included Farida in it. Together they ensured they touched lives. She came down every month for the outreach. They would give them food and drinks, the medical team will give them health talks and then check their general health. Those that required medication, they gave them free. Those that needed surgery, it was planned for and done. Every month doctors who specialize in different aspect of medicine were on ground to attend to the community at their expense. The outreach became very popular and their indigenes began to support it. Her mother-in-law became relevant. She was respected in the community. Her husband’s people began to value her. She owed it all to Farida and she never failed to thank her.

Farida was still not happy. She used all these activities to occupy her mind. She hadn’t missed a period since she got married to Sam. She had talked to her mother about it. She asked her to come to Lagos for checkup. She had done many tests and they found nothing wrong with her. They requested for her husband but he was too busy to make out the time.

“You are worrying yourself too much. As long as the doctors say you are ok then there is nothing to worry about”

But Farida was worried. Her father-in-law had asked her what was happening and she had explained to him. He asked Sam to see the doctor and carry out some tests. It took Sam two months to get the test done and he was certified ok but was given some medication.

They began to have issues over their sex lives. Farida had to time her ovulation. She made him drink coffee a day to when they would meet so his sperm would be active and get to the egg in time. She stopped marathon sex which Sam loved so they could accomplish this mission. Sam was not finding it funny. In as much as he wanted a child, he didn’t want the quest to disrupt the fun he was having.

Farida would cry when she had a period. Sam, in a bid to console her, had told her he was not interested in having children. She he chastised him saying, “Don’t ever say that. Don’t ever decree that. We will have children. I will bear you children. I will be a mother and you will be a father”. He held his peace.

One day, she told him to come back home as she was ovulating at particular time. He couldn’t leave. She came to where he was having the meeting, excused him and dragged him into a bathroom for him to have sex with her. He refused but she blackmailed him with her tears. He quickly did it with her there and she left. When her period came out, she didn’t eat for a week.

Her mother took her to Iya alagbo. She was given all sorts of herbs. Against her better judgment she took them religiously. Still she didn’t get pregnant. She went to Ijaw women for massage and all and still nothing. She was getting restless. Sam didn’t care until something happened.

Sam was in a meeting with other commissioners. There was a heated argument which he tried to calm down as he was the youngest in their midst. One person calmed down but the other refused to. Sam then told him he was constituting a nuisance there as the other guy had refused to respond to him and other commissioners have begged him to stop. That was when he attacked Sam.

“See who is talking. Who are you to talk to me? If not for your father would you be here talking to me? Are you a man? You went to Yorubaland to marry a wife so you can hide your impotence. Yes! Can you impregnate a woman? How many have you impregnated? Your father must have used your manhood to make money. When men speak you shouldn’t speak”

Those words broke the camel’s back. Sam physically assaulted the man. When he got home, his father was mad at him.

“You should have ignored him. Why would you respond?”

“This is what he said to me father. He said I am not a man as I cannot impregnate my wife. He said I went to Yorubaland to marry to hide my impotence. Father, did you use my manhood for money?”

“What rubbish are you saying?”

“That was what he said. Can you imagine? He called me impotent”

“He will be thoroughly dealt with. Concerning Farida not getting pregnant, now you know people are talking. Take time off work and go with her abroad, let them conduct tests on both of you and if possible, she does IVF. I don’t care but let her get pregnant”

This was when Sam took the pregnancy issue seriously. He travelled with Farida to the US and they did all the tests but found nothing significant. They only treated Sam again. They tried IVF. Farida reacted to the procedure; she became bloated with fluids. She almost lost her life. She was asked to take a break from it for about a year as her body was reacting negatively to the procedure. Sam was unhappy about it.

There was another a party meeting where some issues were discussed and Sam’s candidacy for House of rep was brought up again. There were arguments for and against. The party chairman spoke. He was speaking to Sam’s father.

“Do you remember our agreement back then? We said Sam can marry his Yoruba princess but he must give us an heir that is purely our blood. The Yoruba princess, even though a good person, has failed to produce offspring. It is about time Sam takes a native bride and see if she will produce children for him. A man who is not fully a man can’t represent us. Tongues are wagging. People are asking questions”

Sam resolved to test his manhood which was now in question. He needed a befitting girl to achieve his aim. He came to Lagos to see his mother. They discussed about him marrying a new wife secretly. He told his mother he wanted a girl who is beautiful, very educated and intelligent like Farida. His mother told him to relax she had the right person for him. She had intended for him to marry her before he brought Farida. He reminded her that discretion was the keyword.

Idara agreed to the proposal. She was a graduate of Law from the University of Ibadan and had her LLM in the United Kingdom. She ran her father’s law firm. She was just two years younger than Sam and three years older than Farida. Sam insisted that she must get pregnant before he marries her. He came to see her often and she came to Uyo to see him. It took three months before she finally got pregnant. The traditional marriage was done quietly. She lived with her mother-in-law in Lagos.

Farida observed a lot of difference in Sam. He was always travelling and when he came back, he wasn’t demanding sex anymore. His demand had dwindled with the quest for a child but whenever he travelled and was coming back, he always tells her to prepare for him. Also, he was snapping at her. This had led to altercations between them. She would apologise believing her hormones were in play while in reality Sam was the one provoking her as his conscience couldn’t take what he was doing. When he stopped receiving phone calls around her, she knew something was amiss.

Idara travelled to have their first baby. Sam joined her in the United Kingdom as Idara was a citizen. She gave birth to a baby girl. Sam’s parents were excited and happy but Idara wasn’t. She wanted to have a son for Sam. Six months later, she was pregnant again. She gave birth to another baby girl. She was angry. She was scared Farida might have Sam’s first son which she didn’t want. Sam was happy he had two children. He assured her he wouldn’t have a heir with Farida as she was barren. If he was to have a son, it would be with just her. Most people in the community knew but they kept it away from Farida.

Farida told Sam she was ready to try IVF again as her body had healed. Sam was reluctant. He kept telling her he didn’t have the time. When she insisted, he told her he didn’t want children anymore. Farida was shocked. How could he say that? She asked why and he told her she was fussing too much about having children and neglecting her duties. Farida had heard what people said about them. They claimed he wasn’t man enough or she was barren. She wanted to prove them wrong. Sam insisted he was not interested. Then she asked,

“Are you sure you are not the reason we don’t have kids?”

“I think you are the reason. You pretended to be a virgin meanwhile you weren’t. You have had several lovers and probably had numerous abortions and now you can’t have a child. Your womb is so damaged that IVF didn’t even work. I don’t want a child from your damaged womb. You were not what I was expecting when I married you”

“Sam, did you just accuse me of procuring abortions that damaged my womb? All I want is to make you happy and you are here accusing me. What have I done wrong to you?” Farida said in tears. Her childlessness had been a source of sorrow to her. For the past few years she had become a ghost of herself.

Sam ignored her as she cried. He had changed. This wasn’t the Sam she married. She packed a bag and left for Lagos that day. Sam never called. She went to her mother’s house. She told her everything. She was heartbroken. Her mother and grandmother tried to console her. She stayed for the weekend to clear her head before going back home.

What she didn’t know was that Sam also came to Lagos to see his second family. He spent the weekend there and then came back to Ibeno. He didn’t know Farida spent the weekend in Lagos. He didn’t care anymore as he had gotten what he wanted. Their ones loving home was now enveloped with silence. It was payback time for Sam. When she ignored him, he ignored her right back.

The Christmas holiday was fast approaching, Idara demanded to spend it with Sam in the village. Sam refused saying Farida could easily find out but Idara insisted. She said she would stay in the other wing and claim to be a relative. His mother encouraged him to take Idara to the village and send Farida somewhere else for the holidays. Sam thought about it for a long time. Then he called Farida and told her to go cool off with her family to any country in the world she would like them to go. It sounded really tempting but being a smart girl, she was suspicious. She chose South Africa for their visit. He made all the arrangements for their trip. He gave her more than enough money.

When she told Sam’s stepmother about her trip. She asked, “Who will take care of the widows during the Christmas?”

“I will do it before I go or you do it for me”

‘You know those women pray for you to be fruitful. You have to be here to receive it. By the way why are you travelling at this crucial time?”

“Sam insists”

She was silent. She knew Sam had married another woman and had children with her. She couldn’t tell Farida, it was best she found out herself. She suspected that was the reason he wanted her out so he could show his people his children.

“Why don’t you go and come back before the new year? Then you can do the needful yourself and get all your blessings”

“Sam won’t like it but I will try”

She travelled as planned with her mother and two brothers. Her grandmother travelled to Ilorin for the end of year celebration.

Farida had been so worried about her childlessness. Everywhere she went, she was told she was fine. She had never missed a period. She wondered if it was her first sexual encounter that caused her this problem. Did he damage something when he penetrated her? She always dreaded penetration. She did so much for Sam. She allowed him do things to her and did things to him she could never have done ordinarily. Of recent he had been making awkward sexual demands. It was as though he was using her as a sex slave. She refused anal sex outrightly and when he attempted, she screamed so loud that it attracted attention. He didn’t do it again.

She never knew her husband smoked weed until recently. He started smoking it in their bedroom. She hated the smell. He would smoke it and then have sex with her. The combination of weed and alcohol was the worst. She would be almost bruised before he ejaculated. She hated it. She asked him if there was something wrong; he said he just wanted a few minutes of madness to ease his stress. She didn’t want anything to spoil what was left of their crumbling relationship.

Over the years, Farida had handled their investments and was in custody of most of them. Because she made purchases of most of the properties, they agreed they would be bought in her brothers’ names for security reasons. Once he leaves office, the properties will be transferred to Sam. Suddenly, Sam was making demands for the properties. He wanted them transferred to his mother. Farida asked why but he insisted. They agreed she would come back with the documents when they get back from their holiday. That was another red flag that got Farida thinking. She tried not to share her challenges with Sam with her family. Although she could see the disappointments in their eyes when they look at her. If only she could stop being worried about her condition.

On Christmas day, she called Monica to wish her a Merry Christmas. Monica said she was in her wing of the house.

“What are you doing there? Your brother needs your company”

“The place is perpetually locked. I haven’t gained access to the house since I came back. The place is boring without you. I will leave immediately after the new year”

Monica was another reason she wanted to go home.

On the 29th of December, Farida came back to Nigeria to surprise her husband. She arrived the compound at the about 10:00am. The security wasted her time at the gate claiming he was looking for the keys. She tried to gain access to the house but it was locked. It was strange for that time of the day. Her maid should be around too. She used her keys to gain entrance. Then she went upstairs. The place was a mess. There were toys everywhere, dirty plates on the dining table, food crumbs on the settee. She wondered what was going on. She entered her bedroom. Her husband wasn’t there. She walked into the bathroom and there he was. He had his hand on his forehead and elbow on the wall. He looked confused. When she greeted him, he didn’t respond at first but he later responded. She left him and came into the room. The bed was badly ruffled. She smiled. Something was wrong. She began to make the bed when she saw some dried bodily fluid on the bedsheet. She stripped the bed angrily and brought out new sheets. She was mad. If he wanted to do this, why not somewhere else. Why in her matrimonial home and on her matrimonial bed?

“Why did you come back early? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?” Sam asked her. He was upset with this trick she played on him. It wasn’t time for her to know. He still needed her. He was lucky the security called him that she was back. That was how he moved Idara and the childrenout of the room to the main house. It would have been a mess if she had caught them red-handed.

“I missed you and I came back. What’s wrong with that?”

“I asked you to go on holiday so you will feel better but you cut it short without telling me. What was your reason?”

“Is that the reason you are so angry? You had sex with a strange woman on our matrimonial bed. Is that why you sent me away? You wanted to spend time with her? You didn’t need to send me far away; you should have just told me instead of deceiving me. Where is she?”

“There is nobody here, she has left”

“Are you sure? She’s a pig too. Everywhere is a mess. This room stinks” she opened the windows as she talked. “Well, I am back, tell her to keep off. Did she use the toilet? I have to wash that now” and she headed to the bathroom.

Sam rushed to the children’s room. He had asked Idara to pack their things. He snuck them out of the main house. Idara was also upset she came back. Farida’s return had spoilt everything. Now Sam was saying they had to go back to Lagos. Why would he choose Farida over his family? She didn’t give him children so why did he make her a priority? His father too was in support of Farida. He told her she is the first wife and would remain so whether she has kids or not. He was not in support of them coming home for Christmas. Since their precious wife was back, she decided to go over to her parents’ home to spend the rest of the holiday.

Sam was mad at Farida. Why did she come back? Why did she spoil the fun they were having? Farida was upset and talking about her coming back early would aggravate everything. He decided to just apologise to her when he gets back.

Farida heard a car reversing from her open window. She looked outside and saw her husband in his car. Sitting beside him was a lady. The lady was carrying a toddler a girl and another little girl sat at the back seat. She dropped what she was holding as she watched him drive out. She dropped to the floor. The toys. She saw the toys. She came out to the sitting room and they were no longer there. She sat on the couch. She didn’t need a soothsayer to tell her what was going on. Sam had children with another woman. No wonder he didn’t care if she was pregnant or not. She wept her eyes out. Her in-laws were in on it including Monica. Her family were still in South Africa. She didn’t want to share this with her mother, it would break her heart. She took her unpacked suitcase picked up her bag, called a cab man she had used earlier. Without saying a word to anyone, she left for the airport. She booked a flight to Abuja. She had to be with someone who understood her. Someone who will allow her mourn her loss in peace without adding to the situation. She didn’t want to think about anything. She just wanted to leave and she didn’t want to be alone least she does something to herself. Sam betrayed her. Sam destroyed her world. Sex couldn’t hold him. Food couldn’t keep him. A child was what Sam needed and she couldn’t give him.

FARIDA Episode 43 by Oge’s Stories

Wale phone rang repeated. He was having a nap and didn’t want to be disturbed. He ignored the call but it was persistent. When he picked his phone to peek at who was calling, he had to clean his eyes to be sure he wasn’t seeing things. He picked the call immediately.

“I’m sorry to disturb you Wale. Please can you pick me up at the airport. I’ve boarded my flight and I will be taking off soon”

“I will be there” Wale responded excitedly. He stood up, took a shower and quickly tidied up his bedroom.

He got to the airport in time as they were just landing. He stared at her as she walked out of arrivals. She was still stunning with her poise which always made people stare. She had on sunglasses. When she saw him, she wore a weak smile on her face. He went to meet her. He didn’t know what to do, he wanted to hug her but became unsure since she was a married woman now. He took her luggage from her and they walked to his car after exchanging pleasantries. He asked where she was going to lodge and she said she was going home with him as she didn’t want to be alone right now. That was the first sign that something was wrong. Then he asked if she was hungry as there was no food in the house. She said she wasn’t; all he wanted to do was sleep.

Wale brought her to his new abode, a three bedroom terrace house owned by the company. It was left over land from the Mega filling station located at Maitama. He constructed twenty-one units of three-bedroom terrace houses on the leftover portion of the property which became an estate. The twenty first unit was his and it was on a corner piece. Farida liked the estate but she was too distraught to say anything.

They arrived the house and Wale brought in Farida luggage. He took them into the room next to his. He had questions but he could see she wasn’t ready to talk. She asked for the toilet and he directed her to her room. She came out without her sunglasses. She must have washed her face because it looked damp. What was shocking were her eyes; they were red and puffy. Sam had done something wrong.

“Thank you for bringing me here. I just want to be left alone for now. I know you have questions but allow me get myself before we talk. I came here because my family is not around and I regard you as family. Please bear with me”

“That’s fine. I will get you pain killers and water”

“Thank you”

She went back into the room while Sam got her the pain killers and bottles of water. He left her alone and sat down in the sitting room upstairs to watch a football match.

He heard her initially. It was quiet. Then it became louder. Wale was worried. He went closer to her door. She was crying profusely. It broke his heart. He sat on the floor by the door and listened to her heart wrenching cry. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he spoke.

“Are you ok in there? Can I come in and be with you?”

The cry stopped. She was quiet for a while. Then she responded in a shaky voice, “I am fine. I am ok. I just want to be on my own”

“I know. I am right here if you need a shoulder to cry on. You can cry all you want on my shoulder and I won’t ask you any questions. I promise. Being alone won’t help”

At that moment her phone rang. She didn’t pick it up. It rang two more times and still she didn’t pick up. Then Wale’s phone rang. He saw it was Monica.

“It’s Monica”

“Don’t tell her I am here”


Wale left the floor and moved to the sitting room where the match was playing on the television. He picked up the call.

“Hello baby girl. What’s up?”

“You haven’t seen or heard from Farida have you?”

“No, I haven’t. What’s the problem?”

“It’s her shitty husband. Don’t have the full details yet”

“Hold on. What happened to Farida and her husband?”

“Nothing happened to Sam. Farida came home today unexpected and left without telling anyone. That’s all I can say for now”

“Did they have a fight? Was he with a woman?”

“I think so” she then added loudly. “I warned her to avoid this guy but she said she’s in love. Well, he had done his worst. Father has asked him to find her and bring her home”

“It must have been messy”

“I will talk to you later. Let me find her”

He ended the call. He heard from behind him, “What did she say?”

“They are looking for you”


He told her everything.

“Thank you for accommodating me. I just need to cool my head”

“Go back inside and sleep. You’ve cried enough for one day. You will think better when you wake up”

“Thank you” Farida said as she walked back like a zombie into her room.

Wale couldn’t afford to sleep in his bed. Farida was too broken to be left alone. He took some cushions to make a bed and used a blanket to cover himself as he laid down by her door. He finally fell asleep while listening to hear if she was still crying. The silence made him fall asleep.

The next morning, Farida opened her door and saw Wale at the door. He had slept there. She was moved to tears that he could do that for her. Her sobs woke him up. He stood up quickly and took her in his arms. He then asked what was wrong.

“I’m fine. Thank you. Thank you for being here for me”

‘Anytime Farida. I told you anytime”

“Are you going to work today?”

‘I am not resuming until January”

‘Why didn’t you travel home?”

“I was waiting for a consignment which finally came. And it would be boring at home. My mother would bring different girls to visit me in a bid to find me a wife”

Farida smiled for the first time.

“Come, Farida. Come let’s sit down and talk. How do you feel today?”

‘I feel better. My mind was congested yesterday. I have disposed of some of the things”

“But Farida we have talked about the issue of men cheating. Most men cheat. It is not enough for your to be so upset. You were in a terrible state yesterday. Do not allow a man’s cheating affect you like this. Haba, it could affect your health. You are not acting like the Farida I used to know”

‘Wale, I have no children”

“I know that. God will give you in his time”

“Sam has children”


“He doesn’t know I am aware. I saw him get into his car with the mother and the children. He sneaked them out of our house. He fucked her on my matrimonial bed. He has kids and I have none. He stopped me from doing IVF saying he didn’t want kids not knowing he had gotten kids”

Wale was speechless and in shock. This was height of betrayal. When he recovered, he asked her, “How did you find out?”

Farida told him everything as tears flowed from her eyes. Wale was shocked at the level of betrayal. Sam should have just told her he wanted to have kids with another woman. What was the big deal? Farida could have tried IVF again or allowed him. But there would have been some understanding. Wale didn’t say anything; he allowed her cry. After some time, he excused himself and went into his room. He came out after about twenty minutes. He was dressed.

“Let’s go to the market to get stuff we would cook and eat together. I hear it is therapeutic. We would also get chocolate and ice cream to improve our mood while we watch a comedy or romance movie together. Whatever you girls do?”

Farida giggled. He made light the whole scenario. She put on her sandals and they went to the market together. They purchased items for soups, stews and other food; his store was empty. He stopped by at a big supermarket and bought bars of chocolate and ice cream. Farida looked lean. He hoped by the time she leaves she would look much better than when she came.

They spent most of the day in the kitchen. Farida insisted on cooking the soups and stews in a day. He had to go and buy plastic bowl to store them in the freezer. They cooked for close to five hours before they finished. Farida served the food. They both sat down to eat. Wale enjoyed his meal and even had a second helping. Sam was enjoying; he had an intelligent, sexy, innocent wife who is also a good cook and he was willing to give that up? He didn’t care if she didn’t have kids as long as she remained with him. If IVF wasn’t working, he will adopt for her. Sam was selfish. Farida was blinded by love. Farida ate very little. Wale knew it wouldnot go away in one day. There was also chocolate and ice cream.

They cleaned up after their meal. The ice cream chocolates were on the centre table. Wale put the movie, Wedding Crashers for them to watch. They sat together and watched the movie. Farida had a good laugh while watching. Wale gave her the ice cream with a spoon. She took it from him. He watched her as she unconsciously licked the ice cream. When she was through, he gave her chocolate. They watched three movies that night. Farida fell asleep on the couch. Wale helped her lie comfortably and then he slept of the floor. The next morning, they had breakfast together, watched some more movies, strolled out in the evening and came back home. He could see she felt better. It was also the New Year’s eve. Wale booked her flight back to Uyo for the next morning. He booked business class so she won’t be bothered much. He didn’t tell her. As they settled down for their night treat of ice cream and suya they bought while they strolled, Wale spoke to Farida.

“Farida, you are a strong girl. If you want something bad enough you will get it. What changed? You were more interested in building up Sam than yourself. Farida times have changed. What happened to the Law degree? What happened to your Masters’ degree? You must start the Masters’ this new year. So what you don’t have a child? He betrayed you and should be the one in hiding not you. You have done nothing wrong but to love Sam. You trusted him and he broke that trust. He should have told he wanted to have children with another woman. He is the one at fault. You said you saw two girls; you will have the son for Sam. Nothing will stop it. Take a break. Tell Sam you are travelling for your Masters’. Let it be payback for betraying you; he won’t object. Go to the UK and forget everything about them. Stop giving him advice that will advance him so he would feel the effect of the betrayal. He needs to make it up to you. Farida, what he did is not a new thing. There is nothing new under the sun. Men desperate for children do. Is he aware you know?”

“I don’t think so. I saw them through the window”

“You can pretend not to know or you can let him know you are aware but never allow him see that it’s bothering you. That’s why you should apply for your Masters’ degree. You will be too busy to notice what they are doing”

“He asked for the property we had in my brothers’ names be changed to his mother’s name and given to him. I don’t want to do that. We worked hard for them. I have a right to them too”

“Farida, give him everything. You will acquire far more than all he has acquired by the time you come back from your Masters’. Is it not you again? Many oil companies which want you and will pay you very well. I will commence the registration for you. Don’t tell him your plans until everything is set. I will pay for the Masters’ as a gift to you”

“You don’t have to. Sam will pay for it or his father will take care of it. They want me out of the way and I will leave. If they don’t pay, then I will pay. I have some money saved”

“It is very expensive but worth it. I will do LSE for you. I will send you the current financial cost so you will be prepared. I’ve booked your flight; you are leaving tomorrow morning”

“Wale, you are my best friend ever”

“You know I love and I will always have your back. I never want you to be hurt again. I know you still love Sam even with the betrayal, but I also think you are doing the right thing”

Farida moved closer to him and rested her head on his chest and said, “I love you too”

Wale smiled. He knew her heart was not fully with him. She still needed to go and explore. London would give her that opportunity. Sam has lost her but he didn’t know. For her to pack and leave without wanting to talk to him showed he had lost his hold on her. Wale prayed she wouldn’t let him know she knew about his betrayal. He knew what she could do in the school. She would be hot cake. She will be well sought after and more popular than Sam which he will hate. If only Farida knew her worth.

She arrived Ibeno on the morning of the new year. She didn’t speak to anyone, she walked straight to their apartment, dropped her luggage in the sitting room and went to the guest room to sleep as she didn’t sleep all through the night thinking about the situation and what she should do. She woken up by Sam when he found her in the room.

“Come to our room” he said to her.

“Come to where please? I can’t stay in a room your concubine occupied. How can I share the bed you have shared with other women with you”?

“The bed and mattress will be changed tomorrow. I am sorry, please forgive me. It will never happen again. I have been so worried. Come and make breakfast so we eat together. I got you your favourite fish and shrimps. You can cook fisherman soup for lunch or dinner”

“I am too tired to make anything. Call Gift to resume. I don’t have strength to cook”

“Today is New year, how can Gift cook what I will eat? I have apologized so please snap out of it”

“Why not call the person that was cooking for you when I travelled. She should come and cook let’s all eat”

‘Why are you dragging this issue? Why are you making a fuss? I said I am sorry. I messed up I agree but don’t rub it in”

“Sam, please leave me alone. I know you don’t love me; you never did. I was fooling myself. There is no problem. I have learnt my lesson the hard way. If you are hungry, I cooked and packed inside the freezer before I travelled. You can microwave some of it and eat if not starve” she turned way from him and closed her eyes.

Sam wasn’t finding her attitude funny at all. He thought it would be easy to make up with her since she didn’t see Idara and the children but she was being adamant and difficult. His joy was that she was still not in the know.

Monica came to her a few hours later. She tried to talk to Farida but she wasn’t giving her any audience. Monica was getting frustrated and so she said out loud, “Didn’t I warn you not marry Sam? Didn’t I warn you against him? What did you expect will happen? He is a cheat; he has always been and will always be. He needs you that is why he was looking for you. My advice to you is leave. He is not worth the heartache he will cause you. Luckily, you have no children together and so you can marry another man. You are still young”

“Will you shut up your mouth Monica. You are advising Farida to leave me. What rubbish is that? You are a terrible person. After all I have done for you. I covered your shame when Francis was using you and your drug infested body. He made videos of them. Look at you, sold yourself cheaply to a boy who was on a revenge spree against our family and used you as the bait. Are you thinking right? With all the drugs he pumped into you, can you reason? Look at how fat and shapeless you are. Francis turned you to this hag and you claim to be in love. Stupid you. I don’t want to ever see you in my apartment again. Advising Farida to leave when you cannot advise yourself”

Monica was speechless. What was he talking about? She looked between him and Farida. “I don’t understand what you are saying. You knew about Francis? It was you who took him away from me?”

“Took who away. I offered him good money to disappear and he did. I am aware he is still deceiving you. He promised to come back for you. It will never happen. Monica, he will never come back”

“You are lying. Francis will never do that to me”

“Let me prove it to you. Do not say a word. Listen to what he will say. Yes, I have his number. It is time you snap out of this dream world” Sam called.

“Hello my brother how now? To what do I owe this call” Francis said on the phone which was speaker.

‘I am mad at you. I was informed you have been talking to my sister. That was not the deal. Why are you still talking to her?”

“It is only the call you said I should make to her I made. I haven’t spoken to her since then”

‘But you assured her you were coming back for her. That was not our agreement. Since you are in love with her, I am bringing you back to Nigeria and collecting my money back”

“Who said so? I didn’t. I swear, I will never contact her again. I don’t need her; I am dating an oyibo girl here; hopefully she will marry me and I will get my papers. Please forgive me; I will never contact her again”

“If you contact again, the deal is off. Anyway, I wanted to be sure of what I heard”

“Forget it. Your sister was never my type; I was just using her then. I don’t have interest again. Please trust me”

Monica was speechless. It was certain that was Francis’ voice. He left her for money? So, it was Sam after all. She looked at her brother and wondered what kind of person he was. How could he do this to her all these years? How did he know about Francis? She looked at Farida who looked uninterested. She stood up and left the room.

“Don’t listen the trash people say about our relationship. It is unique and many are jealous of it. Let’s join dad and family downstairs since you don’t want to cook. Come let’s go”

Farida looked at Sam from head to toe, hissed and laid down on the bed. She had never seen such an insensitive person ever. The way he told Monica she being deceived was unfair. Monica could harm herself because of this. She wanted to go after her but she held back. Monica betrayed her. She preferred to be alone.

Sam left Farida and went downstairs. Much later in the evening, Sam’s stepmother came to check on her. She brought food. She also talked to Farida about patience. She said marriage was not a bed of roses. She advised that Farida should look beyond the situation now and focus on having her own kids.

“Ma, why would you allow Sam bring in his girlfriend to the house? She ate and dined with the entire family. What you brought for me can kill me as I know you have no good intentions for me. I am not eating”

“Can I stop Sam? He is a grown man and should know his responsibility towards you. I know nothing about his escapades. Please do not involve me in the fight” She left the food on the table and left.

#OpraDre FARIDA 41

To be continued.

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2 years ago

It’s interesting, educative story

2 years ago

Farida has gotten what she wanted, she was warned. Olojukokoro omo. Please author, I’m begging you, Wale should move on, Farida is not worth Wale’s love and I don’t even want leftover of Sam for him.😂😂😂😂