End of The Road Episode 5

End of The Road Written by Sonia Okehie

End of The Road Episode 5 by Sonia Okehie

No news is as shocking as that of a loved one departing from you forever. There’s no heart strong enough to accommodate such news without breaking down. The doctor’s revelation of Marvin’s fate, shattered Anita’s heart into tiny unfixable pieces. Her mouth was wide opened as she received the heartbreaking news from the doctor. At that moment, she was numb and her world seemed to be coming to an instant end.

“Doctor please tell me you’re talking about someone else and not Marvin, please just tell me you didn’t mean what you said earlier” Anita shockingly said with her hands on her chest. The doctor felt for her and wished there was a sweeter way to pass the unfortunate information across to her. “I’m so sorry for how you might be feeling now but I suggest you go back into that room and make his last days on earth a beautiful one. Try not to cry in his presence because that would only stress him out the more and make his days shorter. I’m yet to inform his family about this tragic situation so you have an advantage to utilise this little time you have with him alone. It’s sad that this is happening and I sympathise with you” the doctor said and walked away.

As the doctor walked away, Anita just stood there without moving or expressing any emotions. She was dead in the inside and couldn’t utter a word or move from where she stood. After a while of being speechless, Anita began to mutter some words to herself as though she was going crazy. She leaned on the hospital corridor with her hands folded.

“It can’t be Marvin, I guess she was referring to someone else or was she referring to him?” She muttered to herself. After a while of acting crazy and being in disbelief, Anita burst into uncontrollable tears and ran outside the hospital. It was passed 7pm in the evening so it was a little dark outside.

Anita walked outside the hospital compound and kept moving without direction or destination. She cried as she wandered around the hospital territory. “Marvin can’t leave me, Lord please do something because I would follow him if anything happens. Life, what did I do wrong that you have decided to be unfair to me? Lord take away any other thing from me but please leave Marvin because, there wouldn’t be any need to still stay in this world if he isn’t here with me. He is the only man I have ever truly loved, please don’t take him away from me I beg you. Please Lord please, I’m losing my mind and might die too if anything ever happens to Marvin” Anita said with tears flowing uncontrollably from her eyes as she wandered around.

After about an hour of being away, she finally retired back to the hospital. Immediately she entered Marvin’s room and caught a sight of him lying down, tears started flowing down her eyes again. She immediately wiped the tears away and moved closer to his bed. Marvin was asleep, so she quietly sat beside him and stared at him while he slept.

Anita stretched her hand and touched his dry face. She held his hand afterwards and prayed silently for a miracle. It’s sad that not every chapter of our lives end happily. Anita didn’t want to let go regardless of the truth that was before her. She was hopeful and couldn’t just imagine her life without the only man she had ever loved.

All through that night, she didn’t blink an eye, talk more of sleeping. She kept staring at Marvin as he slept, with tears dropping off her eyes at every gaze. It was a terrible night for Anita!

Marvin’s mum arrived the next day and was informed by the doctors of the situation on ground. His mum was beyond shattered and inquired if he should be flown abroad for more advance treatment, but the doctors advised her that it would be a fruitless journey because his fate was certain. The specialist Marvin’s mum consulted said the same thing the doctors had said.

It was a trying time for Marvin’s family and they all grieved secretly and maintained a strong countenance whenever they were around him. Anita’s work leave was over but she cared less about anything that wasn’t pertaining to Marvin. Her parents called every now and then to inquire on how things were going, hoping to hear some good news but it was sad that there was none coming forth. Everyone resorted to prayers because that was the only place they saw hope.

Anita grew slimmer and began to look malnourished. Marvin’s brother had to returned back to the hospital to stay with them. It killed him slowly, to watch his younger brother suffer and in severe pains. If money could buy good health, Marvin’s family would have stopped at nothing till the bought it no matter how much it cost. It’s sad that all they could do at that point was to pray and hope for a miracle.

One evening, Marvin notified Anita that he couldn’t feel his body anymore. “Should I massage you?” She asked and he accepted. As Anita massaged his body, tears kept falling off her eyes and dropping on Marvin’s body. “Baby you have to stop crying, no matter where I go, I’ll always be with you. I want you to put yourself together and stop crying. I’ll die a happy man, knowing that I spent a short while with an angel like you. Please stop crying, you deserve better than this constant heart ache you’re getting because of me. You deserve to be happy my love, I would love you till eternity. You have to let me go babe, I’m going through so much pain and I’m suffering here, please just let me go and stop fighting to keep me. I love you so much and it hurts to see you cry all the time” Marvin said with tears in his eyes.

“I would never let go, I must keep fighting because you aren’t going anywhere” Anita said and wiped the tears in his eyes. Marvin’s mum and brother who were watching broke down in tears. They could truly attest to the fact that Anita loved Marvin with all her heart. They wished these beautiful love birds didn’t have to go through such an unfortunate fate. Everyone came closer and hugged each other dearly. So heartbreaking!

Unknowingly to everyone, what they feared was about to go down that night. It was around passed 11pm when Anita woke up to pee. When she returned from the bathroom, she noticed that Marvin’s eyes were open but he wasn’t moving. She moved closer to his bed and touched his hand but he didn’t move nor blink an eye.

Anita almost dropped dead and screamed “Marvin!”.


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5 years ago

Anita, u are a kindhearted n lovely lady, may God uphold n provide u ur own destine man. Sorry over Marvins exit. Hope that’s not d end ? nest episode pls

5 years ago

No Marvin’s must not die ooo

Agborie Vivian lroro
Agborie Vivian lroro
5 years ago

?????????? God please he should not die

5 years ago

So sorry Anita.??????
There must definitely going to be a miracle. OR maybe Anita is already carrying his baby if eventually he dies.

5 years ago

Oh!!! I wish a miracle can happen

5 years ago

Such a nice man should not die . So pathetic

2 years ago

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