DOPE Season 2 Episode 7 – 8 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

DOPE Season 2 (The Devil I never knew) by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

DOPE Season 2 Episode 7 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

**Octavio’s assets**

After seven days in captivity, Joshua Italo didn’t even talk but remained mute and silent. The entire situation was even worse because Andre left to an unknown destination and didn’t come back. Hugo tried to locate him without any luck but he knew that he’d get better and come back some day. Joshua felt unperturbed and ready to die without offering any useful information that could help the Mistério cartel to put an end to the Spiders.

Hugo got his plans to transport his Million Dollar Narcotics from Brazil to Colombia ready, with some special mules that were paid handsomely to carry out the deal but the JTF of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and D.E.A headed by Joshua and Caleb caught the mules and detained them in a safe facility. This became a very big problem for Hugo because he was beginning to face tougher times than he used to see when his dad was alive. It was then that he realised that tough situations come and go but tougher people last.

He got himself well organised to face the tough situations ahead. He didn’t have to involve Marco Antonio this time because he knew that it wouldn’t be easy to convince him to betray his office.

He remained calm in his house that evening thinking through what to do and how to go about the deal without involving Marco whose allegiance was more directed to the D.E.A than to Mistério cartel.

None of Hugo’s employees knew the location of his house, not even Andre his personal bodyguard because he never trusted anyone especially as he tried to avoid treading the same path of mistakes that his father plied. He avoided having the likes of Stone who ended up betraying Ramon’s trust.

As he remained thoughtfully and strategising while seated on the deckchair of his spacious parlour, he made up his mind to confront Joshua and Caleb, to tackle the issue of killing and detention of the mules who work for him. He also wanted to tackle the issue that led to the destruction of his legacy using jet fighters. He made up his mind to tackle the issue once and for all.

He took his phone and dialled Jose’s number and waited for him to take his call. After a while, he heard the only voice that sounds like that of his dad when Jose said; “Hello, son,”

Hearing Jose’s voice made him feel so good and happy as if he just heard the voice of his biological dad.

“Dad, I’m not feeling well at all because I am currently losing millions of Dollars worth of drugs and my mules are in the net and unable to gain their freedom. What can I do?”

“This is a game of hunt and kill. Any mule that is caught in the net remains there because it’s not in your duty to free the captured mules. The reason for this is that it will make it hard for the business to flow freely. You may end up in the ocean of damnation if you keep trying to bring back your confiscated goods and fallen heroes back. Be wise,”

Hugo remained calm, thinking through the advice that was given by his foster Dad who made much sense that brought back some rationality in him.

“But, the same people who’re on my neck are the people that caused the destruction of the Gladiator’s mess,” Hugo reminded him.

“Joshua and Caleb again?” Jose asked surprisingly.

“Yes, they’re really strong anti-narcos who keep tormenting different strong cartels around the globe. They have brought down many already and still pulling down more. The Juggernauts are down, White Ice down, Sweet Sausage down, and even our close neightbour, the Pillars are down too,”

“Give me a couple of minutes. Just hang on,” Jose said and used special software known as ‘the hunter’ to search through his computer. With it, he discovered the true identity of Joshua and Caleb. After a while, he said” “son, are you still there?”

“Yes, I am,” He replied, “I’m waiting patiently because whenever you demand a couple of minutes, you always perform wonders,”

“That sounds like a compliment,” Jose uttered proudly and cleared his throat, “I just performed some wonders as expected,”

“Then shoot,” Hugo said gleefully, “I can’t wait to hear it,”

“Joshua and Caleb isn’t their real names but a name they got from bringing down two powerful Cartels with a sum of one million Dollars’ reward each for anyone who could locate drug barons or bring them down,”

“That sounds interesting,” Hugo said with happily.

“Joshua’s real name is Pablo Diego. He is a Spanish anti-drug Lord well known for his doggedness and valour. He brought down a Mexican cartel known as Joshua Drigo Cartel. Caleb’s real name is Dave Rueben. He is an American D.E.A agent who brought down Caleb Nicklaus Cartel, a strong cartel in Costa Rica. The notoriety of the two cartels was really alarming because they promoted narco-terrorism by being involved with al-Qaeda and Hezbollah which were the most notorious groups. When the cartels were brought down by two teams headed by the aforementioned anti-drug agents, it became well known which made the two leaders to be nicknamed as Joshua and Caleb. Drug dealers are afraid of them. The two guys joined forces to establish an independent anti-drug agency known as Joshua and Caleb. They are consultants to most of the anti-drug agencies around the world including the US D.E.A. Now, you see why I said it’s not easy to bring these guys down because, before you can do that, you must bring down their reputations first,”

Hugo heaved a sigh and said: “Unfortunately for me, the two agents have set up strong reputations that fortified their personality. This will make it hard for anyone to bring their reputations down. To give the facts, in a nutshell, any plans to bring them down is automatically jinxed and hexed,”

“Therefore, you need to focus on being inconspicuous to Joshua and Caleb, and then pulling down Mortos Rio and The Spiders,” Jose advised, “Meanwhile, I expect you to put more effort in discovering the billion dollars worth of drugs that you’re being hunted for. Be focused son,” He hung up immediately, leaving Hugo in deep meditation as he pondered all the pieces of advice given to him by the wise man.

Immediately he hung the call, he noticed that someone was at the entrance door knocking seriously which wasn’t just common because no one ever knew the trace to the bunkered house let alone knowing how to locate the entrance door.

Hugo quickly got his guns loaded before going to the computer to check the CCTV. He was surprised to see a dog, a Labrador retriever dog of American breed but he didn’t know the owner of the dog and why the dog was around to see him.

He was really curious and concerned because Ignacio and Lucas could be capable of many things including using a retriever dog to trace him into the bunkered apartment.

Meticulously, he opened the strong door using the security codes. The dog looked stressed as if he came from a long and tedious adventure. He let the dog enter but still had his gun ready to shoot down the dog if he came with bad intentions or tried to attack him.

Immediately the dog saw Hugo with a gun, he stood still and sat. He raised his two legs and clamped them together as if he was begging to be spared. This curtsy-like gesture got Hugo interested and piteous. Looking closer, he discovered that the dog had a note tagged on his adjustable neck strap. He knew that a message was sent by an enemy, probably Ignacio or Lucas. He went closer to the dog and stroked his skin to avoid being attacked. He then quietly collected the letter that was partly soaked with blood and read:

_“Hugo Fuentes,_

By the time you’re reading this letter, I must have been dead. I’ve made many enemies to the point that I’ve lost count. The Spider cartel, Fernando Cartel, Emiliano and Chrisento Cartel were all after me. I fled from Brazil to live a free life in Netherlands and later give out my fortunes to the orphanage but the Nemesis is against me which made my sins to catch up with me in Netherlands. As I’m writing this, I am in a thick forest in Brazil with lots of bullets wounds on me. I was chased from Netherlands to Brazil but right now I can’t run anymore. Listen carefully to these instructions. At the basement of the apartment where you are, is ten Billion dollars worth of snow which Ignacio wants to take from me. Maxx is the name of the bearer of this letter. The smart dog knows the location to the safe containing the drugs. The code of the entrance door to the location of the safe is my birthday, but in reverse form (7491). I have some cash of sixty billion USD in a Mexican bank, ten billion USD in New Zealand bank and forty billion USD in Santa Catarina bank. I’ve already made you my signatory to the accounts, so it’s easy to have access to all the accounts. Why I’m dying as a lonely man is because Ignacio Santiago who used to be my best friend betrayed me and took my fiancée from me when she was two months pregnant. The child was born to him and he never cared to let my daughter know that I’m the biological Dad. Even my wife kept the secret away from her. Tessie is now twenty-three years and 17th of March will be her birthday. It’s a pity that I couldn’t live for more days to be alive and celebrate her birthday privately in my home as I used to do since she was born. I’ve lost everything, which was the reason why I carted away the ten billion dollars worth of cocaine which we recovered from the Código 99 fight in Sao Paulo. I wanted to make Ignacio pay for his betrayal which was the reason why I took the drugs that we were meant to share equally. Now, my request; Fight for me and recover my daughter back. As for my ex-wife, she’s already Santiago’s property, with his blood flowing in her veins. I’m losing my breath and should stop here because I’m already seeing myself as food for the worms. My happiness will depend on your achievements. Take very good care of Maxx. Once you mention Code 7491, he already knows that you’re his new owners and boss; therefore, can be to you exactly what he has been to me. He’s the only family I have. I’m off to the endless journey, bye.

_Octavio Jesús”_

After reading the letter, the entire puzzles that got him thinking why Ignacio would be after him with almost his entire squads of soldiers got solved. He heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. “Now is the time to act and bring back the lost glory,” he said to himself and felt lighter thinking through the entire ordeal and how to recover such a huge amount that he never worked for. The money in powder for is even worth more than the entire money his dad hid in the sea, let alone adding the entire ones in the bank. Hugo couldn’t imagine how Octavio made such fortune that could make him the world’s richest.

Looking at the sweet looking dog as he sat, looking innocently and fearfully at him, he said: “Code 7491,” The dog became so happy and jumped on him and he caressed the sweet dog’s hairs. “Maxx, you’re now a full-time partner and we’ll work together for good. Meanwhile, we have some work to do. Take me to the hidden part of the building for exploration,”

The dog already understood him and barked three times indicating that he should follow him. Hugo didn’t waste time to tie his loose robe and slipped his feet into his furred slippers and followed the dog. The dog took him to the kitchen and forced open one of the closets and pushed his head against the knob and a technical sophistication was made manifest; one side of the wall changed and entirely gave way to a strong steel door of about two feet thick.

Hugo quickly inputted the right codes and watched the door unlock. He then saw a very big apartment, as big as a theatre which got him wondering how such place was built. He went in and saw where the expensive bags of dust were kept safely. He smiled to himself as he felt the smoothness of what was already his own. “Now, I know what I am defending. I now have a reason to fight harder and defend this fortune. This is the safest place for me to keep an asset and have a rest of mind. I shall call this place, ‘the invisible’”

He took his phone and immediately dialled Jose’s number and waited gleefully for him to take the call.

Immediately he heard Jose’s “Hello” from the other side, he said, “The Puzzle of the hidden fortune is solved. I have discovered the drugs,”

After that, he hung up and explored further.


Hugo went back to the interrogation room where Joshua Italo or rather John Killer was kept. When he got there, he looked at him and said to his men guarding the prisoner: “Untie him and set him free,” The bodyguards were afraid to do that, but he looked at them lordly and reiterated: “Untie him and set him free. This is not a request but an order,”

The three bodyguards immediately set him free but the prisoner was afraid to go because he felt he’d be killed on his way out but nothing happened. As he walked away fearfully and carefully, he took a sweeping look around to be sure that there was no hidden sniper that would take him down. When he got to the door, he held the knob and remained there looking thoughtfully at Hugo to know if he could issue an order for his murder. He mistook Hugo’s silence and benevolence for unquenchable passion for revenge.

“Why are you setting me free?” He finally asked after a long stare.

“I don’t have to answer that but I still need Andre back, that’s if he’s still alive,” he answered, “your presence is making me lose my best man and strongest fighter,”

“What are you talking about?” he asked and still remained uncertain by the door.

“Since the day he had some chitchat with you, we’ve not seen him. He left moodily and never came back,”

“But he really made me a monster and I still want to hunt him for that,” Joshua said gloomily, “But I think he really felt bad for reminiscing on what he made me be. Is there a nearby stream or lake?” he asked with his hand still placed on the knob.

“Why did you ask?” Hugo asked curiously and went closer to him but the ex-prisoner drew back out of fear. “I told you that I’m losing my bodyguard and you’re asking for a stream or lake. If you need to swim, search them out by yourself. Pease, leave before I change my mind,”

“Whenever Andre is badly hurt, he ends up in a natural environment where he takes his time to think and atone for his sins by staying away from food,” John hinted “But this is exactly one week since he talked with me. This is much because he may have died out of hunger and thirst,”

That sounded scary, making Hugo to raise an eyebrow to that.

Hugo sat wearily on the couch and kept tapping his foot on the floor.

“How can this be?” he asked rhetorically.

“Sir, what are you still waiting for?” John Killer asked with anxiety, “Let’s find my cousin because he still means a lot to me and I can’t take my revenge if he’s dead. I need him alive , so that I can be the one to kill him,”

Hugo knew that he already got John Killer’s attention which he targeted at achieving by playing the game of setting him free, even though he was determined to kill him if he didn’t fall for his game. He couldn’t have allowed him to go back to Ignacio because that would be his greatest mistake. In the drug business, there is nothing like mercy or weakling.

“You’re right. Let’s find him,” He said to John.

Hugo sent out his bodyguards to go with John killer to retrieve Andre Italo; either dead or alive. He made sure that his bodyguards were armed to the teeth and ready in case John had some skeletons in his cupboard. When he was about to live, he met Belle who was just coming to see him because she’d been so concerned and disturbed to the extent that she couldn’t sleep a wink knowing full well that the man she nursed secret tender feelings for was not feeling happy.

When she saw Hugo looking so cheerful, she hilariously rushed to him and embraced him. She surprised him with a few minutes’ kiss that she gave him. She didn’t do that intentionally but out of joy for seeing Hugo looking happy.

“I’m so happy that you’re feeling okay once more,” she said and dragged him out into the plantation field to have small talk with him.

“You seem so happy, my sweetheart,” Hugo said and followed her.

“I bought something for you,” she said joyously, “I’m sure you’ll like it,”

“I can’t wait,” Hugo said and smiled, “show me,”

He followed her out and saw a very powerful Benz 4matic SUV and was shuddered because he couldn’t understand how she got the money to get such an expensive car for herself.

“This is for you,” she said with utmost happiness.

“I really don’t know what to say,” he expressed emotionally and surprisingly, “the last time I checked, I was the one paying you daily. So, how did you make the money to buy this exotic four-wheeled machine?”

“I’ve been saving the money you pay me daily,” she said and pulled him closer, “I’ve been thinking of what to do for you in return for your magnanimity,”

As they discussed, some workers and bodyguards passed freely to attend to their duties.

“For how long has this been going on?” Hugo asked astoundingly.

“From the first day you wired the first payment into my bank account,” she said proudly and dragged him to the car and opened it, “get in,” she urged.

Hugo entered and felt the beauty of the ride. He switched on the engine and witnessed the wintry breeze from the air conditioner as it bid him welcome. “You’re really amazing. Does it mean you have not been spending the money I pay you?”

“Don’t ask further,” she said and pulled him into a kiss.

“Thank you for this wonderful gift but…”

“There should be not buts here,” she retorted courteously, “Don’t reject this because it will make me feel really bad,”

“But I am concerned with your means of movement. I’m sure you have no car, so, why did you buy for me first knowing full well that I have numerous numbers of cars while you have none?”

She kept calm and pulsated with confusion because she just realised that what Hugo said was totally true and she couldn’t just deny it. She tried so hard to understand what she felt for him but she couldn’t understand that burning desire to see him happy. She was assured that it was purely tender feelings not just some feelings of care.

She looked lasciviously into his eyes with the all-consuming feelings of love. She smiled and said: “All I can say is that, from the first day I met you, I fell in love with you,”

That statement rumbled in Hugo’s head like a thunder and blotted out the anti-women warnings issued by his dad when he was still alive. Out of boundless happiness, he pulled her into a hug which gradually metamorphosed into an intimate tongue to tongue kiss. The kisses further led to deep smooch and caresses.

They kept kissing and fondling each other until Hugo got so horny and wanted to eff her right there inside the car. He then realised that the car was parked in an open field and nothing could take place there.

“I really don’t know what I am doing,” he said and paused, “I have a gift for you too,” he said in return of her benevolence.

“Hmmm what could that be?” she asked curiously.

“I choose to make you the first person to know where I live,” he said, making her so happy beyond measures but he continued, “not only to know where I live but to stay with me for now. We can cohabit. I also have a car in return; a bulletproof Jeep, Wrangler Rubicon. I hope that will be a match for your exotic gift to me,”

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed and collapsed on his body feeling an unexplainable joy, “make love to me, please, and don’t make me ask for it twice,”

She was just bereft of words to express her appreciation but filled with tears and romanticism that melted her heart instantly.

He tried to resist the urge but the libido was just too high to be subdued, so he dragged her to the rear seat of the car and started kissing her without delay.

Hugo and Belle got busy with that hot smooch, with their hands taking some romantic journeys on each other until Belle became almost nude, except her red hipster panties and a push-up bra that she had on. They spent about thirty minutes and had sex in the car, taking their time to feel each other’s body until they were satisfied. They had two rounds of hot sex which got them weak at the end of the intimate encounter.

Belle’s happiness knew no bounds, making her vow to be steadfast and committed fully to Hugo other than the time she wasted with Lucas. Even though she was willing to die for her love for Hugo because of the dicey nature of drug business she’d witnessed, Hugo wasn’t ready to lose another lover, so he felt that the safest location to hide his girl was in his house that isn’t visible to the enemies.

To be continued…



(The Devil I never knew)

(Written by Okafor Erasmus Ugochukwu)


**Daring the devil**

Hugo knew he had more tasks ahead, so he left Belle in the car to dress up, feeling as if he already forgot that he made love to her. Getting into the administrative office, he unlocked the door using his code and saw Las Flakes already seated and waiting on the executive office chair.

He was shocked to see her in his office without knowing how she figured out the code.

“Hey, Flakes,” he called with bewilderment, “How did you enter here?”

“I repeat, get Trojan Barricade software to ensure that you can be secured, if not, I’ll keep entering places. You should know that you don’t need to trust anyone, including me, because I may change tomorrow to a monster. Women are fickle; including the one that you just had sex with in your car,”

Hugo couldn’t believe that the skinny sexy girl knew everything, which made him smile with surprise. “I’m surprised that you knew,”

“You shouldn’t be, but be careful with all of us around you; especially the girls,” She advised, “Belle is a very sweet girl and I know she’d be very sweet in bed,”

“Hey, is that what you came here for or you have something more important for us to discuss?”

“Hey, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” she humoured and beckoned him forward. “Come close to me, boss,”

Hugo was surprised with the way she called him to come closer. He thought that the pretty girl wanted to have her own taste of the lovemaking which got him looking at her suspiciously. He had no option than to obey her instructions and went to her.

The twenty-nine years old girl stood up tall on her high-heeled shoes, almost taller than Hugo. She pulled him closer and concentrated on his belt while he remained still to know what she actually wanted to do.

“Next time when you’re done effing a sweet honey pot, remember to zip up,” she said and helped him zip up his trousers. She pushed him away and smiled, “I want us to pay an unannounced visit to Lucas Antonio. Once he sees me, he’d know that we came for a serious threat, not even for a puerile game. This is the highest form of risk because it could be hard for us to know how to tackle the enemy without being hurt. I got an Intel that he’s planning something that is bigger than what Ignacio did to us. Let’s have a meeting with him and inform him of our readiness to welcome him whenever he comes,”

Hugo couldn’t just understand what informed Flakes’s audacity but being the kind of girl she was and the kind of sleazy life she lives, he knew she was capable of anything. It was obvious to him that she must have a reason for making such a bold and dicey proposal.

“Well, I really don’t know why you want to engage in such stunts, but don’t you think that it could lead to impromptu war?” Hugo asked, to be sure she still knew her onions.

“We are going incognito. No one should be aware of this movement. Not even your new girlfriend,” she warned.

Thinking through that proposal sounded like a trap to him, especially remembering that Ignacio’s clone revealed to Killer Bitch that they have a mole in Mistério cartel’s camp. He found it hard to believe that Las Flakes could be honest but he had to give it a shot.

“We could be killed, remember,” Hugo reminded her.

“I know we could,” she said and pulled him into a serious hug, “that’s the major reason why we should go alone, with full awareness that we’ll either succeed or be walking into a trap. It’s fifty-fifty chances,”

Hugo was left between the devil and the deep blue sea because he couldn’t just fathom why he’d need to see Lucas who he never met for once in his life, especially meeting the man that murdered his fiancée.

After a serious battle of thoughts and indecision, he made up his mind to take the risk. “I accept your proposal, but we may need Delilah and Succubus to be our backup even if you don’t need the Hitmen to be involved,” he suggested.

“Delilah and Succubus are the Super Falcons that I trained and I know how they work. If I can’t protect myself, they can’t protect me too. So, you need to relax and have it in mind that I’m a force that no one can subdue, not even the combination of Delilah, Succubus and Killer Bitch,”

“That’s boastful,” he said and smiled, “but I’m amazed and impressed with your boldness, hence the need to give the risk a shot,”

“That’s my boss,” she said and started leaving. “Remind me to share Belle with you when we’re back,”

Her statement left Hugo in the limbo of confusions because he was beginning to read more meaning into her careless and romantic talk about ladies. To him, Flakes could be a Lesbian but with time, he’d know but that wasn’t his concerns for the meantime but to let her plans come and pass first. He was eager to know what happens next and how the story would end.

“When should we embark on this dicey visit?” he asked and started moving out of the office with her.

“This evening is the best time,” she said, “but don’t fail to contact Jose for Trojan Barricade software to tighten up your security,”

When he was left alone, he went back to his office and sat quietly on his executive seat and thought over everything. He knew it was very hard to go without a company, which made him feel that sticking to the rules of not having a company or a backup could be a trap.

He knew that he may not come back alive from that visit to Lucas Antonio, but didn’t have to conceal his movement to everyone. So he made a contact to Jose through a phone call.

Immediately Jose took the call, Hugo said: “Dad, how are you doing?”

“You sound so confused and cold,” Jose said observantly. “What’s it this time?”

“Las Flakes advised that she and I should give Lucas Antonio a surprise visit to make it known to him that I need my Cartel and legacy back. She suggested we go without a backup, even though she never denied that it could be very dangerous,”

Jose kept calm for a while and said: “Go with her but be prepared to kill a handful of your enemies before going down. That’s if a war breaks out, but most importantly, follow your instincts”

“Thanks for that Mr. Jose,” he appreciated, “Right now; I have a team of professionals around me. Belle is powerful and loving, the Falcons are really daring and representing, my hitmen are strong forces, and Andre is almost the most powerful, while you as my chief adviser are the greatest. I’m glad,”

“You’re most welcome,” he bluntly replied, “I’ll keep my eye on you still. Make sure you go with the explosive vest. Don’t worry about being detected. There can’t be traces of even a single cable on the vest but it can cover a wild range when it explodes. Remember to take refuge behind a stronghold to avoid feeling much of the heat when the explosion takes place. Let the explosive vest be your last resort, but that should be when you’re so sure that you’re left with no other choice. The vest will also provide a shade against bullets. It’s a strong bullet proof vest that doesn’t just protect you but sends the bullet back to the shooter. As for the entire monitoring of the area, I’ll handle it. I don’t have a low battery,”

Hugo was impressed by that advice he got from someone who was more than just a representation of Ramon Fuentes.

“You’re simply amazing;” Hugo said mirthfully, “I’ll ensure that I attach eavesdropper invisible chip to her dress so that I can monitor her movements and discussions,”

“That’s a smart thought, boy,” Jose said admirably, “The eavesdropper will be connected to your ear bug and my computer so that you’ll know when to flee or to stay,”

“Exactly,” he responded.

“Be safe,” Jose said and hung up.

Hugo felt relieved and more coordinated after talking with Jose. He got up and checked the time. He just had about one hour to leave for Copacabana so he had to get the eavesdropper ready. To get the chip attached to Las Flakes’s dress, a mere touch makes it happen.

As he was about to go out, he saw Andre and John Killer coming to meet him. He felt so happy seeing his bodyguard back, though he looked a bit lean.

“I found him at Novo River where he was hunting the fishes. He looked pale though, but meditative,” John reported feeling happy for having his brother back.

“I had to convince my brother that I’m real and remorseful,” Andre said and saluted his boss, “I’m sorry for being AWOL. What are my punishments?”

“The penalty is that you’ll be a backup to me because I’ll be heading to Copacabana with Las Flakes. You and John Killer will go with the Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopter ahead of us and hang around the bush close to the plantation. Be on alert in case I call on you,”

“What madness is that?” John killer blurted but Andre shushed him.

“Don’t disobey my boss,” Andre warned him.

“If you’re not with me, the door is open,” Hugo said authoritatively to John Killer, “I’ve already given you your freedom. Are you for us or against us?”

That question remained stamped in John killer’s mind as he thought through everything. He was surprised that he was just asked to leave without a punishment or even death.

“I see more of a friend than a boss in you. Ignacio can’t be half like you; therefore, I’m in,” he said looking unsmiling, “when are we taking off?” he preparedly asked.

“Now! Right now,” Hugo said smilingly, “Welcome to the Mistério Cartel,”

Andre pulled John into a hug and patted his back, “Let’s continue where we stopped many years ago,”

“But I’ll still kick your sorry ass someday,” John jested and patted his back too.

“No one should know about this,” Hugo warned stringently, “I’ll be going with Las Flakes but she shouldn’t even know about your involvement. This is a contingency plan,”

“Yes, sir,” They said in unison and left immediately.

They made sure that they were fully armoured with sophisticated weapons before taking off to Copacabana.


Hugo got his Sikorsky S76 utility helicopter ready at the plantation while Las Flakes joined him. Before they entered the aircraft, Hugo gave her a hug and used the opportunity to fix the bug on her.

“I hope this goes down well with us,” he said and admired her mini gown.

“I hope so too,” she responded and offered her hands for him to lead her into the aircraft.

They sat side by side, strategising on how to meet Lucas and how to react in case there is any unforeseen circumstance that comes up. After about an hour plus, they got to Copacabana plantation and landed right there in the middle of the field which got the entire people ready and on alert to face the visitors that suddenly appeared before them.

Sighting them using the microscope, Lucas was immediately tipped that his arch enemy was in their midst which made him get ready to confront him because he knew that there was a danger. The sudden arrival of the uninvited guests could be a trap or tactics to launch an attack on Mortos Rio cartel; therefore, they had to be prepared and ready for the inevitable.

Everyone was so surprised that the person they were planning to kill came to them without fear which got their minds occupied with many conflicting questions.

Immediately they alighted from the helicopter, they started going straight to the administrative block but Jim Jones, a very tall and huge bodyguard hired from Madagascar accosted them with weapons dangling all over his body. Jim was the leader of Lucas’s army.

“You must be the man who killed the former boss and walking about freely,” Jim said and came much closer to Hugo, dwarfing him with his height. “I can simply dismember you right now and feed you to the dogs without a second thought,”

“Then what keeps you from doing that, coward,” Hugo said and pushed him hard aside, which got him so infuriated making him draw his weapon to attack.

“So you have the effrontery to talk back,” Jim growled looking like a dark monster with the intention of crushing him with his bare hardened hands.

“I guess you should be more concerned about Mortos Rio Cartel that will soon be handed over to the real owner,” Las Flakes said, “if you want this entire place burnt down, lay your filthy finger on him,”

At his point, Lucas who was observing from a distance called Jim to order because he wasn’t sure of the strategies his enemies came with, so he had to act with caution.

“Where is your boss?” Hugo asked as he exchanged battle of looks with the hitman.

About thirty soldiers surrounded the guests and watched closely with their hands on the trigger.

After some egotistic displays and of hesitation, Jim mumbled: “Follow me,”

They followed him to the administrative block. As they passed through different areas leading to their destination, Hugo observed around and saw lots of changes made at the plantation. He couldn’t believe that he was in his enemies’ territory, a place that used to be his own world a couple of months ago.

When they got to the large office, they sat down at the all-white chair and waited for Lucas to show up.

After a while, Lucas Antonio came out looking so mean, with his body language filled with malice and vengeance. He looked rather older than his real age with tattoos all over his body and face.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t slit your throats right now,” he barked and came close to Hugo to clout his jaws but Las Flakes interfered with her words.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she warned.

Lucas angrily looked at her and went closer to her to know what gave her the impetus to talk to him.

“The last time I met you, I fucked you like a whore from the trunk,” Lucas said to Flakes and smiled in an unfriendly way, “Rusty starfish like you,”

“I’m not denying that Mr. little prick, but I’m glad to tell you that Belle Ramon who is supposed to be your girlfriend is now my new boss’s whore,” She said and smiled, then crossed her legs to expose her thigh.

It was then than Hugo even realised that Flakes had no pants on, but kept quiet and observing to see where she was heading with that stunts.

“I can see you’re not afraid to come before me and utter bullshit,” Lucas growled with a deep tone, but Flakes didn’t care.

“I’m like the eagle that flies from prey to prey in search of a resting place. I’m glad that I got my final destination with Hugo Fuentes. I like him because he doesn’t waste time to use his martial arts to get a greedy man begging on his knees and dying with tears in his eyes. You already know what I meant by that,” she said with a wink, “You should be afraid of him, if not; he’ll crush you like he crushed your father,”

That statement was a short summary to remind Lucas how his father died which got him so vengeful and angry to the extent that he broke a gold ornament on his table, trying to pass his anger to the nearest object.

“With these bare hands, I’ll end your miserable lives and ensure that I hang your maggoty heads with a javelin and place them at the centre of the plantation while your bodies would be left for the vultures to feed on,” Lucas said angrily.

“Then what’s keeping you?” Hugo asked and stood, making the four bodyguards to rush at him to stop him but Lucas signalled them to allow him, “You talk too much, Lucas,”

“Let him come closer if he wants to meet his untimely miserable death here and now,” Lucas boasted and went closer to him.

Lucas and Hugo were almost of the same height as they exchanged war of words facing each other whilst Lucas was huger, with thick abs and well-developed macho, showing that he’s a bodybuilding freak.

For some minutes they kept looking angrily at each other’s eyes but none touched each other because they weren’t sure what the outcome would be. After a long battle of looks, Lucas drew back with an implike laughter. “You’re simply not a match, boy,” he said disdainfully.

Hugo was so angry at the moment, with the aim of making him feel so hurt. He smiled angrily and said: “I watched him die in my arms because I am a soldier trained to kill, while you were a spineless jelly tied to your mother’s apron string, who couldn’t face a war let alone saving his dad from my strong hands. You couldn’t even save him, just to come back and possess what you never laboured for. Your own death would be much fatal than you could imagine. When it will come, you will not know but that will be soon, I promise. Very soon,”

This last statement was the straw that broke the camel’s back which made Lucas to draw his sword to attack him and face the consequences but Las Flakes coughed and stroked her hair twice, which forced him to pause because he already read the signs she tried to communicate to him.

“Take this whore to the inner room,” Lucas said, which assured Las Flakes that he still understands their usual codes.

Flakes jostled pigheadedly when she was being dragged into the inner room to make Hugo think that she was resisting arrest but that was staged.

When they got into the room, the bodyguards pushed her to the bed and she landed there, bouncing as if she fell on a pendulum.

Lucas went into the room and locked the door behind him. He quickly got closer to Las Flakes and sat on the bed. The girl acted flirtatiously but he didn’t fall for that but pushed her away with the vehemence of his utterances. 

“Relax, boy. I came with a deal. I never blew my cover. So, be calm. I know what I’m doing,” she said and crossed her legs, “screw my tight kitty if you still miss it,” she said and removed her dress, remaining just her hose and bra, “you can see I have no panties on. I missed your cock,”

The entire discussion was being listened to but she didn’t know that Jose and Hugo heard everything. It was obvious to Hugo that Las Flake was the mole they had in Mistério cartel. To be prepared for what could come up next, he triggered the ready-to-attack sign, making Andre and Killer John to be ready but not to come in yet until the red alarm (Forbidden powder) is triggered.

“I don’t trust you anymore and can’t do that,” Lucas insisted, “you left the real duty that I assigned to you and started helping them out to defeat other cartels. I even heard of the attempted attack to kill Ignacio which was engineered by you,”

“Isn’t that what you wanted?” she asked and pushed him away feigning being angry, “My plan is to start a war between the Spiders and the Mistério cartel so that when one defeats the other, the workload becomes less for Mortos Rio. I’m still doing my duty and never failed. Give me a little time to conclude on this. I have a secret I wanted to share with you but I won’t divulge it anymore because you’ve suddenly become the nosy bulldog,”

That statement got Lucas spellbound, making him be more interested to know what she was about to say.

“Spill it or I’ll get you strangled,” he threatened.

Instead of being jittery, she started laughing at him. “You and I know that I can kill you in a wink of an eye and even kill most of your men before I go down. Why are you making an empty threat? Be warned because Flakes gets angry easily,”

Lucas became sobered because he knew that Las Flakes could do exactly what she threatened. “Can you please tell me what I should know?” he humbly asked.

“Not until you beg for it,” she said and rolled her eyes before lying on her bed, making her sexy curves and perky boobs to have Lucas’s attention.

“Oh, my…” he wowed, “I’m so tempted but I need to know the secret first,”

“I know you’d do that but you have to make me feel like a woman first,” she insisted stubbornly and tore his shirts, “make it a quickie to avoid raising a dust of suspicion. My boss could suspect that something went wrong but don’t worry, I’ll make it seem like a rape and sham a cry to make him be filled with pity which could cloud his sense of rationality.

“You’re always the smart one,” he said and chuckled. “But if we can discuss this alone, why then did you come with him to see me. You could have come alone as usual,”

“You should have known that I have my reasons for all my actions,” she said and knitted her brow into a frown, “I know you’ve not met him for the first time, so I brought him so that you’d know the person you’re fighting with and not make mistakes when you find him in the battlefield. You already said you want to avenge your dad’s death by killing him with your own hands. Do you now see my reasons?”

“Wow, you’re damn right and smart,” he said and rested as she gave him a rough foreplay.

Her touches got him feeling so horny which made him pull down his trousers quickly, making his shaft to jump out triumphantly with a head nod. Without delay, he tried to penetrate through the missionary position but she offered her butts instead. “Remember that I always like being on all fours,” she said and smiled, “take it fast and don’t make me change my mind,”

Lucas quickly made love to her and made sure that he got the last drop of his seeds dispense into her body before he pulled his cum gun out from her body.

“You’re always the sweetest one and I’ll keep partnering with you,” he complimented.

“This is a contract, not a partnership,” she corrected, “don’t be opinionated or deceived, thinking that we’re partners. Once my contract is over, I may decide to find my way and terminate whatever we had together. So enjoy it now while it lasts,”

“I understand the terms but I still believe that the contract is renewable,”

“Enough of the charade,” she said as she cleaned herself oup. “The major cause of the fight between Ignacio and Hugo is Octavio’s betrayal after the Código 99 fight in Sao Paulo. Octavio left billions of dollars worth of narcotic products in an unknown location which only Hugo could be aware of. Therefore, I want to keep being on his trail to ensure that I know the location and reveal it to you. But before I do that, you must promise me that we’ll have an equal share of the fortunes if you help me with your soldiers to kill him,”

Lucas was so happy for the information. He gave her a second kiss. “You’re more than I think you are. I could have made a mistake of killing him right away which could have concealed the fortunes that we could have retrieved on a platter of gold,”

“Do you now know that I’m still working for you or entertaining fears and uncertainty?” she asked looking angered.

“I have no single doubts,” he said and pulled her into a hug and watched her remain snuggled in his arms, “But wait, did you mean it when you said that Belle is now with Hugo and warming his bed?”

“I wasn’t joking but that shouldn’t be your problem,” she assured him, “I even have a camera in the Benz SUV she bought for him as a gift. I was the one that led her to the automobile shop where she made the purchase. It was then that I planted the camera,” As she gave that report, she brought out the digital video that showed when Hugo and Belle were making love and showed him, but didn’t allow him to touch it because he could destroy it out of anger.

“Don’t overreact because you were the one that pushed the girl away from the onset. I’ll kill her for you. Just relax let’s go for the target first,”

Lucas became so angry thinking about the good times he shared with Belle and the way he mistakenly pushed her away with his ugly attitudes.

“This is my fault,” he murmured after deep thoughts, “I chased her away and she found a home at my enemy’s camp,”

“This isn’t time for regrets,” she said and pushed him away, “what are your plans for ending the existence of Mistério Cartel?”

Lucas shrugged away his thoughts and smiled as if he wasn’t hurt. “I actually planned to launch an attack tomorrow at twilight. We’ve acquired some powerful weapons located at a bunker near Santa Catarina River, precisely at Pelotas River. We’ve trained our hitmen using the maritime soldiers. I really paid lots of money for that. We plan to attack through the sea this time and take them by surprise,”

“I’m glad you said this,” she said looking so serious, “but you guys should wait for my signal if not, the real treasure would be lost and you know what it means. Don’t ever act stupid but wait until I get the information I need. Hugo stays in a location that no one knows but Belle will soon know there too, so relax. With Belle’s involvement, we can penetrate the invisible location. I am sure that the location of the treasure isn’t far from his abode which is the reason why he never wanted anyone to know his location. I repeat, abort that mission and wait for my signal,” she strictly warned.

“That’s my woman,” Lucas said and started kissing her in a bid to have the second round of sex but she stopped him.

“He’d waited long enough and I’m sure that he’s already suspicious,” she said and dressed up, “let’s go back to meet him, but before then, you should hit me hard in the face and tore my dress to make everything seem so real. Meanwhile, where is Lord Rodrigo? Is it not ripe for me to know who he is? How can’t I know the employer that pays me?”

“I can’t answer that,” he said and avoided that question completely.

Las Flakes didn’t want to persuade further so that he wouldn’t feel bad.

“Now, you should hit me,” She urged, “make it hard and real,”

It was hard for Lucas to hit her but she pushed him so hard which made him do it. After many practices, they got it right, making everything seem so real.

“I think it’s okay for now,” Lucas said and tried to pet her but she pushed him away.

“The game has already begun, so don’t act piteous,” she said and staggered out until she got to the door and forced it open.

Las Flakes rushed into the main office where Hugo sat as if she was running away from Lucas.

Hugo was already very angry since he’d known that he was being betrayed, though he tried to repress his anger and stifle his emotional disturbances. In order to act normal as if he heard nothing, he rushed at Lucas to start a fight but the guards stopped him.

“You have the effrontery to sexually molest my girl,” Hugo barked and fought to lay his hands on Lucas but the bodyguards held him back.

“Take this mad man and the tattered woman out of here before I lose my tempter and give them a swift burial alive,” Lucas said and adjusted his belt, “I always enjoy effing her through the back. She likes it too. Hugo Fuentes, you can ask her how sweet my cock is,”

The Hitmen dragged them until they got to the helicopter. They were forced to board the aircraft and left.

Hugo didn’t want to take any action yet until they’ve landed at the safe facility in Santa Catarina so that he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to detain the mole and make her pay for her treacheries.

Throughout the time they spent in the air, none talked to the other until they landed.

John Killer and Andre landed almost at the same time with them. They waited for further instruction, itching to get orders from the boss.


Immediately Las Flakes got to the admin unit she was arrested by John Killer and Andre Italo, even though Andre was so confused about the order for an arrest but he’d to obey the boss’s instruction. It was surprising that she didn’t resist arrest but followed the guys to the interrogation room. She was just smiling as if she wasn’t even remorseful about her actions.

Feelings of guilt never crossed her conscience but long smiles that made her seem as if she just lost her senses.

Her legs and hands were bound with strong chains because she was a tough girl and could escape in mysterious ways.

She remained in that room until Hugo got the recorded conversations ready which was meant to be used as evidence against her in case she tried denying any. When everything was ready, he turned off the mic in the observation room so that his discussions with her wouldn’t be monitored. He asked John killer who was positioned as a sentry by the door to open it for him. Andre wanted to go in with him but he didn’t allow that.

“Close this door and lock it up. I need no audience, no bodyguard, and no helper,” Hugo said and went in feeling so bad and betrayed. He waited for the door to be locked before going over to the table to meet Las Flakes.

For about five minutes, he kept staring at her and tried imagining what could have happened if there was no bug attached to her dress which helped them to know her true identity and mission. After a long stare, he heaved a sigh and cleared his throat. Then he was ready to begin his interrogation.

He got up and went closer to the interrogation gadgets and picked some of them up, including an injection that induces paralysis.

“You don’t need those things,” Las Flakes said after a long silence, “Ask anything and I’ll give you straight answers without mincing words,”

“Why did you lure me to Lucas?” he asked looking so calm but angry.

“I think the question should be the other way round,” she said, trying to make a point, “why did you plant a bug on my dress through a hug, even after I asked you to trust me?”

“How did you know that?” he asked looking surprised.

“You didn’t act foolishly because I’d have done the same if I were you but I needed a trust from you,” she said and adjusted her seat, “Now listen to me”

“I have the whole time. Better start talking,” He voiced angrily, “I’m tired of your lies. I’m just trying to give the devil his own due which is the only reason why I’m still listening to you right now,”

“Good, then listen,” she said and tried feeling comfortable with the shackles on her hands and legs but was really feeling hurt, “can you unshackle me. These restraints hurt. They are even making me feel like a prisoner too,”

“Those pranks can’t work here,” he assured her, “why did you come to me as a friend but you’re actually a spy with the aim of bringing me down to hand me over to Lucas Antonio?”

“The reason why I took you there was for you to know the real Lucas, in addition to that, to make him have some fears,” She explained, “To attack an enemy, you need to make use of his fears. Without taking you there, you wouldn’t have been aware that you will possibly die tomorrow, together with the entire investments you have laboured for. The only way to buy Lucas’s trust is to go to extremes to make him believe that I was real,”

“Did he really make love to you in that inner room?” he curiously asked.

“You heard everything, so why asking?” she angrily asked, “The answer to your question is a yes. He fucked me but that’s the nature of my training and job. Having sex isn’t a big deal, once that’s the only weapon to earn the trust of my target. I can use my body to get my target’s attention in a manhunt to make it easier for me to strike him at the least expected time. I already got the entire information that you need to work with. I wanted to buy some time for you by giving him some of the clues to make him wait and not strike too soon as he proposed. I was sent here as a mole but when I met Andre who has been my good friend, I changed my mind. Andre helped me when I was nobody. He nurtured me as his own daughter because he had no family. I can’t forget the day he rescued me from the street thugs that wanted to gang-rape me,”

“Nice story, but can you focus on the future and keep the past between you and Andre for now?” he said, believing that she was trying to create a diversion.

“I used the hidden cocaine to make him give his proposed attack a break,” she continued her explanations, “I did that to help you strategise and be ready because right now, you’re not. He already revealed that he’d attack through the sea. He already gave me the location of his arsenals. Right now, we all know his entire tactics. The best way to keep your enemy in suspense is to let them know that you have what they yearn for. This is exactly what I did. It’s true I played on Belle’s intelligence to hide a secret camera in the car but that was for a reason. In life, the first rule is to ensure that you keep some secrets away from your friends. Broadcasting my methods could endanger lives or even destroy the plans that I already have. You can also call it the principle of appearance and disappearance or the mirage,”

Hugo didn’t delay to unshackle her hand and legs because he just discovered she was really the master of the game even though he had to be extremely careful. “I’m sorry I misunderstood you but I was trying to be careful because I lost my dad because of trust issues,”

“I said this early,” she said and felt her hands that just gained some freedom. “I did what I had to do just to gain his trust and that has earned us much information that we couldn’t have afforded even if we adopted the use of espionage. I refuse to feel sad about your distrust because trust is a luxury that no drug dealer should afford. You acted smartly and I admire you for that. Keep your friends close and your enemy closer,” she said and caressed his hairy hand, “Even though I asked you to keep our visit as a secret, I didn’t keep that rule. Succubus, Killer Bitch, and Delilah were already in the bush waiting for our arrival. I already sent them to Copacabana even before coming to you to make the request. I had my plans and I was hoping you’d have yours too. I tested your smartness by telling you to keep it a secret but I didn’t expect you to act foolishly by adhering strictly to that. Now, I’m impressed that you’re someone I can work with. Welcome on board, boss” she said and thrust her hand for a handshake.

Hugo nodded in agreement and pulled her into a hug. “This is more than a handshake,” he said and patted her back, “you need to change those clothes and take care of those seeds he deposited inside you,”

“I already did,” she said assuredly, “I had an FC2 female condom with me but he wasn’t aware of it. Have discarded it already,”

“What a smart lady,” he expressed and smiled, “to be frank with you, you’re one in a million, an investigation par excellence and woman of substance. I respect you today,”

“You don’t need to trust me. I can’t be trusted because I don’t even trust myself, but whenever I’m working for you, rely on me but don’t bank on my trust,”

“Right now, I’ll put you in charge to work with Andre to strategise how we can render the enemies’ arsenals useless, even though there could be heavy guard and protection at the River to keep the ammunitions safe,”

“I’ll handle that with my girls,” she promised solemnly, “Leave the guys out of this because the weakness of a woman is stronger than the strengths of many men put together. Don’t underestimate that,”

“But how do we locate the River?” Hugo asked, ready to follow her lead.

“Pelotas River is in Santa Catarina…”

“I already know that,” he retorted. “Tell me something I never knew,”

“I’m not done yet,” she interjected clever statement, “the river originates in the Serra Geral, at Atlo do Bispo and flows towards the northeast before meeting the famous Canoas River that forms the Uruguay River. Pelotas River forms the bother of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states. I know the exact location and I can go there with my girls and get the arsenals taken care of,”

Hugo started clapping for her with utmost amazement because she wasn’t just a professional killer but an intellectual who knows a lot about a lot. He was just impressed and taken aback by such knowledge.

“I feel like nicknaming you an encyclopaedia,” he said and pulled her up. “I’m sorry for that disdainful and humiliating way I had you arrested. Accept my apologies because I never knew you were playing your cards in your own way. I admire your concepts and intelligence,”

“In addition, the bug in Belle’s car is to ensure she isn’t working for Lucas. Telling Lucas about the bug and showing him the video is to intensify his trust for me, but not just that but to know if he actually sent Belle to you. And if he did, he would have told me on that bed. I get more of his trust when he’s fucking me. But I must say this, even though I have trust issues, Belle could be a good one, but be careful still and not gullible because she opened her legs for you. You’re my boy,” she jested and brushed his hair.

Hugo smilingly pushed her hands away and hit her gently.

“Don’t call a big guy like me your boy,” he corrected and chuckled.

After the chitchat, Hugo contacted Jose and relayed the entire story and misguidance to him which made him feel so impressed and proud. Jose wished he could have time to spend with the guru who proved to them that she was capable of being a leader, a perfect strategist and a planner.

In order to get ready to strike, Hugo sent Las Flakes and the super falcons to carry out the remaining part of the assignment concerning the discovering and taking care of the weapons that were hidden by the Mortos Rio cartel.

Las Flakes already knew what to do and how to handle the assignment, so she took the girls and left. She knew that serious war was coming and lots of bloods would be shed, so she made it clear to the ladies that soon many of them may go down but the battle would be won.

To be continued…

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