DOPE Season 2 Episode 5 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

DOPE Season 2 (The Devil I never knew) by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

DOPE Season 2 Episode 5 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

**Lord Rodrigo**

Killer Bitch was revived, but not yet fit for any assignment yet, so she was allowed to have a bed rest and convalesce fully. Hugo was really impressed by her valour and doggedness. He came to the gladiator’s mess to meet her, in addition, thank the stranger who rescued her.

On getting to the medical facility, he was shocked to meet Marco Antonio, the hotel attendant that was with him when Larissa was captured. He rushed quickly at him and grabbed him by the neck, “You killed my woman and you think you can go scot free?”

Luiz Rolando, the chief medical doctor came and held Hugo’s hands and made effort to pull him out from the man, “don’t act yet because he can be an asset to you; either a bait or an informant,”

“They killed my woman, my emotions and everything I have for love,” Hugo said feeling so sad as if the entire gloom that left him a couple of weeks ago came back in full.

“Can I…I talk?” Marco chokingly asked, with his eyes red as he gasped for air.

“You can give the devil his due,” Luiz said and urged Hugo to give Marco a chance to talk, “he saved one of your soldiers remember,”

“No one can be as important as Larissa to me, not even the rescued girl” he hollered and pushed the helpless guy away. He dragged the guy out from the ward to the corridor, “you can now start talking,”

After taking a deep breath and stroking his aching neck caused by Hugo’s grip, Marco remained calm and ready to talk.

“I’m an undercover and an agent working for the D.E.A, though I work for Lucas Antonio for now, even though it’s a hugger-mugger intelligence operation. The day I came to meet you at the hallway of Cool City Hotel in Florida, I actually came to give you a clue about the plans that Lucas had against you but I was being monitored by the CCTV mounted everywhere in the hotel, so I couldn’t say what I came to say before they took her away,”

“Liar,” Hugo blurted and clenched his teeth with anger, “where was she buried and how did she die?”

“I really don’t know,” he answered blatantly, “she was taken to an unknown location. Even the second in command in Mortos Rio doesn’t know about her location and fate. Only Lucas has that answer but unfortunately, weeks after, she was murdered,”

“So this is true against my belief that I’d see her someday,” Hugo said angrily with tears in his eyes and bunched his fingers into a fist.

“If Lucas says something, he means it,” Marco said sadly, “I don’t even know what I’m doing here but when I discovered that the girl could die, I was moved by emotions and chivalry to save her but that wouldn’t make me your friend because I am a D.E.A agent; therefore, should be your enemy too. Meanwhile, I’m sorry for your loss but you have to move on,”

“I think you have to die because you’ve discovered the location of my business and you already know a lot,” Hugo said, trying to convince himself that he was about to make the right call. “How am I sure that you don’t even have a bug on you that sends the entire information back to the D.E.A that you work for?”

“If he’s working as an undercover among us, he wouldn’t have been plain telling you who he works for,” Belle Ramon said and entered looking like a temptress, “But Mr. Agent, as you have discovered our location, you must work for us. If not, you’re not leaving this facility alive,”

“As I said before,” Marco said and went to the couch and sat because he was still feeling weak, “I felt bad when I discovered that your girlfriend would have been killed, especially when she was taken away to an unknown location without a trace. Actually, in the fortress, I came for Ignacio just as your agent did but mine wasn’t to kill him but to send the information I gathered about him to Lucas who was in dire need of his location. I was simultaneously working for the D.E.A who wanted to put an end to the two cartels and for Lucas, though working for the latter is part of a bigger plan of bringing the two down,”

“You’ll lead us to Lucas,” Hugo said with a commanding tone demanding obedience from him. “But wait, why do you bear the same surname with him?”

“Antonio is a common name in Brazil, even though that was the reason he liked me more without suspecting anything yet,” He Marco replied, “But right now, I can’t go back to Lucas because he already knows that I must have been compromised since he didn’t see me back to his camp,”

“You’re wrong,” Belle said assuredly, “he may think that you’re dead following the fallout as a result of the fight that took place at the fortress,”

“She has a point,” Hugo said and went closer to Marco and sat on the handrest of the couch, “even if he thinks that you’re alive, he wouldn’t be sure if he doesn’t see you for a couple of days. You can simply claim to be injured; therefore, had to undergo a treatment before going back to him”

“I hope you guys are right but I’m not going back there again,” he insisted, “Lucas is wicked and mean,”

“At least, I’m glad that we finally put down Ignacio Santiago,” Hugo said proudly and parted his lips with a smile.

“You’re not even close,” Marco said and shrugged, “Ignacio wasn’t the one that your agent killed. He was being careful, so he sent his clone to meet with her but listened to the entire conversation through a bug,”

This revelation threw Hugo and Belle in shock and dismay. They didn’t just believe it because they already popped champagne and celebrated the demise of the drug baron.

“How could this be true?” Belle asked while Hugo gaped with awe and disappointment.

“If I’d known that your agent was on a mission, I’d have tipped her off with a signal, to let her know the real guy among the three identical Ignacios,”

“If the three guys are really as identical as we’re meant to believe, how then you knew the real Ignacio?” Hugo asked trying to connect the dots and make a meaning out of Marco’s claims.

“Ignacio is left-handed while the other two use rights. It wasn’t easy studying the difference but I discovered that the second time I was hired as a waiter for him,”

Killer Bitch eavesdropped on their discussion which got her so angry and disappointed at herself. She angrily stood from her bed, held firm to her crutches and plodded towards the discussion room. “I hope that what I heard isn’t true,” she gnarled in pains.

Luiz Rolando rushed at her immediately and held her so that she wouldn’t fall, “this isn’t the time to get up from the bed. You still have to rehabilitate first,”

“Boss,” Valeria called and looked at Hugo, “send me back. I must finish this business. So wasted my time and risked my life killing the wrong guy,”

Hugo went closer to her and held her by the nape, “your life is more important to me that the monster out there. Keep yourself alive because there is nothing more important than that,”

“Why should I be alive when I failed on my mission,” she asked tearfully.

“Go back to bed and don’t allow me to say that twice,” Las Flakes said as she walked majestically into the discussion room. She held Valeria by the waist, “I really admire your doggedness and I still have my reward for you waiting, but get well first,”

Hugo knitted his brow hearing that last part of Flakes’s statement, “sorry, Flakes, but what could be the reward that you promised her?”

“Girl’s talks and little secrets,” Flakes replied and took Valeria back to her clinic bed.

“What should I do with you?” Hugo asked Marco. He was really confused but didn’t have to kill him because he could be an asset to him. The problem he had was how to lure him to the cartel since he was an agent fighting against drug dealers.

“I will be of help to you, for now,” Marco pledged, “but after this deal,” he added, “run as far as you can from me because I’ll hunt you down if we conclude this unhealthy partnership that you’re about to force me into,”

“You’re in my territory, remember,” Hugo reminded him, “So choose your words wisely,”

“You still have the chance to kill me swiftly,” Marco said and sighed. “You should be more concerned with knowing the strongest backbone that keeps Mortos Rio in existence, not even Lucas. You should recant your belief that Lucas is your major target. Think again bro,”

Hugo was shocked hearing that. He never knew that there was someone that was higher in position in Mortos Rio cartel. He didn’t really believe Marcos because he was convinced that the D.E.A agent was trying to buy some time by keeping himself alive and useful.

“Stop such talks before I separate your body from your soul,” Hugo threatened.

“Sir, you may wish to see me privately,” Las Flakes said and waved her hand at Hugo while Belle remained there with Marcos.

When Hugo went closer to the girl she dragged him much closer as if she wanted to kiss him which got Belle uncomfortable, though she remained calm and observing them through the tail end of her eyes.

“Why did you drag me out?” Hugo whispered to Flakes.

“The agent could be right, even though I don’t really trust him. I’ve carried out my investigations and discovered that there is someone known as Lord something but I am not really sure of the real name. Grill further with questions. The D.E.A agent may tell you more, even though you can’t take away that discipline in him that makes him an anti-drug agent,”

“I’m much interested in knowing the full name of the Lord and I want to know who he is,” Hugo muttered.

“I’m not really sure of the name, but you should verify. That’s if the agent knows the real identity or hiding it from us,”

“Let’s give it a shot,” Hugo said and went back to Marco Antonio. “Mr. Antonio,” he called, to draw his attention, “who should I be afraid of in Mortos Rio camp?”

“Lord Rodrigo is his name and he is the major reason why I was sent to the cartel as an undercover,” he answered.

His answer got Hugo convinced that Flakes was right. “Where is he and how does he work?” Hugo asked and dragged him up from the seat, “let’s take a walk, friend,”

They came outside at the training ground where the Gladiators were being trained by Andre. The two guys sat on the wooden chair as they discussed; looking entertained by the mock fights going on between the Hitmen.

“We know Lord Rodrigo as a Ghost leader because no one knows his real identity and how he works,” he answered as he observed two men in a serious mock battle, “Rodrigo was the one who got the attention of Mark Brendan. The D.E.A boss used to be an incorruptible leader, but Rodrigo succeeded making him lured to his camp. I still don’t know how it could happen. Mark went rogue and joined the cartel fully. His involvement with the cartel raised lots of confusion and doubts among the anti-narco agents which was the major reason why I was sent to discover the state of everything and the extent of his involvement. After that, we can work on how to bring down the cartel and it’s sponsors,”

“But since you work the DEA, why is your identity not compromised because Mark Brendan should know you when he sees you,”

Marco smiled and said: “The DEA has their ways. Mark never met me before because he was never my handler in DEA. Meanwhile, I was pulled from the San Francisco Unit. You can say that this is a secondment and not redeployment. If I stay long enough with Mortos Rios, Mark may discover my true identity, which is the reason why I must work within the time frame, achieve great results, and stay alive if possible,”

It was just obvious that the fight to dominate the drug business in Brazil was just brooding and far from being over.

Hugo’s enemies were really increasing in number which was why he recalled his dad’s warning when he told him that being in the cocaine business is a matter of life and death.

Hugo knew that the best way to succeed was to work with Marco who could be his eyes on the D.E.A agents even though he’d need to get his attention first, for him to accept such an indecent proposal.


In order to ensure that he gets the attention of the anti-drug agent, Hugo bought a private apartment for Marco close to the beach, though he made it seem as if he was just trying to appreciate him for saving one of his agents but his real intention was to earn his trust, get his attention and use him as a means to an end. As if that wasn’t enough, he bought the latest model of Benz SLK coupe to make him happy and ease his movement as he carries out his undercover duties. He intended sending him back to Lucas to continue his investigation, making Marco an enemy to his enemy (a friend)

Marco had his own plans too; he was targeting on bringing down the Mortos Rio cartel, the Spiders cartel and the Mistério cartel, but being closer to Hugo, especially developing a secret love for Valeria was beginning to cloud his sense of diligence and astuteness.

Valeria also nursed some secret feelings for Marco, caused by the familiarity created between them through the constant stay with each other throughout the time she spent at the clinic. Hugo wasn’t oblivious to the fact that the two were being close but he was more concerned with having Valeria to drag Marco to the cartel than Marco dragging her out of the cartel.

On that very day when the Mistério cartel stakeholders were having a secret meeting to discover how to bring down the two major rivals, Hugo got a continuous and disturbing call coming from Marco, which made him excuse himself and went out to take the call, knowing full well that any call from Marco must be important.

“Hi, dude. What can I do for…?”

“Let everyone in that Gladiators’ Camp disappeared into the thin air because the sweeping department of the D.E.A is sending some Sukhoi Su-34 fighter jets to destroy everyone and everything in the camp. Joshua and Caleb are the strong anti-drug agents you should be afraid of,”

Without delay, Hugo communicated to the entire people, raising a distress alarm with the code; “forbidden powder”, making, the entire people camped at the Gladiators’ mess to find their ways into the woods and took refuge at any safe location that could provide a shield.

They all waited at some miles away.

In a jiffy, Marco’s revelation came to fruition. There were four fighter jets sent to the camp which bombed everywhere and got it entirely annihilated in a wink. The Jets left immediately without delay.

It was then that Hugo was assured that he’d secured Marco’s partnership because of the way his tip off saved the entire people without even one person losing his life. Even though Hugo already found Marco’s company and partnership interesting, he still hid the cocoa and marijuana plantation site from him because once that site is affected, the entire business crumbles. The destroyed camp was just for training purpose and not for plantation and business.

Those two names ‘Joshua and Caleb’ remained stuck in Hugo’s mind’s eye which got him so concerned to know who his enemies were and how to avoid them. He wasn’t good with hunting after security agents because it’s against his modus operandi, except the security agent is determined to kill him or oust him, then he’d act defensive which could warrant to the loss of lives just to remain in the business.

Hugo now removed Lucas on his list of major targets since Lord Rodrigo is the major one in charge; once he brings down the unknown devil, Lucas is useless, so he had to seek for the hawk and not its egg because destroying the hulk means that the egg wouldn’t be incubated or hatched. He had Ignacio, Joshua and Caleb and Lord Rodrigo to be afraid of; therefore, the priorities on his blacklist. This he simply named ‘war with the giants’.

To be continued…

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