DOPE Season 2 Episode 4 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

DOPE Season 2 (The Devil I never knew) by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

DOPE Season 2 Episode 4 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

**Mission Impossible**

On that early morning, Flakes summoned Valeria Carlos, popularly known as Killer Bitch to  her on a deadly assignment to the Spiders cartel to meet Ignacio Santiago who was both the leader and the controller of the entire cartel.

Killer Bitch was a Mexican girl but trained in Afghanistan where she was born and raised but due to the warring nature of the country at that time, she lost her parents and was picked up by a terrorist who trained her to be fighting against the soldiers and bringing pieces of information that could help in the infiltration of the secret camp of the government that fought against the terrorists. She disguised as a little girl selling on the streets but was actually the brain behind the killing of notable soldiers and government officials. She grew up to see terrorism as fun but later discovered that she was actually killing the wrong people. This made her kill the leader and commander of the terrorists who was supposed to be her foster father when she was still thirteen years old. For safety, she fled and sneaked into Brazil through a cargo plane.

She remained in a locked safe with little oxygen throughout the period but didn’t suffocate or die because of the training she had.

Ignacio Santiago was deadly, mean and wicked, with a deadly drug that he injects on his victims to make them paralysed within a second. Getting through to him was like breaking the steel. He was well guarded inside the impenetrable fortress where he operates from.

Las Flakes was in her bulletproof Porsche Panamera GTS saloon car and steaming the engine when Killer Bitch showed up and knocked on the glass.

“Ma’am, I’m here,” she said and waited.

Flakes opened the door for her and beckoned her closer. “Your assignment is to kill Ignacio Santiago, which is a deadly mission. You have only twenty percent chances of survival, so you know what it means,”

Killer Bitch smiled and said: “Make it sixty percent ma’am because my chances of losing the fight is less,”

“That sounds like the girl I trained,” Flakes said and drew her closer and implanted a deep kiss on her lips, “I love the taste of your lips. Remind me to reward you in bed when you’re back, but if you fail the mission, may your soul rest in peace,”

“Thanks for this honour,” Valeria said and smiled, “what’s the dress code?”

“This is it, have it,” Flakes said and handed over the dress to her, “This is worth a hundred thousand dollars. With it, your activities are being monitored from here. There are invisible chips and bugs that allow us to hear everything. It is also a bulletproof dress, even though it’s very sexy and seductive in looks but the second feature is to shift the enemy’s attention away from your mission but to focus on lewdness and beauty. The dress is sophisticated and complicated in a way that scanners and bug detectors can’t detect this new technology, so feel free to flaunt your beauty in it,”

Killer Bitch collected the jewelled floor-length prom ground and left immediately to dress up.

As Flakes was still there waiting for Hugo to show up for a meeting they scheduled to have, she got a phone call from him.

“Hey, boss. What’s happening over there? I’ve been waiting to hear from you,”

“We have a big problem,” Hugo said with a deep tone.

Flakes winced as she expected the bad news, “what could that be, boss?”

“Diego, one of my strongest bodyguards is dead,” he announced sadly, “Andre just informed me,”

“I saw it coming. The Spiders just launched the first successful attack before we did,” she muttered, “does he look paralysed,”

“Not just paralysed but dried up,” he said and hung up.

“Ignacio must have used the venomous injection on him just to let you know that he’s prepared for war.,” she noted with sadness and shook her head and hung up.

Diego was one of the Hitmen that carried out the dirty deals, killings of rivals, and protection of the cartel. He was found dead on the streets, with an inscription; ‘You have what I need, Hugo’ written on his body with his own blood.

Hugo didn’t know that he didn’t just inherit the bunkered house from Octavio, but inherited his enemies too. He didn’t also know that there were some quantities of cocaine worth ten billion USD located in the basement of the house which was kept safe by Octavio. The drug emerged as a result of a secret business between Octavio and Ignacio which made them kill about twenty top DEA agents just to keep the drug safe. After the fight, Octavio carted the money away and hid it in the basement of his house before leaving for Netherlands. He didn’t even tell Hugo about it but Maxx; his intelligent dog knew about it but was instructed never to reveal it to anyone that doesn’t know the password.

Hugo was left in oblivion because he couldn’t understand what he possessed that the Spiders were interested in. He drowned in mental torture and deep meditation to figure it out but the more he tried to solve the mystery, the more confused he became.

Las Flakes gave Killer Bitch further instructions before she left to meet the man who could kill the assassin in a wink.

Ignacio Santiago lived in Amazonas where he controlled the entire city because he had most of the security men under his care. You’re either in his camp if you accept his protection or be killed if you’re unyielding; therefore, most security men were afraid of him. He was known as the god of the Amazonas. He made many security and anti-drug agents his subjects with bribery and blackmails. He was really the master of the game. His house was almost the size of a city, with many sections meant for different purposes. He even had an armoury for his arsenals. He makes use of both local and sophisticated weapons to operate.

That very day scheduled for Killer Bitch’s impossible mission was Ignacio’s birthday party, with many dignitaries invited, especially men within the circle of the cartel. Political juggernauts were there too to celebrate with the drug mogul.

When Killer Bitch got closer to the location, he contacted Jose who quickly changed her name to match with the Identity card of Bruce Jazzman’s wife.

Bruce was an American industrialist who sponsors drug dealers but not really one of them. He sent his wife to represent him because he hardly shows his face in public places. Event Ignacio never met him for once, though they’ve always been business partners for a couple of years. Jose already hacked the computer of the American guy and knew everything about the invitation, which made him get the information needed for easy passage as a special guest of honour.

Killer Bitch came with a chopper. She piloted the chopper and landed at a safe location because there was no backup for her; therefore, she was expected to escape by all means possible, once the mission is accomplished, hence the use of an aircraft. She was expendable.

She came to the central gate leading to the fortress where many security guards blockaded. She was dressed to the nines and looking gorgeous, with her high-heeled shoes; a weapon of mass seduction and destruction. She walked to the gate with sedate steps and waited for recognition by the security camera before the gate opened. Looking straight ahead searchingly, she saw lots of military men that carried out security checks on every guest using both manual and computer methods. She passed the first gate and the second before a Limo stopped by and picked her up. The vehicle was highly sophisticated, with scanners that automatically check everything that the visitor came with. She was actually thinking that she’d be required to present her ID card but she never knew that the Limo performed every check on the way as she was driven into the compound where the event took place.

On getting to the location, she alighted and smiled. She was led by groups of bodyguards because she was an august visitor of august lineage expected to be the VIP of the occasion.

A contact lens was fixed to her eyes which records everything she sees including a detector that allows her to know the real Ignacio once she sees him. The blink of her eyes takes automatic snapshots of every image within her sight.

Killer Bitch was offered a special seat which was also a scanner and bug detector but she didn’t know. Jose was very busy working from Florida and informing her on what next to do.

Soon, she saw three identical men accompanied by many bodyguards which got her confused because one of them was Ignacio while the others were cloned. They all their and sat with her.

“Welcome to my birthday party,” one of the identical guys said and smiled.

“Thanks so much. Regards from Bruce,” she replied and rolled her eyes. Rolling her eyes was to enable the second camera to be activated which made it easier for Jose to see the entire locations and the number of security guards present.

“What’s the password, ma’am?” The second identical asked with a charming smile.

This question threw her off balance because she didn’t see it coming. She tried to smile it off but the third identically still repeated the same question, making her know that she could be in trouble.

Jose Fuentes tried his best to get the password but all to no avail. It was obvious that the girl was in serious trouble which made Jose make contacts to Brazil, for them to provide a backup for the girl but he was informed the girl was on an impossible mission; therefore, sacrificeable.

Killer Bitch was ready to start a fight and die in the process but not without killing as many soldiers as she could but she had to wait until it was time to use the last resort. She, therefore, shifted her weight to one side and crossed her left, exposing that sexy thigh through the slit of her dress. She remained calm, coordinated and thinking of the next available route out of the place.

“Well, the password is….” She paused. She actually wanted to call the name of her supposed hubby which was totally a guess but she remained calm to avoid being pushy about it. “Is there any need for this?” she asked feigning a smile.

“What is the password ma’am,” the third identical asked beckoning the numerous bodyguards closer. The mood was already becoming unfriendly an tension high too.

Killer Bitch simply made up her mind to say whatever she had in mind.

“The password is…” as she was trying to complete the statement, she heard Jose’s voice shouting: “There is no password. I repeat; there is no password!”

She then took a deep breath, heaved a sigh and said: “There is no password,”

The three identical guys started laughing out loud in unison which made Valeria join them in that contagious laugh, though she was still very cautious of what would happen next. She was tensed at this point but taking a deep breath thrice blotted the tension away and conjured the confidence she needed to complete the job. Even before taking up the impossible mission, she already knew she may not come back alive but not without killing her target first.

“You’re really the one we’re waiting for but wanted to be sure,” one of the guys said. “I’m Ignacio Santiago. Welcome to my birthday. A great day indeed and a special day that reminds me of when I started the drug business about thirty years ago,”

“My hubby told me so,” she said and smiled, “I almost dialled his phone number to ask him about the password but I’m glad that I could pass the test. So tell me, how is the business? I hope you’re having a cordial partnership with Bruce,”

“He’s a nice man and a great sponsor,” he said and laughed out loud even though what he said wasn’t really funny, “he’s a good one and I believe we’ll have more time to have a cool talk with each other. And I wish to see him face to face someday,”

“I’ll definitely persuade him to make that happen, I promise,” she said and smiled.

A handsome waiter came around and band Chateau Laffite wine into her glass and smiled.

“Ma’am, this is for you,” he said and bowed with gentle reverence.

She took a sip and smiled. She made sure that her hands were gloved to avoid leaving a fingerprint that could be used to know her bye identity.

“I hope you like the wine,” Ignacio asked and smiled.

“Yes, I do. This is a French wine produced in 1865 and owned by Rothschild family. My hubby used to be friends with the Rothschild’s”

“Wow! That’s impressive and intelligent,” Ignacio said and clapped for her, “you must be a smart one,”

“I’m trying my best,” she said and stood up on her high-heeled silver shoes, “let’s take a walk, Ignacio” that was a bold but friendly demand.

“Oh, it’s my pleasure,” he said and stood, while the other two identical guys left.

They walked through the hallways to the gallery for a business talk but as this happened lots of guiding eyes were on them, especially that of Vicente, the commander of his army; a very tall and huge man, taller than most men in Brazil.

“My hubby is interested in taking over the ownership of the Mistério cartel but he discovered that you have an interest there too, so he decided to have a partnership with you if you’re willing, but if not, he will allow you take over the business without a hitch,”

“Hmmm, sounds nice,” he said with an impish grin, “but the last time I checked, he wasn’t interested in the drug business. Did he really say that?”

Ignacio already knew that Valeria Carlos may not really be who they thought she was which made him trigger a warning sign using his wrist watch to alert the securities that an intruder may be in their midst.

“Well, he didn’t say that,” she interjected shrewdly, “I’m the one interested in the business and I want this to be a secret between us, not even Bruce should hear about it. This isn’t betrayal but smartness,”

Ignacio smiled thoughtfully and said: “well, I hate lies and would have taken an action against you but since you’re coming out clean, let’s talk about the business,” He triggered the second sign to calm his security guards to show that everything was normal and cool. “Well, the problem we have with the business is not the Mistério Cartel but the billion dollars drug that was carted away after the Código 99 fight in Sao Paulo, which left many of our men dead, though we ended up winning the battle and killing lots of D.E.A agents. The drug is hidden somewhere around Santa Catarina but it is almost impossible detecting it even with the use of the sophisticated technology we have,”

“But what link has Octavio with Hugo Fuentes?” she curiously asked.

She knew that Hugo and Jose were listening to every conversation, so she tried her best to get the best information that she could, even if she didn’t come out alive from the trap she found herself in.

“The news we got from our mole in Mistério Cartel is that Octavio left some of his legacies to Hugo Fuentes, including his invisible house that is still hard for us to locate because it’s out of the radar. We believe that the drug is located at the same location the house is. Luck isn’t on our side yet but we’ll succeed someday,”

“That sounds good but how could you be sure that the drug is located at the house?” she asked inquisitively feeling happy for getting out some facts from the man that was carried away by fixing his eyes on her cleavages that were really inviting.

“I left a tracker on the safe containing the drugs but Octavio was oblivious of that. The tracker is still active and showing that the drug is still somewhere in Santa Catarina but the location that it’s hidden is impervious to detection. I am doing anything humanly possible to locate it and I will someday,”

“That sounds like an impossible situation, but there is always a solution,” she said and chuckled, “relax, I have men that can attack the cartel and capture the baron who will be forced to show us the way to either Octavio or the hidden drug. Once we capture Hugo Fuentes, this problem is solved,”

“You are very smart,” he said and placed his bottle of wine on the top rail of the gallery, “I’ve already sent a message to him by killing one of his men and I’m going to kill more. An attack will be launched soon but we’ll be sure that he’s captured alive so that he can lead us to the drugs. At least I was glad when Lucas Antonio informed one of my men about the murder of Hugo’s wife. Even though I don’t care much about Lucas because I will still come after him, I’m happy that Hugo is hurt about the death of his new wife because it would make him emotionally weak and pregnable,”

Hearing about the death of Larissa made Hugo reminisce on everything that happened. He actually thought that the picture of the dead body of Larissa he saw could be doctored by Lucas but hearing it from Ignacio reconfirmed everything, clearing his doubts and making him weep silently in the secret chamber of his heart. He almost smashed the earpiece that he earwigged with, but hearing the voice of Ramon in his mind reminding him about emotional attachment that could bring him down made him focus of getting the entire information and not allow himself to be weak as Ignacio boasted about.

Killer Bitch took a sip using Ignacio’s glass and left an invisible print of the venomous lipstick. “I love the taste of the wine, especially drinking from the same glass with you in the spirit of partnership,”

“That sounds romantic, sweetheart,” he said and took a sip making the venomous lipstick to touch his lips.

Valeria Carlos knew that it was time to find her way out before the venom starts reacting on him which could make it obvious that she was the one that killed him. She had just ten minutes to leave the area alive.

“Well, I’ll want this to be a secret between us,” she hinted, “let this not get to my hubby’s ears. He hates to deal with drugs but could benefit from sponsorship as usual,”

“That could be sealed with a kiss, if you’re okay with it,” Ignacio said looking lasciviously on her lip.

Valeria avoided that kiss because that would mean killing him in seconds, making the venom to work faster than intended.

“Sorry, but I have to go now because I have other meetings to…”

As she was about to complete her statement, a deafening warning alert started echoing in the large hall indicating that her impersonation had been discovered.

The real wife of Bruce Jazzman just arrived, which made it obvious to the security guards that the girl they admitted earlier was an impostor.

Without delay, Killer Bitch clouted Ignacio’s Adam’s apple which asphyxiated him as he began to choke and twirl around.

She gave him the second kick on the butts and he fell off from the gallery down to the floor.

She looked through the colonnades and saw lots of men closing in and coming up to capture her.

Hundreds of Hitmen came after her which she knew was impossible for her to win the fight. She pulled her high-heeled shoes and used it for a fight, taking on the first three guys that came after her. She used the sharp and pointed top lift of the shoes as a weapon and hit the men, killing lots of men as she could. She tied her floor-length gown for easiness and began to run on barefoot as fast as she could through the hallways, following any exit she could find.

Jose couldn’t hack the computer of the area to help her through the escape, so she was totally on her own in this. No communication came through to her but they all listened from the other side and waited to see how the impossible situation could be.

The girl ran to the basement as she tried to dodge lots of bullets that were being sprayed on her. Many bullets got on her but her dressed provided a shield. She kept running in a zigzag way and killing any man she meets on her way.

She used a combination of boxing, judo, karate and any martial art she could think of to fight her way through. She met a dead end at the basement and had to come back to the first floor. She kept seeking a way out until she got to a balcony where she  saw a way through and jumped. She landed in a swimming pool and swam out into the orchard and continued running. As she was trying to jump the high perimeter fence, she was shot in the leg and two arms which got her weak and limping but she still continued running and pulsating until she got to the helicopter she came with. As she tried to get closer to the chopper, an RPG was fired at the aircraft and destroyed it. She swerved and kept hiding and running until she dashed into the woods.

As she ran as fast as she could, she fell because she’d lost lots of blood. She knew she’d definitely not make it out, the worst being that she had no guns to protect herself. As she throbbed to death, she saw the waiter that served a drink to her in the fortress. She knew that she’d be finished up, so she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable.

The guy came and tied her wounds with his shirt and carried her on his shoulders and trudged further into the woods as they escaped from the wild chase. He kept running until they got to a rocky mountain where the waiter discovered that someone could be listening since she was sent on an undercover assignment. He then raised his voice and said, “If you can hear me, she’ll die soon, but for now, she’s still alive and has her pulses. We’re somewhere close to Pico da Neblina, the north end of Amazonas and the highest point in Brazil,”

He wasn’t sure he was heard but he banked on his positivism and instincts.

Ignacio’s men kept searching around but the waiter kept meandering to avoid being spotted.

After half an hour, Andre and two of the medical experts working for Mistério cartel came with a chopper and took them away. Ignacio’s Hitmen fired some shots but none hit the chopper or any of them.

Andre succeeded taking the rescued two to Gladiator’s mess for a proper treatment.

Meanwhile, a first aid was offered to keep Killer Bitch alive while in the aircraft as they flew back to the mess.

To be continued…


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