DOPE Season 2 Episode 16 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

DOPE Season 2 (The Devil I never knew) by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

DOPE Season 2 Episode 16 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

*The real game player**

Feeling so sad after waking up the next day and recounting his ordeal as the painful things he’d seen in life even in his youth haunts him, Hugo sighed. It was still very early, so others were still having deep sleep sounds of the seas waves filtered into his ear, making Hugo wake up immediately and in dire need to know how fast Bret was going to act and rescue his loved ones; if possible.

It was still a bit dark in the room, so Hugo wearily stood, belched, and yawned as he removed the dry rheum in his eyes.

As he was about to switch on the light, he felt as if he had a company beside him, so he shuddered and paused to know who was there. As he fumbled for the light switch in the dark to know who or what was there as an audience, the person moved a bit and cleared his throat as if he wanted to talk.

“Who’s there?” Hugo asked in a stern voice as he groped for any weapon available for a fight in case any broke out.

“Relax, it’s me, Jeff,” the voice said as he switched on torchlight, making him see that it was Bret’s cousin. “Relax, I don’t want to wake others and we don’t need the bulb yet but the torchlight will suffice because of the sensitivity of our discussion and the next action as I’ve planned,”

Hugo didn’t talk but kept looking at him as he tried to understand what he was talking about. “But one thing for sure is that they will be getting up in the next twenty to thirty minutes if they are lucky,”

“Lucky?” Hugo thought aloud, “did you do anything to them or am I missing something?”

Without replying to that question, Jeff whispered: “I have some options for you and I don’t need others to know about it because your success or failure depends on it. I’m here to help,”

Hugo heaved a sigh of relief even though his life had been so complicated that he hardly trusts anyone but he just had to trust Jeff because he had no options anymore; especially hearing him talk about rendering help.

“Seems you have a plan,” Hugo mouthed and sat on the bed, and then tapped on the bed twice signifying that Jeff should sit too. “Have a seat let me hear you out. Right now, I feel so empty,”

Jeff felt piteous for Hugo who looked so dejected and lonely, so he came close to him, sat beside him, and held him by the shoulder to offer a soothing solace.

Hugo was eager and ready to listen once it’d be of benefit to him and his family to be rescued.

“First, I have a plan, and I wish it works,” Jeff started while Hugo listened to learn, “Give me your phone,” He said and thrust his hand to have the phone but Hugo was uncertain about being yielding to that request. “Trust me, at least I’m the only saviour you have right now, so you must trust me and give me an unalloyed attention,” he added leaving his palm open as he waited for Hugo to hand over the phone to him.

After a couple of minutes as the battle of thoughts lasted within him, Hugo realised that he had no option other than following whatever instruction that Jeff had, especially since he was already being helpful by linking him to Bret who would embark on the rescue operation, even though he knew it was 50:50 chances that the operation would either succeed or be jinxed.

Hugo handed over the phone to Jeff and said: “What’s the plan?”

Jeff collected the phone, tried to browse through it but discovered that it was locked with a password. “You may wish to unlock it because I need to do something, and fast too,”

Even though Hugo still entertained some doubts, he felt the urgency of the need to unlock the phone to allow Jeff to carry out his proposed plans, even though he was still oblivious his plans, therefore still wallowing in the dark.

“54782276,” he called hastily, making Jeff surprised that he gave out the code without collecting the phone to input the digits by himself.

“That was fast though,” Jeff said and smiled, “Meanwhile, you can have the phone and do it by yourself,” he added and gave him back the phone but Hugo didn’t collect it.

“Okay, I’m calling it out now; 5…4…7…8,” as he called out the numbers, Jeff typed fast too to avoid missing out, “2…2…7…5,” After calling the last digit, Hugo waited for Jeff to type it but he didn’t, instead the young man smiled and held on as if he was waiting for him to say something else. “Why didn’t you type it, or you don’t need to use the phone anymore?” Hugo inquired.

Jeff smiled and shook his head seeing how smart Hugo was.

Looking at him, he said as he handed over to him even though Hugo didn’t take the phone: “Like I said, you can input the digits and let me do what I want to do. Password is meant to be a secret,”

“But I have called out the numbers but you suddenly didn’t want to type the last number,” Hugo said and smiled, “I now see that you’re not just a company worker but someone so smart and sharp. How did you know that the last digit I mentioned wasn’t the same with the first numbers I called out, even though I was too fast at the first time?”

“My little secret,” Jeff said and started began to type the password without Hugo’s help and unlocked the phone.

“Now, the only saviour you have now is to buy some time for Bret McGowen,”

“How do you plan on achieving that when Lord Rodrigo would be killing them soon?” Hugo asked out of curiosity and eagerness to know how it was going to work.

“The mean lady is more interested in making you see the live feed of the killing of your loved ones, so let’s delay that decision by making you unreachable, but I’ve come to discover that she’s so smart, so we have to be smarter to make her believe that we aren’t playing games but just have to give it a try,”

“So how do we buy some time for Bret?” Hugo keenly asked.

“I have three options, so let’s plan together,” Jeff said as Hugo listened attentively, “First; you make Lord Rodrigo believe that she can go ahead and kill them, and you don’t care anymore,”

Hugo shook his head disapprovingly showing he didn’t accept such plan, “Secondly,” Jeff continued, “we’d make a video of you, showing where the security guards of the ship captured you. Since she seriously wants you to see when she’d be killing your loved one, she wouldn’t go ahead with the plans until you gain your freedom from the cops and reconnect with her through Whatsapp,”

Hugo nodded and raised his eyebrows with smiles feeling it could work but had to wait for the third option to help him decide on which one to take.

“And what’s the third one?” Hugo asked impatiently as the clock ticked away and time elapsing.

“Thirdly, you’ll switch off your phone, to make her wonder why you did that,” Jeff said making Hugo smile, “Since she craves to see you let out that cry of anguish as you watch her butcher and dismember them, she’d not kill them yet but wait for you to come back online for her to execute her plans on your watch,”

Hugo chuckled and patted Jeff’s back as approval of his options. “First,” he said and began to count his fingers in conformity with the options, “we wouldn’t use the first option because I used it on her when his dad threatened to use her as a bait to lure me into surrendering my legacy to him. So she’d know I am bluffing if I try that. Then, for the second option, I loved it until you mentioned the third option which I felt is better,”

“So why wouldn’t the second option work?” Jeff asked trying to be on the same page with him.

“If we stage my capture while you guys wear the security outfit to make me seem arrested,” Hugo explained, “Larissa is so smart that she would either know that it was being staged or she’d believe that since I’d entered the police net, no need of wasting her time waiting for me to return before she executes her plans. Her reason is justified because I may end up in jail according to her belief, so there wouldn’t be any need of waiting for me to get the live feed. She’d choose to have the video coverage recorded and sent to me so that even if I stay one year or less before having the phone back, I’d still see the video coverage of her treachery in my Whatsapp page,”

Jeff considered his logic behind his reasoning and concurred. “Okay, agreed,” He said and narrowed his eyes to wait for the third explanation. “So why is the last option the best?” he inquired.

“If we just switch off the phone, it leaves her in serious confusion because she’d be filled with confusion as she tries to know why the phone was off. She may think I’d been captured but being that she isn’t sure, she would wait. Also, she may think that I have a flat battery and would be eager to have it switched on to follow up, so she would be patient to see that happen. The last thing that would be in her mind is to think that I deliberately switched off the phone because she knows that I wouldn’t just do that. So, I think the last option is better, so let’s go for it and create that suspense that would make her eager to have me back online for the live feed or the homicide. Or do you have a counter option or suggestion?”

With smiles all over him, Jeff clapped silently for Hugo as he still tried avoiding waking others up since there was no time anymore for the plans to take place.

“I think you have given me reasons to believe that you’re very smart and you have a bit knowledge of how Larissa thinks,” Jeff said with pride, “Let’s leave her confused by switching off the phone as we hope it works,”

“It would work,” Hugo said assuredly and parted Jeff’s back, “but I must commend you for having the shrewdness to think of these options. If not for you, how could I have even thought of one option, let alone, three? I was bereft of options and couldn’t just think straight because of the tension and anxiety that got me engrossed. Being obsessed with the thoughts that she’d be killing them soon outweighed my sense of reasoning but a new friend here just made the workload simple. You’re a genius, and as I said, you’re not just a company worker; you’re more. Thank you,”

Jeff switched off the phone immediately and handed it over to Hugo.

“The question you should ask me is ‘what next’?” Jeff said making Hugo confused because, at the moment, all he had in his head was to wait for some days while the phone remains off. He planned contacting Bret using Jeff’s phone, so that he’d be abreast of the success or failure of the operation.

“I don’t know if I should ask of what next if not wait to see if our plans would work,” Hugo said looking more confused, “or should I be worried about what comes next?”

Jeff got up, went to the window, and peered to know if others were awake already but no one was seen. He came back to Hugo and sat beside him. “Don’t worry; they aren’t waking up so soon because I made them drink to stupor in celebration of the American independence, so they wouldn’t be waking up, though Joshua is always sober and could be here soon, so let’s plan and act fast,”

“Plan and act fast?” Hugo asked looking bemused “Is there any other plan or the action we took isn’t enough? Oh…I guess that’s why you said I should have asked about what next should follow our already hatched plan…”

“Exactly,” Jeff said and smiled, “but this is the best part, even though it won’t be easy for you to accept because you’d feel that you’re leaving your loved ones behind,”

Hugo began to see that Jeff could be full of surprises, making him more interested to learn what he planned. “Let me hear it out and know if I’ll accept the idea,” Hugo said as he braced himself for the upcoming information.

“Fine, I’m happy you’re open and ready for the plans,” Jeff said and went outside and checked again to ensure that no one was coming. He came back and whispered: “I have made arrangements for you to leave this ship soon before the security guards capture you because they have powerful CCTV here and must have seen you as you were leaving from the cargo warehouse yesterday,”

“So how can I leave the ship while I still have no less than wait twenty-eight more days to get to Egypt?” Hugo asked looking more confused as he was more interested in knowing how the plan was going to work.

“Nice question,” Jeff said and chuckled, “Now you have to listen,” he whispered and took a scouting look to ensure they weren’t being heard. “At any time soon, a chopper is coming to take us away from here to Bolivia, specifically to Santa Cruz de la Sierra, located on the Llanos Orientales. There we’d land at the international airport. A private Jet is already waiting for us there….”

“Oh my God!” Hugo hollered and pulled Jeff into a hug. “You’re simply a miracle to me and I don’t know how to thank you. If you’re a woman, I would have kissed you already,”

“And if I’m gay?” Jeff jested with giggles.

“Ha-ha, that would be hard to answer,” Hugo replied with grin.

“Don’t mind me. I was just joking,” Jeff said and smiled. “Now, can you free me because you held me tight, and I’m suffocating,” he added with glee and pushed Hugo gently aside. “From Bolivia, we take off…”

“To Florida, right?” Hugo asked with untold happiness as he imagined joining Bret in the fight to rescue his family.

Jeff’s cheerful mood suddenly dropped making Hugo know that his suggestion wasn’t being considered.

“Sorry but my plans seem to be different from yours but you need to trust my plans. We’re not going to Florida or for any rescue operations. It’s left for Bret,” Jeff hinted making Hugo weak to his spines because he thought he almost got approval from Jeff to take the private jet to Florida.

“I have the money, and I can foot the bills,” Hugo assured him to lure him to accept his suggestion and plea, “I need to be in Florida because Bret can’t do this alone,”

“And who said Bret is alone?” Jeff said and bit his lips gently, “as you already know; Bret is a businessman and definitely would be waiting for his rewards at the end of the operation. So relax, I’ve wired some money into his account to mobilize him for the operation while I pay up the balance when he’s done,”

Hugo couldn’t just understand why Jeff would be so helpful without even remembering meeting him anywhere except on the ship. It wasn’t adding up because he already imagined the cost of the private jet that would be waiting at the airport, even the cost of hiring Bret for the rescue operation.

“Sorry, what do you stand to gain in all these and what are my debts to you?” Hugo asked looking perplexed.

“Meanwhile, you’re just a worker in Marlborough Company. How then can you afford all these luxurious trips?”

“Relax, I’m just a friend and I want us to get out of this mess first, then we can talk about your debts to me. You’re just lucky to have met me but I’ll explain more in due time,”

“You’d explain more?” Hugo said looking more confused, “who’re you and why are you helping me?” he asked seeking explanations to make him understand the cost and benefit analysis of his actions.

Jeff brought out his phone, made a call to anonymous person, and hung the call. Turning to Hugo, he said: “The chopper is ten minutes away, so we need to go to the deck where the chopper will land and take us away before the security guards know what’s happening. We’re escaping from here,”

“And your job?” Hugo asked looking more dazed, “aren’t you putting yourself at risk of losing your job as well as being considered an accomplice to me?”

Jeff didn’t answer that but brought out two firefighter’s overall and handed one over to Hugo, put it on, and be ready for a walk because need to burn some things that would make use be among those to quench the fire. We just have five minutes to leave this ship. Put on your cloth while I keep mine until the fire starts burning.

Hugo had lots of questions lying on his lips but he knew that asking more questions means wasting more time, so he didn’t have to impose more risks that would jeopardize his escape plans and freedom. He quickly wore the cloth while Jeff handed the second one over to him, and then wrote some things on a paper and dropped the note of the table.

“Let’s go now. It’s time,” Jeff said and began to move while Hugo carefully followed behind as they headed to the deck. 

Getting to one of the executive rooms, Jeff got some rags, lit dire on it and threw into the apartment, and then waited until smokes started taking over the area making him know that fire had gutted the place. The security alarms began to honk.

Jeff made Hugo hide by the corner while he alerted the security guards about the impending inferno.

The entire security operatives on patrol rushed to the location as they contacted the firefighters on the ship for immediate action.

Jeff quickly put on his cloth, making them look like the firefighters, so no one suspected who they were when the firefighters arrived to quench the fire. The loud alarm didn’t even allow the people to hear the sound of the incoming chopper, making their exit easier.

Hugo and Jeff got to the deck where the chopper was already waiting.

They entered and left before anyone could notice that they just left. It was a smooth exit and a successful one indeed.

In the chopper, Hugo was so happy but at the same time confused because he didn’t even know where they were heading to or if he should trust Jeff. After a long silence in the air, he said: “Jeff, where are we heading?”

Jeff smiled and said: “We’re heading to the airport and then find our way to Egypt,”

Mentioning Egypt got Hugo infuriated and daunted because he felt that the aforementioned African country was the last place he needed to be at that time. All he wanted was to head to Florida and find a way to rescue the captives. At the moment, he felt that Jeff may not be the person he claimed to be but a mercenary paid to abduct him.

“Am I now a prisoner?” Hugo asked dispiritedly feeling cold as if he was heading to a dead zone, “why not use the cuffs so that I won’t escape or jump out of here into the sea,”

That being said, Hugo presented his hands to Jeff for cuffing option.

“You’re not my prisoner,” Jeff replied, “so you don’t need to be afraid,”

“Then why are you taking me to Egypt against my will, and not Florida or Brazil that I need to be right now?” Hugo asked seeking clarification to satisfy his curiosity and clear his doubts.

“Relax until we get there,” Jeff said and never talked again until they landed at the airport in Santa Cruz.

Hugo didn’t utter a word anymore but trusted his instincts that he’d be safe, and even if Jeff wasn’t the good guy, he’d find his way to escape in any way possible.

In Santa Cruz de la Sierra airport, they met a security guy that made their passage easier without much security checks and protocols. It was obvious that the airport security had been paid to do that. They boarded the private jet and left for Egypt.

Hugo was drowned in absolute silence as he reminisced on his life so far and how rough it had been. He couldn’t understand why he should be heading to Egypt which to him was risky because if captured as an illegal immigrant, it would be doom for him.

As he entertained some fears, he still forced himself to trust Jeff and to know how the story was going to end. All he needed at the moment was to see a light at the end of the tunnel as he had hoped.

When they got to Cairo, they landed at the international airport.

Hugo was surprised to see Andre dressed as airport security that checked on him and led him to the tinted limo. It was then obvious to him that meeting Jeff wasn’t by mistake or coincidence but a planned venture he knew nothing about.

As they were being checked into the limo by Andre, Hugo tried to know if he could explain to him what was actually going on and who was behind the escape plan but Andre didn’t reply to him but focussed on discharging his duties like a robot.

Immediately they entered the limo, Hugo couldn’t hold his silence anymore, so he turned and faced Jeff, and then said: “who planned all these and what’s going on?”

Smilingly Jeff said: “We’re following orders hoping that this contingency plan would work. I’m not in the position to explain everything but we’re going ahead with plan B according to the instructions. Egypt is the safest place for you to let it be and live a normal life if your family couldn’t make it alive. And even if they make it alive, Egypt would still be your new nationality. The aim is for you to be free from worries and fright of being haunted by the dirty drug business that you have chosen to leave behind. Suffice it to say that the reason why I didn’t allow you to go to Florida is to avoid putting your life at risk. No one will ever believe that you’re in Egypt enjoying a life of freedom devoid of worries,”

Hugo was amazed by the plans even though he wished that Jose and others would be rescued. It was then obvious to him that everything was planned. “So whose orders are you following?” He asked feeling a bit confident especially after seeing Andre disguised as an airport security guard.

“Well, I think my assignment ends here,” Jeff said and smiled, “The driver will take you to the private apartment. According to the plans, I’m not meant to know the location because it’s meant to be so private,” after saying this, he unmasked himself, making Hugo see his real face.

Looking closer, Hugo remembered that Jeff was one of Bret’s men that fought alongside him when Stone was defeated and killed.

“Marcus, is that you?” Hugo asked with happiness and embraced him, “I’m surprised that you’ve been the one acting like one Jeff just to rescue me. Who planned all these?”

After a shortlived chuckles, Marcus said: “The driver knows more than I do. I don’t even know my employer but I’m happy taking part in this operation, sir. Meanwhile, the mask I have with me is the mask of the real Jeff who works with Marlborough. I dropped a note for Mr. Beggie for them to trace Jeff in the container where I locked him up to ensure the smoothness of my operation without being noticed I was a fake Jeff,”

After saying that, the driver pulled over, making Marcus alight as he smiled to his bank alert that just showed he’d be remunerated for his services.

“That was amazing,” Hugo said and smiled, “but who could be behind this?” he asked himself as the driver drove off.

“It was Tessie who organised the entire operation,” Doctor Luiz said and smiled as he pulled down the connecting glass demarcating the front and the rear sides, “Sir, I’m the driver to take you to the private apartment that she’s paid for; so that your safety is assured. Even if the operation in Florida is successful, you’d be properly taken care of in Egypt where your life would be secure. Tessie would join you soon if she is alive to do that. I hope she does,”

Hugo felt so fund of Tessie as he imagined how far she’d have gone to ensure he was happy even when she wasn’t sure of coming out from her present predicament.

“What an amazing talent she has,” Hugo said in appreciation, “I thank you all for your roles in ensuring my rescue,”

“It’s our pleasure, sir,” Luiz said and continued driving to the private apartment.

When they got to the exotic apartment, Hugo loved it so much, making him wish that Tessie was there with him to make the happiness complete.


After three days of his stay in the private apartment in Egypt, he switched on his phone according to Dr. Luiz’s instruction. He and was surprised to see a messages from Tessie flooding his phone, making it obvious that she’d been freed. Shortly, a video clip entered.

Hugo was so happy to see Tessie celebrating with his mom and dad as Bret and his men accompanied them in the merriment.

Even though he was so eager to meet them, he was disturbed because there was no news about Larissa’s whereabouts, so he quickly dialled Tessie’s number and it went through without delay.

After the third ring, Tessie took the call and was happy to say: “Happy successful operation, my baby,”

Hugo was so happy to hear from her, making him wish she was there with him for a memorable romance and celebration for her role in rescuing him from the ship. It was obvious to him that Tessie predicted how the operation would be and sent Marcus ahead to be in the ship and rescue him at the opportune time.

“Now, I know how much I love you, my sweetheart,” Hugo said with great joy, “How did you execute the entire plans, even planting all these apparatuses that ensured I was rescued?”

Tessie had a lot to talk about the operations, so she didn’t have to make it a phone talk, so she smiled and said: “The driver is already waiting for you at the car park of the apartment where you are. He’ll take you to the airport while the private jet would bring you to Brazil where I will be heading soon. Let’s meet at home and see how Larissa falls for the trap,”

“Oh, yeah, you mentioned of mouthwatering bait and a trap in the encrypted note you left for me. I am interested to know about Larissa and where she is right now. I need to put an end to her,”

Tessie smiled and said: “Let it be, but the good news is that she fell for the trap I set for her. I made her feel she was winning the game but had that one-time irreversible code set for her in the bunker. The good news is that Larissa is currently trapped in the bunker with the entire cocaine there. She now has the drugs but cant exit the building. I gave her the code and made her realise that she could just cart the entire drugs away and start a new life since she’d lost much. Larissa thinks she could cart them away but immediately she entered the bunker using the secret code the door jammed and she couldn’t unlock it again because she just used the last option. The good news is that nothing would ever make her escape even if a nuclear weapon is used to destroy the private apartment. It may interest you to know that Marcos and his men are already there and they just confirmed that Larissa is trapped in the bunker. Even if she has no charges against her before now, the DEA assumes that she is the owner of the entire forbidden powder in the bunker. She will never escape this time. I had it all covered but when I see you I will reveal how I played the game,”

Hugo didn’t know how to thank Tessie or express his immeasurable joy. He couldn’t wait to meet her and hear the entire story.

“I’m heading to the garage immediately for my trip to Brazil. Let me reserve my comments and questions until I get there,” Hugo said and started leaving.

Tessie smiled and said: “I told you that I’d surprise you and I just did. A message reaching me now from Marcos is that Larissa has been arrested. I made Larissa feel that she was smarter but it was all my games. She felt it was her games, but it was Tessie’s games all these while. Larissa isn’t smarter but Tessie is,” she added boastfully with pride.

“Tessie is smarter indeed and I have come to confirm your ingenuity,” Hugo said and gleefully began to head to the airport to board the private jet to Brazil.

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