DEN OF CLEVERNESS 2 Episode 6 by Nathaniel Anuma

DEN OF CLEVERNESS 2 Episode 2 (THE EYEGLASSES) by Nathaniel Anuma

DEN OF CLEVERNESS 2 Episode 6 by Nathaniel Anuma

Near-by rivers and lakes absorbed the warmness of the night thereby giving out its cold temperature to the citizens of the city for jollification and sound sleep, but Mr Nnanna didn’t find the weather cold as he drove very fast on the road. He was a man of inquisitiveness, a man who always wants to find out the cause of an action, and Ken was his case study. He pulled over in front of a local house that had only a room and a parlour. He could see light through its windows as he approached to the door. The knock came thrice on the door before a young female teenager opened. She looked arrogant and disrespectful like a street fighter. It could be seen in her appearance; dreaded hair, black glove on one of her hands, military boot on her feet and marks of injuries on her face. She wore a black crop top and black tight that exposed the shape of her pant. If not being told, you wouldn’t know she was a teenager.

“Hello, Kate” Mr Nnanna exchanged familiarity with her at the door. “What about your brother, Date?” he requested.

The young girl didn’t reply rather opened the door widely for him to enter after which he saw Date sitting on a couch and operating a laptop. He was the twin brother of Kate having the same height and body features. They were foreigners from Asia who had lived a rough life and looking for any means to survive in the city. They had never told anybody their story or mission in Africa. One could see guns on the same table where the laptop rested. Meanwhile Date had not looked up to see their guest, while the sister stood by the side of the couch with her hands folded. Suddenly, the boy closed the laptop, meeting his eyes with Mr Nnanna’s.

“Hello, Nne-nne”

“It’s not Nnenne, it’s Nnanna, the vowel sound varies” the man corrected.

“Names are irrelevant here”

“This is Africa. We value our names”

The young boy stared at him as he crossed his legs, wearing a black singlet over a black jean trouser. A black glove also rested in one of his hands. He waited to hear why Mr Nnanna came by that time of the night. As he waited, Mr Nnanna dropped Ken’s picture for him on the table. He looked at it and said, “He looks familiar. I guess I just saw his video on the internet where he saved a little girl”

“Exactly,” Mr Nnanna sat down. “That same boy ran to my daughter and I at Ure fly-over and said that an accident was about to happen, and It happened exactly the way he said it. I believe there is something that gives the boy such information. When I met him one on one, threatening to find out what he’s hiding, he asked me if I’m clever enough to know.”

Hearing that, Kate sat beside her brother after a surprising eye contact because the man sounded like what they had been looking for: their mission. The twins, Kate and Date, knew about the eyeglasses from their country which was the reason why they came to Enugu city in search of it. They had been attacked severely by the the Graths which explained the marks of injuries on Kate’s face and that of her brother. They swore to find the magical eyeglasses, travel back to their country and make money with it. Though they involved themselves with other illegal assassinating job which was how they knew Mr Nnanna; they had assassinated for him before, but their main purpose was the magical eyeglasses.

“What exactly do you want us to do with this boy?” Date asked Mr Nnanna sensitively.

“I’m not saying you should kill him. I believe he has some chemistry with my daughter”

“They are dating?” Kate interfered.

“I guess”

Date stood up, looking at the picture in his hands. “You’ve not told us what you want us to do with this boy”

Mr Nnanna cleared his throat. “From the video trending online now, that boy didn’t save the little girl by mistake. He knew the little girl would fall and die there, therefore he went there for that purpose”

Date looked at him. “You are still beating around the bush”

Mr Nnanna stood up. “I want you to monitor him and find out what gives him such power. I’ll pay you when you come up with a reasonable report” he left the apartment after giving them Ken’s address.

Kate stood up, looking at her brother in the eyes with a trace of smile on her face. She slowly walked to him saying, “No doubt this boy is with the magical eyeglasses”

“Don’t be so sure of yourself. C’mon, get prepared, we are leaving first thing tomorrow morning” Date walked into the room.
Kate and Date drove straight to the residence of Ken in the morning with a black Camry vehicle. They parked at a corner monitoring to know when Ken would come out of the house. After some minutes, they saw him coming out in a school uniform and a school bag behind him. He looked around, placed one of his hands inside his pocket then began to walk to school.

“The boy looks harmless” Kate told her brother.

Date looked at her. “Don’t fuck up, just concentrate”

Kate provoked. “What a fuck do you mean by that?”

He never replied, rather set the car engine running and followed Ken gradually. They could see him trekking to school instead of taking a cab which got Date worried. So he said, “Are you sure this guy is with the magical eyeglasses?”

“Why do you doubt?” Kate asked him.

“He should be rich, make money out of it and not walking down to school, sweating like fugitive” he glanced at his twin sister. “Do you know what it takes to have the power to know who gonna die by accident in a city? People will be ready to pay you any amount of money just to know if they gonna die by accident or not. Think of it. Isn’t it the reason why we are here?”

“Let’s monitor him first” Kate suggested.

They saw Ken placed a phone on his ear and began to talk through it gently like a criminal. They only wished to hear what he was saying and whom he was calling. After some minutes, he hung up the call and placed the phone back to his pocket. He just called Wisdom to be ready for the Graths at anytime coz they would be attacking again that day.

“He looks smark too” Kate told her brother again who didn’t reply rather disdained her.

Heartland comprehensive college once again observed another bright day. Unfortunately for Ken, he did not only come to school late, he equally met Miss Ada, their mathematics teacher, in the classroom. “Oh, not again!” he murmured at the door.

Miss Ada sighted him. “Mr Uba, why coming to school late?” she asked, looking beautiful in her cooperate attire. Everybody turned to the door when they heard that, even Mercy whose eyes caught with Ken’s instantly.

“May I come in, Miss?” Ken requested.

“Is that an answer to my question?”

How would he make a public announcement that he trekked to school? Therefore he remained quiet, meeting his eyes with Mercy’s again.

“Uba, you can come in” Miss Ada permitted him for a reason best known to her; she liked him naturally even though he doesn’t do well on her subject.

The lesson ended as usual thereby making Miss Ada to leave the classroom which became a bit noisy. Ken sat quietly, staring at the mathematics topic on the board which he couldn’t solve. That was LOGARITHM. Suddenly, he saw Mercy standing beside his locker. He looked up at her saying, “Good morning”

Mercy sat beside him. “You’ve not called me for twenty-four hours. You look frustrated and devastated. You look worried. I’ve decided to keep calm on how you knew i was going to die at Ure fly-over, but why can’t you let me know what troubles you? Or what do you take me for since..”

“My diamond princess” Ken interrupted her. “That’s what I take you for”

“Then tell me why you are like this. Your eyes are even like one who didn’t sleep last night”

Both stared at each other as Mercy waited for him to talk. He never spoken to her until Jade walked into the classroom and sat beside Ken too in a way he was in between the two girls. Mercy felt distracted. Being smart, Jade understood. Therefore she said to her jokingly, “Sorry, if I interrupted anything. Ken is my step-brother now”

Ken exhaled. “Not yet, Jade”

“Whatever” she concluded while Mercy smiled, thinking it was a joke. Jade got serious and asked Ken, “What were you doing at the city mall last night”

Mercy looked at Ken surprisingly just as Jade stared at his lips too. “You went to the mall?”

“He did and became a hero. Let me show you” Jade brought out her phone and played the video of Ken saving a little girl.

“My goodness!” Mercy exclaimed. “Ken, did you also know that the girl was gonna fall and die just like you knew I was gonna crushed by the trailer on the fly-over?”

“What are you talking about?” Jade asked her then she explained how Ken saved her and the father at Ure fly-over. Both girls stared at Ken to speak.

“Ken, you must tell us what’s going on” Jade insisted. Just then, the sound of a gunshot came from the school gate which made everybody to run out to the corridor in the quest to know what was happening, including Ken and the two girls. Ken saw the Graths shooting at a black Camry vehicle which sped inside the school compound, wondering who they could be. Of course he understood that for the Graths to attack whoever that was inside the car, he or she must know about the magical eyeglasses in his possession.

Jade recognized the men in black too.

Ken dragged both girls into the classroom and made them sit down. “Now, both of you should listen to me. On no account, I repeat, on no account must you leave this classroom” he wanted to run out but Jade stood up.

“I go to anywhere my brother goes and I must know that which you are hiding”

“Jade, this is not time for stubbornness”

“I can’t have Wisdom in the hospital then also have you in the hospital! I’m not leaving you!” Her voice echoed, while Mercy stared at both of them, wondering what they were talking about..

On the other hand, Date and Kate had come out of the car, shooting back at the five Graths. They shot two dead while three began to run towards Ken’s classroom. Seeing that, Date shouted, “Holy shit! The boy is truly the bearer of the magical eyeglasses if not the Graths wouldn’t be going after him”

“C’mon, let’s go save him” Kate suggested and they ran after the Graths…..


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4 years ago

Next pls ?️