Delayed Diagnosis Episode 21

Delayed Diagnosis Written by Kingsley Olanrewaju Efughi

Delayed Diagnosis Episode 21
Written by Kingsley Olanrewaju Efughi

We got in his house.
His parlour was very spacious and well furnished. His 3 year old son was rolling on the floor watching a cartoon program. “Junior get up..greet daddy’s guest”
The boy paid no attention and Short Sam wheeled Olivia fully into the parlour.
“Don’t mind the young lad..he’s a terrorist like his ol’ man” his voice dripped pride and for a moment I wished I had a child of my own. Boy or girl just a child I knew came from my loins. This was a first, because apart from thinking of kids vaguely like something I would like in the ‘future’ I never really thought deeply about it. But now the yearning was real and I knew who I would like to mother my children.
“You see this man..that’s how he has always’d be talking to him and he would just space out” S.s voice brought me back and I smiled sheepishly.
“Lemme get you something to drink”
“Just water for me” I told him.
“Who was asking you..this lady is my guest here”
“I’m fine least for now” Olivia laughed.
“S.s where your wife na?”
“Men na wedding things I have no intention of going anywhere..not after the craziness of work Monday to its just me and my boy”
Junior got up suddenly and went to Olivia who began to make cooing noises at him.
“Shee my theeetch”
He pointed at his teeth where the first two were missing.
“Aaah..did you keep the tooth under your pillow?”
“Nna all those western format eh..the tooth land for dustbin immediately”
We all laughed.
“S.s….abeg this no be social call..I really need your help”
He looked at me. “Ehen what was it you were saying on the phone”
“There’s this website” I powered on the laptop. “Its called the widows initiative… I need you to hack into it”
“What there money involved?”
“No we’re not stealing any money..I told you its nothing illegal as that”
“Oga hacking is very illegal o..punishable offense”
“Forget that thing.. I just need you to move up the account we created out of the relegation zone to the top of the table..if you understand me”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all…shikena!”
“So your problem is patience then?”
“Bro believe me..we can’t afford to wait..time has been lost already and lives are at stake”
“Hmm…” He looked at Olivia “whatever you says goes…I won’t listen to this rascal.. Are you down with want me to do this?”
“Yes please..I can’t even begin to tell you the importance of that small alteration”
He looked at me “okay..lemme see the website”
I did a mental fist pump. I plugged in the modem then loaded the website.
“Junior go and play inside” his boy hurried inside.
“Why? it wouldn’t affect him now” I asked
“Anything that is illegal I don’t like him around me at all”
“Tooor…anyway.. This is the website..the widows initiative”
He studied the website..”this looks like a secured site…so what is the alteration you want?”
“I want this our account…here it is number be moved up to…” I scrolled up.
“Olivia..this thing moves quicker than we thought they are at 47 already last night it was 39.”
“I don’t understand” short Sam said as he studied the screen. “
“Its a first come first serve basis and we are number 938..we’d like you to bump us up to number 50”
“Okay..okay..I can do that..lemme get my system”
“Can’t you use this one?”
“Spoken like a real Jew..believe me the cyber police would knock on your door one day if I dared use your your system..I have softwares here to help scramble my IP address not to talk of some hacking softwares like hydra and co.”
“Okay okay..just do your thing” I said as he left the parlour.
The police even if they tracked this system would only burst Ariyo and Gwen while they surfed their fetish porn sites. I laughed at the imagination.

“So he was your school mate?” Olivia asked me.
“Yes, we were even room mates during my 3 and 400 level”
Samuel returned with a very powerful looking laptop.
“Core i7..16gig..I don’t even like remembering how much it costs me..but it works like a dream”
“I thought you said your hacking days were behind you?”
“Men..once a hacker…”
The system powered up in seconds then he copied the URL from the other laptop. He stretched and cracked his knuckles before he hit enter.
“Are you sure you don’t need anything? Because once I start..its hard to get up” he asked Olivia.
“Mr man do your magic…I know where your fridge is after all” I replied him.
He smiled…”Obazino…. you no fit ever change”
He hit enter.
“First I need to know the source code of the webpage” he hit some buttons. “Just as I suspected..the scripting language is python” he looked at me “ work be this one o”
“What does it mean? Python? Na snake?”
“ means its not an open source platform if not I would have gotten a copy and changed the whole code”
I didn’t understand Jack…I just leaned back and let him work.
“Oba..I don’t rush my work..hacking is not something you rush..I need a good reconnaissance about my target..that’s how I was successful in school back then, I took my precious time”
“Time is a luxury we don’t have..lives are at stake here”

He frowned then cracked his neck. “I need to check the vulnerability of the website…there’s a software I use..acunetix it was developed for web developers to test sites they’re building but trust hackers na..we done turn am around use am to dey identify vulnerable sites”
He ran the program on his system and was crossing it with the widows initiative site. I was behind him watching eagerly. It felt like magic.
“Oba stop breathing down my neck’re like my bull mastif”
“So you have a bull mastif and you were telling me it won’t bite? There’s God o” but I gave him space.
He worked for some seconds “Hmmm..this site is as tight as a virgins….” He looked at Olivia “pardon my language ma’am”
“Don’t mind me carry on”
“So you can’t hack it?” I was beginning to panic.
“Please don’t insult me..there’s nothing on this earth that’s unhackable” he looked at Olivia “don’t mind this man..he doesn’t believe”
He typed some foreign looking code. “I’m preparing its medicine now…an injection!”
Olivia and I both winced..the word injection always brought unpleasant memories.
Short Sam continued..he was in his element and he fired on “I would attack the website with an SQL injection(pronounced sequel) That would enable me capture information stored in the database”

This took some time, like half an hour and I moved around his house and played with his little boy who was rolling around in one of the rooms.
I was in the process of throwing the boy and catching him, when I heard Short Sam shout “Bingo!”
I ran to the parlour with the boy still on my arms.
“I’ve found a back door!” Hr exclaimed “or should I say I’ve bursted a wall to use as the back door!” He laughed at his joke and Olivia and I looked at each other not getting the joke.
” I love this python language!” He exclaimed still high on energy and whatever he had accomplished.
The screen didn’t look comprehensible to me. Just small boxes covering up the screen with codes and strange numbers in them.
“Now..I’d install my friend in one corner..a simple cookie catcher code…this code would track the ID password of a login all the way to the real administration of the site”

After some minutes and he was sweating profusely, he looked up and grinned “done!, the thief is hiding..just waiting to strike!”
“S.s speak it done?”
“This was fun, I need to do this more..the catcher code is in, once an admin logs in, I would have his ID and would be able to alter anything on the website.”
“Roger that..boss! You’re too good…so what do we do now..we wait?”
“Yes for the said number 50 is what you want right?”
“Just put it two numbers after the waiting number on the list..then you bump the number down to 983..they would thank us later”
“Okay…I would need to clean up any mess I leave incase the admin is a neat freak so he doesn’t know they’ve been hacked” he looked at me and frowned.
“What is all this really about Oba..”he looked at Olivia “I understand you’re a widow?”
She nodded.
“Short Sam..what you don’t know can’t kill you..but just know that you have hopefully saved hundreds of widows from being smuggled out…I really appreciate it bruv”
He looked like he couldn’t comprehend what I had just told him. Smuggling? But he nodded.
“Me must thank you both…you’ve reignited my passion in hacking…in fact we need to celebrate”
He hurried to his kitchen and returned with a bottle of wine and 3 glasses.

30 minutes later he escorted Olivia and I to the car.
“So once its done..I would let you know”
“Thanks bro..take care..Junior! Be a good boy”

We drove away. “Wow..that guy is really good”
“He’s a genius!”
She smiled at me “so where to pilot?” Her smile was breathtaking and I fell from 30 stories.
Damn! Damn! Damn!
I managed to keep my eyes level and smiled back “we should go to a private hospital for your checkup”
She nodded “thank you”
I sped away and my phone rang. I could see road safety so I connected it to the car’s bluetooth.
“Andy what’s up?”
“Oba..everything is the thing go?”
“Short Sam did it..he would round it up when next an admin logs in”
“ now we just wait?”
“No…tonight we check out the first coordinates..if we see widows..we break them out”
“Sweet…now you’re talking…I better sharpen my dagger!”

We got in his house.
His parlour was very spacious and well furnished. His 3 year old son was rolling on the floor watching a cartoon program. “Junior get up..greet daddy’s guest”
The boy paid no attention and Short Sam wheeled Olivia fully into the parlour.
“Don’t mind the young lad..he’s a terrorist like his ol’ man” his voice dripped pride and for a moment I wished I had a child of my own. Boy or girl just a child I knew came from my loins. This was a first because apart from thinking of kids vaguely like something I would like in the ‘future’ I never really thought deeply about it. But now the yearning was real and I knew who I would like to mother my children.
“You see this man..that’s how he has always’d be talking to him and he would just space out” S.s voice brought me back and I smiled sheepishly.
“Lemme get you something to drink”
“Just water for me” I told him.
“Who was asking you..this lady is my guest here”
“I’m fine least for now” Olivia laughed.
“S.s where your wife na?”
“Men na wedding things I have no intention of going anywhere..not after the craziness of work Monday to its just me and my boy”
Junior got up suddenly and went to Olivia who began to make cooing noises at him.
“Shee my theeetch”
He pointed at his teeth where the first two were missing.
“Aaah..did you keep the tooth under your pillow?”
“Nna all those western format be for this house o..the tooth land for dustbin immediately”
We all laughed.
“S.s….abeg this no be social call..I really need your help”
He looked at me. “Ehen what was it you were saying on the phone”
“There’s this website” I powered on the laptop. “Its called the widows initiative… I need you to hack into it”
“What there money involved?”
“No we’re not stealing any money..I told you its nothing illegal as that”
“Oga hacking is very illegal o..punishable offense”
“Forget that thing..I just need you to move up the account we created out of the relegation zone to the top of the table..if you understand me”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all…shikena!”
“So your problem is patience then?”
“Bro believe me..we can’t afford to wait..time has been lost already and lives are at stake”
“Hmm…” He looked at Olivia “whatever you says goes…I won’t listen to this rascal.. Are you down with want me to do this?”
“Yes please..I can’t even begin to tell you the importance of that small alteration”
He looked at me “okay..lemme see the website”
I did a mental fist pump. I plugged in the modem then loaded the website.
“Junior go and play inside” his boy hurried inside.
“Why it wouldn’t affect him now” I asked
“Anything that is illegal I don’t like him around me at all”
“Tooor…anyway.. This is the website..the widows initiative”
He studied the website..”this looks like a secured site…so what is the alteration you want?”
“I want this our account…here it is number be moved up to…” I scrolled up.
“Olivia..this thing moves quicker than we thought they are at 47 already last night it was 39.”
“I don’t understand” short Sam said as he studied the screen. “
Its a first come first serve basis and we are number 938..we’d like you to bump us up to number 50″
“Okay..okay..I can do that..lemme get my system”
“Can’t you use this one?”
“Spoken like a real Jew..believe me the cyber police would knock on your door one day if I dared use your your system..I have softwares here to help scramble my IP address not to talk of some hacking softwares like (i no mention am again)and co.”
“Okay okay..just do your thing” I said as he left the parlour.
The police if they tracked this system would only burst Ariyo and Gwen while they surfed their fetish porn sites. I laughed at the imagination.

“So he was your school mate?” Olivia asked me.
“Yes we were room mates my 3 and 400 level”
Samuel returned with a very powerful looking laptop.
“Core i7..16gig..I don’t even like remembering how much it costs me..but it works like a dream”
“I thought you said your hacking days were behind you?”
“Men..once a hacker…”
The system powered up in seconds then he copied the URL from the other laptop. He stretched and cracked his knuckles before he hit enter.
“Are you sure you don’t need anything? Because once I start..its hard to get up” he asked Olivia.
“Mr man do your magic…I know where your fridge is after all”
He smiled…”Obazino…. you no go ever change”
He hit enter.

“First I need to know the source code of the webpage” he hit some buttons. “Just as I suspected..the scripting language is python” he looked at me “ work be this one o”
“What does it mean? Python? Na snake?”
“ means its not an open source platform if not I would have gotten a copy and changed the whole code”
I didn’t understand Jack…I just leaned back and let him work.
“Oba..I don’t rush my work..hacking is not something you rush..I need a good reconnaissance about my target..that’s how I was successful in school back then, I took my precious time”
“Time is a luxury we don’t have..lives are at stake here”

He frowned then cracked his neck. “I need to check the vulnerability of the website…there’s a software I use..I no mention again 


 it was developed for web developers to test sites they’re building but trust hackers na..we done turn am around use am to dey identify vulnerable sites”
He ran the program on his system and was crossing it with the widows initiative site. I was behind him watching eagerly. It felt like magic.
“Oba stop breathing down my neck’re like my bull mastif”
“So you have a bull mastif and you were telling me it won’t bite? There’s God o” but I gave him space.
He worked for some seconds “Hmmm..this site is as tight as a virgins….” He looked at Olivia “pardon my language ma’am”
“Don’t mind me carry on”
“So you can’t hack it?” I was beginning to panic.
“Please don’t insult me..there’s nothing on this earth that’s unhackable” he looked at Olivia “don’t mind this man..he doesn’t believe”
He typed some foreign looking code. “I’m preparing its medicine now…an injection!”
Olivia and I both winced..the word injection always brought unpleasant memories.
Short Sam continued..he was in his element and he fired on “I would attack the website with an ‘something’ injection(pronounced sequel) That would enable me capture information stored in the database”

This took some time, like half an hour and I moved around his house and played with his little boy who was rolling around in one of the rooms.
I was in the process of throwing the boy and catching him, when I heard Short Sam shout “Bingo!”
I ran to the parlour with the boy still in my arms.
“I’ve found a back door!” Hr exclaimed “or should I say I’ve bursted a wall to use as the back door!” He laughed at his joke and Olivia and I looked at each other not getting the joke.
” I love this python language!” He exclaimed still high on energy and whatever he had accomplished.
The screen didn’t look comprehensible to me. Just small boxes covering up the screen with codes and strange numbers in them.
“Now..I’d install my friend in one corner..a simple cookie catcher code…this code would track the ID password of a login all the way to the real administration of the site”

After some minutes and he was sweating profusely, he looked up and grinned “done!, the thief is hiding..just waiting to strike!”
“S.s speak it done?”
“This was fun, I need to do this more..the catcher code is in, once an admin logs in, I would have his ID and would be able to alter anything on the website.”
“Roger that..boss! You’re too good…so what do we do now..we wait?”
“Yes for the said number 50 is what you want right?”
“Just put it two numbers after the waiting number on the list..then you bump the number down to 983..they would thank us later”
“What is all this really about Oba..”he looked at Olivia “I understand you’re a widow?”
She nodded.
“Short Sam..what you don’t know can’t kill you..but just know that you have hopefully saved hundreds of widows from being smuggled out…I really appreciate it bruv”
He looked like he couldn’t comprehend what I had just told him. Smuggling? But he nodded.
“Me must thank you both…you’ve reignited my passion in hacking…in fact we need to celebrate”
He hurried to his kitchen and returned with a bottle of wine and 3 glasses.

30 minutes later he escorted Olivia and I to the car.
“So once its done..I would let you know”
“Thanks bro..take care..Junior! Be a good boy”

We drove away. “Wow..that guy is really good”
“He’s a genius!”
She smiled at me “so where to pilot?” Her smile was breathtaking and I fell from 30 stories.
Damn! Damn! Damn!
I managed to keep my eyes level and smiled back “we should go to a private hospital for your checkup”
She nodded “thank you”
I sped away and my phone rang. I could see road safety so I connected it to the phone Bluetooth.
“Andy what’s up?”
“Oba..everything is the thing go?”
“Short Sam did it..he would round it up when next an admin logs in”
“ now we just wait?”
“No…tonight we check out the first coordinates..if we see widows..we break them out”
“Sweet…now you’re talking…I better sharpen my dagger!”

“First I need to know the source code of the webpage” he hit some buttons. “Just as I suspected..the scripting language is 


” he looked at me “ work be this one o”
“What does it mean? 


? Na snake?”
“ means its not an open source platform if not I would have gotten a copy and changed the whole code”
I didn’t understand Jack…I just leaned back and let him work.
“Oba..I don’t rush my work..hacking is not something you rush..I need a good reconnaissance about my target..that’s how I was successful in school back then, I took my precious time”
“Time is a luxury we don’t have..lives are at stake here”

He frowned then cracked his neck. “I need to check the vulnerability of the website…there’s a software I use.. 


.. it was developed for web developers to test sites they’re building but trust hackers na..we done turn am around use am to dey identify vulnerable sites”
He ran the program on his system and was crossing it with the widows initiative site. I was behind him watching eagerly. It felt like magic.
“Oba stop breathing down my neck’re like my bullmastif dog”
“So you have a bullmastif and you were telling me it won’t bite? There’s God o” but I gave him space.
He worked for some seconds “Hmmm..this site is as tight as a virgins….” He looked at Olivia “pardon my language ma’am”
“Don’t mind me carry on”
“So you can’t hack it?” I was beginning to panic.
“Please don’t insult me..there’s nothing on this earth that’s unhackable” he looked at Olivia “don’t mind this man..he doesn’t believe”
He typed some foreign looking code. “I’m preparing its medicine now…an injection!”
Olivia and I both winced..the word injection always brought unpleasant memories.
Short Sam continued..he was in his element and he fired on “I would attack the website with an 




) That would enable me capture information stored in the database”

This took some time, like half an hour and I moved around his house and played with his little boy who was rolling around in one of the rooms.
I was in the process of throwing the boy and catching him, when I heard Short Sam shout “Bingo!”
I ran to the parlour with the boy still in my arms.
“I’ve found a back door!” He exclaimed “or should I say I’ve bursted a wall to use as the back door!” He laughed at his joke and Olivia and I looked at each other not getting the joke.
” I love this 


 language!” He exclaimed still high on energy and whatever he had accomplished.
The screen didn’t look comprehensible to me. Just small boxes covering up the screen with codes and strange numbers in them.
“Now..I’d install my friend in one corner..a simple c 


 ca___er code…this code would track the ID password of a login all the way to the real administration of the site”

After some minutes and he was sweating profusely, he looked up and grinned “done!, the thief is hiding..just waiting to strike!”
“S.s speak it done?”
“This was fun, I need to do this more..the ca___r 


 is in, once an admin logs in, I would have his ID and would be able to alter anything on the website.”
“Roger that..boss! You’re too good…so what do we do now..we wait?”
“Yes for the said number 50 is what you want right?”
“Just put it two numbers after the waiting number on the list..then you bump the number down to 983..they would thank us later”
“What is all this really about Oba..”he looked at Olivia “I understand you’re a widow?”
She nodded.
“Short Sam..what you don’t know can’t kill you..but just know that you have hopefully saved hundreds of widows from being smuggled out…I really appreciate it bruv”
He looked like he couldn’t comprehend what I had just told him. Smuggling? But he nodded.
“Me must thank you both…you’ve reignited my passion in hacking…in fact we need to celebrate”
He hurried to his kitchen and returned with a bottle of wine and 3 glasses.

30 minutes later he escorted Olivia and I to the car.
“So once its done..I would let you know”
“Thanks bro..take care..Junior! Be a good boy”

We drove away. “Wow..that guy is really good”
“He’s a genius!”
She smiled at me “so where to pilot?” Her smile was breathtaking and I fell from 30 stories.
Damn! Damn! Damn!
I managed to keep my eyes level and smiled back “we should go to a private hospital for your checkup”
She nodded “thank you”
I sped away and my phone rang. I could see road safety so I connected it to the phone Bluetooth.
“Andy what’s up?”
“Oba..everything is the thing go?”
“Short Sam did it..he would round it up when next an admin logs in”
“ now we just wait?”
“No…tonight we check out the first coordinates..if we see widows..we break them out”
“Sweet…now you’re talking…I better sharpen my dagger!”

We got back home sometime in the evening. Andy and and my dad were busy focused on the Chelsea match.
I had to call Andy to come and open up the gate. After blasting the horn with no reply. He opened the gate then smiled broadly. “Oba! Welcome home..Olivia…so good to see you!”
I shook my head I could tell he was tanked!
“Men up Chelsea!!”
I wheeled Olivia into the compound while he shut the gate. He sobered up then hurried to my side to help me open the door.
“What happened? Did S.s do it?”
“Yes he many bottles have you drank Andy?”
“Not much..I was just assisting your that man is something else”
“Remember we have something to do tonight?”
“How could I forget?”
We entered the parlour just as my dad jumped up in jubilation. “Gooooaaaal!!!” He paid little attention to me and Olivia as he and Andy embraced in a bear hug.
I saw that they were on the second bottle of ammunition and making quick work of it.
I wheeled Olivia to the visitor’s room.
“You need to get some rest..remember what the doctor said?”
She nodded and I could tell her eyes were droopy. I had taken her to a private hospital and they had given her some shots to kill of the pain in the leg and one of them was supposed to let her sleep deeply.
That suited my plans very well because I planned to launch my own ‘operation wrath of God tonight’
I sat with her on the bed and we talked about nothing in particular.
Something wonderful was coming from the kitchen and attacking our noses. I knew she was feeling drowsy but I tried to keep her awake. Judging by how hungry I was, I knew she should be too.
To no avail however, she fell asleep talking about her mother.
“I can’t even let her know that Charles is dead…I can’t let her know about all the debt..sometimes it feels like its choking me…over 5 million naira..and I don’t even have 5% of that…”
She leaned back on the bed and I doubled the pillows to make it comfortable.
“The worst part is the people he owes money aren’t good people at all..they’re the type you shouldn’t owe..” She yawned sleepily..”very dangerous”
“I’m a very dangerous man…” I had earned the right to call myself that hadn’t I? “Trust me..these men would fold or we’ll fold them..I’d pay of the debt..I don’t even know how much is in that case but it should be more than enough” it would be smart to change it to naira before the naira climbed up completely. Plus there would be the money to expect from the initiative..I didn’t know how it worked and I felt the need to deal with it very carefully.
I studied her for some minutes watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful and I must have sat there staring for long because I suddenly heard a not too discreet cough. I looked up to see my mother shaking her head smiling at me.
“Do you know how long I stood there watching you?”
I just shrugged and got to my feet.
“Is she the reason you and Fome broke up?”
No mama.. Fome is dead. I almost told her. I mean why not? But I wasn’t ready to answer questions or to be honest I wasn’t ready to open myself to the guilt that was sure to follow should I mention Fome’s death.
So instead I said: “no, she’s not the reason. Fome and I broke up long before I met her”
She nodded. “Why’s she is ready”
I was famished. I headed to the door but kissed my mother on the cheek and just as I expected she softened and smiled.
“That sounds wonderful…Olivia needs some rest..the doctor gave her some medications and she needs to sleep it off”
“Okay…how’s the leg?”
“I bet once she wakes up it would feel as good as new”
My mother looked at her for a second longer “she’s very beautiful”
I knew what was coming.. And she’d birth beautiful grandkids for her, handsome and strong,…I’ve heard it countless times before.
But she decided to cut me some slack. She squeezed my cheek affectionately “oya come and eat…I arranged mount Everest for you to demolish as usual”

We had lunch/dinner (it was 6:30pm, if anyone would get hungry later the fridge was there for raiding. I didn’t want to be around when Ariyo came and found out that his 7 foot fridge had been raped inside out. That was my own small way of getting back at him over my unpaid Christmas bonus.)
My dad was in a very happy mood since Chelsea won and just as had been predicted earlier, arsenal had lost again. I was always a Chelsea fan but honestly, the last thing on my mind was football.

After the dinner my dad insisted he wanted to walk round the close and ‘clear his head’ I saw nothing wrong but then I would remember the shadow..that lunatic was still on the loose.
“I’d go with you..I need to stretch my legs”
“Me too.”
My dad was irritated. “Can’t you boys find something to do? I want to stroll with my wife”
I looked at Andy. He had no comeback to rescue me with this time. My mother said “you boys should wouldn’t be nice to leave Olivia asleep alone in this big house. She might wake up”
I could tell my dad was irritated. But seriously I was still wondering when all this lovey dovey between the two of them started. I loved it though!
“Dad why don’t we take a spin in the car…I know you would love the handling”
His face brightened immediately. “You know what? That’s a very good idea!”
As a contract worker all he drove were trucks, tankers, even bulldozers. I knew he would relish the smooth handling of the V8 engine.

We ‘boys’ took the car out for a spin. I wore a thick windbreaker, thankful that it was windy but the truth was that it concealed the suppressed desert eagle .50 magnum.

My dad raised his brow when I locked the gate from outside. “You know that’s wrong…what if there was some kind of have locked them inside”
I said nothing just tossed his 6 foot 4 inch frame the car keys and he forgot about the gate immediately.

45 minutes later, we were back at home. Andy and I sat at the dining table in hushed tones planning and strategizing. My parents were in the parlour.
I had the paper that contained the coordinates on the table and a picture of Google map on the laptop screen.
We had decided it best to wait till everyone was asleep before we left for the nearest location.

My parents appeared in the dining from no where and I studied the paper and rambled gibberish to Andy as if we were facing a work related problem.
“That’s it…so if we can link the account to the relevant Bvn, it would mean…” I looked up. “What’s wrong? Is there any problem”
My mother nodded at Andy “please excuse us”
“No let him stay..they’re 5 and 6 after all”
“That’s true.”
They sat down opposite us.
I looked at Andy. What again?


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