Delayed Diagnosis Episode 12
Written by Kingsley Olanrewaju Efughi
Fome was the voice of reason. The air was heavy with tension as Mona and I continued our stand off. I had come too far to back down now and my fear had to be given the back seat. Fome moved closer to us. She looked at me and shook her head and I knew at that moment that it was all over between us…to be honest I felt like I had dodged the bullet. Although Fome had been the only person I had worried about, in the past few hours however she had shocked me too many times to count. Once with electricity!
She turned to Mona
“Mona what are you doing? Don’t you know that any mistake we all could get killed?”
Mona lowered her gun still looking at me but I maintained my position.
Fome looked at me. “I don’t even know who you are again”
“Touché” I replied grimly.
I noticed movement from the corner of my eye and swung the gun widely. It was the old crooner standing up.
They must have all thought I was going to shoot because they all shouted my name and the old crooner flinched. I raised my eye brow at the chief.His lips were the last I expected to hear shout ‘Jesus’.
“What is wrong with you boy, do you want to get us all killed!” The chief boomed and I could see his hand on his thin chest as he tried to steady his pulse.
“Rex stop this we need to leave here put away the gun” Mona and Fome chorused together. Funny now but their resemblance was very striking all of a sudden and I wondered how Andy and I had been blind to it all the times we used to hang out.(Apart from the one time I had noticed it in a drunken haze but even that had been quickly forgotten.)
I still did not lower the gun nor my voice.
“I came here for something and if I don’t leave here with it I would be dead in two days..” I glanced at my wrist but didn’t see any watch.
That would be the second watch in about 3 weeks. And it only just occurred to me that I had been in this same operations house when I had lost the first. Although that had been in the morning and was the day it all began(‘it’ being my stealing of the papers). Now it was night and it had to be the day it ended.
“Now its not up to two days any more..this is about…” I consulted my ‘watch less’ wrist. “About 37 hours!” I shouted.
I knew I was giving the vibes that I was unstable and the funny thing is I wasn’t acting. I was freaking out.
Everyone seemed rooted to the spot and their positioning sort of formed a circle and they all looked at me with apprehension and open mouth wonder.
Fome must have been thinking “so Rex Obasi, my ex fiance whom I dated for years is finally cracking up under all this pressure”
Mona must have been thinking “why can’t he just be as calm and gentle as sweet Andy”
Ada I’m not so sure but something according to these lines.”he was always strange anyway…sexy but strange…too bad I didn’t shag him before. (lemme boost my ego abeg)
The old crooner the one person I loath more than the chief was looking at me and her eyes showed her thoughts like subtitles.
“O ti ya were’ ma si pa'” (he has gone crazy. I’d still kill him)
The chief didn’t give me the chance to ‘read his mind’
“Rex we need to leave this place. Have you heard about gas explosions? They wouldn’t even see our our bones to bury”
“Chief you are going to check the papers on the floor..then you are going to give me the one I’m here for..the paper with the coordinates of the sleeper cells and terror hide outs.”
Ada gasped and I looked at her “yes dear..daddy hasn’t been a pillar of the community”
I returned my attention to the Chief.
“If you don’t give me the paper Chief..I swear on the grave I would be buried in I would empty this gun until this house is blown to the sky” my voice was chilly and controlled but they sounded like the words of a mad man..imagine the Joker, Batman’s nemesis till tomorrow, his words would be eloquently spoken and adequately spaced but the content and delivery would assure you that this was no sane man.
I’d like to think that
was how I sounded to the chief that night. I continued pacing the room as I looked from one face to another. And my gun didn’t waver once. I pointed it anywhere my eyes went and the person at the other end always flinched.
Even Mona who held a deadlier and scarier gun also jerked her hands to try and shield her face as though if I were to pull the trigger her hands would magically stop the bullet.
“Chief look at these faces well or better yet look at the mirror because I know you care only about yourself…I would blow everybody here up if I don’t get that paper..” I looked away from Ada to the chief. (I at first made a conscious effort not to point the gun at her but I got carried away.)
I pointed the gun at the chief again.
“You know why? because that paper is my life line right now..thanks to you by the way..and without it I’m dead”
I made as if to rooster the gun but it had none. It was a suitable assassin’s weapon. Once the safety was off you fired away without having to rooster each round into the chamber.
My hand movement was very believable it seemed because I heard the gasp from around me and the chief shut his eyes probably thinking it was over.
“I won’t die alone..I would need friends to take with me to the other side..starting from you..and if the devil loves alcohol you won’t run out of business..ammunition would sell well there I’m sure” this was directed at the Chief.
My eyes narrowed and my index finger moved as if to caress the trigger. But to be truthful I had no plan to get too my people always say ‘when there is life there is hope’ and if it would be 36 hours I had, then I’d use it to say a proper goodbye to my family instead of speeding it up.
No one had to know my true thoughts. And I asked the Chief harshly “so what’s your call? The ball is in your court”
He looked at me for seconds then sighed.
“Rex when you found those papers that was just a little mind trick..I needed someone in the banking industry that would..should I say look the other way while I passed billions of naira through the bank..I chose you because you were close to someone I saw as my daughter(he turned to Fome) God knows I thought wrong..but I liked you and I thought to myself why not link this boy so millions would touch his hand. The night I called you after Fome left..I never knew you were halfway gone already and I decided to Pump you with liquor..that night I told you about it..but you kept on drifting off then you would wake up lamenting about Fome. I brought you here but you passed out and I decided to mess with you the next morning..” He broke off to catch his breath. The gas smell was thick in the air and beginning to choke. Everyone was paying attention to the Chief and no one seemed to notice it.
“In my haste something else got mixed up with the papers”
He walked to his wardrobe and brought out a slimmer brief case.
“Rex…you want to know why I’ve been lowering my voice all night long?” He was putting the combination.
“That’s because this house is ever hear of a terrorist group called black September?”
He had the case open and was leafing through its contents.
“Actually I have” I replied.
He looked at me then smiled “Rex my boy what have you gotten yourself into”
“You mean what did you get me into and stop calling me your boy”
“But I never forced the papers into your hands…you snooped around and you stole it” he laughed crazily and I thought to myself ‘this is the real joker’ maybe the gas had began to affect his brain.
However he was sober suddenly.
“Rex once you leave here with this papers…your clock starts ticking..”
“You don’t is already ticking”
He shook his head.
“Then its are just delaying the outcome..” He glanced at the old crooner. “This ancient hag should have done you the mercy of ending your life I’m afraid but she spent more time planning to to. From me..”
She bared her teeth “who are you calling old hag?”
“Your own time is up don’t worry” he replied her then looked at me. But I was thinking of what he had said..of a word he had used ‘delaying’. That I was delaying what? My diagnosis? What was the diagnosis? Who was the doctor doing the ‘diagnosis? Dr Rasheed?.
What the chief was saying was too potent however and when I heard a key word my attention was drawn back to him.
“Blow? Blow up who?”
He was holding a paper and I knew it had to be it. The coordinates. I could see numbers all over it and recalled it from before. I hadn’t even paid attention to it the first time.
“I said this people are able to blow up all members of your family simultaneously if they were scattered around the world. Not to talk of only here in Nigeria..Rex be wise”
I was thinking…my eyes were wide..but then I remembered the way Dr. Rasheed had rattled of my sisters address and how he had talked about my parents activities.. I shuddered..
“I’d take the papers Chief..give me so we could all get to safety”
He handed it over and I took it and let my guard down as I stared at it the gun was pointing to the floor but no one seemed to notice. even the old crooner looked shaken by what she had heard..another set of assassins that were totally out of her league! A part of my brain still Nagged me that she was Fumi’s killer and hadn’t yet paid for it..but what could I do? The papers in my hands still felt like a miracle.
Emenike sat up. He had been knocked out for about half an hour..he looked around madly and his eyes settled on me “Mathias..what’s happening?”
The chief looked at him..”get up you to the kitchen and switch of the gas then run to the red room and carry those letters outside immediately”
I looked at him which letters? But something told me I wouldn’t want to know.
Emenike shook his head as if he didn’t understand…he looked at me strangely then got up he made to go out of the room but then he spotted Mona. “You too…what is going on here babe?”
His eyes caught the gun in her hand.
“What are you holding that for..?” He turned back..”you sef Mathias…what is going on here…why are you even in daddy’s room”
“Emmy!” Chief shouted “can’t you smell the gas? Go and do what I told you right now…And if I find out you’re on my powder..I’d grind your bones to replace the one you used” he added as Emenike hurried out of the room.
He turned to Ada “Adaobi..see…where do I start. First I’m sorry-“
“Daddy biko..I don’t even want to hear again…please by next week just book my flight..I’m ready to go to school more designing for me”
I felt some kind of guilt knowing I had killed that dream.
“You could go to a fashion school..some place like France” I added looking for a silver lining.
She nodded and was about to say something but Mona interrupted.
“Look at all of you exchanging pleasantries like you just finished church..I have a gun too and Chief we also are not leaving till we get what we are owed”
“Actually I was just leaving thank you very much” I made to move towards the door hugging the paper to my chest. She pointed the gun and I stopped
“no one leaves till we get what we came for”
I turned to the Chief “Chief you self give them the money” that reminded me of the fresh dollar notes…I had called it my secondary objective at the time but now that the primary was in my hands…
Chief retrieved some papers from the floor..the ones he had arranged previously.
“How much..take the papers..250 million..I can still add another 50 for rounding up sake…I am tired of all this gun pointing today”..he looked around “idiot Jumbo is no where to be found”
Fome spoke up this time “Chief this was not just about the money…we came for something I need to take you down memory lane?”
Chief squinted his eyes trying to think…then his eyes widened in comprehension.
I had no plan to be in the middle of another confrontation. I had what I came for and if I could grab just one rubber band of dollars I’d be fine. Greediness had previously put me in this situation so I didn’t intend to be greedy again. Just one rubber would do. But my sixth sense could smell danger looming.
I sniffed the air, I could still smell the gas.
A strange noise sounded from outside and the chief stopped speaking.
“Jumbo!” He shouted towards the window.
The reply was two frag grenades shot through the window. They smashed the glass and I saw one of them bounce of the wall then roll to the floor..the flash of light was brief but blinding, thick foggy smoke began to escape from both canisters.. I knew what was happening! Thanks to call of duty video game. And i knew who was behind it:strange eyes! He had taking soo much time that I thought he wasn’t coming but he must have been getting prepared for a major strike.
It was a mad dash to the door as I grabbed Ada’s hand..she was caught up in all this because of me and I had to protect her no matter what.
I could hear other windows being smashed as the canisters were shot in..the smell of gas was still very potent mixed with the fog coming from the cannisters.
The lights went out. That didn’t stop me. I ran blindly to where I had seen the door last still gripping Ada’s hand. We were all coughing madly and someone in particular (I’m guessing the old crooner) sounded like she was coughing out her lungs. It was a mad dash to the door and Ada was beside me as we sprinted in the darkness in coughing fits.
She should be behind me…I thought to myself. The doorway can only take one person she would be hurt…
As this thought turned round my mind, I ran into the wall and Ada passed through the door. The pain was blinding as I went down still clutching the paper in my left hand.
Ada came back for me.She helped me to my feet.
“They brought an helicopter!.who are these people”
I couldn’t speak if I wanted to, my throat was on fire and I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
She had her flashlight from her phone on however and the beam was sufficient to lead her through the house.. I followed blindly with the one thought on my mind being the paper which I still clutched in my left hand.
“Easy Rex we are at the steps” she warned “just put one leg in front slowly I’d guide you”
I was extremely grateful…I tried to say thanks but my throat wouldn’t permit me to talk.
We moved slowly down the stairs and were just getting to the bend when someone from behind rushed past with such speed that I almost lost my balance.
“She doesn’t move like an old woman..see her run” Ada commented and I thought to myself ‘that must be the old crooner’
“The smell of gas was stronger downstairs because the kitchen was on this floor. And once we had descended the steps fully, we quickened our pace.
We had gotten to the main door leading outside when we heard a series of gunshots from outside. We stopped at the doorway. Gunshots from outside? The same outside we were heading to..
But inside was smoking not to mention the deadly gas that continued to spread waiting for the slightest spark to blow everything to bits.
It seemed we were between the devil and the blue sea. But I thought to myself ‘the devil you know….’
Strange eyes was the devil but he was a known one.
Firstly I squeezed the paper in my pocket..if Dr. Rasheed complained that it wasn’t neat I would strangle him with his stethoscope..considering all I had gone through to get it in the first place.
I strained to open my eyes then pulled Ada towards the door.
“What are you doing? Didn’t you hear them shoot?”
“Just put your hands up and trust me”
She seemed doubtful but she followed.
It seemed the moon had doubled its effort because the compound was twice as bright but then the strange noice I had been hearing had me looking up.
It was a chopper! And the powerful beam was focused on Ada and I blinding us.
“Get down! Get on the floor!”
No idea where the shouts were coming from, we obeyed I went horizontal quickly tugging Ada’s hand to follow my lead.
Armed men approached us, I couldn’t see their faces and dared not look up but the boots I saw alone assured me that this was the real deal.
Someone grabbed my hands(which I had forgotten on my head) and something cold snapped my wrist I knew it had to be handcuffs.
From the corner of my eye I saw Someone was also attending to Ada.
“How many of you are in there?!”
The man had a very deep voice but his knee was pressing into my back making it impossible to speak.
“About five..I’m not the enemy please…”
I heard another voice and for the first time since he had forced his way into my life, I was glad to hear strange eyes voice.

.y leave him..that’s my informant”
The knee shifted, I was helped to my feet and the ‘dy’ (pronounced deewhy) removed the handcuffs.
They freed Ada also.
I looked around and could count about a dozen agents in complete regalia..helmets,kevlar vest,knee pad and a very wicked rifle so sophisticated that it looked like a toy.
Strange eyes materialised from their mist.
“Where is Fome and the Chief”
I noticed how he asked for Fome first.
“She is in there with the Chief and Mona” I looked at his face and saw his right eye was almost swollen shut and his lips were slightly swollen. It seemed Mona had beat him black blue.
Ada had come to stand beside me and I was about to tell Strange eyes about the bags of ‘powder’ in the house and in the car, but her presence made me hesitate..he was her dad after all.
Strange eyes on hearing the confirmation that they were all in the house signalled to the men who had all taken a kneeling stance and had their guns trained at the doorway.
“Please try not to shoot there has been a gas leak in there” Ada pleaded desperately and I could tell she was concerned about her dad and brother.
“What kind of gas?” Strange eyes asked.
His questions wouldn’t get to be answered because Mona came running out of the house with her gun still in sight.
“Drop your weapon! Drop it now!”
She ignored the shouts but kept on running to my direction I could see the tears in her eyes and something moved me..all of a sudden a chill ran down my spine and I had the feeling that Mona and Fome had come here for something equally important as well not just money.
The bullets cut her down and Ada screamed..I shouted also and held my ears.
About two agents had gunned her down and I could see the blood spreading about her.
My first thought was: Andy…oh my God..I knew he loved his wife 100% and this was going to knock him down.
It was that thought that had me running towards her.
I heard strange eyes shout my name which I ignored. He shouted my name again then to his men “hold your fire!”
For the second time in 3 days I knelt beside a dying woman surrounded by blood as she breathed in her last.
“Rex…do this for me and Fome..avenge our deaths…the widows initiative…1989 please Rex find out what really…”
She must have strained her self to the limit to say those words because she didn’t get to finish..a chill ran down my spine as the feeling of déjà vu came over me once more..I closed her eyelids thinking about what she had said..the widows initiative?..1989? Which one was this again..and she had said avenge her and Fome’s death was Fome dead?
“Rex step away from that body now” strange eyes barked
I turned to look at him and I don’t know if it was the emotions of the past few days..or seeing another person draw her last breath before my eyes but I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks.
“Why did you have to shoot her..she didn’t raise her gun”
“But she refused to drop it when she was ordered to” strange eyes replied.
“Who is this fool that you are explaining operations procedure to..I say we lock him up and waterboard him until he confesses to what he didn’t do” this came from dy. (Waterboarding is an interrogation or torture technique using water and a piece of cloth to give the sensation that one is drowning).
I didn’t know if strange eyes would have agreed to it or not because another agent shouted: “INCOMING!!”
I looked up to see The Chief and Emenike running madly.
“She said you’ll never get her alive” Emenike shouted as they got Closer.
“Who” another agent asked.
No one replied him. My mouth hung open when Strange eyes opened one of the Ford jeep doors (the agents always uses strong 4 wheel drive jeeps for operations) and ushered the Chief inside.
He selected half a dozen of his men.
“Alpha…you and Dy split into three each and smoke her out..try not to kill her shoot her kneecaps if you must”
I couldn’t believe what was happening, He was treating the Chief like royalty but going to shoot out Fome’s knee caps? What the hell was happening?
Emenike spotted Mona’s body on the floor and started wailing. The chief opened the door and instructed him to get inside.
“You too Ada” he added and his voice was very different now..not like the voice that had been shaking minutes ago when faced with a gun. Now it carried authority.
Ada called my name. “Rex?” She held out her hand for me to join her in the car. But I shook my head, emotions were bursting within me and I felt like a sissy. What’s more I felt like I had been running around blindly without any form of understanding at all…
As I watched Alpha and DY lead half a dozen agents to the house I chewed over Mona’s dying words..1989..the widows initiative…what was that? Something else nagged my brain…she had said ‘avenge me and Fome’s death’
Suddenly I knew what was going to happen. I got up from where Mona’s body lay and moved to the very back..I passed the few agents whose eyes were all trained on the house. Even strange eyes only spared me a glance as he spoke into a mouth piece “Alpha Dy what’s your position? over”
The chief was looking at me from the car and the moonlight plus the beam from the helicopter was enough to make me see his smile. He must have seen my surprise at his reception from strange eyes.
His two children were in the car and Ada opened the door thinking I was
Coming in. I passed the car however and went to stand beside the gate house. Where Mathias and Jumbo were probably still tied up. I saw the old crooner’s body on the floor were multiple bullets had ripped into her frail body. Instead of feeling satisfaction I felt sick however.
I could hear strange eyes voice repeating over and over “what’s your status. over”
His status is quarter to dead’ I thought idly and lo and behold the explosion happened.
The whole house went up in flames the roof also catapulted into the air raining fire and the helicopter was fortunate that the pilot had the experience and skill to move it out of harms way.
I hadn’t even heard any gunshot and I knew the reason Mona had been crying was because Fome had already headed towards the kitchen to blow herself up while she came running about.
The explosion had affected everyone in the compound and one agent had been too close that a piece of ‘fire’wood had landed on him spreading fire all over his body. Other agents hosed him down with a fire extinguisher while he yelped in pain.
Strange eyes was quiet..he had his head in his hands and I knew that it was due to the fact he had not caught Fome rather than for the 6 men he just lost.
As I watched the house burn I looked at the Chief who was smiling victoriously…
And I knew the paper wasn’t safe in my pocket not while i was seemed strange eyes and co. offered him protection when they should be arresting him. I sneaked towards the gate.
Everyone had their attention on the fire and I knew I must sieze this opportunity now.
As I moved towards the gate..I promised the souls of Fome and Mona..the two sisters who died in one night, that whatever the year 1989 meant or whatever the term ‘widows initiative’ meant I would find out for their sake and avenge their deaths..something told me it was all still tied to the Chief and frankly I was tired of him.
But first things first..I had to see the Dr. Rasheed now that I had the papers and make sure my family wouldn’t see any harm.
And as for the terrorist group Chief spoke about..this black September…
My mind was blank solution was forth coming..
I prayed that he had been exaggerating but somehow I knew he had not.
I successfully exited the compound and I walked down the street. Funny but I wasn’t in any hurry I took my time, with my shoulders hunched and my hands in my pockets.
People had run out from their different houses and were looking at the flames which was burning red into the sky. there were gasps and some pointing of fingers as the few people on the street whispered to themselves about me.
I didn’t care. My mind was in shock and I chose to find respite in times of the past.
“I’ve been noticing you for weeks but you never smile why is that?” I was on my ‘school swag’ with denim jeans and denim jacket with the traditional comb in my afro hair. I had been noticing this chick for days but she had the habit of disappearing whenever I decided to approach her. I would see her then just check my reflection or decide to comb my hair or check my teeth and poof! She’d be gone.
Not today however, I saw her coming out of the admin block and I had been with a course mate of mine Samuel who was the serious type and didn’t joke with his studies.
“Sam abeg help me write attendance” my eyes didn’t leave the girl. She was really breathtaking and I didn’t plan to give her the chance to disappear again.
“Why what is wrong?” Samuel asked then he saw were my eyes was focused.
“You dog you know Fagbamila might give us test today sha?”
I didn’t reply my legs already moving towards her direction.
She stood alone reading something off the notice board and I noticed her legs were smooth and long (I’ve always been a sucker for nice legs).
I stood beside her for seconds as if o had something I was checking for on the board.
I noticed her brows were drawn together in a frown and decided to use the ‘always frowning’ line.
I leaned in, flashed my killer smile and said (in what I hoped was a sexy drawl) “I’ve been noticing you for weeks but you never smile..why is that?”
I actually thought she hadn’t heard me because she continued with whatever she was reading. I was about to repeat myself when she said..”that’s because I always see you ‘noticing’
She used her fingers to quote the word ‘noticing’ and somehow I knew I was in.
“Well it didn’t work”
Curiosity won over like I hoped it would. She looked at me “what didn’t work?”
“Your frowning drew closer instead…try smiling maybe I would run”
She laughed at that and I knew I was a goner..look at that mouth!
“I’m obasi..Rex Obasi” I was in love with 007 at the time and I practiced the way he always said his name ‘Bond…James Bond’
She looked at me and I could see her trying to decide. Finally she smiled “I’m Fome”
“That’s a lovely look lovely too”
“Really…look I’m in a hurry I need to rush home..nice meeting you”
“I’d like to see you again can I get your number?”
I brought my phone with the very long antenna(that was the ‘happening’ phone at the time)
She smiled then “why should I give you my number”
“Because although you look appealing when you frown..your smile is breathtaking…and I want to make you smile more.”
She smiled at that and in that moment I knew it would be easy falling for her..I was half way gone already!
“Lemme dial it on your case you don’t call and I need to smile so I will have yours too”
Eight years ago that had happened when I met Fome..and now she was dead! I walked the streets at 1:30am with my mind swimming around the one thing I found hard to accept as fact. FOME WAS DEAD!
Blown away…
I couldn’t even cry…I was still in shock. Fome whom I had truly loved and imagined as the mother of my children…Fome…dead?
My phone rang. It was Andy.
I picked it up.
“Oba why you dey always cut call when I still dey follow you talk..that thing dey vex person”
“I’m sorry”
“ dey dey alright?”
I was quiet.
“Anyway” he continued “you done see Mona for hospital? Them don discharge Alhaja since but she never come house”
“Andy I’m sorry” something told me not to break the news over the phone. “Are you at home”
“Make I no lie for you Rex..I dey house but abeg no come I don’t tire for your fit come na na my head you go burst. I called you to ask for my wife..if you never see am no wahala we go see during the day when you go fit see wella”
“No problem bro” he would see me soon.
“By the way did you ever know that Mona and Fome were sisters?”
“Sisters..not at all..they met each other through us..have you forgotten when. We introduced them…wait Oba are you sure you are okay…you don dey worry me o”
“I’m okay no problem”
I ended the call.
Andy’s home Was very far from where I was and I had no idea how I would get there.
Save for the occasional car that passed by (and with very high speed) the road was empty.
As I stood at the pavement considering my next step. I saw a bike in the distance. I paid little attention to it because my mind was still jumbled up..I could still here the explosion and see the house burst in flames..the heat had been something else and even me at a distance I had felt the searing heat.
The bike pulled over without me stopping it and I blinked at it as o cleared my thoughts.
Two guys in their mid 20s were on it. The one behind leaned to my side.
“Abeg bros we dey find this address” he made to show me a paper and one part of my brain sounded the alarm. Everywhere was pitch black..the Government had skipped this area when they were installing street lamps about so how did he want me to see?
I saw the knife..which was almost as long as a cutlass but pointed like a sword. I wondered where he had brought it from.
“I would cut your throat if you move..oya hand over your phone and your fast!”
It wouldn’t be until later when I replayed it in my head that I marveled at my response. I didn’t even think..I just..acted!
The knife was pointed close to my throat..and I put my hands in my pocket as if to comply with him.
I brought my knee up suddenly and the knife was in the air as o
I hit his hand.
Before he could blink I had crossed his face with my fist and I heard the breaking of bone..probably his nose. I didn’t feel any pain in my knuckles..not this time..all I felt was rage!
I caught the knife on its descent then brought it to the face of the driver. Whose eyes had widened in surprise.
“It is because of people like you that Lagos is not a safe place”
“Oga me just dey ride.. I no know”
The passenger and potential thief was moaning in pain clutching his nose and I kicked him..or more accurately shoved him with my feet. He fell over the other side.
I mounted the bike then brought the knife to the side of the driver.
“Just the driver abi…oya take me where I tell you to..If you make mistake I would cut your back open”
“Yes the same thing him do for me”
“Why are we still here…move!”
I had been edging this way since I discovered Fumi’s body, I had gotten closer to the edge while I bent over Mona’s lifeless body..But the moment the house had exploded with Fome in it I had gone over the edge…Now I didn’t feel afraid anymore..I didn’t feel cowardly anymore..I might not have lightening reflexes or super fighting skills..but hence forth I was going to face whatever life dished me head on…Rex Obasi was a new man.
I highlighted from the bike about two streets from Andy’s apartment.
I thought it wise not to let the bike man know the house I was going to because I knew he had to be in liaison with the thief. And the only thing worse than a thief was one hungry for revenge.
I was becoming attached to the blade however and as the driver sped off I considered throwing it into the gutter.
Hours ago, I had turned down a similar knife from a suya seller because I thought I didn’t have the guts to rip someone open. Now I wasn’t so sure but the idea didn’t seem so appalling anymore.
I strolled down the empty street in silence hearing a dog bark in the distance. I worried about street would be hard to explain my presence by this time almost 2 in the morning, not to mention the wicked blade that glinted in the moonlight.
Maybe I should just throw it away..I had scared Andy too much already seeing the blade could put him in a frenzy.
I only considered this thoughts but didn’t act on it. At the end, I knocked on Andy’s door grateful that no vigilante had stopped me.
Andy must have thought it was Mona..which means he probably would have been awake waiting frantically for her.
He opened the door without asking who it was and when he saw me his face literally fell.
I was too tired to be hurt by his ‘enthusiasm’ or lack thereof. I barged into his home pushing the arm he used to block the door out of the way.
He shut the door. “Oba I don tire for you no even dey listen to me again..which kind friend you be?”
“A friend in need” I replied heading to his fridge. I left the blade on his dining table. “Which would make me a friend indeed” I brought out a canned beer. Trust Andy to always have that in full stock.
His eyes had widened at the sight of the blade and he watched me warily.
“Oba I don’t know what you are turning to…scratch that I don’t know what you have turned to but please, please and please stay away from me..if you truly value my friendship”
“I value your friendship Andy..God knows I do” I drank again..the can was half empty a matter of fact I wouldn’t mind turning to an alcoholic.
“Then why do you keep on doing this to me..see what I went through the last time…the police almost skinned me alive”
I was quiet. I had thought to get a little tipsy so I could tell him easily about Mona but the beer had turned to water in mouth.
“Normally I wouldn’t would even be fun..but not anymore I’m married”
On a normal day I would have rolled my eyes at this but not tonight.
“Not only that Rex..but I’m going to be a father”
I looked up in surprise and despite myself I said “congratulations” I know how much Andy had wanted a child. But look at the card life had dealt him. Even if Mona had been carrying Emenike’s child Andy would have been the best father that child could hope for.
My anger doubled again this time not only for Mona’s sake, not only for Andy’s sake but for the unborn child’s sake. For being robbed off having one of the best Father’s one could hope for.
Andy continued “Oba you know you’re my brother but you have to understand..I just called my mom last night and her joy was priceless..” He smiled at the memory and I knew I had to do something fast because I was losing my nerve.
“Andy..Fome is dead!”
He blinked at me as he lost his train of thought.
“My God..Rex” he crossed over to where I was still rummaging the fridge for God knows what.
“What God…Rex..are you okay?..dead? come?” This stumbled out of his mouth and I could see him struggle to comprehend and also struggle with guilt concerning his initial reaction to see me.
He held my shoulder and lapsed into silence. “I know how much you loved her..God..Fome dead? come?..why?”
I was thinking of how to tell him about Mona when Fome had rocked him so but he unknowingly gave me the opening.
“Is that why you called saying she and Mona where sisters that time?”
“Yes Andy…they were sisters she and Mona..they hid it from us all along and they both died tonight.”
The world seemed to stop spinning But Andy didn’t hold anything for balance. He walked calmly to where I stood and gripped me by the collar.
“Oba I love you like the brother I never wanted but if you lie to me about this again I would break your face I swear it”
Now Andy was lanky and very tall with ropy arms. The kind you’d find on a teenager going through that award phase but I believed him and I knew he could do it right then..with what I saw in his eyes.
“Andy I’m not joking” I choked out “Mona and Fome were killed hours ago and I saw it all happen..”
He loosened his hold and for a second I thought he was going to punch me.
But he said “Rex..I’ve had enough..please get out”
Did I mention Andy was the king of the Nile? He probably bathe in Egyptian rivers daily (I meant denial…I’m a rapper sorry)
“Andy I’m sorry but Mona was shot dead..she wasn’t who you thought she was and Fome wasn’t who I thought she was and they were sisters”
Now he looked like he was going to smash my face and I braced myself. If it took him to put me in the hospital before he would believe then that was what it was going to be.
I was saved by the bell however. Or more accurately by a knock.
Andy looked at the door then at me. And I could read his thoughts clearly…that was Mona at the door!
I shook my head but he released me then headed for the door.
I stayed by the fridge thinking of what next..if he didn’t believe me then I had to leave…there was only so much I could do.
I heard the voice as the door opened.
“Good evening sir..or should I say good morning…please did you learn anything from your wife concerning the initiative?”
“What initiative and who are you”
I had been about to open another can seems intoxication was the way out..but the words stopped me cold..
“The widows initiative..what did your wife tell you about it?”
I was rushing to the it intuition or 6th sense or my not so reliable spider sense..but I knew that a bullet was coming.