BROKEN Episode 6 – Tishania Ginikachi

BROKEN Episode 1 - Tishania Ginikachi

Episode 6

She didn’t let their feet land into the living room she just bursted on them.

“Philly where have you been? Have been calling you and texting you but you haven’t responded to any of my text or calls”, madam Dora yelled.

“Have been busy, I took Rita to the hospital. Her water broke while she was cleaning, I had to do something. I took her to the hospital and she gave birth to a baby girl, just look at her peaceful face”, sir Philly carried me from my mother with so much joy on his face trying to show his wife.

But she waved him away making him fall to the ground with the baby, my mother’s heart skipped.

“I don’t want to see any child, how is it your responsibility to take our house keeper to the hospital? Where is the man who is responsible for the pregnancy? Why didn’t he take her to the hospital?”, She yelled.

My mother took me from sir philly and tried comforting me by the door.

“Dora you have started this your nonsense behavior, why can’t you be happy for someone. Why must you downgrade people?”, Sir philly said scolded.

“Philly, is there something your not telling me? Are you the one responsible for this pregnancy? Because your outdoing yourself here, trying to be responsible for another persons child”, madam Dora yelled.

My mother couldn’t take it anymore, so she took her things and left. Sir Philly didn’t even know when she left the house, my mother went straight to her house and arranged everywhere peacefully and we slept.

The next day was a new day, my mother woke up to a knock on the wood use to block the entrance like a door.

She went to remove it to see who it was, Lo and behold it was sir Philly.

“Sir good morning, what are you doing here?”, She asked.

“Rita, why did you leave the house and you didn’t tell me. Have been calling your line since yesterday and you refuse to respond to my calls”, he asked with a sad face.

“Sir I can’t stay in that house, I don’t want to bring issues between you and your wife. Am sorry but I can’t”, my mother replied.

“Okay I understand, but you can’t stay here with your baby. This place is not conducive for a child”, he added.

“I will manage and God will provide for me, I know your trying to help me thank you I appreciate but I don’t be in that house please”, my mother echoed.

Sir Philly dipped his hands into his pocket and brought out bundle of money.

“Okay, take this and manage for the day. I will be back later to see you, I promise”, he said before leaving.

“Thank you sir, God bless you sir”, my mother thanked him till her drove out.

My mother was excited about the money, she has been thinking how she will hawk with me at her back. Now God surprised her, she prayed that day and praised God.

She made something to eat, so she will be able to breastfeed me very well. She never knew something was going to happen in an hour later.

Episode 7 loading…
© Tishania Ginikachi

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