ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 79 – 85 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 - 8 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 79 – 85 by dy9ty7

Episode 79

Sandra cleaned her lips with the napkin and
drank a full cup of water.
“How was it?” Janet who was packing up the
plates asked.
“Delicious and yummy.” Sandra complimented.
“Thank you ma.” Janet replied.
Sandra sat for a few seconds looking at Janet
as she expertly packed
the plates and took them into the kitchen for
“Jane!” She called.
“Maaa.” Janet replied rushing into the dining.
“I’ll be going out now. Like I said earlier, keep
a watchful eye on
Sabur.” She instructed referring to the
“Ok ma. I will.” Janet replied.
“Bye.” She said as she picked up her handbag
from the centre table in
the living room and grabbed a pack of fruit
“Bye ma.” Janet replied and walked back into
the kitchen.
Sandra walked towards her white Chrysler300
and hopped behind the
wheel. She backed the car and made a U-turn
facing the gate. The car
moved slowly towards the opened gate.
“Sabur, keep a watchful eye on Janet.
Understood?” She asked.
“Yes ma.” Sabur replied.
Sandra wound up the glasses and drove out of
the compound. She planned
seeing Nkechi today at her private residence
and they hoped to get
something out of the meeting where Nkechi
had promised to invite her
husband’s political defenders. She opened the
juice and gulped almost
half of the content.
She got to the junction of the estate and
waited for cars to move
before she joined the main road like every
lawful road user.
Back in the house, Janet walked out of the
house heading towards the
gate post where Sabur, the gateman lived.
“Baby, wassup?” Sabur asked.
“Its not by force if you want to belong. You
didn’t go to school and
you are here forming literacy. Abeg park well.”
She said as she sat
down on the bench and rested her back on the
security house.
“Your food sweet my belly today gan.” Sabur
“Thank you.” She replied.
Even though, Sabur may be a pain in the as5
sometimes, she still
enjoyed his company. She loved teasing him
and joking with him all day
long but the major turn off has always been
Sabur’s desire to sleep
with her.
“I have always said you should come and live
with me. I will treat
you well, I have money plenty.” He said.
“How much do you have? How much is your
salary?” Janet asked
laughing at his foolishness.
“You don’t know anything. I do underground
deals here and you won’t
know.” Sabur said.
“Tell me about it.”
“I used to steal petrol from madam’s car and I
sell it at cheaper
rates to my customers.” He said.
“Sabur the sharp-minded boy.” Janet hailed.
“That is why I want to marry you. I don’t
spend my salary at all.”
He bragged.
“But do you know I make more money than
you do?” She asked.
Thousands of students can be seen loitering
around the student’s
affairs department in a bid to get registered
for the final year exam
Dolapo walked out of the department building
and walked towards her
friends who stood beside stephani’s car.
“Who else are we waiting for?” Dolapo asked.
“Tola.” Stephanie replied.
“But I thought she was the first to get
registered. Where did she
go?” Dolapo asked.
“Her boyfriend requested to see her.” Tokunbo
“Her broke boyfriend.” Stephanie replied and
just then Tolani joined
“Stephanie, I didn’t expect this from you.” Tola
said angrily.
“I was only joking.” Stephanie replied.
“But I have told you times without numbers
that you should stop
joking with my boyfriend. He is broke, poor
and he has now swags, which
is why I love him. Moreso, he has a bright
future and so do I.” Tola
This time Stephanie has entered her car and
sat behind the wheels.
Tokunbo sat on the passenger’s seat while
another friend of theirs sat
at the back, paying little or no attention to the
“Tola, let it go. Everyone was just joking.”
Dolapo said dragging
her towards the car.
“you can all be joking for all I care, but why
does it have to be my
boyfriend?” Tola asked bitterly.
“Sorry about that. It won’t happen again.”
Dolapo pleaded.
“You guys shouldn’t keep me waiting, we have
so many places to go.”
Stephanie said igniting the car engine.
Dolapo hopped into the car and Tola began to
walk away.
“Tolani, lets go now.” Tokunbo called but she
ignored her.
“Lets go jor. Will I be begging her to enter my
car? Who does she think she is?” Stephanie
said as she sped out of the department
“What you di was very bad.” The other girl
said to Stephanie.
“I did nothing wrong. I was only joking. It is
glaring that Tola doesn’t like me, she likes
picking quarrels against me.”
“Its not like that, you know Tola respects the
guy and she just want us to respect him.
That’s all.” Dolapo chipped in

Episode 80

Back in the student affairs department, the
number of students waiting to be registered
has reduced drastically from what it was
before. About one hundred and fifty students
were waiting to be registered, and since it is
not an online registration or computer
based, it was a very tediuos task for the
registrars. Repeating the same proceedure on
every student that came forward for
The school’s administration didn’t pay
attention to this at first, but
after series of meeting, they concluded that
the only way they could arrest the major
suspects of the killings in the university is to
call everyone of them at once. And with the
emphasis laid on the registration and seminar
in relation to the exams, they knew every
student will want to get registered. And the
reason why they resolved to using paper
format registration and not computer based.
Their conclusion is that, since the main
suspect of the killing is a final year student,
he is currently on the runaway and with this
latest development, he will want to participate,
but the fear of being spotted and nabbed will
definitely prevent him. Therefore, he may send
one of his friends to register for him since you
could register your friends.
Scorpion stepped into the large hall
downstairs of the student
affairs alongside five other students. They all
parted and walked towards the six registration
stands available.
This is the second time, he’ll be coming. The
first time being in
respect of himself and now he is here to
register his friend, Deoye.
“Have your sit.” The lady in charge of the
registration said.
“Thank you.” He smiled and sat down opposite
the lady.
“Your name and course of study.”
“I am here in respect of my friend.” Scorpion
“What’s your friend’s name?” She asked.
“Alade Adeoye, Engineering department.”
Scorpion replied.
“What course?” She asked.
“Civil engineering.” Scorpion replied.
“His matric number?”
Scorpion dipped his hand into the small
brown paper bag he held and removed a paper
where, Deoye’s information was scribbled. He
the paper just when he felt a cold arm on his
“Your time is up. You are under arrest.” Mike
said from behind.
“What for?” He asked confidently.
“Deoye Alade’s case.” Mike replied sitting on
the table and facing him directly.
“How does that concern me….” He was
“Shhhhhhh! Don’t talk here.” Habeeb said from
Scorpion gave up as he was being led out of
the department by Habeeb and one other
policeman in uniform.
“Thank you very much my sister.” Mike said
shaking hands with the registrar who gave up
“You are welcome.” She replied.
Mike walked out of the department amidst
cheers from students who witnessed the
scene. They’ve been praying fervently to God
to bring and
end to Deoye and Scorpion’s dominance in the
Stephanie pulled up in front of the State police
headquarters. She alighted along with her
three friends and they proceed towards the
main building.
“Good morning sir.” Tokunbo greeted a
coporal who was sitting on a bench outside.
“Yes? How may I help you?” He asked.
“Please we want to see our friend.” Tokunbo
“Your friend? A worker or a…?”
“She is in your custody.” The fourth girl said.
“Go in.” The coporal said.
“Thanks.” Tokunbo said as the four girls all
walked in.
Inside the reception, three policemen stood
behind a huge counter.
Darasimi was seated on one of the chairs
arranged opposite the conter.
“Darasimi.” Dolapo called as she ran towards
Darasimi couldn’t hide her excitement,
sadness and fear on sighting the girls.
“What are you guys doing here?” She asked as
she hugged them one after the other.
“As you can see, we came to say hello to you.”
Stephanie replied.
“That’s very nice of you.” Darasimi said
hugging Stephanie once again.
The four girls sat down and started gisting
with Darasimi.
“Someone is missing.” Darasimi said.
“Yes, Tolani.” Dolapo replied.
“What’s wrong with her?” she asked.
“Guess.” Stephanie said smiling.
“One of your numerous fights?” Darasimi asked
as Stephanie bursted into laughter.
“Tell me about it.”
Just then Dolapo’s phone rang.
“Hello babes.” Dolapo said on picking the call.
“You guys didn’t bother to help Dara with her
registration. Am sure she has no idea about
it.” Tolani said.
“I knew about it already. Sergeant Mike
already helped me with mine.” Darasimi
Her reply threw all the girls into deep
thoughts. After a series of question and
answerm they were convinced of her innocence
but its up to the police to decide.

Episode 81

The girls girls chatted for the next thirty
minutes even though,
Tokunbo is not comfortable with the
“So when are you going home today?” Dolapo
“As soon as Sergeant Mike and his partner
returns, I’ll be cleared
to leave.” She replied.
“But how do you cope? Coming here everyday
and staying up to five
hours or more before being allowed to go
home.” Tokunbo who failed to
hide her disposition towards the environment
“The first day was weird but after thorough
thinking, I came with
the conclusion that, if I fail to come here
everyday, this case won’t be
completed and I won’t be vindicated.” She
The girls made jest of one of the policemen
who sat behind the
counter, unknown to him. He thought he was
being admired because it was
then he started straightening his polo and
adjusting his sleeves.
“I think we should leave now.” Stehpanie came
to Tokunbo’s rescue.
Alas, they’ll be getting out of this confinement.
She heaved a sigh
of relief.
“Thank you very much, I really appreciate your
visit.” She said as
she hugged them in turns.
“You can see them off.” The same policeman
said to her.
They all walked outside and stood on the
pavement chatting. Its so
hard to see them leave, but they have no
Just then a police vehicle drove into the
“Hey, come and carry your car.” One of the
policemen loitering
around said.
Stephanie walked to her car, hopped in and
drove a little distance
towards the gate to allow the police vehicle
Sergeant Mike and his partner, Sergeant
Habeeb came out of the vehicle
and another young policeman was dragging a
familiar person towards the
main building.
“Welcome sirs.” Darasimi greeted Mike and
“Thank you.” Mike replied and walked in with
Habeeb who didn’t
bother to reply.
The young police officer dragged the person
past them.
“Scorpion!?” Darasimi exclaimed.
She was very familiar with him because they
live in the same lodge,
offer the same course. Scorpion ignored them
as he was dragged away.
“Babes, I need to go now. My attention will
soon be needed inside.”
Darasimi said.
“But don’t forget to brief us o.” The fourth girl,
Charity said.
“Trust me na. We’ll chat in the evening.” She
replied assuringly.
The girls all walked towards the gate where
Stephanie stood beside
her car.
“Thanks for the visit.” Darasimi said.
“You deserve more.” Dolapo replied.
“My regards to Tolani.” She said before she
walked into the
building just when a policeman was coming
outside to call her.
She walked inside with the policeman and was
suprised to see Scorpion
in the lockup.
“Was he the one carrying out the killings?”She
asked herself but
got no reply.
She thought as she walked towards the
holding/questioning room.
Onome sat beside Rachel on the bed watching
over her.
“I thought the doctor said you should sleep.”
Onome said.
“Yes, but I am not feeling sleepy.” Rachel
“You just have to sleep. So you can regain
your lost strength.” Onome advised.
“I will. Please get me my phone.” Rachel said.
“Your phone? Where is it? What do you want
to use it for?”
“Its in the drawer beside you. I want to call
my heartrob.” She replied.
Onome smiled as she hand the phone to her.
“Hello darling. When are you coming home?”
She asked.
She listened for a few seconds before
“I am missing you badly and you know how
important it is for our baby if you are not far
away from us.” She complained.
She hung up a few minutes later.
“What did he say?” Onome asked.
“He said he’ll be home this evening.” Rachel
Onome sat with her for the next couple of
minutes and left when she fell into a deep
She opened the door gently and walked out of
the room to finish up her chores.
“I pray this lady doesn’t do herself or her baby
any harm. Rest she won’t rest. thank God she
is at least sleeping now, even though she’ll be
up in an hours time.” She thought as she
entered the kitchen.

Episode 82

The entire stadium was thrown into
pandemonium as a result of the recent
bomblast which rocked the stadium which was
hosting the ruling party’s first campaign rally
and introduction of contesting candidates
to the masses.
The real culprits behind the bombing was
unknown as security men tried to pinpiont the
bomb spot but conclusion has it that, the
bomb emanated from the VIP parking lot. Eye
witness said the bomb went off from the vice
president’s convoy while another eye witness
claimed he
saw someone jump into the parking lot and
tossing grenades when the soldiers were not
looking. Another eye witness said, he saw the
perpetrator of the evil act disappear into the
stadium ground floor towards the west exit,
but he couldn’t really make out the face.
Even though the target, the vice president was
not in the car, as at
the time the bomb went off was seen thanking
God as he was driven away in a two car
convoy which also had Alhaji Gulak in it,
guarded in front with an amour tank and same
at the back.
The bomb went off exactly when the campaign
rally came to an end and policians were
walking towards their cars. The Vice president
was lucky to be unhit because at the late hour,
he opted to ride in the same car with a former
presidential aspirant, Alhaji Ahmed Gulak who
reconciled with the vice president during the
course of the rally.
Questions on the lips of the citizen was the
reason behind the
president’s action to fly to Abuja in the
presidential jet which was
parked in a part of the stadium while, the vice
president’s aircraft was parked at the airport.
The entirety of the airport has been locked up
as millitary men were manning the whole
street that led to the airport and emergency
units were picking the remains of the convoy.
Only two deaths were recorded, the driver of
the vice president’s SUV and a millitary man
who stood leaning against the SUV. A part of
the stadium’s fence collapsed as a
result of the blast and firemen were quick to
respond by quickly putting out the fire.
Chief Obi Patrick was riding in his car
alongside his closest
political friend, Prince Ogunsakin, a former
governor in a state in the
“Chief, I guess we should put the blame on
Gulak.” Prince said.
“What about Maleek who failed to survey the
situation of things
before he sent one of his inexperienced boys.”
Chief Patrick replied.
“We shouldn’t blame Maleek, he did the right
thing and the timing was perfect. Exactly when
the vice president was expected to drive out of
the stadium was when the bomb went off
which is the most perfect timing. But the man
behind this failed attempt is Gulak.”
“How is it Gulak?” Chief Patrick asked.
“I have a feeling Gulak knew about this attack
and he decided to play a fast one on us by
reconciling with the vp and asking him to ride
in his car to the airport.” Prince explained.
“You may be right you know.” Patrick said.
“Look at it this way sir, the reconcilation
seemed to be very fast and rushed, they told
no one about it, they only excused themselves
and came back five minutes to announce their
return to good terms. Everyone knows Gulak
lives in Katsina and he said he is returning to
Katsina after the party primary in Ogun and
Oyo state. How come he is headed for
the airport in the first place?” Prince went on.
“I have never seen the whole thing from this
angle Prince.” Chief
Patrick replied.
Just then Chief Patrick’s phone rang. It was
the Party’s national chairman.
“Let me call you back when I get home.” Chief
Patrick said immediately he picked up the call
and hung up.
“Chief, I suggest that the party chieftain device
another plan in ousting the vice president then
make sure Gulak fails in his mission.” Prince
“I’ll talk to the president before today runs out
by God’s grace.”
The car sped on towards Chief Patrick’s
residence while Prince Ogunsakin’s car
followed closely behind.
“When next are we having our campaign
rally?” Prince asked.
“Next week, Taraba state.” Chief replied.
“Any chances of the president attending?”
Prince asked.
“He’ll be represented by the secretary to the
federal government.”
“So, the vp will equally be absent too?”
“No, he’ll be hosting the BoT members in his
office.” Chief Patrick replied.

Episode 83

Deoye has been restless because it over one
hour since Scorpion
promised to show up and here he is nowhere
to be found. He picked his
phone and tried calling him, but on a second
thought he dropped his
“It is possible this guy has been arrested.” He
Right from the time Scorpion told him about
the seminar, he has been
indifferent about it. Such a thing has never
taken place in the history
of the school and doing that now, when there
is unrest in the school may
not just be a coincidence.
“I won’t sit here and await their arrival.” He
said aloud as he
picked his car keys, packed his few clothes
and walked out of his room.
He got to the reception and checked out of the
hotel even though he
still has three days more. He walked
downstairs and entered his car,
slowly, he backed out of the hotel premises.
“Hello guy, you dey house?”
He listened for few seconds before he spoke
“I dey come now now. The police are after
me.” He said.
He hung up and sped out of the hotel with
one place in mind, his
cousin’s apartment.
A police vehicle pulled up in fron of the hotel
and three police
officer alighted with a young man who had the
look of a hardened
“Are you sure he is lodged here?” Mike asked.
“Am very sure. As a matter of fact, I was here
sometimes ago to see
him.” Scorpion replied.
Habeeb slapped him hard on the face.
“So you knew where he was hiding and you
kept it a secret. Do you
know how many people he has killed?” Habeeb
This time, onlookers had gathered to catch a
glimpse of whatever is
going on, that could warrant the beating of a
grown up.
“Lets go inside. You stay in the car.” Mike
commanded the third
policeman who nodded in affirmation.
The three of them(Mike, Habeeb and Scorpion)
all walked into the hotel
reception which stood on the ground floor with
the drinking bar where
Scorpion met with Deoye the other day.
“Good afternoon ma.” Mike greeted.
“Good afternoon sirs. How may I help you?”
The receptionist asked.
“Thank you. I am Sergeant Mike and this is
Sergeant Habeeb. We are
men of the Nigerian police.” Mike said
flashing his identification
“You are welcome sirs.” The lady said smiling.
“You see, we are here to see one of your
customers who lodged in
here.” Mike began.
“What’s his name?” The receptionist asked.
“Alabi Adeoye.” Scorpion replied.
The receptionist checked the list of those who
are lodged in the
“Am sorry sirs, but he just checked out a few
minutes ago.” She
Mike gave Scorpion a deadly look which made
Scorpion to look away
“He checked out?” Mike asked.
“Yes, in fact, you probably should have met
him downstairs. Maybe
you don’t recognise him.” The receptionist
“Its true but this boy here is his patner in
crime. They are both
cultist and he recognise him. Or don’t you
recognise him?” Habeeb asked.
“In case he come back, please try all your
possible best to make
him stay and give us a call. The Police is your
friend.” Mike said.
“Okay sir, I will try my utmost best.” She
“Thank you for your time.” Mike said bowing
down a little.
“You are welcome.” She replied bowing down
Mike and Habeed dragged Scorpion out of the
hotel into the parking
lot where he was pushed into the car.
“You told him that we are coming right?”
Habeeb asked slapping him.
“No I didn’t. But immediately you arrested me,
you collected my
phone.” Scorpion protested.
“You know what? We are going on a raid.
Every member of your
fraternity must be arrested today. One of them
must have contacted
Deoye.” Mike said as he switched on the
ignition and drove away.

Episode 84

Tolani was lying on her mattress watching a
movie on her laptop when a knock sounded on
the door:
“Yes who is it?” She asked as she quickly
adjusted her almost fallen skirt and made for
the door.
She unfastened the door lock and yanked it
“Welcome.” She greeted and walked away
leaving the way for her friend and only
surviving roomate to walk in.
“How have you been?” Dolapo asked as she
walked in and slumped onto the bed.
“Am good. How was your outing?” Tola asked.
“Not bad. Dara sent her greeting.” She replied.
Silence enveloped the room as Dolapo busied
herself with undressing while Tolani returned
to her laptop and put on her headset.
A few minutes later, Dolapo was clad in only
her towel as she made for the bathroom. She
had vowed not to talk to Tola throughout the
evening and she is really doing well by keeping
the promise.
“There is rice in the warmer. You can warm it
if you are interested.” Tola said and
immediately she returned to her laptop screen.
If there is one thing she loved about Tolani, it
was her hospitality, her mother-do-good
attitude but the major turn off was her
snobbish attitude and ability to keep malice
for years. Even though she(Dolapo) herself
was snobbish, she hates to see someone else
being snobbish.
She decided to pay her in her coin as she
ignored her and walked into the bathroom.
Now she was forced to talk to her roomate.
“You didn’t tell me we are out of water.”
Dolapo said re-emerging from the bathroom.
“Sorry. You didn’t tell me you wanted to use
the bathroom.”
Dolapo stood rooted to the spot,
contemplating on what to do. Maybe put on
something and quickly go downstairs to fetch
water from the tap since the water tap in their
bathroom is no longer working and the
hostel’s porter chosed to leave them to the
stress of climbing the stairs with bucket full of
Tolani seeing her friend in a serious dilema
decided to help her out.
“Let me help you get water from the tap.” Tola
Dolapo smiled on hearing this. Tola picked up
a bucket and hurriedly walked out of the room.
“Only God knows what I could have done
without this girl.” Dolapo thought:
Deoye brought his car to a halt in front of a
two bedroom flat apartment in the highbrow
area of Lagos. He alighted and locked the
door and proceeded to his cousin’s apartment.
“Yea who is it?” A female voice asked from
She recognised the girl at once as his cousin’s
The door was yanked open to reveal a dark
skinned beauty who stood a few inches taller
than he was.
“Good afternoon.” She greeted.
“Afternoon. Please is Don in?” Deoye asked.
“Nope. He left for the stores a few minutes
ago. You must be….”
“Deoye.” He completed.
“His cousin?” She asked.
“Yeah! Will you at least let me come in?”
“oh! Sorry. My bad.” She said opening the
door wider for him to walk in.
He could feel his member rise up as a result of
the blood pumped into his pelvic region. The
last time he felt like this was when he was in
love with his late girlfriend, Hadiza. He knew
what he was feeling, he was sex starved and
he knew it. He needed the opposite sex to
quench his thirst and hunger. One stood before
him but he possibly can’t bed his cousin’s
girlfriend even though he was unsure of the
lady’s status. He knew she was certainly not
the girl his cousin introduced to him on the
social media. Maybe one of his side chicks.
“What can I offer you?” She asked bringing him
out of his reverie. It was now he noticed her
dressing. She was dressed in a transparent
nightie which showed her undies. It seems like
she wore it on purpose, maybe to seduce Don
when he returns from wherever he went to but
she has succeeded in seducing him as much
as he tried to take his mind off it.
“Hello.” She called as she smiled on realising
the effect her presence was having on him.
“You said what?” He asked.
“I did not say what. I said what can I offer
you?” She asked.
“You. I want nothing but you.” He had spilled
it out before he realised what he just said.
“Then come get me.” She replied smiling.
That was easy but he is not ready to blow up
his chances as this might be his only chance
to quench his thirst. He is not a fan of brothel
and so he decided to take his chances.

episode 85

The doctor walked into the ward to see an
active Clement and his friends chatting
“I can see you are good now.” The doctor
“Doctor Kolade, I am more than okay now. I
no longer feel pains in my underarm save for
some occassional pull on the veins.” Clement
“That’s how it should be. You know, we
should be thankful to God that you were not
hit on the vein, it could have been worse.
You’ll be feeling the occassional pains on
your veins for a few weeks of which you’ll be
taking pain relieving tablets. I tell you, it will
only take a few days before you stop feeling
the pains.” Doctor Kolade explained.
“Meaning he can go home now?” Kelvin asked.
“Mr Kelvin, its only in a couple of hours that
he’ll be discharged. Let all neccessities be
concluded and all paper work observed.”
Doctor Kolade cautioned.
“Don’t mind him doctor. I don’t know his
problem. You are not the patient and you are
eager to go home.” Clement said.
“You are the reason why am here.” Kelvin
“What about me?” Ngozi asked smiling
“I came here majorly because of you too.”
The doctor ran a few examination on Clement
before he walked out of the ward.
Clement has been thrown into deep thought
since he noticed something going on between
his brother and his colleague. As far as he
knows, Ngozi is engaged to a young banker
name Tobiloba and its only in a matter of
months when they’ll be tieing the knot. He
knew his brother to be a playboy and someone
who doesn’t know what it means to be in love.
And seeing them hitting it up in just twenty
four hours is a cause for concern for him.
Rachel woke up with a start. She’s been
having sleepless night since she discovered
her father-in-law’s secrets and she needed
someone to talk to so as to ease the burden
created by keeping the secret to herself alone.
She knew talking to her husband will only take
thing out of proportion and cause family
breakdown, enemity between father and son.
Her own life would be in danger and as far as
she is concerned, death is not an option. She
has one person in mind, her kid sister, her
only confidant and friend.
She picked up her phone and punched in some
“Hello Chidinma.” She said immediately the
person at the other end picked up the call.
“Hello big sis. Whatsup?” Chidinma asked.
“Am good, you?”
“What do you expect? How is my baby doing?”
Chidinma asked.
The two sister talked for a few minutes before
Rachel made known, her reason for calling.
“Chidi.” She called.
“Yes Rachy.”
“When are you coming to Lagos?” Rachel
“Maybe next month. You know there is a
public holiday next month. I should be in
Lagos by then.”
“Haba! Next month is too far now. I know if
you want to visit your boyfriend, you won’t
wait till next month o. All you’ll do is take a
few days off. You have to be in Lagos this
weekend. No excuses.” Rachel said.
“As your lordship pleases ma’am. But I would
be disappointed if your reason for calling me
is not worth it.” Chidinma warned.
“Trust your big sis na.”
Rachel ended the call after chatting for a few
more minutes.
Chidinma was a university graduate currently
doing her youth service corps in Oyo state.
Even though she was a graduate of the
University of Benin, Edo state.
Onome walked in as soon as she dropped the
“You are awake already?” She asked.
“Yes.” Rachel replied.
Onome took a sit beside her on the bed.
“We both know you are not taking to the
doctor’s advice. He said you need rest and
you’ve only slep for forty-five minutes.” Onome
“Onome please. Am not interested in all that.
The most important thing is I slept regardless
of how long.” Rachel said rudely.
“Am sorry.” Onome apologised.
She stood up at once and made to walked out
of the room.
“You can call me when you are ready to eat so
I can come and serve you.” Onome said sadly.
More like a maid that she was than the friend
she had become.
“Onome.” She was forced to call her.
Onome turned to face her.
“Am sorry.” Rachel said.
Onome nodded her head slowly as a smile
appeared on her face. She walked out of the


–to be continued–

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3 years ago

Deoye is in big shit, i hope the police get him soon. Pls Rachel do not involve yrself in chief’s secret its a dangerous fully following