ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 49 – 52 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 - 8 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 49

Clement knocked on the door of an office with
the inscription Dr
“Come in.” A voice said from within.
He pushed the door open with the aid of the
door knob and walked into
the well furnished room which had the pictures
of the president of
Nigeria, the federal minister for health and the
senior doctor in the
“Good morning doctor Andrew.” Clement said.
“Good morning. You must be, Mr Clement who
brought in two patients.
One stabbed and the other in shock?” The
doctor asked judging from his
appearance that he was dressed in his nightie.
“Yes sir. Please how is my wife?” Clement
“Sit down sir.” the doctor said pointing to one
of the chairs
opposite his desk.
Clement sat down after contenplating for a
few seconds.
“Your wife is fine. She fainted as a result of
shock. Maybe there
was gunshot or something.” The doctor
Clement heaved a sigh of relief, this is the
best news he has recieved
this month.
“But doctor, there was no gunshot anywhere.”
Clement argued the
doctor’s prediction.
“Fine, maybe she was afraid to loose you. You
know she is a woman
and seeing you face such danger is a things
she couldn’t bear. Her fears
got the better of her.” The doctor explained
“What about the baby?” Clement asked.
“The baby is fine. No complication regarding
the pregnancy or the
baby. Thank God you got them here as quick
as you can.”
“What of the other man? My security guard.”
Clement asked.
“He sustained first degree cuts on his ribs but
he’ll be fine. He
is on medication right now.” The doctor
Clement has every reason to smile when he
heard that the two closest
people to him are okay and responding to
“Your wife will be discharged in the morning
before ten. But first
you have to get these drugs for her in the
pharmacy upstairs. They’ll
stabillize and normalize her blood pressure to
avoid complications
during delivery.” The doctor adviced.
“Okay doctor. Let me go and buy those drugs
now.” He said standing
up to leave.
“One more thing Mr Clement. We need to keep
an eye on your wife
blood pressure for the next one week. Maybe
you can do that by buying a
manual blood pressure checking machine. If it
exeeds its range
continually for one week. Then am afraid
things will go wrong during
child birth. CS is the best option.” The doctor
“I’ll be back. Let me get the drugs then you
can explain better.”
Clement said as he hurriedly walked out of the
doctors office. Something
stucked his mind on his way to the pharmacy
but he waved it off.
“Excuse me sir.” The female attendant in the
pharmacy, a large hall
which occupied the top floor of the hospital
building, asked.
“You are yet to pay for the drugs you bought.”
She called his
attention to the drugs he was holding.
“I know. As you can see, it was an emergency,
and I need to buy
the drugs now. I’ll pay everything with my
bill.” He replied.
“Its not done like that sir. We run the clinic
seperately from
the pharmacy.” She said trying to collect the
drugs from him.
“Excuse me lady. Don’t embarass me because
of these few things I bought. How much is it?”
Clement asked trying to contain his anger.
“Two thousand five hundred naira.” The lady
“Fine, I’ll be here to buy them when I have my
money. But if anything should happen to my
wife.” He said and stormed out of the
“Excuse me sir.” The lady attendant ran after
“Yes? What again?”
“Am sorry sir. I don’t mean to be rude. Its just
“Save it. I understand.” Clement said and
descended the stairs in a hurry.
The time was one o’clock in the morning and
activities was still burstling within the
Its time to go back home and catch some
sleep. He thought as he unlocked the front
door of his car. The backseat was
bloodstained and smelling.

Episode 50

Victoria walked sneaked into the living room
dressed in her black
fitted attire she used when on execution
missions. She crawled towards
her room, praying within her that her mother
doesn’t come wandering at
that time. A prayer she knew can not be
answered. She was only hopeful
because, it could turn out to be coincidental.
“Where are you coming from?” A voice asked.
It was no other person
than her mother as she turned on the
flouresent bulb in the living room.
“Mum, I went to the vigil… No night club.” She
replied still
hiding behind the couch.
“Then why are you hiding yourself? Come out
and let me see you.”
Her mother said walking towards the chair
where she was hiding.
Knowing her cover has been blown, she stood
up and fled into her
room, the same way she fled when Clement
pointed his gun at her.
“God save me on this girl.” Her mother said
raising her face onto
the ceiling.
“Hope you came back with my car?” She asked
as she walked towards
her daughter’s room.
Victoria on the other hand quickly stripped
herself of the cloth she
was wearing because she knew her inquisitive
mother would soon be at her
“What is this you are wearing?” Her mother
asked just when she
succeeded in removing the entire attire from
her body.
“Its just a cloth…. Mummy, its late already go
and sleep.
Remember what the doctor said.” She resloved
to her normal way of
discouraging her mother from asking too
much questions.
“This is not about the doctor. Your tricks
won’t work. Tell me the
truth, Victoria. Where are you coming from
dressed like this.”
She knew either she come out clean with her
mother or she ignore the
question and leave the house for a few days.
But its two o’clock in the
morning. And going out could be dangerous,
her safety is not guaranteed.
The fact that she returned few minutes ago
doesn’t mean the next few
minutes will be safe for her out there.
“You are not ready to talk. I know you won’t
talk. Anyways, get ready, tomorrow we are
going to your Uncle’s place. Major Aju.” Her
mother said.
“Uncle Aju’s house to do what mum?” She
asked fearfully.
The trick worked. Major Aju or Uncle Aju is the
most dreaded member of Mrs Patrick’s family
and every child connected to the family has
hundred percent respect for the man. Even
married children avoid offending their spouses
for the fear of being reported to Aju the great.
“If you can’t tell me where you are coming
from dressed like this. You will tell Aju.” Her
mother replied.
This is a matter of life and death. Her mother
will only scream and yell at her then advice
her in the end but Aju will make sure she has
a near death experience, then advice her but
the advice can only do little to her. The
punishment is something she hated most.
“Mum, you know what? Am tired right now.
Please let me rest. We’ll talk about this in the
morning.” She lied.
“Okay my dear. Take you time and rest. In
morning we’ll talk about it and please don’t
try to run away in the early hours o.” Her
mother pleaded as they bade themselves

Episode 51

Clement drove into St Battaihas private
hospital early in the morning
on his way to work.
“Good morning Mr Clement.” A familiar voice
greeted him as he
alighted from his second car, a brand new
Toyota Rav-4.
He locked the car door and walked towards
the man standing beside his
“Oh! Doctor Andrew. Good morning.” Clement
greeted taking his hand
in his.
“You are here already.”
“Yes sir. Where are you going?” Clement
“My leave starts today.” Andrew replied.
“Really? Which doctor is assigned to my wife
now?” Clement asked.
“Doctor Raphael. He is in charge of your wife’s
ward and your
gateman’s ward. On my insistence.”
“He must be very capable then.”
“A fresh graduate, my apprentice.” Dr Andrew
“Okay. See you some other time.” Clement
Dr Andrew hopped into his car and drove out
of the hospital while
Clement walked into the hospital.
Clement first of all went to check on his wife
who was already
awake by the time he got to her ward, after a
brief chat and lovey dovey
actions, he stood up and went to check on his
security guard, Akpan who
was still sleeping before he proceeded to Dr
Rapheal’s office.
“Good morning Doctor.” He said immediately
he entered the less
furnished office.
“Good morning sir. What can I do for you?” the
man seated behind
the desk asked.
“I am Mr Clement.” He introduced himself.
“Rachel’s husband right?” The doctor asked.
Clement was taken aback. Simple courtsey
demands him(Raphael) to at
least respect his wife. This young doctors can
be pompous at times.
“I learnt she will be discharged today. Am here
to pick her.”
“We need to keep close eyes on her for a few
hours. Come back
around twelve, she’ll be ready to go home.
Please, if you’ll excuse me, I
have some patients to attend to.” Doctor
Raphael explained.
Clement smiled. “No problems. I’ll be back by
twelve.” He rose up and
walk out of the office. Now he has two things
left to be done in the
hospital premises, one, go to the pharmarcy
and get the drugs then come
back to the counter to pay his bills, two, go
into his wife’s ward to
relay the latest development to her.
He adjusted his shirt and ascended the stairs
that leads into the
Victoria woke up quite early this morning, this
is unlike her. Maybe
because she had something bothering her
dangerous mind but what actually
woke her up was the chattering voices she
was hearing very close to her
room. She removed the duvet from her body
and walked to the door to
peep into the living room to know those
responsible for cutting her
sleep short. She was shocked when she saw
her most dreaded relative,
Major Aju discussing seriously with her
mother, his younger sister.
Instantly her eyes became clear of every sleep
in it and she began to
“Abi this woman do call this man to report
me. But the most ideal
thing is for mummy to visit him in his
residence. But on second thought,
considering the level of atrocities she has
been involved in, it
required every member of the family gathering
in her room.
“Is she at home?” That was Major Aju asking
after her.
“Its like she is sleeping.” Her mother replied.
“Sweet mother.” she thought as she dived onto
her bed to pretend
“Go get her for me right away.” Aju
commanded in his usual
millitary voice. Once a soldier is always a
Her mother walked into her room and sat on
her bed.
“Victoria, Uncle Aju is here to see you.”
She will surely kill this woman if she end up
getting out of this
“Good morning sir.” She greeted her Uncle
immediately she entered
the living room.
“What is good about this morning? Victoria.”
He asked angrily.
She was expecting this. The next thing will be
a slap or something
worse. But thank God, she is a lady, Uncle Aju
is more lenient when
handling female chiled. But the experience is
something one must not
“I don’t understand sir.” She feigned
“What is it that I am hearing about you.
Victoria, is this how you were brought up?
Fine, you want to be like your father.” Aju said
“I don’t understand what you are saying. What
are have you been hearing about me? I don’t
have a father, so what are you talking about?”
She asked raising her voice.
From the five years she spent living with Uncle
Aju’s family, there is only one way to save
yourself from trouble. Don’t give up, raise you
voice when trying to prove your innocence,
even if you are lying but make sure he doesn’t
find you guilty.
“Good girl. I learnt you stopped going to
school. Give me five reasons for that.”

Episode 52

Sandra walked out of the bathroom dripping
wet with a small towel tied
round her body. She looked beautiful with the
only piece of cloth on
her body, the towel, but its inappropriate for
her to go out dressed
like this.
She sat before her dressing mirror and picked
up her phone ready to
make a call.
“Hello baby.” She said immediately the person
at the other end
answered the call.
“My night was superb and yours? Even though
I missed your
presence.” She said and bursted into laughter.
She listened for a few seconds before she
spoke again.
“Lets meet by one o’clock in the afternoon.
Lovers and Mix guest
house right?” she asked.
“I’ll be there on time and please don’t keep
your baby waiting.”
She said and hung up.
She was humming Celine Dion’s ‘my heart will
go on’ as she creamed her
Now fully dressed, she picked up her small
clutch bag and her car keys
and walked into the living room.
“Janet.” She called.
“Maaaaaa.” Janet answered as she ran into
the living room from the
“Am going out.” She announced.
Janet was suprised her boss was going out
this early. She checked an
imaginary wristwatch before checking the
giant wall clock.
“Isn’t that too early? Breakfast is almost
“Don’t worry I’ll be back before nine. Just
make sure the food is
warmed.” She instructed and made to walk out
of the living room.
“Janet. Please go to my room. I forgot to pick
my blackberry
phone.” She said to Janet who changed her
destination from the kitchen
to the bedroom.
Janet who knew her boss makes most of her
inportant calls with the
line on the blackberry decided to check her
last caller since she
overheard the issue discussed. She smiled as
she locked the phone’s
keypad and walked outside where Sandra was
waiting in the car.
She walked back into the living room few
minutes later when she was
sure Sandra was out of the compound. She
picked her phone and typed a
short message.
“She is meeting with Kelvin by 1pm. Lovers
and Mix.” read the
She returned into the kitchen to complete the
last phase of her
Rahman was seated in his living room with
his boys, the members of his
blackmailing gang when his phone beeped.
One new message.
“Boys, a new job for us. Sandra is meeting
with Patrick by one at L
and M.” Rahman a notrious blackmailer said
to his boys who gave
victorious laughter.
“Sandra, who is she?” Viktor, a new member of
the gang or better
still a runaway member of the gang asked.
“The popular Sandra Oselu, she is meeting
with her boyfriend
Kelvin Patrick.” Rahman replied.
Viktor who left Rahman’s set up a year ago in
search of greener
pastures when he went to team up with Abdul
Maleek and his Kahl Abdul
corp. He came back after a year when he was
betrayed and now its payback
“Rah! I told you about this Kelvin and his past
deed now.” Viktor
“Excuse us boys.” He said to his boys.
The boys numbering up to ten walked out of
the living room leaving
their boss, Rahman and their celebrated
returned member, Viktor to their
Rahman whose sole aim was to get as more
money as he could from
Sandra is in a conversation with Viktor who
seemed interested in
Kelvin’s life.
“We’ll have our boys watching over them
today. But that does not
stop us from getting our money off Sandra.”
Rahman announced at the end.
“No problem. Just give me Kelvin and I am
okay.” Viktor replied.
A police team led by Inspector Clement pulled
up in front of the school’s security complex.
Clement and two policeman got down from the
police vehicle and walked into the complex.
Clement went into the CSO’s office and
returned after a few mintes with the cso
behind him.
“Akin, relaese that girl to the police. They’ll
take the case up from here.” Bankole said to
the man behind the counter who inturn
opened the cell behind his seat and brought
out Darasimi.
“Get her in the car.” He ordered his boys while
he waited to sign some papers.
“Thank you very much Mr Bankole for your co-
operation.” Clement said.
“Its a pleasure. We are in this together and
police is our friend.” Bankole replied shaking
hand with the police officer before.
Clement walked out of the complex to see a
familiar lady dragging issues with the
policeman leading Darasimi into the waiting
“She is innocent, please don’t lock her up in
the cell. She can report to your office everyday
for questioning.” The lady pleaded crying.
“Madam. What’s the problem?” He asked.
“Darasimi is my sister and I know her very
well. Please don’t lock her up.” She pleaded.
Alas, he could place the face. This was the
same sharp-tongued attendant at the


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ruth gabriel
ruth gabriel
3 years ago

Yes I’m judiciously following

3 years ago

Yes…….good job.

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Yes ooo great author..fully following, i just want to see their outcome…cant stop reading every episode