ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 – 8 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 - 8 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 by dy9ty7

Chief Obi Patrick descended the stairs into the living room where two of his business and politics friends were
seated. The two men, Prince Ogunsakin, a former executive governor of one of the south-west states
and Andrew Gulak, a three time presidential aspirant who has lost all three times at the general election.
“Good morning Chief.” The two men greeted. “How you doing this bright morning?” Patrick
asked. “We are good sir.” The two men replied. “Hope no problems? Why are you here?” “Sir, we are here concerning the death of Kingsley.” Gulak said.Chief Obi Patrick motioned him to keep quiet.
“Lets go into my study where no one will hear us.” Chief Patrick said leading the way and his visitors followed


“kingsley remains our only opposition in the
oil and gas sector. You know how stubborn and adamant he has been on the latest request we
submitted to him.” “What request is that?” Gulak asked.
“So you don’t know? We only requested for ten percent of the oil
revenue budget to finance the party but he
refused. Now he wants a
senatorial ticket and he is almost getting it.”
Chief Patrick explained.
Gulak knew only few of the party’s activities
and policies because he
just decamped from the opposition party when
he discovered he’ll never
win the presidency while in the party. But
joining the ruling party, he
knew he won’t get the presidential ticket but
he has been assured of the
vice presidency. Chief Patrick has promised to
axe the current vice
president few months to the election.
“With Kingsley dead now, who is taking his
place?” Ogunsakin asked.
“According to the news I heard yesterday, his
deputy, one woman from
the east will assume the office temporarily
before the president
nominate a new candidate.” Patrick replied.
“And women from the east are difficult to
control.” Gulak said.
The three men continued to make plans over
the upcoming election.


Five girls were seated in their room getting
dressed for a birthday
party. The girls, Dayo, Dolapo, Tola, Chioma
and Hadiza are in their
final year in the Lagos state university.
“Hadiza, why are you looking gloomy?” Tola
“Deoye asked me not to go to that party.”
Hadiza replied.
“Who is Deoye?” Tola asked.
“My boyfriend nau.” Hadiza replied.
“Oh! sorry. I thought you guys have broken
“Why will he ask you not to go to the party?”
Dayo, a computer
science student asked.
“He said it is dangerous for me.”
“How come he knew that?” Dayo asked.
“He gave no tangible reason.” Hadiza replied.
“Babe, abeg free yourself. Nothing do you.
We’ll all stay together
throughout the party” Chioma, an Igbo girl
studying English said
With these the ladies trooped out of their
apartment and boarded a cab at the bus-stop
that conveyed them to the venue of the party
outside the school.

+++++++AT THE PARTY++++++++

As the party progresses, everyone was having
fun and music was being played by a disc
jockey who is expert at what he does.
“Baby lets talk outside.” A guy said to Hadiza
as they were dancing and she obliged since
they couldn’t hear themselves properly inside
the party.

They went outside and started talking.
Dayo’s phone vibrated, she checked it and
discovered she has a message which reads,
“You persuaded her to go with you bah? I’ll
get you killed.” From Deo.

Dayo knew Deoye was a dreaded cultist in the
school. And messing around with his is as
dangerous as messing with a lion.
She quickly exited the hall and went in search
of Hadiza whom she saw when she left the hall
with a guy. But she met the shocker of her life
when she got outside.

Episode 5

“Hakym, did you notice that cream coloured
car has been on our trail
since we left the police station?” Don, one of
the gunmen asked one of
his colleagues seated at the back of the van.
“You don’t mean it!” Hakym exclaimed.
“What’s the matter?” Kelvin who was behind
the wheels asked.
“See that cream coloured car on our trail.”
Hakym pointed.
Kelvin looked through the rear mirror.
“Eh! This is my brother’s car. This is the end.”
He matched on the
accelerator and the van barged forward.
Moving at its fastest pace.
+++Inside Clement’s car
Okoro was trying hard to keep up with the
blue van as well as trying
not to make his speed suspicious to the
occupants of the van. With the
latest development he knew his cover has
been blown because with the way
the van sped off, he has been seen. He
increased his speed too but the
van was miles away from him.
“What’s the problem?” Ngozi asked as soon as
Okoro swerved off the
road to join an untarred road which the van
went through few seconds
“Sincerly speaking I don’t know.” Okoro
Okoro continued to pummel the car along the
deserted road.
“I think its the fuel.” Okoro replied.
“Fuel? How come?” Ngozi asked looking at the
fuel meter to see it
blinking a red light.
“What do we do now?” He asked.
“I don’t know. The neares petrol station is over
hundred kilometre
away from here and no car seems to be
passing.” He replied himself.
Just then a motorcyclist came passing with a
sunshade covering his
eyes. They both stopped him and he obliged.
“Please take me to the nearest feeling
station.” Okoro pleaded.
The bikeman urged him to mount the bike and
rode off the bike leaving
Ngozi who is scared of staying alone in such a
deserted place.
She removed her phone but the service was
very bad, so she couldn’t
make calls or recieve any.
Burahimo was loosing his temper and Mike
was trying to calm him down
while Clement was making a call.
“Habeeb, report reaching us now states that
Okoro and his partner
followed the gunmen that attacked the
headquarters. The took the route
that led to the boarder. Get two teams and
provide backup.” Clement
“Right away sir.” Habeeb replied and sent a
message accross the
police headquarters requesting for eleven men
who will make up the two
+++In the deserted road++++
It over twenty minutes since Okoro left with
the bikeman and there
has been no trace of him or the bikeman. No
other vehicle has passed
since Okoro left and she is begining to feel
uneasy and scared too.
“I pray nothing happens to him.” She said as
she got down form the
car and went to stand in the middle of the
road with her gun firmly held
and her sense of alertness activated.
The bikeman took the turning by the left at a
junction marked with a
sign post Khal corp.
“Excuse me. Is this the way to the gas
station?” Okoro asked.
“I think you should shut up.” The bikeman
Okoro sensing danger at once jumped down
from the bike and rolled on
the floor. He removed his gun and just when
he wanted to cork the gun,
five armed men came out fom inside the bush.
“Pull the trigger and consider yourself a dead
man.” One of the
men warned as he shook the bikeman who
drove off through the pathway.
“What do you want from me?” Okoro asked.
“You bloody policeman. Pick him up.” The
man ordered as the
remaining four men carried him. Suprisingly,
he offered no resistance
and he calmly let them carry him and off they
went in the direction
where the bikeman had gone.
Okoro was praying in his mind as he was
being carried into the deeper part of the forest.
Just then he started hearing voices, percieving
smells of marijuana and burning flesh. They
came into a gathering of men who all had
guns hung on their shoulders jubilating as
they roasted a big antelop on fire.
“Who is this?” One of the men, an half caste
“A policeman on our trail.”
“Bastard.” They yelled at him as they threw all
manner of things at him. They kicked him
before he was carried away. He was brought
before a big gate which adorned a very big
mansion, a warehouse in the deepest part of
the forest.
“So something like this existed here.” He
wondered but he didn’t let his current
situation disturb him. He knew if he was to
get out of here alive, he needed the help of his
colleagues so he took time to take note of
strange and things that could speed up his

Episode 6

The two police teams led by Sergeant Habeed
drove into the untarred road where Inspector
Clement’s car was parked with its door
“Someone go check if the coast is clear.”
Habeeb ordered.
A young policeman in his mid twenties got
down from the police bus and went to the car.
“Stop right there.” A voice said from inside the
The young man dropped his weapon at once
and stood still waiting for his doom.
Meanwhile, Habeeb and the rest were watching
at the drama unfolds.
“This boy is a weakling. Lets get his Bottom
covered.” Habeen said
getting down from the bus and advancing
carefully towards the car.
Ngozi came out after realising that she just
got a policeman. She
came face to face with Habeeb and the others.
“Sergeant Habeeb.”Habeeb introduced saluting
She did the same before introducing herself.
“Detective Ngozi.” She said too.
“I believe Okoro has been abducted.” Ngozi
took time to give account of how Okoro was
carried away by the bikeman.
“Their van drove deep into the forest through
this path.” Ngozi
Three policeman advanced deep into the
forest. Shortly afterwards,
three quick gunshots were heard.
“Did you hear that?” Ngozi asked.
“Yes I did. What could that be?” Habeeb
“I just hope they’ve not killed our men.” Ngozi
Just then footsteps were heard approaching
“I think we just ran into an ambush.” Habeeb
“What do we do? Hold them on or retreat?”
Another police officer
“Its best if we retreat.” Habeeb adviced.
“No, we shouldn’t.”
“All men, fall back into the van. We are
retreating.” Habeeb
Just then gunshots began to pour on them
like a heavy downpour. Policemen scampered
around not knowing where the gunshots was
springing from. The gun battle continued for
the next few minutes with Sergeant Habeeb
nowhere in sight.
“Ngozi came out of her hiding place just when
a grenade was thrown to a policeman
somewhere beside a heap of sand.
“Hey! A bomb is there beside you. Get out of
Just then she was hit on the arm by a bullet
and at the same time, the grenade went off
and blew off the policeman into parts. Ngozi
passed out at once. Seeing that Ngozi is
down, other policemen took to their heels and
the battle stopped. Ngozi was carried into the
police bus and transferred to the hospital.

Episode 7

Dayo walked out of the hall and got outside in
search of her friend,
Hadiza. She searched franctically for her friend
but couldn’t find her,
just when she wanted to dial her number she
saw a body lying in between
two cars. Curiosity got the better of her and
she walked in the
direction of the body.
“Oh! my God.” She exclaimed as she saw the
body, a girl in a pool
of blood.
“Hadiza! somebody help….. Help.” She
screamed at the top of her
Her voice grew so loud that despite the loud
music blaring inside the
hall, people still managed to help. Hundreds of
students trooped out and
went to check the reason for the screams.
What they saw put many away
and they took to their heels while a few who
are brave enough put a call
through to the police but they didn’t wait for
the arrival of the
police because they knew they’ll surely pay a
price which is chilling in
the police cell for at least twenty four hours.
That was all Dayo saw before she passed out
and was rushed to the
hospital by her friends before the arrival of the
+++Back in their hostel+++
Chioma was standing near the window tears
in her eyes just like
everyone else in the room. They’ve been
mourning the death of their
friend, Hadiza. An easy going girl who hardly
talked, she doesn’t talk
during lectures, she had no friend in her
department neither an enemy.
She was not the shy type but she was an
introvert. She only talked when
she is around her friends.
“Seriously, am going home.” Chioma
Everyone has been minding their business and
silence has taken over
the room until Chioma broke the silence.
“Going home? To do what?” Tola asked.
“Don’t you know the school is no longer safe
for any of us. Let us
all leave the school for a while and let the
police find whoever that
is responsible for Hadiz death. But…” Chioma
was saying when she broke
down in tears.
“I agree with you. But its late already. Early
tomorrow morning
we’ll all leave and attend lectures from home
till the time of our
exams.” Tola replied.
Just then Dayo’s phone rang. Everyone’s
attention turned to her.
“Hello please who is this? Yes it me Oladayo.”
She said on picking
the call.
She dropped the call after three minutes.
“The CSO(Chief Security Officer) wants to see
me in his office
now.” Dayo announced.
“Its almost 8pm.” Chioma said.
“Lemme go quickly. I’ll be back before nine.”
She replied as she
wore her flip flop slippers and walked out of
the room.
“Dayo wait. We’ll all go with you.” Tola said.
“Don’t bother. I’ll be fine.” She replied.
+++At the CSO office+++
The CSO, Mr Bankole was seated in his office
with the President of
the Student’s Union Government and two men.
“Thank God you came. Dayo, I believe this
man needs no
introduction.” Bankole began. Pointing to the
SUG president.
Dayo nodded in affirmative.
“This is Inspector Clement and Sergeant Mike.
They are men of the Nigerian police force.”
Bankole went on.
“Good evening Sirs.” Dayo greeted the two
“Evening. How you doing Dayo?” Clement
“Am fine sir” She replied.
“We were here yeaterday but we were told you
are in the hospital. Hope you are good now.”
“Perfectly okay.” She replied.
“I learnt you are the one who discovered your
friend’s corpse. Tell us more about it.”
Clement went straight to the point.
Dayo said all that need to be said about the
party, the guy that took the late Hadiza
outside to talk but she kept the part when
Deoye sent her a message that he’ll kill her.
At exactly 9:15pm, Dayo was asked to go.
Since her hostel is a stone throw from the
CSO’s office, she decided to trek down home.

Episode 8

Clement and Mike hopped into the police car
parked outside the CSO’s
office and drove off. Things are begining to get
complicated and
interesting. First, a certain Mr Kingsley was
murdered the previous
week, then some gunmen attcked the police
headquarters for reasons best
known to them, few hours later, a terrorist
disguising as a bikeman took
Detective Okoro to an unknown destination.
The rescue team led by
Sergeant Habeeb was attacked and few
policemen escaped the attack, that
same night, a student was killed by some
unknown killers.
“Could all this be related?” Clement asked
himself as he brought the
car to a halt the moment when the traffic light
turns red.
“Seriously sir, the rate at which crime is being
committed in this
state is becoming alarming.” Mike said to his
“A state which was known for peace is now
becoming a shadow of its
former self.”
“Which one do we handle first?” Mike asked.
“It is very simple. Kingsley’s death and the
attack on the police
headquaters including Okoro’s abduction are
all from one angle while
this student’s murder is a different case
entirely. We’ll start with the
case involving the student, then hopefully it
may lead us to the
terrorists. You know we can’t do anything
concerning the terrorists now
unless Ngozi returns from coma and recounts
her ordeal.” Clement
“In few days we’ll be through with Hadiza’s
case. Thank God Dayo is
co-operating with us.” Mike added.
Clement only smiled as he ignited the car and
drove off. He knew
better than his patner.
Dayo was walking on a deserted road inside
the school around the
engineering department building. She could
hear footsteps behind her but
she waved off the thougts of it being danger.
She was well aware that
every student must have retired to their
hostels latest by 8pm for
security purpose because no one wants to be
a victim. But the footstep
was becoming stronger and the person
seemed to be catching up on her but
she won’t stop walking. Just then she took to
her heels.
“If you dare take anymore step. You’ll have
yourself to blame.” A
deep masculine voice warned.
She recognised the voice pretty well and so
she was less perturbed.
“Deoye. You scared me.” She said when she
turned back to face her
late friend’s boyfriend.
Deoye who stood at 5ft 6inches, well built, fair
in complexion wore a
frown as he face his late gilrfiend’s friend.
“So you eventually killed her right?” Deoye
“I didn’t o. Why will I want to kill my friend
who I have dined
with, wined with, suffered with. We’ve done
many thing together why will
I want to kill her?”
“Are you asking me?” Deoye asked
brandishing a kitchen knife.
“Deoye, you are scaring me.” She complained.
“I don’t mean to scare you. I want to kill you.”
He replied.

“But am not responsible for Hadiza’s death.”
She said. She was beginning to raise her voice.
“Fine. You took her to where she was
killed.”This time Deoye had closed up on her.
He stabbed her and dragged her body to a
nearby bush where it will be conspicuous by
He took to his heels since he has
accomplished his goal.


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Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

The story is confusing with too many names, i hope i get to understand it as it goes on

3 years ago
Reply to  Jidda mj

Yes you will be very clear to you soon