ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 37 – 41 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 - 8 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 37 by dy9ty7

Everyday at the airport shopping complex is
always filled with
activities and events. The shopping complex
or mall is the largest in West Africa built many
years ago by the Federal Government of
It was a big complex which has two buildings
adjoining to a third with over fifteen floors
making a total of three building connected
and a total of 45floors all together if counted
per building.
The complex which was named the airport
shopping complex was aimed at providing
certain services to the airport users and non
airport users.
The shopping complex serves many functios,
such as supermarkets, hospitals, guest
houses, event hall to metion a few. Some big
league companies and firms have their offices
situated at the airport shopping complex. The
shopping complex could be likened to the
world trade centre in the United state which
was blown by the Al-queda forces led by
Osama bin
The Airport shopping complex in 2010 was
named the largest shopping mall in West
Africa and third largest in Africa.
A black van drove into the parking lot where
hundreds of cars were parked. Five men
dressed in maintainance uniform overall. They
walked into the mall and proceeded to the
ventilation unit. All floors in the complex
jointly make use of the same ventilation
system, a room which
has a big machine which in turn pumps air
into the thousands air
conditions in the complex.
A security man approached them.
“Hey! We didn’t call for maintainace.” He said
to them but they ignored him and continued
He was running after them, calling them to
talk to him but they refused. They took the
first turning by the right into a deserted area
and he foolishly followed them. One of the
men stopped walking and turned to face him.
he walked closer to the security guy and
stabbed on
the neck. He fell down and died.
They continued their journey towards the
ventilation control room.
“Guys. We need to be fast with this. You know
it won’t take time
before the other security men notice the
absence of their colleague.
They’ll come looking for him and our cover will
be blown.” Kelvin
adressed as they approached the control
They all emptied the contents of one of the
bags with them. One of the men removed a
drilling machine and drilled the door lock
open, the door which was made of iron gave a
croacking sound as they pushed it open.
“You stay here and look out for any intruder.”
Kelving ordered the
guy who drilled the door.
The other four men walked into the hall where
giant machines were knoted to the floor.
Kelvin squatted beside the box which connect
the two largest
machines together. He opened the cover and
the air which passes through the box into the
second machine blew on his face causing him
to shiver.
“It won’t take time before they notice
something is going on here.
The air being pumped is now blowing
elsewhere. Lets get down to work.” Kelvin
A small cylinder was passed on to him.
“The activation chip please.” He requested as
a motherboard was
passed on to him.
He attached the chip on the cylinder and
connected a tablet to the chip’s port. He
puched in some activation codes and the
increased in length making humming sounds.
“We have fifty seconds. Get this thing bolted.”
he ordered.
He walked outside to join the man who was
looking out for any
“Go and get the engine running. Tell us if
anything strange is going on outside.” He told
the guy who removed the car key and walked
away leaving the others behind.
“Lets get out of here.” They all filed out
walking back towards the parking lot as fast
as they could.
“Are we clear to move out?” Kelvin asked the
driver through the communication device
attached to his ears.
They moved out at once and hurriedly walked
towards the van in which they had come, the
door was opened already and the engine was
Immediately Kelvin hopped in beside the
driver, the swung the car out of the parking
lot towards the always opened gate.
He swerved to the right unto the main road.

Episode 38

Darasimi fearfully led Clement and his partner
Habeeb into her room.
The two men sat on the stool and the only
plastic chair available while their host sat on
the bed.
“Dara, are you aware that your friend Chioma
is dead?” Clement
Darasimi kept quiet for a few seconds
pretending to be processing the news that was
relayed to her.
“I don’t get.”
“As in, your friend Chioma was found dead
this morning.”
“Yeh! mogbe.” She screamed as she flung
herself unto Habeeb and
they both landed on the bare floor. Her weight
seemed to be the major factor in their fall
while Habeeb’s weight is nothing to write
home about.
“Take it easy dear. I know it’ll be very hard on
you. Sorry for the
loss.” Habeeb consoled as he pulled her up.
“Ah! Chiiiiii…..Chhhhhhiiiooooomaaaa.” She
screamed again as hot tears trickled down her
Habeeb was filled with pity as he looked at
her sympathetically. How easy it is for evil
doers to pity others. He, who is head bent on
making the country pay for something she
knew nothing of by liasing with the terrorists
is here pitying someone who could not be
trusted entirely.
“From our investigations, we learnt she didn’t
return home yesterday and the last time she
was seen, you were with her. So tell us
anything that can be helpful to us in our
investigations.” Clement said immediately the
wailing and consoling stopped.
“Who told you Chioma was with me? The last
time I saw her was two day ago.” She replied.
Clement smiled knowingly.
“What happened to you on your arm?” Clement
asked pointing to the burns she sustained
when Chioma attacked her the previos day.
She was wearing an armless pink top and a
black leggings.
“Oh! This?” She asked foolishly.
Clement only nodded, urging her to spill
whatever is in her.
“Its just a burn as a result of some child’s
play around the
hostel. Those guys were chasing we the girls
with stick with fire.” She explained.
“I see. Believe me, guys can be annoying at
times. Thank God I
am not a guy.” He replied trying to add humor
to lighten the tension in the room.
They all gave short laughs and it did the
magic as Darasimi felt relaxed afterwards.
“I remembered when we came in, it was like
you had a travelling bag with you. Are you
travelling or what?” Clement asked.
“Yes, I am.”
“This killings. First it was Hadiza, then Dayo,
now it is Chioma.
Only God knows who is next.” She replied.
“You knew Chioma was dead before we came
in?” He asked as he scanned the whole room
with his eagle eyes. Then his eyes strucked
“No, I don’t know. The last time we conversed
was two day ago like I said the other time.”
As she was saying, Clement had already stood
up and followed the
direction where his eyes strucked something
“What’s this?” He asked picking a yellow top
from the floor near the wardrobe. It had blood
stains on it.
“That?” She asked foolishly propbably because
she was caught unawares.
“I was on my period and it got stained.” She
“I see.” Clement said as he dropped the cloth
and sat down and jotted some things on his
Darasimi knew she had fumbled by lying that
she had her monthly
discharge while putting on the top and not a
skirt. She could have said she used the shirt
to clean up.
“You know what? We’ll like to see you in our
office right away for questioning.” Clement
“Your office? As in police station. What did I
do?” She asked
almost in tears.
Habeeb whispered to his boss and they both
nodded at the same time.
“This is it. You have to report to the school’s
security complex
today and you’ll do that for the next five days
when investigations must have been
concluded.” Habeeb informed.
“We’ll like to take our leave now. Bye.”
Clement said as he stood up with his partner
and walked out of her room.

Episode 39

Sandra Oselu walked into the living room
dressed in a black tank top
and a blue flaying short skirt that stoped just
above her knees. He
phone rang as she approached the centre
“Who could this be?” She asked rhetorically as
she approached the
dinning area where she left her phone when
she had her breakfast a one
hour ago. She checked the number displaying
on her screen but she
discovered that the number was unlisted.
“Hello.” She said unsure of how best to start
the conversation.
“Is this Sandra Oselu?” A male masculine
voice asked.
“Yes. Its me. What can I do for you?” She
“One of your dirtiest secrets is with us and you
have to pay a sum
of ten million naira for a start.” The voice said
going straight to the
“Excuse me?”
“We have some of your raunchy pictures and
we won’t hesitate to
post them on social media to tarnish your
celebrity status.”
“Fine, I think I know who you are. You are that
popular comedian
that play pranks on people especially
celebrities or that fraudster that
find joy in extorting celebrities to save their
as5 from trouble like
you said. I don’t have your time.” She replied.
He gave a short laugh.
“I am no comedian, neither am I a fraudster.
You’ll recieve a media
message on your phone in a matter of
seconds now. Call this number in
two hours, eleven o’clock to be precise.” He
“Mr man, I don’t have your time this early
morning. If you don’t
have a job please go find one. And if you are
interested in being my
anonymous public relations officer, you just
got yourself the job. I can
see you are fluent in your command of english
language.” She said.
“Call me back by eleven o’clock. If you are a
minute late, you are
in trouble. If you are a minute behind the time,
remember, you are in
trouble. We’ll negotiate when you give me the
call. Enjoy the rest of
your morning.” He said and hung up.
She dropped her phone on the dining table
angrily and made to walk
back into the living room where she was
headed in the first place to
watch a live broadcast of a fashion show in
“Dumbas5.” She muttered and walked away
just when her phone
She walked back to the table and picked up
the phone and opened the
She opened he mouth in shock as million of
thoughts ran through her
mind. A picture of her and her lawyer Barrister
Benson in a compromising
postion. Lying half Unclad on the bed with the
duvet covering their
“Oh my God!” She exclaimed in fear as the
phnoe almost dropped from
her hand.
She had one person in mind as the perpetrator
of the act. She will
surely get to the end of this.
Barrister Benson walked out of the gate and
headed for the end of the
street where a car was parked. Immediately he
got near the car, the
front door opened and he hoped in without
much ado.
“Welcome Ben” The man behind the wheel
“Thank You.”
“Now, straight to business. I guess you
already recieved those pictures. I know you
won’t want me to send those pictures accross
to your wife or put them on social medias.
You’ll pay me if you want this buried.” The
man began.
“How much are we talking about here?”
Benson asked.
“Five million naira or you face the music. Get
back to me once it is twelve o’clock. I believe
you still have my number on your phone. By
for now.” He said igniting the car.
Ben got down from the car and the man who
refused to introduce himself formally drove out
of the street.

Episode 40

Health workers can be seen walking around
the airport shopping complex
dressed in their usual uniform and another
overall made from polythene.
Movements within the complex premises has
been restricted immediately
the dangerous gas which is yet to be
discovered was induced into the
complex ventilation system. The ventilation
control system serves as the
powerhouse for all air conditions in the
Dead body were been transferred from within
the complex into waiting
ambulance vans.
“Sir, the casualty here is beyond normal. We
need two ambulance
vehicles.” the leader of the medical team said
through the communication
device attached to one of the ambulances.
Even the health workers had their noses
covered with a glass mask that
is artificial oxygen-attached. They breathe in
the oxygen connected
with the mask. Even though the name of the
chemical induced is yet to be
known, they(the health workers) had to take
every preventive measures
because once the chemical is inhaled, it
affects the lungs and trachea,
thereby causing the person to bleed from the
nose till death.
Few minutes later, the ambulances all drove
out from the complex and
transferred all victims to the state teaching
Victoria came out of her room clad in a white
polo t-shirt and a
black jean trouser. she had her small bag
hung on her shoulder. Her
mother was seated in the living room.
“Hey mum.” She greeted her mum as she
jumped unto the three seater
“Hello darling. Are you going out?” She asked.
“Yes mum. And I will need your car.” Victoria
“My car? For what?” She asked her daughter.
“Mum. Am your daughter mehn. I need the
car, just tell me where
the key is and am out of here.”
“Its on the drawer in my room.”
“That’s why I love you mum.” She sprang up
and ran into her
mother’s room happily.
She re-emerged few seconds later and walked
out of the house into the
car park where her mother’s Infinity was
parked. She unlocked the doors
and hopped in behind the wheel and drove out
of the compound with full
The car music player was blasting as she
drove along the busy Ikeja
road. Just then her phone rang prompting her
to reduce the volume of the
music player before the picked the call.
“Yes?” she asked knowing fully well that this
call is about business
because its her business phone.
“Am I on with Vicky?”
“Go straight to the point.” She said rudely.
“My name is Tony. I want you to delete my
business partner John, so that the profits from
our patnership businesses can be mine.”
“How much are you willing to pay?” she asked.
“Five hundred thousand naira.” He said.
“Call me back with your partner’s full
information and a better offer.” She said
hanging up.
She took the turning by the right into a gas
station where she refilled the tank and
continued her journey.
“Mamba. We’ve got a new business. A five
hundred thousand naira deal to kill a certain
John. I’ll forward the necessary info to you as
soon as I recieve them. Then we device a plan
to get on with.” She said to the reciever at the
other end and hung up without waiting for any

Sandra was seated in her living room deep in
thought, she couldn’t
figure out who could be bold to the extent of
entering my room and
taking a picture of I and Benson? She thought.
Even though she had one person in mind as
the culprit, it doesn’t make
sense to her. If Benson was behind this, then
how come was he able to
take the pictures with his face showing?
Maybe the camera was set in
auto-capture. She could remember vivdly how
they entered the bedroom
tearing their clothes off, there is no possibility
of anyone slipping in
with a camera. But since one thing on her
mind was the mindblowing s*x
they are about to have, it is possible she
didn’t notice him smuggling
something in. But how did he put the camera
on and set it in a vantage
position? Maybe when she was asleep. But he
fell asleep before her
immediately they rounded up. Maybe it was
all pretense, he pretended to
be asleep. She concluded as she remembered
“Where is this useless girl?” Janet!” She
“Maaaaa.” She replied as she ran into the
living room with a plastic
tray and a pack of fruit juice and a glass cup.
“What kept you this long?”
“There was only one fruit juice remaining and
it was deep down the
freezer. So I had to search for it.” She lied.
“Its high time you went to the market. Or what
do you think?” She
“Yes ma.” Jane replied.
“Get me my purse. Its inside my bag on the
dressing table in my
The young lady hurriedly left the living room
with only the tray in
hand as her employer helped herself with the
drink she served.
She re-emerged a minute later with the purse.
“Take this. Go to the market and stock the
freezer with enough fruit
juice. Especially orange flavour. You know its
my favourite.” She
“Okay ma.” She collected the money and made
for the door.
“Have you mastered the act of driving so you
can go with my car?”
Sandra asked.
“Not yet ma.” Janet replied opening the front
Just then Sandra’s phone rang bringing her
back to the present. Then
she remembered she had a business to
transact when it is eleven o’clock.
Thank God its not yet eleven. Checking the
caller, she discovered it
was her lawyer or her s*x mate, Barrister
“Hello Ben.” She said into the reciever.
“Hello Sandy. Please I need your help and its
very important and
“Let me hear it.” She urged him to continue.
“Am in a one chance trouble. Someone
threatened to release our sex pictures on the
internet. I need to pay five million to make him
stop the act. And you know how much I love
my wife.”
“Five million. Send me your account details I’ll
see what I can do.” She replied.
“Okay. Thank you very much.”

Episode 41

Darasimi was seated inside the CSO’s office
before a panel of three
security officials. Inspector Clement, his
partner, Sergeant Habeeb, and the deputy CSO.
“Now tell us all you know about Chioma’s
death.” Clement said without mincing word.
“I don’t know anything about Chioma’s death.”
“But you said you’ve not seen Chioma in two
days. Why the lie?”
“I lied because I was scared.” she replied.
“And you called yourself friends. When Hadiza
died, Dayo called the CSO on phone telling
him she was the one who discovered her dead
“We have evidences that can stand against
you in the court of law.
Here.” Habeeb added pointing to a cloth
soaked with blood.
Darasimi seeing that she had no other option
than to come out clean and hopefully, maybe
she’ll be released. But something kept
disturbing her, Deoye’s warning.
“It is true that I was the only one with Chioma
on the night she was killed. After we dropped
from Stephanie’s car, I told her someone
to meet her. And immediately I called the guy,
“Here.” Habeeb called her attention to a
picture of herself talking to Deoye.
“Yes. Thats him.” She replied.
Habeeb showed another picture of her
collecting an envelope from Deoye.
“Tell us what you found in the envelope. And
what purpose did it
serve?” The deputy cso asked.
“Money. Fifteen thousand naira.” she replied.
She knew there is no gain in lying and if she
wants to get out of here without being given a
jail term, she need to say the truth.
“So you collected fifteen thousand to do
what?” Habeeb asked.
“To lead Chioma to his waiting hands like he
said.” she replied but got a resounding slap
from the deputy cso.
“Look at this Judas of a girl. You sold out
your friend for your
own selfish interest.” the cso said.
“I never knew she’ll be killed.” she protested.
“Then how come money was involved?” the
deputy cso asked.
She kept quiet as hot tears trickled down her
“Who is that guy that was talking to you when
we came in?” Habeeb asked.
“His name is Deoye.” She replied.
“The same Deoye?”
“Yes.” She replied.
“Did you know that the best thing you could
have done is to tell us while we were in your
room that, the guy we say the other time is
our suspect. we wouldn’t have bothered you at
all. I can see you’ve proven
your innocence.” Habeeb said cleanig her
tears with a handkerchief.
“Thank you sir.”
“But you’ll be arrested because you led your
friend to death and you tried running away.”
Habeeb added.
“Lets get out of here.” Clement spoke for the
first time in a very
long time.
Habeeb and his boss exited the security
complex as they head to the police
headquarters for a debriefing on the latest
news rocking the state. A dangerous gas
released into the ventilation system of the
Airport Shopping Complex. More of it to come,
says the terrorists.


–to be continued–

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3 years ago

Very interesting,and please complete the story.

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Very intriguing, i just hope they catch them at last ooo, yu are good author