ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 29 – 36 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 - 8 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 29 by dy9ty7

TIME: 7:15PM
Clement opened the front door and walked in
to see his heavily
pregnant wife watching a live tv broadcast.
“Welcome sweety.” Rachel said.
“Hello darling. How you doing?” He asked
bending down to give her a peck.
“How was work today?” she asked.
“Stressful. Really stressful. What are you
watching?” Clement
“This governor’s announcement for a second
term in office.” she replied.
“Really? I pray he gets elected.”
“But the most suprising thing is that, he is
making his intentions
known from Abuja. Why can’s he do it here?”
“The most suprsing thing is that his deputy is
still in town.”
“Where is this country heading to? Flaging off
your candidature in
the evening in the absence of your deputy.”
“That’s politics for you.” Clement replied
removing his shirt.
“What’s in to eat?” He asked.
“Go and shower while I set the table.” She
Clement picked his bag and walked in to take
his shower before having his breakfast-lunch-
dinner in one meal.
Five minutes into his meal.
“Sweetheart. You are not eating?” He asked.
“I already ate. I thought you’ll be coming back
late today so I had to eat.” She replied.
“Okay. But have this.” He said picking up a
piece of meat with his fork and putting it in
her mouth.
“Darling. I want to go and visit daddy
tomorrow.” Rachel informed.
“Daddy? Your dad?” He asked to be sure.
“No, your dad.” She replied.
“Chief Obi Patrick?” He asked.
“Stop being naughty. Its over a month that I
set my eyes on him
last. I need to see my father-in-law. I’ll be
back on friday.” She said.
“No. You will go on friday and come back on
sunday morning. I will be seeing him on friday
so I’ll drive you down there and on Sunday, on
my way to church, I’ll come and fetch you.
“Yes sir.” She replied saluting.
The two couples bursted into laughter.
“When will we go and visit mummy?” She
“Maybe after your delivery.” Clement replied
knowing she was
referring to his mother who divorced his father
over twenty years ago.
“But why? Dad didn’t allow her to come to our
wedding. Clement,
she is your mother.”
“I know and am not disputing that fact but the
thing is that….”
He was saying when his phone rang.
“Hello.” He said on picking up.
“This is Sergeant Mike sir. Okoro’s body was
found lying in front of his house some twenty
minutes ago.” Mike said.
“Where are you now?” He asked.
“A police team led by me is at the scene with
the medical team.”
“Am on my way.” Clement replied standing up.
He faced his wife who was already fuming in
“Sweetheart, I have to go. You know Okoro,
don’t you? He was kidnapped and now his
dead body has been found.” Clement informed
as he picked up his car keys.
Before she could protest, her husband was
already out of the house racing towards his
“Will he at least finish his food before
leaving?” She asked no one in particular as
she began packing the plates.

Episode 30

Stephanie matched on the break just when she
was about to climb one of
the road bumps.
“Seriously girls, I don’t think I will be able to
drive you down to
your hostel o.” She dropped the bombshell.
“But why na?” Chioma asked.
“You know its late already and I won’t be able
to drive back home
alone. And thank God, you girls are two so you
can keep each other’s
company.” Stephanie explained.
“But you already promised to drive us home.
Moreso, you can sleep
over in our room till tomorrow.” Chioma
“Am sorry, I won’t feel comfortable sleeping
outside my comfort
zone.” Stephanie replied as she swerved the
car off the road and parked
just infront of the school library.
“Okay, if you insist we’ll find our way.”
Darasimi said opening
the door and getting out of the car and
Chioma followed suit.
“Thanks for your understanding.” Stephanie
said smiling.
“Its nothing.” Darsimi replied as they waved
her goodbye and walked
Three minutes into their journey a message
flew into Darasimi’s phone
which reads;
8pm is the time. 4rm Deoye

Darasimi knew the time is now to execute the
business given to her by
“Chioma.” She called.
“Yes?” Chioma replied.
“I want you to meet someone.” Darasimi
“When you see him you’ll know.”
“But it’s late already.” Chioma complained.
“There is no cause for alarm.” Darasimi said
assuringly as she
brought out her phone.
“Hello. Where are you?” Darasimi asked
whoever she wanted Chioma to meet.
“Don’t ask me.” Just then a quick shot was
“Jesus!” Darasimi screamed as she took to her
She stopped few seconds later when she saw
bloodstains on her body. She was sure the
gun didn’t hit her but what about Chioma?
She thought as she ran back to where she
heard the gunshot.
She saw Chioma lying on the floor gasping
and fighting for her life. She breathe her last
“Oh my God. Chioma! Noooooo.” She
screamed, but the deed has already been
She stood up with tears in her eyes and
walked dejectedly away from the scene
knowing there is nothing she could do other
than leave the scene to avoid her being hit
“First thing tomorrow morning I must leave
the school area.” She thought as she ran

Clement opened the car door and rushed to
the scene without bothering to shut the door.
“Make way please.” He said as he pushed his
way through the crowd.
“Who is this ?” An elderly man asked.
Clement ignored the man and walked towards
the police team that stood beside Okoro’s
“Welcome sir.” Mike saluted his boss.
“Tell me, how did this happen?” Clement
asked, knowing fully well that the first thing
Mike and his team ought to do was to
question the witnesses for firsthand report.
“From the reports we gathered. A car drove
into this place twenty minutes before this
place got illuminated and left immediately it
All they said was that, there was a quick
opening and shutting of the
door. But the people around couldn’t figure
out whats going on because everywhere was
dark.” Mike explained.
“Around what time is that?” Clement asked.
“Seven.” Mike replied glancing through the
report in writing he had in his notepad.
Clement walked away from Mike and walked to
the enclosed area marked with yellow tapes
where the medical team was attending to
Okoro’s corpse.
“Who is in charge here?” Clement asked.
“I sir.” A lady replied.
“I am Inspector Clement and you are?”
“Miss Andy.” She replied.
Clement conversed with the female medical
doctor for a few minutes before turning to face
the crowd.
“Please, I need to speak with the chairman of
the landlord
association and the owner of this house.”
Clement said.
An ederly man dressed in a typical Eastern
attire walked to him.
“Good evening sir.” Clement greeted bowing.
“Good evening son. I am Chief Omatsone, the
owner of this house.
Also the late Okoro’s landlord.” He introduced
“I am inspector Clement. Mr Okoro’s colleague
at work.” Clement introduced himself.
“Its good to see you.” The man probably in his
late or early
seventies said.
“Can we talk privately sir?” Clement asked.
“Definitely. Let’s go in.” he replied as he led
the way todards
the main gate.
Clement dished out the last set of information
to the medical team
before walking in with Chief Omatsone. The
medical team conveyed Okoro’s
dead body to the state hospital while the
police team maintained
decorum outside the compound.
++++++Inside Chief Omatsone’s palour+++
Chief Omatsone was seated on his favourite
armchair which was
directly facing the television and Okoro was
seated on a two seater
couch just beside him.
“Nene, bring out the wine for my guest.” Chief
A young girl of about seventeen years came
out with a bottle of
palmwine and a plate of kolanut.
She served the wine inside two big cups. Even
though Clement was not a
fan of Palmwine, he still had to take it to
please his host but he
didn’t touch the Kolanut.
“Sir, tell me about your late tennant.” Clement
“Thank you son. You see, Okoro was a very
wonderful son to me. My personal security
here. He performs so many functions within
the four walls of this compound up to the fact
that he sometimes engage my smallest
daughter, Nene in conversations. They are
pretty close.” Chief Omatsone said.
“Are you saying Okoro is close to your
“Not only my daughter but my other sons.
They all reside in UK.” Chief said.
“Do you by chance know that Okoro was
kidnapped?” He asked.
“Yes, we all heard. But there was little to what
we could do. Since he is a policeman. We
believed he’ll be freed.”
Clement continued questioning Chief
Omatsone for the next ten minutes before he
announced his departure. It was then he
realised that he had consumed a cup of
He walked out of the gate and up next is to
visit, the chairman of the community.

Episode 31

Tolani was lying on bed listening to music.
The time was nine o’clock in the evening and
her friends Dolapo, Darasimi and Chioma are
yet to be back.
“What on earth could be delaying them?” She
asked herself, just then the urge to listen to
music faded away and she started feeling
She picked up her phone and called Dolapo.
“Hello Dollyp.” Tolani said immediately Dolapo
picked the call.
“Tola, wassup.”
“What are you guys doing outside this late?
Won’t you come home?” Tola asked.
“I forgot to tell you. I am already at home. I
need to stay with daddy.” Dolapo replied.
“Yeah. What about Chioma and Dara?” Dolapo
“I have not seen them.”
“Why don’t you call them?”
“Chioma is not picking up. Dara’s phone is
not going through.” She replied.
“As at when I left them, they are still with
Stephanie. Why don’t
you call her instead?”
“I don’t have her number.” Tola replied.
“I’ll send it to you and I’ll keep tying Chioma’s
number from my
end here.”
Dolapo later sent the number to Tolani who
called Stephanie immediately and got the
worst news of the year when Stephanie told
her she already
dropped them off at the library. And the
journey from the library to their hostel is not
more than ten minutes by leg and according
to Steph,
its almost over thirty minutes since she
dropped them.
“Maybe they have decided to pass the night
reading in the library.”
She thought.
But hell no, the library has been out of bound
from six o’clock in the evening ever since, a
year one Chemistry student was raped and
killed in the library a year ago. The only time
the library is opened was during daytime.
Even if they are in the library that doesn’t
mean they shouldn’t pick their calls. It was
then that her fears began to heighten.
“I pray God is with them anywhere they are
now.” She prayed as she picked her phone, her
laptop and their chargers. She can’t sleep
alone in this room.
Sandra Oselu walked out of a popular night
shift restaurant in town.
The restaurant doubles as a night club and it
was only opened at night for late night
workers who will be too tired to cook when
they reach home and fun lovers who will go
any length to enjoy themselves.
“Thank you very much for honouring me.”
Kelvin said to her as they leaned on his car.
“The pleasure is mine.” Sandra replied.
“Hope to do this some other time.” Kelvin said
as he held her hand and walked her to her car,
a white Chrysler300. Even though, he came in
his wine coloured Nissan Murano, he felt
inferior when he saw her car but he knew
anyone who hears the name Kelvin Patrick, the
son of Obi
Patrick will know that he is made of money.
Driving a small car doesn’t mean he is not
financially buoyant.
Kelvin met Sandra on the social network few
days ago and as a result of he liking her fan
page, he got a friend request from her which
he accepted without thinking twice. They got
talking and they hit it up immediately,
exchanging BBM pins and phone numbers
before he asked her
out on a date the previous day which she
Sandra drove off in her car leaving Kelvin
behind basking on the euphoria of sitting next
to an international celebrity. He smiled as he
walked towards his own car. Maybe this is the
bone of his bone which has been missing for
years now. Or so he thought.
He backed out of the parking lot, swung the
car to the main road and drove off a fufilled
Clement walked into his house late in the
night around 9pm looking tired and sick.
“Welcome sweety.” His wife said.
Even though the living room was dark, he
could still make out his
wife’s heavy figure on the three seater couch.
He walked towards her and bent to kiss her.
“How was it?” She asked.
Knowing what she meant by the question he
sat down and took his time to explain and
recount how things went in Okoro’s house.
The two couples retired to bed after praying
that God continue to guard them from all evil.
Maybe their prayers would be answered, they
don’t know.

Episode 32

Tolani walked into the room early the next
morning in her night gown.
The first time she is sleeping with a piece of
cloth on her. She passed
the night in Tokunbo, a friend of hers who
lived on the downfloor. She dropped her
laptop, her phone and their chargers on her
bed as she prepares for lecture. She has a
lecture scheduled to start by 9 and end by 11.
For the first time in two weeks, lecture rooms
have been opened at last.
She walked into the bathroom to clean her
mouth and take her bath. She removed the
towel from her body and picked rom her body
and picked up her sponge and soap when
there was a banging sound on the door.
“Who could this be? Early in the morning.
Maybe Chioma and Dara.”
She said as she washed her hands off the
soap and tied the towel firmly on her body.
She walked out of the bathroom.
Stephanie rushed into the room dressed in her
night gown too.
“Here you are Tola?” She said crying as she
slumped on the bed.
Tola feared the worst but waved off the
“Steph, what’s the matter?” She asked
“Chioma…..Chi….Chioma.” She stuttered.
“What happened to her?” Tola asked, her
agitation growing.
“She is…. I saw her her dead body somewhere
“Not again!” She screamed falling down in the
Tola changed her clothes and together with
Stephanie and some other occupants of their
hostel all ran to where Chioma’s body was.
But before they got there, her body has been
transferred to the school’s teaching hospital’s
“Mr Bankole, tell me something I don’t know
about the student’s of
this school.” The head of students affairs, Mr
Okanlawon said.
“Sir, if I tell you I know what’s going on I’ll be
lying.” Bankole
“You can just imagine. You a whole Chief
Security Officer of the
school and three students have been killed in
two weeks by unknown killers. Yet you said
you don’t know what’s going on.”
Mr Bankole bent his head in shame.
“Every sane human will know that there is
more to this killings. Let me ask you. Have
you ever tried to find out where these girls
live? No.
They all live together. Now think about it. Five
girls live together and three has already been
killed. Don’t you know the other two are in
trouble?” Mr Okanlawon asked.
The door into the office opened and the
secretary walked in.
“What is it Ann?” Okanlawon asked his
“Sir, some angry students are out there
demanding your presence or they’ll turn
violent.” Ann said.
“You see. Head of Student’s affairs will always
be in trouble
whereas, the school security men are far from
doing their job.”
Okanlawon poured out.
“Lets go and talk to them” Okanlawon said as
he stood up and walked out of the office. On
getting outside, Mr Okanlawon tried his best in
making the group of protesters calm down but
they kept asking question. The group was led
by a final year law student, an activist in the
“Tell us what the school security is doing on
the killing of our friends and sisters.” Joe, the
leader of the group of protesters
“Thank you Joe. Mr Bankole is here too. Mr
Bankole come right
Mr Bankole stepped forward to address the
“I pray these girls rest in peace. The school’s
security is making
effort to bring the killers of these girls to book
and the police are
helping us on this too. But the first thing we
noticed was that, the
girls being killed are friends and they live
together. There is every
chance that they are members of the notorious
female cult group, Jezebel of what do they call
them.” Bankole began.
On hearing this, the protesters stepped
forward and attacked Mr Bankole despite the
franctic effort made by Joe to stop them from
“How dare you?” The asked as the kicked, hit
and punched him all over his body and he
pleaded for mercy.
It took the efforts of the security men in the
student affairs’s
administrative block to stop the attack on the
CSO. Joe was taken to custody as the leader
of the group and the others sent away from
the premises while the CSO was taken to the
health centre for treatment from injuries

Episode 33

Kelvin opened his eyes as the ray of light hit
him directly in the
face. He slept late in the night and here he
was waking up late. Truly,
early to bed is early to rise.
The event of the previous night came playing
in his head and he
smiled. He remembered how he drove into the
restaurant’s parking lot,
got down from his car, adjusted his cloth and
walked into the brightly
lit restaurant. He was quick to notice Sandra
Oselu seated in the far
end of the restaurant. One thing that drew his
attention was flashes
from journalist camera. They all are taking
pictures of the popular
model. Kelvin, feeling on top of the world
walked towards her full of
himself, took her hand and kissed the back of
her hand like a gentleman
from Italy will do to his most priceless Jewel.
“Lord, I thank you….” He was saying when his
phone vibrated.
He stopped praying and picked up the phone,
it was a message from
Sandra which reads;
Good morning dear, hope you had a nice night
He smiled as he sat down on the bed and
started typing his reply to
the message. He ended up chatting with her
for several minutes before he
realised that he is yet to pray, neither has he
brushed his teeth or
taken his bath. He dropped his phone and
walked towards the bathroom to
the the necessary cleaning. Certainly, today is
not the day to pray.
He came back into the bedroom dressed in his
tommy hilfiger boxers as
he began getting dressed for the day.
Victoria Vicky walked into the living room of
her mother’s duplex
located in the high brow suburb of Lagos
state. Her mother, Mrs Sarah
Obi Patrick was Chief Obi Patrick’s first and
only wife even though they
are divorced now.
Their marriage was blessed with three
children, two boys, Clement and
Kelvin and a girl, Victoria. The twenty five year
old girl lived happily
with her parents and brothers until the age of
fifteen when she just
got promoted to the final year in the
secondary school, Senior Secondary
School three when Chief Patrick got to know
about one of his wife’s
numerous extra marital affairs with his ex-
business friends some fifteen
years ago, exactly when Victoria was born.
He filed a divorce against his wife over the
charges of infidelity and
unfaithfulness and irreconcilable differences.
Sarah was stripped of
all she is entitled to as Mrs Patrick, she was
sent packing with her
daughter who Chief Obi patrick denied the
Victoria who was matured enough to know
what was going on at that time
decided to change her name from being
identified as Chief Obi Patrick’s
daughter. She stopped being Victoria Patrick
and changed her name to
Victoria Vicky Adesola, her mother’s maiden
name. After several attempt
to make her face her studies, she dropped out
of school in her second
year in the university after she was admitted
to study Petrol-chemical
“Victoria. Where are you coming from since
last week?” Her mother
“Mum. I was with my friends, Tobi and
Odunayo.” She replied.
“But those girls are in school studying and
you are not. Are they
on holidays?” Her mother asked.
“No mum. You know they’ll graduate next
month so we are working on
their project.” She lied.
“Working on a final year student’s project?
With half education.
Okay o.” Her mother said but not buying her
lies completely.
Victoria is a professional assasin and a
highway armed robber. She is
the joint leader of her gang which has
perpetrated so many operations
in the city of Lagos and beyond.
It seemed that every child born of Chief Obi
Patrick must in one way
or the other be involved with guns. Clement
the first son is a
policeman, Kelvin, the second son is a terrorist
while Victoria, the
last child and the only daughter is an assasin.
Only time would tell.

Episode 34

Clement stood near the police flagpost. He
was leaning on the pole
conversing with some of his colleagues at
work among whom were, Ngozi
and Mike.
“Seriously, I am begining to have a second
thought about this whole
thing.” Ngozi said changing the topic being
“Second thought about what?” Mike asked.
“This job. My fiance is complaining and am
not ready to loose him
because of a job which has no security and we
call ourselves the
security of the state.” She replied.
“I don’t get you.” Clement said.
“Our lives are in danger. Imagine a policeman
of Okoro’s calibre
killed by the terrorist. Am tired o.” She
“Am disappointed in you Ngozi.” Sergeant
Charles said.
“Back to what we were saying before Ngozi’s
drama. It seems like the
Inspector General is bringing in some men
from the FBI to assist us in
the intelligence aspect of our work.” Mike
“Where did you get that from?” Clement asked.
“I was at the defence ministry today and I saw
the men. They are
from the capital city, Abuja.” Mike added.
Just then a white mercedez benz 190 drove
into the police station’s
premises. Three men alighted from the car and
in a second, the Chief
Supritendent of the Area F-command, Haruna
came out flanked by his
Assistant and Inspector Burahimo.
The men spoke in low tones and after a few
seconds, they all walked
into the building.
“These are the same men I saw at the
ministry.” Mike said.
“If I may ask, what’s your business at the
“I was asked to come for a clearance
alongside some other policemen
in the state.” He replied.
“For promotion or what?” Ngozi asked.
“I don’t know.” Mike replied.
“You are being recommended for a transfer
man. Maybe to the north
or the millitary.” Charles said laughing.
Clement was lost in his own thought. Thinking
about his career, and
everything that is connected to it. The police
chiefs bringing in
experts from the country’s capital means,
something is lacking in the
south-west police command. He has been in
the service for many years and
he has experience. He has been used on these
kind of assignments too.
Where he’ll be invited to handle a case
alongside some top officers and
in the end, he’ll displace the officers handling
the case before he was
“I pray its not pay back time.” He thought.
“Clement, where have you been?” Charles
“In the moon.” He replied absent mindedly.
“With Rachy?” Mike asked as they all bursted
into laughter.
Just then a young constable walked up to
“Sir! Your attention is needed at the CSP’s
office.” The guy said.
“Okay.” Clement waved him off.
The young lad took off to tell the CSP what
Clement just told him.
“I’ll be back in few minutes guys.” He said as
he made to walk away.
“Time to handover.” The thought of it amused
him causing him to
giggle as he walked past a group of young
femal constables gisting. They
have no worries other than come to work and
go back home.
+++++The CSP’s office+++++++
The well furnished office was spacious enough
to have ten men in it at a time. A big
mahogany desk stood with a chair behind it
and two visitor’s chair in front of the desk. On
the left of the desk stood a conference table
which has six chairs around it and a vase
stood on top. CSP Haruna was seated on his
seat, his assistant stood behind him as well
as Inspector Burahimo. The three visiting FBI
men sat on the chair opposite the CSP desk.
One chair from the conference table has been
added to thw two chairs.
“You sent for me?” Clement asked.
“Yes. I did.” Haruna replied.
“Going straight to business. We have decided
to hand over the terrorist’s case to you
permanently and these men will work with you
on it. So get yourself acquianted with them
and fill them in. Burahimo is going on leave.”
The ASP, Mr Babalakin explained.
“Okay sirs.” He affirmed.
“So, do your job.” Haruna enthused.
“This way.” He pointed towards the door as he
led the three visiting men out of the office.

Episode 35

Joe was seated in the school security complex
looking deadly and dangerous. He was
arrested for an offence he knew nothing of.
Even though he led the group of protesters but
he wasn’t the one who gave them the orders
to attack the school’s CSO(chief security
He was fuming with rage even though, he was
not on lockup but he was made to sit down
behind the counter desk at the reception.
“Useless boy. Come to school. study, graduate,
get a job and live
happily. You are here fighting because some
students were killed.” One of the officers said.
They were all passing comments about him.
“Useless things. You ought to be in the army
fighting terrorism. You are here in a univeristy
fighting cultism.” The thought of this amused
him. The rhyme. (sm)
Just then siren could be here approaching the
school gate. And the security complex was
located right after the school’s main gate. A
convoy of cars numbering up to five drove into
the school heading
towards the VC’s(vice chancellor) office. Even
though, the vc to be is
on sabbattical to Illinos(United stated) and on
his return, he’ll be
made the vc officially.
“Is that the state governor?” A man in the
school security uniform asked his colleague.
“No. I think its the commissioner of education.
He is here on the orders of the governor.” His
colleague replied.
Twenty minutes later the convoy returned and
the state commisioner for education alighted
and walked into the security complex
requesting to
speak with the head of security. And since, Mr
Bankole is indisposed to attend to him, they
directed him to the deputy CSO’s office.
“I want results. This is the only state
university we have in this
state and our students should stop dieing.
Remember, our motor is ‘sustaining academic
excellence.’ Let the academic excellence be
sustained by us, and our children. Not killing
one another.” The
commissioner for education concluded.
“Right about now, we are on it and those
killers will be brought to book.” The Deputy
CSO assured.
“Thank you for your time.” The commissioner
“You are welcome sir.”
The deputy CSO saw the honourable
commissioner to the parking lot just when
some angry protesters barged into the security
complex demanding to speak with the
commissioner. It took the efforts of the school
security and the state’s police to stop the
students. Even though they ended up breaking
the window of the commissioner’s car before
they were sent away as a result of the release
of a deadly gas, popularly known as tear gas
in the air.
Immediately he was through with the
debriefing of the visiting
intelligence officers, he drove down to the
university’s permanent site.
“Excuse me, I need to see Mr Bankole.”
Clement said to the man
seated at the reception.
Joe recognising him greeted him and he
replied him as cool as he
“Mr Bankole is not on seat presently.” The
man replied.
“Fine, what about Mr Oye or Mrs Adelakun?”
He asked referring to the deputy cso and the
next in rank.
“You can’t see him now. You have to wait
“Do you realise who you are talking to at all?
Anyways, tell him
Inspector Clement wants to see him.”
The man who was puching some numbers n
the intercom stopped what he was doing and
faced Clement.
“Go in sir.” He said.
Clement walked in as directed. He pushed the
door open and walked into the deputy cso’s
office. Mr Oye, the man in office was banding
an envelope which was dropped earlier by the
honourable commissioner.
“Oh! Mr Clement you are welcome.” He said
locking up his drawer.
“Thank you.” Clement said sitting down before
being told to do so.
“Hope no problem?”
“Mr Oye. Tell me your position in this school’s
“Me or who?”
“Yes you and the whole security office.”
“We are employed to check the activities of
the students and guard the lives and
properties, maintain law and order….”
“Thank you very much. Are you checking the
student’s activities? No. Are you guading their
lives like you said? No. Are you maintaining
law and order? No. Mr Oye, we both know you
are doing nothing here.” Clement replied.
“Sincerly speaking Mr Clement, we are trying
but we can’t fight thin air.” Oye replied.
“You mean it? So the student’s have turned to
thin air? Fine, three students have been killed
in this school in two weeks. I want result
before the end of tomorrow.” Clement said
rising up.
“Okay sir.”
“Can I get someone who’ll show me the way to
the student affairs complex?” He asked as he
walked out of the office with Mr Oye behind

Episode 36

Clement was seated in the only chair inside
the girl’s room.
Stephanie, Tolani and Tokunbo another friend
of theirs were seated on the bed.
“So tell me all I need to know about
yesterday?” Clement who was flanked on the
right on his feet was Sergeant Habeeb who
has been on the student’s killing case.
“Sir, we all went out, everyone of us excluding
Tokunbo. But when we got to the schoolgate,
Dolapo said she had to go home and so she
left. Tola left us while we were having fun
around the school. While Chioma and
Darasimi got down from my car to trek home.”
“So are you saying, Chioma was not the only
one as at the time you dropped them? Who is
this Darasimi of a girl?” Habeeb asked.
“Darasimi is a friend. We all went out for
reconciliation and I
couldn’t drive them home because I am afraid
of driving alone at night.
If I had known, I would have driven them home
and pass the night here.”
Stephanie explained.
“The main suspect now is Darasimi. And you
said you’ve not heared from her since
yesterday?” Habeeb asked.
“Her number is not going through.” Tolani
“We need to know if she is alive or dead too.”
Habeeb said to the girls.
“I heard someone say something about
reconcilliation the other time. What’s it
about?” Clement who has been silent asked.
“We all had a misunderstanding yesterday.
Chioma and Darasimi
basically. That was why Stephanie stepped in
and said we should all go out and have fun.”
Tolani replied.
“Tell me more.” Clement urged her.
“The thing started between Dolapo and
Darasimi, I intervened but Dara attacked me.
Chioma also said something to stop the
quarrell but it escalated and Chioma ended up
pushing Darasimi violently and she fell
against a burning stove.” Tola explained.
“Now I get it. Don’t you think Dara tried to get
back at Chioma by killing her?” Clement
“With a gun? Hell no. I know Darasimi very
well.” Tolani replied.
“What if she paid someone to carry out the
mission?” Clement asked.
The girls didn’t say anything, they just kept
mute looking at the
police officers before them.
“You know what? We’ll go to Darasimi’s lodge.
I learnt she lives in Harmony lodge. To be sure
if she was hit or not.” Clement said rising up.
“Please do that fast.” Tokunbo spoke for the
first time. She was
afraid of saying anything because of the
popular saying that “anything
you say here will be used against you in the
court of law.”
Clement rose up with his partner and left with
a promise that they’ll be back in an hours
Darasimi turned the door key for the second
time. Sure that she had
locked the the door firmly, she picked up her
portable travelling bag inside which she had a
few of her things, most importantly her
She walked towards the gate with tears welled
up in her eyes threatening to spill any
moment. Even though she was sure she’ll
breakdown before she got to her destination.
Ibadan, the capital of Oyo state, a state in the
south-west of Nigeria, a country in west
“Dara… Dara.” A masculine voice was calling
as the person ran to
catch up with her.
She decided to give the person an audience
provided he has something reasonable to say.
All she had to spare was two minutes.
“Am sorry about your friend.” Deoye said.
“Thank you.” She replied.
“But who do you think could be responsible for
the killing of Chioma in the dead of the
night?” He asked.
“Deoye. Can I tell you something?” She asked.
“Yes you can.” He replied smiling.
“I suspect you as the number one killer.” She
replied shocking him with his reply.
“Why will you suspect me? Meaning I killed
Dayo and Hadiza, my girlfriend too?” He
“I didn’t say that but if the police ask me I’ll
tell them you told me to lead Chioma into
your hands that fateful night.”
“The fact that I asked you to lead her to me
does not mean I killed her.”
“So why did you pay me?” She asked.
Deoye kept quiet. His cover seemed to have
been blown.
Just then the gate opened and two men
walked in. Darasimi was quick to recognise
one of them as Inspector Clement. She knew
they are here for her.
“Don’t say anything about me to the police.
You know who I be.” He whispered.
“Alright Darsimi. I’ll call you on phone.” He
said smiling as he walked away.
“Hello guy.” Habeeb said greeting Deoye.
“Yes boss!” He replied as he walked away
leaving Darasimi with the two men.


–to be continued–

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