ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 157 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 132 - 133 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 157 by dy9ty7

“Why on earth did you call the police?” Kelvin asked. “Believe me, I didn’t call anybody, there is no phone one me and no means of communication, I think they are here on a rescue mission or what do you think?” Mike explained. This time the police team had already alighted from their vehicles and were taking position at strategic places. “Isn’t that your new commissioner?” Kelvin asked pointing to the man who was dishing out instructions to the other police officers. “Yeah, that’s him.” Mike replied, his mind wandering to a different thing. Mike thought about his chances of taking out Kelvin single-handedly, but with what? The gun he managed to get off one of the Khal corp boys was lying a few metres away from him and a feet away from Kelvin. He knew he hadn’t established the best of relationship with Kelvin because the reason for their partnership is yet to be known.

Maybe he wants them to go against Khal corp which is the most evident or to support Khal corp which is impossible, considering the fact that the Khal corp are after him(Kelvin) because he betrayed them and he(Mike) on the other hand is on the wanted list at khal corp just because he shot Abdul Maleek. “Why don’t we alert the police team that we are here?” Mike asked the only question which seemed to favour him but on the other hand is a great disadvantage to Kelvin. “No way. I am not getting help from the police, I’ll kill Maleek myself and Clement with my bare hands.” Kelvin replied producing a baf from only God knows where, he unzipped the bag and revealed the contents of the bag which includes, guns of different size and makers, dangerous weapons such as knifes, daggers, grenade bomb still in its pack to mention a few.

“What do you want to use this for?” Mike asked when he saw Kelvin remove a rope from the bag. “You just watch me and what I want to do.” Kelvin replied knocking him hard on the throat such that he went blank for ten seconds, eyes open and breathing hard, by the time Mike came around, he has been bounded tightly with the rope and before he could find his voice, Kelvin had placed a tape over his mouth therefore making it impossible for him to speak. “This is where you’ll be until I am finished with your colleagues out there.” With this, Kelvin hung the bag accross his shoulder and crouched out of the pipe leaving Mike behind. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Clement is getting tired of the hide and seek game he has been playing with his father’s security details. He was the only one playing the game while the security are not interested in playing with him. Mere thinking about it was amusing on its own. Clement was patroling the side of the house with a gun in his hand, just as he wanted to take the bend into the back of the house, he heard footsteps which he knew unmistakably belonged to another security, he quickly stopped in his tracks, made a sharp U-turn and returned to the deserted front of the house with only the commander seated in the living room very close to the window, Clement could see the outline of his father seated somewhere inside the living room.

Just then a car honked in front of the gate. Clement knew who it was and he didn’t want to rik being spotted, he tried to disappear from the front of the house before the car honked for a second time, but the commander was quick to call his attention. “You can check who is at the gate.” He said in english, after which he said in French, Xulu and Spanish. Clement decided to open the gate and by the time he opened the second one, he used it to hide himself and the CSO drove in just intime when the commander was outside to meet him. Clement tried to walk away, but the last glance he took at the CSO, he was spotted. “Please, I’ll be back in a minute.” The CSO said and hurried after Clement who by now was by the side of the house near the generator house. — Clement had hidden inside the generator house by the time the CSO took the bend into the sides of the house and from experience, Clement is not to make any sound because he expect the CSO to be coming with a full men.

But maybe his foolishness is overriding his expertise or he is trying to take the glory of stoping Clement. Just when the CSO passed the generator house which was built with close knitted blocks with no opening like the common built, Clement dragged the CSO inside and with one swift moment he had taken the CSO out with the butt of his gun. He allowed the CSO to fall to the ground and he removed the generator belt which he use in tying the man’s hands and legs together. Clement didn’t know what the CSO had told the men out there, but he knew he told them he would be back in a minute and by all standards, a minute had passed meaning they would soon come looking for him which could spell doom for Clement.

Without giving it a second thought, Clement walked out of the generator house, walked accross the compound and turned the door knob which opened the kitchen door silently, he walked in after fastening the lock and silently pushing the refrigerator which stood just beside the door post to behind the door, thereby making it impossible for anybody from outside to open the door even after unfastening the lock. He silently headed towards the door which he guessed connect to the living room and to his dismay, three armed men were standing at strategic places, one behind the front door, one behind Chief Obi Patrick who was reading a outdated magazine and the last armed man standing just at the entrance of the hallway which linked the living room and the kitchen.

“There is a problem here.” Clement whispered into the ears of the man who was standing at the hallway and after recieving the go ahead from the man standing behind the entrance door, they both walked back into the kitchen where Clement took out the man silently and carefully laid him to the ground silently. He walked out of the kitchen so fast that his next action suprised him, from the hallway, he jumped at the man closest to him who was behind his father and in the process, he shot the man standing behind the door and caughting up with the man behind his father, he was hit in the face by the man. Clement spat out blood and shot the man in the leg and he hurriedly ran to the front door which by now was almost down as a result of the frantic pushing from outside. Clement pushed the three seater couch nearest the door to provide more defence to the door, he turned back to see the man he shot in the leg pointing a gun at him. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

After taking out the men guarding the underground, Ngozi led her team past a small lake which flow accross the underground and by the time they reached the other side, they came face to face with a door which they opened with the use of an explosive and on entering, they found themselves in a very big hall which was lite brightly, there was no wondow, the only source of air was the air condition which stood at one side of the hall. “Where do we go from here?” Ngozi asked and her voice echoed around the room. “Is this also another underground?” Sylvester asked. “What does it look like? We didn’t climb any staircase from inside the tunnel, did we? We just opened that door and found ourselves here.” Captain Sanni replied. “That’s a door over there.” One of the soldiers pointed at the supposed door which bore great resemblance to the wall itself, save for the door knob which stood somewhere on it. The team which comprises of over twenty five men when they entered the dark tunnel had drastically being reduced to fifteen and they all walked towards the supposed door, Ngozi turned the door knob bravely, she is yet to forget her experience at the underground room where she was electrocuted by mere stepping on the underground cover.

Suprisingly, the door open and as if waiting for the door to open, gunshots were rained at them one of which hit Sanni who was the first to walk out of the door. “Who notified them of our presence?” Ngozi asked after shutting the door very fast. “Isn’t that obvious?” Sylvester asked.Kelvin crawled his way out from the pipe and headed for the Khal corp building his pistol held at a shooting length, eyes darting from left to right, right to left, front to back, every of his sense organs were at alert that even the mere hearing of a billowing wind, he stopped dead and corked his gun ready for action, he knew what he intended to do was a herculean task, but by all standard, he needed to kill just a few people, but to kill those people he’ll have to kill those that tried to block his way. Abdul Maleek, Hakym are the main target even though he still had Clement in mind, but as things were, Clement is somehow far away from him, but if by chance they should meet, he would definintely sqeeze life out of him. His sights were set on Ngozi too, the lady he intended to have a short fling with, but ended up getting struck with her all because of her stupidity, as things were, she was the first person to know who he really was, the first person to know he had a mark that stood for Khal corperation and was likely the one who alerted her colleagues and the reason why Mike came after him at Sandra’s residence, the reason why the police team are there and most importantly, the reason why he is on the run.

He hadn’t forgotten about his long time friend and accomplice, Jay, he knew Jay did a lot in turning him in for the police, even if Ngozi saw the mark, she didn’t know what it stood for, she wasn’t sure of what she was thinking, but by all standards, Jay knew him in and out and he had turned him in to the police. He would have loved to go after him, but so many things in his mouth to chew, if he was able to handle his closest enemies, the police will definitely handle Jay like he deserved, even though he would have paid all he had to watch life drain out of him. He quickly took cover behind a nearest tree and he watched whats was causing the type of disturbance in the forest, he raised his head up and saw and antelope scrambling of the danger area, from the look of things the animal has been shot and whoever shot it would be out any minute to pick it up, now that the animal is dead. He waited in anticipation for the hunter who shot the animal and before long, two police officers ran accross the bush towards where the antelope now laid lifeless, Kelvin wanted to laugh out really hard because he couldn’t fathom why policemen who are on a search to arrest a criminal will be hunting animals. He attached the silencer to his gun and took them out with two quick shots.

He continued towards the side of the building still looking around for any lurking danger and by the time he reached the fence, he heard a very loud explosion which he didn’t know what caused it, but he knew it had to be one of the underground doors. By now he could hear quick footsteps running around the compound to take care of whatever caused the explosion before it escalates and from what he could hear the men saying, it seemed a police team had gained access into the building through the underground. “I always knew Ayo Okorie would be the cause of Khal corp downfall.” He muttered a little too loudly and to his suprise, someone replied. “Definitely, he would be the cause of your death.” Mr Ayo Okorie was approching him from the side, his gun pointed at him. “How did you get out?” Kelvin asked. “That’s not the issue, is it? Bloody traitor!” And the gun went off. — A seasoned television reporter and veteran presenter once dwelled on the past and did researches or better still put as interviews with retired Nigerian soldiers who were lucky to be part of the civil war and were lucky to live after the war. When the asked presenter asked them what decision making was in the Nigerian army and the war front, the old soldier numbering up to five who were now into the present day politics said there was nothing like the present day politics and when they were asked to explain the reason why they said there was no decision making at the war front, one of them took the mantle and gave a detailed explanation which an excerpt of it would be written below.

“I was the commander of battallion 5, platoon 3 during the civil war in the late 60s, as a commander of a battallion, I am entitled to a hundred soldiers and on the 18th of February, 1968, I led my full battalion at exactly 4am from Ogbede, an area in the present day Enugu state to Otupko in the present day Benue state, thousands of kilometeres and embarking on such journey requires no planning or decision making, it is totally a risk. You take risk, you think once, you think about the result and not the procedures. In millitary, the journey of a thousand miles doesn’t begin with a step. No no no, it will always begin with a step no matter what, but right from the time you took the first step, you should be thinking of the last step already, so all other steps are useless and without a major significance. And did I tell you all other steps are the risks involved? They are. Such was the situation which Ngozi and he team found themselves when they were hooled up inside a room which on the outside stood over ten gunmen waiting for them to come out which is not really and option because no one is ready to die, while the other option they’ve got was to clamber back into the tunnel and return to the earth surface without a major success, meaning they had failed in a task they had been preparing for for months, even the spirits of those who died in the struggle won’t forgive them and most especially Ngozi who most likely would be the one to call for a retreat.

She needed no soothsayer to tell her what to do as they all watched as captain Sanni bled to death right in front of them and this seemed to bring out the beast in her team, everyone became wounded and they are all ready to fight even with the last drop of their blood which was why the last explosive was placed against the door and twenty seconds later, it exploded, throwing off the men who were standing behind at against the nearest wall while Ngozi and her team who had all moved back were able to walked out of the room and one after the other, they took out the men. “Sylvester, you, you, you and you, go in search of Sergeant Mike, he should be somewhere at the first floor. I’ll lead the team that will take out Maleek, Danger-Kelv and the other who I supposed stays in this underground.” She instructed and as if being controlled with a remote, Sylvester set off with the four men attached to him without question while Ngozi, desperate to kill every single soul inside the building set off accross the hall way and entered the room that stood directly opposite the room which they had just exited.

And from the look of things, the hall seemed to be their meeting place judging from the appliances that stood at strategic places in the hall and the big chair which she guessed belonged to Maleek. One after the other, they destroyed all the computers, the large screens that were hung on the wall and a few other communication devices in the hall. Ngozi and her team set out of the hall when they were sure that they had destroyed the means of communication within the compound meaning, the Khal corp members won’t be able to communicate unless they are closeby. “This way guys.” She said as she hurriedly ascended a stairs and shooting sporadically at the men who tried to preven her entry while her men handled the men who were coming from behind and the interchanged periodically taking covers and allowing them the time to reload their guns.

“Get him.” The soldier whose sharp eye discovered the wall door shouted at Ngozi pointing his gun towards a man who just walked out of from one of the room. Ngozi recognised him at once as one of the men who had attacked her home for the map, he was their leader, Hakym. And without thinking, she skidded off the gun battle scene jumping the staircase to block Hakym at the landing of the staircase, with one swift tunr, Hakym had disappeared before the landed whith gunshots trailing her from above which she ducked expertly.

Clement stood rooted to the spot looking at the dying man who held the gun facing him. With pleading eyes, Clement eyes darted towards his gun which stood just beside his left leg, he knew he stood a chance if he decided to pick up the gun and take out the man, but it looked sucidal, something that a Jack Bauer wouldn’t try to do even in films. He knew before he would get a firm grip on the gun, the mean looking man in front of him would have pulled the trigger and blood would have splattered all around the living room and the next thing would be for him to breathe his last breadth. Clement said his last prayers as he shut his eyes and jumped at the man who was trying to keep his balance as a result of the bullet which hit him in the leg all thanks to Clement. The two grown men rolled on the floor, Clement trying to get the gun off him or better still turn it agaisnt the man, but his heart failed him when he heard a loud gunshot and blood splattered on his own face.

He knew he couldn’t have died, not so easily, but the man before him couldn’t have shot himself because the last time he checked, the gun was still pointed at him as he he managed to open one eyes as he saw his father descending the stairs, with a double barrelled Bazouka held in his arms. Clement at once knew what had happened, his father had aimed the gun at him, but during the course of his struggle with the now lifeless man that lay beside him, the object changed position and his father who had already made up his mind to shoot him shot exactly when his son changed postion and his own security replaced him. Clement laid still and allowed his father moved closer just a second after the old man announce to his cecurity men outside that he had taken care of Clement.

The next second, Chief Obi Patrick was lying on his back, his hands held up in a surrendering manner begging his son for mercy and Clement carefully knelt behind his father, held his neck and dragged him behind a couch for safety purpose. The security realising what had happened from the cry of agony Chief Patick made started shooting into the house, the bullets which penetrated the walls, but couldn’t reach Clement or his father where he was and the door locked, the men couldn’t come in and Clement couldn’t go out. He knew it wouldn’t take time before the men succeeded in pulling down the door and he wasn’t ready for such, he needed help real fast and biblically, only God can help and even if he will put a call through to the president of the United states, it would still take the grace of God for him to be able to help. “Let me go now or I make you pay for this.” Chief Obi Patrick yelled at him angrily, struggling to break free. “You are going nowehre until I hand you over to the government, you useless and….” His voice trailed off. He couldn’t imagine himself talking to his own father in such a manner.

“I paid all your bill up till the time you got married, I am your father, you belonged to me, you should do my bidding. Let me go now.” Chief Obi Patrick said sinking his teeth into Clement’s hand. Clement angrily his has father so hard that after a minute of continuos hitting, his father become motionless, save for his breathing, one would think he is dead. “Am sorry dad.” Clement said binding hip his father with the only rope he could see, tears trickling out of his eyes. “Inspector Clement, come out now, or you risk yourself getting roasted in the house.” A voice announced. “I don’t mind getting roasted, but bear it in mind that you principal whom you are guiding would be roasted alongside me, so what’s the gain?” He shouted back and whoever was threatening him went silent, maybe thinking about the reply he just got. Clement was searching his contact for who to call, Sylvester was out of the picture, he had called and sent messages to him countless times with nothing done, he couldn’t call the commissioner’s number, he didnlt know it off hand, Ngozi’s line was not connecting, the only number he knew off hand was Tobiloba, Ngozi’s fiancee’s number, the number he memorized forcefully during the time that Ngozi went missing for two nights.

He dialed Tobiloba’s number and waited for it to connect. – Mr Ayo Okorie fell down with a loud thud in front of Kelvin who immediately removed the Ak-47 which was hung on his back across his broad shoulder and awaited whoever shot Mr Ayo Okorie. He knew that was not the best of ideas at the moment because whoever that is responsible for the gunshot must have had a reason for doing so and he still standing was just to know who the shooter was even though at the moment when he couldn’t place where the gunshot came from, he was at the mercy of the person who could kill him if he/she decides to, but the person must have shot the dead Ayo just to keep him alive and whoever did that deserved to be thanked. Kelvin tried to draw up an angle with his eyes by imagining a standing Mr Ayo infront of him and trying to point the movement of the bullet and when he was giving up on the useless task he gave himself, he saw her, she was running accross the bush, a bag hung on he back, a sun shade on the bridge of her nose, her hair packed to a pony tail, he was sure she was the one, even if he was dead and they met in hell because he was sure there would be no vacant space for them in paradise, not after all the atrocities they had committed, he knew they would either share a room, a flat or a mansion in hell if there is anything like that.

“Hey.” Becky said as she knelt down beside him to take cover with the fence. Kelvin was dumbfounded, he could neither speak nor hear what was being said to him, he couldn’t even place the kind of environment he was, the shock that surge through his body was not only heavenly but hell-ly, if there is anyword like that. “What are you doing here?” Kelvin asked after overcoming his shock. “To save you of course.” She replied smiling. Kelvin knew there was more to the smile, except if the person beside him is not the Becky he knew. After all he did to her, trying to kill her crush, Jay which led to his arrest, she still wanted to save him. Kelvin knew better not to ask why she wanted to save him because he knew it is just like opening old wounds.

“How did you know I am here?” He asked unable to look at her face. “You know I am a computer person. I have been tracking Ngozi and Sylvester since last week when they visited my home. You remembered the jewellery box you gave me?” She asked. Kelvin nodded his head in affirmation and Becky continued by explaining how she had attacked a shining s–d to the numerous studs that ardoned the side of the box, the s–d which turned out to be a tracker and the moment she saw that the box in inside the Khal corp, she came running. “So, you really want to help me?” Kelvin asked. “Of course, but on a condition.” She replied. “Am all ears.” Kelvin urged her on. “We will see to the end of Abdul Maleek and his cohorts era as the boss, then we can take over, but after we must have rescued Jay out of the police net. Deal?” She said clenching her left hand into a fist and stretching it towards Kelvin who did the same and placed his fist on her own. “Which way?” Becky asked. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Help was not forthcoming, even from above, it wasn’t anymore. It seemed God had abandoned him, who wouldn’t when he had let his ambition take over his thinking such that he didn’t think twice before he embarked a deadly mission such as this. “1, 2, 3.” The men outside said and threw their bodies agaist the door, both tehe front door and the kitchen door in a bid to break in. “Okay, Okay. Cool down guys. I will release your principal to you, but first, I will be allowed to go.” Clement said. There was silence outside the house. “I will only hand over you principal when I must have confirmed that you have kept up your side of the promise. If you fail to do it, I will shoot him myself then I don’t mid if you kill me. Deal or no deal?” “Deal.” The commander replied. “Do I have your word?” Clement asked. “I cross my heart.”

The commander replied. Clement stood up, drgagged his father to his feet and marched towards the front door. “Now, everybody stand back and drop your weapons where I will see them. Give me the total number of the men out there.” Clement said as he stood beside the window counting the men with his eyes. “Twenty five.” the commander replied. “Liar. Its twenty six, you failed to count yourself.” Clement replied as he dragged the three seater couch away from behind the door. “Now, hang on guys, I will be out in a minute.” He said when the unexpected happened.

Ngozi gave a hot chase at Hakym who as a result of his everyday activities in the building has become acquainted to the shortcuts and the way the rooms were close knitted. In one swift run, he was already in a room and in the next second, he had secured the lock which would take Ngozi at least fifteen seconds to unlock, by the time which Hakym would have covered more distance ahead, but his footsteps were still a bit audible, thanks to Ngozi’s sharp ears which was why she could still hold on for this long. She was gradually loosing her breathe, no one can keep running in circles for twenty minutes non stop, even if athletes can do it, that is because they are trained to do so, but for the fact that she is a woman, not much strength is given to a woman, therefore she is gradually loosing it and getting tired, but retreat at this point could be dangerous, one, she had no idea of how to return to the spot where her colleagues are gun-battling with the terrorist and for the fear of ending up in the midst of the enemies and even if she decided to keep chasing Hakym, she could still end up in the midst of enemies because Hakym was just running without making attempt to shoot her or attack her, he was just running deeper, ascendings staircases, descending staircase, making sharp turns in a bid to confuse Ngozi, but even if he eventually escaped, he should credit Ngozi for her fight.

Hakym had just ascended a spiral staircase and as Ngozi tried to ascend the staircase too, an electric shock surged through her body and was thrown accross the room, hitting her head on a metal bar which was placed around the room. Her vision was becoming all blurry but she was determined to fight to the end, even if she would die in the next ten seconds, she would fight till nine seconds, ninety-nine miliseconds and nine hundred and ninety-nine nanoseconds if there is a time breakdown like that. “Hahahahahahaha.” Laughter rang all around the room creating more fear in Ngozi who held her head so tight as if to prevent it from falling off and awaited the person who laughed. She was brought out of her mystery when the man she had been chasing came into view laughing hysterically in a mid to mock her. “Bloody cop. Do you really wanna kill me?” He asked, this time standing before her with his gun pointed at her.

“You are just a f—–g b¡tch who need to be thought some lesson which is exectly what I will do now.” Hakym continued as he cocked the gun and took two steps towards her. “Its time up for you H. I am here to take your life.” A familiar voice rang through the room and just as Ngozi guessed, Kelvin and a familiar lady walked into the room holding their guns pointed at Hakym with bloodshot eyes and wicked smiles on their faces. “Hello Hakym.” Becky greeted. Hakym turned to face them, this time ignoring Ngozi who was watching the show before her. “In case you don’t know, this is Becky. You remember her?” Kelvin said. “Of course, the feeble minded Becky.” Hakym replied laughing. “Feeble minded Becky of the past, now a strong and evil minded Becky of today.” Becky replied without smiling. “You could have grown to become a strong or whatever you wished to call it, but to me you will always be feeble minded. We know you, as a matter of fact, we made you, isn’t it Kelv?” Hakym said moving closer to the two intruders, his gun still pointed at them.

“Ngozi?” Kelvin exclaimed as he tried to walk past Hakym, but his wide stretched arm prevented him from moving towards her. “She is my prey, so keep off.” Hakym warned. “I have been searching for her all day.” Kelvin said. “Why not take care of me first, then you can go for her. She is more easier to take on.” Hakym said and just as Kelvin tried to push his luck further and with Hakym blocking his way with his arm, Kelvin punched him hard in the face and a fight ensued. And as it was widely believed that when two elephants fights, the grasses suffers, Ngozi would not want to be the suffering grass in this context quickly rose up and escaped during the fight between Kelvin, Becky against Hakym. Just as she descended a flight of stairs, she heard a loud gunshot and a scream followed suit, she knew that one of the fighters had been hit, most likely to be Hakym because he was fighting with two people. Just as Clement made to unfasten the lock behind the door, a voice rang through the whole building from above through a megaphone. “Inspector Clement, air strike is on the way. Hang on and stay wherever you are, take defensive cover.” The voice sounded.

Clement had the very best reason to smile and immediately, he grabbed his father who was still tied up and pulled him along and straight up they were back behind the couch where they had been hiding and just then, the sounds of Jet fighters could be heard from above followed with gunshots and screams. Clement left his father behind the couch and went to the window to see the number of the security that has been killed and he wasn’t disappointed with what he saw, he decided to help the Jet fighters by killing the few security men who choosed to hide in the verandah where they knew the Jet couldn’t reach and no one would see them, Clement shot them through the window and the voice rang through again. “Inspector Clement, its all cleared.” And gently, he went to pick up his father and dragged him out of the house at the sem time that the Jet was descending slowly. “Watch your back.” The operator screamed at Clement who quickly pushed his father to the ground and he himself falling to the ground too to allow the oeperator use his pistol on the commander of the security who was just limping towards them. “I am air Marshal Andrew.” The oeprator said extending his hand for a handshake which Clement shook warmly. “I am Inspector Clement.” “That’s captain Audu, the pilot.” Andrew said pointing to the pilot of the jet who only waved his hands. “What next?” Clement asked. “I think we should be transporting you to the police station by now.”

Air Marshal Andrew replied. “Good, now lets go.” Clement replied. “There is a problem.” The pilot who had by now alighted from the aircraft said. “This jet can only convey three people at a time, the third person would be kept in the trunk.” “That’s not a problem. You can take him with you.” Clement said pushing his father forward trying to avoid his gaze. “I’ll pick a car in there and drive off. I’ll be fine.” He said running back into the compound where he hopped into the car closest the gate which transported the CSO an hour ago, and luckily, the car key was still in the key hole. He ignited the engine and drove out of the compound, just as he joined the untarred road, the jet took off from the ground slowly. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Fiteen minutes later, Clement had already driven to the police station where he was told by the junior police officers that a team led by the commissioner and Ngozi had left for the Khal corp and just as he dashed into his office, he picked up his gun, wore a bullet prove vest which was lying on the table, he wasn’t sure if the vest would work, but all the same he still put it on. And off he ran out of the police station. Just when he ignited the car, he realised that five additional police officers were in the car with him. “Where to?” He asked. “To lend a helping hand.” They chorused. He smiled and jerked the car forward and off he drove off to the Khal corp that he knew along boarder road.

——————- In less than ten minutes, he had taken the shortcut which passed behind the police station, an abandoned road which has become a route for smugglers and illegal immigrant and before he knew it, he had ran and brought the car to a halt behind a police van which was empty, with two police officer lying down dead. “This way guys.” He said crouching towards the building where sounds of gunshots could be heard, but from the outside, it looked deserted which meant that no one is outside the building, but in the building.

————– Since her escape from the hands of Hakym, Ngozi had been on the run trying to locate at least one of her colleagues but unfortunately for her, she has been running in circles, taking differnt routes and ending up in ta dead room with nowhere else to go. Just then her eyes darted towards a door which she hasn’t seen since she was running around the room, and with a single shot, she broke the door and entered a familiar hallway. The hallway which connects the first two rooms where they entered in the underground. She could now trace her way from here. “Clement.” She screamed when she saw him with five junior officers trying to loacate the way out of the underground.

“Ngo.” He said hugging her tightly. “What are you doing here? Did you come through Mr Ayo’s underground?” Ngozi asked. “Not through the underground, but the main entrance. We actually got lost.” He replied. “This way.” She said. By now the confidence is back. She is not feeling the pains in her head anymore. The sight of Clement had boosted her morale. 

Sylvester and his men had bumped into the commissioner’s team and they were now moving in close pack having killed all the terrorist they met in the first floor where the cells were located and with no sign of Mike, they had proceeded into the second floor where they got some terrorists alive and every attempt to force words out of them, maybe to make them talk about Mike’s whereabout proved abortive and Sylvester out of anger killed them all. The third floor was the most dangerous of them all, as if they had been waiting for them, the moment the first police officer touched the last step and moved into the hall, gunshots were rained on him and Sylvester was slightly lucky because one of such gunshot only missed his head by a few inches.

He had to call for a retreat after which the resulted to the use of explosive which blew up the room and killed all the men guarding room thereby making it impossible for Sylvester, and the commissioner’s team to access the adjoining room or the staircase to the last floor. They had to return to the first floor and the underground where they met a new group of terrorist who used guns and grenades in defence while Sylvester and his colleagues made us of guns since they had exhausted all the explosives they came with even though using explosives at that point in time is a two way thing, one it would kill all their opponents and kill them too because the impact of the explosion would affect the floor which would collapse a few people would make it out alive in a critical condition. “This way guys.” The commissioner said and everyone took the bend towards the descending staircase which took them back to the second floor. “Jesus!” Sylvester exclaimed as he moved backwards a bit, disturbed by the dead body on the floor. “Hakym!” He squatted beside him almost in tears. The commissioner and the other team members were looking dumbfounded and suprised at the same time. “Do you know him?” The commissioner asked eyeing him suspiciously. Sylvester ignored the question and mumbled some incoherent words, maybe he understood what he was saying no one knows, after which he stood up, dusted his knees and motioned the other team members that it is time to go.

“What’s all that about?” The commissioner replied when they are safely back in the underground, this time they seemed to have killed a considerable amount of the terrorists, even though half of the policemen who left the police station early in the morning were dead too, but on a neutral ground, one would say the terrorist had an edge in stopping the policemen because they knew the ins and outs of their base which the police didn’t know and they could possibly lockdown all entry and exit into the building or allow them into the building and kill them one after the other, but on a second critical thinking, one would realise that the police left it too late for the terrorist. The terrorist got to know about the infiltration when a police team had already gained entry into the building, while the second police team, weren’t spotted because no one is paying attention to security, but the safety of Maleek and hunting Danger-kelv and Mike. The fear of Danger-kelv teaming up with Mike was the reason why they combed the nook and cranies of the forest overnight, and in the early hours of the morning, they returned into the building which was exactly when they were attacked, and this gave the second police team the opportunity to stand at strategic places outside the building. “All of you, split into two, Sylvester lead the first team through the left hallway, I’ll take the second hallway with my team.” The commissioner instructed and immediately, he set off into the hallway, and Sylvester followed suit.

—————- “Which way?” Becky asked after she had covered a considerable amout of distance with Kelvin and they had not met any living soul. All they saw were dead bodies and injured policemen and terrorist which Kelvin wasted no time in adding one more bullets to their already damged body parts. “I don’t know.” Kelvin confessed. “I believe, our next target is Abdul Maleek, where is his chamber?” Becky asked. “Now, I know. This way.” Kelvin said already running off again, but Becky was quick to pull him back moments before he set off. “I believe we still have more policemen in this building, because I have not seen Sylvester’s dead body, neither have I seen a lifeless Ngozi.” Becky began. “So?” Kelvin asked impatiently, but Becky only smiled as she removed her bagpack and placed it on the floor as she rumaged its contents. “We don’t have time.” Kelvin said angrily. Becky removed a digital device which looked like a tablet and after a few seconds she announced. “Either, Sylvester or Ngozi is inside this underground.” “How did you know?” “The tracking device.” Becky replied. — “What’s this place?” Ngozi asked Clement pointing to a circular door which look like the entrance into a tomb. “I don’t know, unless we moved closer to it.” Clement replied approaching the door which looked like concrete, but who would use concrete as a door? How would they be opening it? Were the questions raging on in Clement’s mind which gave him hope that no sane person would use concrete as his door.

When they had reached the supposed door, Clement knocked on the door and it sounded metallic. “Its actually made from metal.” Clement said facing his colleagues who stood some distance away for the fear of being electrocuted, and Ngozi who has been a victim of such on two seperate occassions and the latest in less than an hour ago stood a few steps away from Clement which could still be considered as bravery while their junior colleagues stood a few steps away from her, which is pure cowardice, but there is no one who won’t loose his/her bravery in the face of death.

“How is it opened?” Ngozi probed further. “I don’t know. This is the first time I am seeing such, lets try this way.” Clement replied already trying to roll it like every sane human being would do since the door is circular, then to open it, one has to roll it in such a way that it would tripple over. “Come over here. What the hell are you still waiting for?” Clement asked when he realised that his colleagues are making no move to help him in pushing the door over. “oh! You think the door would shock you if you touch it? Does that mean I am electric resistant? Stop being ridiculous and join me here.” One after the other, they all joined him at the door and with concerted efforts they all pushed the door away from the large circular entrance with the exception of Ngozi whom they considered as being weak. The entrance led into a hallway which looked endless, but with many adjoining hallways probably linking to various rooms, the hallway was dimly lit in such a way that, one couldn’t make out the face of the person closest to him, but being able to make out the outline of the person’s body is okay by Clement who didn’t give it a second thought. On the walls were various plaques bearing the phrase ‘OUT OF BOUND.’

The reason for such, Clement had no idea of, but if truly the hallways which looked like and emergency exit is out of bound, then for that moment that he is inside the hallway, it should be ‘in of bound’ if there is anything like that. “What out Clem..” Ngozi’s scream was cut short by the loud blasting sound of a ground mine that went off. Clement was lying the the ground clutching his face a writhing in pain. “Are you hit?” Another member of the team asked squatting beside Ngozi to know the condition of their boss. The mine which was place on the ground is not and explosive one that come with fire, but the one that spill out redish-fire particles into one’s body, but the most common is its particle, smearing once face. When Clement managed to remove his had from his face, he already had a burning scar just below his left eyes which looked redish, all thanks to his fair skin. “Will you be able to continue.” A junior officer asked. “Definitely.” He replied straightening up his uniform which he picked up off one of his father’s security men. “Here is a kitchen.” Ngozi announced as they took a bend towards the left into another hallway which bore a lot of resemblance to the first only that this one has no ‘out of bound’ inscribed on the walls. A minute later, they were out of the kitchen and going through a list of locked rooms and by the time they reached and entered on of the rooms which looked a lot more recently used, they could hear gunshots and footsteps above them. “Ngozi, I think there is a way out through the door upfront, I’ll take the second exit.” Clement said referring to the mined filled hallway. “Be careful of the mines.” She said. And immediately, Clement ran back in the way which they had come while Ngozi set off at once with the rest of the team on her heels.

———— Kelvin and Becky were manouvering their ways into Maleek’s inner Chamber when Maleek and his cohorts came running out of the chamber with a police team high on their heels and a shootout ensuing in the process. A group of terrorists were providing the behind cover for Maleek, and his top officials. The behind cover terrorists were waging off intending dangers by engaging the police in shootout as the escaped while the police kept ducking the bullets as they advanced towards them while a few unlucky one had been hit. Kelvin had to pull Becky to hiding when the police team came around and without much ado, Kelvin took out the police who had lost their ways in the chase because, Abdul Maleek and his cohorts had returned to the underground.By the time Clement reached the first floor, it was enmpty and still the same way he left it some minutes ago, save for new dead bodies that were now littered on the floor and fresh blood spillage on the floor. The sight was enough to cause neausea as he quickly shut his eyes which he opened just immediately as a result of the impacts of the mine explosion which affected the skin beneathe his eyes which made it impossible for his to shut his eyes unless he is prepared to endure the unending pain that comes with it.

The top floor was as well deserted and by standards, it is up to him to check all other floors even though he still heard loud noises around her a few minutes ago. A figure skipped past the hall where he was, a hooded figure, and whoever was beneathe the hood did a good job by aiming at Clement as he ran past the room and by sheer luck or better the put as, the man’s inability to aim at his target, the bullets missed Clement who immediately went after the figure. By the time Clement got into the next room which was also as big as the one he just exited, the man had succeeded in disappering, something Clement regarded to as running out of bullet, because the hooded man dropped his gun in the former room before he took to his heels, so Clement was sure that if he managed to find the man, he might stand a chance to take him on since he has nothing to defend himself, but the fear of the unknown made him return to the first room where he was able to access the stairs into the second floor.

——————- By the time Kelvin and Becky reached the underground, Maleek and his men were scampering off into an underground train. “Wait right there Maleek.” Kelvin said just in time before Maleek entered the train. Maleek who by now had lost all his men except his second in command and his girlfriend, Romina. Kelvin knew exactly what to expect because when one is dealing with Abdul Maleek, it is just like eating from the same plate with the devil and anyone who wants to eat from the same plate with the devil must have a very long spoon to outsmart the devil. Therefore, one needs all smartness just to deal with Maleek. “Danger-kelv, I know you.” Maleek said smiling, gradually moving backwards towards the train. Kelvin knew every man in his right senses should have dived into the train and escape, but on a second thought, it takes the door of the train up to ten seconds to slid close giving whoever Maleek is running from the time to dive into the train with him, meaning it would have been better to see him off before he enters the train. “I bet you don’t know me. But why are you running away?” Kelvin asked smiling. “The war is simply over.” Maleek replied. “No, it is not.

The war is just starting, Khal corp is coming back stronger with the trio of Becky here, Jay and I. I bet you can’t come against us, even Al Queda dare not.” Kelvin replied. Becky cocked her gun. “Baby don’t. I will when it is time.” Kelvin replied. “We don’t have all day. The police are waiting for us out there. Lets do what we want….” She was saying, but Kelvin isn’t listening to her anymore. “Do it.” Maleek said angrily. The train hooted loudly, and after fifteen seconds, the light around it changed to red, and since it is an automatic driven engine, Kelvin knew the train would move in a matter of seconds. “Romina, you can leave. I have more businesses to trash out with Maleek here and it’ll take time.” Kelvin said to the lady beside Maleek. A mere side glance at the lady, she hopped into the train whose doors slid close and it sped off. “Do it.” Maleek shouted at Kelvin. Still bidding his time, probably to make Maleek drop to his knees and plead for mercy before he killed him, but Becky was seeing things differently. The fact was that, Maleek was standing with a walking stick held with his right hand which was hidden under his robe, while his left hand was also hidden underneathe the robe, Becky knew he must be up to something fishy, probably trying to remove his gun. “Why did you do that?” Kelvin asked after Becky had shot Maleek in to the arm, thereby making his gun to fall to the ground which she kicked away immediately.

“This is why I shot him.” Becky replied pointing to the 9mm rovolver lying on the rail line and Maleek clutching his arm as he cried in pain, making efforts to remain on his feet. “It has always been you dream to kill your boss. This is the only chance you have got. Now do it and lets get outta here.” Becky said impatiently. And Kelvin released two quick shots on Maleek’s head which bursted like a bubble and blood splattered everywhere. “Boss, all has been set, we’ve set the bombs accross all floor. When is the train…..” A voice said as several footsteps approached the tunnel which they are, and just as they all entered the tunnel, they were met with gunshots from Becky and Kelvin — Sylvester’s team managed to give chase to a group of hooded masked men who were making installment on all the floors in the building. Some landed from the first floor and they had been killed, the few who escaped numbering up to five were able to enter a tunnel which has been computerized and no one could unlock the lid covering the tunnel. After reuing on their failure for a few seconds and trying to locate the Commissioner of police team and Ngozi led team, they realised that a bomb has been installed in the floor which they currently occupy. And to avoid stories that touches the heart, they decided to first escape to safety, after which they can start making moves to rescue Ngozi’s team and the commissioner’s team who by all standards are nowhere near the underground.

Sylvester was marvelled at the way which the building was constructed and he had to laud the contractor who made the construction and the architect who drew the plan. Apart from the four floors that are visible from the outside, there is also another underground which seemed to have been achieved by digging the ground a few feet below while from that other underground, there was also another layer below the first which unknown to Sylvester part of it was an escape route which contain an electric powered train. Their hurried footsteps were the only sound that could be heard even from the first floor outside the underground, and under thirty seconds, they were out of the building and the could for the first time in four hours breathe fresh air. A minute later, Ngozi and her team came bursting outside the room through the staircase at the side of the building, panting and breathing hard as they did ran. “Where is Clement?” She asked, but no one could give answers to her question. “Am sorry Ngozi, we lost the battle.” Sylvester replied thinking Ngozi has lost her mind as a result of the failure. “I know what I am saying, Clement was in there with us.” She replied crying. “There is a bomb in there, Clement would be killed…” Her voice trailed off.

————— “Do you still know how to unlock these lids?” Backy asked Kelvin as he tried to unlock the lid covering the underground. He didn’t reply her question. His mind was filled up with various thoughts, he knew what he wanted to do before he agreed to work with Becky. Now is the time to achieve his long time aim. The lid slid open and at once, they both scrambled out of the underground and they made runs of the the underground in a bid to beat the time just before the bomb will go off. Kelvin was ten steps ahead, while Becky was following behind, she had dropped her bag, dropped her weapons, because she was convinced that the every enemy of theirs has been killed. But her conviction didn’t becloud her reasoning as she still kept a fully loaded rovolver in her hip holster. The light at the end of the tunnel was visible, from her position, she could see the high walls of the building and a door ahead of them, meaning, all they had to do was walk out of the door and find a way to escape beyond the walls of the building. “Is there a way through that wall?” Becky asked, this time she had caught up with Kelvin who was ticking the key hole on the door with a pin and after, ten quick ticks, the door unlocked with a click. “That’s brilliant.” Becky exclaimed, covering her mouth with her palms. Her suprise was quickly replaced with fear as she stood with a blank expression facing Kelvin whose gun was pointed at her. “Why are you doing this?” She asked. But he replied her question with a quick pull of his trigger and the gun went off silently. Kelvin quickly accessed the door and at once he manouvered his way to the back of the building where he was able to crawl out of the compound with little bruises on his body.

————– Ngozi was franctically struggling with her colleagues who were trying to hold her from returning into the compound. She wanted to go back into the building to find Clement and with the timed bomb ticking away, she knew Clement stood no chance of surviving the imminent bomb blast that is bound to happen and the odds of his survival is on the low side, even though there were some sort of assurance that he might be in the underground which meant that, provided the blast doesn’t collapse with the underground, then he definitely might survive, but no one is sure of his present location. “I have it covered. A chopper is on its way.” The commissioner who was nursing an overall body injury said. Ngozi didn’t know the exact thing the chopper would do, a chopper can’t stop bomb attacks, it can only aggravate it, if it was hit too. “That’s him up there.” Clement was at the top of the building, an area designated for aircraft landing, but all over his face were victorious smiles, unknown to him, a bomb would be going off in about fifteen seconds.

IN A CIRCLE Episode 157

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Great job

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